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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education

Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021

The Roles of Islamic Education in Building

Students’ Character within Indonesia Public

Darlan Darlan 1* Sagaf S. Pettalongi 2, and Rustina Rustina3

1 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu

2 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
3 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu


This study examined the role of Islamic education in building Keywords:

students’ character within Indonesia public schools. In conducting
the study, we used a qualitative case study method. The case of this
study was a state senior high school in Palu city. Data were gathered Islamic education,
through direct field observation, in-depth interviews which involve Islamic values,
teachers and students. We also analyzed written material, such as the students character,
school curriculum, to understand how the character building character building
strategies were integrated in the curriculum. Iur study found that
teachers implement character building strategies through several
stages, namely the stages of planning, the stages of learning
implementation, and the stages of evaluating Islamic religious
education learning. The characters values were embedded in the
learning of Islamic religious education. This included the integration
of character values in the school curriculum and they were taught in
every day classroom leanings and in extracurricular activities.

e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 21

1. Introduction character values to school members

which include components of
Character education can be knowledge, awareness or willingness,
interpreted as a value-based education, and actions to implement these values.3
or moral education which aims to So that in character education in schools,
develop the ability of students to realize all components (educational
the goodness in everyday life. Character stakeholders) must be involved,
education can also be understood as an including the components of education
education system that embeded itself, namely curriculum content,
character values to school members.1 learning and assessment processes,
This includes components of handling or managing subjects, school
knowledge, awareness or willingness, management, implementation of co-
and actions to implement these values.2 curricular activities or activities,
As such, implementing character empowerment of infrastructure,
education in schools all components financing, and work ethic for all school
must be involved, including the members.
components of education itself, namely The main goal in the concept of
curriculum content, learning and character education, moral education, or
assessment processes, handling or moral education here is to shape
managing subjects, school management, children's personalities so that they
implementation of co-curricular become good human beings. Real
activities or activities, empowerment of humans who have not only intellectual
infrastructure, financing, and work ethic intelligence (IQ) but also have emotional
for all school members. intelligence (EQ) and spiritual
Character education can be intelligence (SQ), whether he is a citizen
interpreted as value education, character of the school, a citizen of the community,
education, moral education, character and also a good citizen so that justice
education which aims to develop the and happiness can be achieved. The
ability of students to realize the criteria for good human beings, good
goodness in everyday life citizens, and good citizens for a society
wholeheartedly, a system of inculcating or nation, in general, are certain social
values, which are heavily influenced by
Askar, Askar, Adawiyah, Adawiyah, the culture of the community and
& Nurdin, Nurdin. (2021). Understanding nation.4
Students’ Psychological Distress Complaints
through Online Academic Advising Support.
Medico Legal Update, 21(3), 162-167. Amiruddin, Amiruddin, Nurdin,
Rusli, Rusli, & Nurdin, Nurdin. Nurdin, & Ali, Moh. (2021). Islamic Education
(2021). Understanding Indonesia millennia Teacher Communication Strategy in Increasing
Ulama online knowledge acquisition and use in Students' Learning Interest. International Journal
daily fatwa making habits. Education and of Contemporary Islamic Education, 3(1), 41-61.
Information Technologies. doi: 10.1007/s10639-021- Rusli, Rusli. (2014). Teaching Usul al-
10779-7 Fiqh: A Multicultural Education Model. Al-
Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 14(2), 447-464.
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Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 22

The values of the nation's character Legally and formally, character

based on an empirical study of the building is the main goal, but in the
Curriculum Center of the Research and social reality of education, it turns out to
Development Agency of the Ministry of show the fragility of the existing out-put
National Education are; 1) religious, 2) and out-come characters. Therefore, in
honest, 3) tolerance, 4) discipline, 5) hard the current context, character education
work, 6) creative, 7) independent, 8) is very relevant to overcoming the moral
democratic, 9) curiosity, 10) national crisis currently engulfing Indonesia.
spirit, 11) patriotism, 12) appreciate These crises include increasing
achievements, 13) promiscuity, rampant rates of violence
friendly/communicative, 14) love peace, and crime against friends, theft by
15) love to read, 16) care for the teenagers, cheating habits, drug abuse,
environment, 17) care about social, 18) pornography, and the destruction of
responsibility.5 other people's property which has
The nature of character education become a social problem that until now
in the context of education in Indonesia has not been completely resolved. as
can be interpreted as value education, well as the rampant corruption practices
namely education of noble values carried out by state apparatus officials,
originating from the culture of the both those who sit in the executive or
Indonesian nation itself, in order to legislative institutions as well as other
foster the personality of the younger high state institutions.
generation. Strengthening moral The 2013 curriculum emphasizes
education or character education legally the assessment of attitudes, knowledge,
formal in the national education system and skills. This curriculum is also called
is actually not a new thing anymore, the character-building curriculum
because character building has become because attitude is the most important
one of the goals of national education, assessment before assessing the two
where the 2013 curriculum states that things after that. In the 2013 curriculum,
among the goals of national education is attitudes are contained in Core
to develop the potential of students to Competencies (KI) one to four and in
become human beings who believe and Basic Competencies (KD) one and two.
fear God Almighty, have a noble New knowledge starts at KD three and
character, are healthy, knowledgeable, skills at KD four. In the 2013 curriculum,
capable, creative, independent and processes and results are important.
become democratic and responsible Nothing is more superior. It is
citizens. hoped that this curriculum will create
more competent, productive, and
creative individuals. So that teachers are
Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, required not only to teach but to instill
Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pendidikan karakter. concepts and characters into students
(Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan pembukuan significantly. Teacher creativity is an
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
important factor in implementing the
Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2011), 5.
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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 23

2013 curriculum. This curriculum has a balanced with character building, which
scientific approach that emphasizes is also included in the material that must
more on learning that activates students. be taught, mastered, and realized by
The learning process is likened to the students in everyday life.
teacher only planning by making a Islamic religious education
scenario, and then the teacher becomes provides knowledge and shapes
the director. Only the students play a students' attitudes, personality, and
role according to the predetermined skills in practicing their religious
characters. So that students will have teachings, which is carried out at least
direct experience, and the concept through subjects at all lines, levels, and
becomes the basis for forming the types of education. Philosophically,
character of their mindset. Curriculum 2013 develops the
The 2013 curriculum is a core part individual lives of students in religion,
of Strengthening Character Education. art, creativity, communication, values
Therefore, the 2013 Curriculum technical from various dimensions of intelligence
guidance module is integrated with that are suitable for a student and
approaches in Strengthening Character needed by society, nation, and
Education. This integration is needed so humankind. So that religious education
that there is no confusion among here plays a vital role in curriculum
teachers about the existence of the 2013 implementation. In the 2013 curriculum
Curriculum and KDP or other programs concept, Islamic religious education
that are a support system for the makes students master four core
development of school quality, such as competencies that are in accordance
the school literacy movement, Adi with Islamic Religious Education.
Wiyata schools, and others. Religious education itself will always be
The formation of attitudes, moral assessed in every learning, both direct
and personal development in general, and indirect learning in all subjects.
occurs through experience from Religious education has core
childhood. The first educators or coaches competence in spiritual attitude, namely
are parents, then teachers. All the living and practicing the teachings of the
experiences that the child goes through religion it adheres.6
as a child will be an important element The role of religion, community
in his personality. The student's attitude norms, culture, and customs that are in
towards religion is first formed at home line with the values of national identity,
through the experiences he gets with his in this case, must be put forward. As it is
parents, then refined or improved by the known, that Islamic religious education
teacher at school. The condition of the is education that provides knowledge
community environment is so
vulnerable to the growth of aggressive 6
Rusli, Rusli. (2009). Gagasan Khaled
and deviant behavior among students. Abu Fadl tentang “Islam Moderat" versus "Islam
Therefore, efforts to educate students Puritan" (Perspektif Sosiologi Pengetahuan).
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 8(1), 99-123.
who emphasize intellectually need to be
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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 24

and shapes students' attitudes, effective; through strengthening

personalities, and skills in practicing integrated attitudes, skills, and
their religious teachings, which is knowledge.
carried out at least through subjects or
lectures at all paths, levels, and types of
education. 2. Literature review
Given the importance of character 2.1 Definition of Islamic Religious
in building substantial human resources Education and Morals
(HR), it is necessary to carry out The Islamic religious education
character education properly. curriculum states that Islamic religious
Furthermore, in this case, educational education is a conscious and planned
institutions, especially schools, are seen effort in preparing students to
as strategic places to shape character. recognize, understand, appreciate and
Facing challenges that are coming, the believe in the teachings of Islam, piety,
curriculum must be able to equip and noble character in practicing Islam
students with various competencies. The from the main source of the holy book
competencies needed in the future in Al-Qur'an and hadith.7 Through the
accordance with global developments, activities of guidance, learning, training,
including communication skills, ability and the use of experience.
to think clearly and critically, ability to Education is a conscious and
consider the mental aspects of a planned effort to create a learning
problem, ability to be a responsible atmosphere and learning process.
citizen, ability to try to understand and Students actively develop their potential
tolerate different views, ability to live in to have religious-spiritual strength, self-
a globalized society, have a broad control, personality, intelligence, noble
interest in life, have a readiness to work, character, and skills needed by
have intelligence with talents or themselves, society, nation, and state..8
interests, and have a sense of Education is the process of changing
responsibility towards the environment. attitudes and behavior of a person or
Achieving these goals requires changes group of people in an effort to mature
in various other aspects, especially in its humans through teaching and training
implementation in the field. In the efforts, processes, actions, ways of
learning process, students are "told" to educating.9 According to Marimba,
students "find out." In contrast, the education is conscious guidance by
assessment process from focusing on
knowledge through output assessment Rusli, Rusli. (2020). The Role of Family
in Preventing Social Conflict in Society From
becomes ability-based through process
Islamic Perspectives. HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia
assessment, portfolio, and overall and Islamika, 17(1), 108-122.
comprehensive assessment of outputs. 8 UU No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem

Therefore, the development of the 2013 Pendidikan Nasional. BAB I, pasal 1. Hasbullah,
curriculum will produce students who Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan. (Jakarta:grafindo
persada. 2009), hal. 304-305
are: productive, creative, innovative, 9 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, hal. 204

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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 25

educators on the physical and spiritual religious education is physical and

development of students towards the spiritual guidance based on Islamic
formation of a perfect human being.10 religious norms towards the formation
Religion is belief and belief in God. of the main personality according to
Religion regulates human relations with Islamic standards. Meanwhile,
God Almighty, humans with humans, according to Abdurrahman an-Nahlawi,
human relations with nature, and Islamic religious education is the
human relations with themselves, development of the human mind and
ensuring harmony, balance, and the arrangement of behavior and
harmony in human life both as emotions based on Islam, intending to
individuals and members of society in apply the teachings of Islam in the lives
achieving outward goals and spiritual of individuals and society, namely in all
happiness. people's lives.
Meanwhile, Islam is the religion of According to Zakiyah Daradjat:
Allah SWT revealed to the Prophet "Islamic religious education is guidance
Muhammad and is a religion that has and cares for students so that they can
the core of faith and action (charity). So understand the content of Islam as a
in the concept of mapping education, whole, appreciate the meaning, intent,
religion and Islam aims as a process of and purpose of Islam and can practice it
transferring knowledge from educators and make it a way of life, to bring
to students to fix morals, morality, and happiness in the world and the
spirituality so that they become adults hereafter”.11
and are able to distinguish between According to Kamal Hasan, who
good and bad so that it is useful for explained education from an Islamic
society and the Islamic religion will save perspective, education is a lifelong
in this world and the hereafter. process to prepare a person to actualize
Textually, Islamic religious his role as khalifatullah on earth. With
education is education based on the this readiness, it is hoped that it can
normativity of Islamic teachings, which fully contribute to the reconstruction
are sourced from the Qur'an and As- and development of society in achieving
Sunnah. As for conceptually definitive, happiness in the world and the
Islamic religious education has the hereafter.12
understanding as a process of While taking into account the
inheritance and development of a several meanings of Islamic religious
human culture that is sourced and education mentioned above, it can be
guided by Islamic teachings as understood that Islamic religious
contained in the Qur'an and described in education is a conscious effort made by
the Sunnah of the Prophet. Islamic
11 Zakiyah Daradjat, Ilmu Pendidikan
10 Ahmad Marimba, Pengantar Filsafat Islam (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2011), hal. 86
Pendidikan Islam, (Bandung : Al-Ma’arif, 1964), 12 Imas Kurniasih, Mendidik SQ Anak

hal. 19 menurut Nabi Muhammad SAW, (Yogyakarta:

Pustaka Marwa,2010), hal. 63
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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 26

an educator in preparing and equipping fair, ethical, disciplined, tolerant

students to recognize, understand, live (tasamuh), maintaining personal and
and believe, fear, and have a noble social harmony and developing a
character in accordance with the religious culture in the school
teachings of Islam so that they can community. The main purpose of
practice Islamic teachings in daily life, in religious education (Islam) is the
addition to developing knowledge and students' diversity, not especially the
technology based on the main sources of understanding of religion. In other
Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an words, what is prioritized by religious
and hadith through learning, guidance, education (Islam) is not only knowing
training, instilling values, experience (knowing about religious teachings and
and practice, so that they can shape the values) or doing (being able to practice
character of students. what is known) after being taught in
Islamic religious education in junior school.
high school consists of five aspects Religious education (Islam) must
which include the Qur'an, faith, be oriented more at the level of moral
morality, fiqh and dates, and Islamic action, namely so that students do not
culture. All of these are the unity of only stop at the level of competence
Islamic religious education that are (competence) but to have the will and
interrelated with each other, support habits (habit) in realizing the teachings
each other, fill and complement and and values of the religion. In daily life.
have characteristics in themselves. According to Zakiah Daradjat, religious
education aims to cover all aspects of
2.2 The Purpose of Islamic Religious humanity, including attitudes, behavior,
Education and Morals appearance, habits, and views.13
In the Ministerial Regulation According to Oemar Hamalik
(Permen) Number 22 of 2006 concerning (Umar), said that the implementation of
Content Standards/Basic Competencies, the curriculum includes three main
it is explained that Islamic religious activities, namely program
education in junior high schools aims, development, learning implementation,
among others, to develop faith through and evaluation. Program development
giving, fertilizing, and developing includes learning programs, guidance,
knowledge, appreciation, practice, and counseling or remedial programs.
habituation and the experience of The implementation of learning includes
students about the religion of Islam, so the process of interaction between
that become a Muslim who continues to students and their environment so that
develop his faith and piety to Allah changes in behavior occur for the better.
SWT. The next goal is to realize While evaluation is an assessment
Indonesian people who are religious and
have a noble character, namely humans
who are knowledgeable, diligent in 13
Zakiah Daradjat, Ilmu Pendidikan
worship, intelligent, productive, honest, Islam (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1996), h. 30
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Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 27

process carried out throughout the are healthy, knowledgeable, capable,

implementation of the curriculum.14 creative, independent, and become
Based on the new 2013 curriculum democratic and responsible citizens.
issued by the Ministry of Education and Islamic religious education is
Culture, Islamic religious education in tasked with guiding and directing
primary and secondary schools is students to become Muslims who
combined with character education, so believe firmly as a reflection of the faith
that the name becomes Islamic religious that has been fostered by the cultivation
education. Islamic religious education is of religious knowledge, which must be
taught for 4 hours per week at the reflected in noble character as the
elementary school level and 3 hours per ultimate goal of religious education. The
week at the secondary school level. general goal of Islamic education is the
Islamic religious education has the realization of a person as a servant of
scope of aqidah, morality, worship, and Allah, implied that this goal would
mu'amalah, or it can also be said that realize specific goals. By quoting the
Islam regulates the relationship between letter at-Takwir verse 27 states that that
humans and God (akhlaq bil khaaliq), goal is for all humans. So, according to
and humans with fellow humans Islam, education must make all humans
(Akhlaq bil Mujtama'), even regulates into human beings who serve
the relationship between humans and themselves to Allah or, in other words,
the surrounding natural environment worshiping Allah.
(Akhlaq bil Kaun). Akhlaq, which is one 3. Methodology
of the scopes of Islam, teaches how to This study uses a qualitative
behave properly and correctly to anyone approach15 with the object of research is
according to the holy Qur'an, be it to a government junior high school in Palu.
Allah, to fellow humans, and the natural In this study, the researchers took one of
surroundings. the government junior high schools to be
The general objective of Islamic the case of the study. The case was state
religious education is to achieve the senior high school one in a regency
qualities mentioned in the Qur'an and Central Sulawesi
hadith, while the function of national We used a qualitative methods in
education is to develop capabilities and this study wuth several considerations.
shape the character and civilization of a First, the qualitative methods is helpful
dignified nation in the context of when dealing with multiple realities.
educating the nation's life, aiming to Second, it can directly present the nature
develop the potential of students to of the relationship between researchers
become good human beings. have faith
and fear of Allah, have a noble character, 15 Latepo, Ibrahim, Suharto, Suharto, &
Nurdin, Nurdin. (2021). Understanding Muslim
Umar. (n.d.). Pengembangan Kurikulum Preaching Students’ Use of Social Media.
International Journal of International Relations,
Pendidikan Agama Islam Transformatif. 2015.h.34 Media and Mass Communication Studies, 7(1), 52-
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Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 28

and informants 16. Third, this method is In an education system, the

more sensitive and adaptable to the curriculum is dynamic and must be
many sharpening of the common changed and developed in order to keep
direction and the patterns of values up with the developments and
encountered.17 challenges of the times. Changes and
Data were collected using curriculum development must be
observation techniques, in-depth carried out systematically and directed.
interviews with the school principla and This change must have a clear vision
teachers from the school, and data were and direction for the national education
also obtained from written documents.18 system with the curriculum change. The
While the data analysis is done using 2013 curriculum is a competency-based
reduction and verification techniques curriculum (outcomes-based
with various data sources.19 The reduced curriculum); therefore, its development
data is then analyzed by claiming to the is formulated in the Graduate
theoretical concepts used in this study. Competency Standards. This is in
accordance with the results of an
4. Result and Discussion interview with an Islamic religious
education teacher who stated that:
4.1 Islamic Religious Education The 2013 curriculum is more
Learning in Shaping Character concerned with implementing an
interactive, inspiring, fun,
challenging learning process,
motivating students to
. Nurdin, Nurdin. (2021b). Employing participate actively. The learning
Online and Offline Qualitative Interpretive Case process is carried out using a
Studies in Understanding E-Procurement scientific approach (scientific
Effectiveness. International Journal of Quantitative
approach) with the process and
and Qualitative Research Methods, 9(1), 23-41.
17Nurdin, Nurdin. (2018). Institutional product-based learning outcomes
Arrangements in E-Government Implementation assessment.20
and Use: A Case Study From Indonesian Local The results of the interview
Government. International Journal of Electronic above show that the 2013 curriculum
Government Research (IJEGR), 14(2), 44-63. doi:
emphasizes interactive and fun learning
. Nurdin, Nurdin, Stockdale, Rosemary, processes and processes on students,
& Scheepers, Helana. (2013). The Use of Social meaning that in the 2013 curriculum,
Media to Gather Qualitative Data: A Case of students are required to be more active
Government E-Procurement Implementation and in learning.
Use. Paper presented at the 24th Australasian
Conference on Information Systems (ACIS).
19 Nurdin, Nurdin, & Aratusa, Zana

Chobita. (2020). Benchmarking level interactivity

of Indonesia government university websites. 20Saleh, Guru PAI Government junior
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, high schools , “Wawancara”, tanggal 23 Juli 2019,
Electronics and Control, 18(2), 853-859. di Ruang Guru.

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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 29

In the 2013 curriculum there are through the curriculum, and increasing
core competencies in each subject which the competence and professionalism of
include: teachers, as well as the length of stay in
Core Competencies: school in the sense of increasing lesson
1. Core Competency-1 (KI-1) for hours.
core competencies of spiritual The competency-based 2013
attitudes; curriculum focuses on the acquisition of
2. Core Competency-2 (KI-2) for certain competencies by students.
the core competence of social Therefore, this curriculum includes a
attitudes; number of competencies and a set of
3. Core Competency-3 (KI-3) for learning objectives that are stated in
knowledge competence; and such a way that Islamic religious
4. Core Competency-4 (KI-4) for education can be observed in the form
skills competency. of student behavior or skills as a
The implementation of the 2013 criterion of success.
curriculum is an improvement from the Learning activities need to be
previous curricula. The 2013 curriculum directed to help students master at least
is a follow-up to the competency-based a minimum level of competence, so that
curriculum that was piloted in 2004. The they can achieve the goals that have
KBK is used as a reference and guides been set.
for the implementation of education to The process of implementing
develop various fields of education character education in Islamic religious
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes) at all education in public junior high schools
levels and pathways of education, requires a set of plans and arrangements
especially in the school path as for content and lesson materials as well
mandated by Law 20 of 2003 concerning as the methods used as guidelines for
the national education system in the organizing teaching and learning
elucidation of article 35, where graduate activities so that the teaching and
competence is a graduate's ability learning process can run in accordance
qualification which includes attitudes, with the expected goals. In the world of
knowledge, and skills in accordance education, this is called the curriculum.
with agreed national standards. Based on the results of an
The 2013 curriculum has interview with the Deputy Head of the
fundamental differences in its State Junior High School curriculum
application, where in the 2013 regarding the implementation of the
curriculum, students tend to be more 2013 curriculum:
active than teachers. Educational The 2013 curriculum is a curriculum
development strategies can be carried that is structured to shape the
out in efforts to improve Islamic character of students. In the concept
religious education through of the 2013 curriculum, Islamic
competency-based active student religious education has a very
learning, the effectiveness of learning important role in terms of fulfilling
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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 30

competence 1 and competence 2, always prepares learning tools to be

namely the competence of spiritual used when entering the classroom.22
attitudes and social attitudes. 21
The learning process of Islamic
Based on the results of the study, it religious education subjects is designed
was found that the implementation of in such a way. Each learning activity
Islamic religious education learning in develops abilities in the cognitive,
shaping the character of students affective, and psychomotor domains.
through the 2013 curriculum at SMP Therefore, special learning activities are
Negeri 1 Sigi, among others, through the not always needed to develop values in
stages of Planning for Islamic Religious character education. However,
Education and character in SMP Negeri developing certain values such as hard
in shaping the character of students. work, discipline, honesty, tolerance,
There are plans for character independence, love for the homeland,
education in learning Islamic religious and a love of reading can be made
education and character at Government through learning activities that teachers
junior high schools when preparing the can do in class. The development of
lesson plan, namely the syllabus and several other values such as social care,
lesson plans. This character education environmental care, curiosity, and
plan is in accordance with the school creativity requires conditioning efforts
guidelines for character education so that students can bring up behaviors
development issued by the Ministry of that show these values.
National Education, namely in planning
character education in the subjects 4.2 Stages of Implementation of
included in the syllabus and lesson Learning Islamic religious education
plans. In making the syllabus and lesson and character.
plans, there is one column for the
developed value of character education. Based on the previous explanation
Based on the results of interviews that the implementation of character
with Islamic Religious Education education in Islamic Religious Education
teachers and good manners, it is stated and Character Education at Government
that: junior high schools uses two ways,
The formation of the character of namely learning and extracurricular
students begins with planning, activities. According to the Regulation of
including planning for learning the Minister of Religion No. 16 of 2010
Islamic religious education and concerning the Management of
character in the classroom, before Religious Education, the learning
entering the classroom the teacher process of religious education is carried
out through learning and extracurricular
21Harmawati, Wakases Kurikulum SMP
Negeri 1 Sigi, “Wawancara”, tanggal 25 Juli 2019, 22
Saleh, Guru PAI Government junior high
di ruang wakasek kurikulum. schools , “Wawancara”, tanggal 23 Juli 2019, di
Ruang Guru.
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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 31

activities (Article 8 paragraph 3). This is used to behaving well anywhere,

in accordance with the results of anytime, and with anyone.
interviews with teachers of Islamic Teachers who spearhead the
religious education and manners who success of a lesson must realize that their
stated that: responsibility for the success of learning
The implementation of character Islamic religious education is not only a
education in Islamic religious cognitive order, no less important is how
education and character education at to provide awareness to students that
Government junior high schools is religious education is a necessity so that
organized in such a way by students have a high awareness to
determining the material to be implement religious knowledge gained
delivered, then carried out both in in everyday life. This is in accordance
class and outside the classroom. In with the results of an interview with an
the implementation of character Islamic religious education teacher who
education, Government junior high stated that:
schools uses an active and child- To form a good personality, a teacher
centered approach to students' not only pays attention to the
learning process, carried out through cognitive aspects of knowledge to
activities in the classroom, school, students, but the most important
and community.23 thing is the implementation of what
they get in class that can be used in
Learning activities are learning everyday life. This is where the
activities carried out face-to-face in the creativity of an Islamic religious
classroom and independent activities education teacher and character is
outside the classroom in accordance needed, where Islamic religious
with the Content Standards. education learning should not only be
Education related to personality or taught in the classroom but how
morals cannot be taught only in the form teachers can facilitate religious
of knowledge, but there is a need for learning outside the classroom
habituation in daily behavior. After through activities that are religious
being a good role model, the teacher in nature and create a school
must encourage students to always environment that is conducive to
behave well in everyday life. Therefore, learning. religious.24
in addition to assessing, the teacher is
also a supervisor of students' daily Meanwhile, in terms of the content
behavior at school, and this is where the of the implementation of character
importance of support from all parties is education in Islamic religious education
because in the habituation method, and character education at government
students are trained to be able to get junior high schools, it is in accordance
with the guidelines for developing
Saleh, Guru PAI Government junior high
schools , “Wawancara”, tanggal 23 Juli 2019, di Anwar, Guru PAI SMP Negeri 1 Sigi,
Ruang Guru. “Wawancara”, tanggal 23 Juli 2019, di ruang guru.
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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 32

character education as issued by the Based on the discussion above, it

ministry of national education, namely can be understood that from the
the implementation of character character values developed by the
education in subjects developing Ministry of National Education, the
religious character values, honesty, implementation of character education
tolerance. Discipline, hard work, in Islamic religious education and
creativity, independence, democracy, character education at Government
curiosity, national spirit, love for the junior high schools has all been carried
homeland, respect for achievement, out in accordance with KD and material
friendly/communicative, love peace, indicators presented by Islamic religious
love to read, care for the environment, education and character education
social care, and responsibility in teachers.
classroom learning. Character values are Based on the research findings,
adjusted to KD and indicators. In the researchers can understand that the
implementation of character education, implementation of the 2013 curriculum
existing activities can be carried out and at Government junior high schools is
then strengthened, and can also organize good, although it is not perfect and has
new activities. not achieved the educational goals that
Based on the results of the are in accordance with the characteristics
interviews above, researchers can of the 2013 curriculum.
provide examples when teaching the Al- The change that appears in the
Qur'an. Students are then invited to learning of Islamic religious education
read, understand, and practice the and character in the 2013 curriculum is
contents of the Koran little by little. the increase in lesson hours, which was
Another example is when teaching originally in the Education Unit Level
hadith material about cleanliness, and Curriculum (KTSP). The teaching hours
students are invited to practice directly for Islamic Religious Education were
on how to clean the body, take care of only 2 hours per week. So, the
the body, clean the surrounding curriculum has increased to 3 hours per
environment. Furthermore, children are week. This is in accordance with the
invited to always have a healthy and results of interviews with the Principal
clean lifestyle by explaining the benefits who stated that: Based on the research
and wisdom of cleanliness and health findings, researchers can understand
and mentioning examples of the good that the implementation of the 2013
consequences of having a healthy and curriculum at Government junior high
clean pattern and the bad consequences schools is good, although it is not perfect
of ignoring a healthy and clean pattern. and has not achieved the educational
The use of such a learning model turns goals that are in accordance with the
out to be quite easy for teachers to characteristics of the 2013 curriculum.
motivate students to behave and behave The 2013 curriculum for all subjects
that shows character values according to has additional hours and PAI, which
the theme or material being studied.
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 33

was originally only 2 hours in 1 and character, especially for the

week, now it is 3 hours.25 cultivation of religious character values,
independence, curiosity, love of
The addition of this clock is reading, social care.
very helpful for teachers of Islamic
religious education and manners in Figure 1. Students praying together
conveying the values that exist in
learning Islamic religious education. In
addition, the term that was originally in
the education unit level curriculum
called Islamic religious education in the
2013 curriculum also underwent a
transformation into Islamic religious
education and character. The 2013
curriculum for all subjects has additional
Through various school activities
hours and Islamic religious education,
participated in by all students, teachers,
which was originally only 2 hours in 1
principals, and administrative staff at
week, now it is 3 hours.
the school, planned from the beginning
An educator needs a method in
of the school year, included in the
carrying out the teaching and learning
academic calendar and carried out daily
process, so that teaching and learning
as part of the school culture. Examples
activities run dynamically because a
of activities that can be included in the
dynamic atmosphere in the teaching and
school program are reading Asma'ul
learning process will have a very good
Husa, congregational midday prayers,
impact on students and teachers as
tahfidz al-Qur'an, and monthly
educators. The encouragement of
congregational dhikr activities.
achievement with an optimal teaching
Through extracurricular activities
and learning process, the 2013
and other activities that are participated
curriculum uses a scientific approach,
by all or part of the students, the school
known as the scientific approach.
is designed from the beginning of the
school year and included in the
4.3 Extra Curricular Activities
academic calendar. For example,
In the implementation of
visiting places that foster a sense of love
education in Islamic religious education
for the homeland, doing community
through extracurricular activities, The
service to foster social care and
implementation of extracurricular
solidarity (helping those who are
according to the researcher, is very good
stricken by disasters, repairing or
for the implementation of character
cleaning public places, helping clean up
education in Islamic religious education
places of worship).
Mas’at, Kepala SMP Negeri 1 Sigi,
“Wawancara”, tanggal 22 Juli 2019, di ruang Kepala Figure 2. Students raising donations
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 34

and character in shaping the character of

students is through learning evaluation.
Evaluation of the implementation
of character education in learning
Islamic religious education and
character in Government junior high
schools researchers refers to the theory
of Bridgman & Davis (2000: 130),
The implementation of character
namely: input (input), process (process),
building in Islamic religious education
output (result), and outcomes (impact).
and manners to form the religious
First, the input aspect, both
character is very appropriate. Students
students and teachers, the
are in an optimal state in carrying out
implementation of character education is
Islamic teachings, namely by praying
good. To be able to enter government
dzuhur, praying Dhuha Dhikr together.
junior high schools, you must follow
Moreover, in its implementation,
several stages, namely administration,
students are given the opportunity to
tests, and interviews. In addition, these
manage it. So from here, they have an
students are fully supported by their
independent nature. Then for the value
parents, who send them to government
of curiosity, students are more flexible in
junior high schools. The work programs
expressing their curiosity by holding
of government junior high schools,
mentoring and Islamic discussions.
including character education, are fully
Through this media, the researchers saw
supported by parents.
that their curiosity would be answered
This is in accordance with the
for students who followed, while for
results of interviews with
senior students, they would know better
Wakakurikulum saying that:
because they were required to guide
To enter government junior high
their younger siblings.
schools students must go through a
series of stages, including file
4.4 Evaluation of the Implementation of selection, tests and interviews. This
Islamic Religious Education and
activity is expected to get students
who have good character.26
Based on the results of the
The 2013 curriculum is a
interview above, it can be understood
curriculum designed to shape the
that to enroll at government junior high
character of students more through the
schools, students must follow several
learning process at school. Through this
stages of selection held by the school.
curriculum, it is expected to shape the
The goal is to find students who have
character of students according to the 18
predetermined characters. For this 26Harmawati, Wakases Kurikulum SMP
reason, the next step is to see how far the Negeri 1 Sigi, “Wawancara”, tanggal 25 Juli 2019,
influence of Islamic religious education di ruang wakasek kurikulum.

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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 35

the talent and ability to be further Islamic religious education, there are
developed in the future. two ways, namely intracurricular and
Then the input of Islamic religious extracurricular. According to the
education educators and character is researcher, the process of implementing
very good. This is because the character education in Islamic religious
educational qualifications of educators education and character education at
are in accordance with the Law on Government junior high schools has
Teachers and Lecturers, requiring a been going well. This can be seen from
minimum of S1. The teachers of Islamic the results of the process of learning
religious education and character at Islamic religious education subjects and
Government junior high schools are all manners, which are quite satisfactory.
undergraduate graduates from the The process of implementing
Islamic religious education program. character building in Islamic Religious
Then from example, Islamic religious Education and Character Education at
education teachers at Government junior Government junior high schools begins
high schools can be a good example for with learning planning, namely by
students. compiling a syllabus and lesson plan.
Educators and staff at Government After planning, it is continued with the
junior high schools have at least a implementation of character education
bachelor's degree in education, and in Islamic religious education. In the
some have a master's degree, including process of implementing character
teachers of Islamic religious education education in Islamic religious education,
and character education. The there are two ways, namely
educational qualifications of teachers or intracurricular and extracurricular.
educators are very important in an According to the researcher, the process
institution such as a school, with a of character building in Islamic religious
background of knowledge under their education and character at government
control that will provide professional junior high schools, borrowing Thomas
and adequate services to students so that Lickona's term, character education
they can develop the character of contains three components, namely
students in a better direction. moral knowing, moral feeling, and
Second, the process. The process of moral action. The moral feeling aspect is
implementing character education in instilled through learning in the
Islamic religious education and classroom, while the moral feeling and
character education at Government moral action are instilled in the
junior high schools begins with learning classroom and outside the classroom. Of
planning, namely by compiling a the three components, according to the
syllabus and lesson plan. After planning, researcher, the moral aspect of action
it is continued with the implementation
of character education in Islamic
religious education. In the process of
implementing character education in
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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2021 36

must be carried out continuously In the process and results of the

through daily habituation.27 evaluation of character formation that
The problem is that learning has been carried out by teachers of
Islamic religious education and manners Islamic religious education and
at Government junior high schools is character education at government
only 3 hours face-to-face a week. As a junior high schools, it has been carried
result, in learning Islamic religious out well. This can be seen from the
education, children can be conditioned, eighteen character values proclaimed by
but when dealing with other teachers or the ministry of education, which have
community conditions that are different generally been implemented, although
from learning Islamic religious not comprehensively.
education and character, children's
attitudes can change.28 Therefore, 5. Conclusion
according to the researcher,
collaboration with all subjects is a must. The implementation of Islamic
Actually, there is no problem with other education learning and character
subject teachers because character shaping of students through the 2013
education at Government junior high curriculum at Government junior high
schools is already integrated. schools is carried out in several stages.
The results of the implementation Namely, the planning stages of Islamic
of character education in Islamic religious education learning which has a
religious education and character are few stages like the implementation of
good. This can be seen in terms of the Islamic religious education learning and
value of the subject, both in the stages of evaluating Islamic religious
understanding the material and in education learning at government junior
attitudes. The results of the researcher's high schools. The planning stage of
search for Islamic religious education learning Islamic religious education and
teachers at government junior high character at Government junior high
schools, the average score was 90, and schools were done by making a learning
his attitude got an A predicate. implementation plan (RPP) and syllabus
for Islamic religious education subjects.
Then in the stages of implementing
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