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PHINMA Education


PEN Code: GEN 005 Number of Hours: 3 hours per week

PEN Subject Title: The Contemporary World Prerequisite: None

A. Course Description:
This course leads students to understand that globalization in the
contemporary world is interconnected and that challenges brought about by
globalization would impact their understanding of themselves concerning the
society they belong to.

B. General Objectives of the Course:

Through an output-driven approach, the students will:
1. recognize different interpretations and approaches to globalization,
2. examine the emergence of global economic, political, social, and cultural
3. analyze the contemporary drivers of globalization,
4. understand the issues confronting the state of the nation
5. assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their

C. Subject Outline and Time Allotment


1 Orientation
2 Orientation
3 Introduction to Globalization MODULE 1
4 Globalization as Internationalization and Liberalization MODULE 2
5 Globalization as Westernization MODULE 3
6 Forms of Globalization (Part 1) MODULE 4
• Quiz
7 Forms of Globalization (Part 2) MODULE 5
8 Structures of Globalization MODULE 6
• The Global Economy
• Market Integration
10 The Global Interstate System MODULE 7
Contemporary Global Governance
11 Benefits of Globalization MODULE 8
• Foreign Direct Investment
12 Benefit of Globalization MODULE 9
• Technological Innovation
13 To RISKS of Globalization Interdependence, MODULE 10
-National Sovereignty, Equity distribution
14 Emergence of Economic System MODULE 11
• Quiz
15 Towards a Sustainable World: Sustainable Development MODULE 12
16 Towards a Sustainable World: Global Food Security MODULE 13
18 Global Geopolitics and Citizenship MODULE 14
19 Global Population and Mobility MODULE 15
20 Social Systems: Global Media Cultures MODULE 16
21 The Globalization of Religion MODULE 17
22 Technological Drivers of Globalization, Political Drivers of MODULE 18
• Quiz
23 Drivers of Globalization: Market and Cost and Competition MODULE 19
24 National issues: MODULE 20
• Corruption and Poverty
• Inefficiencies in Offices and Educational System
25 Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization MODULE 21

Grading System

The Final Grade is computed as follows:

Periodic Grades = 50% (Periodic Exam) + 30%(Quiz) + 20% (Daily Activities)
Final Grade = (1st x 0.33) + (2nd x 0.33) + (3rd x 0.34)

Contact Information

Teacher: _______________________________

Email address: __________________________

Contact Number: ________________________

GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

#Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Introduction to Globalization
Students’ Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: References:

1. define globalization; https://examples.yourdictionary.c

2. determine the importance of globalization; om/examples-of-

3. describe the three factors of globalization. globalization.html

A. LESSON PREVIEW (2 minutes)


Which of the following did you observe happening in the world?

______ Globalization is a sign of the growth in the economy.

______ Technology contributed a lot in globalization.

______ Cultures were transmitted globally.

Supposed you checked any of the statements above, what made you believe that globalization helped
countries in the world improve the lives of their people? If you did not observe any of them, what did you
observe otherwise?

In this module, we will learn the importance of globalization and how globalization affects the whole world
in terms of economy, technology, and culture. We will also know the contributors that helped the world
developed toward globalization. Your ideas/opinions on the topic are significant to know if you are also
included as contributors to globalization.

By the way, please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning
targets are your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet


Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let's move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Directions. In this activity, you need to read and underline or highlight keywords to keep in mind some
essential terms/words used in the presentation of the text.

What is globalization?

Globalization is growth on a worldwide scale. It is the process of integration and the international
influence of economies and cultures. It is an exchange of goods and an exchange of ideas and even
anti-terrorist protections.

What are the factors of globalization? What are the roles/contributions of these factors to
globalization? Some elements in globalization include economics, technology, and the blending of
cultures. These were the subjects of globalization all across nations.

Some factors of globalization are the following:

1. Globalization in Economics

Interdependence among international economies is a great starting point when seeking an

understanding of globalization. The more technology advances and the more transportation improves,
the more global outlets are revealed in different areas, such as reducing barriers to international
trades and reducing restrictions to movements of capital and investments. A greater number of goods
can be exchanged, and production methods can be improved. Here are some examples:

Multinational corporations operate on a global scale, with satellite offices and branches in numerous
locations. This means multinational companies can stay open virtually 24 hours a day and service
customers no matter where they're located.

Outsourcing can add to the economic development of a struggling country, bringing much-needed jobs
if a powerful organization can outsource its call center to a developing country, which creates a new
class of jobs for people who may not have had that opportunity otherwise.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

2. Globalization in the Blending of Cultures

New cultures are being transmitted when more people are traveling or exchanging goods. It is also
affected by open communication by internet, especially intermarriages coming from dating site meet-

While world economies benefit from globalization, the spread of new cultures is also affected. Christian
missionaries from Europe added to the globalization of Christianity. As they migrated from one country
to another, more and more people converted to a new spiritual way of living.

Improved travel facilitated the growth of globalization, as people moved for a better job or a better life.
Migrants also fled from danger or oppression. People can pack up all their belongings and have them
shipped anywhere in the world. Planes are faster, frequent, and, often, more affordable.

Food is another factor of globalization. Filipino or Korean food, for example, is certainly not only limited
to the Philippines or Korea. Instead, we can dine on Filipino and Korean delights in America, all across
Europe, and beyond.

3. Globalization in Technology

It's easy to argue that technology is a vehicle to globalization. Especially the use of internet, faster
mode of travel by air, land, and water, latest models of communication tools and medical equipment,
and life-saving drugs. The ability to access mountains of information online has opened countless
doors. Here are some examples of globalization, brought to us by the gift of technology:

Global news networks, like CNN, contribute to the spread of knowledge. Worldwide news is reported
almost instantly, if not via live broadcast, through continual updates to online news outlets.
Cell phones connect people all over the world like never before. There are many platforms through
which people can communicate too, including Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat,
Twitter, Hangout, etc.

Based on the factors that contributed to globalization, which was the major contributor to globalization?

Internet is a significant contributor to globalization, not only technologically but also in other areas,
like the cultural exchanges of art. Consider how we can enroll in online educational programs from
anywhere globally and access new information on virtually any topic.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of globalization based on your notes. In the
second box, give the facts/ characteristics of globalization. In the 3 rd box, you can list down some
examples of globalization. In the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples of globalization.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2: Answer the question below in your own words.

Question: Among the three factors, which is more important: globalization in economics, globalization
on blending of cultures, or globalization in technology?




Exercise 3: Read the statements below, and answer if it is True or False. Write your answer on the space
provided for.

_____ 1. Globalization is a sign of growth in the economy.

_____ 2. Globalization is the result of localization.

_____ 3. Internet is a great factor of globalization

_____ 4. Jollibee is not a global product.

_____ 5. Technology is a great contributor to globalization.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the essential positive aspect of globalization?

Answer: Based on my readings, one of the essential aspects of globalization is developing information
services or modern communications. With the use of technology and modern communications, the global
circulation of information is carried out in real-time via Internet tele-information systems. So businesses
can easily transmit their transactions to their counterparts in other countries. They can easily do business
with them.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Question 2: What is the negative aspect of globalization?

Answer: One article I have read says, “One of the negative aspects of globalization is the emergence of
global financial crises. It happened in 2008, wherein there was bankruptcy in one of the largest
investment banks in the world. Small banks merged with big banks so that they can maintain their
supremacy in the banking world.” With the merging or acquisition of these small banks it affected also
some productions or other factors from country to country looking for a cheaper workforce, and others
set up sales outlets in other countries. (Ex. Proctor and Gamble, the manufacturer of Colgate, soaps,
shampoo, etc.) They transferred their production of goods from the Philippines to other Asian countries
for a cheaper labor cost. Our economy is almost dependent on foreign aid, high import, low export, etc.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

Work Tracker

To end the session today, kindly answer the questions posted on the chart below to sum up your today’s
learning experience. I am hoping to get your honest answer.

What are the challenges/difficulties you encountered in learning this lesson? If none, which part of the topic
did you find interesting that helped you understand the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:




Answer to Exercise 1– see TG.

A Rubric will be used in checking the answers to essay questions.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 3:
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 7

GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Globalization as Internationalization and Materials:

Liberalization Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: At the end of the module, the students should
be able to:
1. know the results of the process of Internationalization;
2. differentiate Internationalization and Liberalization.


Good Day! How are you doing? Are you excited to know our topic for today? Today, we will discuss
Internationalization and Liberalization. Like Globalization, Internationalization is also a process to be
performed based on international standards. The effort of improvising own domestic labor, natural resources
to compete with the global market. While in Liberalization, we will learn how we became independent as a
nation. Still, with Globalization, we became interdependent with one another.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. Before we proceed to
our topic today, which is a continuation of our last lesson meeting, let's review what you have learned from it.

Direction: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct,
and write False if it is incorrect.

_______1. In Globalization, there is an exchange of goods and ideas.

_______2. Internet is a major contributor to Globalization.
_______3. Globalization is the process of integration and the international influence of economies and
_______ 4. Cultures were transmitted globally.
_______5. In Globalization, enforcement of barriers to international trades, and restrictions to movements
of capital and investments.

You may check the correct answers for this activity on the last page. How many correct answers did you get?
Again, do not worry if you did not get a perfect score. Now let us continue doing the next set of activities.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet


Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Directions. In this activity, you need to read the article below about Internationalization and
Liberalization. You can underline or highlight keywords to keep in mind some essential terms/words
used in the text. You may also do note-taking for easy access/reference to what you have just read and

What is Internationalization?

Globalization is an economic process that aims to integrate countries' economies globally,

internalization acts the same as Globalization, improvising the local economy, leading to its growth
and expansion of businesses across other countries.

Internationalization is related to a firm's movement overseas, artists performing overseas,

Filipinos working overseas. At the same time, Globalization is the rapidly growing integration of
communication, finance, culture, and political ideology. Although, Internationalization is the process
that results in Globalization as firm movements could be the cause of Globalization.

There is a substantial difference between Globalization and Internationalization.

Internationalization is to perform at the international standards with our domestic labor, natural
resources to compete for the global market. It is an effort with own nation's national labor, capital, and
resources by operating in domestic and an international market. Still, Globalization is to integrate the
economies with integrity and unity globally to use other nations' labor, capital, and resources to reach
the best results.

Filipinos are trained to be globally competitive professionals. They can work worldwide and
bring their culture and skills with them, like Nurses, Engineers, Doctors, Teachers, Architects, Pilots,
Domestic Helpers/Nannies, Cruise ship Crew, Law Enforcement, etc. They are part of the International
labor market.
After hitting 1000 stores locally, Jollibee started to go international by putting up store branches
in key cities of the world where Filipinos live. Another one is McDonald's, which started as a fast-food
chain inside the U.S. military bases in the Philippines catering to the Americans who live and work
inside Clark Airbase in Angeles City, Pampanga, and Subic Naval Base Olongapo City, Zambales. After
the bases closed down in 1991 and transferred to the Philippine government, the store chain inside
the bases started to put up branches all over the Philippines and was patronized by Filipinos.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

What are the differences between Globalization and Internationalization?

There are some differences between the two, which are very important to distinguish the role
of the two in supporting nations toward Globalization.

Key Differences between Globalization and Internationalization

1. Globalization is the result, while Internationalization is one of the tools/processes to achieve


1. Globalization is more with the nations and their economies. At the same time,
Internationalization is more related to the local individual, firm, and corporations for doing
up their businesses.

2. Globalization is a process, and Internationalization is part of the same.

3. Significant factors that affect Globalization are infrastructural and logistics setup,
telecommunications, etc. In contrast, Internationalization gets affected by cultural tastes
and preferences, local traditions, etc.

4. The prominent example of Globalization is the Elimination of Visa Obligations, removing

tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, liberalizing investment-related obligations, etc. In
contrast, inter-nationalization is sourcing, producing, or selling materials or delivering
services from one or more countries, setting up branches and subsidiaries in other
countries, etc.

5. Globalization is an economic process as it aims to integrate the economies.

Internationalization is an improvisation process as it will expand the business across the

7. Organizations like International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, World Trade
(WTO), etc., observe and work to implement Globalization. At the same time, institutions like
the European Union (EU), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), North Atlantic Free
Trade Agreement NAFTA, etc., boosts Internationalization.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

What is Liberalization?

Let's say I have the freedom to do what I wanted to do. Can I call that Liberalization, or am I being
liberated? Yes, because there are no more restrictions to what you want to do in your life. How does a
liberated person speak and behaved? What is allowed or not allowed? There is no restriction; they can
talk things out without any limits, no one dictates what to say and do. There is no regulation and policy
imposed and rules that need to be strictly followed. There is relaxation in some policies and regulations.

Liberalization generally refers to removing restrictions; usually, government rules and regulations
are imposed on social, economic, or political matters. It is a process whereby a state lifts restrictions
on some private individual activities. Liberalization occurs when something which used to be banned
is no longer prohibited or when government regulations are relaxed. Liberalization generally relates
to activity within a certain country as a result of modernization and development. Some countries
offer visitor visas upon entry into the country; many countries are visa-free. Liberalization is a
process of removing government-imposed restrictions on the movements between nations to create
an "open and borderless" world economy.

What are Globalization and Liberalization?

Globalization and Liberalization are concepts closely related to one another. Both Globalization
and Liberalization refer to relaxing social and economic policies that result in better integration with an
economy and between nations.

Globalization is the greater integration among countries and economies for trade, economic,
social, and political benefits. This increased interdependence, in the end, will also eliminate war-related
situations, which ultimately leads to harmony among the nation. Free trade, specialization, and global
integration mean that countries are free to trade.

Globalization and Liberalization

Globalization and Liberalization are concepts closely related to one another. Both Globalization
and Liberalization refer to relaxing social and economic policies that result in better integration with an
economy and between nations.

Globalization is the greater integration among countries and economies for trade, economic,
social, and political benefits.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

Barriers to a Free Philippine Press

The government affirms that press

freedom in the country is guaranteed.
According to Presidential spokesperson Harry
Roque, “The (Philippine) media remains alert
and vibrant in their reportage of the
government and the actions of officials.” This
is contrary to Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF)
2021. World Press Freedom Index which
ranked the Philippines 138th out of 180
countries, indicating that the country’s press
freedom is in a “difficult situation.” In this lesson we will find out why the Philippine press ‘seems free but
not free’. You can go to to find information more about the country you
want to know about.

This is the six criteria used by RSF in the qualitative part of their methodology for the WPF Index. RSF
combines this qualitative analysis with quantitative data on abuses against journalists during the period

• Pluralism: the degree to which opinions are represented in the media

• Media Independence: the degree to which the media are able to function independently of
sources of political, governmental, business and religious power and influence

• Environment and Self-censorship: the environment in which news and information providers

• Legislative Framework: impact of the legislative framework governing news and information

• Transparency: transparency of the institutions and procedures that affect the production of
news and information

• Infrastructure: the quality of the infrastructure that supports the production of news and

• *Abuses: level of abuses and violence against the press

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Globalization as Internationalization and
Liberation based on your notes. In the second box, give the facts/ characteristics of globalization. In the
3rd box, you can list down some examples, in the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2: In this activity, list down five examples of each of local products, culture, or persons that go

1. Products: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Person : ______________________________________________________________________

3. Local culture: __________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Read the statements below, and answer if it is True or False. Write your answer on the space

_____ 1. Globalization is the result of Internationalization.

_____ 2. Trade is the least factor of Globalization.
_____ 3. Internationalization is related to a firm's movement overseas.
_____ 4. Internationalization is a process that resulted in globalization.
_____ 5. Globalization is a process that aims is to disintegrate the economies of the countries in the
_____ 6. Internationalization is the process that results in Globalization.
_____ 7. Internationalization is an improvisation process as it will lead to the expansion of the business
across the nations.
_____ 8. Organizations like International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, World Trade Organization, etc.,
observed and worked to implement Globalization.
_____ 9. Global integration means that nations are not free to trade. Free trade, specialization, and global
integration mean that nations are free to trade.
_____ 10. Institutions like the European Union (EU), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), North
Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, etc., support and boost Internationalization.
_____ 11. Liberalization is the implementation of restrictions on human activities.
_____ 12. Philippine Passport is not accepted anywhere in the world visa-free.
_____ 13. Same-sex marriage is allowed in all countries.
_____ 14. Legalizing marijuana as medicine is very bad for chronically ill persons.
_____ 15. Being liberal-minded person, you can freely do what you want to do.

Check your answers against the Key to Correction found at the end of the SAS. Write your score on your paper.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. In enhancing our education system, how can we connect it to Internationalization?

Answer: Education is also an essential factor in Globalization and internalization. Countries all over the world
are moving forward toward the enhancement of their educational system. They are making sure that they can
produce professionals adaptable to changes. So that they can compete globally and quickly enter not only in
national but also in the international market. In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education is doing
its best to innovate constantly. The curriculum managers are redesigning the curriculum tailored to the needs
and demands of the national and international market. Hiring qualified teachers is also necessary to enable
the schools to produce the best professionals. They can contribute to giving quality education, not to mention
the training provided to them and the modern facilities they will be used to cause students to learn.

Question 2. What are the disadvantages of social Liberalization?

Answer: The disadvantages of social Liberalization were brought by the relaxation of some laws about the
society. This brings a new platform in the community before Globalization. Globalization influences social
Liberalization, and countries became adaptable to change and innovations, which affects the attitudes and
behavior of the people in the society. Take, for example, in the union of marriage; other countries practice
same sex marriage. Parents nowadays are now relaxing their restrictions on their child/children choices,
especially in an early relationship resulting in early marriages and or indulging themselves in pre-marital sex.
People can do things freely without any restrictions and inhibitions.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
To end the session today, kindly answer the questions posted below to sum up your today's
learning experience. I am hoping to get an honest answer.

What are the challenges/difficulties you encountered in learning the content of this lesson? If none, which
part of the topic did you find interesting that helped you learned and met the learning targets?

Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this lesson is/are:


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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

Please answer this tracker; this will remind you of the things you learned and accomplished today.

What contributed to the

quality of your
What module# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Job well done! You have reached the end of this lesson.

Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False
For the Exercise 1 - see TG
The rubric will be used in checking open-ended questions.

Example of Products
1. agricultural products: timber, vegetables, fruits, farm products, locally produced commercial
products, etc.
2. Person, Professionals: doctors, nurses, teachers, artists, engineers, architects, skilled labor
1. Local Culture: food, clothing, beliefs, traditions, music, language, religion, games/sports, etc
Activity 5
1. True 6. True 11. False
2. False 7. True 12. False
3. True 8. True 13. False
4. True 9. False 14. False
5. False 10. True 15. True

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 2 Student Activity Sheet

The rubric will be used in checking open-ended questions.

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 1

GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Globalization as Westernization
Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be References:

able to:
1. differentiate Globalization from Westernization; es-globalization-equal-
2. explain the effects of Westernization on Economy and westernization/


Introduction (2 min)

Hi! How are you today? I'm sure you are excited to hear about our lesson today. Because, we will be
discussing Westernization as part of Globalization, which many believe is responsible for new developments of
technologies and other innovations and an influencer to many countries in the world. We will be discussing
some concepts about Westernization as related to Globalization. Third world countries were able to adopt the
system of government which includes, politics, economies, education, religion, language, beliefs, and traditions.
Other aspects like innovations and other changes that occurred brought by some developments will also be
discussed. Are you ready?

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. Before we proceed to
our topic today, let us see your learning from the previous lesson.

Direction: Read each statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct
and false if it is incorrect.
_____ 1. Trade is the least factor of Globalization.
_____ 2. Internationalization is related to a firm's movement overseas.
_____ 3. Internationalization is a process that resulted in Globalization.
_____ 4. Globalization is a process that aims is to disintegrate the economies of the countries in the
_____ 5. Liberalization is the implementation of restrictions on human activities.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on paper.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #3 Student Activity Sheet


Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

What do you know about Westernization? Of course, when you talk of Westernization, we need to
consider Globalization where this thing happens. Because of Globalization, western countries could
transmit their ideas, beliefs, and practices, which were adopted by other countries, for example, politics,
economy, technology, industry, and culture. International trade was freely conducted, and other
countries enjoy the benefits of the goods and services produced and business worldwide. The cultural
transformation happened, wherein Other societies adopt western ideas on things. How do western
people speak and behave? Have you seen a native Aeta that can speak perfect English and eat only
steak, fries, and pizza and drink red wine? How does it feel to meet a foreigner and try your best to speak
English, and they answer in Tagalog? That's a Foreignoy; he is adopting the local Filipino culture.

Globalization is the greater integration among countries and economies for trade, economic, social,
and political benefits.

Westernization, the adoption of the practices and culture of western Europe by societies and countries
in other parts of the world, whether through compulsion or influence. Westernization reached much of
the world as part of the process of colonialism and continues to be a significant cultural phenomenon as
a result of globalization.

Westernization began with traders, colonizers, and missionaries from western Europe who believed that
their way of life was superior to those of the peoples in the countries to which they traveled. The
occupied peoples were required or encouraged to adopt western European business practices,
languages, alphabets, and attire. They were also encouraged to assume western European education
systems, literary and artistic standards, and to convert to Christianity. Many countries had Western
types of government and military practices imposed on them.


Westernization has greatly affected our traditions, customs, family, and our love and respect for others.
The strong family ties between Filipino members are eroding. The respect for elders is diminishing,
hence the need for a home for the aged in the Philippines. Prostitution yields so many babies fathered
by western men given for adoption by many prostitutes working in the Philippines' red-light districts.

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Module #3 Student Activity Sheet


Western civilization has brought good things, too, most especially in the form of modern medicine.
Central cooling is excellent if you live in an unsuitable climate. You can eat the abundance of food
simultaneously in the starving world due to food cropping and food preservation. You are traveling by
air, land, and water in the fastest possible way because of technology in building ports, airports, and


1. Westernization is a cultural transformation whereby other societies adopt western ideas. Usually, it is
associated with capitalism, freedom of thought and expression, and more and more with American
cultural entertainment and lifestyles. At the same time, Globalization, on the other hand, refers to closer
integration of people in both cultures and more practical concerns like transport and products.

Both terms are relatively vague and open to interpretation, so it is easy to see how people get confused.
Given the pervasiveness of the US's "Western" ideas globally, other countries that open themselves up
to that world are bound to get a mixture of Globalization and Westernization together.

For example, suppose you ask your friends here in the Philippines what they think of Westernization. In
that case, they'll point to the nearest McDonalds, KFC, or Kobe Bryant, or Nike shoes or something like

On the other hand, Globalization refers to closer integration of people in both cultures and more
practical concerns like transport and products. Inevitably, there is some overlap with Westernization.
Still, it's easy to see that people will be confusing it with Filipinization or Arabianization or Sinozation
(Chinese) instead of in a few decades. Some are the examples:

1. Houses in Asia are supposed to be built tropical style with wide-open windows and open ground
floors to make way for floods to just pass. But houses now were patterned after Western styles, so little
windows make it so hot, and it was run over when the flood came.

2. Celebrations in the Philippines were dominated by Chinese and American cultures, from gowns, food
array and events places, firecrackers, etc.

3. Academic dreams: Filipinos take courses needed in Western countries, so after graduation, they
dream of working in the USA or any country in Europe, not here at home. We need farmers, agricultural
engineers, and agricultural business people because the Philippines is an agrarian state.

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How did Filipinos become so westernized?

The Philippines was colonized by Spain (European Kingdom) in 1565 and the United States of America
(western country) in 1898, so Filipinos adopted Spanish culture for 333 years. We learned Roman
Catholic religion from Spain and human rights violations that led to a revolution in 1896. Spain sold the
Philippines, Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico to the United States in 1898 for 20 Million dollars. The United
States gave the Philippines every system we have today; Education and Culture, Hygiene, Sanitation and
Health care, Agriculture, Public Works and Engineering, Government and Politics, Entertainment,
Building Codes, Military Officers' schools, and Police system. The United States makes Filipinos their
Little Brown Brothers that speak English and accept everything the USA told us to do and say until we
were granted Independence in 1946. Filipinos mostly have the American dream. So we took up courses
which will give us a chance to go to the USA. We get our colonial mentality, thinking that anything
imported from western countries is better than what we have here locally. These two western countries
gave us mixed cultures. They improved the genetic stock of Filipinos, so we Filipinos were so good-
looking and intelligent. We are also the third-largest English-speaking nation outside America. Are you
one of those?

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Let's do it again. Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____ 1. Westernization is the removal of restrictions on human activities.

_____ 2. Philippine Passport is accepted in all western countries visa-free.
_____ 3. Same-sex marriage started as Western culture and was adopted by almost all countries in the
_____ 4. Legalizing marijuana as medicine is a western solution to help chronically ill persons.
______5. Westernization greatly affects other country's traditions, customs, families, and our love and

respect for others.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your
paper. How many correct answers did you get? I hope you did find this activity helpful.

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Exercise 2: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Globalization as Westernization based on your
notes. In the second box, give the facts/ characteristics. In the 3rd box, you can list down some examples
and in the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. Is it true that legalizing marijuana as medicine is a western solution to help

chronically ill persons?

Answer: Based on some research and other articles I read, some western countries are up to legalizing
marijuana, a medicinal plant to help treat symptoms of illness and other conditions. A report mentioned, “the
scientific study of the chemicals in marijuana, called cannabinoids, has led to two FDA-approved medications
that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. Continued research may lead to more cures. It led to two FDA-
approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. However, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has not recognized or approved the marijuana plant as medicine.

Question 2. Is same-sex marriage originated in Western countries?

Answer: Yes, Gay marriage was first legalized in the Netherlands in 2000, and the Netherlands is part of
Western Europe. Before legalizing same-sex marriage, Denmark was the first country to recognize same-sex
couples as domestic partners and is also part of Western Europe. Twenty-nine (29) countries out of 195
countries passed laws allowing gay marriage. UK legalized it in 2013 and the US in 2015. Other countries
followed the same practice of gay or same-sex marriage.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the question below and give your
honest answer to it.

What are the challenges/difficulties you encountered in learning the lesson? If none, which part of the topic
did you find interesting that helped you learned and met the learning targets?

Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:


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Please answer this tracker; this will remind you of the things you learned and accomplished today.

What contributed to the

quality of your
What module# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve


Lesson Review:

1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False

Exercise 1:
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True

Proposed answer to Exercise 1 – see TG

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #4 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Forms of Globalization: Part 1

Materials: Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: After this module, the students should be
able to
1. describe the forms of Globalization;
2. differentiate the forms of Globalization.


Introduction (2 min)

Good day! Did you still remember our lesson last meeting? What did you remember about it? Of course,
we discussed Westernization. We learned that Westernization was the influence brought by the European
countries that colonized the country. The past lessons related to Globalization were also part of today's lesson,
the Formation of Globalization, part 1. Have you ever wondered why the Philippines is a member of ASEAN,
APEC, and the United Nations? What are these international organizations for? Today we will be talking about
the Globalization of the economy, finances, and politics as part of the formation of Globalization. Are you now
Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. Before we proceed to
our topic today, let’s see your learning and understanding of the previous lesson by answering the questions

Lesson Review
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is incorrect.
_____ 1. Westernization is the removal of restrictions on human activities.

_____ 2. Philippine Passport is accepted in all western countries visa-free.

_____ 3. Same-sex marriage started as Western culture and was adopted by selected countries.

_____ 4. Legalizing marijuana as medicine is a western solution to help chronically ill persons.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

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Module #4 Student Activity Sheet


Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

What do you know about Westernization? Of course, when you talk of Westernization, we need to
consider Globalization where this thing happens. Because of Globalization, western countries were able
to transmit their ideas, beliefs, and practices adopted by other countries, such as politics, economy,
technology, industry, and culture. International trade was freely conducted, and other countries enjoy
the benefits of the goods and services produced and business worldwide. The cultural transformation
happened, wherein Other societies adopt western ideas on things.


1. Economic Globalization
The concept of Globalization as a whole is mainly economic. Globalization has emerged and developed
largely as an economic concept and system. Economic Globalization is the financial connection of a
country with the global economic system. Globalization in the economic field is free economic adoption.
This removes the regulatory rules imposed on a country's economic affairs and exposes the domestic
economy to the world.

Features of Economic Globalization

Prominent economist Peter Drucker in his New Realities, discusses the economic features of
Globalization. They are:

• Due to Globalization, international organizations have spread globally to make the entire world a
mere production and product-service market.
• The main objective of the global economy is to maximize the market.
• Investment in the globalization process has become a trade, not an investment in the trade.
• Due to Globalization, the power to make decisions is transferred from the national state to the
regional alliances.
• In the globalization economy, the management system dominates as a component of
• The transaction of money mainly drives globalization. Again, the existence of an individual
response to these financial transactions is seen. Unproductive foreign capital creates adverse
effects on the global market.
• In economic Globalization, there is a process of almost spontaneous lending, finance, and
investment throughout the world. Information beyond the borders of the national state
organizes this process.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #4 Student Activity Sheet

2. Political Globalization
Political ideology is often referred to as one of the characteristics of Globalization. That is, the
expression of Globalization also occurs in political ideology.

The transformation of liberalism is called an example of political ideology in the process of

Globalization. Moreover, the emergence, development, and expansion of Non- Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) as an expression of political Globalization; The role of the national states is to
refer to the part of climate change and so on.

The expression of political Globalization has occurred in international organizations. All these
organizations exceed the national boundaries. Extending the edges of the single state of the
international organization extends to the global sphere of many states.

There are many and many international organizations in the present world. Most of these were formed
in the aftermath of World War II. Notable examples of this are the United Nations Organization (UNO),
the European Economic Community (EEC), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and
the World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.

Theoretically, nation-states can take the initiative in organizing international organizations in a coherent
and organized manner without sacrificing their sovereignty. Transnational-state boundaries may force
international institutions to impose their will on states.

3. Financial Globalization

Financial Globalization can be linked with the rise of a global financial system with international and
monetary exchanges. Stock markets, for instance, are a great example of the financially connected
global world since when one stock market has a decline, it affects other markets negatively as well as
the economy as a whole.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Exercise 1: You need to answer the question in your own words. If you will be given a chance to have
money for investment, would you choose the Stock market? Yes/No/Why?



In checking the answers, a rubric found at the end of this activity sheet will be used.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #4 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Forms of globalization based on your notes. In
the second box, give the facts/ characteristics. In the 3 rd box, you can list down some examples and in the
4th box, you can list down the non-examples.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What are the advantages of economic Globalization?

Answer: In the simplest way, economic Globalization is good because there is a mobilization of capital, goods,
services, and labor. Industrial countries that can produce more goods at a lower cost will sell them or distribute
them at a broader market abroad, especially in developing countries. Economies of other countries become
more interdependent because of the removal of barriers between borders so that trade will be facilitated to the
flow of goods, capital, services, and labor. Instead of producing goods, developing countries import or buy

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #4 Student Activity Sheet

goods from these countries because they will incur a higher cost of production if they produce these goods.
There is also a growth in international competition in the market.

Question 2. What are the disadvantages of economic Globalization?

Answer: This is the opposite; while developing countries enjoy low costs in acquiring goods and services from
other countries, there is a decline in wages and loss of jobs for workers. Industries will slow down in their
production because of the high cost of producing the goods and services. If they can import these goods at a
lower price, this would give them more profit than paying high wages, taxes, and other business permits.
Because of the removal of barriers between borders, trade facilitated the flow of goods, capital, services, and
labor. Sometimes, these factors hinder developing countries from continuing to operate and produce goods
and services.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker: Please answer this tracker; this will remind you of the things you learned and
accomplished today.

What contributed to the

quality of your
What module# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the question below and give your
honest answer to it.

What are the challenges/difficulties you encountered in learning the lesson? If none, which part of the topic
did you find interesting that helped you learned and met the learning targets?


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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:


Lesson Review
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True
Exercise 1 will be checked with a rubric
Proposed answer to Exercise 2 -refer to TG

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Forms of Globalization- Part 2

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: https://schoolofpoliticalscience.c
1. explain the effects of forms of globalization; om/what-are-the-5-types-of-
2. differentiate forms of globalization. globalization/


Introduction (2 min)
Hello! Good Day! How are you feeling? Are you ready for our new lesson today? Today’s topic is part 2
of the lesson we discussed at the last meeting. What did you remember about part 1? We discussed Forms of
Globalization, where we talked about three essential things: economic globalization, financial globalization,
and political globalization. We learned the advantages and disadvantages of economic globalization, how these
change our economy. The past lessons related to globalization were also part of today's lesson, the Formation
of Globalization Part 2. Today we will be discussing the advantages of military, cultural, and environmental
globalization, finances, and politics as part of the formation of globalization part 2. Are you ready? Let’s start
Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review: Read the statement, write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is incorrect.
_____1. In financial globalization, there is a high integration of global financial markets.
_____2. Political globalization refers to the growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and
_____ 3. Financial globalization refers to activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of the
government worldwide.
_____ 4. Trade blocs were made by political globalization to spread ideologies like democracy, protect
human rights, etc.
_____ 5. Stock markets are example of the financially connected global world.
You may check the correct answers for this activity on the last page of the activity sheet. How many correct
answers did you get?

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Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

What do you know about the other forms of globalization like military, cultural and environmental?
How do these factors affect the country as a whole? The government and society adopted western ideas in
terms of military, culture, and environment. Since we discussed part 1 already, let's continue with part 2 today.
So, what are the other forms of globalization? We have here three different states, which are: military, cultural,
and environmental.

Military globalization is defined as the process which embodies the growing extensity and intensity of
military relations among the political units of the world system. It reflects both the expanding network of
worldwide military ties and relations, as well as the impact of key military technological innovations
(from steamships to satellites), which over time, have reconstituted the world into a single geostrategic

Military globalization implies firmer integration of armed forces around the world into the global military
system. It is characterized by extensive as well as intensive networks of military force. The most obvious
example of military globalization is the nuclear age and the proliferation of weapons of mass

Cultural Globalization is the process of cultural globalization and is also sometimes called
McDonaldization. Cultural globalization is how a world-class of goods, ideas, and information is
produced in one part of the world. As a result, cultural differences between different races, regions, and
individuals are removed.

The emergence and development of international or multinational companies and the emergence of
global goods have partly driven globalization. The revolutionary growth and expansion of information
technology, the expansion of satellite-based communication systems, the Internet, the
telecommunication infrastructure, and various global media corporations are highlighting the process of

However, as culture helps globalization, so does obstruction. As the elements or forces of globalization
are enriched by culture, so is resistance. Hollywood movies are screened worldwide, Adidas sports
goods are sold around the world. The Coca-Cola market is worldwide. McDonald's has demanded the
world's fast-food market; such products are many and varied worldwide. But all these international
brands have to do with the dignity of local culture and the touch of social customs.

Environmental Globalization refers to internationally coordinated practices and regulations in the

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Module #5 Student Activity Sheet

form of international treaties regarding environmental protection. The growth of globalization and its
impact on the global environment is an essential concern to the world.

According to some environmentalists, there is no doubt that the tide of development that has come
under the influence of globalization is polluting the environment. To them, globalization increases our
consumption of many products made through natural resources, affecting the ecological cycle very

Many think that industrialization is part of globalization, and industrialization has been increasing with
the help of globalization. Due to industrialization, harmful chemicals have been thrown into the
environment, affecting the environment dangerously. It can be easier to understand with an example.
2nd December in 1984, in India, an accident occurred at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal (the
capital city of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh).

This plant accidentally released almost 30 tons of highly toxic gas called methyl isocyanate and other
poisonous gases. The gases were spread throughout its surrounding town populated with 600 000
people. Those gasses affect them very severely; around 15000 people founded death. Until now, those
who directly or indirectly but alive have given birth to mentally or physically challenged children.

Criminal globalization poses severe challenges to national and global security. It includes trans-border
crimes, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, prostitution, alien smuggling, arms trafficking, and

Crimes of globalization, or transnational crimes, are crimes that are committed across national borders.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism in its neighboring countries, trade has
expanded globally. With it, the crime that so often accompanies large flows of money.

Transnational criminals have been one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalization." Globalization
facilitates international trade and increases the difficulty of regulating global trade; traffickers and
smugglers have exploited this. This has allowed illicit actors to launder the proceeds of crime more

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Exercise 1: Let's do it again. Read the statement, and answer it with True or False
_____ 1. The nuclear age and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is military globalization.
_____ 2. People move all the time, too, mixing and integrating different societies and their cultures.
_____ 3. Poorest countries that have been polluting the least will suffer the most from climate change.
_____ 4. Globalization is beneficial for international criminals.
_____ 5. Terrorists and criminals avoid the use of the instruments of globalization to achieve their

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I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 2: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Forms of globalization based on your notes. In
the second box, give the facts/ characteristics. In the 3rd box, you can list down some examples and in the
4th box, you can list down the non-examples of globalization.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Exercise 3: If you will be given a chance to serve the country, which unit would you like to join in the
Armed Forces of the Philippines and why?



Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on paper.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural globalization?

Answer: Each country has its own culture, which pertains to the way people do things and their values and
beliefs. Because of globalization, culture was also included as adopted by other countries who visited other
countries also. The transmission was effortless because culture can be shared and transmitted to other people,
even with new acquaintances. The disadvantage of this is the increase of people traveling/living in different
countries, thereby causing the imitation of these cultures from other countries. Example: Before globalization,
many countries would not allow females to acquire education, and even if they did, they were supposed to do
jobs such as teaching or nursing and other related jobs for women. Now countries worldwide have adopted
American culture even in the way they carry out business. Cultural clash/difference may happen in communities
from both developed and developing countries.

Question 2. Is the Visiting Force Agreement (VFA) between the Filipino Army and the US Army part
of military globalization?

Answer: Answer: No! This is an agreement between the Philippines and the USA; it can't be said that it
became part of military globalization because the Philippines agreed with the US allowing them to train the
Philippine Armed Forces military tactics and strategies that can be used in a war against lawless elements or
local and international terrorism. Other countries were doing the same thing with their allied nations only, not
in all countries because there are sensitive issues tackled/addressed here, which should not be divulged to other
countries. The Philippines is one of the many allied countries of the USA.

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Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

What contributed to the

quality of your
What module# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Lesson Review: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True

Exercise 1: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False

Answer to Exercise 2– see TG.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Use rubric for checking the answers for essay/open-ended questions

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #6 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Global Economy and Market Integration Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: ld_economy
1. explain the types of market integration;
2. differentiate concepts of the global economy from market ets/what-is-vertical-integration-
integration. and-what-are-the-benefits-


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! How are you today! Again, welcome to Contemporary World! Are you ready for our new lesson
today? Today’s topic is about market integration in a globalized economy. The past lessons related to
globalization were also part of today's lesson, which is the market integration in the global economy. Today we
will discuss how the global economy works through these factors.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer the lesson review to check your understanding of the
lessons last meeting.

Lesson Review: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is
correct, and write False if it is incorrect.

______ 1. Developing countries with pollution will suffer the most from climate change.
______ 2. Part of military globalization is the nuclear age and weapons of mass destruction
______ 3. Globalization prohibited international terrorists from achieving their crime/terrorism goals.
______ 4. People move all the time, mixing and integrating different societies and their cultures.
______ 5. Terrorists and criminals used the instruments of globalization to achieve their objectives.

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Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Our topic for today is the global economy and market integration. Does anybody here know somebody
who became a millionaire because of his small business that gets bigger over the years? What is your idea of
how SM Supermalls became a big business firm out of the small shoe stall, and now SM is into banking,
Condominiums near their Supermalls everywhere? We also have other business tycoons that operate our very
own Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific International flights. What did they do in the business that made them
successful? We will learn about these through our topic today, which is market integration. Are you ready? Let’s

Market integration

Market integration refers to how easily two or more markets can trade with each other. Foreign trade
helps the Integration of markets because it reduces barriers to trade and increases fluidity between
markets. *For example, Facebook buys out WhatsApp and Instagram.

Reasons for market integration:

● To remove transaction costs

● Foster competition
● Provide better signals for optimal generation and consumption decisions.
● Improve the security of supply

Market integration occurs when prices among different locations or related goods follow similar
patterns over a long period. Groups of goods often move proportionally to each other. When this
relation is apparent among different markets, it is said that the markets are integrated. Thus, market
integration is an indicator that explains how much different markets are related to each other. A
marketer plays the role of an integrator in the sense that he collects feedback or vital inputs from other
channel members and consumers and provides product solutions to customers by coordinating
multiple organization functions.

What is market integration, for example?

1. Establish wholesaling facilities by food retailers and set up another plant by a milk processor.
2. Facebook buyout of Instagram and WhatsApp to have a bigger market for image sharing.

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Types of market integration

1. Horizontal Integration
2. Vertical Integration: Forward, Backward and Balanced Vertical Integration
3. Conglomeration

1. Horizontal Integration. This occurs when a firm or agency gains control of other firms or agencies
performing similar marketing functions at the same level in the marketing sequence
● In this type of Integration, some marketing agencies combine to form a union to reduce their effective
number and actual competition in the market.
● It is advantageous for the members who join the group.

Effects of Horizontal Integration

● Buying out a competitor in a time-bound way to reduce competition.

● Gaining a larger share of the market and higher profits.
● Attaining economies of scale. ● Specializing in the trade.

Advantages of Horizontal Integration

1. Lower costs. (2)Higher efficiency. (3)Increased differentiation. (4)Increased market power. (5)Reduced
competition. (6)Access to new markets. (7)Economies of scale. (8)Economics of scope. (9)International
trade. Examples: Companies using horizontal Integration: Hp, Compaq, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google

2. Vertical Integration. This occurs when a firm performs more than one activity in the sequence of
the marketing process. Example: San Miguel Purefoods says “from farm to platter goodies”; Apple

• It links two or more functions in the marketing process within a single firm or under single

• This type of Integration makes it possible to exercise control over the product's quality and
quantity from the beginning of the production process until the product is ready for the

• It reduces the number of mediators in the marketing channel. Example Meat industry buys all
the functioning plants needed for running this meat industry.

3. Forward Integration. Suppose a firm assumes another function of marketing that is closer to the
consumption function. In that case, it is a case of forwarding Integration. Example: wholesaler

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considering the role of retailing

4. Backward Integration. This involves ownership or a combination of sources of supply—for example:

when a processing firm assumes the function of assembling/purchasing the product from the villages.

5. Balanced vertical Integration The third type of vertical Integration combines the backward and the
forward vertical Integration.

Advantages of Vertical Integration

1. It allows you to invest in highly specialized assets.

2. It gives you more control over your business.
3. It allows for positive differentiation.
4. It requires lower costs of the transaction.
5. It offers more cost control.
6. It ensures a high level of certainty when it comes to quality.
7. It provides more competitive advantages.

Effects of Vertical Integration

• More profits by taking up additional functions

• Risk reduction through improved market co-ordination
• Improvement in bargaining power and the prospects of influencing prices
• Lowering costs through achieving operational efficiency

6. Conglomeration A combination of agencies or activities not directly related to each other may be
termed a conglomeration when it operates under unified management.


SM Group of Companies, Lucio Tan Group of Companies, Gokongwei Group of Companies, PHINMA
Group of Companies, Manuel Villar Group of Companies

Effects of Conglomeration

• Risk reduction through diversification

• Acquisition of financial leverage
• Empire–building urge.

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What are the effects of market integration?

Both producers and consumers gained, but welfare gains were inversely related to the size of the
country and positively to the level of openness to trade. We infer that welfare gains from international
market integration were equivalent to substantial shares of economic growth in the 'long 19th century.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Global Economy and Market Integration based
on your notes. In the second box, give the facts/ characteristics of globalization. In the 3 rd box, you can
list down some examples of globalization. In the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples of

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Exercise 2: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____ 1. The world economy or global economy is the economy of all humans of the world.

_____ 2. The system of trade and industry across the world emerged due to globalization.

_____ 3. Countries' economies have been developing to operate collectively as one system

_____ 4. Increasing costs through achieving operational efficiency

_____ 5. Integration of markets reduces trade barriers and increases fluidity between markets.

Exercise 3: Business tycoon like Gokongwei, Henry Sy and Lucio Tan has been making a lot of money

from conglomerates, do you think it is because they are Chinese and would you like to be one of them?





Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What are the effects of vertical Integration on the market?

Answer: There are benefits for companies to integrate vertically, including being more in control of their supply
chain, offering their goods at lower prices, and having increased market control. One factor is creating an
economy of scale. There is a reduction in the cost of production brought about, especially if the size of
production facilities increased. The larger the company gets, the more cost-effective it is to produce its goods
and services.

Question 2. What are the benefits consumer will get from vertical Integration?

Answer: Having a larger market share or marker power is the benefit of vertical Integration. When the two

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companies merged, they also combined the product-based technology and services available in the market.
With more products under one name, the new company can increase its position among consumers. Big
firms/companies pursue vertical Integration for the obvious reasons, the advantages it offers like having greater
control over the supply chain and offering lower prices with high-quality products to consumers while
increasing market control.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What module# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the question below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



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Lesson Review: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True
Answer for Exercise 1 See TG Frayer model
Exercise 2: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True
The rubric will be used in checking the answers to the essay questions.

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Global Interstate System: Contemporary

Global Governance Materials: Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: A the end of the module, students should be References:

able to: https://wiki/global/interstate-
1. explain the concept of the Global Interstate system;
2. describe the effects of global interstate system.


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! It’s nice to see you again. Welcome to Contemporary World! Are you excited to know what our
topic is today? What we have now is Global Interstate System: Contemporary Global Governance. Global
governance involves multiple states, including international organizations, with one state having more lead
roles than the rest. Countries worldwide are playing significant roles in the modern world system, and it is
structured politically as an interstate system – a system of competing and allying states. If you observed, some
countries are allied countries of some industrialized countries. So these countries with alliance will have an
interstate system as their political structure, competing with one another. Our topic for today is Global
Interstate System, and it t is the main focus of the field of International Relations. If you are not yet familiar
with the interstate system, you will understand the topic after this class. Are you ready now? Before we
proceed to our topic today, answer first the pretest below.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Directions: Read the statement carefully and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is
correct and write False if it is incorrect.

_____1. Global Interstate System is the whole system of human interactions, but there is no one in
_____2. An international tribunal is not needed in judging political leaders accused of international war
_____3. WTO's main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
_____4. World Health Org.’s objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of

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Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

_____5. The United Nation's main purposes are: Maintaining worldwide peace and security. Developing
relations among nations. Fostering cooperation between nations to solve economic, social,
cultural, or humanitarian international problems

Do not worry if you do not know the answer to some questions. We want to check your prior knowledge
of the lesson.


Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Why are some countries members of a particular association while others cannot be part of it? Why do
you think the United States is always to the rescue when the Philippines needs help, like Typhoon Yolanda? How
does it feel to have a best friend to your rescue from the International community when problems seem to be so
much like this Covid 19? Why do you think President Duterte is a friend of the Chinese President? What is that
friendship for? This modern world system is structured politically as an interstate system of competing and
allying states. Our topic for today is the Global Interstate System, and it t is the main focus of the field of
International Relations. Are you ready?

Global governance or world governance is a movement towards political cooperation among

transnational actors, aimed at negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or

The global Interstate System is the whole system of human interactions. The modern world-system is
structured politically as an interstate system of competing and allying states. Political Scientists
commonly call this the international system, and it is the main focus of the field of International
Relations. Why countries need to be in a good economic relationship with each other is evident due to

Institutions of global governance

1. United Nations – The United Nations is an international organization designed to make the
enforcement of international law, security, and human rights; economic development; and social
progress easier for countries worldwide. The United Nations includes 193 member countries and
two permanent observer entities that cannot vote. The UN Charter sets out four primary
purposes: Maintaining worldwide peace and security. Developing relations among nations.
Fostering cooperation between countries in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or
humanitarian international problems

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2. World Bank - The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly
referred to as the World Bank, is an international financial institution. The purposes include
assisting the development of its member nation's territories, promoting and supplementing
private foreign investment, and promoting long-range balanced growth in international trade.

3. International Criminal Court of Justice - The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an

intergovernmental organization and international tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. The ICC has
jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against
humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The establishment of an international tribunal
to judge political leaders accused of international crimes such as the Tokyo-Rome-Berlin Axis that
started World War II.

4. World Trade Organization - The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international
organization dealing with the global rules of trade. Its primary function is to ensure that trade
flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible. The WTO has six key objectives: (1) to set
and enforce rules for international trade, (2) to provide a forum for negotiating and monitoring
further trade liberalization, (3) to resolve trade disputes, (4) to increase the transparency of
decision-making processes, (5) to cooperate with other major international economic institutions
involved in global economic management, and (6) to help developing countries benefit fully from
the global trading system.

5. NAFTA - The North American Free Trade Agreement's purpose is to reduce trading costs, increase
business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace. The
agreement is between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

6. International Monetary Fund - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189
countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate
international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce
poverty worldwide.

7. World Health Organization - The WHO has multiple leadership priorities that include providing
access to universal health care, preventing infectious diseases, and researching factors that affect
health. The Organization's purpose is to direct and coordinate health for its signatory nations,
provide leadership and determine paths for research. WHO's main functions can be summed up
as follows: to act as a directing and coordinating authority on international health work, ensure
good and productive technical cooperation, and promote research—the objective of WHO is the
attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.

8. NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'s essential and enduring purpose is to
safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means. Collective

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defense is at the heart of the Alliance and creates a spirit of solidarity and cohesion among its
members. NATO is a formal alliance between the territories of North American and Europe. Its
primary purpose was to defend each other from the possibility of the communist Soviet Union
taking control of their nation from its inception.

These Institutions of global governance (The United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World
Bank, World Trade Organization, NAFTA, etc.) —tend to have limited or restricted power to enforce

Global governance involves multiple states, including international organizations, with one state having
more lead roles than the rest. The modern question of world governance exists in globalization and
globalizing regimes of power: politically, economically, and culturally. In response to the acceleration of
worldwide interdependence, both between human societies and between humankind and the biosphere,
the term "global governance" may name the process of designating laws, rules, or regulations intended
for a global scale. Global governance is not a singular system. There is no "world government," but the
many different regimes of global governance do have commonalities:

While the modern system of global political relations is not integrated, the relation between the various
regimes of global governance is not insignificant, and the system does have a common dominant
organizational form. The dominant mode of organization today is bureaucratic rational—regularized,
codified and rational. It is common to all modern political power regimes and frames the transition from
classical sovereignty to what is described as the second regime of sovereignty—liberal international

The term world governance is broadly used to designate all regulations intended for organization and
centralization of human societies on a global scale. The Forum for a new World Governance defines
world governance simply as "collective management of the planet."

Traditionally, the government has been associated with "governing," or political authority, institutions,
and, ultimately, control. Governance denotes a process through which institutions coordinate and
control independent social relations and can enforce their decisions. However, authors like James
Rosenau have also used "governance" to denote the regulation of interdependent relations in the
absence of an overarching political authority, such as in the international system. Some now speak of the
development of "global public policy." It shows that No country operates alone, just like No man is an
island. We are all interdependent in this world.

Importance of global interstate system

The most important feature of the interstate system is that it is anarchic. Unlike politics within states,
relations between states take place in a Hobbesian state of nature. Since an anarchic system is one in
which all states constantly face actual or potential threats, their main goal is security.

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Purposes of global, interstate system

1. Stimulate economic progress and world trade.
2. Providing a platform to compare policy experiences,
3. Seeking answers to common problems involving member states,
4. Identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members

How do leaders in the past could be compared to our global leaders today? Let us take a look
back at how the past President of our country ruled the Philippines.

How did President Ferdinand Marcos govern the Philippines?

It was believed that President Marcos ruled the country with his absolute and centralized power, or
dictatorship. What is a dictatorship? What is Martial Law?

Dictatorship - refers to the centralization of power to a single entity. The leader personifies the entire
political structure as/she rules without limitations. Dictatorship is historically related to performing
related to war. It is attributed to expediency and logistic efficiency. It ranges from autocracy to
totalitarianism. (Friedrich and Brzenzinski, 1966) (2012 Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking; Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung—Philippine Office)

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law
by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed
or in occupied territory. (

Rekindling the Past: Martial Law Days

More than 25 years since the EDSA People Power revolution that ended Martial Rule (1972-81) about
40 years ago, Filipinos – especially the young – seem to appear confused, misinformed, and indifferent
about the terrors of dictatorship during the martial rule and spirit and symbolism of the people power
revolution. The Marcoses are back in power (with Senator BongBong, Congresswoman Imelda and
Governor Imee). A House of Representatives resolution was passed with 193 signatories supporting the
burial of the former dictator in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes’ Cemetery). ( 2012 Center for Youth
Advocacy and Networking; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung—Philippine Office)

Declaration of Martial Law

On the evening of September 23, 1972, the late President Ferdinand Marcos appeared on national

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television to formally announce that the Philippines was under Martial Law. This began almost ten years
of military rule in the country. Marcos formally ended Martial Law on January 17, 1981. Still, it was not
until 1986 when democracy was restored – after the dictator and his family were forced into exile,
overthrown by a popular uprising that came to be known as the People Power Revolution.

When Marcos signed Proclamation 1081 on September 21, 1972, he cited the communist threat as
justification. His diary, meanwhile, said the proclamation of Martial Law became a "necessity," following
the supposed ambush of then defense secretary Juan Ponce Enrile. There were subsequent reports that
said the ambush was staged, with the Official Gazette citing Enrile's admission in 1986 that it was faked to
justify the imposition of Martial Law.

What happened under Martial Law?

Through various general orders, Marcos effectively put the entire government power under the rule of
one man: his own. He was to lead the nation and direct the operation of the whole government. He
ordered the armed forces to prevent or suppress any act of rebellion. Curfew hours were enforced,
group assemblies were banned, privately-owned media facilities were shuttered. Those considered
threats to Marcos – such as prominent politicians and members of the media – were rounded up and
arrested by members of the military and the notorious Philippine Constabulary. Some hail the discipline
and supposed order of the New Society, as Marcos called it, and considered that period as among the
"best years" of the Philippines.

Among the myths: that the Philippines enjoyed a golden age under the Marcoses. Various reports and
historical accounts debunk this;. At the same time, infrastructure spending indeed increased during that
period, it came at a staggering cost: plunging the Philippines in billions of dollars in debt. From $8.2
billion in 1977, the country's debt ballooned to $24.4 billion in 1982 – or within just five years. The
Marcoses also plundered the country's coffers, with various estimates putting the amount at between $5
billion to $10 billion.

The Presidential Commission on Good Government, the body, going after the Marcoses' ill-gotten wealth,
is still recovering this money; over the past 30 years, at least P170 billion have been recovered.

Aside from the billions in illegally amassed wealth, human rights abuses were rampant during those days.
According to Amnesty International, about 70,000 people were imprisoned and 34,000 tortured, while
3,240 were killed from 1972 to 1981. During this dark chapter of Philippine history, thousands of people
were subject to various forms of torture. Prisoners were electrocuted, beaten up, and strangled. They
were burned with a flat iron or cigars. Water was poured down their throats, then forced out by beating.
Women were stripped naked and raped, various objects forced into their genitals.

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Historian Alfred McCoy wrote about Marcos' elite torture units, whose specialty was psychological torture
and humiliation aside from the physical pain. It has been many years since then, but the victims have not
forgotten – especially as the Marcoses have neither acknowledged their crimes nor made reparations for
their sins. At the Supreme Court hearing on the proposed Marcos burial at the Heroes' Cemetery,
victims were asked to speak before the Court to recount their horrifying ordeals.

President Rodrigo Duterte’s Governance of the Philippines

His Promise of Real Change

On May 10, 2016, Rodrigo Duterte, then seventy-one years old, was elected President, winning 39 percent
of the vote in a five-way race. Charismatic, blunt, and frequently profane, Duterte combined a Dirty Harry
persona with a track record as a successful mayor of Davao City, Mindanao's largest city.

Within weeks of his inauguration as President of the Philippines in June 2016, Rodrigo R. Duterte became
the most internationally known Filipino leader since Ferdinand Marcos, the country's infamous dictator,
and Corazon Aquino, the iconic housewife-turned-president who championed the restoration of
democracy in 1986. A great deal of media attention has been paid to Duterte's murderous war on drugs
as well as to his often crass and controversial statements. His embrace of China and his visceral disdain
for the United States have garnered additional attention in foreign policy circles. He is frequently included
in media reports and scholarly articles on the rise of populism globally.

Key Concerns and Priorities

The Duterte government’s top priorities include combating illegal drugs and crime, promoting rapid
infrastructure development, sustaining economic growth and making it more inclusive, enhancing peace
and development in Mindanao, and reorienting the Philippines’ foreign relations. To support these goals,
the government has significantly increased spending on infrastructure, raised the salaries of government
employees, expanded existing social development programs, revived the stalled peace process with the
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), entered into
negotiations with the communist insurgents, and established a closer relationship with China.

Under President Duterte, progress on the political and security front has been mixed. This is largely due
to the May 2017 occupation of Marawi City, in Lanao del Sur province, by Islamist extremists affiliated
with the self-proclaimed Islamic State. It took five months of combat operations to regain control over the
extensively damaged city for the Philippine military. In response to the Marawi crisis, Duterte imposed
island-wide martial law, which remains in effect. The most significant accomplishment about Mindanao
was the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in July 2018. The BOL translates many of the

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provisions included in the 2014 peace agreement between the Aquino government and the MILF. Under
the BOL, a new political entity, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, would replace
the current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BOL is an important step forward, but multiple
challenges remain, including possible objections to its constitutionality, a forthcoming plebiscite
scheduled for late January and early February 2019, and the actual establishment of the new
autonomous entity.

Similarities of President Rodrigo Duterte’s and President Ferdinand Marcos governance

Many Filipinos believe that Ferdinand E. Marcos and Rodrigo R. Duterte have many things in common.
They shared the same insatiable drive for power with the ability to control and destroy democratic
institutions to achieve authoritarianism ultimately.

The varying methods of attaining their goals differ because of the different circumstances of their times.
Marcos's swift and sudden imposition of martial law in September 1972 caught flat-footed millions of
Filipinos. In one fell swoop, decades of democratic experiment abruptly ended. All media outlets were
closed down; thousands were arrested and detained; Congress was padlocked; the Supreme Court was
castrated, and the long night of oppression descended upon our land.

In a democracy, no one is supposed to be penalized for holding and expressing their political beliefs.
This latest episode thus begs the question: are we now under a dictatorship?

Similar strategy: Demobilizing traditional opposition through force

The demobilization of the opposition through force is often the distinguishing mark of a dictatorship.
Such demobilization also happens in democracies, but it is done through illegitimate or duplicitous,
coercive means in dictatorships. According to Mark R. Thompson in his (1995)book The Anti-Marcos
Struggle: Personalistic Rule and Democratic Transition in the Philippines, “Marcos demobilized much of the
traditional opposition by abolishing Congress; shuttering pro-opposition newspapers, radio stations, and
television stations; banning demonstrations; and imprisoning many leaders of the opposition.”

In almost one half of his term, similar developments have taken place: (i) while Duterte has not abolished
Congress, he has captured the legislature through a 'supermajority' in the House of Representatives and
the removal and weakening of opponents in the Senate, (ii) Duterte tried to "shutter" media institutions
such as Rappler, ABS-CBN and Inquirer (iii) Senator de Lima has been in jail for one and a half years and
Senator Trillanes’ arrest now seems forthcoming, and (iv) Duterte’s intervention in the Judiciary has also
been revealed in the ouster of Chief Justice Sereno through a quo warranto. Moreover, just like Marcos,
Duterte has been looking to the military and the police as a base of support.

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Both Marcos and Duterte also made/make use of "enemies" as mobilizing factors. Communists for
Marcos, drug users, and pushers for Duterte. Consolidating around enemies was/is the way by which
these leaders separate/d the grain from the chaff: those who did/do not acknowledge the (identified)
"enemies of the state" are also their (Marcos' and Duterte's) enemies.

In the regimes between Marcos and Duterte, demobilization of the opposition also happened. Still, it
came in capturing opposition forces hitherto through material inducements and political horse-trading
(e.g., pork barrel). What sets Duterte apart from these regimes and makes him more similar to Marcos is
his use of force to quell dissent and mobilize support.

All this has fostered a politics of fear and a culture of violence – exactly what Marcos built and what
Duterte is now rebuilding. In Marcos' time, this kind of politics and culture resulted in more than 70,000
imprisonments, 34,000 torture victims, and 3,240 deaths (as per Amnesty International). In Duterte's
time, the number is just as alarming: more than 20,000 deaths. The dominance of fear and violence
makes Duterte's regime a defacto dictatorship – even without the Marcos-style proclamation of Martial

Alexis Romero ( posted on January 16, 2017, the statement made by Chief Presidential Legal
Counsel Salvador Panelo regarding President Duterte from former President Ferdinand Marcos, who
placed the Philippines under Martial Law in 1972 supposedly to curb communist insurgency and other
threats. He also mentioned, "There are safeguards under the present Constitution. "Let us remember
that it is very out of the character of President Duterte to be abusive. That characterizes his service as
mayor and as President. He hates abuses," he added.

Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, Salvador Panelo, allayed fears sparked by President Rodrigo Duterte’s
recent statement on martial law, saying it is not within the chief executive’s character to abuse his
powers. Panelo stressed that the President would only declare martial law under certain conditions. He
added, "I think the message of the President is obvious. It is as he said, 'if.' It is when 'if' the situation. He
is telling us the reality on the ground. If it becomes virulent and if it is needed, then it is his duty —
constitutional duty to declare martial law."

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will

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help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Global Interstate System: Contemporary Global
Governance based on your notes. In the second box, give the facts/ characteristics. In the 3 rd box, you
can list down some examples. In the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples.

Exercise 2: If you will be the economic adviser of the Philippine President, do you think you need the

World Bank and International Monetary Fund to conduct Philippine Businesses? Yes/No/Why?


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Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the interstate system of the contemporary world?

Answer: Based on my readings, it is an international system wherein allied countries are competing. It is
politically structured which prevents any states from controlling the world economy and political monopoly. It
was added that “Experts in international and interstate relations must understand how to structure and
implement trade policies, accords, and regulations. Politically, international relations experts must elicit
international support in addressing global issues such as pandemics, terrorism, and environmental concerns. In
contrast, interstate relations experts often appeal to the federal government to initiate similar reforms on a
regional scale. In either discipline, diplomats must perform a thorough examination of the proposed partner
nation or state, allowing experts to gather data from all facets of that state or nation's societal infrastructure
(including economic, political, and cultural considerations) to design a mutually beneficial relationship.

Question 2. What are the challenges of global governance in the 21st century?

Answer: Based on my readings, it appears that climate change, poverty, violent conflict, intolerance, and
extremism present direct threats to the unity and well-being of the international community are the challenges
global governance is facing today. This means that globalization was not managed perfectly because of some
failures in some aspects like financial crises, pandemics (Covid 19), cyber attacks, terrorism, and other global

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What lesson# did you What contributed to the
What were your scores in
What’s the date today? do? What were the quality of your
the activities?
learning targets? What performance today?

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activities did you do? What will you do next

session to maintain your
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Lesson Review: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True

Exercise 1: see TG's copy.
Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay/open-ended questions.

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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Name: ______________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Benefits of Globalization: Foreign
Direct Investment Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: A the end of the module, students should be References:

able to:
1. explain the concept of foreign direct investment; rms/f/fdi.asp
2. differentiate types of foreign direct investments.


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! It’s nice to see you again. Welcome to Contemporary World! Are you excited to know what our
topic is today? What we have now is Benefits of Globalization: Foreign Direct Investment. Are you familiar with
this? If you are not aware yet, you will gain more understanding of the topic after this class. In this topic, we
will learn how to invest our money in expanding our business abroad or other countries. We will learn some of
the benefits and the advantages and disadvantages of this foreign direct investment. Are you ready now?
Before we proceed to our topic today, let's check your understanding of the previous lesson by answering the
questions in the lesson review.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Read the statement carefully and write your answer on the spaces provided.

_________________________1. The modern world-system is a system of competing and allying states.

_________________________ 2 It is a movement towards political cooperation among nations.

________________________ 3. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization

and international tribunal that sits in The Hague, Netherlands.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on paper.

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Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Is there anybody here who knows somebody who got more prosperous because of his investment abroad?
Is McDonald's a type of foreign direct investment? How about Starbucks and Jollibee, are these part of foreign
direct investment in other countries? Did you know that even businesses can have daughter companies entirely
owned by a parent company? Today we will be discussing foreign direct investment, its method, types, and
examples. Let’s start now.

What Is a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

A foreign direct investment (FDI) is a purchase of an interest in a company by a company or an

investor located outside its borders. Generally, the term is used to describe a business decision to
acquire a substantial stake in a foreign business or buy it outright to expand its operations to a new
region. It is not usually used to describe a stock investment in a foreign company.

• Foreign direct investments (FDI) are substantial investments made by a company into a foreign
• The investment may involve acquiring a source of materials, expanding a company's footprint, or
developing a global presence.
• As of 2020, the U.S. is second to China in attracting FDI.

How Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) Work

Companies considering a foreign direct investment generally look only at open economies that
offer a skilled workforce and above-average growth prospects for the investor. Light government
regulation also tends to be prized. Foreign direct investment frequently goes beyond capital investment.
It may include the provision of management, technology, and equipment as well.

A key feature of foreign direct investment is that it establishes effective control of the foreign
business or substantial influence over its decision-making. In 2020, foreign direct investment tanked
globally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development. The total $859 billion global investment compares with $1.5 trillion the previous year.1

And, China dislodged the U.S. in 2020 as the top draw for total investment, attracting $163 billion
compared to investment in the U.S. of $134 billion.

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Special Considerations

Foreign direct investments can be made in various ways, including opening a subsidiary or
associate company in a foreign country, acquiring a controlling interest in an existing foreign company, or
utilizing a merger or joint venture with a foreign company. The threshold for a foreign direct investment
that establishes a controlling interest, per the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) guidelines, is a minimum 10% ownership stake in a foreign-based company. That definition is
flexible. There are instances in which effective controlling interest in a firm can be established by
acquiring less than 10% of the company's voting shares.3

Types of Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investments are commonly categorized as horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate.

• With a horizontal direct investment, a company establishes the same type of business operation in
a foreign country as it operates in its home country. A U.S.-based cell phone provider buying a
chain of phone stores in China is an example.
• In a vertical investment, a business acquires a complementary business in another country. For
example, a U.S. manufacturer might develop an interest in a foreign company that supplies it with
the raw materials it needs.
• In a conglomerate type of foreign direct investment, a company invests in a foreign business
unrelated to its core business. Since the investing company has no prior experience in the foreign
company's area of expertise, this often takes a joint venture.

Examples of Foreign Direct Investments

Foreign direct investments may involve mergers, acquisitions, or retail, services, logistics, or
manufacturing partnerships. They indicate a global strategy for company growth. They also can run into
regulatory concerns. U.S. company Nvidia has announced its acquisition of ARM, a U.K.-based chip
designer. In August 2020, the U.K.'s competition watchdog had announced an investigation into whether
the $40 billion deal would reduce competition in industries reliant on semiconductor chips.4

FDI in China and India

China's economy has been fueled by an influx of FDI targeting the nation's high-tech
manufacturing and services. Meanwhile, relaxed FDI regulations in India now allow 100% foreign direct
investment in single-brand retail without government approval6. The regulatory decision reportedly

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facilitates Apple's desire to open a physical store in the Indian market. Thus far, the firm's iPhones had
only been available through third-party physical and online retailers.

What Is the Difference Between FDI and FPI?

Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) is the addition of international assets to a company's portfolio,
an institutional investor such as a pension fund, or an individual investor. It is a form of portfolio
diversification achieved by purchasing the stocks or bonds of a foreign company. Foreign direct
investment (FDI) requires a substantial investment in a company based in another country. The outright
acquisition of FDI is generally a more significant commitment made to enhance a company's growth.

Both FPI and FDI are generally welcome, particularly in emerging nations. Notably, FDI involves a
greater responsibility to meet the country's regulations that host the company receiving the investment.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

FDI can foster and maintain economic growth, both in the recipient country and in land investing.
Developing countries have encouraged FDI to finance the construction of new infrastructure and the
creation of jobs for their local workers. On the other hand, multinational companies benefit from FDI to
expand their footprints into international markets.

However, a disadvantage of FDI is that it involves the regulation and oversight of multiple
governments, leading to a higher level of political risk.

What Are Some Examples of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

One of the most prominent examples of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the world today is the
Chinese initiative known as One Belt One Road (OBOR). This program sometimes referred to as the Belt
and Road initiative, involves a commitment by China to substantial FDI in a range of infrastructure
programs throughout Africa, Asia, and even parts of Europe. The program is typically funded by Chinese
state-owned enterprises and organizations with deep ties to the Chinese government. Similar programs
are undertaken by other nations and international bodies, including Japan, the United States, and the
European Union.

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will help
you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of globalization based on your notes. In the
second box, give the facts/ characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In the 3 rd box, you can list
down some examples, in the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples.

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Exercise 2: If you will be given a chance to do business, would you merge with another company to have
a more significant market share? Yes/No/Why?



A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

Exercise 3: Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

_____ 1. Starbucks or Jollibee opening a new outlet in a foreign country is Vertical FDI.
_____ 2. Amazon is opening a new headquarters in Vancouver, Canada; Manila, Philippines is Horizontal
_____ 3. A real estate company opening a restaurant chain in another country is a conglomerate FDI
_____4. BMW investing in a parts manufacturer in Poland is vertical FDI.
_____ 5. McDonald's could purchase a large-scale farm in Canada to produce meat for their restaurants is
vertical FDI.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the benefit of having foreign or international investment in any country?

Answer: The benefit would be an increase in goods and services, new jobs, increase in the collection of taxes.
There will be lower labor costs, preferential tariffs, foreign business subsidies, and market diversification.
Investors are enticed to invest in the Philippines because they can avail themselves of lower labor costs and
other business/production expenditures.

Question 2. If Filipino investors will invest their money abroad, what will happen to our economy?

Answer: If Filipino investors invest their money in other countries, there will be a decrease in employment or
job, distribution of goods and services, job opportunities, and taxation. Foreign direct investment offers
advantages to both the investor and the foreign host country. Incentives that foreign investors will receive from
the land wherein they will have their business would encourage both parties to engage in and allow foreign

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direct investment. Big Filipino firms and companies can enter foreign or international markets considering the
number of Filipino citizens residing in those countries.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Review: 1. Global Interstate System 2. Global governance or world governance Relations

3.. International Criminal Court of Justice

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Exercise 1: check TG's copy.

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay/open-ended questions.
Exercise 3: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Benefits of Globalization: Technological Materials: Activity Sheets

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: technology-innovation-is-
1. explain the concept of technological Innovation; important-to-health-and-human-
2. differentiate types of technological Innovation. service-providers/


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today we will be talking about the benefits of globalization. What
did you remember from our last topic? Yes! We were able to finish discussing Foreign Direct Investment, and
we're able to tackle essential things in understanding about having foreign investment. Today’s lesson is about
Benefits of Globalization: Technological Innovation. If you still remember, technology is one of the significant
factors in globalization in the past lessons. Internet is widely used globally. It made communications easy with
other countries. Transactions were faster because of the use of technology. Nowadays, we are living in a
technology drive world. After this class, you will gain more understanding of the topic. Are you ready for our
new lesson today? But, before we proceed to our topic today, Let’s have a review of the previous lessons we had.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct,
and False if it is incorrect.

_____ 1. Starbucks or Jollibee opening a new outlet in a foreign country is Vertical FDI.
_____ 2. Amazon is opening a new headquarters in Vancouver, Canada; Manila Philippines is Horizontal
_____ 3. BMW investing in a parts manufacturer in Poland is vertical FDI.

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I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Anybody here who knows somebody who is so in these times is so much different than the past. Our life
has changed so much in almost all aspects such as transportation, healthcare, crime detection, new jobs, etc.
Today we will be discussing technological Innovation, its methods, types, and effects. Are you guys ready? Let's


Technological Innovation is the process where an organization (or a group of people working outside a
structured organization) embarks on a journey where the importance of technology as a source of
Innovation has been identified as a critical success factor for increased market competitiveness.

Technological innovations comprise new products and processes and significant technological
changes of products and processes. Innovation has been implemented if it has been introduced on the
market (product innovation).

Technology is applying scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch of knowledge
concerned with applied sciences.

Innovation is evolutionary and is a response to an unsolved problem and unexploited opportunity. It is

the effort to create purposeful, focused change in an enterprise’s economic or social potential.

Creativity and Innovation

1. Creativity involves the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. It is the idea phase.
In other words, creativity is the idea phase, and Innovation is the action phase.

2. Innovation is the act of introducing something new. The word "new" relates to creativity, and the
term "act of introducing' refers to Innovation.

Invention and Innovation

1. Invention is the creation of a new product or service or process; Innovation introduces new product
or service or process into the marketplace.
2. Invention may have economic or non-economic motives. Innovation always has economic reasons.
Invention precedes Innovation follows invention.

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3. An invention is based on a new idea that is turned into some conceptual model that demonstrates the
feasibility. Innovation is concerned with developing and implementing new systems, products, or
services and is typically based on an invention.

Why is technology innovation important?

Technology innovation can be a crucial component of any effort to address needs and better serve
individuals and families. This, in turn, encourages experimentation with various IT providers at low cost
and low risk, leading to innovative ways of using technology to deliver healthcare and human services.

Technological Innovation Examples

The innovations include technological inventions such as wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, concentrated
solar power, geothermal energy, ocean wave power, and many other emerging innovations.

20 Examples of Innovative Technology Designs

• SA950 3D MONITOR BY SAMSUNG Wireless Charging Technology From Ecoupled.
• TROMM Styler Clothes Steamer. U-Socket AC and USB Power Outlet.
• Touch Mouse by Microsoft. Lady Gaga's Polaroid Camera Glasses.
• Nomad iPad Paint Brush Stylus. Robot Scooba 230 Floor Washer.


1. Transportation. Transportation has become faster, like individuals can move rapidly starting with
one place and then the next. In the past, people cannot travel as rapidly as today because of not having
enough modern transportation. This technology allows vehicles to communicate, via wireless radio
signals, driving information such as speed, lane departure, and environment information to other cars
on the highway. The potential safety benefits of these types of advancements are impossible to ignore.

2. Communication. Technology has changed the way people communicate in the modern workplace.
Communication among the employees, management to subordinates, or management to management
has become fast, instantaneous, more deliberate, collaborative, and unified. Speed and Costs. The most
significant impact of technology on communication is the spread of the Internet and the possibility of
sending emails and chatting. The Internet has thus increased the speed of communications manifold
and reduced the costs drastically. Communication has changed so much over the years. From speech to
the postal services, there are now telephones, cellphones, computers, and email, which makes the way
we humans communicate extremely easy and fast. Life has been made pretty much easy because of
these inventions.

3. Education. Technological changes in the educational industry have created new ways to teach and to
learn. Technological changes allow teachers to access information on a global scale via the Internet to

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enhance their lessons. Likewise, students can use the vast resources of the Internet to enrich their
learning experience. Technology positively affects student engagement, enabling students to retain and
learn more information. Many students are more stimulated and eager to know when interacting with
the hands-on learning tools that educational technology provides.

4. Job Creations - Technology also created a host of new positions that never before existed. Think
about it: computing specialists, social media managers, digital marketers, energy engineers, software
and app developers, drone operators, YouTube content creators.

5. Health care - The Most Significant Medical Innovations of the Past 20 Years. Vaccines and
Immunization to prevent outbreaks. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) It is hard to believe in such a
modern era, but fewer than 18 percent of medical providers used electronic health records a mere
decade ago. HIV Combined Drug Therapy. Minimally Invasive Surgery. Needle-Free Injection Technology.

6. Relationships - Technology is often introduced into a social system with the stated intention of
making life easier for people. As it becomes more pervasive in everyday life, the assessment of
technology's presence in relationships and its impact on how humans interact with one another,
especially long-distance relationships, is becoming very popular, giving way to intermarriages between
races. Sometimes, people's use of technology can create problems between romantic partners,
potentially stirring conflict and dissatisfaction in the relationship. They also found that younger users
were more likely to report both increased tension and enhanced closeness in their relationships due to

7. Crime Detection - As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement
officers and those in the legal system increasingly use tech tools to combat corruption. The criminal
justice industry must use cutting-edge software, tracking systems, and more to keep the public safe and
protect human life. Modern marvels such as DNA analysis or image enhancement technologies have
made forensic science easier in one respect. Forensic scientists solve for murders and other violent
crimes and for chemical attacks, cybercrimes, and any other acts of violence that come with the modern


1. Incremental Innovation:

These are small but important improvements in a product, process or service. Such innovations are
associated with enhanced customer satisfaction. Example: Intel Pentium III to Pentium IV LAN to WAN
Modular Innovation. These Innovation do not alter the overall product structure, but change can occur
in the component technology. Example: Change in car engine technology will not change any other

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2. Architectural Innovation:
These innovations take existing technologies and link new technologies in novel ways; they are built not
on new technological breakthroughs but on integrating competencies, i.e., product structure change
with no important effect on component subsystems. Example: Change of shape of a car with no change
in engine. Honda's smaller motorcycles.

3. Radical Innovation:
These innovations are revolutionary. Railroads, electricity, computers, the Internet can be termed as
breakthrough innovations. Railroads changed the way in which goods and people were transported.
Electricity changed the way people lived and used equipment. Computer changed how organizations
worked. The Internet transformed how people communicate, acquire knowledge and do business.
Radical innovations are also known as breakthrough innovations and discontinuous innovations.
Example: Digital imaging(polaroid) Quartz movements(watches) Radial tires.

Protests in the Digital Era

The following are images of different widespread mass

protests worldwide—from the Arab Spring; Black Lives
Matter, #MeToo Movement, Youth Climate Strike to our
very own 1986 People Power Revolution. Why do people
protest? What significant issues do you know that people
are protesting about? Have you ever joined a protest?

Does sharing posts online count as a protest? Is protesting easier

today than in the past? Why are protests an essential part of
democracies, and how has it changed—for better or worse—in
the Digital Era? Read Article III of the Bill of Rights, Section 4 of
the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines: “No law shall be passed
abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press,
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the
government for a redress of grievances."

The constitutional guarantee serves as the foundation for

the many freedoms or civil liberties that we enjoy as citizens of a
democracy. Another way to look at it is these civil liberties are
what we ought to claim, preserve and fight for so that democracy
remains vigorous and vibrant. This is why people protest—
because it is both their right (as part of their freedom of
expression) and their responsibility (to shape the public discourse
and the society).

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of Technological Innovation based on your notes.
In the second box, give the facts/ characteristics. In the 3rd box, you can list down some examples of and
in the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #9 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2: Give your ideas/opinion on the questions below.

Have you ever protested through the Social Media? If yes, what were you protesting for?




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

Exercise 3: (POST-TEST)
Direction: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

_____ 1. Technology is applying scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch of knowledge
concerned with applied sciences.
_____ 2. Innovation is evolutionary and is a response to an unsolved problem and unexploited
_____ 3. Creativity involves the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.
_____ 4. Innovation is the act of introducing something new; the word "new" relates to creativity.
_____ 5. The invention is the creation of a new product or service or process; innovation introduces a new
product or service or process into the marketplace.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What are the advantages of Innovation?

Answer: Innovations create changes to so many things, especially in the industries. One of the main benefits
of technology is its ability to help even smaller businesses compete globally. Innovations such as the Internet,
for example, allow a sole proprietor to offer her products or services to prospects around the world through a
website. It enables positive changes in efficiency, productivity, quality, and competitiveness. It can increase
profit, the satisfaction of the needs of the consumers, and increase job opportunities.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #9 Student Activity Sheet

Question 2. What are the disadvantages of Innovation?

Answer: Since Innovation creates changes, sometimes these changes create adverse effects, which become
part of the disadvantages of Innovation. It needs more time, higher cost on business expenditures, and needs
employee's training and expertise before implementing innovation in their businesses, offices, and industries.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #9 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 1: check TG's copy.
Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.
Exercise 3: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Risks of Globalization References:
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be globalization/
able to:
1. describe the risks of Globalization in my own words; p35ifc2/Equity-Distribution-The-
2. explain the dangers of Globalization. risks-of-globalization-can-be-


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we discuss
then? We were able to discuss Technology and innovations how this is important to high-end virtual
communications and businesses. Are you ready for our new lesson today? Today’s lesson is about Risks in
Globalization. What are the risks of Globalization? What are the factors confronting this issue? Just listen, read,
and pay attention. After this class, you will gain more understanding of the topic. Before we proceed to our
topic today, please answer the statements below to check what you have learned from the last meeting.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review
Direction: Fill in the Blanks. Read the statement carefully and write your answer on the space provided
_______________________1. These innovations are revolutionary in nature.
_______________________2. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch
of knowledge concerned with applied sciences.
_______________________3. It is a creation of new product or service or process, innovation is the
introduction of new product or service or process into the market place.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 10 Student Activity Sheet

_______________________4. These innovations take existing technologies and link new technologies in novel
_______________________5. Technological changes in the educational industry have created new ways to
teach and to learn.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

1Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Hello guys, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World. Is there anybody here who hates unfair people?
Does it necessarily mean we are always equal in life? When someone is more prosperous than you, how would
you feel? Where did inequality come from? Why not were all Filipinos given the social amelioration subsidy in
times of calamity? Our topic for today is the risks of Globalization. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Risks of Globalization

Globalization has offered the world significant advantages for economic gains and comfortable living.
But in the long run, it has the other side of the balance. The bad side of Globalization is all about the
new risks and uncertainties brought about by the high degree of integration of domestic and local
markets, intensification of competition, high degree of imitation, price and profit swings, and business
and product destruction, the most prevalent risks are: equity distribution, national sovereignty and

The risks of Globalization are more significant and more varied than the risks of domestic commerce.
Managing them is the key.

The Advantages of Globalization

Some positive aspects of Globalization include:

1. Building up the economic and social structures of struggling countries and economies through
free trade
2. Creation of a world-power and less and less compartmentalized power sectors
3. Learning about and sharing new and exciting cultures with one another

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 10 Student Activity Sheet

4. The opportunity and desire for prosperous nations to help countries struggling with severe
issues like unemployment, disease, and natural disasters
5. A more significant opportunity for travel and it increases free trade between nations.

The Disadvantages of Globalization

Though it comes with perks, there are several cons to Globalization that analysts and critics have noted
for years. They include:

1. The oppression of weaker and poorer economies by more robust ones; 'the rich get richer, the
poor get poorer.'
2. The danger of job loss, with specific industries and sectors sending jobs to countries where
workers are willing to do the same amount of work or more for smaller wages
3. Multinational corporations often get away with poor, unsafe, unethical, or exploitative working
conditions due to variations in laws and regulations from one country to another
4. Multinational corporations can exploit tax haven nations, sending large portions of revenue
offshore to avoid taxation.

Equity Distribution.

The benefits of globalization can be unfairly skewed towards rich nations or individuals. This creates
greater inequalities and leads to potential national and international conflicts. As a result, “ the rich get
richer, the poor get poorer because the rich countries have more resources and capital to do business.
Their industries produced more chemicals damaging the environment, yet the worst damage was
experienced by the least contributors like the developing countries.

One way globalization can increase inequality is through the effects of increasing specialization and
trade. Although trade based on comparative advantage can stimulate economic growth and lift per
capita incomes, it can also lead to a rise in relative poverty.

Cross-country studies document that Globalization has been accompanied by increasing inequality
within developing countries, suggesting an offset of some of the poverty reduction. Finally, the evidence
suggests that relying on trade or foreign investment alone is not enough to alleviate poverty.

How equity differs from equality?

Equality generally refers to equal opportunity and the same levels of support for all segments of society.
Equity goes a step further and refers to offering varying levels of support depending upon the need to
achieve greater fairness of outcomes.

Example: 3 Children are watching games over the fence. The shortest one could not see, so he was
given a stool so they all could see the games over the wall. That is equity. If all of them were given a seat,

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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that's equality.

Globalization leads to interdependence between nations, which could cause regional or global
instabilities if local economic fluctuations impact many countries relying on them.

How does Globalization lead to interdependence among nations?

The need for countries to rely on each other for these resources creates a global interdependence.
Hence, the drive of Globalization creates a robust interconnection of world networks through borderless
operations of countries, making it easier to interact, trade, and build a cooperative world.

Interdependence of Human Societies

Interdependence describes when two or more actors impact and rely on each other. Consider the flour
industry, for example. One person specializes in growing crops, another on milling, packing, distributing,
and finally selling it. They need each other to deliver the final product, and if one day the mill stops,
everyone is affected; they are all interdependent.

Think of those individuals as a country and the flour as the products and services we consume. This
gives you an idea of the interdependence of human societies. We fulfill our needs by relying on a
massive network of other people.

Nowadays, most countries are also interdependent because they rely on other countries to supply local
demand and sell local products. This interdependence is strong, and one nation's actions often have
consequences on others. For example, China's labor costs impact employment in other countries,
Russia's policies on gas affect transport costs in Europe, and air pollution generated in the United States
has global effects.

Most countries are interdependent: Globalization is often defined as the interaction and integration of
people in different world areas. This broad term groups together economic, social, and political

Since antiquity, human societies have developed forms of Globalization. Galleon Trade connects Europe
and Asia in the 16th century. The Silk Road once connected China, Central Asia, Persia, and Europe, and
facilitated commercial and cultural exchange. However, the Globalization we are experiencing nowadays
is the biggest and fastest in human history.

Technological advances in communications and falling costs of transportation have facilitated

international exchanges. Multinational companies operating in several countries, outsourcing of services
and operations, global free trade agreements, internet access, and international migrations are
examples of Globalization. Transportation facilitates Globalization.

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Effects of Human Interdependence and Globalization

Human interdependence and Globalization have had both positive and negative effects on economics,
societies, and politics. Let's examine some of these effects.


Competition is a positive effect. Domestic companies compete with foreign firms, often raising their
standards. Foreign businesses often bring innovations and new approaches, trying to capture the
consumer. This dynamic usually increases the quality of products and services and makes them more
affordable. For example, American oil companies operate in many developing nations and have formed
alliances with local capitals, bringing Technology, employment, and huge investments.

Most nations have opened to international trade, creating a global market and directing investments
into developing countries. Companies from industrialized nations look for new needs and possibilities
and sometimes open operations in new countries, bringing investments and employment.

Globalization also affects employment.

Jobs are generated in new areas but are sometimes lost elsewhere. Imagine you own a company with
100 workers and decide to relocate to Thailand, where labor costs are lower. There you hire 150
workers, which means 150 new positions for Thailand, but 100 people just became unemployed back
home. The world has 50 more people earning wages, but there were also losers in this process. The
lower cost of Chinese labor is attractive to many multinational firms.

Globalization has helped some areas progress towards industrialization, including India, the Philippines,
Mexico, and Brazil. On the other hand, some areas of North America and Europe have lost jobs and

More Negative Effects on employment

1. Adverse effects occur due to large-scale technological developments that accompany this
phenomenon, which will reduce the demand for unskilled labor. Even direct foreign investment
does not care for cheap workers but only for highly skilled workers.

2. The traditional nature of "work" might disappear due to the rapid advances in technology while
at the same time creating new and innovative occupations in favor of the highly specialized

3. An increase in hidden unemployment, lack of new job openings, and the deterioration of real
wage rates are the consequences of Globalization. In most developing economies, which were
unable to adopt the latest technologies, if the labor clause is enforced through the WTO, this will

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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negatively impact economic growth and employment in many developing countries, where child
labor exists, and working conditions are miserable.

4. Most trade liberalization benefits will be received by the manufacturing-producing countries,

while the smallest share will be going to the agricultural-producing countries (developing

5. In addition, policies of structural adjustment such as privatization imply an increase in

unemployment since privatization is usually accompanied by a reduction in the demand for labor.

6. Finally, the theoretical predictions about the employment consequences of trade liberalization are
based on assumptions of full employment of resources and flexible labor markets. These
assumptions might not hold in developing countries where labor markets are inflexible due to
structural factors.

National Sovereignty

The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which an independent state is governed and from
which all specific political powers are derived; the intentional independence of a state, combined with
the right and authority of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference.

Some see the rise of nation-states, multinational or global firms, and other international organizations
as a threat to sovereignty. Ultimately, this could cause some leaders to become nationalistic or

The sovereign States increasingly measure their vulnerability, not to one another but forces beyond
their control. Globalization is frequently discussed as a counterpoint to national sovereignty. It is
commonly asserted that Globalization has eroded national freedom or that it has rendered borders

Globalization has had a dual effect on the nation-state's sovereignty. Yet, simultaneously, economic
integration has limited the range of policy options available to states. This has diminished their capacity
to meet these obligations. Sovereignty is the absolute authority over a specific territory.

Does Globalization weaken national sovereignty?

Globalization, thus, has powerful economic, political, cultural, and social implications for sovereignty.
Globalization has led to a decline in the power of national governments to direct and influence their
economies (especially about macroeconomic management) and determine their political structures.

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Directions: Based on your readings, give your definitions of the following terms below.

Exercise # 2: How would you feel when you experience inequality in life? Some are richer others are
poorer? What will you do? Explain in your own words.



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Exercise 3: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

_____1. Globalization has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages.

_____2. Businesses are interdependent; there's no solo business.

_____3. Problems on one side of the equation will destroy the balance of related businesses.

_____4. Equity is mandatory assistance to the neediest, while equality is assistance for all.

_____5. National sovereignty is weakened by the policies of multinational companies foreign direct



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. Is there a need for a poor country to take the risk to compete globally?

Answer: Based on my readings, yes, poor countries need to take risks in competing globally. If not, they will
be left behind by the globally competitive industrialized countries. Poor countries will have a hard time make
equally competitive with these wealthy countries. They were exploiting their labor workforce, lower prices of
export goods, and other raw materials available in their country to compete internationally.

Question 2. What is the role played by Globalization to the poor countries?

Answer: The role played by Globalization to poor countries, as I have read, from the researches conducted
about Globalization, "Globalization is playing an increasingly important role in the developing countries. It can
be seen that Globalization has certain advantages such as economic processes, technological developments,
political influences, health systems, social and natural environment factors. It has a lot of benefits on our daily
life. It created new opportunities for developing countries, such as Technology, greater opportunities to access
developed countries markets, growth and improved productivity and living standards." Globalization also
brought up new changes because of Technology and innovations. (
globalization-developing-countries-fairooz-hamdi/). They are helping poor countries enhance their
economy and improve the lives of their people.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

What contributed to the

quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review
1. Radical Innovation 3. Invention 5. Education
2. Technology 4. Architectural Innovation

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Exercise 1: Proposed answer

1. Interdependence - dependence of countries on each other
2. Equity Distribution - equal distribution in terms of aids/assistance, wealth, and power
3. National Sovereignty - it is the power to do everything in a state without accountability; to make
laws, to execute and to apply them: to impose and collect taxes, and levy, contributions; to make
war or peace; to form treaties of alliance
Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions
Exercise 3: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 1

GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #11 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Emergence of Economic System
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be globalization/
able to:
1. describe the concepts of the economic system;
2. can explain the different economic systems.


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? We were able to discuss
Risk Management. Today’s lesson is about the Emergence of the Economic system. We will try to learn also the
types of the economic system and how these help economy of any countries organized and systematic in the
distribution of goods and services. Just listen, read, and pay attention. After this class, you will gain more
understanding of the topic. Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer first the review of the previous

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review

Directions: Read the statement carefully and identify the term/word being described in the statement

below. Write your answer on the space provided for.

_____________________1. It goes a step further and refers offering varying levels of support depending
upon need to achieve greater fairness of outcomes.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #11 Student Activity Sheet

_____________________2. This refers to equal opportunity and the same levels of support for all segments
of society.
_____________________3. It is when two or more actors impact and rely on each other.
_____________________4. The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which an independent state
is governed and from which all specific political powers are derived; the intentional independence of a
state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference.
_____________________5. These are greater and more varied than the risks of domestic commerce and
managing them is the key.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Anybody here who knows someone who is selling anything and earns money from markups? Why do
you think sellers never stop selling? Why (SRP) suggested that the government impose retail prices or price
ceilings for certain commodities in times of calamity? Can you sell anything in the market? All of these things
can be answered in our lesson today. Our topic is about Economic systems. Ready? Let’s start!

What is an economic system?

An economic system, or economic order, is a system of production, resource allocation, and

distribution of goods and services within a society or a given geographic area. It includes the
combination of the various institutions, agencies, entities, decision-making processes, and
consumption patterns that comprise a given community's economic structure.
An economic system organizes the distribution and exchange of a country's goods, resources, and
services. From an economics perspective, a financial system regulates various economic issues,
including production, the supply of capital and labor, and all other physical resources.

Basic economic questions

As such, an economic system is a type of social system. The mode of production is a related concept.
All economic systems have basic questions: what to produce, how to create and in what quantities, and
who receives the production output. Four basic questions that a society needs to answer.

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1. What to produce, in other words, which essential products and services and which enjoyable
but optional products and services should an economy have to ensure the subsistence of a
population and the happiness of that population.

2. How to produce goods and services, and how much of these goods to make. Produce too much,
and there is a waste, create too little, and the cost of production rises.

3. Whom to produce? There's also the question of what is allocated on the production: those who
can afford it most, or those who need it most?

4. How economic systems must cope with change. Even when the factors of production and the
distribution of output have been settled, economic systems eventually change. The way a
financial plan is governed also determines how it copes with change. Economic change can
result in some economic participants being worse off, and an economy should help participants
equalize inequalities over time.

Economic systems can be very government-driven and highly regulated or more dependent on private
operators and lightly regulated. Many agencies, government entities and institutions, and various
regulations are involved in an economic system. Overall, financial systems are complex and need
continuous intervention to ensure smooth functioning.

What are the four main types of economic systems?

There are four primary types of economic systems: traditional, command, market, and mixed. Each
economy has its strengths and weaknesses, its sub-economies and tendencies, and, of course, a
troubled history.

The Traditional Economic System

The most basic of all the economic types and in practice since ancient times, the traditional financial
system involves very little division of labor (in other words, individuals specializing in producing specific
goods) and very little in the way of economic governance.

Characteristics of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional economies are often based on one or a few of agriculture, hunting, fishing, and
2. Barter and trade are often used in place of money.
3. There is rarely a surplus produced.
4. Often, people in a traditional economy live in families or tribes.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Advantages of a Traditional Economy

1. Traditional economies produce no industrial pollution and keep their living environment clean.
2. Traditional economies only produce and take what they need,
3. So there is no waste or inefficiencies involved in creating the goods required to survive as a

Disadvantages of Traditional Economy

1. It isolates the people within that economy.
2. Large outside economies can overwhelm a traditional economy. ...
3. It offers very few choices, and they can only have whatever they produce in the area.
4. There may be a lower overall quality of life.
5. It creates specific health risks, like malnutrition, diseases.
6. Unpredictability creates survival uncertainties.

The Command Economic System

A more advanced economic system compared to the traditional financial system, the command
economic system involves planning from a centralized point, either a local government or indeed the
national government, as under communist rule.

Nonetheless, some people would argue that the command economy has advantages in that the
government can better control supply and demand than the market can. The idea is that a command
economy can lead to lower prices for the public while also ensuring an ongoing, plentiful supply of jobs
for the population.

Command Economy Characteristics

1. Government is in control of the pricing of goods and services by central economic planning.
2. The government owns all the factors and means of production.
3. The government makes all decisions for finances in the country, may even assign people jobs.
4. Social equality is the essential feature of a command economy. No one is rich or poor.

Advantages: Low levels of inequality and unemployment, and the common good replacing profit as
the primary incentive of production.
Disadvantages: include lack of competition and lack of efficiency.

The Market Economic System

A market economy is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct goods and services.
(1). Supply includes natural resources, capital, and labor. (2) Demand includes purchases by
consumers, businesses, and the government. Businesses sell their wares at the highest price
consumers will pay

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Market forces control the economy.

1. Consumers are deciding whether to buy a good at a specific price, wait before buying it, or
never buy a market force. They want lower prices of commodities.
2. Businesses pricing products to create maximum profit, taking into account consumer demand,
is another market force. They produce more if consumers buy more.

Advantages of a Market Economy

1. Competition leads to efficiency because businesses that have fewer costs are more competitive
and make more money.
2. Innovation is encouraged because it provides a competitive edge and increases the chance for

Disadvantages of a Free Market Economy

1. Factors of Production is not employed if it is not profitable.

2. The market system may not produce certain goods and services.
3. The free market may encourage harmful goods.
4. Production may lead to negative externalities.
5. A free market economy may increase the gap between the rich and the poor.
6. Unemployment and Inequality.

The Mixed Economic System

Traditional economic systems are incapable of dealing with the advanced requirements of a developed
society, but there are arguments for and against both the market and command economies. This is
why the mixed economic system emerged, a mix between the command economy and the market

Mixed economy
A mixed economy is an economic system combining private and public enterprises. A mixed economic
system is a system that combines aspects of both market and command. A mixed economic system
protects personal property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows
for governments to interfere in economic activities to achieve social aims

Characteristics of mixed economy:

1. Co-existence of the Private and Public Sectors- minor industries for the people and major
industries belong to the state such as Expressways, LRT/MRT and Dams, National Power
Corporation, etc.
2. Existence of Joint Sectors like Public and private, both private companies

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3. Regulation of Private Sector such as price control and declared illegal products.
4. Planned Economy – the businessmen decide what to produce, how much
5. Private Property – individuals can have own properties as long as he can have the means to buy
6. Provision of Social Security – benefits and insurances returns upon retirement
7. The motive of Business Concerns – profit maximization, market share, survival in the market
8. Reduction of Inequalities of Income and Wealth – all are given the chance to participate in
wealth accumulation.

Advantage: A mixed economy permits private participation in production, which in return allows
healthy competition that can result in profit. It also contributes to public ownership in manufacturing,
which can address social welfare needs.

The disadvantage of mixed economies: is that they tend to lean more toward government control and
less toward individual freedoms. Sometimes, government regulation requirements may cost a
company so much that it puts it out of business. In addition, unsuccessful regulations may paralyze
features of production.

Which is the best economic system?

The way an economic system function has a massive effect on the daily lives of the citizens of a
country. For these citizens to live in an environment that supports personal sustenance and personal
growth is essential, and there are many arguments for and against all economic systems.

Perhaps the best argument is for an economic system that provides enough incentive for innovation
and growth and considers the needs and desires of all economic factors rather than just those
responsible for growth and innovation.

Inevitably it is a balancing act, with no absolute implementation of an economic system serving the
needs of society well. Exactly where this balance lies, however, is up to citizens. This is why there is a
modest variation in economic systems around the world and perhaps why the world's economy
effectively operates a mixed economic system.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

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Directions: Based on your readings, give your definitions of the following terms below.

Exercise # 2: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

_____1. Globalization has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages.

_____2. Businesses are interdependent, and there's no solo business.
_____3. Problems on one side of the equation will destroy the balance of related businesses.
_____4. Equity is mandatory assistance to the neediest, while equality is assistance for all.
_____5. National sovereignty is weakened by the policies of multinational companies foreign direct
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

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Exercise #3: What do you think is the best economic system and why?




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.
Since you are done with this, you may now proceed to the closure activity.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. If China invaded the Philippines in the future, will they implement/utilize their
economic system?

Answer: I don’t want to think this yet, but, hopefully, not. Socialist market economy (SME) is the
economic system and economic development model employed in the People's Republic of China. The
system is based on the predominance of public ownership and state-owned enterprises within a market
economy. In China, the government dictates the price of goods in the market. They have central
planning, wherein the government is responsible for the production of goods and their distribution.

Question 2. What kind of economic system do the Philippines have?

Answer: Based on my readings, “the Philippines still has a mixed economic system that includes various
private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. There are
businesses here that control a large portion of our resources (for example, Aboitiz, Ayala-Zobel, Tans, Sy family).
These are wealthy families that contributed a lot to our economy. Others are owned by the goveRnment like
LRT/MRT, PHILPOST, etc. The economic system of the Philippines is now heading to capitalism in which private
individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and
demand in the general market.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #11 Student Activity Sheet

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Lesson Review: 1. Equity 2. Equality 3. Interdependence 4. National sovereignty 5. Risk of

Exercise 2: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Exercise 3: See rubric or checking the answers to the essay questions.

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Module #11 Student Activity Sheet

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Towards a Sustainable World: Materials: Activity Sheets

Sustainable Development

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be References:

able to:
1. describe the concept of a sustainable world;
2. explain the benefits of sustainable development.


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we discuss
then? Well, we were able to discuss the economic system. How important for a country to have an economic
system to take care of the distribution of goods and services. Are you ready for our new lesson today? Today’s
lesson is about Towards a Sustainable World Sustainable Development. What are the things we need to do to
help sustain the needs of a country to compete globally? Just listen, read, and pay attention. After this class,
you will gain more understanding of the topic. Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer the pretest
given below to check your prior knowledge of our lesson today.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose your answer from the pool of words below, then write
the correct answer in the space provided.

Economic Traditional
Command Economy Market Economy Mixed Economy
System Economy

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

________________________1. It involves very little division of labor (in other words, individuals specializing in
producing specific goods) and very little in the way of economic governance.
________________________2. It is a way of organizing the distribution and exchange of a country’s goods,
resources, and services.
_______________________3. A more advanced, it involves planning from a centralized point, either a local
government or indeed the national government, as under communist rule.
_______________________4. It is a system where the laws of supply and demand direct the production of
goods and services.
_______________________5. It is a system that combines aspects of both market and command.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Anyone here who lives in a mansion? Or living in style and always dining out? Why do we need to turn off
the lights when not in use? Why are some people so conscious of their energy consumption/expenditures? Did
you waste your food often? Do you have a vegetable garden in your backyard? How long do you take a bath,
and how many gallons of water you wasted? Did you put your garbage in bins, or did you throw it anywhere?
Did you know that the Earth we live in is breaking before our eyes? Why? It is because people were careless and
do everything to pollute the environment. Here we go. Our topic for today is about a Sustainable world:
Sustainable Development. Are you ready? Let’s start now,

A sustainable world is the outcome of the different development strategies and program
implementation that will keep the world in existence over a long time.

Significant factors, such as human population size, biosphere robustness, resource stock, food supply,
and environmental quality, must remain in balance globally. This state of the balance must last long
enough so that it will not be merely a blip on the curve of unsustainable growth. Even though we might
not attain that balance, we must move in that direction if humanity and the ecosystem survive.

Sustainability is living to minimize humans' negative impact on the earth and the animals and plants we

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

share it with. Making sustainable choices is a means to preserve the world and tackle climate change for
future generations to come.

Because the Earth is a closed system, a sustainable world is not compatible with extreme extravagance
and expenditures of natural resources. Activities that promote polluting the land, water and air in

Sustainable development, in the dictionary, is economic development that is conducted without

depletion of natural resources. However, it applies to and can be incorporated into everything we do. Its
application spans from growing food, sourcing product materials, operating a business to building
societal infrastructure and how we live individually and as a society.

What is sustainable development according to some experts?

1. Carey Kennedy, Landscape Architect, organic gardener/farmer (1996-present) September 14,

“Sustainable world is one where the inputs and outputs balance. Right now, we generate millions of tons
of waste that pollute our environment. We need ways where all outputs are recycled back into the
system, becoming beneficial. It's a world where toxic outputs can be dealt with in a way where they aren't
harmful to anything or anyone."

2. Shashikant Nishant Sharma, Expert of Urban and Regional Planning. September 30, 2018
"Sustainable development means using the natural resource for developmental processes and
conserving it for future generations. It has two objectives:
(1) Resource planning should be done for the judicious use of the resource.
(2) Harm to the environment should be least.”

3. (UN Brundtland Commission). “Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Example: Environmental sustainability is the rate of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and
non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. We're consuming more natural
resources than nature itself can reproduce, some of which are non-renewable. We are also causing
irreparable damage to our environment due to our high level of consumption.

Facts to think about:

• On average, each person produces about 4.3 pounds of garbage each day
• Garbage could take up to 100-400 years to decompose, primarily if you used disposable things.
• 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year globally, with only about 10% of that being

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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• 16 billion pounds of waste are dumped into oceans each year
• 35 billion barrels of oil are burned worldwide each year (2016 statistic)
• Waste can cause land, air, and water pollution, produce harmful gases, and cause respiratory
problems in people around the world, and it's a threat to public health.
• Forest is the lungs of the earth, it gives oxygen to make the air breathable, but illegal logging is on.
• While the United States makes up 5% of the world's population, it uses 25% of its resources. Note
that economic development in isolation of social and ecological development has not increased
the quality of life of US citizens in the last 45 years.

Here are some top areas you will want to familiarize yourself with and ponder what you can do to make a

1. Climate change - contributes to global warming. Summers get so hot, and it kills people of
heatstroke. With this, planting trees and vegetable lessen the heat.
2. Energy consumption - curve our energy consumption and find better ways to create energy
(solar, wind, water, etc. ). Air conditioners should be used moderately and wisely.

3. Sustainable sourcing - sourcing local and buy local helps the farmers to plant and grow more.
4. Waste production must be kept to a minimal environmental footprint - focus on recycling
versus constant trips to a local landfill. Reduce consumption, Reuse products, and recycle things.

Green Living Tips -It's difficult for people to change their lifestyle completely, but here are some
effortless "green living" tips you can incorporate into your every day that you won't notice, but the
environment will.

1. Reduce energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Install high-
efficiency LED Light bulbs. Wash clothes in cold water. Use a drying rack to dry your clothes.
Insulate your home to increase your home's heating and cooling efficiency—downsized
2. Purchase reusable water bottles, Buy a water filter, and don't drink bottled water. This will cut
down dramatically on plastic waste.
3. Save water by taking shorter showers, use faucet aerators, install high-efficiency toilets, washing
machines, and dishwashers.
4. Make your cleaning supplies with non-toxic items. Baking soda, vinegar, and lemon are among
popular ingredients that can be used to clean countertops to toilet bowls, to your washing
5. Buy reused items if possible and refurbish older items such as furniture, clothing, and
6. Eat less meat and buy locally made products.

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7. Walk, bike, or take public transit to work to reduce your fuel costs and impact on the
8. Donate used items you don’t need to local non-profits.
9. Recycle as much as possible. Local municipalities have recycling programs to support the reuse
of plastic, paper, appliances, and more. Contact your local government or go online to learn about
the recycling options in your area.

Ways to Achieve Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is an increase in quality of life within a community between two points in time,
using the skills of the population and the ecological services from the landmass it manages in a manner
that can be maintained in perpetuity. It is accomplished through a combination of :
1. Technological Development is the creation or enhancement of systems of infrastructure with an
expectation of an increase in the efficiency that people can use their time to convert resources
into the means to meet their wants and needs, such that it will increase the quality of life of a
community and,
2. Human Development is the identification and removal of the obstructions within the self, family,
or community that prevent people from being able to meet their needs, and by so doing, increase
the freedoms, choices, and capabilities of the population.

Advantages can be achieved in the long run.

1. It allows the next generation of people to have access to a better quality of life for the community.
2. It makes life meaningful and worth living for us. Imagine if we can reduce the number of
greenhouse gases in the air, this will lessen the effect on the ozone layer and the resulting climatic
disasters. Maybe then we will have to face less heat globally.
3. With sustainable development, we can feed a hungry world and sustain and save quality aquatic
floral and fauna life.
4. Sustainable development also teaches us to be responsible. Don't throw plastics in the ocean,
don't burn openly, don't throw wastes in drainages, don't waste food. All this means we're taking
charge of our lives. And in the end, it is all to our benefit.
5. Sustainable development also helps us cut down costs and reduce waste. You don't buy what you
don't need. You don't order for an amount of food you can't exhaust.

Disadvantages are in the concise term - one has to pay for the investment in whatever before the
returns start coming in. It may take years for the investment to have paid itself off in full.

1. The satisfaction of human needs and aspirations in the major objective of development. The
essential needs of many people in developing countries for food, clothing, shelter, jobs - are not
being met. Beyond their basic needs, these people have legitimate aspirations for an improved

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quality of life.
2. A world in which poverty and inequity are endemic will always be prone to ecological and other
crises. Sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the
opportunity to satisfy their aspirations for a better life.

3. Living standards that go beyond the basic minimum are sustainable only if consumption
standards everywhere regard long-term sustainability. Yet many of us live beyond the world's
ecological means, for instance, in our energy use patterns.

4. Perceived needs are socially and culturally determined, and sustainable development requires the
promotion of values that encourage consumption standards within the bounds of the ecological
possible and to which all can reasonably aspire.

5. Meeting essential needs depends in part on achieving full growth potential. High levels of
productive activity and widespread poverty can coexist and can endanger the environment.
Hence, sustainable development requires that societies meet human needs by increasing
productive potential and ensuring equitable opportunities for all.

Current Trend for Sustainable living:

Minimalist Lifestyle. Today, many people have realized living in a big house is so expensive in space and
energy requirements. The solution they found is downsizing everything except for the essentials. Living
with the bare minimum is now the trend to prevent mortgages and enormous taxes for real properties.
They were saving more money for needs and the future. Aside from the peace of mind that no huge bills
are coming to every end of the month, make life more sustainable in the long run. What are three
reasons people choose to buy a tiny house? Here are five of the best reasons to buy a tiny house!

1. Get all the charm of a full-sized home In a fraction of the space of a home and garden.
2. You can buy a tiny house for less than the cost of a whole house, more savings.
3. You'll save on energy costs because the space is so cute and does not require much energy. It is
sometimes built off the grid or sustained by solar panels.
4. A minimalist lifestyle is mentally beneficial because you save yourself from stress coming with
5. Tiny homes are customizable depending on style and how many members of the family.
6. It can be built on wheels saving more money for trips and hotel accommodations for people who
go places for their work.

Sources: Living Big In A Tiny House

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Directions: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

Exercise 2: How can you make a difference, in making this world sustainable for the next generation?




Since you are done with this, you may now proceed to the next activity.

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Exercise 3: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____1. A sustainable world is the outcome of the different programs that will keep the world in existence
over a
long time.
_____2. Sustainable development is economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural
_____3. Sustainability is using natural resources for developmental processes and also conserving them
for the
future generation.
_____4. Downsizing means cutting expenses on energy, water, taxes, and unnecessary living spaces.
_____5. Tiny houses are the representation of minimalism, and living green downsized for sustainability.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. In the Philippines, do we have a sustainable development program?

Answer: Yes! The Philippines, like other countries in the world, has its sustainable development program
implemented and for implementation in different sectors of society like: for workers/laborers, quality
education, climate/environment, peace, justice, healthcare, and strong institutions, and reduction of inequality,
basic needs of the people and the society, etc.

Question 2. What are the challenges in the implementation of sustainable development?

Answer: Actually, the subject /reason for having sustainable development program of the country are also the
challenges met in the implementation of the program, and these are: poverty and exclusion, unemployment,
climate change, conflict, and humanitarian aid, building peaceful and inclusive societies, building strong
institutions of governance, and supporting the rule of law. The sustainable development program is being
created/made to address these problems and sustained its improvement and growth for a better

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Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

What contributed to the

quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?


What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review:
1. Traditional Economy 3. Command Economy 5. Mixed Economy

2. Economic System 4. Market Economy

Exercise 1:
1. Sustainability - focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their needs—the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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2. Sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a way of
organizing society so that it can exist in the long term.
3. Trends (downsizing except for essentials/minimalist lifestyle), Advantages (The development of
an economy in a way that doesn't deplete natural resources), and Disadvantages (it is normally
more costly to create goods and services in an environmentally safe way than in a non-
sustainable and harmful manner)

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.
Exercise 3: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #13 Teacher’s Guide

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Towards a Sustainable World

Global Food Security
Materials: Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be References:
able to:
1. describe the concepts of food security; agriculture/5-ways-improve-
2. explain the pillars of global food security. global-food-security.html


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we discuss
then? Well, we were able to discuss Sustainable World: Sustainable Development. How important for a
country to work on its sustainability. Are you ready for our new lesson today? Today’s lesson is about Towards
a Sustainable World Global Food Security. What are the things we need to do to help sustain the needs of a
country, especially in food security, which is the number one basic need of society? Just listen, read, and pay
attention. After this class, you will gain more understanding of the topic. Before we proceed to our topic today,
please answer the lesson review part given below to check your previous knowledge of our lesson.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct,
and write False if it is incorrect.
_______1. Climate change contributes to global warming.
_______2. Energy consumption curves our energy consumption and finds better ways to create
_______3. Sustainable sourcing is sourcing local to help the farmers plant and grow more produce.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #13 Teacher’s Guide

_______4. Waste production must be kept to minimal, focusing on recycling versus constant trips
to a local landfill.
_______5. Sustainable development focused on not meeting/providing the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Alright again, is there anyone here who has lots of food at home and you find it so tiring to eat every
time you want food? How do you feel about people who are so obese or so slim? How does it feel about raising
your food and eating something fresh from the vine? Why is goat raising an excellent source of food production
without any costs at all? These things have something to do with our topic today, which is Food Security? Let’s
read the text below.

What is meant by global food security?

Food security; as defined by the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security; means that all
people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that
meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

Household food security exists when all members, at all times, have access to enough food for an active,
healthy life. Individuals who are food secure do not live in hunger or fear of starvation.

Importance of Global Food Security

1. Food insecurity – often rooted in poverty.
2. Poverty decreases the ability of countries to develop their agricultural markets and economies.
3. Access to quality, nutritious food is fundamental to human existence
4. Increased global security and stability. Improved health and healthcare.

Why is food security a global issue?

People need to have sufficient incomes and resources to obtain food. But with proper nutrition,
sanitation, and hygiene, many diseases-especially those caused by food and waterborne contaminants-
are less likely to occur. Food security is an issue both globally and at home in the United States. The 1996

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #13 Teacher’s Guide

World Summit on Food Security declared that "food should not be used as an instrument for political and
economic pressure".

Pillars of food security

Growth of World Food Supply (caloric base) per capita. The WHO states that three pillars determine food
security: food availability, food access, and food use and misuse. The FAO adds a fourth pillar: the
stability of the first three dimensions of food security over time. In 2009, the World Summit on Food
Security stated that the "four pillars of food security are availability, access, utilization, and stability".

1. Food Availability
Food availability relates to the supply of food through production, distribution, and exchange. Enough
nutritious food of sufficient quality needs to be available to people for their consumption. Availability can
be affected by: Production, distribution, and exchange.

Production: how much and what types of food are available through produced and storage locally. Crop
production is affected by rainfall, land use, management, harvesting, etc. Not all countries can have food
like Japan and Singapore.

Goats are an essential part of global food security because they are relatively low-maintenance and easy
to raise and farm.

Distribution: how is food made available (physically moved), in what form, when, and to whom. It also
involves storing, processing, transport, packaging, and marketing foods.
Exchange: how much available food can be obtained through exchange mechanisms such as barter,
trade, purchase, or loans. The exchange of food requires efficient trading systems and market
institutions, which can affect food security. Per capita world food supplies are more than adequate to
provide food security to all, and thus food accessibility is a greater barrier to achieving food security.

2. Food Access
Food access refers to the affordability and allocation of food and the preferences of individuals and

Individuals and households must acquire sufficient food to eat a healthy, nutritious diet or have access to
adequate resources needed to grow their food (e.g., land). Food access can be (1.) Direct access –
producing your food and (2) Economic access – buying your food from suppliers. Access can be affected

Affordability is the ability of individuals, households, or communities to afford the price of food or land
for producing food relative to their incomes. Location can affect access to food and which type of access
a family will rely on. A household's assets, including payment, land, products of labor, inheritances, and

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gifts, can determine a household's access to food.

The UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights noted that the causes of hunger and
malnutrition are often not a scarcity of food but an inability to access available food, usually due to
poverty. Poverty can limit access to food and increase how vulnerable an individual or household is to
food price spikes.

Allocation: the economic, social, and political mechanisms are governing when, where, and how food
can be accessed by consumers and on what terms. For example, food may be unequally allocated
according to age and gender within households.

Preference: social, religious, and cultural norms and values that influence consumer demand for certain
types of food (e.g., religious prohibitions or the desire to follow a specific dietary pattern such as
vegetarianism, weight management sets aside a specific group of foodstuffs).

The USDA adds that access to food must be available in socially acceptable ways, without, for example,
resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies.

3. Food utilization. People must have access to a sufficient quantity and diversity of foods to meet their
nutritional needs and must also eat and properly metabolize such food. Utilization can be affected by:

Nutritional value: the nutritional value provided by the foods that are consumed, as measured in
calories, vitamins, protein, and various micronutrients (e.g. iron, iodine, vitamin A). Education about
nutrition and food preparation can affect food utilization and improve this pillar of food security.
Health status: Access to healthcare is another determinant of food utilization since the health of
individuals controls how the food is metabolized. For example, intestinal parasites can take nutrients
from the body and decrease food utilization. Sanitation can also reduce the occurrence and spread of
diseases that can affect food utilization.
Food safety: Food safety affects food utilization and can be affected by the food preparation, processing,
and cooking in the community and household. Nutritional values of the family determine food choice
and access to food free from food spoilage or toxic contamination introduced during the production,
processing, packaging, distribution, or marketing of food; and from food-borne diseases such as
Preparation and consumption: Sanitation and hygiene are essential in food preparation. The resources
(e.g. cooking tools and fuel), knowledge and ability to prepare and consume food in a healthy and
hygienic way.

Food Stability
Food stability refers to the ability to obtain adequate food over time. Food may be available and
accessible to all people at all times. Access, Availability, and utilization should be stable over time.

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“All people at all times” is integral to the definition of food security and is the key to achieving national or
global food security objectives.

Stability describes the temporal dimension of food and nutrition security, the time frame over which food
and nutrition security are being considered. Stability is given when the supply on the household level
remains constant during the year and in the long term. Food stability is affected by:

The concept of stability can therefore refer to both the availability and access dimensions of food
security. People should not risk losing access to food due to sudden shocks ( e.g., economic or climatic
crisis) or cyclical events such as seasonal food insecurity.

Buffer stock - A buffer stock is a system or scheme which buys and stores stocks at times of good
harvests to prevent prices falling below a target range (or price level) and releases stocks during bad
harvests to avoid prices rising above a target range (or price level). A buffer stock scheme attempts to use
commodity storage to stabilize prices in an entire economy or an individual market. Specifically,
commodities are bought when a surplus exists in the economy, stored, and sold from these stores when
economic shortages occur.

Public distribution system - is a government-sponsored chain of shops entrusted with distributing

basic food and non-food commodities to the needy sections of the society at very low prices.
Advantages are: (1) It has helped in stabilizing food prices and making food available to consumers at
affordable prices.(2)It has helped in avoiding hunger and famine by supplying food from surplus regions
of the country to deficient regions are the two important components of food security system in a state.

How can food security be assessed?

The state of food security varies over a range of scales, ranging from the individual to global. Even where
food security is present at a particular individual or household level, it may not be so regional.
Conversely, while a nation or region may be generally considered food secure, certain (groups of),
individuals may still suffer from food insecurity.

Food Insecurity - Food insecurity, on the other hand, is defined by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) as a situation of "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe
foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways
Their frequency or duration can also distinguish types of food insecurity:

1. Chronic food insecurity. A long-term and persistent condition of food insecurity. A population suffers
from chronic food insecurity when it cannot meet minimum food consumption requirements for
extended periods (approximately six months of the year or longer). Chronic (or permanent) food

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insecurity is defined as the long-term, persistent lack of adequate food. In this case, households are
constantly at risk of being unable to acquire food to meet the needs of all members
2. Transitory food insecurity. A short-term and temporary condition of food insecurity. A population
suffers from transitory food insecurity when there is a sudden drop in the ability to produce or access
sufficient food for a healthy nutritional status (e.g., after a period of drought or as a result of the conflict).

3. Seasonal food insecurity. A condition of food insecurity that reoccurs predictably, following the
cyclical pattern of seasons.

Measuring food (in)security

No single tool can account for all dimensions of food security. However, one useful method for
measuring food insecurity on an individual level is the FAO's Food Insecurity Experience Scale, which is
based on the following eight questions. During the last 12 months, was there a time when, because of
lack of money or other resources:
1. You were worried you would not have enough food to eat?
2. You were unable to eat healthy and nutritious food?
3. You ate only a few kinds of foods?
4. You had to skip a meal?
5. You ate less than you thought you should?
6. Your household ran out of food?
7. You were hungry but did not eat?
8. You went without eating for a whole day?

These questions compose a scale that covers a range of severity of food insecurity from mild to severe.

Figure 3: A scale to measure food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale.
Adapted from FAO, n.d.

Effects of food insecurity

1. Famine and hunger are both rooted in food insecurity. Chronic food insecurity translates into a
high degree of vulnerability to famine and hunger; ensuring food security presupposes

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elimination of that vulnerability.

2. Stunting and chronic nutritional deficiencies among children with symptoms of low calorie and
low protein intake results to decreasing body size (stunted growth). This process starts in utero if
the mother is malnourished and continues through approximately the third year of life. It leads to
higher infant and child mortality, but at rates far lower than during famines. Once stunting has
occurred, improved nutritional intake after about two years is unable to reverse the damage.
3. Premature failure of vital organs during adulthood. For example, a 50-year-old individual might
die of heart failure because his/her heart suffered structural defects during early development;
Stunted individuals suffer a higher rate of disease and illness than those who have not undergone
4. Severe malnutrition in early childhood often leads to defects in cognitive development.[62] It,
therefore, creates disparity among children who did not experience severe malnutrition and those
who share it.
5. Depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders - A recent comprehensive systematic review showed that
over 50 studies have shown that food insecurity is strongly associated with a higher risk of
depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.[63] For depression and anxiety, food-insecure
individuals have almost a threefold risk increase compared to food-secure individuals.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of activities will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Directions: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

____1. Food access refers to the affordability and allocation of food and food preferences.

____2. Food insecurity means limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods.

____3. Food availability relates to the supply of food through production, distribution, and exchange

____4. Food stability refers to the ability to obtain adequate food when there is a calamity.

____5. Food security means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to

sufficient, safe, and nutritious food

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

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Exercise 2: Based on the text you read above, explain the framework for sustainable development
on food security.

Exercise 3: "Half the world is starving, and the other one is trying to lose weight." How would you
interpret the quotation above?




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. Why food security is essential for a country

Answer: Food security is significant for a country because combatting hunger is the primary concern of the
government, not to mention poverty and malnutrition. These are the concerns and subjects of sustainable
development in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. If a country has food security, this means that there is
always food on the table for every family/individuals. It must be sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets
the dietary needs for an active and healthy life of every individuals.

Question 2. In the Philippines, do we have food security?

Answer: Based on the record, as mentioned in research conducted, "The Global Food Security Index (GFSI)
showed the Philippines fell short of the global average of food supply for 2018. The 2018 report said the
country placed 70th among 113 countries assessed, with a score of 51.5 out of 100. A score of 100 points
means there is ideal food security in the country.”
( Actually, we experienced a rice
shortage, and the government resorted to importing thousands of tons of rice from other Asian countries. That
is for rice alone, and we do have a need also in some essential commodities. The government could not
produce these basic goods for lack of raw materials.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker

What contributed to the

quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

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Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False

Exercise 1: Proposed Contents should be like this:

To have food stability/security, the government should have the availability of resources. If there
will be availability, easy access must be provided to the agency for distribution to the people so that this
food will be utilized by the people concerned for distribution and consumption.

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions

Exercise 3: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #14 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Global Community: Materials: Activity Sheets

Geopolitics and Global Citizenship

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be

able to: global-citizenship-leveling-up-
1. describe the concept of global geopolitics; d9a74180e927
2. explain the concepts of global Citizenship.


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. What did you remember from our last topic? What did we discuss
then? Well, we were able to discuss Sustainable World: Food Security. We learned the things we need to do to
enable us to help sustain the needs of the people of a country regarding food to eliminate hunger. We have a
new topic today, and it is about Global Community: Geopolitics and Global Citizenship. Are you excited to
learn new things today? Just listen, read, and pay attention; after this class, you will understand the topic.
Before we proceed to our topic today, please answer the pretest given below to check your prior knowledge of
our lesson today.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.
____1. Global citizens try to understand other people and have empathy for them.
____2. Global citizens act fairly in their choices, their decisions, and their words.
____3. Global citizens believe that they are just as important as everyone else, believe that all people are
____4. Geopolitics can help explain the structure of security problems
____5. Geopolitics is the study of how geography and economics have an influence on politics and the
relations between nations of the world.
Do not worry if you do not know the answer to some questions. We want to check your prior knowledge of the

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Module #14 Student Activity Sheet


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities.
The succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Well, is there anyone here who knows a person who has dual Citizenship? He lived in both countries
where he was born and where he acquired another citizenship. Did you know that you can be a global citizen
without having to leave your country? Why do nations of the world have bilateral relations and trade
agreements? This is the benefit of both countries; our OFW cannot work in countries that we do not have
economic, political bilateral, or agreement so that the state can protect our OFW. Our topic for today is very
interesting, Global Community: Geopolitics and Global citizenship. Let’s start.

The global community- (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) is the people or nations of the world,
considered closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and
politically interdependent. Its components are global economy and culture, global citizens and
geopolitics, etc.

What is geopolitics?

1. Geopolitics is the study of how geography and economics influence politics and the relations
between nations of the world, a synonym for international political relations.
2. It is a study of the influence of geography, economics, and demography on politics and
especially a state's foreign policy.
3. A combination of political and geographic factors relating to something (such as a state or
particular resources) such as the geopolitics of oil and geopolitics of renewable energy.

Geopolitics takes into account geographical features in how a person moves in the world. There are
examples of geographical structures, mountains, oceans, rivers lakes, and how these geographical
features affect the migration of people. An example is a country landlocked with no natural buffers.

Geopolitics (from Greek γῆ gê "earth, land" and πολιτική politikḗ "politics") is the study of the effects of
Earth's geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations. While geopolitics
usually refers to countries and their relations, it may also focus on two other kinds of states. De facto
independent states with limited international recognition and relations between sub-national
geopolitical entities, such as the federated states that make up a federation, confederation, or a quasi-
federal system.

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Why is geopolitics important?

Geopolitics can help explain the structure of security problems. Thus, geopolitics can be an instrument
of political warfare. Furthermore, geopolitical ideas can be a convenient vehicle for the justification of
political decisions taken on other grounds. The intended effect is to give coherence to certain political

At the level of international relations, geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy to understand,
explain and predict global political behavior through geographical variables. These include area studies,
climate, topography, demography, natural resources, and the evaluated applied science of the region.
Geopolitics focuses on political power linked to geographic space. In particular, territorial waters and
land territory in correlation with diplomatic history.

What does global Citizenship mean?

A global citizen is someone aware of and understands the wider world - and their place in it. They take
an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more equal, fair, and
sustainable. Build their understanding of world events.

What are the qualities of a global citizen?

1. Global citizens try to understand other people and have empathy for them.
2. Global citizens act fairly in their choices, their decisions, and their words.
3. Global citizens believe that they are just as important as everyone else.
4. Global citizens believe that all people are equal.

What are the advantages of being a global citizen?

Being a Global Citizen in advanced countries means that your family has the freedom and outstanding
advantages of the best education, health care, social security, liberty while enjoying a clean and safe
living environment.

What is Global Citizenship, and why is it important?

It is essential to be a global citizen to develop cultural awareness and empathy, preserve the planet that
all humans share, and better prepare yourself to thrive in the increasingly international community.

Global Citizenship is the idea that one's identity transcends geography or political borders and that
responsibilities or rights are derived from membership in a broader class: "humanity." This does not
mean that such a person denounces or waives their nationality or other, more local identities, but that
such identities are given "second place" to their membership in a global community. Also, the idea
leads to questions about the state of global society in the age of globalization.

In general usage, the term may have much the same meaning as "world citizen" or cosmopolitan, but it
also has additional, specialized meanings in differing contexts. Various organizations, such as the World

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Service Authority, have advocated global Citizenship.

For Oxfam, global Citizenship is all about encouraging young people to develop the knowledge, skills,
and values they need to engage with the world. And it's about the belief that we can all make a

Education for Global Citizenship is not an additional subject - it's a framework for learning, reaching
beyond school to the broader community. It can be promoted in class through the existing curriculum
or new initiatives and activities.

The benefits are felt across the school and beyond. Global Citizenship helps young people to:

1. Build their understanding of world events.

2. Think about their values and what's important to them.
3. Take learning into the real world.
4. Challenge ignorance and intolerance.
5. Please get involved in their local, national, and global communities.
6. Develop an argument and voice their opinions.
7. See that they have the power to act and influence the world around them.

What's more, global Citizenship inspires and informs teachers and parents, too. But above all, it shows
young people that they have a voice. The world may be changing fast, but they can make a positive
difference - and help build a fairer, safer, and more secure world for everyone.

Informing the Electorate

The electorate is the people eligible to vote in an election, especially their number; an electoral district
or constituency, the geographic area of a particular election.

“A well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy,” - Thomas Jefferson.

"bobotante" is an informal, pejorative term referring to "poor" or "uncritical" voters, perceived to be

voting out of name recall, patronage, "utang na loob," or vote buying and selling. the issue of
“bobotante ” (a portmanteau of the words, “bobo” or stupid and “botante” or voter) and the supposed
failure of the country to meet the democratic ideal of an informed electorate.

There are gaps between the ideals of democracy and the reality on the ground in the country. This
could be referred to as “democratic deficits”; it occurs when supposedly democratic organizations or
institutions, such as governments, do not fulfill the principles of democracy.

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Now you have a clearer understanding of the crucial relationship among the press, government, and
the people, especially in the context of elections and democracy. Beyond comprehension, you must
assume your responsibility as part of the electorate. For voters or soon-to-be voters, remember that
your duty is first to be informed. The quality of news and information that you consume impacts your
beliefs, attitudes, and worldview. This is why reliable news and information is most crucial in the
exercise of the right to suffrage. This makes press freedom crucial as it affects other democratic rights
such as freedom of speech and the right to suffrage.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.
Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Exercise 2: Let’s do it again. Please read the statement, and answer it with True or False.

____1. Global citizens try to understand other people and have empathy for them.

____2. Global citizens did not act fairly in their choices, decisions, and in their words.

____3. Global citizens do not believe that they are just as important as everyone else, believe that all

people are not equal

____4. Geopolitics can help explain the structure of security problems

____5. Geopolitics is the study of how geography and economics influence politics and the

relations between nations.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 3: How can we avoid being a “BOBOTANTE?”




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What are the examples of geopolitics?

Answer: The examples of geopolitics are: movements of people to other countries or migration of people—
claim of one country to another countries territory. The geographical structures/features may affect its people's
desire to have a better life.

Question 2. How were the Geopolitics of the Philippines Scarborough Shoal and Kalayaan Islands
affected by the growing Chinese Navy and their presence at a strategic place in the South China

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Answer: Based on the news and other write-ups about this issue between China and the Philippines,
China's economic and technological growth has made it a global power with geopolitical impact across
the Philippines and other neighboring countries. China built infrastructure along Kalayaan Island, and
Filipino fishers were not allowed to fish in their territory. It caused fear and threatened the Filipinos
residing in those areas, prohibiting them from doing activities to earn a living. The Chinese claim for the
Philippine territory would make Filipinos leave and migrate to other places in other countries.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



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Exercise 1:
1. Global Geopolitics - A combination of political and geographic factors relating to something (such
as a state or particular resources) such as oil and geopolitics of renewable energy.
2. Global Citizenship encourages young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and values they
need to engage with the world. And it's about the belief that we can all make a difference.
3. Characteristics and Benefits- the family has the freedom and outstanding advantages of the best
education, health care, social security, liberty while enjoying a clean and safe living environment. It
shows young people that they have a voice. The world may be changing fast, but they can make a
positive difference - and help build a fairer, safer, and more secure world for everyone.
Exercise 2: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True
Exercise 3: See the rubric for checking the answers to the essay questions.
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 15 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Global Community: Materials:

Global Population and Mobility
Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
1. describe the population age range; blog/469/development/factors-
2. explain the concepts of population explosion. effect-population-size-and-


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today we will be talking about Global Community: Global Population
and Mobility. Population mobility can create challenges that the world would find as hindrances to the success
of some factors of globalization. It can affect the economy, politics, jobs, etc., and the production of goods and
services. After this class, you will gain more understanding of the topic. Are you ready for our new lesson today?
But, before we proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed the last meeting.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is incorrect.

_____ 1. Geopolitics can be an instrument of political warfare.

_____ 2. A global citizen is someone unaware of and understands the wider world and their place in it.
_____ 3. One of the benefits of geopolitics is to see that they have the power to act and influence the
world around them.
_____ 4. Global citizens do not believe that they are just as important as everyone else.
_____ 5. A combination of political and geographic factors relating to something (such as a state or
particular resources) such as the geopolitics of oil and geopolitics of renewable energy.

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I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Good morning/afternoon class, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World. Anyone here who knows a
person who has a big family? What country has the biggest population in the world? This will be answered
today by reading our text. What are the problems associated with huge populations? How did a certain
population grow that much? What are the factors affecting population growth? We will also learn how these
things affect the economy and how the government addressed problems about population mobility. Today we
will be discussing Global Population and mobility. Are you ready?

Global Population
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living and was
estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020. It took over 200,000 years of human
history for the world's population to reach 1 billion and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion.

Here we see that the top five most populous countries are:

(1) China (1.42 billion)

(2) India (1.37 billion)

(3) United States (329 million)

(4) Indonesia (269 million)

(5) Brazil (212 million)

For several centuries, China has been the world’s most populous country. But not for long: it’s expected
that India will overtake China within the next decade. However, the global population is still increasing
and is projected to reach about 10 billion in 2050 and more than 11 billion in 2100.

What do you mean by mobility?

Mobility is the ability to move freely. Geographic mobility is the measure of how populations and goods
move over time. Geographic mobility is also a statistic that measures migration within a population.
Mobility is affected by immigration and emigration. Population mobility has implications ranging from
administrative changes in government and impacts on local economic growth to housing markets and

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demand for regional services.

What is global population and mobility?

Geographic mobility is the measure of how populations and goods move over time. Geographic
mobility, population mobility, or more simply mobility is also a statistic that measures migration within a
population. These moves can be as large-scale as international migrations or as small as regional
commuting arrangements.

What is global population growth?

Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. Global human
population growth amounts to around 83 million annually or 1.1% per year.

What are the four factors that affect population growth?

We might talk about population size as population density, the number of individuals per unit area (or
unit volume). Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate,
immigration, and emigration.

Birth rate- means the number of live births per thousand of population per year. A high birth rate will
increase the population during a very small or negative birth rate decrease population size.

Death rate
The ratio of deaths to the population of a particular area or during a specific period, usually calculated
as the number of deaths per one thousand people per year. A high or low death rate will decrease the
population size.

Immigration- means the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Immigration is the
international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or do not
possess citizenship to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens. It will increase the
population size of the place.

Emigration- means the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another or moving
abroad with the intent to pay elsewhere. It will decrease the population size.

Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another. Hence one
might emigrate from one's native country to immigrate to another country.

Population growth is determined by

1. Fertility rates – the ability to produce young
2. Fatality rates – number of death in a given period
3. Carrying capacity - is the number of individuals that the available resources of an environment
can successfully support

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4. Limiting aid is a resource that organisms must have to survive and is available only in limited
quantities in their environment. Therefore, a limiting resource function to limit population
growth. Food and water are common limiting resources for animals, and work and housing
determine humans' help.

Factors influencing population growth

1. Economic development. Countries that are in the early stages of economic development tend
to have higher rates of population growth. In agriculturally based societies, children are seen as
potential income earners. From an early age, they can help with household tasks and collecting
the harvest.

2. Education. In developed countries, Education is usually compulsory until the age of 16. As
Education becomes mandatory, children are no longer economic Education. In developed
countries, Education is usually compulsory until the age of 16. As Education becomes
compulsory, children are no longer financial assets – but economic costs.

3. Quality of children. Gary Becker produced a paper in 1973 with H.Gregg Lewis, which stated
that parents choose the number of children based on a marginal cost and marginal benefit
analysis. In developed countries with high rates of return from Education, parents have an
incentive to have a lower number of children and spend more on their Education – to give their
children not just standard Education but a relatively better education than others.

4. Welfare payments/State pensions. A generous state pension scheme means couples don't
need to have children to provide adequate retirement support when they are old. Family sizes in
developing countries are larger because children are viewed as 'insurance' to look after them in
old age.

5. Social and cultural factors. India and China (before the one family policy) had strong social
attachments to having large families. In the developed world, smaller families are the norm.

6. Availability of family planning. Increased availability of contraception can enable women to

limit family size closer to the desired level.

7. Female labor market participation. In developing economies, female Education and social
mobility are often lower. In societies where women gain a better education, there is a greater
desire to work over starting a family.

8. Death rates are often reduced before a slowdown in birth rates, causing a boom in the
population size at a certain point in a country's economic development. Death rates fell, and life
expectancy increased.

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9. Immigration levels. Some country's most significant drivers of population growth come from
net migration. Countries like Japan with stringent immigration laws have seen a stagnation in the

10. Historical factors/war. Western countries saw a 'boom' in population in the post-war period, as
couples reunited at the end of the Second World War began having families.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Exercise 1: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

____1. Immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another.

____2. One might emigrate from one's native country to immigrate to another country.

____3. The fertility rate is the number of death recorded in a given period.

____4. Carrying capacity is the number of individuals that the available resources of an environment can
successfully support.

____5. Limiting resource functions to limit population growth, such as food and water, work, and housing.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 2:
Question 3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of countries open to



A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.
Since you are done with this, you may now proceed to the closure activity.

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Exercise #3:

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. How population mobility affects the number of infected cases of (Covid 19)?

Answer: Based on the article, population mobility is a factor in increasing the number of infected
cases of Covid 19. A person infected with the virus who will move from one place to another will most
likely spread the virus to other people. This is why the government with people infected by the virus
resorted to implementing strategies like community quarantine or lockdown of places/areas affected by
the virus to stop the virus from spreading. The article I read mentioned: "The mass population migration
during the Spring Festival in 2020 has motivated the transmission of COVID-19. Specific lockdown
interventions, such as travel restrictions and social distancing, are mainly used to reduce population
mobility and can help mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic, so the results support the opinion that
population mobility is closely related to the transmission of COVID-19.”

Question 2. What is the benefit of population mobility to the economy of a country?

Answer: 1. “A population mobility allows a region to shed workers when jobs are scarce and gives those
workers the opportunity seek employment elsewhere where opportunities might be better."
This means that population mobility can help the economy increase. For example, OFW working abroad
and paying their taxes back to their country; people moving out to other provinces or cities looking for
greener pastures to look for jobs; and other income-generating activities. Population mobility helps
increase the consumption of goods and services also. They somehow help the country improve its
economy through the taxes they are paying and the manufacturers pay taxes.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
What lesson# did you quality of your performance
do? What were the What were your scores in today? What will you do
What’s the date today?
learning targets? What the activities? next session to maintain
activities did you do? your performance or
improve it?

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Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?




Lesson Review

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True

Exercise #1: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True

Exercise #2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions

Exercise #3:

1. Immigration and Emigration - Immigration is "the act of immigrating or moving to another

country." Emigration is “an act or instance of emigrating.

2. Death rate and birth rate –It measures the degree to which a population is growing.
Since birth and death rates are measured as the number of births (or deaths) occurring per 1,000
population, the difference is divided by 10 to convert this rate into a percentage

3. Carrying capacity and limited resources - Carrying capacity is a species' average population size in
a particular habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like adequate
food, shelter, water, and mates. If these needs are not met, the population will decrease until
the resource rebounds.

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Global Media Culture
Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
1. explain the concept of global media culture. blog/469/development/factors-
2. describe social media and its various platforms effect-population-size-and-


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today’s lesson is about Global Media Culture. We will be learning
here the role of media in our society, how they will deliver news for the information of their viewers/listeners
and readers. Information that is educational and informative, which their followers can digest, follow, and
implement if needed. Nowadays, fake is news quickly spreading out to people through any source of media.
We will also learn about new social media platforms being widely used by people all over the world.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous studies we discussed.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is incorrect.
_______1. China is the most populous country in the world.
_______2. Geographic mobility is the measure of how populations and goods move over time.
_______3. Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration,
and emigration.
_______4. Carrying capacity is the number of individuals that the available resources of an environment
could not successfully support.
_______5. The fatality rate is the ability to produce young generation.

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Module #16 Student Activity Sheet


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Good morning/afternoon class, again, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World! Is there anyone here
who knows a person who continuously broadcasts their daily life activities on the internet? How do we know
what’s happening around the world? What are the most popular social media platforms or websites you are
using? Our topic for today is fascinating. It is about Global Media Culture. We will tackle the factors that
change the world of media and the new social media platforms being widely used globally. Excellent and
informative news should reach the people wanting legitimate information from the media. Are you ready? Let’s

Global Media Culture

Global Media Culture is the mass communication on a worldwide level, allowing people worldwide to
share and access the same information. Indeed, technologies made people's lives easier all over the
globe, exploring the relationship between the media, culture, and globalization.

How Important is Global Media Culture?

Technology allows for quick communication, transport, and mass marketing, significantly contributing to
a globalized marketplace. The media have an important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually
interdependent ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive transnational transmission of cultural
products. Secondly, they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and social structures.

Old and New Global Media

New media are forms of media that are computational and rely on computers for redistribution. Some
examples of new media are computer animations, computer games, human-computer interfaces,
interactive computer installations, websites, and virtual worlds. New media are often contrasted to "old
media," such as television, radio, and print media. However, scholars in communication and media
studies have criticized little distinctions based on oldness and novelty. New media does not include
analog broadcast television programs, feature films, magazines, or books – unless they contain
technologies that enable digital generative or interactive processes. Ex. Wikipedia combines Internet-
accessible digital text, images, and video with web-links, creative participation of contributors, interactive
feedback of users, and formation of a participant community of editors and donors for the benefit of
non-community readers.

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Live streaming/Streaming and Mainstreaming.

An online streamer, also known as a live streamer, internet streamer, or streamer, is a person who
broadcasts themself online through a live stream or pre-recorded video. The scope of online streamers
has grown to include different genres ranging from playing video games, tutorials, or even solo chats.

Live streaming transmits or receives live video and audio coverage of (an event) over the Internet. It is
the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet. Streaming uses an online library where
you can receive or watch movies or TV shows, documentaries, like Netflix, IWant, YouTube videos with
unlimited music and shows.

Mainstream media is a term and abbreviation used to refer to the various large mass news media that
influence many people and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought. The majority of these
mainstream pro- globalization channels are broadcast in English – the language of the US, globalization's
most potent player at this point.

Mainstream Media Channel: CNN, Fox News, BBC, TV5Monde, Deutsche Well, and the like, along with
their local subsidiaries and branches, are at the forefront of covertly promoting the dominant discourse
on globalization News.

While mainstream mass media, on the whole, "represent government and corporate interests,"
alternative media tend to be "non-commercial projects that advocate the interests of those excluded
from the mainstream," for example, the poor, political, and ethnic minorities, labor groups, and LGBT
identities. Some examples of alternative computing are hacking, open-source software or systems, and
file sharing. Mobilization media relate to communication practices that mobilize or organization social
movements, identity, or cultural projects through new media tools and platforms such as Facebook or

Manifestations of Digital Divide

It means that (usually) in many Third World countries, and several citizens are still insulated from or at
least not very much influenced by the global media. Not everyone is affected by global media culture due
to the following reasons:

1. Lack of high-speed internet access

2. High cost of digital gadgets
3. Lack of electric power in several isolated regions
4. Existence of extreme poverty

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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Social media refers to interactions among people who create, share, and exchange information and
ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing manages the
main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vimeo accounts.

Social Media and Traditional Media

1. Social media differ from paper-based media (e.g., magazines and newspapers) and traditional
electronic media such as TV broadcasting, Radio broadcasting in many ways, including quality,
reach, frequency, interactivity, usability, immediacy, and performance.
2. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers).
This is in contrast to traditional media that operates under a mono-logic transmission model (one
source to many receivers), such as a newspaper delivered to many subscribers or a radio station
that broadcasts the same programs to an entire city.
3. Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users, include
Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Weibo,
Twitter, Tumblr, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, and VK.
4. Other popular platforms that are sometimes referred to as social media services (differing on
interpretation) include YouTube, QQ, Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest,
Viber, Reddit, Discord, and more.

6 Ways Social Media is Changing the World

Around the world, billions of us use social media every day, and that number keeps growing.
We use it for every part of our lives – in our relationships, for entertainment, at work, and in our studies.
To put it into some context, we collectively send more than 30 million messages on Facebook and almost
350,000 tweets every minute.

1. Across industries, social media is going from a “nice to have” to an essential component of any
business strategy and communication. It started in the newsroom. In just seven years, newsrooms
have been completely disrupted by social media.

2. Social media platforms may be the banks of the future. - Imagine being able to pay your rent or
make an investment through your favorite social network. Social media is transforming banking
relationships significantly, from improving customer service to allowing users to send money to others
via online platforms. Banks will also have to implement sophisticated social media policies.”

3. Social media is shaking up healthcare and public health. The health industry is already using social
media to change how it works, whether through public health campaigns or virtual doctor’s visits on
Skype. It’s also helped groups of people, such as patients suffering from the same condition, stay in

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected social media usage by the world's general population,
celebrities, world leaders, and professionals. Social networking services have been used to spread
information and find humor and distraction from the pandemic via Internet memes. Since many
people are asked to remain home, they have turned to social media to maintain their relationships
and to access entertainment to pass the time.

4. Social media is changing how we govern and are governed - Civic participation and engagement
have been transformed with social media: Social media allows citizens to be the source of ideas, plans,
and initiatives in an easier way than ever before.

5. Social media is helping us better respond to disasters - From Facebook’s Safety Check – which
allows users in disaster zones to mark themselves as safe – to the rise of the CrisisMappers Network,
we’ve seen many examples of how social media and digital communications more broadly are helping
respond to disasters. These digital responders use their time and technical skills, as well as their
networks in an attempt to help mitigate information overload for formal humanitarian aid in the field.

6. Social media is helping us tackle some of the world's biggest challenges, from human rights
violations to climate change. But it’s about more than just bringing together activists: it’s also about
holding human rights violators to account. “Content shared on social media has increasing potential to
be used as evidence of wartime atrocities and human rights violations. This capacity for social media to
bring together disparate but like-minded people is also helping fight another enormous challenge:
climate change. "Social media has become an essential tool for providing a space and means for the
public to participate in influencing or disallowing environmental decisions historically made by
governments and corporations that affect us all. Have you stopped to think about how social media
impacts you, your studies, business, or your community?

Protests in the Digital Era

The following are images of different widespread mass

protests worldwide—from the Arab Spring; Black Lives
Matter, #MeToo Movement, Youth Climate Strike to our
very own 1986 People Power Revolution. Why do people
protest? What significant issues do you know that people
are protesting about? Have you ever joined a protest?

Does sharing posts online count as a protest? Is protesting

easier today than in the past? Why are protests an essential
part of democracies, and how has it changed—for better or

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worse—in the Digital Era? Read Article III of the Bill of Rights,
Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines: “No law shall
be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or the
press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and
petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The constitutional guarantee serves as the foundation for the

many freedoms or civil liberties that we enjoy as citizens of a
democracy. Another way to look at it is these civil liberties are
what we ought to claim, preserve and fight for so that democracy
remains vigorous and vibrant. This is why people protest—because it is both their right (as part of their
freedom of expression) and their responsibility (to shape the public discourse and the society).

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Exercise 2: Direction: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____1. Online steamers are broadcasting their lives in almost everything they do on social media.
_____2. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers).
_____3. Facebook is considered the biggest country in the world in terms of netizens population.
_____4. TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and VK are online platforms, too.
_____5. Global media cultures make the whole world a little global village with no one in-charged.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 3: What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming/live streaming? May it
be on gaming, live selling, etc.




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the impact of the closure of ABS-CBN to broadcast media?

Answer: From the literature, “The Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) said the
forced closure of a major broadcasting network limits the possibilities of civic engagement and
political participation.”( on 7 May 2020.) It happened amid pandemic Covid 19, where
the country needs media as their counterparts, which can mobilize impressive resources to air timely
warnings of imminent public danger, disseminate crucial information in times of emergency, and
save lives and mitigate the impact of calamity and disaster with appropriate assistance.

The closure of a giant media company affects many lives. It leads to the loss of too many productive
jobs, and for the media people, they said: this is a violation of fundamental rights of free expression

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and media freedom in the Philippine Constitution. Fear among the broadcasting network, especially
the small-time company, cannot be denied because of what happened to ABS-CBN It can be said
that the closure is unhealthy for press freedom. This is the cry of many media practitioners.

Question 2. What is the role of media in delivering news to the public?

Answer: The role of media is to deliver legitimate and authentic news for the information of the
public. According to the Committee of Concerned Journalists, they have to provide citizens with
accurate and reliable information to function in a free society. "Accuracy is the foundation upon
which everything else is built—context, interpretation, comment, criticism, analysis and
debate," so reliable news sources are essential if citizens are to have a clear understanding of
the society in which they live. Because the media has to serve the citizens' best interests in a
democracy, journalists must act independently and remain neutral in their presentation of
information. (

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?


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What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False
Exercise 1: Proposed answer (answers may vary)
1. Old Media and New Media - the use of traditional media like radio, television, newspaper,
magazines, journal, print media
2. Mainstreaming and alternative media - the use of live videos (conferences, business
presentations, shows, interviews, news reporting, etc.) for live mainstreaming as an alternative
3. Social Media: Platforms and Effects - a new broadcasting platform using: internet, Facebook,
Linked In, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. For social networking, vlogging, video sharing,
photo sharing, etc.)
Exercise 2: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Exercise 3: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is comprehensive, Write-up is accurate but not Write-up is not completely Write-up is incomplete. Key Questions
accurate, and complete. complete. Key points are stated. Key points are not points are lacking. It does are not
Key ideas are clearly stated stated but not supported. addressed and not not incorporate information answered.
and supported. Include Include some pertinent and supported. It does not include from class discussions
pertinent and detailed detailed information from pertinent information from
information from class class discussions. class discussions.

Organizatio Well organized, developed, Mostly clear and easy to Inadequate organization. The Organization and structure Questions
n and easy to follow. follow. Usually maintains structure of the answer is not draw away from the answer. are not
Maintains focus on the focus but occasionally easy to follow. Presents Provides no information answered.
topic. presents information that is information that is sometimes that can be understood.
different from the topic. unclear.

Spelling and Grammar, spelling, Contain few distracting Contain substantial Contain enough distracting Questions
Gram-mar punctuation, and sentence problems. There are one or distracting problems. There grammar, spelling, are not
structure have no errors. two errors in grammar, may be three to four errors in punctuation, and sentence answered.
spelling, punctuation, and grammar, spelling, structure problems to make
sentence structure. punctuation, and sentence it substantially
structure. incomprehensible


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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Globalization of Religion Materials:

Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: References:
1. describe globalization of Religion;
2. explain the effects of globalization of Religion. s/2000/


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today’s lesson is about the Globalization of Religion. We will be
learning here the role of Religion in our lives and in building our society. The lesson also includes how Religion
influences the world's economy, politics, and culture.
Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is incorrect.
_______1. The media have an important impact on cultural globalization.
_______2 .Livestreaming is the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet.
_______3. Social media is helping us tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, from human rights
violations to climate change
_______4. New media includes analog broadcast television programs, feature films, magazines, or books.
_______5. Old media are forms of media that are computational and rely on computers for redistribution.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #17 Student Activity Sheet


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Good Day! How are you doing? We have a new and very interesting topic today. This is about the
globalization of Religion or world religion. How many religions are there is in the world, and which ones are
popular. How many gods do we need in our life for us to survive? Are all religions the same? With all of these
questions, we will study the role of Religion in our lives and how Religion influences politics, economies, and
cultures of nations worldwide. Are you ready, guys? Let’s begin.


Period: 600 BCE-1200 CE

All of the world's great religions have spread far and wide from their origins. This process was one of
world history's most important stories in the pre-modern era, as religions helped establish connections
between many societies. Buddhism emerged in south Asia in the sixth century BCE. Around the same
time, Confucius began his ethical teachings in China, and the Greek philosophers imagined a new way of
ordering society. By 200 BCE Buddhism had spread to China, and in the next several centuries, it spread
by maritime routes to Southeast Asia. As Buddhism was linking Southeast Asia to China, Christianity was
beginning to apply in the Mediterranean. By 600 CE, Christianity had spread through western Europe and
Africa, just as Islam was emerging and beginning to spread across the Arabian Peninsula.

RELIGION - A religion is a set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more deities or
gods. Generally, Religion is a system of beliefs and practices. The word comes from the Latin “religare,"
which means to bind together again that was once bound but has since been torn apart or broken.
Religion is a relationship with God.

Western Beliefs •Judaism •Christianity •Islam Eastern Beliefs, The place of origin of the world religions,
fall into two geographical areas, the Middle East (Western Faiths) and the Far East.
Monotheistic - believe in one God Examples: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Eastern Beliefs • Buddhism Hinduism Confucianism Taoism Shintoism

Polytheism - belief in more than one god Example: Hinduism

Similarities of Religion
1. Belief in a power greater than humans and their Holy Places e.g., Mecca, Jerusalem,
3. Set of religious symbols by which the Religion is identified. Like Cross or Moon and Stars.

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4. Having a liturgy or observance of Holy Days and having sacred or Holy Writings, list of rules
6. Number of essential people, founders, prophets, missionaries, historical people
7. Place of worship •Belief in a Golden Rule.

Religious Differences
1. Their idea of sin or evil, the idea of salvation, and the idea of priesthood
2. Their idea of a personal God - some believe that their God can personally communicate with each
human- can be contacted, persuaded, involved. Others that their God is unreachable -- people are on
their own to find their answers. Others that their God is beyond the limits of experience or knowledge

The World’s Major Religions

Types of Major world religions include:

Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism.

1. Buddhism -Founder: Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Fundamental Beliefs: People reach
enlightenment, or wisdom, by following the Eightfold Path and understanding the Four Noble
Truths: Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right
Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration
2. Hinduism -Founder: Unknown Basic Beliefs: Souls continue to be reborn. The cycle of rebirth
ends only when the soul achieves enlightenment or freedom from earthly desires.
3. Christianity -Founder: Jesus of Nazareth - Basic Beliefs: There is one God, and Jesus is the only
Son of God. Jesus was crucified but was resurrected. Followers reach salvation by following the
teachings of Jesus. - is essential to make sure that an intention behind prayer is good -prayer will
deepen their relationship with God -thank God for the blessings received.
4. Islam -Founder: The Prophet Muhammad Basic Beliefs: There is one God. Followers must follow
the Five Pillars of Islam to achieve salvation. These are (1) Declaration of faith to Allah (2)
Obligatory Prayer (3) Compulsory Giving (4) Fasting in the month of Ramadan (5) Pilgrimage to
5. Judaism -Founder: Abraham Basic Beliefs: There is one God. People serve God by living
according to his teachings. God handed down the Ten Commandments to guide human behavior.
6. Sikhism -Founder: Guru Nanak Basic Beliefs: There is one God. Souls are reborn. The goal is to
achieve union with God, which a person does by acting selflessly, meditating, and helping others.

Globalization and Religion

Religion and globalization have always shared a relation of struggle and conflict. Globalization has
generally been linked with economic and political interdependence, which ultimately has brought people
closer. The effect of no event is isolated but is felt in far-off places. It has shifted the world's cultural

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buildup and led to forming a 'global culture'- a standard minimum accepted by all.
Globalization stands for increased and daily contact while religions are becoming more self-conscious
about themselves as world religions. The basic tenets of globalization stand against religious
parochialism. By diminishing the barriers between different cultures, globalization lands Religion in a
quagmire of conflicts that reinforce social identities. Some do not accept the new realities and turn to
Religion to rediscover their own identity. Religion provides a sense of belongingness to a group in the
world. Religion has stood the complexities and onslaught of the modern world and is seen to be further
intensified under the conditions of contemporary development.
Although some groups have made Religion a weapon to both integrate and terrorize masses, people
have generally become more tolerant of other religious beliefs and practices. They have come to
associate all acts of terror as anti-religious.
In third world nations, where the vulnerable sections find themselves more marginalized by the
forces of globalization, Religion takes a prime welfare role. It acts as a cultural protector for these
sections. Religion thus plays a social function by helping in social causes and successfully gets greater
recognition. Here it presents a direct challenge to globalization.

Therefore, globalization engenders greater religious tolerance in such areas as politics, economics,
and society through such religious values.

Leaders of World’s Major Religion at United Nations Grounds

Globalization has built global political forums that integrate cultural, ethnic, and religious differences in
political areas. Ideologies that were once perceived as dividing the world—through a large number of
international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as
well regional organizations like the European Union (EU), the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), or the African Union (AU). When discussing issues such as international peace and security, health
issues, poverty, and environment, these organizations generally share many of the same basic
commitments as religious traditions—mainly peace, human dignity, and human equality, as well as
conflict resolution in which they actively engage in negotiation, mediation, and diplomacy.

Emerging Global Ethics in Workplaces (Influence of Religion/religious values on a workplace)

Moreover, as transnational corporations increasingly become actors in the international system, one
could argue that religious communities have agreed on "the emerging global ethic," which consists of
three major components:
(1) corporations are prohibited from involving in bribes and corruption,
(2) corporations are prohibited from discriminating on the grounds of race, Religion, ethnicity, or gender
in the conduct of business, and
(3) corporations are prohibited from activities that pose a significant threat to human life and health.

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Simply put, these components are, in themselves, religious values used to regulate the way transitional
corporations increasingly engage in the global market. The bottom line is that the interreligious dialogue
to manage religious diversity and avoid violence is there. Still, the problem may be of globalization's
intentional and/or unintentional consequence of making religions more conscious of themselves as
"world religions," as well as the undesirable consequences of disrupting traditional communities, causing
economic marginalization, and bringing individuals mental stress—all reinforcing religious-cultural
characteristics and identities. Hence, the relationship between Religion and globalization has brought
new possibilities but also furthering challenges.

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.
Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Exercise 2: How do you differentiate the world’s major religions, which do you think is more popular and



A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

Exercise 3: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

____ 1. Judaism believed that souls continue to the cycle of rebirth.

____ 2. Christianity believed that there’s one God, Jesus is the only Son of God he was crucified but lives.

____3. Islam believed that there is one God, and followers must follow the Five Pillars of Islam.

____4. Judaism believed that there is one God and people serve God by living according to his teachings.

____ 5. Sikhism believed that there were more gods. Souls are reborn it unites with God, which a person
does by acting selflessly, meditating, and helping others.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. How does Religion influences society?

• Answer: Religion provides a sense of belongingness to any social or civic groups in the society or
community. Religion thus plays a social role by helping in social causes and successfully gets greater
recognition. It gives moral and spiritual support to the leaders, workers, and implementers of
society's laws, rules, and regulations. Religion influences their followers/believers to involve
themselves in some community undertakings to show their cooperation to the government to better
society. Religion wants to work in unison with the government to help improve the character, traits,
behavior of the people in the community to be of good service to society.

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Question 2. How Religion influences the everyday life of an individual?

Answer: Based on my observation on the religious practices of the Filipinos, in the Philippines, a
person who comes to a very religious family tend to become a good person who is likely to love their
families, shows concerns with other people, helps those who are needy and easily to be content with
whatever things they have in their life. They are continually thankful for all the blessings that come
their way. They want to establish a good relationship with other people. They are very lovely to talk
with because they are full of wisdom in their thoughts and minds. This is true in other countries as
well. A study conducted by A new Pew Research Center showed that the ways religion influences the
daily lives of Americans find that highly religious people are more engaged with their extended
families. They are more likely to volunteer, more involved in their communities, and generally
happier with the way things are going in their lives."

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What lesson# did you What contributed to the quality
of your performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next session
learning targets? What the activities? to maintain your performance
activities did you do? or improve it?

Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.
What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



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Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False
Exercise 1:
1. World's Major Religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
2. Similarities, Differences, Belief Systems -. Similarities: Belief in a power greater than humans,
symbols observance of Holy Days, respect for preachers, missionaries, etc., have their place of worship,
and in Golden Rule/. Differences: the idea of sin or evil, heaven, and hell, the doctrine of salvation, and
the deity of God. Belief: the deity of God, God is dead or alive, trinity, graven images, worship, offerings,
3. The emergence of Religious Ethics in Globalization of
Business, Economics, and Politics - religious values and ethics influences governance, work ethics,
integrity, and dignity as leaders, workers, producers and consumers.

Exercise 2: See the rubric for checking the answers to the essay questions.
Exercise 3: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate but Write-up is not Write-up is incomplete. Questions
comprehensive, not complete. Key points completely stated. Key Key points are lacking. are not

(50%) accurate, and complete. are stated but not points are not addressed It does not incorporate answered.
Key ideas are clearly supported. Include some and not supported. It information from class
stated and supported. pertinent and detailed does not include discussions
Include pertinent and information from class pertinent information
detailed information discussions. from class discussions.
from class discussions.

Organizati Well organized, Mostly clear and easy to Inadequate organization. Organization and Questions
on developed, and easy to follow. Usually maintains The structure of the structure draw away are not
follow. Maintains focus focus but occasionally answer is not easy to from the answer. answered.

(30%) on the topic. presents information that follow. Presents Provides no information
is different from the information that is that can be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few distracting Contain substantial Contain enough Questions
and Gram- punctuation, and problems. There are one distracting problems. distracting grammar, are not
mar sentence structure have or two errors in There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answered.
no errors. grammar, spelling, four errors in grammar, and sentence structure

(20%) punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and problems to make it

sentence structure. sentence structure. substantially

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 18 Student Activity Sheet

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date:_______________

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Technological Drivers of Globalization
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
1. explain the drivers of globalization; 2/top-10-new-medical-technologies-of-
2. explain the impact of Technological Drivers on politics.


Introduction (2 min)
Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today’s lesson is about the Technological Drivers of Globalization. We
will be learning here the factors of the drivers of globalization. We will see here how the drivers of globalization
made a significant impact on politics and the economy. This is a very important topic. I know you can relate to
this lesson because I know that technology is also making a significant impact in your life as a student,
especially today, where everyone is using technology.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed.

Lesson Review: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is
correct and False if it is incorrect.
_______1. One most common religious belief is that "there is one and true God."
_______2 . Religious values become a factor of good work ethics in some firms.
_______3. Religions have the same beliefs about hell.
_______4. Global religion played a spiritual role in trying to unify the world.
_______5. The world is trying to build a one-world religion.
Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

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I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Good day! How are you doing? Once again, welcome to Contemporary World! Does anyone here know
a person who is very good at e-commerce or digital marketing? She doesn't own a store but sells many goods
online. Today, we will be discussing Drivers of globalization: cost, market, competition, and government. We
will be learning the benefits the drivers of globalization could give to political leaders of the world. This is very
important for you to know these things for your future reference when you embark on politics in the future.

Drivers of Globalization – are the pressures or changes that have propelled both businesses and
nations to adopt these approaches. It includes (1) Technology, (2) Political or Government, (3) Market, (4)
Cost, and (5) Competition. For today, we will be discussing two of the drivers: Technology and Political
or Government.

1) Technological Drivers - Technology shaped and set the foundation for modern globalization.
Innovations in transportation technology revolutionized the industry. The most significant
developments among these are the commercial jet aircraft and the concept of containerization in
the late 1970s and 1980s. Inventions in microprocessors and telecommunications enabled highly
effective computing and communication at a low-cost level—finally, the rapid growth of the internet
is the latest technological driver that created global e-business and e-commerce.

Examples: Technology is reshaping trade flows in value chains in 3 ways

a. Reduces transaction cost – by means of internet of things, e-commerce, blockchain, automated
document processing.
b. Change production processes using (AI) Artificial Intelligence, automation, 3D-Printing
c. New goods – like electric vehicles, digital goods, and renewables, wearable gadgets monitoring vital
signs of a person such as BP, heart rate, time, and temperature

Modern transportation is currently experiencing significant changes because of transformative

transportation technologies. Let's take a look at six transportation technologies sure to impact the
trucking and transportation industries forever.

1. Self-Driving Automobiles - Self-driving automobiles are already here.

2. Smart Cars - Many consumers already own smart vehicles. It generally describes a compact, fuel-
efficient vehicle that utilizes new and innovative technology to make life easier for the driver and

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3. Next-Gen GPS Devices - GPS units are nothing new — they've been around for decades. The most
significant difference when comparing modern GPS devices to earlier models is the functionality seen in
the more recent hardware.

4. Transportation Technologies will Impact Public Transportation for Individuals - Typically

reserved for prominent cities and crowded residential areas, public transportation often has negative
connotations. Passengers often overstuff these vehicles. ,

5. High-Speed Rail Networks - High-speed rail networks are generating tremendous interest all around
the globe. The Shinkansen bullet train was officially unveiled in Japan in 1964. In the United States, they
are currently considering no less than ten high-speed rail networks in the country alone.

The Hyperloop — initially conceived by Elon Musk — is an underground rail that shows speeds up to 240
mph in early tests. Developers hope to achieve three times that speed with the finished version.

6. Gyroscopic Vehicles - Although flying cars might be too complicated for mainstream use any time
soon, hovering vehicles are propelled with monorails' assistance and balanced through the innovative
use of next-gen gyroscopes — could solve public transportation issues across the globe.

Technology Has Changed Farming

Think about how much technology has improved medicine & healthcare, communications, and
transportation in the last 50 years. The field of agriculture has changed just as much.
1. Livestock Genetics & breeding. Improving livestock breeds is not a new practice.
2. Crop genetics & pest management. Like livestock breeding, the idea of improving plant genetics
is not new. Farmers and scientists have used plant selection and breeding techniques to improve crop
yield for years. Tractors, planters, and combines are much larger and efficient. Livestock barns have
automated feeders. Robotic milking machines milk cows. These technologies and others have enabled
farmers to produce more with less labor.

4. Livestock facilities. Aside from beef cattle, livestock is usually raised inside climate-controlled barns.
Farmers do this to protect them from predators, extreme weather conditions, and diseases spread by
animals and people.
5. Specialization. Farms today are even more specialized. If farmers raise livestock, they usually raise
one type and even focus on one growth stage.

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Political or Government Drivers

Government drivers include such factors as favorable trade policies, a benign regulatory climate, and
common product and technology standards.

Government globalization drivers—such as the presence or absence of favorable trade policies,

technical standards, policies and regulations, and government-operated or subsidized competitors or
customers—affect all other elements of a global strategy and are essential in shaping the global
competitive environment in the industry. In the past, multinationals almost exclusively relied on
governments to negotiate the rules of international competition. Today, however, this is changing. As
the politics and economics of global competition become more closely intertwined, multinational
companies are beginning to pay greater attention to the so-called nonmarket dimensions of their global
strategies to shape the global competitive environment to their advantage (see the following section).
This broadening of the scope of the worldwide system reflects a subtle but fundamental change in the
balance of power between national governments and multinational corporations and is likely to have
significant consequences for how differences in policies and regulations affecting global
competitiveness will be settled in the years to come.

Political Globalization

Political globalization refers to the organization of different countries into trade blocs. Examples of trade
blocs are the European Union, the WTO, and G8. These organizations help spread ideologies like
democracy, protect human rights, intervene to solve misunderstandings, and aid in international
agreements. Political globalization refers to less emphasis on national states and rather multinational
institutions such as the European Union, WTO, or the G8/G20.

Political globalization refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism and the emergence of
national and international non-governmental organizations acting as watchdogs over the government.
One example is the United Nations (UN), an international organization committed to maintaining
international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, promoting social
progress, and better living standards and human rights.

National governments used to be involved and responsible for protecting human rights, political activity
increasingly takes place at a global level. Some examples of these non-governmental organizations
include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Hudson Institute. Countries form bilateral ties.
And citizens are exempted from getting visas if they are traveling to certain countries. For example, after
Obama became US president, he soon started visiting countries around the world.

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Exercise 2: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

_____ 1. Smart inhalers are Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers. A small device is attached to the inhaler
that records the date and time of each dose and whether it was correctly administered, sending data to
the patients' smartphones to keep track of and control their condition.

_____ 2. During robotic surgery, surgeons can perform very complex procedures that are otherwise either
highly difficult or impossible.

_____ 3. Electricity is the key to turning all into power, and it has been fueling generations of innovations
and become an irreplaceable tool of modern life.

_____ 4. Smart Cars are compact, fuel-efficient vehicles that utilize new and innovative technology but
could not make life easier for drivers today.

_____ 5. Anything can be located and tracked by using Next-Gen GPS Devices with functionality seen in the
newer hardware.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 3: Describe the beneficial effects of technology in politics and governance.




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What are the benefits of technology drivers to the economy?

Answer: Technology can save the time it takes to produce a good or deliver a service, contributing
to the overall profits. Technology can contribute to the efficiency of a business's output rate, allowing
for larger quantities of products to be moved or services to be rendered. IT also has several indirect
effects, which spur higher productivity, including enabling larger markets and better organizational
decision-making. In addition, IT boosts economic output by allowing more people to work in the

Question 2. What is the benefit of technology driver to information and communication?

Answer: It helps in the enhancement of information and communication in the whole world.
Technology divers can help quickly in the transmission of communication from one country to
another country. Businesses can easily transact with one another. Because of the technology we are
using right now, communications can easily reach them. During this pandemic, technology played a
significant role in reaching out to the people to give them warnings, pieces of advice on how to
follow protocols. It also became valuable and helpful during this pandemic-Covid 19 in reaching
far-flung areas, giving instructions and directions to people so they can get away with the virus, and
distributing food assistance and other essentials. These drivers were helpful in the unity, especially
during emergencies and other government activities. These technological drivers help the world in
their battle with this deadly coronavirus or Covid 19.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

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Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True

Exercise 1: Proposed answer

1. Technology Driver - Technological trends that capitalize on the fourth industrial revolution and the
digitalization era. The fast pace of technological innovation has created a vast, amorphous mass
that facilitates connectivity globally. Wireless, Internet, and mobile technologies are all converging
and creating connectivity at the hardware and infrastructure levels, application levels, and
business levels.
2. Political Driver - political involvement in any activities can be a driver of economic change,
technology, education, culture/ political drivers, sets of institutions, interests, discourses, and
policy processes.
3. Political Globalization - the growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and complexity

Exercise 2: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True

Exercise 3: See the rubric for checking the answers to the essay question.

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible

Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #19 Student Activity Sheet

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Technological Drivers of Globalization: Market,

Cost, and Competition
Materials: Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
1. explain the drivers of the market, cost, and competition; /blog/qa-what-are-the-main-
2. explain the impact of drivers of Globalization on the factors-driving-globalisation/
business industry.


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today’s lesson is about Technological Drivers of Globalization:
market, cost, and competition. We will be learning from these topics the causes and benefits these drivers will
give not only to consumers but also to the business. We will also understand how these factors interact with
others so that competition in the business industry will be successful globally.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed.

Lesson Review
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer based on reading the text and discussion.
_______1. This refers to the organization of different countries into trade blocs
_______2 . These are trends that capitalized on the fourth industrial revolution and the digitalization era.

______3. Many consumers already own smart vehicles. It generally describes a compact, fuel-efficient
vehicle that utilizes new and innovative technology to make life easier for the driver and passengers.
_______4. It is the latest technological driver that created global e-business and e-commerce.
_______5. These include favorable trade policies, a benign regulatory climate, and common product and
technology standards.

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I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Good morning/afternoon, class. Again, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World. Our topic for today is a
continuation of our topic last meeting, which is the Drivers of Globalization. But, this time, we will tackle the
other three factors of Globalization: Market, Cost, and Competition. Does anyone here know a person who is
very good at e-commerce or digital marketing? She doesn't have a concrete store but sells so many goods
online. Do you think that's an excellent way to do business now? We will also learn how these technological
drivers affect the business industry and the economy. Let’s start. Are you ready?

Drivers of Globalization – are the pressures or changes that have propelled both businesses and
nations to adopt these approaches. It includes.

(1) Technology,
(2) Political or Government,
(3) Market,
(4) Cost, and
(5) Competition.
This continuation of Lesson 18, the Drivers of Globalization, tackling the other three

3)Market drivers

Market drivers define how customer behavior distribution patterns evolve, including the degree to
which customer needs converge worldwide, customers procure on a global basis, worldwide channels
of distribution develop, marketing platforms are transferable, and "lead" countries in which most
innovation takes place can be identified.

As domestic markets become more and more saturated, the growth opportunities are limited, and
global expansion is how most organizations choose to overcome this situation. Everyday customer
needs and the opportunity to use international marketing channels and transfer marketing are also
incentives to choose internationalization. (Ferrier, 2004)

Examples: Common customer needs, Expanding global customers, global market channels,
marketing transfers, and global branding

One aspect of Globalization is the steady convergence of customer needs. As customers in different
parts of the world increasingly demand similar products and services, opportunities for scale arise by

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marketing more or less standardized offerings. How everyday needs, tastes, and preferences will vary
significantly by product and depend on such factors as the importance of cultural variables,
disposable incomes, and the degree of homogeneity of the conditions in which the product is
consumed or used. This applies to a consumer as well as industrial products and services.

Examples: Coca-Cola offers similar but not identical products around the world. McDonald’s, while
adapting to local tastes and preferences, has standardized many elements of its operations. Software,
oil products, and accounting services increasingly look alike no matter where they are purchased. The
key to exploiting such opportunities for scale lies in understanding which product or service elements
can be standardized without sacrificing responsiveness to local preferences and conditions.

Global customers have emerged as needs continue to converge. Large corporations such as DuPont,
Boeing, or GE demand the same quality in the products and services they buy no matter where in the
world they are procured. In many industries, global distribution channels are emerging to satisfy an
increasingly global customer base, further causing a convergence of needs. Finally, global branding
and marketing will become increasingly important to global success as consumption patterns become
more homogeneous.

What are market drivers in Globalization?

• Higher profits and a stronger position and market access in global markets.
• Reduced technological barriers to the movement of goods, services, and factors of production.
• Cost considerations – a desire to shift production to countries with lower unit labor costs

What are the main factors driving Globalization?

While many factors have contributed to Globalization, the actions of businesses have done most to
accelerate the process in recent years. Influential commentator Hamish McRae has stated that
businesses are the "main driver" of Globalization. Multinationals (businesses that operate in more
than one country) want to increase sales, profits, and shareholder value.

4) Cost drivers

A cost driver is the direct cause of a cost, and its effect is on the total cost incurred. For example, if
you determine the amount of electricity consumed in a particular period, the number of units
consumed determines the total bill for electricity. In such a scenario, the number of units of electricity
consumed is a cost driver.

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Cost Globalization Drivers

The Globalization of customer needs and the opportunities for scale and standardization it brings will
fundamentally alter the economics of many industries. Economies of scale and scope, experience
effects, and exploiting differences in factor costs for product development, manufacturing, and
sourcing in different parts of the world will be more critical as global strategy determinants. At the
bottom is a simple fact: a single market will no longer be large enough to support a competitive
strategy on a worldwide scale in many industries.

Global-scale and scope economics already have far-reaching effects. On the one hand, the more the
new economies of scale and scope shape the strategies of incumbents in global industries, the harder
it will be for new entrants to develop an effective competitive threat. Thus, barriers to entry in such
sectors will get higher. At the same time, the rivalry within such industries is likely to increase,
reflecting the broadening scope of competition among interdependent national and regional markets
and the fact that true differentiation in such a competitive environment may be harder to achieve.

Cost globalization drivers are the opportunity for global scale or scope economics, experience effects,
sourcing efficiencies reflecting differentials in costs between countries or regions, and technology
advantages—shape the industry's economics.

5) Competitive drivers

Competitive drivers are defined by the actions of competing firms, such as the extent to which
competitors from different continents enter the fray, globalize their strategies and corporate
capabilities, and create interdependence between geographical markets.

Global inter-firm competition increases with the worldwide market, and organizations are forced to
"play" international. Strong interdependences among countries and high two-way trades and FDI
actions also support this driver.

Examples: Role of GATT, WB and WTO in trade liberalization, trade barriers and investment policies,
Standard policy.

Industry characteristics—such as the degree to which total industry sales are made up by export or
import volume, the diversity of competitors in terms of their national origin, the extent to which
major players have globalized their operations and created an interdependence between their
competitive strategies in different parts of the world—also affect the globalization potential of an
industry. High levels of trade, competitive diversity, and interdependence increase the potential for

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industry globalization. Industry evolution plays a role, too. As the underlying characteristics of the
industry change, competitors will respond to enhance and preserve their competitive advantage.
Sometimes, this causes industry globalization to accelerate. At other times, as in the worldwide major
appliance industry, the globalization process may be reversed.

Government Drive for Businesses

Governments want to encourage domestic businesses to expand overseas (it results in a flow of
profits back into the domestic economy) – so there is a lot of help available for businesses looking to
expand overseas. Businesses themselves, though, are not the only drivers of Globalization. Consider
factors such as:

There are several alternative approaches for a business looking to expand globally – many
choose to follow one or more of the following:

• Establish production sites overseas

• License, technology & other intellectual property
• Joint ventures
• Franchising
• Offshoring/outsourcing
• Selling directly to overseas markets – either with sales agents, distribution agreements, or online

The motivations for successful businesses to operate globally are strong and growing. For

• Higher profits and a stronger position and market access in global markets
• Reduced technological barriers to the movement of goods, services, and factors of production
• Cost considerations – a desire to shift production to countries with lower unit labor costs
• Forward vertical integration (e.g., establishing production platforms in low-cost countries where
intermediate products can be made into finished products at lower cost)
• Avoidance of transportation costs and avoidance of tariff and non-tariff barriers
• Extending product life-cycles by producing and marketing products in new countries

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1:
Directions: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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Exercise 2: Read the statements below, write True if the statement is correct and write False if the
statement is incorrect.

____ 1. Technology drivers are the use of IT and advance transport in goods delivery, new products

____ 2. Cost drivers are buying in bulk to cut costs like economies of scale and scope.

____ 3. Market drivers are the customers’ demands and preferences for products anywhere in the world.

____ 4. Government drivers are the policies of government related to business. It may increase/decrease
the cost of production or encourage/discourage business activities.

____ 5. Competition drivers are the actions of competing firms, such as the extent to which competitors
from different continents enter the fray, globalize their strategies and corporate capabilities, and create
inter-dependence between geographical markets.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 3: What do you think is the importance of fair government policies in local business?




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. Significance of cost drivers to the prices of goods and services.

Answer: A cost driver triggers a change in the cost of an activity. The concept is most commonly used to
assign overhead costs to the number of produced units. It can also be used in activity-based costing

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analysis to determine the causes of overhead, which can minimize overhead costs. Examples of cost
drivers are as follows: direct labor hours worked, number of customer contacts, number of engineering
change orders issued, number of machine hours used, number of product returns from customers.
Suppose these drivers' costs would be minimized. The overhead cost varies depending on the nu mber of
goods and the expenses incurred in producing them. In that case, manufacturers can deliver more goods
at a lower cost. A lower cost of production would mean a lower price of goods and services.

Question 2. What is the role of business drivers to the success drivers of competition?

Answer: Business drivers are the key inputs and activities that drive the operational and financial results.
Common examples of business drivers are salespeople, number of stores, website traffic, number and price of
products sold, units of production, etc. If these drivers are organized and managed well, they help drivers of
competition to be successful and push for a flourishing global market. The business drivers are factors to
competitive drivers to offer goods at lower prices and gained more profits.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?


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What important question remains unanswered?



Job well done! You have reached the end of this lesson.


Lesson Review

1. Political Globalization 2. Technological trends 3. Smart cars 4. Internet 5. Government drivers

Exercise 1:

1. Market drivers - Market drivers are the underlying forces that compel consumers to purchase
products and pay for services. These are trends that make markets develop and grow. The most
common market drivers are consumer demand, government policy, and demand.

2. Cost Drivers –A cost driver is a unit of activity that causes a company to incur costs.
Some examples are direct labor, machine use, electricity.

3. Competition Drivers - the two main drivers of competitive advantage are cost advantage, which
allows a company to charge lower prices than its competitors, and differentiation, which enables it
to offer product features and benefits that competitors cannot match.

Exercise 2:
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True

Exercise 3:
See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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Name:_____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: National Issues: Corruption & Poverty, Materials: Activity Sheets
Inefficiency in Office and Educational System. References
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should nce/preventing-bribery-in-business/what-are-
be able to: the-main-causes-of-corruption/
1. describe the causes and effects of corruption and j-7-2-2-Myint.pdf
2. describe the concept of inefficiency in the office and
educational system in the Philippines by levels.


1). Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Our topic for today is all about National Issues like Corruption &
Poverty, Inefficiencies in Office, and the Educational System. We will tackle these issues, one by one, to see the
real picture of these problems facing today. We will also be learning how these problems affect the delivery of
government services, which in turn prevents the growth of the economy.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed.

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Lesson Review
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer based on reading the text and discussion.
____ 1. High levels of trade, competitive diversity, and interdependence increase the potential for industry

____ 2. A market driver is the direct cause of a cost, and its effect is on the total cost incurred.

____ 3. Governments want to encourage domestic businesses to expand overseas.

____ 4. Strong interdependences among countries and high two-way trades and FDI actions also support
this driver.

____ 5. Global customers have emerged as needs continue to converge.

You may check the correct answers for this activity on the last page. How many correct answers did you get? I
hope you are doing good.

I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Is anyone here who knows what corruption is? Why are some politicians, when campaigning in elections,
not so well-off and wealthy, but at the end of the term of office, they were so wealthy and arrogant? Did you get
rich by working in government offices and institutions? Sometimes, we know that politicians are doing some
magic to keep the funds to themselves, we call it graft and corruption, and that’s one of the topics for today.
We will also be discussing efficiency in the office and issues in the education system. There is a new way of
learning modes because students are advance in lessons due to the Internet. The research found that you have
to learn independently because the best teacher is not Ms. XNY. Your best teacher is Ms./Mr. Experience. We will
never forget the things that we experienced compared to something we just saw and heard. Alright, are you

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted

with a position of authority to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one's private gain. Corruption
may include many activities, including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve legal
practices in many countries.

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Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official
capacity for personal gain.
Causes of corruption

Due to the definition of corruption, it can include a wide range of examples and types. They can relate to
personal, societal, or organizational characteristics. As a result, there is a vast range of causes. These are
important to know so that criminal activity can be prevented.

Greed for personal gain

One of the most common causes is selfishness to obtain as much personal wealth as possible. This is
often at the expense of other individuals and even businesses. Individual gains can take the form of
money or power, especially when giving bribes.

This is a problem, as it is natural to seek money or power. However, society should teach people only to
do so by legitimate means. Where this fails, there are consequences for all.

Lack of personal morals

This means people know what good behavior is, but they choose to misbehave. Greediness is often
combined with this factor, as it affects people's moral compass.

Unethical behavior at work may persuade a colleague to follow suit. For example, bribery, a person taking
credit for work they didn't complete, abusing power to harass someone, or hiring a close friend set bad
standards. As a result, this promotes toxic values that employees take in.

Low awareness of the issues

If employers fail to conduct employee ABC training, it is more likely they will commit an offense. This is
because staff members are unaware of the consequences of their actions. All employers have a legal
duty to train staff members.

In addition, if employees cant spot the signs of criminal activity, they cannot report it. Therefore,
corrupting behavior goes unnoticed, and criminals get away with it. Furthermore, under ABC laws like the
Bribery Act 2010, failure to disclose information can be considered criminal.

Lack of transparency

People will offend more if a country or business fosters an environment where corruption is accepted
and commonplace. This often comes in the form of underhand government deals or threatening press

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freedoms. Furthermore, this occurs in an organization’s setting, whereby a lack of compliance can
promote bad behavior.

Weak regulations and monitoring

Corruption is a threat to businesses and societies alike. It damages economies and the reputations of
organizations. Corruption means that a person has abused a public office of power strictly for individual
gains. Corrupting behavior can take the form of bribery, fraud, and identity theft.

Consequently, weak monitoring systems make it much harder to catch criminals. So, as we know,
criminals will target the lowest countries and businesses first. For example, if a bank is known for weak
transaction flagging systems, criminals are more likely to use their accounts to transfer illegal money.

If employees or organizations spot any of these, they must be stopped immediately. Corrupt practices
should not be allowed to spread, as the situation can get out of control fast. To prevent an allegation
from escalating, formal grievances can be made to the employer. As a result, this will raise the issue, and
proper procedures must be put in place as a reaction.

What is poverty?

Poverty is not having enough material possessions or income for a person's needs. Poverty may include
social, economic, and political elements. Absolute poverty is the complete lack of the means necessary to
meet basic personal needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter.

Causes of Poverty
As of 2015, with one-fifth of the population living below the poverty line, the desire to reduce poverty was
a priority. The poorest people work in agriculture and live in areas prone to natural disasters compared
to the wealthier population. There is an inadequate number of available good jobs, and a lack of
investment in education leads to such a high-income inequality. However, the government has plans
focused on reducing poverty to improve the lives of the poorest segments of the population.

Why is poverty a problem in the Philippines?

Filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such difficult conditions, and more and more are falling into
extreme poverty. According to the Asian Development Bank, the significant causes of poverty include low
economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased population rates, and a high inequality volume.

Inefficiency in the office means being unable to do the job required and not producing results in the
best, quickest, and cheapest way. It causes more than just slow progress and wasted salary and time.

Effects of Inefficiency - Inefficiency directly impacts productivity, which is inextricably linked to the all-

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important element of employee morale. When offices are inefficient, and (1) people feel they cannot do
good work for reasons beyond their control,( 2) it wears down their morale and, thus, their productivity.
(3) This hopelessness and inability to make an impact leads to worse and worse work—creating a
dangerous, downward spiral that’s hard to break out of.

Office Inefficiencies That Slow Productivity and Drain Morale

Various studies and theories have established that employees who are happy with their organization’s
environment are more productive and thus high in morale.

Causes of Inefficiencies. If you notice any of the following practices or problems at your office, they
could be what’s causing inefficiencies that hurt productivity and overall morale.

1. Outdated Processes and Tools

If your office is suffering from outdated processes and tools—that may undoubtedly be the cause of
inefficiencies that hamper efficiency, effectiveness and are downright annoying to boot.

2. Unnecessary Checks and Balances

Checks and balances are an excellent precaution when the stakes are very high. However, if you have
three different employees take time out of their days to sign off on a vacation request form, that's
probably unnecessary.
3. Poorly-Managed Meetings
Meetings themselves aren't the enemy of efficiency—it's poor management creates low productivity and

4. Office Distractions
Noises reverberating through an open office, employees “popping in” to each other’s offices
unannounced, constant emails and notifications from inter-office messaging programs—distractions
abound in the modern office setting.
5. Morale-Damaging Culture
Culture has a significant impact on business productivity and morale. An efficient office is challenging to
build when your organization suffers from the hallmarks of poor culture like ineffective or toxic
leadership, an unwillingness to cope with different work styles and schedules, and a lack of mobility or

Education System
Ten major challenges currently facing public schools, based on the perspective of many involved in the
world of education today. These are Classroom Size; Poverty; Family Factors; Technology; Bullying;
Student Attitudes and Behaviors; No Child Left Behind; Parent Involvement; Student Health; Funding.

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Issues Regarding the Philippine Educational System

The present Philippine Educational system firstly covers six years of compulsory education (from grades 1
to 6), divided informally into two levels - both composed of three years. The first level is the Primary
Level, and the second level is known as the Intermediate Level.

However, although the Philippine educational system has extensively been a model for other Southeast
Asian countries, such a matter has no longer stood true in recent years, and such a system has been
deteriorated - such a fact is especially evident and true in the country's more secluded poverty-stricken
regions. Nationwide the Philippines faces several issues when it comes to the educational system.

Quality of Education

First of which is the quality of education. In the year 2014, the National Achievement Test (NAT) and the
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) results show that there had been a decline in the quality
of Philippine education at the elementary and secondary levels. The student's performance in both the
2014 NAT and NCAE were excessively below the target mean score. Having said this, the poor quality of
the Philippine educational system is manifested in the comparison of completion rates between the
highly urbanized city of Metro Manila. This also happens to be not only the country's capital but also the
largest metropolitan area in the Philippines and other places such as Mindanao and Eastern Visayas.
Although Manila can boast a primary school completion rate of approximately 100 percent, other areas
of the nation, such as Eastern Visayas and Mindanao, hold a primary school completion rate of only 30
percent or even less. This kind of statistic is no surprise to the education system in the Philippine context.
Students who hail from Philippine urban areas have the financial capacity to complete, at the very least,
their primary school education.

Budget for Education

Although the Philippine Constitution has mandated for the government to allocate the highest
proportion of its government to education, the Philippines remains one of the lowest budget allocations
to education among ASEAN countries.

Affordability of Education

A big disparity in educational achievements is evident across various social groups. Socioeconomically
disadvantaged students, otherwise known as members of high and low-income poverty-stricken families,
have immensely higher drop-out rates at the elementary level. Additionally, most freshmen students at
the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families.

Drop-out Rate (Out-of-school youth)

According to UNESCO's data, the Philippines overall has 1.4 million out-of-school children and is also the

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only ASEAN country included in the top 5 countries with the highest number of out-of-school youth. In
2012, the Department of Education showed a 6.38% drop-out rate in primary school and a 7.82% drop-
out rate in secondary school.


There is a significant mismatch between educational training and actual jobs. This stands to be a
substantial issue at the tertiary level. Furthermore, it is the cause of the continuation of a substantial
amount of educated yet unemployed or underemployed people.

Brain Drain

Brain Drain is a persistent problem evident in the Philippines' educational system due to the modern
phenomenon of globalization, with the number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad
at any time during the period April to September 2014 was estimated at 2.3 million. This ongoing mass
emigration subsequently inducts an unparalleled brain drain alongside grave economic implications.
Additionally, Philippine society is footing the bill for the education of millions who successively spend
their more productive years abroad.

Social Divide

Most modern societies have encountered an equalizing effect on the subject of education. This divide
mentioned above in the social system has made education part of the institutional mechanism that
divides the poor and the rich.

Lack of Facilities and Teacher Shortage in Public Schools

There are large-scale shortages of facilities across Philippine public schools, including classrooms,
teachers, desks and chairs, textbooks, and audio-video materials. According to the 2003 Department of

Undersecretary Juan Miguel Luz, reportedly over 17 million students are enrolled in Philippine public
schools. There are too many students and too few resources. Albeit the government's claims on
increasing the allocated budget for education, there is a prevalent difficulty the public school system
faces about shortages. Furthermore, state universities and colleges gradually raise tuition to purchase
facilities, thus making tertiary education challenging to access or, more often than not, inaccessible to the
poor. However, what the Aquino administration has done in its five years of governance about
classroom-building is worth noting - the number of classrooms built from 2005 to the first half of the year
2010 has tripled. Additionally, the number of classrooms put up from the year 2010 to February 2015 was
recorded to be at 86,478, significantly exceeding the 17,305 classrooms built from 2005 to 2010 and

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adequate enough to counterbalance the 66,800 classroom deficit in the year. 2010.

Education Status During the Covid 19 Pandemic

All Education Department sectors are finding ways to implement academic activities while minimizing
infection by online learning, blended learning and physically going back to school. Online learning
requires the infrastructures of TV, computers, laptops, tablets, and stable wifi connection at home. Not
everyone can afford online learning. Blended learning requires reading modular lessons with minimal
teacher-student interaction. Flexible learning involves a balance of power between institutions and
students. It seeks to find ways in which choice can be provided economically viable and appropriately
manageable for institutions and students alike.

Active learning is an approach to instruction that involves actively engaging students with the course
material through discussions, problem-solving, case studies, role plays and other methods. Active
learning approaches place a greater degree of responsibility on the learner than passive approaches
such as lectures, but instructor guidance is still crucial in the active learning classroom. Active learning
activities may range in length from a couple of minutes to whole class sessions or over multiple class

Instructional materials for active learning are prepared in advance with teachers' guides and student's
activity sheets, which are given daily in the classroom. Teacher's Guide is lesson plans on how this active
learning is applied.

Development of National Consciousness

Developing a national consciousness is a continuous process. The most common and effective method is
through civic engagement/participation. Checkoway and Aldana (2013) define civic
engagement/participation as a process in which the people take collective action to address issues of
public concern. It is instrumental to a lively democracy. In this lesson, we will discover the different ways
in which we can exercise our national consciousness.

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Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Directions: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms

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Exercise 2: Give your ideas/opinion on the question below.

How would you describe the causes of poverty in the Philippines?




A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the answers.

Exercise 3:

Direction: Read the statements below, write True if the statement is correct and write False if the
statement is incorrect.

_____ 1. Collaboration means working together to reach a goal and putting talents, expertise and smarts
to work.
_____ 2. Critical thinking is looking at the problems in a new way and linking learning across subjects and
_____ 3. Creativity is trying new approaches to get things done, innovation, and invention.
_____ 4. Efficiency in the office means being unable to do the job required and not producing results in
the best, quickest, and cheapest way. It causes more than just slow progress and wasted salary
and time.
_____ 5. Poverty is not having enough material possessions or income for a person's needs. Absolute
poverty is the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic needs, such as food,
clothing, and shelter.
_____ 6. Political graft occurs when funds intended for public projects are intentionally misdirected
to maximize the benefits to private interests.
_____ 7. Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization
entrusted with a position of authority.
_____ 8. Bribery involves the improper use of gifts and favors in exchange for personal gain.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. How many correct answers did
you get? I hope you are doing good. Write your score on your paper.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. How corruption impedes the delivery of Personal Protective Equipment to

government hospitals/front liners during Covid 19 pandemic?

Answer: Based on the news/reports, an alleged corruption happened in the procurement of Personal
protective Equipment (PPEs) and other medical supplies to be used in fighting Covid 19. They
commented that other government officials used the situation to use/abuse their power for their gain or
interest. There was a delayed issuance of PPEs to the frontliners. Because of the lack of PPEs to be used
by the frontlines in giving medical care/services to the Covid 19 patients, many frontlines got infected by
the virus, wherein numbers of doctors and nurses died. Also, it was reported that the government
bought these PPEs at a higher price, while private sectors donating the same to the frontlines bought
their PPEs at a lower price. That's why they could donate more PPEs to the frontliners who are working
and taking care of Covid 19 patients. Anyway, the government is still investigating this issue to find the
truth to the alleged corruption in the department responsible for this pandemic.

Question 2. How does Covid 19 affect the opening of classes this school year 20-21?

Answer: Based on reports, the Department of Education, amid this pandemic, is firmed in its decision
to push through with the opening of classes this August despite the opposition of parents calling for next
year's opening of classes instead of this year. Though they adjusted the schedule of the opening of
classes from the original, which is June, they believe that they are ready to implement the new schedule
in August in conformity with the new normal and safety protocols. The DepEd Secretary believes that
extended interrupted education will disengage students from the learning process, resulting in the
potential cost of reversing gains in learning. After a series of consultations with school administrators,
they did work to find ways to implement academic activities while minimizing the chances of infection by
online learning, blended learning, and face-to-face learning if the situation allows it.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module # 20 Student Activity Sheet

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?



What important question remains unanswered?



Lesson Review
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True

Exercise 1: Refer to TG

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.

Exercise 3: 1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True

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Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Materials: Activity Sheets

Lesson Title: Positive and Negative Effects of
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students
should be able to:
1. describe the effects of globalization on developed Organization#:
2. explain the impact of globalization on developing
countries. society/#sub-lesson-2


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Our topic for today is all about the Positive and Negative Effects of
Globalization. This topic is significant because we will try to see the accurate picture of globalization both to the
developed and developing countries based on the reading materials provided and discussion. We will see here
who were most benefited from globalization. Is it the industrial countries or the third world countries?

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets are
your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before we
proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous lessons we discussed.

Lesson Review
Directions: Based on reading the text and discussion of the previous lesson, fill in the blanks with the correct

__________________ 1. The complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic personal needs, such as
food, clothing, and shelter.
__________________ 2. It means being unable to do the job required and not producing results in the best,

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

quickest, and cheapest way. It causes more than just slow progress and wasted salary and time.
__________________ 3. It requires a balance of power between institutions and students and seeks to find
ways in which choice can be provided that is economically viable and appropriately manageable for
institutions and students alike.

___________________ 4. It means that a person has abused a public office of power strictly for individual
gains. Corrupting behavior can take the form of bribery, fraud, and identity theft.
___________________ 5. It occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official
capacity for personal gain.

You may check the correct answers for this activity on the last page. How many correct answers did you get? I
hope you are doing good.


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. The succeeding activities aim to develop your
knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Anyone here who knows a knowledgeable person and a graduate of a college degree but cannot find work
in an office? Why has freelancing become a new way of self-employment? Why are so many foreigners
studying in developing countries like the Philippines? How come terrorists from abroad are affecting our peace
and order in Mindanao? Why are there so many investors in developing countries? Why do Filipinos nowadays
need to master the English language because the call center's job abounds? These are questions we will be
answering in our reading of the text and discussion. Our topic for today is the positive and negative effects of
globalization. We will try to learn and understand the positive and negative effects of globalization in
developed and developing countries. Let’s start.

Positive Effects of Globalization in Developed Countries

Researchers have concluded various positive effects of globalization which some developed countries
enjoy today. It’s hard to encounter each of them, but let’s focus on some essential points.

1. Global Market
Among all effects of globalization, this one is beneficial. It means encouraging nations to specialize
and produce plenty of goods available in their local market. Different countries produce different
products and what is most surprising is there is no self-sufficient country. Some countries with
developed economies don't have enough raw materials for their factories, while the rest accumulate
costs more than they should. Worldwide integration has led the way to cheap raw materials. Now
states can purchase them and produce low price products with a good profit.

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Cross-Cultural Management
Each country has got its own culture. Culture pertains to the way particular people do things as well
as their values and believes. Incorporating all cultures to form a global one is not easy. For instance,
gender equality is not recognized in some legal systems, and they do not allow women to lead or
engage in business.

2. Competition
Competition is a healthy way of doing business. Without it, companies would not pioneer some
innovations in cross-border trade. It is the main reason why the quality of goods and services
improve and why the prices drop. Competition affected industries in some developed countries to
source cheap raw materials and labor to decrease costs. People from the first world can afford to buy
products from domestic enterprises and foreign ones. Competition causes increased communication
of ideas and innovation as people try to find a competitive advantage for their business.

3. Job Opportunity
About 90 percent of the first-world population earns for living through employment. Initially, job
opportunities were relatively scarce, and everyone who graduated from college applied in a particular
government sector. Still, most of them ended up working as casual laborers in industries with a low
income. Globalization has brought this trend to a halt as more job opportunities are now available
locally and internationally. By using technology, one can access employment opportunities, work
remotely and even have more than one job.

4. Reducing the Gap between the Rich and the Poor

Globalization has notably declined the gap between rich and poor people. For many centuries there
has been a wide gap between these groups, which seems to widen every year. Globalization enabled
poor people to have access to job opportunities. A long time ago people who worked in government
sectors and companies got high salaries, but now even overeducated employees earn a little money.
As a result, many employers hire qualified workers and pay them less than they deserve. Due to their
expenses of maintaining companies' specific image, the highly paid workers live a stressful life while
the low-income people seem to have a stress-free experience.

5. Investments
The population of developed countries prefers to invest money in profitable businesses rather than
deposit it in banks. The reason is, they strive to earn a living remotely because investments assure
they will gain good profits without any effort. Unfortunately, such an option is available only for those
people in developed countries as usual defaults of economies in third-world states make it insecure.

6. Advanced technology
Advanced technologies are a result of globalization. A constant need for innovations appeared due to

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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the lack of quick data transfer and public communication. Lots of inventors have tried to serve the
needs of modern society by improving technology. Its advancement has paved the way for the
positive effects of globalization in countries that initially did not want to associate with others. Such
states select partners for cooperation depending on religion rather than the economy.

7. Legal Effects
Through globalization, people get to know what's happening in other countries. Media services cover
events that occur in other countries. As a result, various turmoils could be solved by international
mediators. Those who perform acts against human rights are arrested and sentenced by
intergovernmental courts. Equally, those who practice illegal business aiming to get competitors out
of trading are prosecuted.

Positive Effects of Globalization Developing Countries

Globalization has numerous positive effects on some developing countries. It’s the reason for the fast
growth and development of these countries as people invest in these states improving their
infrastructure, technology, and total production. Below are some positive effects of worldwide
integration on developing countries.

1. Poverty Eradication
Before globalization, developing countries have had plenty of resources that they didn't know how to
use. Their population was uneducated as well as there were no roads or means of transport.
Nowadays, people understand the significance of education and standards of living as foreigners
settle in these countries. Consequently, locals went to schools established by the settlers and got
employment in their companies and industries.

2. Availability of Employment
Most developed countries have lots of educated jobless people. Globalization gives them job
opportunities in other countries. Their primary advantage over the residents of the developed
countries is the fact that they offer cheap services. They are also open to learning as they consider
themselves lucky to have a new life.

3. Education
Globalization has enabled further studies. Most developed countries have advanced schools and
colleges. They encourage people from overseas to study there. While it is just a business venture like
any other, students from developing countries take it as an advantage to get further education and
skills to use in their careers. The investors from developed countries settle abroad with their families,
what’s more, they want to have good schools for their children. As a result, they donate to local
schools, advance the curriculum and hire qualified teachers.

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4. Technology
Globalization has helped to transport technology to developing countries. Some investors and
foreigners who have got a bargain with the people from developing countries needed to
communicate with them and exchange ideas and information. The fastest way to do it was through
using modern technology. It has dramatically helped people from developing countries. Most of them
can buy and sell goods online at a low price.

5. Foreign Investments
Globalization brought in the need for people from developed states to invest in some developing
countries. Foreign investment is one of the results of globalization that culminates in many
developments in these countries.

Adverse Effects of Globalization in Developed Countries

It has had a few adverse effects on developed countries. Some negative consequences of
globalization include terrorism, job insecurity, currency fluctuation, and price instability.

1. Terrorism
It is a significant problem in most developed countries. Due to worldwide integration, people travel a
lot. Some of them move abroad to study, do business, visit relatives, work, and access hospital
services. However, not all of them are honest. Many terrorists came to a foreign country with a work
visa with a hidden goal to perform a terrorist attack. It's a problem that has posed fear among citizens
who can't trust their neighbors. Unfortunately, terrorists recruit young people, residents of the
country and make them believe they are doing the right things. That's why there are fear, mistrust,
and tension in society.

2. Job Insecurity
Before globalization, skilled people got employment in government sectors and companies where
they received high salaries. Job opportunities were waiting for those who completed colleges and
earned a degree. People would resign from a job and quickly get another. Due to globalization, there
are many people seeking employment all over the world. Employers take advantage of cheap labor.
One can get a dismissal because of a slight mistake as the employer can find a skilled worker who is
ready to be paid less.

3. Price Instability
Price instability is a significant effect of globalization on business. Some people establish industries
overseas where they get cheap raw materials and labor. They can cut production costs and sell their
goods at a low price. Due to competition, some high-quality products differ in prices.

4. Currency Fluctuation - International trade buys and sells products using the US dollar. The
price of the dollar fluctuates day-to-day in developing countries. This results in an imbalanced

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
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economy and abnormal prices for goods and services. National currencies are affected the most by
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs).

Negative Effects of Globalization on Developing Countries

Although the developing countries have had many benefits from globalization, there are a few
negative impacts it has caused in the developing countries.

1. Displacements of Workers
Thanks to globalization, there are employment opportunities all over our vast world. However, most
people have had to leave their families for many years as they work abroad. As a result, couples have
divorced, remarried, and left impoverished children at the mercy of volunteers and shelters. Some
children haven't met their old-aged parents' needs because the money they earn from their job is not

2. Unemployment
In almost all developing countries, over half of the working population relied on casual jobs in
industries until globalization took root. The advancement of technology has reduced such
employment and increased the global need for skilled professionals. Most people in developing
countries don't have skills, while the available jobs are poorly paid due to the high demand caused by

3. Increased Lifestyle diseases

Globalization has brought in the consumption of processed foods, planting crops using chemicals to
minimize the duration of growth and increase profit. To benefit from the business, animals such as
cows are fed on chemicals that make them produce a lot of milk or increase weight for those sold for
the meat industry. Due to increased ingestion of chemicals from foods, chronic diseases are on the
rise. The mortality rate is high. Furthermore, there is a reduction in the lifespan in developing

4. Abandonment of Culture
Every community, society, or nation has its values and beliefs, that is to say – its own culture. They are
essential because they mold the acceptable behavior of the people in a particular community. The
elders or leaders ensure that the people behave in a morally good way.

5. Terrorism
Not a year ends without incidences of terrorism in the community, which has affected its welfare and
unity that existed before globalization. According to recent studies, there were nine thousand
terroristic attacks performed worldwide in 2017.

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6. High Competition in Corporate World

Due to worldwide integration, one can never get a job in an office instantly because there is a high
competition of skilled and professional workers worldwide competing for a job.

What are some aspects of Filipino culture?

Behavior and traits are among the many things that constitute the culture of a society. Filipino
Historian Teodoro Agoncillo, in his book “The History of the Filipino People”, outlined the common
traits that are prevalent among Filipinos:

Hospitality – Filipinos are welcoming to others (even strangers) and will offer people comfort when
they arrive
at a Filipino home.

Close Family Ties – Filipinos value their family (mother, father, grandparents, children) more than
anyone and anything else.

Respect for Elders – Filipinos recognize their elderly as figures of authority. It is unthinkable for a
Filipino to do an essential thing without consulting their parents or grandparents.

Fatalistic – Filipino often believe that whatever happens to them is the work of Fate. This fatalism is
best symbolized in the phrase “Bahala Na”.

Loyalty – do a Filipino a little favor, and he remembers you to the end of their days. For the Filipino,
friendship is sacred and should be mutual under all circumstances.

Sensitive – Filipino would not tolerate anyone berating their fellow countrymen. They are easily
piqued when a foreigner, for instance, makes a sweeping generalization that is not flattering to

Tendency to be Indolent – indolent means laziness. Dr. Jose Rizal explained this tendency due to the
tropical climate, which makes even the Western lazy in these parts of Paradise. Aside from the warm
climate, indolence may be partly explained by the abundance of Nature endowed our country.

Lack of Initiative – this trait is explained by the natural fear of competition, for Filipino society is
cooperative, not competitive.

Curious – The Filipino (being childlike) is naturally curious but tainted with sympathy.

Regionalistic – Filipinos think not in national boundaries but regional oneness (ie: Bicol Region,

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Tagalog Region, Visayan Region, etc.)

Pakikisama – may be translated loosely as the intensive signification of camaraderie or spirit of

comradeship, the main elements of which are unselfishness and good faith.

Is the Filipino culture changing?

Filipino values and customs that were maintained have changed or are changing through the
sociocultural and political evolution of the Filipino culture.

utang-na-loob and interdependency (barangay system: the relationship of the datu and tau)
hospitality to friends (sanduguan) to being colonials under Spain and the US (fighting for sovereignty
and issues of collaboration)

Muslim resistance against oppressors and colonizers (protection of motherland, identity, and
religious freedom) and the difference of historical experiences between Christian and Muslim

Filipino resilience amidst social issues and political changes and amplified desire for freedom
(Japanese occupation, Martial Law, social movements against corrupt and fascist administrations)
diversity of Filipino culture – the result of hundreds of years of colonization, indigenizing of cultures,
cultural diffusion due to globalization, indigenous cultures functioning as forerunners of the Filipino

jejemon culture, hypebeast culture, pa-woke culture, burgis culture, masa culture

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises
will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Directions: Give your ideas/opinion on the questions below.

Question : What do you think is the effect of Globalization on a Modern Filipino Family?



A rubric, found on the last page of this activity sheet, will be used in checking the answers.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2:

Directions: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 3:
Direction: Read the statements below, write True if the statement is correct and write False if the
statement is incorrect.

____1. The gap between the rich and the poor increased because globalization hindered poor people
from accessing job opportunities.
____2. Globalization mixed different cultures. Some nations from developing countries adopt western
culture and abandon their own.
____3. Globalization has brought in the consumption of processed foods and lots of chemicals in
agriculture, resulting in a reduction in developing countries' lifespan.
____ 4. Education is compulsory in most developing countries due to globalization because investors
and traders would have a hard time hiring locals without it.
____5. Competition causes decreased communication of ideas and innovation as people try to find a
competitive advantage.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. Why is globalization beneficial to industrialized countries?

Answer: Based on reading materials, globalization implies changes through political, social, and
economic reforms by offering incentives very important/necessary for developing countries. Domestic
political, social, and financial arrangements determine how a country negotiates and benefits from
globalization. Countries' connections and communication abilities are significant to pursue what they
want for their benefit. Rich countries knew very well the needs of developing countries, and these were
the things they would offer for them to get their support, alliance, and confirmation. This resulted in the
reduction of a nation's power, and the industrialized countries were able to influence their political,
social, and economic decisions for their gain and security. This is the reason why developed countries
enjoyed more benefits from globalization than developing countries.

Question 2. What is the role being by the three (3) world major organizations in globalization?

Answer: Based on the articles read, World Bank, IMF and WTO played an important role in
promoting globalization. The World Bank aims to reduce poverty by offering assistance to middle-

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income and low-income countries. It accomplishes its goals through technical and financial support
available to countries.

• The IMF role is to mitigate the negative effects of globalization on the world economy in two ways: by
ensuring the stability of the international financial system and helping individual countries take
advantage of the investment opportunities offered by international capital markets. The IMF oversees
the world's monetary system's stability.
• Because of globalization, WTO has a crucial role in international trade, economic, political, and legal
issues related to international business. It is an international body whose purpose is to promote free
trade by persuading countries to abolish import tariffs and other barriers. As such, it has become
closely associated with globalization. It promotes sound macroeconomic policies as a precondition for
sustained economic growth.
• These major organizations are helping both developed and developing countries with their sustainable
development program to keep abreast and meet the demands of the global market. They are
supporting developing countries to grow economically to enable them to compete with the worldwide
market. With their support, integration to the global system and trade of the developing countries can
continue to help people in developing countries uplift their living conditions and let them out of extreme

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain your
activities did you do?
performance or improve

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

Directions: Since you are done with today’s lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?


What important question remains unanswered?



Job well done! You have reached the end of this lesson.


Lesson Review

1. Poverty 2. Inefficiency in Office 3. Flexible learning 4. Corruption 5. Political Corruption

Exercise 1:
1. Positive/ Negative Effects - a positive development as it will give rise to new industries and more
jobs in developing countries/negative because it will force third world countries to do whatever the
big developed countries require them to do
2. Developed countries – industrialized countries; has advanced technology; has a stable economy
3. Developing countries – less/underdeveloped countries; agricultural countries; with low per capita

Exercise 2: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions

Exercise 3: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #21 Student Activity Sheet

Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Question

comprehensive, but not complete. Key completely stated. incomplete. Key s are not
(50%) accurate, and points are stated but Key points are not points are lacking. It answere
complete. Key ideas not supported. addressed and not does not incorporate d.
are clearly stated Include some supported. It does not information from
and supported. pertinent and detailed include pertinent class discussions
Include pertinent information from class information from class
and detailed discussions. discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiza Well organized, Mostly clear and easy Inadequate Organization and Question
tion developed, and easy to follow. Usually organization. The structure draw away s are not
to follow. Maintains maintains focus but structure of the from the answer. answere
(30%) focus on the topic. occasionally presents answer is not easy to Provides no d.
information that is follow. Presents information that can
different from the information that is be understood.
topic. sometimes unclear.

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Question
and punctuation, and distracting problems. distracting problems. distracting grammar, s are not
Gram- sentence structure There are one or two There may be three to spelling, punctuation, answere
mar have no errors. errors in grammar, four errors in and sentence d.
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, structure problems
(20%) and sentence punctuation, and to make it
structure. sentence structure. substantially


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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