yy CE 4223 AKID
Precast and Prestsessed Concrete
Credits: 2.0 contact howes : 2hres/ week
Syllabus :-dnteoduction of prestresed connect pre-
—fabication and prestressing concepts full and porctio]
presiness, material , methods of prestmessing ;
= Special problems in prestressing lasses. ef feck of
creep, shrinkage ard end block design —buxcsting ,
~ Designing beoms ard girders 2 Flexutal ana shea,
- Design ~fore. sexvicenbility : serviceability ortteria,
coble profiles , Design of past —tensionead slab,
Reference Book :
~ Design oF Prestsessad Concrete Struc-fure.c by
T.Y. Lin 2 Ned H. Burns (374 edition )
~ Design of Prastsessed Concrete by
Apwthwe H. Nilson
Prestressed concrete definition by ACI Committee
Prealressed concrete is a poreheuleue —faram of reinfonced
conozete in which theze have been ithrcduced internal
Sipesses of such magnitude and distpibction hat the slresses
seesulting from given external loading.s arte. counteracted
to a desired degree
- dn sreiwfnced - concnete members the prestress is
commonly ibocduced by “fensioning the see] seinfyccoment
. Scanned with CamScanner2 Prestnessing involves ~the appli cation of- on inrhal
compressive load on a shoucture -fo seduce. oie eliminate
she imtexnal Gensile forces and hereby contmol ore
eliminate /xzeduce ocacking and deflection .
— The main difference between seoinfanced and psezs}resedl
conezete is the. fact that swirforceed coneccte combines
Conerate, andl steel bos by simply putting -ther tegzther
and letting cthem oct -ogethon as they may with :
- On the other hand, prentressed concrete. combines
high- Strength conezete with high-strength steel in
an active. manerc .
~ [Typicel applications of prestrewred conetate include
high -2ise buildings , bridges ete |
- Prevstressing sresulke in lighten, memberap (size and
dimensions one reduced), longere spans (grremtor,
than 30m), comidexable saving cost of Supporting
mombexs and foundations ( smnoller loads dye to
Smoller dimemion ) , elimincton of weakness Fino?
Concrete in—tension, smaller deflections (controlled
eonerete and high semion cteal highore
_ FeMElso some. disadvorfages “yacht cost of
high strength materials , extra inrtial cost due.to use.
oF prozetsessing equipment and ts ivalalltien, extra,
labour. cost, uneconomical fare shore spans and
light- loads,
Scanned with CamScanner- #& Why high strength conenele. is sewequined —for. prte-
stress 2 |
Stronger. concrete is usually swquitted for. precdne ccad |
cthan “for. sainforced wortk—
— Weeket corenete ether usil] TLAUITe special an—
chonages at may ~fal under—the applications of pre
sleess. Sn orrdow te mmimvze thar cost commen —
ciol onohorage s foe pre. stressing shel are always
designed onthe. boas of high shergth concrete -
~~ Gorerate ort high compressive strength offers high
seeaistence m—tensioh ard sheat, as well as m bord
a bearains ond 1s desmrable Src. pra.stessed
_ High strength conercle is jess liable. -fo the. sheimk
age creacks whose sometimes ocewe. in bw strength
arene. before. the application of pra cle ss
— thgher strength conencte. has a higherc modulus d=
clanticty and smallec creep drain Teselving nm
smallet. joss of pracstess im the shoo}
compre SsNe strengtt
* High strength conaeete. > MRL at 5kIopsj |
— Uttra high sheensfh Cohorefe = 70 ~100 MPa
ont ee
Scanned with CamScanner