Ø it consists of steps or activities that instill and reinforce the people’s self-
confidence in their collective strengths and capabilities.
Community development is the end goal of community organizing and all other efforts
towards uplifting the status of poor and marginalized.
- a liberal freedom of the community where the people are allowed to participate in
the overall health care status for their community.
- participatory action research is an investigation on problems and issues concerning
life and environment of the underprivileged.
- Is community-directed process of gathering and analyzing information on an issue
for the process of taking actions and making changes.
Purpose of COPAR
Importance of COPAR
- the initial phase of the organizing process where the community organizer looks for
communities to serve or help.
- Recommended activities:
a. Criteria for site selection
1. must be depressed rural community with the majority of the population
belonging to the poor sector.
2. health services in the site are inaccessible/inadequate to meet the needs
of the majority of community residents.
3. poor health status of the community in general
4. the area must not have a serious peace and order problem for the safety
of the program staff and students who will be involved in the program.
5. there must be no strong resistance from the community.
6. the area must be relatively free of similar agencies to avoid competition
and duplication of services.
Methods of PSI:
1. use of secondary data from various government offices
2. use of secondary data from other community health programs.
3. coordination with extension workers from GO and NGO
4. conduct of ocular observations.
Methods of Integration:
- Core Group Formation – the process of laying down the formation of a strong
people’s organization brought about by bringing together several of the most
advanced indigenous leaders to exchange knowledge and insights
towards deeper understanding the dynamics of the community.
I. Problem Identification
2 types:
i. historical mapping/time line – provides information about the important events that
have happened in their community.
I. Data Tabulation
> for creative data gathering methods, tabulation can be done in several
Tasks of CBPO:
Role of CO worker:
d. Evaluation – assessment of whether or not the planned project strategy actually works in
the field.
Monitoring and Evaluation – are essential management tool which help improve the
efficiency of on-going projects and the selection and design of future projects.
Performance monitoring – assess the extent to which project input are being used.
Impact evaluation – estimates the net impacts of projects on the target population.
Cost – effective analysis – compare alternative projects in terms of the cost of producing a
given output.
- on operations - on effects/purpose
- answer: “How is the - answer: “What
project running? differences did the
project make?
When conducted:
- continuously from - either after a project, or
beginning of after the completion of a
implementation particular stage/phase
- documentation of the - documentation needed
project’s progress occurs before, during and after
during implementation the project operation
data gathered are used
as inputs during
Person’s Role:
- project monitor is actively - project evaluator has no
concerned with the involvement with day-to-
1. decision making
2. assessment/improvement of performance
3. allocation of resources
4. personal development
5. new knowledge and understanding
Expansion & Consolidation Phase – occurs when the community health organization has
already been established & the community residents are already actively participating in
community wide undertakings.
Strategies Used:
Methods of Integration:
a. participation in direct production activities of the people
b. social investigation – systematic process of collecting, collating,
analyzing data to draw a clear picture of the community.
c. tentative project planning
d. ground work
e. the meeting
f. role play
g. mobilization/action
h. evaluation
i. reflection
j. organization
Documenter – develops the people’s capabilities to keep maintain their own recording
and reporting system.