Email Memo Finallll
Email Memo Finallll
Email Memo Finallll
Date: 10/04/2023
Dear team,
Once we have your approval, we will upgrade our website with the instructions
and include these new instructions in our newer machines. Thank you so much
for taking the time out of your day to help further our company!
Maya Collier
(123) 456-7892
To: Manager
Good morning, everyone! Per the last email sent out, I am writing to you all
to inform you about the updated instructions, and the results of our usability
test! We have decided to add a part to the manual book that explains steps on
how to wash dark clothes and tips on what to use for washing clothes. We
believe with this added simple instructions we will decrease the damage to our
machines. We noticed an increase of damage because of improper use. Adding
these instructions should help with decreasing damage. We have detected an
increase in our statistics and feedback from costumers that understanding how
to do laundry is difficult for our machines. Many of the incidents we have had
where machines are being sent back is because people are using them
improperly. With our usability tests, we were able to see how well the
instructions helped people better understand how to use our machines. We had 3
participants do laundry before reading the instructions, then we had them read
the instructions and asked them if they noticed a difference. With this in mind,
the next part of this memo will explain the results of our test.
Overall, from the results of the usability test, we have attached the full
instructions to this memo and will appreciate it if you could look over these
instructions to ensure that everything is easy to read and follows our standards.
For washing
1. Turn clothes inside out before washing, to keep the colors vibrant
2. Use cold water and a delicate cycle to wash dark clothes
3. Choose the right laundry detergent to preserve dark clothes
Preferably liquid detergent over powder to avoid unwanted residue
on clothes and machine
Use a full lid of detergent with a full load
4. Avoid using too much detergent
For drying
We have added pictures for better representation and the outline for the
directions match the outline for our instruction’s pamphlet. We decided that
adding both pictures and directions will better help the user understand the
importance of using the washer and dryer correctly.
The results of our usability tests proved that adding these instructions to the
manual would help the costumers with the task of doing laundry. During the
usability tests, participants expressed concerns about the specific tasks of
doing laundry and asked to have it more detailed. We decided to add pictures
and specify the amount of detergent and other items needed. Overall, the
participants appreciated how direct the instructions were and said it helped
them better understand how to do laundry. Some issues that the participants
noticed were:
We believe attaching these instructions to our website and to our manuals will
decrease product damage and help our customers overall. From the feedback
from our participants, we strongly encourage adding these instructions to the
pamphlet. We will appreciate it if you all could give us your comments and
concerns so that we can better improve the design before sending it to the
public and adding it to our website. We truly appreciate your participation. It is
important for our company to adapt to our consumers needs.
We recommend the following changes
Put these instructions with the manual at the front of the page
Put the instructions on the website for easy access
Review current instructions to make sure all changes make sense
Further, add instructions on how to wash white clothes, and
Add a list of what not to put in the washer and dryer