The Encyclopedia of Ancient History-2021-Tavernier-Teppir
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History-2021-Tavernier-Teppir
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History-2021-Tavernier-Teppir
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. D. T. Potts (General Editor), Ethan Harkness (General Editor),
Jason Neelis (General Editor), Roderick McIntosh (General Editor).
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00244
teppir in the administrative texts from Anshan RAI (1989).” In K. De Graef and J. Tavernier, eds.,
(Tavernier 2007: 62). Susa and Elam: archaeological, philological, histor-
Although the teppir continued to hold an ical and geographical perspectives. Proceedings of
important position in Neo-Elamite society the International Congress held at Ghent Univer-
sity, December 14–17, 2009: 329–39. MDP 58. Lei-
(he was at one time called “the one of the
den and Boston.
lord” and he may also have enjoyed some
Herrero, P. and Glassner, J. J. (1990) “Haft-Tépé:
religious importance), the accent of his activ- choix de textes I.” Iranica Antiqua 25: 1–45.
ities shifted to the scribal field, an evolution Hinz, W. (1971) “Persia, c. 2400–1800 bc.” The Cam-
which the Achaemenids would complete. In bridge ancient history 1/2: 644–80. Cambridge.
the Achaemenid Elamite texts, the word teppir Scheil, V. (1932) Actes juridiques susiens (Suite: no
refers to a scribe working in non-cuneiform 166 à no 327). MDP 23. Paris.
writing systems. He became identical to the Tavernier, J. (2007) “The case of Elamite tep-/tip- and
sēpiru, attested in Akkadian texts (Tavernier Akkadian t.uppu.” Iran 44: 57–69.
2007: 62–4). As such, he played an impor- Tavernier, J. (2010) “On the sounds rendered by the
tant role in the translation process of royal s-, š- and s./z-series in Elamite.” In L. Kogan, ed.,
Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique
and satrapal orders (cf. Tavernier 2017) and
Internationale, vol. 1: language in the ancient Near
received relatively high rations.
East. Babel und Bibel 4: 1059–78. Winona Lake.
Tavernier, J. (2017) “The use of languages on the var-
see also: Persepolis; Persepolis Fortification ious levels of administration in the Achaemenid
tablets; Sukkalmah regime. Empire.” In B. Jacobs, W. F. M. Henkelman,
and M. W. Stolper, eds., Die Verwaltung im
Achämenidenreich: Imperiale Muster und Struk-
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