Joyce Travelbee
Joyce Travelbee
Joyce Travelbee
Works Illness
- classification and category. An individual
- Instructor in Psychiatric nursing at will react to illness depending on culture
Depaul Hospital Affiliate School, New and symptom burden
Orleans while working on her
baccalaureate degree. - Depending on the impairment of
functioning as well as the health-care
- Project Director at Hotel Dieu School of Provider’s responses, a human
Nursing in New Orleans and a director of connection that fosters an understanding
Graduate Education at Louisiana of the illness isdeveloped
StateUniversity School
Books - a feeling of displeasure that ranges from
simple transitory mental, physical or
- Published in the year 1966 and 1971- spiritual discomfort to extreme anguish-
Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing. the malignant phase of despairful “not
- Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: caring” and apathetic indifference.
Process in a one-to-one relationship
- the nurse will assist the ill patient to
experience hope in order to cope with the
stress of illness and suffering.
Future-oriented. Without hope, there is no - The feeling that you understand and
direction for lessening suffering. share another person's experiences and
Communication - the ability to share someone else's
- to know an ill person, to ascertain and feelings
meet nursing needs and to achieve the
purpose of nursing. Sympathy
Empathy Health
- If the Human-to-Human Relationship
Theorywere merely accounts for nurses
and patients being both human and
therefore able to relate on an equal
playing field,
- Travelbee’s theory would appear simply
stated and parsimonious. This is not the
case. Multiple variables exist to define our
being human, thus separating us via the
level of distress and suffering. How
humans define or accept their distress and
suffering is multifaceted.
Her theory has a potential for global use
within nursing and last for her empirical
precision, she didn’t show the proposition
of her findings in her research.