POLGOV Group 3
POLGOV Group 3
POLGOV Group 3
- Temporarily changes us to make choices that will be
good for us and the people around us. It must also be
- is commonly understood as the end of bodily for noted that since we have a body, we are always in the
function which signals the end of a person’s life. moment- we exist in the here and now. The person is
always in the present although his spiritual nature
Death also refers to the separation of the body and allows him to transcend the present. Whenever we
the spirit. As mentioned earlier, the human person is make a choice, we can’t undo that choice present
an embodied spirit. moment has now gone into the past.
The body, being material, is bound by the laws of Past present and future are not exclusive and isolated
time and space and is subject to growth, death, and moments in time, but they are experienced together
decay. by the person because of the dynamism provided by
being embodied spirit.
We must embrace the fact that death is an integral o The term end can be understood in two ways.
part of our life. Once we have come to terms with Some philosophers view end us Terminus
that, we can focus can not just on the quantifiable which means the full stop or end of a line. For
aspects of life (e g.. Years lived, material thing owned) them, life ends and nothing follow. Others,
but also on it’s quality. o However, considered end as Telos which
means “goal, purpose, or fulfillment
How should I live my life before it finally ends?
Although we are oriented toward our death is not
the goal in life. The human person is not born into
this world just so he or she could die, man is put on
Understand the person as a being-towards-death this Earth to live a meaningful life, to be virtuous,
bring us back to a very important topic: and achieve excellence. With this in mind, we can
look at two experiences which make us reflect on the befriending someone for academic career
meaning of life: happiness and suffering advancement) makes it only useful good.