To Construct A circle circumscribing a triangle.
OTraces of construction
D Nethod of construction : Perpendicular bisectors of
the sides AB and BC are drawn. They meet at O. With
Oas centre and OA (or OB or OC) as radius a circle is
drawn which passes through the points A, B and C
This circle circumscribes the triangle ABC.
DJustification : When OA, OB, OC are joined, OA = OB
|since O is equidistant from Aand B as Ois the point
on the perpendicular bisector of AB)
Similary OB = OC
OA= 0B = 0C
.:. The circle with centre O and radius OA (or OB or OC)
passes through all the three vertices A, B, C of the
triangle ABC.
.:. This is the circumcircle of AABC.
To Construct A c°cle inscribing a triangle.
OTraces of construction
OMethod of construction : ZABC and ZACB of A ABC are bisected. The bisectors
meet at I. From the point I, a perpendicular is drawn to the side BC to meet at D.
With Ias centreand ID radius a circle is drawn. This circle is inscribed in AABC.
O Justification : The perpendiculars IF and IE are drawn to the sides AB and AC
respectively. Now, the A ICD and ICE are congruent.
as 1CD= CE, ZDC = ZIEC (=90), A
IC is common
So, ID = IE
Similarly ID = IF E
To construct an excircle of a triangle.
ABC is a triangle. The sides BA and BC are produced. The exterior angles CAY
and ACX are bisceted. The biscetors meet at the point 0. From 0, a perpendicular
OP is drawn BX (i.e., BC produced)
Now, a circle is drawn with O as centre and Op as radius which is ex-circle or
escribed circle of the triangle ABC.
Again, as the circle with centre X cuts the circle with centre Oat two and only
two points,
Hence, two and only two tangents can be drawn to the circle.
G.S.- 28
a point on it.
To construct A tangent to acircle at
(2) O Traces of construction
X DMethod of Construction : If A be a potnt on
circle with centre O. Thepoints O and A
Sangee the joined. PQ is drawn perpendicular to OA
at the point A.
Then PQ is the required tangent.
0 Justification:0A is a radius of the circle
and OA I PQ (by construction)
PQ isa tangent to the circle. [As the radius
0 is perpendicular to the tangent at the point A
of contact]
It is possible to draw one and only one tangent to a circle at a point on it.
It is always possible to draw two tangents to a circle from any point
outside it.
A is a point outside the circle with centre O. New OA is joined and is bisected
at the point X. With X as centre and XO (= XA) as radius (i.e.. OA as diameter)E
a circl is drawn to intersect the circle with centre O at the points P
and .
Thus AP and AQ are the two tangents.
If OP and 0Q are jointed, they will be the radii of the circle with cenre 0.
Now, in the ciicle with cntre N. the OPA is the angle In the seml-cirele, as OA
is the diameter. Hence O'A = 90°, Stntlarly OQA = 90"
Since. the radius of a cirele is perpendicular to the tangent at the polnt of contect.
therefore PA and PQ are the tangents to the circle with centre 0.
Again. as the circle with centre X cuts the circle with centre O at two and only
Hence. two and onlv twO tangents can be draVn to the circle.
To construct A tangent to a circle from a point outside it.
JTraces of construction
J Method of Construction : A is a point
outside the circle with centre 0. Joined P
OA. With OA as diameter, a semi-circle is
drawn to meet the given circle at P. Then 59
AP is joined and produced.
Thus AP is the required tangent.
O Justification:lf OP is joined, it becomes A
the radius of the circle.
LOPA = 90° [ it is the angle in the
.:. PA 1 OP.
.. PA is tangent to the circle at P
I:: radius is perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact.]
It is possible to draw two and only two tangents to a circle from a point outside
it [since, the semi-circle may be drawn on both sides of OA tocut the original
at two ifferent points]
Toconstruct The mean proportional between two line segments.
OTraces of construction
OMethod of Construction : a andb are
the two given line segments.
From any straight line AX, two segments
AB and BC are cut off making equal to
the given line segments a and b A a B b X
respectively. A semi-circle is drawn with b
AC as diameter. At the point B,
perpendicular BD is drawn to BCto meet
0 Justification : AD and CD are joined.
LADC = 90° las ADC 0s the angle in the semi-circlel
(2) DB is perpendicular to AC from the riglht-angle D.
X .. AABD and ADBC are equtangular.
Sangee AB BD
i.e., BD? AB.BC = a.b
BD is mean proportion between aand b
Draw a rectangle ABCD with sides AB =4 cm and BC= 2cm. Construct a square
equal to the area of this rectangle.
8 Or, Find the mean proportional between 4 cm. and 2 cm.
60 Or, Find geometrically the square root of 8
OMethod of construction F
The rectangle ABCD is drawn. CE = CB is cut
off from the produced part of DC. A semi-circle
isdrawn with DE as diameter. BC is produced
to meet the semi-circle atF. Now with CF as
side the square CFGH is drawn.
CFGH is the required square.
By construction CF is the mean-proportional A B
between DC and CE.
.:. CF' = DC.CE = AB.BC
.. square on CF = rectangle AB.BC.
ABC is a triangle.
OTo draw P
A square equal in area to the triangle is to be drawn.
OMethod of construction
The base BC of the triangle is bisected at D. Again a straight line XY 1s drawn
through the vertex A and parallel to the base BC of the triangle. At C and D, two
straight lines are drawn perpendicular to BC and to cut XY at F and E respecttvely.
So. the rectangle CDEF is obtained and this rectangle is equal to
the area of
Again. the line BC is produced to any point M. From CM, a
making equal to CF. Now with DN as diameter a semicircle portion CN is cut
is drawn. FC is Geom
produced to cut the semicircle at OP. Now with CP as a side, the square CPQR
is drawn, whose area is equal to the area of the triangle ABC.
Here. area AABC = area rect. CDEF = square CPQR
AB = AC2- BC2
.. AB²= 152 - 142
15 cm
= (15 + 14) (15 - 14) = 29.1 = 29
.:. AB = V29
B 14 cm
How to get 15 and l4 (i.e., the hypotenuse and the base)
29+ l 29 1
29 = 29.1= = 152 142.
2 2
4 Finda point P in the base BCof a given triangle ABC so that PC is equal to
the perpendicular from P to AB.
O Hints :Method of construction:The perperndicular CD
at C is drawn on BCwhere D is the point on BA produced.
ZBDC is bisected by DP to meet BC at P.
Then P is the required point.
OJustification :PE perpendicular is drawn on BD A
The ADEP and DCP are congruent E
l:2DEP= DCP = 90°, ZEDP = ZCDP and DP is common)
.. PE =PC
5 Draw a circle of given radius that shall pass through two given points
n Given data : A and B are two fixed points and r is a D
fixed straight line.
To construct
circle of radius r passing through the pofnts Aand
1Method of construction : AB is jolned. CD s the
perpendicular bisector of AB. With Aas centre and r B
as radius an arc is drawm to cut CD at O. Now with O A
Note :
Draw a circle that shall pass through a given point and touch a given straight
line at a fixed point.
DGiven data :P and 9 are two fixed points on and outside X. Y
the straight line XY.
6 Draw a circle that shall pass through a given point touch a given circle at a
given point.
D Given data :A is a point on the circle with centre 0 B
and B is a point outside it.
O Draw a circle that shall pass through two given points and touch a given
straight line parallel to the straight line joining those given points.
O Given data:A andBare fixed points and CD is a
straight line such that CD | AB P
O To construct :A circle passing through A, B and
touch CD.
A straight line AP is drawn making equal to the length x and at any angle with AB.
Now PQ =yis cut off from PA and BQ is joined. Through P, PC | QBis drawnwhich
cuts AB produced at C. So, C divides AB externally in the ratio AC : BC = x:y
1. Through a given point P inside a circle draw the least possible chord of the circle.
2. Draw a circle with a radius of 3 cm. Take any point P at a distance of 8-5 cm from
the centre of the circle. From P draw tangents to the circle and measure their
3. Draw a triangle ABC with AB = 45 cm, BC = 7.5 cm and Z ACB = 30°, Draw a
circumcircle to the triangle ABC and measure its radius.
4. Draw a circle to pass through two givern points A and B and to touch a straight
line XY parallel to the straight line joining A and B.
5. Draw a circle to touch a givern straight line at a given point and pass through
another given point.
G.S.- 29
O. Drawa circle of radius 5 cm and place a chord within it at a distance of 3 cm. from
the centre. Find the length of the chord.
(2) 7. Draw twocircles of radit 1.5 cm and 3.5 cm with centres 7.5 cm apart. Draw a
X transverse common tangent to the circles.
Sangee 8. Draw two circles of radii 2 cm and 4.5 cm with centres 6cm apart. Draw a direct
common tangent to the circles.
9. Draw two equal circles of radius 3.5 cm, the centres being at a distance 7 cm.
Ganit Draw the direct common tangents to the circles as many as possible.
10. Draw a line segment BC of length 7 cm. Draw an angle of 45° each at the points B
and Cand complete the isosceles triangle ABC. Draw the circumcircle of the triangle
ABC. Draw the tangents AD and CD to the circle. Measure the lengths of the
66 tangents.
11. Draw a circles of radii 3 cm. and 4 cm., the centres being 3.5 cm.
apart. Draw the
direct common tangents to the circles.
12. Findgeometically mean proportional between 8 cm. and 3 cn.
13. Find geometically, the square root of 17.
14. Find geometically, the value of 3/2.
15. Divide a line segment of length 10 cm. internally into two
parts, so that the area of
the rectangle made by these two parts is 16 sq. cm.
16. Without extending the given two line segments find the
bisector of the angle bewteen