Lailia Nofiana introduces herself as a 35-year-old married woman with 5 children from Kudus, Central Java. She has experience as a freelance lecturer at Jambi University from 2013-2014 and as a tutor from 2015-2017 before opening her own tutoring agency. She has since worked as an extracurricular teacher and has a strong interest in research. Some of her achievements include winning competitions held by the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Religion, and qualifying for the Central Java Innovation Network competition. Her research focuses on topics like biofuel from food waste, the effects of Quran recitation on elderly stress, and detecting formaldehyde in preserved fish.
Lailia Nofiana introduces herself as a 35-year-old married woman with 5 children from Kudus, Central Java. She has experience as a freelance lecturer at Jambi University from 2013-2014 and as a tutor from 2015-2017 before opening her own tutoring agency. She has since worked as an extracurricular teacher and has a strong interest in research. Some of her achievements include winning competitions held by the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Religion, and qualifying for the Central Java Innovation Network competition. Her research focuses on topics like biofuel from food waste, the effects of Quran recitation on elderly stress, and detecting formaldehyde in preserved fish.
Lailia Nofiana introduces herself as a 35-year-old married woman with 5 children from Kudus, Central Java. She has experience as a freelance lecturer at Jambi University from 2013-2014 and as a tutor from 2015-2017 before opening her own tutoring agency. She has since worked as an extracurricular teacher and has a strong interest in research. Some of her achievements include winning competitions held by the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Religion, and qualifying for the Central Java Innovation Network competition. Her research focuses on topics like biofuel from food waste, the effects of Quran recitation on elderly stress, and detecting formaldehyde in preserved fish.
Lailia Nofiana introduces herself as a 35-year-old married woman with 5 children from Kudus, Central Java. She has experience as a freelance lecturer at Jambi University from 2013-2014 and as a tutor from 2015-2017 before opening her own tutoring agency. She has since worked as an extracurricular teacher and has a strong interest in research. Some of her achievements include winning competitions held by the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Religion, and qualifying for the Central Java Innovation Network competition. Her research focuses on topics like biofuel from food waste, the effects of Quran recitation on elderly stress, and detecting formaldehyde in preserved fish.
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1. Please introduce yourself?
My name is Lailia Nofiana, 35 years old, married, and has 5 children. creative, has a high curiosity, is easy to adapt, tolerant, and has a high spirit of nationalism. driven by sincerity to develop the skills and experience I have in teaching, doing basic, applied, and development research also the community service, to develop the treasures of knowledge for the realization of a developed Indonesia. 2. What is your educational background? From 2006 until 2010, I studied undergraduate at Dipoegoro University then continued in postgraduate studies from 2011 until 2013 at Diponegoro University too 3. Do you have work experience? Yes I have, they are: On 2013 to 2014 As a freelance lecturer in Biology Department, Science and Technology Faculty, at Jambi University On 2015 to 2017, as a tutor for preparation of university entrance exams in other tutoring agency. Then, on 2017 have my own tutoring agency, namely, “Mumtaz Bimbel” in Kudus, Central Java From 2018 until present, I have experiences as an extracurricular teacher for youth scientific project, at a senior high school, MA NU Banat Kudus. 4. About living in a diverse environment? I am a person who have the knowledges and basic principles of the tolerant Islamic religion, so respecting differences is my most important behavior in living in diversity. 5. What can you do for the university? If I am accepted as a lecturer at this university, firstly, I will try to adapt to the culture in the campus environment, then get to know the senior lecturers better and always learn and work together to fulfill the lecturer's performance load or the lecturer's credit score that support the tri dharma of higher education. The next step is to carry out the tri dharma obligations of higher education by becoming a research consultant in collaboration with the Banat school. why in Banat? because I want to create collaborative research relationships between university lecturers and young researchers at schools that I have previously supervised, which will become the seed of scientific development. steps taken by providing ideas, holding research development seminars, and guiding the implementation of research by young researchers at Banat schools. This supports the implementation of the Indonesian Free Learning Curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goal 2030 launched by the UN. 6. Learn organizational management. 7. Why are you interested in becoming part of the university? Because I have a dream of becoming a civil servant in the field that I specialize in, namely, education and research. Diponegoro University is where I have completed my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Becoming part of Diponegoro University which has the excellence values, it’s a dream and hope of me and my extended family. If Mrs. And Mr. Chairman give me the opportunity, I will be able to contribute to the development of science for the nation in general and especially for the development of this institution. Hopefully, our hopes can be achieved this year, amen,, 8. What steps do you take to develop yourself? I am very interested in taking part in seminars and training to develop my abilities as a lecturer in the future. In addition, I will actively study relevant research, prepare proposals, and prepare further study plans for my doctoral program. for example, at the Mathematics, Science, and Technology, at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. 9. Do you have any achievements in your field? I have many achievements as a research supervisor, both on national and international levels of scientific competition. On National levels: 2020 became the 9th winner in the scientific competition held by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. 2021 won 5th winner in the National competition of MYRES under the Ministry of Religion; February 2023 as a finalist of Indonesian Science Project Olympiad held by Ministry of Education and Culture. On June 2023 qualify as a finalist in the Central Java Community Innovation Network competition. and most recently in August 2023 became a finalist and grand finalist in the National competition of MYRES at the Ministry of Religion. On the international level, are: 2022 won gold, silver, and bronze medals at the Indonesia International IoT Olympiad (I30) at Muria Kudus University; In early 2023, we won gold and silver medals at the ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) held by the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University and World Youth Invention and Innovation Award held at The University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa 10. Have you ever published the results of your research? The MYRES research is planned to be published in a SINTA journal, but so far it is still in the discussion stage by the committee. 11. why did you stop being a lecturer at Jambi University? This was because there was dysregulation between the directorate general of higher education and Jambi University regarding the rights and obligations of lecturers at that time. 12. What did you do in the Central Java Community Innovation Network competition? We innovated the QUFER. "QUFER" aims to test the effectiveness of the testing equipment by using standard equipment and detecting the quality of food and water so that it can avoid diseases caused by consuming food containing formaldehyde as well as diseases caused by the presence of bacteria in water. This tool uses an evaporation method from the sample being tested which will then be captured by sensor mq 135 to detect formaldehyde from ethanol, and qualitative germ levels from the value of carbon dioxide and ammonia. 13. What are the research you do recently? Last November, I compiled research proposals for young researchers at the Banat school, including dry noodles from tofu dregs and pumpkin to lower blood glucose in diabetes patients, THEN transdermal patches from the fern Diplazium esculentum, red shoot tea or Syzigium oleana as therapy of GERD and antibacterial Helicobacter pylori, and Canna edulis biscuits as prebiotics for children with autism. 14. Why did the tutoring only stop for one year? due to a shortage of teachers, where 1 mathematics tutor left and it was difficult to find a replacement. Another reason is the lack of capital to develop the tutoring business. 15. JUDUL2 PENELITIAN ANTARA LAIN: In 2020, he won 9th place in the scientific competition held by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. TITLE : bio GAS BIOELECTRICTY AND BIOFERTILIZER CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTION bio GEF : bio GAS BIOELECTRICTY AND BIOFERTILIZER) SOLUSI PERUBAHAN IKLIM In 2021 won 5th place in the MYRES National competition under the Ministry of Religion; TITLE: PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY QURANICALLY: THE INFLUENCE OF MUROTTAL ALQURAN ON PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS OF THE ELDERLY IN PURWOSARI KUDUS PSIKONEUROIMUNOLOGI SECARA QURANI: PENGARUH MUROTTAL ALQURAN TERHADAP STRES PSIKOLOGIS LANSIA DI PURWOSARI KUDUS February 2023 as a finalist in the Indonesian Science Project Olympiad organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. TITLE: STUDY OF NATURAL FORMALDEHYDE CONTENT IN VARIOUS PRESERVED FRESHWATER FISH STUDI KANDUNGAN FORMALDEHID ALAMI PADA BERBAGAI IKAN AIR TAWAR YANG DIAWETKAN In June 2023, qualified as finalists in the Central Java Community Innovation Network competition. TITLE : QUFER (QUALITY OF FOOD AND WATER DETECTOR) and most recently in August 2023 became a finalist and grand finalist in the National Ministry of Religion MYRES competition. SECOND WINNER TITLE: INTERPRETATION OF THE HIERARCHY OF SAMA’ AND BASHAR SENTENCES' AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INTERPRETASI HIERARKI KALIMAT SAMA' DAN BASHAR DAN RELEVANSINYA TERHADAP ANATOMI FISIOLOGI PERKEMBANGAN MANUSIA FINALIST TITLE: IMMOBILIZATION OF BTS (POLYSTIRENE DEGRADING THERMOPHILIC BACTERIA) WITH PEAT AND RICE HUSK CARRIERS DURING THE STORAGE PERIOD JUDUL : IMOBILISASI BTS (BAKTERI TERMOFILIK PENDEGRADASI POLISTIRENA) DENGAN CARRIER GAMBUT DAN SEKAM PADI SELAMA MASA SIMPAN
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