1. Digital savvy consumers are leading-edge digital users who are early adopters and diffusers of information
related to technology in terms of ____.
A. Internet usage
B. technology ownership
C. cell phone usage
D. A and B
E. all of the above
3. Which of the following is NOT a reason the population of the United States has grown steadily since 1960?
A. longer life expectancies
B. increasing birth rate for most of the period between 1960 and today
C. immigration
D. baby boomers moving through child-bearing years
E. All of the above are reasons the population of the United States has grown.
4. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the size and distribution of the population of the United States?
A. The population of the United States is approximately 250 million today.
B. The population has grown steadily since 1960 due to birthrates that have always been on the increase.
C. The growth has not been even throughout the United States.
D. Midwest states, such as Michigan and Illinois, are expected to grow dramatically in the next 10 years.
E. The population of the United States has continued to decrease since 1960.
5. Which of the following is the most widely applied single cue we use to initially evaluate and define
individuals we meet?
A. age
B. income
C. occupation
D. gender
E. education
7. Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population has a high school degree?
A. 25 percent
B. 40 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 75 percent
E. 87 percent
9. Juan is interested in knowing occupational influences on purchases of satellite radio systems. Which of the
following occupations are most likely to purchase this type of product?
A. wholesale and retail trade
B. professional, scientific and technical
C. mining and construction
D. A and C
E. all of the above
12. When comparing income levels by education and gender, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Men and women earn about the same income if they have the same education.
B. The difference between men and women on earnings occurs mostly at the lower education levels.
C. The difference between men and women on earnings occurs mostly at the higher education levels.
D. Men earn more than women at each level of education.
E. Women earn more than men at each level of education.
13. Budweiser is a popular brand of beer. Part of this company's market research of U.S. consumers looked at
education levels of beer consumers. What education level is the likely consumer of beer (that with highest
propensity to buy and consumer beer) to have attained?
A. did not graduate high school
B. graduated high school
C. attended college
D. graduated college
E. none of the above
14. What is the movement called in which companies have expanded opportunities for less affluent consumers
to afford luxury?
A. mass to class
B. class to mass
C. more to all
D. one for all
E. all for one
15. An estimate by the consumer of how much money he or she has available to spend on nonessentials is
known as _____.
A. objective discretionary income (ODI)
B. adjusted gross income (AGI)
C. adjusted discretionary income
D. subjective discretionary income (SDI)
E. subjective gross income (SGI)
16. The Martins' household income is $123,000 per year. However, this family estimates that they have
$45,000 available to spend on nonessentials such as vacations and entertainment. The $45,000 represents
the Martins' _____.
A. objective discretionary income (ODI)
B. adjusted gross income (AGI)
C. adjusted discretionary income
D. subjective discretionary income (SDI)
E. subjective gross income (SGI)
18. Procter & Gamble is a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Which age category provides the
greatest opportunity for P&G in terms of growth between 2010 and 2020?
A. <10
B. 20-29
C. 40-49
D. 60-69
E. >69
19. Gertrude is 93 years old, but she perceives herself to be about 65 years old. Sixty-five is Gertrude's _____
A. felt age
B. real age
C. cognitive age
D. perceptual age
E. chronological age
21. Sam is a healthy 75-year-old man. He is a retired attorney; has a substantial retirement income; and is a
member of several social groups that travel, help others, and encourage life-long learning. Which of the
following is most likely true about Sam?
A. Sam's cognitive age is less than 75.
22. Maria is analyzing the baby boom generation by describing and explaining its attitudes, values, and
behaviors as well as predicting its future attitudes, values, and behaviors. Maria is conducting a _____
A. cohort
B. generational
C. demographic
D. census
E. cognitive
23. _____ deals with the mature market and is based on the theory that people change their outlook on life
when they experience major life events such as becoming a grandparent, retiring, losing a spouse, or
developing chronic health conditions.
A. Demographics
B. Gerontographics
C. Cognitive psychology
D. Cohort analysis
E. Generational analysis
24. Consumers 55 years of age and over constitute the _____ market.
A. baby boom
B. mature
C. generational
D. gerontological
E. aging
25. Elsie and her two sisters are all in their mid-to late- 60s. They are part of the _____ market.
A. Generation X
B. mature
C. generational
D. gerontological
E. aging
27. Which of the following is a segmentation approach to the mature market that incorporates aging processes
and life events related to the physical health and mental outlook of older consumers?
A. gerontographics
B. cognitive psychology
C. demographics
D. ageographics
E. censographics
28. Which generation "invented" rock and roll and grew up with music and television as important parts of
their lives?
A. pre-Depression generation
B. Depression generation
C. baby boom generation
D. Generation X
E. Generation Y
30. Which segment of mature consumers is physically and mentally healthy and is thus active, independent,
and out to enjoy life?
A. Healthy Indulgers
B. Ailing Indulgers
C. Ailing Outgoers
D. Frail Recluses
E. Healthy Hermits
31. _____ have experienced health problems that limit their physical activities, but their positive outlook
meansthey remain active within physical constraints.
A. Healthy Hermits
B. Ailing Indulgers
C. Ailing Outgoers
D. Frail Recluses
E. Healthy Recluses
32. People in this group retain their physical health, but life events (i.e., death of a spouse) have reduced their
self-concept, and they become withdrawn.
A. Healthy Indulgers
B. Ailing Outgoers
C. Healthy Hermits
D. Frail Recluses
E. Ailing Indulgers
33. This segment of mature consumers has accepted their old-age status and has adjusted their lifestyles to
reflect reduced physical capabilities and social roles.
A. Healthy Indulger
B. Ailing Outgoer
C. Healthy Hermit
D. Frail Recluse
E. Ailing Hermit
A. Generation X
B. Generation Y
C. Generation Z
D. baby boomers
E. tweens
35. Which boomer segment, identified by Focalyst, is highly connected with friends and community, which
may explain their positive outlook?
A. yesterday
B. today
C. tomorrow
D. futurists
E. optimists
37. Which of the following is a reason more baby boomers continue to work longer than previous generations?
A. necessity due to a low income of some baby boomers
B. necessity due to a poor pension plan
C. necessity due to changes in Social Security increasing the age at which full benefits can be drawn
D. increased desire to stay active in interesting and rewarding careers
E. all of the above
38. Which generation was the first to gain a very broad view of a family, which may include parents, siblings,
stepparents, half-siblings, close friends, live-in lovers, and others?
A. Depression generation
B. baby boom generation
C. Generation X
D. Generation Y
E. Millennials
39. Roger is an adult who has moved back in with his parents. He doesn't believe in sacrificing time, energy,
and relations to the extent he sees older workers do for the sake of career or economic advancement. He has
a master's degree but does not want to work for a large corporation. To which generation does Roger most
likely belong?
A. pre-Depression generation
B. Depression generation
C. baby boom generation
D. Generation X
E. Generation Y
A. video advertising
B. integrated advertising
C. advergaming
D. message integration
E. entertainment integration
43. Which term describes consumers' purchase and use of automobiles, homes, yachts, clothes, and so forth
primarily to demonstrate their great wealth?
A. conspicuous consumption
B. outrageous consumption
C. obnoxious consumption
D. nouveaux consumption
E. "blue blood" consumption
44. Nouveaux riches are most commonly associated with the _____.
A. upper-middle class
B. middle class
C. lower-upper class
D. upper-upper class
E. none of the above
45. The upper-middle class achieve their social position primarily _____.
A. through their unusually high incomes
B. by their occupation and career orientation
C. through inherited position
D. through their children's accomplishments
E. none of the above
46. Which social class consists of skilled and semiskilled factory, service, and sales workers?
A. upper-middle
B. middle class
C. working class
D. upper-lower class
E. lower-lower class
47. Which social class consists of office workers, schoolteachers, lower-level managers, plumbers, and factory
A. upper-middle
B. working class
C. lower class
D. middle class
E. lower-lower class
48. Buzz is a self-employed construction worker. He is proud of his ability to do "real work" and sees himself
as the often-unappreciated backbone of America. He dislikes the upper-middle class and prefers products
and stores positioned toward his social-class level. Which term best describes Buzz?
A. working-class stiff
B. "blue blood" class
C. white-collar worker
D. working-class aristocrat
E. no-collar worker
49. Which social class consists of individuals who are poorly educated, have very low incomes, and work as
unskilled laborers?
A. lower-lower class
B. upper-lower class
C. working class
D. lower-middle class
E. middle class
50. Earl did not complete high school and works as a janitor at two jobs. His income is very low, and he does
not possess any skills to help him get a better paying job. Which social class best describes Earl?
A. lower-lower class
B. upper-lower class
C. working class
D. lower-middle class
E. middle class
51. Which social class has low incomes and minimal education, may be unemployed for long periods of time,
and is the major recipient of government support and services provided by non-profit organizations?
A. lower-lower class
B. upper-lower class
C. working class
D. lower-middle class
E. middle class
1. The baby boom market is the largest generational segment in America, but also one of the most
diverse. What are the common stereotypes of the boomer market, and provide insight as to
segmentation opportunities.
Boomers all have the same values and outlook. This is far from true. Boomers are quite different in values
and outlook in part due to differences in life experiences relating to health and finances. Boomers are self-
centered. The phrase "Me Generation" was created for baby boomers. However, many boomers are much more
socially and environmentally conscious than that label suggests. One study estimates that roughly half of all
boomers are "Green Boomers," meaning they buy environmentally friendly products.
Boomers are not tech savvy. The Internet and mobile technology are an important part of many boomers' lives.
Roughly 80 percent of boomers are online, and roughly half engage in wireless Internet use.
Boomers are married empty nesters who are downsizing. Only 25 percent of boomers are married empty
nesters. Nearly 40 percent have children under the age of 18 living at home and many also have boomerang
children and live-in parents. Others are singles who are actively dating. In terms of housing, less than 10
percent of boomers plan to downsize in the next five years.
Boomers are all retiring early and wealthy. More than half of all boomers plan to work and/or volunteer
beyond their retirement age. One in six is on their "second career" and about the same percentage is engaged in
furthering their education. Although many will continue to work out of enjoyment, many also work due to
financial need, increases in retirement age, and so on. Only 10 percent of boomers make $150,000 or more a
year, and the net worth of the bottom 20 percent of boomers is a mere $2,480.
2. Name two products for which each of the three following demographic variables would be most
influential in determining consumption. If you could combine two of the three, which would be
the second demographic you would add to each? Justify your answer.
• Income
• Education
• Occupation
a) Income:
- Luxury cars: High-income earners are more likely to purchase luxury cars, which are expensive and often
seen as a status symbol
- Fine jewelry: High-income earners are also more likely to purchase fine jewelry, which is often seen as a
luxury item and a symbol of wealth
b) Education:
- Books: People with higher levels of education are more likely to read books, as they tend to have a greater
appreciation for literature and learning
- Artwork: People with higher levels of education are also more likely to purchase artwork, as they tend to
have a greater appreciation for aesthetics and culture 4.
c) Occupation:
- Work boots: People in manual labor jobs, such as construction workers, are more likely to purchase work
boots, which are designed to provide safety and comfort in physically demanding work environments
- Business suits: People in professional occupations, such as lawyers and bankers, are more likely to
purchase business suits, which are often seen as a symbol of professionalism and success .