Dorothea Orem's
Dorothea Orem's
Dorothea Orem's
Step 2
● Nurse designs a system that is wholly
● Provides a comprehensive base to
or partly compensatory or supportive-
nursing practice
● It has utility for professional nursing in
● The 2 actions are:-
the areas of nursing practice nursing
● Bringing out a good organization of
curricula, nursing education
the components of patients’
administration, and nursing research
therapeutic self-care demands
● Specifies when nursing is needed
● Selection of a combination of ways of
● Her self-care approach is
helping that will be effective and
efficient in compensating for/
overcoming patient’s self-care deficits Limitations
● Orem's theory
○ interrelate concepts in such a
way as to create a different
way of looking at a particular
○ is logical in nature.
○ is relatively simple yet
○ is basis for hypothesis that
can be tested
○ contribute to and assist in
increasing the general body of
knowledge within the
discipline through the