Commission On Population Executive Summary 2012
Commission On Population Executive Summary 2012
Commission On Population Executive Summary 2012
Executive Order (EO) No. 171 was issued in 1969 creating a 22-member
Commission on Population, mainly to address the increasing list of concerns associated
with population growth. EO No. 233, Republic Act (RA) No. 6365, and Presidential
Decree (PD) No. 79 were issued in 1970, 1971 and 1972, respectively, for other
population policies. Other acts or orders were issued for further management of
population concerns in the ensuing years.
After having been under the supervision and jurisdiction of various agencies, such
as the Office of the President (OP) in 1971 and 1990, National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) in 1972 and 1991, and the Department of Social Work
and Development (DSWD) in 1987, POPCOM is now under the Department of Health
(DOH) since 2003 pursuant to EO No. 188, dated March 24, 2003.
Major Final Outputs (MFOs) Target of Accomp-
RA No. 10155, the General Appropriations Act for FY 2012, provided total
appropriations of P304.543 million for the operations of POPCOM and additional
appropriations for Personal Services for the implementation of the Salary Adjustments,
for Productivity Enhancement Incentives as well as for the terminal pay of POPCOM
personnel who resigned/retired from government service.
The total allotments received from DBM as well as the obligations incurred by
POPCOM for CY 2011 are shown in the next page.
Allotments Obligations
Allotment Class Balance of
Received Incurred
A. Regular Appropriations
Personal Services P99,805,000.00 P122,139,242.94 P(22,334,242.94)
Maintenance and
Operating Expenses 197,777,000.00 135,516,626.85 62,260,373.15
Capital Outlay 3,099,000.00 1,518,082.12 1,580,917.88
B. Special Purpose Fund
Personal Services 16,417,467.00 15,246,263.66 1,171,203.34
Total Current Year’s
Allotment 317,098,467.00 274,420,215.57 42,678,251.43
C. Continuing
MOOE 15,714,985.18 7,734,207.34 7,980,777.84
Total P332,813,452.18 P282,154,422.91 P50,659,029.27
The POPCOM’s assets, liabilities, government equity and sources and application of
funds for CY 2012 with comparative figures with 2011 are presented as follows:
Particulars 2012 2011
A. Financial Condition
Assets P251,811,327.72 P264,529,701.26 P(12,718,373.54)
Liabilities 38,207,962.18 24,003,545.12 14,204,417.06
Government Equity 213,603,365.54 240,526,156.14 (26,922,790.60)
B. Sources and Application
of Funds
Income 277,459,530.88 308,356,285.58 (30,896,754.70)
Personal Services 138,099,636.25 144,183,451.34 (6,083,815.09)
Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses 140,844,688.45 153,629,110.20 (12,784,421.75)
Financial Expenses 4,400.00 2,750.00 1,650.00
Total Expenses 278,948,724.70 297,815,311.54 (18,866,586.84)
Excess of Income over
Expenses P (1,489,193.82) P 10,540,974.04 P (12,030,167.86)
The audit was conducted on the accounts and operations of POPCOM for the year
ended December 31, 2012 to determine the fairness of presentation of the financial
statements (FS) and propriety of the recorded and reported financial transactions in
accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
1. The Due from NGAs, LGUs and NGOs/POs accounts totaling P96.759 million,
P24.473 million, and P0.583 million, respectively, in thirteen POPCOM offices are
past due contrary to the provisions of COA Circular Nos. 94-013 and 2007-001. In
addition, the Due from NGOs/POs in RPO IV is overstated by P0.400 million due to
error in recording of unreleased funds to NGO at year-end, contrary to Section 32 of
the MNGAS, Volume III, as amended. (Finding No. 4)
2. Excess collections of P1.041 million deposited with the Land Bank of the
Philippines were not remitted to the National Treasury contrary to EO Nos. 338 and
431, resulting in idle funds in the AGDB which could have been used by the national
government to implement its programs and projects. (Finding No. 1)
accuracy of the recorded balances in the amounts of P153,335.30 and P38,610.85,
respectively . (Finding No. 2)
a. prepare and submit periodic BRS as required under COA Circular 92-
125A, analyze reconciling items and prepare necessary adjusting entries to
reflect the correct balances of the Cash in Bank – LCCA; and
c. henceforth, ensure that the granting, utilization and liquidation of all cash
advances are in accordance with COA Circular No. 97-002.
5. The reliability, accuracy and existence of Inventories and PPE recorded in the books
at P0.136 million and P44.065 million, respectively, were affected by the
unreconciled balances between the inventory report and books of accounts. (Finding
No. 5)
a. Property Officers and Regional Accountants to: (i) analyze and reconcile
the discrepancy between the Reports on Physical Count of (RPCPPE) and
Report of Physical Count of Inventories (RPCI) and the General Ledger
(GL); and (ii) effect necessary adjustments in either records if warranted;
b. Inventory Teams to facilitate the preparation of the RPCPPE and RPCI as
of December 31, 2012 and submit copy to the Audit Teams for review;
c. Property Officers to: (i) issue ARE and strictly observe the renewal period
which is every January of the third year after issue, or whenever there is
transfer of accountability; and (ii) prepare property tags or inventory
labels to be uniformly printed in indelible ink and pasted on prominent and
secure portion of the property for easy identification; and
c. evaluate the need to maintain the two motor vehicles of RPO CAR,
otherwise, consider the transfer thereof to other RPOs to prevent further
7. The lack or absence of relevant records and documents to support the nine dormant
asset accounts of POPCOM CO, RPO IV and V totaling P107.100 million have
consistently rendered the reported balances of these accounts unreliable. No request
for write-off was yet made pursuant to COA Circular No. 97-001 dated February 5,
1997. (Finding No. 7)
a. the Accountant exert more efforts to analyze, document and adjust the
dormant accounts; and
b. if the efforts proved to be futile, the POPCOM – CO, through the Executive
Director, consider requesting authority to write-off the dormant accounts
to the Commission on Audit in accordance with COA Circular No. 97-001.
8. The validity of remaining allotments totaling P7.471 million for various projects/
activities of POPCOM-CO had expired on December 31, 2012 due to failure to
implement planned programs and activities, thus, depriving the beneficiaries of the
POPCOM programs and activities. (Finding No. 12)
9. Hazard pay was granted to POPCOM officials with salary grades 20 and above at a
fixed amount of P4,989.75 per month contrary to Section 21 of RA 7305 or the
Magna Carta of Public Health Workers and its IRR resulting in overpayment of
P2.254 million. (Finding No. 8)
b. comply with the provisions of Section 21 of RA 7305 and its IRR in the
payment of hazard pay to officials and employees with salary grades 20 and
above based on five percent of their basic salaries, to avoid disallowance in
10. The classification and recording of consultancy, advertising, training, including other
regular operating expenditures incurred in POPCOM CO, RPOs NCR and VIII for
CY 2012 to expense accounts Membership Dues and Contribution to Organizations
and Donations totaling P10.543 million was not in accordance with COA Circular
2004-008; thus, misstating the affected accounts. (Finding No. 9)