Se Lecture 5,6 Risk Management
Se Lecture 5,6 Risk Management
Se Lecture 5,6 Risk Management
CASE tool Product CASE tools, which support the project, do not
underperformance perform as anticipated.
Technology change Business The underlying technology on which the system
is built is superseded by new technology.
Product competition Business A competitive product is marketed before the
system is completed.
Risk Strategy
Organizational financial Prepare a briefing document for senior management
problems showing how the project is making a very important
contribution to the goals of the business and presenting
reasons why cuts to the project budget would not be cost-
Recruitment problems Alert customer to potential difficulties and the possibility of
delays; investigate buying-in components.
Staff illness Reorganize team so that there is more overlap of work and
people therefore understand each other’s jobs.
Defective components Replace potentially defective components with bought-in
components of known reliability.
Requirements changes Derive traceability information to assess requirements
change impact; maximize information hiding in the design.
Risk Strategy
Organizational Prepare a briefing document for senior management
restructuring showing how the project is making a very important
contribution to the goals of the business.
Database Investigate the possibility of buying a higher-performance
performance database.
Underestimated Investigate buying-in components; investigate use of a
development time program generator.