Software Project Management
Software Project Management
Software Project Management
Chapter 4
Risk Management
▪ Introduction
▪ Risk identification
▪ Risk analysis
▪ Risk planning
▪ Risk monitoring
Risk management
▪ Risk management is concerned with identifying risks and drawing
up plans to minimise their effect on a project.
▪ Technology risks
▪ People risks
▪ Organisational risks
▪ Requirements risks
▪ Estimation risks
Risks and risk types
Risk type Possible risks
Technology Th e database used in the system cannot process as man y
transactions per second as expected.
Software components which should be reused contain defects
which limit their functionality.
P eople It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required.
K e y staff are ill and unavailable at critical times.
Required training for staff is not available.
Organisational Th e organisation is restructured so that different man agement
are responsible for the project.
Organisational financial problems force reductions in the project
Tools Th e code generated b y C A S E tools is inefficient.
C A S E tools cannot be integrated.
R equirements Changes to requirements which require major design rework are
Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements
Estimation Th e time required to develop the software is underestimated.
Th e rate of defect repair is underestimated.
Th e size of the software is underestimated.
Risk analysis
▪ Assess probability and seriousness of each risk
▪ Probability may be
▪ very low
▪ low
▪ moderate
▪ high
▪ very high
▪ Risk effects might be
▪ catastrophic
▪ serious
▪ tolerable
▪ insignificant
Risk analysis
Risk Probability Effects
▪ Avoidance strategies
▪ Minimisation strategies
▪ The impact of the risk on the project or product will be
▪ Contingency plans
▪ If the risk arises, contingency plans are plans to deal with
that risk
Risk planning strategies
Risk Strate gy
Organ isationa l Prepare a briefing document for senior management showing
fi nanc ial problems how the project is making a very im portant contribu tion to the
goa ls of the bus iness.
Recru itm ent Alert customer of potential diffi culti es and the possibil ity of
problems delays, inves tiga te buy ing- in componen ts.
Staff illness Reorgan is e team so that there is more ove rlap of work and
peop le the refo re unde rstand each other ’s jobs.
Defective Replace pot entia lly defective componen ts wit h bough t-in
componen ts componen ts of known reli abilit y.
Requi rements Derive traceabili ty info rmation to assess requ ir ements chang e
chang es im pact, maximi se information hid ing in the design.
Organ isationa l Prepare a briefing document for senior manage ment show ing
restructuring how the project is making a very im portant contribu tion to the
goa ls of the bus iness.
Database Inves tigate the po ssibilit y o f buy ing a high er-perfo rmanc e
perfo rmanc e database.
Unde restim ate d Inves tigate buying in componen ts, inve stigate use of a program
deve lopment ti me gene rator.
Risk monitoring