1) The document is a physics unit test covering various topics in units 3, 5, 9, and 10 such as magnetism, electromagnetic waves, modern physics, and semiconductor devices.
2) It contains multiple choice and numerical questions assessing concepts like the magnetic field due to different current carrying conductors, Maxwell's equations, atomic spectra, nuclear physics, and the working of communication systems and electronic devices.
3) The questions range from 1 to 5 marks testing basic definitions, derivations, explanations, calculations, and analytical problems.
1) The document is a physics unit test covering various topics in units 3, 5, 9, and 10 such as magnetism, electromagnetic waves, modern physics, and semiconductor devices.
2) It contains multiple choice and numerical questions assessing concepts like the magnetic field due to different current carrying conductors, Maxwell's equations, atomic spectra, nuclear physics, and the working of communication systems and electronic devices.
3) The questions range from 1 to 5 marks testing basic definitions, derivations, explanations, calculations, and analytical problems.
1) The document is a physics unit test covering various topics in units 3, 5, 9, and 10 such as magnetism, electromagnetic waves, modern physics, and semiconductor devices.
2) It contains multiple choice and numerical questions assessing concepts like the magnetic field due to different current carrying conductors, Maxwell's equations, atomic spectra, nuclear physics, and the working of communication systems and electronic devices.
3) The questions range from 1 to 5 marks testing basic definitions, derivations, explanations, calculations, and analytical problems.
1) The document is a physics unit test covering various topics in units 3, 5, 9, and 10 such as magnetism, electromagnetic waves, modern physics, and semiconductor devices.
2) It contains multiple choice and numerical questions assessing concepts like the magnetic field due to different current carrying conductors, Maxwell's equations, atomic spectra, nuclear physics, and the working of communication systems and electronic devices.
3) The questions range from 1 to 5 marks testing basic definitions, derivations, explanations, calculations, and analytical problems.
3 1) Magnetic field at a point due to 1) Force on current carrying conductor 1)define magnetic flux long straight conductor carrying in a magnetic field 2) state biot-savart's law current by biot-savart's law 2) force between on two parallel 3) Fleming left hand rule 2) Calculate magnetic field long current carrying conductors 4) Define one ampere's current carrying solenoid by 3) conversion of galvanometer in to 5) Define magnetic dipole moment. ampere's circuital law ammeter 6) State ampere's circuital law 3) special features of magnetic 4) conversion of galvanometer in to 7) is ammeter connected in series Lorentz force (pg-168, 7points) voltmeter or parallel in a circuit? Why? 4) Discuss construction and 5) Magnetic field at a point due to long 8) Velocity selector working of cyclotron straight conductor carrying current by 9) force on a moving charge in 5) calculate magnetic field at a ampere's circuital law magnetic field point axial line of bar magnetic 6) difference in magnetic and electric 10) what is meant by hysteresis? 6) calculate magnetic field at a field (pg 155, table) 11) give properties of dia, para and point equatorial line of bar 7) Compare the properties of soft and hard ferromagnetic materials magnetic ferromagnetic materials. 12) Meissner effect (pg 144, note) Ex: 3.10, 3.9, 3.1, 3.3 Ex: 3.11, 3.14, 3.19, 3.23 5 1) Write down Maxwell equations 1) What are Fraunhofer lines? How 1) What is displacement current? in integral form. are they useful in the identification of 2) What are electromagnetic 2) Discuss the Hertz experiment. elements present in the Sun? waves? 3) Write down the properties of 2) Write short notes on (a)microwave 3) Give two uses each of (i) IR electromagnetic waves. (b) X-ray (c) radio waves (d) visible radiation, 4) Explain the types of emission spectrum (ii) Microwaves and (iii) UV spectrum. 3) Explain the Maxwell’s modification radiation. 5) Explain the types of Aborption of Ampere’s circuital law. 4) Why are e.m. waves non- spectrum. 4)Discuss the Hertz experiment. mechanical? 5) Measuring the speed of light using the microwave oven Ex 5.1, 5.4 Ex 5.2, 5.3, 9 1) Explain the J.J. Thomson 1) Write the properties of cathode rays. 1) What is meant by excitation experiment to determine the 2) Write down the draw backs of Bohr energy. specific charge of electron. atom model. 2) Define the ionization energy and 2) Obtain expression of radius of 3) Give the symbolic representation of ionization potential. bohr orbit and also find its alpha decay, beta decay and gamma 3) What is distance of closest velocity. emission. approach? 3) Discuss the spectral series of 4) What are the constituent particles of 4) Define impact parameter. hydrogen atom. neutron and proton? 5) What is mass defect? 4) Obtain the law of radioactivity. 5) Derive the energy expression for an 6) Calculate the energy equivalent 5) Describe the working of nuclear electron is the hydrogen atom using of 1 atomic mass unit. reactor with a block diagram Bohr atom model. 7) What is meant by radioactivity? 6) Discuss the process of nuclear 6) Explain the idea of carbon dating. 8) Define curie. fusion and how energy is generated 9) What is meant by activity or in stars? decay rate? Give its unit.
Ex 9.15, 9.12, 9.10, 9.8, 9.7, 9.6, 9.1
10 1) Explain the construction and 1) Distinguish between avalanche 1) Define forbidden energy gap. working of a full wave rectifier. breakdown and Zener breakdown. 2) Why is temperature co-efficient 2) Explain the basic elements of 2) Give the Barkhausen conditions for ofresistance negative for communication system with the sustained oscillations. semiconductor? necessary block diagram. 3) Draw the circuit diagram of a half 3) What do you mean by doping? 3) State and prove De Morgan’s wave rectifier and explain its working 4) Why are NOR and NAND gates first and second theorem. 4) Transistor functions as a switch. called universal gates? 4) Describe the function of a Explain. 5) List the applications of light transistor as an amplifier with the 5) What is meant by biasing?Mention emitting diode. neat circuit diagram. Sketch the its types. 6) What do you mean by skip input and output wave forms. 6) neutrino properties distance? 7) Define barrier potential. 8) What is modulation? 9)Give the principle of solar cells. 10) What is rectification? 11) Relation between α
and β (pg no 221)