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CSTP 1-6 Marsh 9

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual stu- formal and informal measures to make adjust- knowledge of students to
the school and/or assess- dents. sources to learn about stu- ments to instruction and make ongoing adjust-
ments. dents and guide selection meet individual identified ments and accommoda-
of instructional strategies learning needs. tions in instruction.
to meet diverse learning
Using knowledge of needs. 9/17/23
students to engage Students actively utilize a Students take ownership
them in learning Some students may en- Students engage in single Students engage in learn- variety of instructional of their learning by choos-
gage in learning using in- lessons or sequence of ing through the use of ad- strategies and technolo- ing from a wide range of
structional strategies fo- lessons that include some justments in instruction to gies in learning that en- methods to further their
cused on the class as a adjustments based on as- meet their needs. 9/17/23 sure equitable access to learning that are respon-
whole. sessments the curriculum. sive to their learning
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I look at student profiles
on Gradelink, information
from past years stored in
faculty records, student
surveys, and conversa-
tions with past teachers to
gather information on stu-
dents. This helps me to get
an idea of information on
students as well as if they
have IEPs or access to ser-
vices. I can then follow up
on this information as
needed. - 9/17/23

The information gathered

informs modifications,
Evidence such as where I may seat a
student in class. For exam-
ple, students with specific
IEP instructions will be
seated in a manner con-
ducive to meeting their
needs. Additionally, stu-
dents who have documen-
tation or express needs for
certain seating arrange-
ments (i.e., for glasses or
focus needs) are met
based on data collected.
This data will also be used
to formulate groups for
station activities. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad knowl- Develops and systemati-
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand edge of students and their cally uses extensive infor-
backgrounds, life experi- knowledge, cultural back- understanding of students’ communities to inform in- mation regarding stu-
ences, and interests repre- grounds, life experiences, prior knowledge, cultural struction. dents’ cultural back-
sented among students. and interest to support backgrounds, life experi- grounds, prior knowledge,
student learning. ences, and interests to life experiences, and inter-
Connecting learning connect to student learn- ests.
to students’ prior ing. -9/17/23
knowledge, back- Students participate in sin-
grounds, life experi- Some students connect gle lessons or sequences of Students make connec- Students can articulate the
ences, and interests learning activities to their lessons related to their in- tions between curriculum, Students are actively en- relevance and impact of
own lives. terests and experiences. and their prior knowledge, gaged in curriculum, lessons on their lives and
backgrounds, life experi- which relates their prior society.
ences, and interests. - knowledge, experiences,
9/17/23 and interests within and
across learning activities.

I use a beginning of the

year student survey to
learn more about my indi-
vidual students and their
interests in an effort to
connect this to my subject
area. -9/17/23

I encourage students to in-

corporate their life experi-
ences and interests into
Evidence their writing by providing
varied and open prompts
for written assignments. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in ac-
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life con- tively making connections
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life con- texts in planning subject to relevant, meaningful,
lessons or sequence of texts, including those spe- matter instruction and is and real-life contexts
lessons to support under- cific to students’ family responsive during instruc- throughout subject matter
standing. and community. -9/17/23 tion to engage students in instruction.
Connecting subject relating to subject matter.
matter to meaningful,
real-life contexts Students actively engage Students routinely inte-
Some students relate sub- Students make use of real- Students utilize real-life in making and using real- grate subject matter into
ject matter to real-life. life connections provided connections regularly to life connections to subject their own thinking and
in single lessons or se- develop understandings matter to extend their un- make relevant applica-
quence of lessons to sup- of subject matter. - derstanding. tions of subject matter
port understanding of 9/17/23 during learning activities.
subject matter.

I regularly implement
nonfiction reading, espe-
cially about current
events, into the curricu-
lum so that students can
connect this to the con-
cepts learned in class. Stu-
dents regularly engage in
writing and its connec-
tions to the real world,
such as learning to imple-
ment email etiquette
when communicating
Evidence with adults. -9/17/23

Students are regularly

asked to make real-world
connections in their writ-
ing classes, such as prac-
ticing emails they might
need to send to a teacher
or adult in email etiquette
classes. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional strate- Explores additional in- Utilizes a variety of strate- Creates, adapts, and inte- Refines the flexible use of
gies, resources, and tech- structional strategies, re- gies including culturally grates a broad range of an extensive repertoire of
nologies as provided by sources, and technologies responsive pedagogy, re- strategies, resources, and strategies, resources, and
school and/or district. in single lessons or se- sources, and technologies technologies into instruc- technologies to meet stu-
quence of lessons to meet during ongoing instruc- tion designed to meet stu- dents’ diverse learning
Using a variety of in- students’ diverse learning tion to meet students’ di- dents’ diverse learning needs.
structional strategies, needs. verse learning needs. - needs.
resources, and tech- 9/17/23
nologies to meet stu-
dents’ diverse learn- Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in in- Students actively engage Students take responsibil-
ing needs in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence struction using strategies, in instruction and make ities for using a wide
using resources and tech- of lessons related to their resources, and technolo- use of a variety of targeted range of strategies, re-
nologies provided. interests and experiences. gies matched to their strategies, resources, and sources, and technologies
learning needs. -9/17/23 technologies to meet their that successfully advance
individual students needs. their learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I use a variety of instruc-
tional methods in class to
help assure student un-
derstanding, such as adap-
tive softwares in class to
make sure material is
scaffolded appropriately,
using audiobooks to help
with the processing of
written information, and
breaking down of assign-
ments using graphic orga-
nizers and smaller “steps”
to help students of vary-
ing needs in class. -
Evidence 9/17/23

Students are given the op-

portunity of ‘choice as-
signments’ for some work
in class. This gives stu-
dents a variety of means
to choose from (tradi-
tional essays, artistic rep-
resentations, or videos) to
show mastery or under-
standing. This allows stu-
dents to display learning
in a way more suited to
their individual needs. -

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in sin- Guide students to think Supports students to initi- Facilitates systematic op-
on factual knowledge and gle lessons or a sequence critically through use of ate critical thinking portunities for student to
comprehension. of lessons that require questioning strategies, through independently apply critical thinking by
students to recall, inter- posing/solving problems, developing questions, designing structured in-
pret, and think critically. and reflection on issues in posing problems and re- quiries into complex prob-
content. -9/17/23 flecting on multiple per- lems.
Promoting critical
thinking though in-
Students respond to var-
quiry, problem solv-
Some students respond to ied questions or tasks de- Students respond to ques- Students pose problems Students pose and answer
ing, and reflection
questions regarding facts signed to promote com- tions and problems posed and construct questions of a wide-range of complex
and comprehension. prehension and critical by the teacher and begin their own to support in- questions and problems,
thinking in single lessons to pose and solve prob- quiries into content. reflect, and communicate
or a sequence of lessons lems of their own related understandings based on
to the content. -9/17/23 in depth analysis of con-
tent learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I challenge students to
think more deeply on
texts read in class by ask-
ing them what they would
do in situations presented
in the text, how they
might advise the main
characters, and to connect
or synthesize this infor-
mation with real life
events or personal details.

Students are regularly

asked to think beyond the
text and be critical of in-
formation presented, such
Evidence as in the short story “The
Smallest Dragonboy”
where students were
asked to think critically on
gender roles in the society
of the story based on in-
formation they’d received
reading. This was not ex-
plicitly stated in the text,
but they had to pull infor-
mation together and form
opinions on how different
genders may be perceived
in the fantasy world of the
story. -9/17/23

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Implements lessons fol- Seeks to clarify instruc- Makes ongoing adjust- Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to ex-
lowing curriculum guide- tion and learning activi- ments to instruction instruction based on the tend learning opportuni-
lines. ties to support student based on observation of ongoing monitoring of in- ties and provide assis-
understanding. student engagement and dividual student needs for tance to students in mas-
regular checks for under- assistance, support, or tering the concepts flexi-
Monitoring student standing. -9/17/23 challenge. bly and effectively.
learning and adjust-
ing instruction while Students monitor their
teaching. Some students receive in- Students receive assis- Students successfully par- Students are able to artic- progress in learning and
dividual assistance during tance individually or in ticipate and stay engaged ulate their level of under- provide information to
instruction. small groups during in- in learning activities. standing and use teacher teacher that informs ad-
struction. -9/17/23 guidance to meet their justments in instruction.
needs during instruction.

Students receive assis- I use regular ‘checks for

tance in small groups via understanding’ in class to
pull-outs or during station assess whether students
rotation times. Individual are understanding and it
students receive assis- is okay to proceed. This
tance during independent helps me determine
work time or during dedi- whether the pace we’re
cated times, such as writ- moving at is too fast, too
ers’ conferences in class. - slow, or just right. This
9/17/23 features heavily in writ-
ing, as I learn each new
group’s strengths, weak-
Evidence nesses, and prior knowl-
edge when it comes to
writing. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Models and communicates Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, re- Develops shared responsi- Facilitates student self- re-
expectations for fair and behavior. Demonstrates sponsible, and respectful bility with students for re- flection and ongoing im-
respectful behavior to sup- commitment to fairness student interactions. As- solving conflict and creat- provement of the caring
port social development. and respect in communi- sists students to resolve ing and maintaining a car- community based on re-
cations with students conflicts. ing classroom commu- spect, fairness, and the
about language and behav- Incorporates cultural nity. value of all members.
ior. awareness to develop a Supports students in tak-
Promoting social Seeks to understand cul- positive classroom cli- ing leadership in develop-
Development and re- tural perceptions of caring mate. ing a caring community
sponsibility within a Some students share in re- community. -9/17/23 that is responsive to the Students take leadership
caring community sponsibility for the class- Students demonstrate ef- diverse cultural norms of in resolving conflict and
where each student is room community. Students participate in oc- forts to be positive, accept- identities of all students. creating a fair and re-
treated fairly and re- casional community build- ing, and respectful of dif- spectful classroom com-
spectfully. ing activities, designed to ferences. -9/17/23 Students take responsibil- munity where student’s
promote caring, fairness, ity resolving conflicts and home culture is included
and respect. maintaining a caring class- and valued. Students com-
room community. Stu- municate with empathy
dents promote respect and and understanding in in-
appreciation for differ- teractions with one an-
ences. other.

As a new teacher, I follow Students in my class are

the standards of behavior regularly in charge of lead-
set by my school’s disci- ing and promoting activi-
pline policy. This pro- ties that promote accep-
motes fairness and equity tance and positivity on
amongst students, but as I campus. This is reflected
am just learning it, I would in the behavior they bring
not consider myself adept into the classroom. -
at it yet. I strive to model 9/17/23
respectful behavior in my
interactions with students
by keeping words positive
and constructive. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the importance Experiments with and/or Develops physical envi- Maintains physical envi- Adapts physical and/or
of the physical and/or vir- virtual learning environ- ronments that reflect stu- ronments that reflect stu- environments flexibly to
tual learning environ- ments that support stu- dent diversity and provide dent diversity and pro- facilitate access to a wide
ments that support stu- dent learning. a range of resources for vides a broad range of re- range of resources that en-
dent learning. learning. -9/17/23 sources, displays, and arti- gage students in learning.
facts that are current and Ensures that environ-
Is aware that structured Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of struc- integral to instruction. ments enhance learning
interaction between stu- are taught in single tures for interaction dur- and reflect diversity
dents can support learn- lessons or sequence of ing learning activities that Integrates a variety of within and beyond the
ing. lessons to support student ensures a focus on and structures for interaction classroom.
Creating physical or
learning. completion of learning that engage students con-
virtual learning en-
tasks. -9/17/23 structively and produc- Selects from a repertoire
vironments that pro-
tively in learning. of structures for interac-
mote student learn-
tion to ensure accelerated
ing, reflect diversity,
learning for the full range
and encourage con-
Some students use avail- Students routinely use a of students.
structive and pro-
able resources in learning Students use resources Students use a variety of range of resources in
ductive interactions
environments during in- provided in learning envi- resources in the learning learning environments Students participate in
among students
struction. ronments and interact environment and interact that relate to and enhance monitoring and changing
with each other to under- in ways that deepen their instruction and reflect the design of learning en-
stand and complete learn- understanding of the con- their diversity. vironments and structures
ing tasks in single lessons tent and develop construc- Students share in monitor- for interactions.
or sequence of lessons. tive social and academic ing and assessment of in-
interactions. -9/17/23 teractions to improve ef-
fectiveness and develop a
positive culture for learn-
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I have a variety of different
seating options available
to students throughout the
day— traditional desks,
lap desks, a reading
nook/corner, an indepen-
dent work table, and col-
laborative groups. These
can be used by students
throughout the day to
complete work and take
into account needs for fo-
cus, collaboration, etc. -

I give students both inde-

pendent time and collabo-
rative time. Collaborative
time can take the form of
Evidence working together to com-
plete an assignment or
providing feedback to each
other in a more formal
peer review format. -

Students use graphic orga-

nizers and targeted work-
sheets along with the fea-
tures available to them on
Google Suite to help pro-
vide meaningful, struc-
tured feedback on each
other’s writing. This helps
them learn how to offer
feedback and help in an
academic setting. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for stu- Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, intellec- dents to take risks and of- the students for the estab-
are required by the site, materials, student interac- tual, and emotional safety fer respectful opinions lishment and maintenance
district, and state. tions, and the organiza- using multiple strategies about divergent view- of a safe physical, intellec-
Responds to behaviors tion of the learning envi- that include examining bi- points. tual, and emotional envi-
that impact student safety ronments. ases in the learning envi- ronment focused on high
as they arise. ronment and curriculum.- quality and rigorous
9/17/23 learning.
Engages in reflection on
Establishing and
Explores strategies to es- Models and provides in- their own language and
maintaining learning
tablish intellectual and struction on skills that de- behavior that contributes
environments that
emotional safety in the velop resiliency and sup- to intellectual and emo-
are physically, intel-
classroom. port intellectual and emo- tional safety in the class-
lectually, and emo-
tional safety. room. -9/17/23
tionally safe
Students demonstrate re-
Students are aware of re- siliency in perseverance
quired safety procedures Students follow teacher Students take risks, offer Students develop and for academic achievement.
and the school and class- guidance regarding poten- opinions, and share alter- practice resiliency skills Students maintain intel-
room rational for main- tial safety issues for self or native perspectives and strategies to strive for lectual and emotional
taining safety. others. -9/17/23 academic achievement, safety for themselves and
and establish intellectual others in the classroom.
and emotional safety in
the classroom.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students follow guidance I have set up classroom As a teacher, I am always
when reminded and gen- rules designed around the reflecting on how I speak
erally do not have to be safety of students, such as to my students and the
reminded again- such as respecting others and impact my words could
needing just one reminder cleaning up after our- have on a student. One
to keep their backpacks selves. These rules, regu- small way in which I show
and lunches against the larly gone over and dis- this is by making sure I do
wall outside the class- played in the classroom, not “speak down” to stu-
room to ensure safety of promote the physical, dents based on their inter-
others in the hallways. - emotional, and intellectual ests, even in a teasing
Evidence 9/17/23 safety of those in the class. manner, to make sure stu-
I regularly review the ma- dents know their interests
terial used in class, with are respected. - 9/17/23
knowledge of my stu-
dents, to make sure it is
selected with the health of
my students in mind, such
as avoiding novels or texts
that feature the death of a
parent heavily. -9/17/23

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous learn- Integrates rigor through- Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment that ing environment that in- out the learning environ- learning environment in
accuracy of answers and includes accuracy, under- cludes accuracy, analysis, ment that values accuracy, which students take lead-
completion of learning standing, and the impor- problem solving, and ap- analysis, and critical read- ership in learning.
tasks. tance of meeting targeted propriate levels of chal- ing, writing and thinking. Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the impor- learning goals. lenge. Integrates strategic scaf- research, analysis and
tance of maintaining high Works to maintain high Holds high expectations folds and technologies purposeful use of learn-
expectations for students. expectations for students for students. Has an un- throughout instruction ing.
Creating a rigorous while becoming aware of derstanding of achieve- that support the full range Supports students to uti-
learning environ- achievement patterns for ment patterns, and uses of learners in meeting lize an extensive reper-
ment with high ex- individuals and groups of scaffolds to address high expectations for toire of differentiated
pectations and appro- students. achievement gaps. - achievement. strategies to meet high ex-
priate support for all 9/17/23 pectations.
students Some students ask for Students actively use sup-
teacher support to under- Some individuals and Students engage in a vari- ports and challenges to Students take responsibil-
stand or complete learn- groups of students work ety of differentiated sup- complete critical reading, ity to fully utilize teacher
ing tasks. with the teacher to sup- ports and challenges in writing, higher order and peer support, to
port accuracy and com- ways that promote their thinking, and problem achieve consistently high
prehension in their learn- accuracy, analysis, and solving across subject levels of factual and ana-
ing. problem solving in learn- matter. lytical learning.
ing. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I develop my learning en-
vironment using a multi-
tude of assessments. STAR
Reading provides for the
opportunity of reviewing
individual learning plans.
This helps set targets for
students, which I can use
in conjunction with adap-
tive software like Freckle
to help address student
needs and support them
where gaps exist. -
Evidence 9/17/23

Students regularly engage

in the station rotation
model, which allows them
to engage with material
(and be challenged) at a
level that is appropriate to
them and differentiated
based on the group they
are working with. -

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable ex- Facilitates a positive envi-
rules, and consequences with some student in- including culturally re- pectations, positive sup- ronment using systems
for individual and group volvement. Communi- sponsive instruction to ports, and consequences that ensure students take
behavior. cates, models and explains develop and maintain high for individual and group an active role in monitor-
expectations for individ- standards for individual behavior within and ing and maintaining high
ual and group behavior. and group behavior. - across learning activities. standards for individual
9/17/23 and group behaviors.
Developing, commu- Reviews standards for be- Guides and supports stu-
nicating, and main- Refers to standards for havior with students in Utilizes routine references dents to self-assess, moni-
taining behavior and applies con- single lessons or sequence to standards for behavior tor, and set goals for indi-
high standards for in- sequences as needed. of lessons in anticipation prior and during individ- vidual and group behavior
dividual and group of need for reinforcement. ual and group work. - and participation.
behavior 9/17/23
Students know expecta- Students respond to indi-
tions for behavior and vidual and group behav- Students demonstrate
Students are aware of consequences and re- Students follow behavior iors and encourage and positive behavior, consis-
classroom rules and con- spond to guidance in fol- expectations, accept con- support each other to tent participation and are
sequences. lowing them. -9/17/23 sequences and increase make improvements. valued for their unique
positive behaviors. identities.

My students are learning I follow the behavior stan-

new routines with me. dards set forward by my
They respond to feedback, school that have a distinct
but regularly need to be flow and understood con-
reminded of expectations sequences. Students are
currently. -9/17/23 awarded points for posi-
tive behaviors, but also re-
ceive consequences based
on actions outside of code.
Evidence Class behaviors are drilled
and practiced multiple
times to assure under-
standing. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes procedures, Develops routines, proce- Maintains regular use of Engages students in moni- Facilitates student partici-
routines or norms for sin- dures, and norms in single routines and procedures toring and reflecting on pating in developing,
gle lessons to support stu- lessons or sequence of that are culturally respon- routines, procedures, and monitoring, and adjusting
dent learning. lessons with some student sive and engage students norms in ways that are routines and procedures
involvement. in the development and culturally responsive. focuses on maximizing
monitoring of norms. - Maintains a quality learn- learning.
9/17/23 ing climate that builds on Classroom climate inte-
student strengths. grates school standards
Seeks to promote positive and culturally relevant
behaviors and responds to Provides positive behav- Promotes positive behav- norms.
Responds to disruptive disruptive behavior. ior supports. iors and consistently pre-
Employing classroom
behavior. Responds appropriately vents or refocuses behav- Promotes positive behav-
routines, procedures,
to behaviors in ways that iors disruptive to the iors and establishes pre-
norms, and supports
lessen disruptions to the learning climate. ventions and a positive
for positive behavior
learning climate. classroom climate that
to ensure a climate in
Students participate in eliminate most disruptive
which all students
routines, procedures, and behavior.
can learn
norms and receive rein-
Students receive correc- forcement for positive be- Students are involved in
Students are aware of pro- tion for behavior that in- haviors. -9/17/23 assessment and monitor-
cedures, routines, and terferes with learning, and ing of routines, proce- Students share responsi-
classroom norms. positive reinforcement in Students receive timely dures, and norms in ways bility with teacher for
following routines, proce- and effective feedback and that improve the learning managing and maintain-
dures, and norms. consequences for behav- climate. ing a positive classroom
iors that interfere with climate that promotes
learning. -9/17/23 learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I develop normal routines
in class of the ‘order’ in
which things will be done
(such as correct home-
work, going over new in-
formation, etc.). I also
have established days and
times in our school sched-
ule for when certain
classes will be taught,
such as writing being on
Tuesday/Thursday at a
specific time. This helps
establish routine. Expecta-
tions are regularly com-
Evidence municated to students
about behavior both on an
individual and school
level. -9/17/23

Students receive feedback

in class as well as a filled
out MIR (Minor Infraction
Report) if it becomes
needed. This comes with
feedback from the teacher
in a timely fashion be-
cause teachers should dis-
cuss with the student as
the form is filled out. -

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Paces instruction based Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to in- Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
on curriculum guidelines. some consideration of les- students to provide ade- clude ongoing assessment facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of son type, adjustments for quate time for instruc- of student learning. Sup- daily activities.
how transitions and class- sufficient student work tion, checking for under- ports students in the moni-
room management impact time and transitions to op- standing, completion of toring of instructional
pacing and lessons. timize learning. -9/17/23 learning activities and time.
Using instructional Some students complete Students use their instruc-
time to optimize learning activities in time Students complete learn- Students participate in tional time to engage in Students monitor their
learning allotted. ing activities and, as and complete a variety of and complete learning ac- own time, are engaged in
needed, may receive some learning activities in the tivities and are prepared accomplishing learning
adjustments of time allot- time allotted with op- for the next sequence of in- goals, and participate in
ted for tasks or expecta- tions for extension and struction. reflection, self-assess-
tions for completion. - review. ment, and goal setting.

I make sure to offer plenty

of time for assignments to
be completed in class de-
pending upon the com-
plexity. For example, the
process of drafting an es-
say is broken down over
several days for each step,
where a short writing re-
sponse may be given in
one class period. -
Evidence 9/17/23

Students are given time in

class and additional time
to complete assignments
at home as needed. Flexi-
bility in scheduling means
I regularly adjust assign-
ment due dates based
upon time needed in class.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational knowl- Examines concepts in sub- Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
edge of subject matter, re- ject matter and academic the relationship between inter-relationships of con- of subject matter con-
3.1 Demonstrating lated academic language, language to identify con- essential subject matter cepts, academic content cepts, current issues, aca-
knowledge of subject and academic content nections between aca- concepts, academic lan- standards, and academic demic language, and re-
matter academic con- standards. demic content standards guage, and academic con- language in ways that en- search to make relevant
tent standards and instruction. tent standards. sure clear connections and connections to standards
relevance to students. - during instruction and ex-
9/17/23 tend student learning.

I use my own personal

knowledge of literature to
select specific, targeted
text that is relevant to stu-
dents and engaging. Since
a variety of topics can be
covered by any literature
text, finding relevant and
exciting texts will aid in
students wanting to en-
gage with it, which pro-
vides a stronger base to
build on for the academic
Evidence content. While there are
many books on dystopia,
for example, reading The
Hunger Games might be
more engaging to my stu-
dent group now. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of stu- Adapts instruction in re- Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of develop- dent development and im- sponse to knowledge of range of students develop- knowledge of students to
ment while becoming plements learning activi- student development and ment into instructional de- guide all students to de-
aware of differences in ties in single lessons or se- proficiencies to meet stu- cisions to ensure student velop proficiencies, under-
students’ understanding of quence of lessons that ad- dents’ diverse learning understanding of the sub- stand subject matter in-
subject matter. dresses students’ profi- needs. Ensures under- ject matter including re- cluding related academic
ciencies and support un- standing of subject matter lated academic language. language.
Teaches subject-specific derstanding of subject including related academic
vocabulary following cur- matter including related language. Provides explicit teaching Engages student at all lev-
3.2 Applying knowl-
riculum guidelines. academic language. of specific academic lan- els of vocabulary, aca-
edge of student devel-
Provides explicit teaching guage, text structures, demic language, and profi-
opment and profi-
Provides explicit teaching of essential vocabulary, id- grammatical, and stylistic ciencies in self-directed
ciencies to ensure
of essential content vocab- ioms, key words with mul- language features to en- goal setting, monitoring,
student understand-
ulary and associated aca- tiple meanings, and aca- sure equitable access to and improvement. Guides
ing of subject matter
demic language in single demic language in ways subject matter under- all students in using analy-
lessons or sequence of that engage students in ac- standing for the range of sis strategies that pro-
lessons. Explains aca- cessing subject matter text student language levels vides equitable access and
demic language, formats, or learning activities. - and abilities. deep understanding of
and vocabulary to support 9/17/23 subject matter.
student access to subject
matter when confusions
are identified.

In writing class, I make

sure to teach explicitly the
academic vocabulary they
will need to access all year,
such as thesis and sup-
porting details. I also mod-
ify my writing assign-
Evidence ments and approach to
preparing students based
on the needs of the stu-
dents, their demonstrated
mastery, and formal and
informal assessment
throughout. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of cur- Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive knowledge
curriculum as provided by curriculum and considers riculum and student readi- curriculum and resources of curriculum and related
site and district to support adjustments in single ness to organize and ad- to organize and adjust in- resources to flexibly and
3.3 Organizing cur- student understanding of lessons or sequence of just the curriculum to en- struction within and effectively organize and
riculum to facilitate the subject matter. lessons to support under- sure student understand- across subject matter to adjust instruction.
student understand- standing of subject matter. ing. -9/17/23 extend student under-
ing of the subject mat- standing. Ensures student compre-
ter hension and facilitates
student articulation about
what they do and do not

I adjust the level of text

and text complexity of
novels chosen for litera-
ture class based on stu-
dent understanding/readi-
ness, allowing students to
access the curriculum at a
level befitting their cur-
rent readiness and ensur-
ing understanding of con-
cepts. This can be built on
Evidence throughout the year. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional strate- Gathers and uses addi- Selects and adapts a vari- Integrates instructional Uses an extensive reper-
gies that are provided in tional instructional strate- ety of instructional strate- strategies appropriate to toire of instructional
the curriculum. gies in single lessons or se- gies to ensure student un- subject matter to meet stu- strategies to develop en-
3.4 Utilizing instruc- quence of lessons to in- derstanding of academic dents’ diverse learning, to thusiasm, meta-cognitive
tional strategies that crease student under- language appropriate to ensure student under- abilities, and support and
are appropriate to the standing of academic lan- subject matter and that standing of academic lan- challenge the full range of
subject matter guage appropriate to sub- addresses students’ di- guage, and guide student student towards a deep
ject matter. verse learning needs. - in understanding connec- knowledge of subject mat-
9/17/23 tions within and across ter.
subject matter.

I use a variety of strategies

in class. Station rotation
models, nearpod lessons
(both student-paced and
live class), as well as vary-
ing my lectures by using
video resources from
other educators/the cur-
riculum all help bring dif-
ferent strategies in to the
class. I also make use of
audiobooks and modeling
to help students of differ-
Evidence ent learning needs and
modalities access the ma-
terial in class. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available instruc- Explores additional in- Selects, adapts, and uti- Integrates a wide range of Engages students in iden-
tional materials, re- structional materials, re- lizes appropriate instruc- adapted resources, tech- tifying and adapting re-
sources, and technologies sources, and technologies tional materials, re- nologies, and instructional sources, technologies, and
for specific lessons to to make subject matter ac- sources, and technologies materials to meet identi- standards-aligned instruc-
3.5 Using and adapt- make subject matter ac- cessible to students. for concept and skill devel- fied student needs and tional materials to extend
ing resources, tech- cessible to students. opment in subject matter. make subject matter ac- student understanding
nologies, and stan- Explores how to make Resources reflect the di- cessible to students. and critical thinking about
dards-aligned in- Identifies technological re- technological resources versity of the classroom subject matter.
structional materials source needs. available to all students. and support differentiated Assists student with equi-
including adopted learning of subject matter. table access to materials, Ensures that student are
materials, to make resources, and technolo- able to obtain equitable
subject matter acces- Guides students to use gies. Seeks outside re- access to a wide range of
sible to all students available print, electronic, sources and support. - technologies through on-
and online subject matter 9/17/23 going links to outside re-
resources based on indi- sources and support.
vidual needs.

I regularly make use of

adaptive technologies in
class in all subjects taught,
which can help students to
access the information in
equitable ways. Some
technology allows them to
change the ‘grade level’ of
the text, helping to build
comprehension skills.
Evidence Questions will scale up or
down based on student
need and understanding. I
make sure to find multiple
points of access for mate-
rials so that it is accessible
to all students, whether
that be using the local li-
brary or other sources.-
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of students’ primary Seeks additional information Identifies language proficien- Integrates knowledge of Eng- Engages English learners in
language and English lan- describing elements of cul- cies and English learner lish language development, assessment of their progress
guage proficiencies based on ture and language proficien- strengths in the study of lan- English learners’ strengths in English language develop-
available assessment data. cies in listening, speaking, guage and content. Differenti- and assessed needs into Eng- ment and in meeting content
reading, and writing. Uses ates instruction using one or lish language and content in- standards. Supports students
multiple measures for assess- more components of English struction. to establish and monitor lan-
ing English learners’ perfor- language development to guage and content goals.
3.6 Addressing the mance to identify gaps in support English learners.
needs of English English language develop-
learners and student Provides adapted materials ment. Creates and implements scaf- Develops and adapts instruc- Is resourceful and flexible in
with special needs to to help English learners ac- folds to support standards- tion to provide a wide range the design, adjustment, and
provide equitable ac- cess content. Attempts to scaffold content based instruction using liter- of scaffolded support for lan- elimination of scaffolds based
cess to the content using visuals, models, and acy strategies, SDAIE, and guage and content for the on English learners’ profi-
graphic organizers. - content level English lan- range of English learners. ciencies, knowledge, and
9/17/23 guage development in order skills in the content.
for students to improve lan-
guage proficiencies and un-
derstand content.

I make regular use of

graphic organizers in
breaking down writing as-
signments. These often in-
clude sentence stems and
building off points for stu-
dents for which language
may be a struggle. These
organizers can be used to
Evidence help build larger writing
topics. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional information Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
range of students identified on the full range of students full range of students identi- adaptations, and extensions range of student with special
with special needs through identified with special needs fied with special needs to as- to instruction for the full needs to actively engage in
data provided by the school. to address challenges or sup- sess strengths and competen- range of students with special the assessment and monitor
ports in single lessons or se- cies to provide appropriate needs to ensure adequate their own strengths, learning
quence of lessons. challenge and accommoda- support and challenge. needs, and achievement in
tions in instruction. accessing content.
Communicates and collabo-
Attends required meeting Cooperates with resource Communicates regularly with rates with colleagues, sup- Communicates and collabo-
3.6 Addressing the with resource personnel and personnel, para-educators, resource personnel, para-ed- port staff, and families to en- rates with resource person-
needs of English families. and families during meetings ucators, and families to en- sure consistent instruction. nel, para-educators, families,
learners and student and activities in support of sure that student services are Supports families in positive leadership, and students in
with special needs to learning plans and goals. provided and progress is engagement with school. creating a coordinated pro-
provide equitable ac- made in accessing appropri- gram to optimize success of
ate content. Initiates and monitors refer- the full range of students
cess to the content ral processes and follow-up with special needs.
Refers students as needed in meeting to ensure that stu-
Learns about referral pro- Seeks additional information a timely and appropriate dents receive support and/or Takes leadership at the
cesses for students with spe- on struggling learners and manner supported with docu- extended learning that is in- site/district and collaborates
cial needs. advanced learners to deter- mented data over time, in- tegrated into the core cur- with resource personnel to
mine appropriateness for re- cluding interventions tried riculum. ensure the smooth and effec-
ferral. previous to referral. - tive implementations of re-
9/17/23 ferral processes.

I regularly meet with fami-

lies, students, and the co-
ordinator for services at
my school site to ensure
that all parties are aware
of necessary information
and progress as needed. I
documented and provided
Evidence this documentation to nec-
essary parties at regular
intervals. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or se- Plans differentiated in- Plans differentiated in- Plans differentiated in-
available curriculum and quence of lessons using struction based on knowl- struction, which is based struction that provides
information from district additional assessment in- edge of students’ academic on broad knowledge of systematic opportunities
and state required assess- formation on student aca- readiness, academic lan- students. Matches re- for supporting and ex-
ments. demic readiness, language, guage, diverse cultural sources and specific tending student learning
cultural background, and backgrounds, and individ- strategies to students’ di- based on comprehensive
individual development. ual cognitive, social, emo- verse learning needs and information on students.
4.1 Using knowledge tional, and physical devel- cultural backgrounds.
of students’ academic opment to meet their indi-
readiness, language vidual needs.
proficiency, cultural
background, and indi- Becomes aware of poten- Examines potential Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
vidual development Is aware of impact of bias tial areas of bias and seeks sources of bias and stereo- stereotyping, and assump- analysis of bias, stereotyp-
to plan instruction. on learning. to learn about culturally typing when planning tions about cultures an ing, and assumptions.
responsive pedagogy. lessons. Uses culturally re- members of cultures.
sponsive pedagogy in
planning. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I use the station rotation
model in class to provide
differentiated instruction
to students based on their
needs in a variety of differ-
ent ways. I change student
groupings based on the
needs of the specific topic
of coverage in class, offer-
Evidence ing students a high level of
differentiation depending
on their needs. -9/17/23

Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and communi- Establishes and articulates Establishes and articulates
objectives for a single les- learning goals for skill de- cates to students clear learning goals to students comprehensive short-
son to students based on velopment with students learning goals for content that integrate content term and long-term learn-
4.2 Establishing and content standards and in single lessons and se- that are accessible, chal- standards with students’ ing goals for students. As-
articulating goals for available curriculum. quence of lessons. lenging, and differentiated strengths, interests, and sists students to articulate
student learning to address students’ di- learning needs. and monitor learning
verse learning needs. - goals.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am able to use STAR data
to create individualized
student learning plans. I
use these plans to create
goals that are differenti-
ated to each student and
target specific skills stu-
dents can focus on to
achieve growth. -9/17/23


Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive knowl-
for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect inte- edge of curriculum, con-
4.3 Developing and term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter grations of curriculum tent standards, and assess
sequencing long-term are linked to long-term concepts and essential re- guidelines, frameworks, learning needs to design
and short-term in- planning to support stu- lated academic language and assessed instructional cohesive and comprehen-
structional plans to dent learning. and formats that support needs to ensure student sive long- and short-term
support student student learning. - learning. instructional plans that
learning 9/17/23 ensure high levels of
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
In the writing curriculum,
I focus on building an un-
derstanding of academic
language such as “thesis”
and “supporting details”
both in the individual writ-
ing assignments and as
part of a goal to make
these terms easily accessi-
ble to students as we work
through multiple writing
projects over the course of
the year. Deliberate, ex-
plicit instruction in early
units will continue to be
reinforced to promote
mastery of standards
throughout the year, with
the overall goal being
stronger writers. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that in- Selects strategies for sin- Incorporates differenti- Plans instruction using a Plans instruction incorpo-
corporates strategies sug- gle lessons or sequence of ated instructional strate- wide range of strategies to rating a repertoire of
gested by curriculum lessons that respond to gies into ongoing planning address learning styles strategies specifically
guidelines. students’ diverse learning that addresses culturally and meet students’ as- meet students’ diverse
needs. responsive pedagogy, stu- sessed language and learn- language and learning
4.4 Planning instruc- dents’ diverse language, ing needs. Provides appro- needs and styles to ad-
tion that incorporates and learning needs and priate support and chal- vance learning for all.
appropriate strate- styles. lenges for students.
gies to meet the Is aware of student con- Seeks to learn about stu- Facilitates opportunities
learning needs of all tent, learning, and lan- dents’ diverse learning Uses assessments of stu- Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
students guage needs through data and language needs be- dents’ learning and lan- broad range of assess- their learning and the im-
provided by the site and yond basic data. guage needs to inform ments into planning to pact of instructional
district. planning differentiated in- meet students’ diverse strategies to meet their
struction. -9/17/23 learning and language learning and language
needs. needs.

I use the station rotation

model as well as adaptive
softwares such as Freckle
and Quill to differentiate
instruction and provide
opportunity to use tar-
geted strategies for indi-
vidual/groups of students.

I use initial STAR data and

data collected each win-
Evidence dow to plan instruction
based on individual and
targeted group learning
reports. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing adjust- Anticipates and plans for a
uses materials from cur- materials in single lessons adaptations to differenti- ments to instructional wide range of adaptations
riculum provided. or sequences of lessons to ate instructional plans. plans and uses a variety of to lessons based on in
4.5 Adapting instruc- address students’ learning Uses culturally responsive materials as the instruc- depth analysis of individ-
tional plans and cur- needs. pedagogy and additional tional needs arises to sup- ual student needs.
ricular materials to materials to support stu- port student learning. -
meet the assessed dents’ diverse learning 9/17/23 Engages with students to
learning needs of all needs. identify types of adjust-
students. ments in instruction that
best meet their learning

I make constant adjust-

ments to instructional
plans based on formal and
informal assessments
given in class as well as
outside influences to the
school schedule. I use
adaptive softwares such as
Quill and additional tar-
geted practice materials I
can access through our
curriculum and other edu-
Evidence cational resources to pro-
vide students with extra
practice or further break-
down of concepts as nec-
essary. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of differ- Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
and characteristics of for- ent types of pre-assess- for assessment and skills range of appropriate as- use of a wide range of as-
mative and summative as- ment, formative and sum- to be assessed to select sessments to address sessments to support dif-
sessments. mative assessments. appropriately matches questions about students’ ferentiated student learn-
5.1 Applying knowl- pre-, formative and sum- learning needs and ing needs and reflect
edge of the purposes, Begins to identify specific mative assessments. progress. progress.
characteristics, and characteristics of assess-
uses of different ments that yield different Selects assessments based Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
types of assessments types of information on clear understanding of characteristics into as- repertoire of appropriate
about student prepared- the purposes and charac- sessments to allow stu- assessment options and
ness, progress, and profi- teristics of assessments to dents with a ranges of characteristics to maxi-
ciency. support student learning. learning needs to demon- mize student demonstra-
-9/17/23 strate what they know. tion of knowledge.

For each short story or lit-

erature unit, I will pick
one key theme such as
‘main idea’ or ‘types of
conflict’. Once one main
focus has been chosen, I
tailor my assessments to
target this learning goal,
such as using “The Small-
est Dragonboy” to target
the types of conflict. All
Evidence assessments focused on
evaluating student under-
standing of this concept
within the story. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Use data from required Explores collecting addi- Collects a variety of for- Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess stu- tional data using supple- mal and informal assess- assessment plan that pro- strategically and system-
dent learning. mental assessments. ment data on student vides formal and informal atically throughout in-
learning. assessment data on stu- struction to collect ongo-
5.2 Collecting and an- Follows required pro- Make adjustments in plan- dent learning. ing assessment data ap-
alyzing assessment cesses for data analysis ning for single lessons or Uses analysis of a variety propriate for the range of
data from a variety of and draws conclusions sequence of lessons based of data to inform planning Uses data analysis of a learner needs.
sources to inform in- about student learning on analysis of assessment and differentiation of in- broad range of assess-
struction. data. struction. -9/17/23 ments to provide compre- Uses results of ongoing
hensive information to data analysis to plan and
guide planning and differ- differentiate instruction
entiation of instruction. for maximum academic

I collect formal data in the

form of STAR as well as
formal assessments given
on reading and key con-
cepts in class. I collect in-
formal data in the form of
exit tickets, bell ringers,
and regular informal
check-ins throughout
lessons to monitor stu-
dent learning. -9/17/23

5.3 Reviewing data, Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors ad- Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
both individually and available assessment data ditional assessment data variety of data on student broad range of data indi- work and fosters col-
with colleagues, to as required by site and individually and with col- learning individually and vidually and with col- leagues ability to identify
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
district processes. leagues and identifies with colleagues to identify leagues to analyze student and address causes for
monitor student learning needs of individ- trends and patterns thinking and identify un- achievement patterns and
learning ual students. among groups of students. derlying causes for trends. trends.

I review and monitor stu-

dent progress on STAR,
adaptive softwares such
as Quill and Freckle, and
formal and informal as-
sessments given in class
to establish trends in stu-
dent thinking. I then reach
out to colleagues in other
subject areas to discuss
whether trends are shown
in their subjects as well to
further monitor trends
and identify potential
causes. -9/17/23

5.4 Using assessment Uses data from assess- Uses data from available Uses a variety of assess- Uses a broad range of data Reflects on data continu-
data to establish ments provided by site assessments to establish ment data to set student to set learning goals for ously to make ongoing re-
learning goals and to and district to set learning content-based learning learning goals for content content and academic lan- finements to learning
plan, differentiate, goals for the class. goals for class and indi- and academic language. guage that are integrated goals for content and aca-
and modify instruc- vidual students in single across content standards demic language for the fill
tion lessons or sequences of for individuals and range of students.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction using lessons. Plans differentiated groups.
available curriculum lessons and modifications Uses data systematically
guidelines. Plans adjustments in in- to instruction to meet stu- Plans differentiated in- to refine planning, differ-
struction to address learn- dents’ diverse learning struction targeted to meet entiate instruction, and
ing needs of individual needs. -9/17/23 individual and group make ongoing adjust-
students. learning needs. ments to match the evolv-
ing learning needs of indi-
Modifies lessons during viduals and groups.
instruction based on in-
formal assessments.

I regularly implement the

station rotation model in
class which allows for dif-
ferentiated instruction for
groups based on data col-
lected in formal assess-
ments, such as STAR, as
well as informal assess-
ments given in class to en-
sure students get lessons
delivered to their needs
Evidence and with proper support. -

Informs students about Begins to encourage stu- Models and scaffolds stu- Implements structures for Provides systematic op-
learning objectives, out- dents to establish learning dent self-assessment and students to self-assess and portunities for student
5.5 Involving all stu- comes, and summative as- goals through single goal setting processes for set learning goals related self-assessment, goal set-
dents in self-assess- sessment results. Recog- lessons or sequence of learning content and aca- to content, academic lan- ting, and progress moni-
ment, goal-setting, nizes the need for individ- lessons that include goal demic language develop- guage, and individual toring.
and progress moni- ual learning goals. setting exercises. ment. skills.
toring Develops students’ meta-
Monitors progress using Provides students with Guides students to moni- Integrates student self-as- cognitive skills for analyz-
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
available tools for record- opportunities in single tor and reflect on sessment, goal setting, ing progress and refining
ing. lessons or sequence of progress on a regular ba- and progress monitoring goals towards high levels
lessons to monitor their sis. -9/17/23 across the curriculum. of academic achievement.
own progress toward
class or individual goals.

I make use of the Acceler-

ated Reader points goals
as one method to help stu-
dents set realistic, individ-
ual reading goals within
class. I then ask students
to regularly reflect on how
they are progressing to-
wards their goals and how
they might meet them as
the trimester/year pro-
gresses. -9/17/23
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available technolo- Explores use of additional Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of tech-
gies to record assess- technologies to imple- and implement assess- technologies into the de- nologies to design, imple-
ments, determine profi- ment individual assess- ments, record and analyze velopment, implementa- ment, and analyze assess-
5.6 Using available ciency levels, and make ments, record results, and results, and communicate tion, analysis of assess- ments and provides for an
technologies to assist required communications communicate with admin- about student learning ments, and communica- in depth and ongoing
in assessment, analy- about student learning. istration, colleagues, and with administration, col- tion of student learning to communication regarding
sis, and communica- families about student leagues, families, and stu- all audiences. -9/17/23 student learning to all au-
tion of student learn- learning. dents. Ensure that com- diences.
ing munications are received
by those who lack access
to technology.

I use a variety of technolo-

gies in class, from the
Google Suite to adaptive
softwares such as Freckle
and Quill, to assess stu-
dents on learning goals
and provides communica-
tions on student progress
in an efficient and expedi-
ent manner. -9/17/23


5.7 Using assessment Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’ lead-
information to share feedback through as- additional feedback based clear and timely informa- sharing of comprehensi- ership in seeking and us-
timely and compre- sessed work and required on formative assessments tion about strengths, ble feedback to students ing ongoing comprehensi-
hensible feedback summative assessments. from single lessons or se- needs, and strategies for from formal and informal ble communications about
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
quence of lessons. Seeks improving academic assessments in ways that individual student
Notifies families of stu- to provide feedback in achievement. support increased learn- progress and ways to pro-
dent proficiencies, chal- ways that students under- ing. vide and monitor support.
lenges, and behavior is- stand. Provides opportunities for
sues through school man- comprehensible and Communicates regularly
dated procedures. Communicates with fami- timely two-way communi- with families to share a
with students and
lies about student cations with families to range of assessment infor-
their families
progress, strengths, and share student assess- mation that is comprehen-
needs at reporting peri- ments, progress, raise is- sible and responsive to in-
ods. Contacts families as sues and/or concerns, and dividual student and fam-
needs arise regarding guide family support. - ily needs.
struggling students or be- 9/17/23
havior issues.

I establish normal rou-

tines of email communica-
tion with parents to share
assessment data as well as
share info on targeted ar-
eas of concern, especially
areas such as missing as-
signments or low test/
quiz scores. In doing so,
we can establish routines
Evidence or patterns and work to
build student success. -
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in re- Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing re-
reflect on teaching prac- flection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues on flective practice and ac-
tice to support student practice individually colleagues on the rela- refinements in teaching tion research in sup-
learning. Reflects indi- and with colleagues tionship between mak- practice and connec- porting student learn-
vidually or with col- that is focused on meth- ing adjustments in tions among the ele- ing and raising the level
leagues on immediate ods to support the full teaching practice and ments of the CSTP to of academic achieve-
student learning needs. range of learners. impact on the full range positively impact the ment.
of learners. -9/17/23 full range of learners.
Engages in and fosters
reflection among col-
leagues for school wide
impact on student
I engage with coworkers
both in formal staff meet-
6.1 Reflecting on ings and informal conver-
teaching practice in sations to reflect on how
support of student to adjust my teaching
practice to my new school
learning environment to best im-
pact my current students.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops goals con- Sets goals connected to Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies au- Sets and modifies a
nected to the CSTP the CSTP that take into the CSTP that are au- thentic goals connected broad range of profes-
through required pro- account self-assess- thentic, challenging, to the CSTP that are in- sional goals connected
cesses and local proto- ment of teaching prac- and based on self- as- tellectually challenging to the CSTP to improve
cols. tice. sessment. and based on self-as- instructional practice
sessment and feedback and impact student
Attends required pro- Expands knowledge Aligns personal goals from a variety of learning within and be-
fessional development. and skills individually with school and district sources. yond the classroom.
and with colleagues goals, and focuses on
through available pro- improving student Engages in and contrib- Engages in ongoing in-
fessional development. learning. utes to professional de- quiry into teacher prac-
velopment targeted on tice for professional de-
Selects and engages in student achievement. velopment.
professional develop- Pursues a variety of ad-
6.2 Establishing pro-
ment based on needs ditional opportunities Contributes to profes-
fessional goals and identified in profes- to learn professionally. sional organizations,
engaging in continu- sional goals. -9/17/23 and development op-
ous and purposeful portunities to extend
professional growth own teaching practice.
and development

I have selected to take

part in a professional de-
velopment opportunity
through my school that
will allow me to better ac-
cess and integrate educa-
tional technologies to
reach all learners in my
classroom. -9/17/23

6.3 Collaborating Attends staff, grade Consults with col- Collaborates with col- Collaborates with col- Facilitates collabora-
with colleagues and level, department, and leagues to consider leagues to improve stu- leagues to expand im- tion with colleagues.
the broader profes- other required meet- how best to support dent learning and re- pact on teacher and stu-
sional community to ings and collaborations. teacher and student flect on teaching prac- dent learning within Works to ensure the
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
learning. tice at the classroom grade or department broadest positive im-
Identifies student and level. and school and district pact possible on in-
teacher resources at the Begins to identify how levels. structional practice and
school and district level. to access student and Interacts with members student achievement at
teacher resources in of the broader profes- Engages with members school and district lev-
the broader profes- sional community to ac- of the broader profes- els and for the profes-
sional community. cess resources that sup- sional community to ac- sion.
port teacher effective- cess resources and a
ness and student learn- wide range of supports Initiates and develops
ing -9/17/23 for teaching the full professional learning
range of learners. opportunities with the
broader professional
community focused on
student achievement.

support teacher and I have taken part in dis-

trict-wide professional
student learning
development opportuni-
ties where teachers and
other education profes-
sionals gather to collabo-
rate and learn about new
methods to support stu-
dent instruction, such as
the C3 Conference. -

6.4 Working with Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the im- Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide range
families to support the family in student portance of the family’s contribute to the class- and support for families of opportunities for
student learning learning and the need role in student learning. room and school. Ad- to actively participate families to contribute
for interactions with Seeks information justs communication to in the classroom and to the classroom and
families. about cultural norms of families based on school. school community. Sup-
families represented in awareness of cultural ports a school/district
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
the school. Welcomes norms and wide range Communicates to fami- environment in which
family involvement at of experiences with lies in ways which show families take leadership
classroom/ school schools. -9/17/23 understanding of and to improve student
events. respect for cultural learning.
I have arranged meetings
with room parents to dis-
cuss needs for class/class-
room community. I have
adjusted my class news-
letter policies based on
the needs of the class each
year I have taught. -

Develops awareness Seeks available neigh- Uses a variety of neigh- Uses a broad range of Collaborates with com-
about local neighbor- borhood and commu- borhood and commu- neighborhood and com- munity members to in-
hoods and communities nity resources. nity resources to sup- munity resources to crease instructional
surrounding the school. port the curriculum. support the instruc- and learning opportuni-
6.5 Engaging local Includes references or tional program, stu- ties for students.
communities in sup- Uses available neigh- connections to commu- Includes knowledge of dents, and families.
port of the instruc- borhood and commu- nities in single lessons communities when de- Engages students in
tional program nity resources in single or sequence of lessons. signing and implement- Draws from under- leadership and service
lessons. ing instruction - standing of community in the community.
9/17/23 to improve and enrich Incorporates commu-
the instructional pro- nity members into the
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
gram. school learning com-
I regularly work to con-
nect students with the re-
sources offered at the lo-
cal library to help them
access the curriculum and
to support their reading
instruction. -9/17/23

6.6 Managing pro- Develops an under- Maintains professional Anticipates profes- Integrates the full range Models professionalism
fessional responsi- standing of professional responsibilities in sional responsibilities of professional respon- and supports col-
bilities to maintain responsibilities. timely ways and seeks and manages time and sibilities into advanced leagues in meeting and
motivation and com- support as needed. effort required to meet planning and prepares exceeding professional
Seeks to meet required expectations. for situations that may Responsibilities effec-
mitment to all stu-
commitments to stu- Demonstrates commit- be challenging. tively.
dents. ment by exploring ways Pursues ways to sup-
to address individual port students’ diverse Maintains continual ef- Supports colleagues to
student needs. learning needs and fort to seek, develop, maintain the motiva-
maintains belief in stu- and refine new and cre- tion, resiliency, and en-
dents’ capacity for ative methods to en- ergy to ensure that all
achievement. -9/17/23 sure individual student students achieve.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I successfully completed
professional duties as the
eighth grade teacher by
communicating gradua-
tion activity dates and
times with families in a
timely and organized
fashion. -9/17/23

6.7 Demonstrating Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site poli- Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
professional re- cies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the pro-
sponsibility, in- fession in all circumstances.
tegrity, and ethical * As follows:
· Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community
· Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which and holding peers accountable to norms of re-
these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. spectful treatment and communication.
· Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
· Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct. -9/17/23
· Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and
district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
· Understands and implements school and district policies and state and
federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
· Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy,
health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
· Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
· Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
· Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school
I have worked with colleagues on making sure all com-
munications sent professionally were written so that
they were professional and held integrity of all parties
in mind. -9/17/23

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