Crochet 2023 Summer
Crochet 2023 Summer
Crochet 2023 Summer
S U M M E R 2 0 23 / C RO C H E TM AGA Z I N E .C O M
22 Designs That
Use Recycled
y Yarns
& Natural Fibers
7 Playfully
y y
Bright Projects
100% Cotton
Variety of yarns
Fresh and vibrant colors
OMEGA Distribuidora de Hilos, S.A. de C.V. Callejón San Antonio Abad No.23,
06820, México, Ciudad de Mexico, Ph: 011 52 55 55228660 to 64
Made in Mexico
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Two skeins of the same color
for just 4.99!
In Every Issue
Beginner’s Corner
Designs by Valgerdur Gardarsdottir
These face cloths are perfect scrap busters
and they’re so easy to make.
Done in 1, 2, 3 Skeins
Design by Rachel Alford
Never lose your keys again with this cute and
trendy wristlet!
What’s Hot
Design by Kathleen Berlew
Bright colors are in, and this tote’s circle-and-
stripe pattern is sure to stand out.
62 Cover Item
Cozy Summer Cocoon Cardi, page 46
CROCHET! (ISSN 1539-011X, USPS 001-854) is published quarterly by Annie’s, 306 East Parr Road, Berne, SUBSCRIPTIONS: $24.97 + $2.98 p/p per year in USA, $24.97 + $9.98 p/p elsewhere, U.S. funds only.
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Go Green
Designs by Lena Skvagerson
for Annie’s Signature Designs
Design by Randy Cavaliere
Design by Rena V. Stevens
Design by Margaret Hubert
Designs by Lena Skvagerson
for Annie’s Signature Designs
Road Trip
Design by Katherine Eng
Design by Jennifer Olivarez
Design by Fat Lady Crochet
Design by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay
Design by Nazanin S. Fard
Design by Katherine Florimbio
Carnival Days
Design by Tammy Hildebrand
Design by Britt Schmiesing
Design by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay
57 62
Design by Andee Graves
Design by Jennifer Raymond
DEPARTMENTS A Note From the Editor 6 / Buyer’s Guide 72 / Standard Yarn Weights & Skill Levels 72 / Stitch Guide 73 / Crochet! at a Glance 74
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Lightweight Crochet
Sampler Cardigan
The Cat’s Meow Blanket
1¼ inches wide x 4½ inches long
• Lion Brand Pima Cotton medium
(worsted) weight cotton yarn
DESIGN BY RACHEL ALFORD (3½ oz/186 yds/100g per skein):
1 skein #140R rose taupe
• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed
Never lose your keys again with this cute and to obtain gauge
• Tapestry needle
trendy wristlet that’s perfect for everyday use! • 1-inch lobster-claw clasp
4 sc = 1 inch; 4 rows = 1 inch
Weave in loose ends as work progresses.
Chain-1 at beginning of row does not count
as first single crochet unless otherwise
Bobble: Yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo,
pull up a lp, yo, pull through 2 lps, [yo, insert
hook in same st, yo, pull up a lp, yo, pull
through 2 lps] 4 times, yo and pull through
all 6 lps on hook.
Row 1: Ch 6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in
each rem ch across, turn. (5 sts)
Rows 2 & 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc
across, turn.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in each of next 2 sts,
bobble (see Special Stitch) in next st, sc in
each of last 2 sts, turn.
Rows 5 & 6: Ch 1, sc across, turn.
Rows 7–36: [Rep rows 2–6] 6 times.
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 6 4
Arcade Tote
on Chart from right to left; each square
represents 1 single crochet.
When changing color within round, carry
and work over color not in use on back side
D E S I G N BY K AT H L E E N B E R L E W of piece until needed. Do not cut yarn or
fasten off unless otherwise stated. Take care
to maintain even tension so carried yarn
Bright colors are in and this tote’s does not affect gauge.
circle-and-stripe pattern is sure to stand out. Handle Band is worked in continuous rounds;
do not join at end of round unless otherwise
The tote is sturdy, stylish and perfect for stated. Place marker on first stitch and move
up as each round is completed.
carrying summer essentials.
Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip
EASY • Tapestry needle knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo,
• Stitch marker pull up a lp, yo and draw through both lps
10 inches wide x 12 inches long, excluding
In back lps: 12 sc = 3 inches; 11 rows = SPECIAL TECHNIQUE
3 inches Joining with color change: Complete last
MATERIALS st of rnd, insert hook in beg st, drop current
PATTERN NOTES color, yo with next color, draw through all
• Premier Yarns Home Cotton
Weave in loose ends as work progresses. lps on hook.
medium (worsted) weight cotton/
polyester yarn (2¾ oz/131 yds/ Join with slip stitch as indicated unless
75g per ball): otherwise stated. TOTE
2 balls #38-09 fuchsia Body of Tote is worked in back loops from BASE
1 ball each #38-05 peach, #38-12 written instructions and Chart in joined Row 1 (RS): Fuchsia
turquoise and #38-17 passionfruit rounds from the bottom up around a With fuchsia, ch 32, Peach
• Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed rectangular base. Each round begins at working in back bar Turquoise
to obtain gauge center back of Tote. Follow all rounds Passionfruit
of ch (see illustration),
Arcade Tote
Place Marker
you loved!
we listened!
Lace Vest
Instructions given fit woman’s size small;
changes for medium, large, X-large and
2X-large are in [ ].
Bust: 30½ inches (small) [36¾ inches
(medium), 39½ inches (large), 46½ inches
(X-large), 49½ inches (2X-large)]
• Círculo Whoopee Yarn fine (sport)
weight yarn (7 oz/578 yds/
200g per cake):
2 cakes #9931 purple/gray/
white variegated
• Size C/2/2.75mm crochet hook or size
needed to obtain gauge
• Tapestry needle
• Large silver-tone shank button
5 sc = 1 inch; 7 sc rows = 1 inch
Double love knot: [Pull up ½-inch long
lp on hook, yo, pull lp through, sc in back
strand of long lp] twice.
La vender La c e Ves t
VEST sc in each of next 10 [13, 14, 16, 18] sts, rep Next rows: Work even in pattern until
F RO N T from * across, turn. (34 [42, 46, 54, 58] sc) piece measures 7½ [8, 9, 9½, 10] inches from
Make 2. beg of Armhole.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in each of first 8 [10, 12,
Bottom 14, 16] sts, *sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of Shoulder
Row 1: Ch 38 [46, 50, 58, 62], sc in 2nd next 11 [14, 15, 18, 19] sts, rep from * across, Row 1: Ch 1, evenly sp 10 [10, 12, 13, 15]
ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. turn. (32 [40, 44, 52, 56] sc) sc across, turn.
(37 [45, 49, 57, 61] sc) Rows 5 & 6 [5 & 6, 5–8, 5–8, 5–8]: Rows 2–4 [2–4, 2–4, 2–5, 2–5]:
Rows 2 & 3: Ch 1, sc in each st Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. Ch 1, sc in each st across. At end of last row,
across, turn. fasten off.
Row 7 [7, 9, 9, 9]: Ch 1, sc in each of first
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first st, [double love 8 [10, 12, 14, 16] sts, *2 sc in next st, sc in Finishing
knot (see Special Stitch), sk next 3 sts, sc in each of next 11 [14, 15, 18, 19] sts, rep from * Beg at Armhole edge, evenly sp sc in ends of
next st] across, turn. (9 [11, 12, 14, 15] double across, turn. (34 [42, 46, 54, 58] sc) rows across to bottom edge, inc as necessary
love knots) so piece lies flat. Fasten off.
Row 8 [8, 10, 10, 10]: Ch 1, sc in each
Row 5: Love knot (see illustration), sc in of first 1 [0, 1, 3, 1] sts, *2 sc in next st, sc in B AC K
sc at center of next love knot, [double love each of next 10 [13, 14, 16, 18] sts, rep from Bottom
knot, sc in next sc at center of next double * across, turn. (37 [45, 49, 57, 61] sc) Row 1: Ch 74 [90, 98, 114, 122], sc in 2nd
love knot] across, ending with double love ch from hook and in each ch across, turn.
knot, sc in last st, turn. (73 [89, 97, 113, 121] sc)
Rows 1 & 2: Rep rows 4 and 5 of Bottom.
A Next rows: Work same as Front
Next rows: Rep row 6 of Bottom until
bottom to Band. (18 [22, 24, 28, 30] double
piece measures 3 [3½, 4, 4½, 5] inches from
love knots)
last row on Band.
Armhole Shaping
B Row 1: Ch 1, evenly sp 73 [89, 97, 113, 121]
Row 1: Work in established pattern across,
sc across, turn.
leaving last st unworked, turn. (8 [10, 11, 13,
14] double love knots) Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Before we talk about anything else, we have to talk Fixing things you have
about what upcycling actually is. When you upcycle a with crochet:
piece, you take something that is old and worn, something
with holes or stains that may not fit anymore or might And what happens if your dog chews a hole in your
not look as good as it used to, and you’re making it look couch? You could get a new one, but that isn’t always
completely new. an option. Try crocheting a patch to cover the hole or
It goes hand in hand with mending, which fixes rips crocheting a heart or flower or other appliqué and sewing
and tears, but upcycling is more about a transformation that over the hole. (How cute would it be to sew the lizard
than a simple repair. You’re taking old pieces and recycling bookmark onto the arm of your couch to hide a hole or
them, which helps cut down on waste and helps keep our even a stain?)
environment healthy.
And you’re not just reusing the pieces themselves.
This is a great way to use up scraps from previous projects!
With the rise in popularity of thrift stores and found
vintage items, mending and upcycling have also become
popular. The days of hiding imperfections are over and
crafters are embracing creative mending (also known as
visible mending).
In other words, unnoticeable patches that match the
existing fabric are being replaced with colorful appliqués
and mending patches that are made to be seen and draw
your attention. They become part of the design and are a
great way to make something unique.
You can make granny squares any size to cover any hole.
Or you can make a bunch of appliqués and turn a large
hole into a piece of art. Think of a field of crocheted flowers
scattered over the bedspread your cat clawed up or a group
of adorable woodland creatures on a jacket that got stuck in
a door. You can fix a backpack that was dragged on the floor
a few times too many with a variegated patch that takes up
the entire bottom of the bag.
When adding patches and appliqués to mend pieces,
especially couches, you’re going to want to make sure there
aren’t a lot of holes that would let any stuffing get out. Make
sure you’re using stitches that are suitable for this—treble
crochet is probably not a stitch you want to use.
If you’re just trying to hide a stain, then you can always
cut it out and add something like the details of the Crochet
Accent Tee (see photo on page 14).
Upcycle T-Shirt
Make 2.
Sleeve formula:
Round armhole measurement to nearest
whole inch (i.e. 19 inches).
Add 1 inch for ease (i.e. 19 inches + 1 =
20 inches).
Multiply result by 4 to determine the
number of foundation sc needed (i.e. 20
inches multiplied by 4—gauge of
4 foundation sc per inch = 80 foundation
sc needed).
Step 1: Calculate the number of
foundation sc needed using the sleeve
formula above.
Work a first foundation sc (see Special
Stitches) followed by the number of next
foundation sc (see Special Stitches) needed.
Join (see Pattern Notes) to form ring, being
careful not to twist. (80 foundation sc)
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in joining st, *ch 5, sk 3
foundation sc, sc in next foundation sc, rep
from * to last 3 foundation sc, ch 5, join in
beg sc, do not turn. (20 ch-5 lps, 20 sc)
Note: The number of ch-5 lps should be the
same as the number of inches in your formula.
The sample has 20 ch-5 lps and measurement
of 20 inches.
Rnd 2: Sl st in first 2 chs of the first ch-5 Row 3: Sl st in first 2 chs of ch-5 lp, sc in Note: To lengthen the sleeves, add reps of
lp, sc in same ch-5 lp, *ch 5, sc in next ch-5 same ch-5 lp, *ch 5, sc in next ch-5 lp, rep row 4. To shorten sleeves, subtract repeats of
lp, rep from * around, end with ch 5, join in from * until you have worked ⁄ of the ch-5 row 4. Make sure the number of ch 5-lps rem
beg sc, turn. lps, turn. (16 ch-5 lps, 15 sc) an even number.
Note: Begin working in rows for the Note: Divide the number of ch-5 lps in rnd 2 Fasten off.
remainder of the sleeve. by 5 (then round up to the next whole number
if needed). The result is the number of ch-5 lps
If adding the optional beads to sleeve edge,
that remain unworked in row 3 (i.e. Sample has
place the beads onto the yarn at this point.
20 ch-5 lps in rnd 2; 20 divided by 5 is 4; 4 ch-5
The number of beads needed is 3 times the
lps remain unworked on row 3). This unworked
Upcycle T-Shirt is total number of ch-5 lps; do not count the
section will be the bottom of the armhole,
worked using a unworked lps at the underarm. (Sample has
allowing less bulk in the underarm area.
formula, allowing you 16 ch-5 lps x 3; place 48 beads onto yarn).
to customize any shirt exactly Row 4: *Ch 5, sc in ch-5 lp, rep from * Join yarn in first edge ch-5 lp past
the way you want it to look. across, turn. (16 ch-5 lps, 15 sc) unworked lps.
Rows 5–8: Rep row 4.
Rnd 1: Ch 2, dc dec (see Stitch Guide) in Multiply result by 4 and add 1 to determine Fasten off.
each of first 2 ch-5 lps, ch 5, *dc dec in each the number of foundation sc needed (i.e. 22
Note: If you choose to omit the beads, change
of next 2 ch-5 lps, rep from * around, turn. inches multiplied by 4 (gauge of 4 foundation
the (ch 1, 3 bead chs, ch 1) sequence to ch-5 sps.
(20 dc dec) sc per inch) + 1 = 89 foundation sc needed).
If working the neck trim for the full neck Weave in ends.
Rnd 2 (without beads): Ch 1, *sl st in
top of next dc dec, ch 7, rep from * ending circumference, follow the Sleeve formula and A S S E M B LY
with sl st in last dc dec. instructions for working rnd 1 in the rnd. Sleeves
If you are adding beads, string them If your shirt has sleeves, carefully cut them
Optional rnd 2 (with beads): Ch 1,
onto your yarn before beg to work the off, leaving ¼ inch of fabric (see Pattern
*sl st in top of next dc dec, ch 2, 3 bead chs
trim. String 3 beads for each inch of your Notes).
(see Special Stitches), ch 2, rep from * ending
neckline measurement. (Sample’s neckline With needle and thread, beg at the bottom
with sl st in last dc dec.
measurement is 22 inches x 3 = 66 beads). the armhole, stitch the sleeve to the outside
Fasten off.
Step 1: Calculate the number of edge of the T-shirt armhole. Stretch shirt
Weave in ends. and Sleeve slightly when stitching (see
foundation sc needed using the neckline
formula above. Pattern Notes) and fold under the extra
NECKLINE TRIM ¼ inch of fabric as you sew on the sleeve.
Work a first foundation sc followed by the
Neckline formula (Sample shows trim Sleeves can be attached by machine sewing
number of next foundation sc needed, turn.
around front neck only, measured from if desired.
(89 foundation sc)
shoulder to shoulder.):
Repeat for 2nd sleeve.
Round neckline measurement to nearest Row 1: Ch 1, sc in first foundation sc, *ch
Knit and Crochet Now! Logo Green:
whole inch (i.e. 19 inches). 1, 3 bead chs, ch 1, sk 3 foundation sc, sc in Neckline Trim
next foundation sc, rep from * to end. (23 sc, With needle and thread, stretching shirt and
Add 3 inches for ease (i.e. 19 inches + 3 = 22 ch sps) trim slightly, sew trim around the neckline
22 inches). of your shirt. C!
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Tunisian Scrubbies
Tunisia n S c r ubbies
This set is sure to keep you squeaky clean! You’ll love the mini
pads for applying toner, face wash or lotions to your face.
EASY Tunisian Full Stitch (TFS): Insert hook B. Work 25 TFS evenly across side of
through fabric in sp before next vertical bar square in row ends. (50 lps on hook)
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS to the back of the work, yo, pull up a lp. C. Work 25 TFS evenly across bottom of
Washcloth: 8½ inches square Tunisian Simple Stitch (TSS): Insert hook square. (75 lps on hook)
Makeup Pad: 2¾ inches square from right to left under next vertical bar, yo, D. Work 25 TFS evenly across side square
Soap Sack: 4 inches x 5½ inches pull up a lp. On last st of row, insert hook in row ends. (100 lps on hook)
under both vertical strands, yo, pull up lp.
E. Work lps off hook.
MATERIALS Reverse Simple Stitch (RSS): Fold top
• Lily Sugar’n Cream medium edge of work toward front, insert hook from Row 2:
(worsted) weight cotton yarn right to left under next vertical bar in the A. *TFS across to last vertical bar before
(2½ oz/120 yds/70g per ball): back of the work, yo, pull up a lp. On the last the corner, TSS (see Special Stitches) in
2 balls #0082 jute (A) st of row, insert hook under both vertical next vertical bar, TFS in next sp, TSS in
1 ball #0004 ecru (B) strands, yo, pull up lp. next vertical bar.
• Size K/10½/6.5mm Tunisian hook with
B. Rep from * around, ending with
20-inch or longer cable or size needed to
WA S H C L O T H working last st. (108 lps on hook)
obtain gauge
Make 2. C. Change back to A, work lps off hook,
• Tapestry needle
Row 1: changing back to color B in last pull
GAUGE through and leaving last lp on hook.
A. With color A, ch 24, keeping all lps on
14 sts = 4 inches
hook, pull up lp in 2nd ch from hook Row 3:
Exact gauge is not critical for these projects. and in each ch across. (24 lps on hook)
A. Ch 1, *TSS in each bar across, TFS in
SPECIAL STITCHES B. Work lps off hook (see Special Stitches). corner sp.
Work loops off hook (work lps off Row 2: B. Rep from * around, ending with
hook): Ch 1 (see A of illustration), [yo, pull working last st.
through 2 lps on hook (see B of illustration)] A. Work TFS (see Special Stitches) across,
after last vertical bar, sk sp and work in C. Work lps off hook.
across. Last lp on hook counts as first lp of
next row. last st of row (see Special Stitches). Row 4: Sl st in each vertical bar around,
A B. Work lps off hook. ending with sl st in final ch from front.
Fasten off.
Row 3:
A. Sk (first sp and following vertical bar), FINISHING
B TFS across including in sp before last st, Sew tog the diagonal opening in the border
work in last st of row. between first and 4th side. Weave in ends.
B. Work lps off hook.
Work Loops Off Hook
[Rep rows 2 and 3 alternately] until piece
Make 3.
measures 7 inches, ending with a row 3. In
Last stitch of row (last st of row): On last yo and pull through 2 lps, change color Row 1:
last st of row, insert hook under both vertical (see Stitch Guide) to B. A. With any color, ch 10, working in
strands (see illustration), yo, pull up lp. back bar of ch (see illustration), keeping
Row 1:
A. Work TFS in first sp and in each sp
across, including sp before last st, work
last st of row. (25 lps on hook) Back Bar of Chain
Row 1:
A. With B, ch 15, working in back bar of
ch (see illustration on page 21), keeping
all lps on hook, pull up lp in 2nd ch
from hook and in each ch across.
(15 lps on hook)
B. Work lps off hook (see Special Stitches).
Row 5: Next row: Rep row 2.
Row 2:
A. *TSS in next vertical bar, TFS (see Special Last row: Sl st in vertical back bar of each
A. Work RSS (see Special Stitches) across, Stitches) in next sp; rep from * across to st across to last st, sl st in last st. Fasten off.
work in last st (see Special Stitches). last vertical bar, TSS in last vertical bar,
B. Work lps off hook. work in last st. (15 lps on hook)
Fold sack double lengthwise and sew
Row 3: B. Work lps off hook, changing color sides tog.
(see Stitch Guide) to A in last yo and Weave in ends.
A. Work TSS (see Special Stitches) across,
pull through 2 lps.
work in last st. CORD
Rep row 3 until piece measures approxi-
B. Work lps off hook. Cut a piece of yarn in color A approximately
mately 10 inches, changing to color B in last
120 inches long. Fold double. Twist the
Row 4: pull through and leaving last lp on hook.
string until it resists, fold double and let
A. Ch 1, RSS in next vertical bar, ch 1, [sk Next row: Rep row 3. twist along itself.
next bar, RSS in next vertical bar, ch 1]
Next row: Ch 1, TSS in next vertical bar, Tie a loose knot at open end of cord. Thread
across, work in last st. (9 lps on hook)
ch 1, [sk next bar, TSS in next vertical bar, cord through eyelet row on Sack. Untie the
B. Ch 1, [yo, pull through 2 lps on hook, knot and tie ends tog with a knot, pull tight
ch 1] across, work in last st. (9 lps on hook)
ch 1] across, ending with yo, pull and trim ends. C!
through last 2 lps on hook and then Next row: Rep row 5 without changing
leaving last lp on hook. color at the end of the row.
Length: 5½ inches
Before assembly: 23 inches wide
Seamed, measured flat: 10½ inches wide
• Plymouth Yarn Viento bulky
(chunky) weight baby alpaca/
bamboo yarn (1¾ oz/98 yds/
50g per hank):
2 hanks #0004 natural
• Size 12mm crochet hook or size needed to
obtain gauge
• Tapestry needle
8 sc = 4 inches; 5 rows = 2 inches
Headband is worked with 2 strands held
together throughout.
Weave in loose ends as work progresses.
Single crochet join (sc join): Place a
slip knot on hook (see illustration A), insert
hook in indicated st, yo, pull up a lp (see
illustration B), yo and draw through both lps
on hook (see illustration C).
Natural Spa
Single Crochet Join Keep your hair neat and enjoy a spa day
with this chic, easy-to-stitch headband.
Row 1 (RS): With 2 strands held It’s made with natural, undyed yarn for
tog (see Pattern Notes), ch 45, working in
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 6 6 a truly luxurious feel.
go green
Posy Patch
hook in same ch, yo, pull up a ½-inch lp
(5 lps on hook), [yo, insert hook in ch st (not
in ch sp) before next sl st, yo, pull up a
½-inch lp] 3 times in same ch (11 lps on
Tote hook), sk next (sl st, ch-2 sp, sl st), [yo, insert
hook in next ch st, yo, pull up a ½-inch lp]
3 times in same ch, yo, draw through all 17
lps on hook, ch 4, small puff (see Special
D E S I G N BY R E N A V. S T E V E N S Stitches) in 4th ch from hook (in gap between
2 main lps and back bump). (4 petals made)
Patches of flowers crocheted together Large puff stitch (large puff): Yo, insert
hook in indicated st, yo, pull up a ½-inch
make up this summery tote. Each patch is lp, [yo, insert hook in same st, yo, pull up
a ½-inch lp] twice (7 lps on hook), yo, draw
worked separately, making this a convenient through all 7 lps on hook.
project to pick up and work on the go! Flower top: If necessary, push left petal to
left to expose flower eye (gap directly above
The recycled yarn makes it easy to clean, too. puff sts), ([large puff—see Special Stitches,
ch 2] twice, large puff) in flower eye.
Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip
knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo,
INTERMEDIATE leave enough tail to double back with needle
pull up a lp, yo and draw through both lps
into worked-over part to help keep ends
on hook.
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS secure during washing.
Tote: 17½ inches wide x 14½ inches tall Blocks are joined into identical front and
Handles: 22 inches long back panels of 6 blocks each, crocheted
together on 3 sides (or they can be sewn F L OW E R B L O C K
MATERIALS together if preferred). Trim is worked around Make 4 each in rose, cream
• Premier Yarns Home Cotton the open top and (optional) lining is sewn in. & driftwood.
medium (worsted) weight Crocheted handles are added last. Row 1 (RS): Ch 33, place marker in 5th ch
recycled cotton/polyester yarn
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless from hook for future assembly, sl st in 7th
(2⁄ oz/131 yds/75g per ball):
otherwise stated. ch from hook, [ch 2, sk next 2 chs, sl st in
3 balls #38-38 rose
Do not remove markers until instructed. next ch, ch 4, sk next 3 chs, sl st in next ch]
2 balls each #38-02 cream and
3 times, ch 2, sk next 2 chs, sl st in next ch,
#38-39 driftwood Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as
ch 1, sk next ch, hdc in last ch, place marker
• Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed first double crochet and chain-1 unless
in this row to indicate RS bottom edge of
to obtain gauge otherwise stated.
block, turn. (1 ch-6 sp, 4 ch-2 sps, 3 ch-4 sps,
• Tapestry needle Chain-5 at beginning of row counts as 1 ch-1 sp, 8 sl sts, 1 hdc)
• Locking stitch markers: 36 first half double crochet and chain-2 unless
• Lining fabric (optional) otherwise stated. Row 2: Ch 6 (counts as dc and part of
• Matching thread (optional) flower), [work flower bottom (see Special
Chain-1 at beginning of round counts as first
• Sewing needle (optional) Stitches), ch 4] 3 times, work flower bottom,
single crochet unless otherwise stated.
dc in turning-ch sp, turn. (4 flower bottoms,
SPECIAL STITCHES 3 ch sps between flowers, 2 dc)
One flower block = 5¾ inches wide x
7 inches tall before assembly Small puff stitch (small puff): [Yo, Row 3: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), [work
insert hook in indicated st, yo, pull up a flower top (see Special Stitches), ch 1]
Take time to check gauge.
½-inch lp] twice in same st (5 lps on hook), 4 times, sk last petal, dc in turning-ch sp,
PATTERN NOTES yo, draw through all 5 lps on hook. turn. (4 flower tops, 5 ch-1 sps, 2 dc)
Work over loose ends where feasible as work Flower bottom: Yo, insert hook in 3rd ch
Row 4: Ch 5 (see Pattern Notes), [sk next
progresses or weave in later. In either case, from hook, yo, pull up a ½-inch lp, yo, insert
ch-1 sp, sl st in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, sl st in
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 6 6
go green
Na tura l Bea uty Ves t
INTERMEDIATE skip all beginning double crochets of shell Body should have 19 [21, 23, 25, 27] rows of
or V-stitch, work into chain-2 space as cl groups with a sc row and a mesh row at
FINISHED SIZES instructed, then skip all remaining double each end.
Instructions given fit woman’s size small; crochets of shell or V-stitch. Rotate piece to beg working in row ends
changes for medium, large, X-large and Join with slip stitch as indicated unless of body.
2X-large are in [ ]. Where only 1 number is otherwise stated.
given, it applies to all sizes. Foundation row (RS): Ch 1, 2 sc in first
SPECIAL STITCHES sp, sc in sc row, *2 sc in next sp, sc in next sp,
FINISHED MEASUREMENT Shell: (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st or sp. sc in sc row**, 2 sc in next sp, sc in each of
Bust: 36 inches (small) [40 inches (medium), next 2 sc rows, rep from * 17 [19, 21, 23, 25]
V-stitch (V-st): (Dc, ch 2, dc) in indicated sp.
44 inches (large), 48 inches (X-large), times, rep from * to ** once, 2 sc in last sp,
52 inches (2X-large)] turn. (153 [169, 185, 201, 217] sc)
• Berroco Remix Light light (DK) Row 1: Ch 3, dc in next 3 [4, 5, 6, 7] sc,
Foundation row (WS): Ch 58, dc in
weight nylon/cotton/acrylic/silk/ *sk 2 sc, shell (see Special Stitches) in next sc,
6th ch from hook (sk chs count as first dc, ch 1
linen yarn (3½ oz/432 yds/ sk 2 sc, dc in next 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] sc, rep from *
and sk st), *ch 1, sk next ch, dc in next ch, rep
100g per skein): twice, turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
from * across, turn and place marker in any
2 [2, 3, 3, 4] skeins #6901 birch (3 shells, 4 groups of 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] dc)
st to mark RS. (28 dc, 27 ch-1 sps)
• Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or size Row 2 (beg arm and neckline
needed to obtain gauge Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, sc in first dc, *sc in ch-1
shaping): Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
• Tapestry needle sp, sc in next dc, rep from * to turning ch, sc
next 1 [2, 3, 4, 5] dc, *shell in ch-2 sp (see
• Stitch marker in turning-ch sp, sc in 4th ch of turning ch,
Pattern Notes), dc in next 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] dc, rep
• Button turn. (55 sc)
from * once, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 1 [2,
GAUGE Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), sk next 2 3, 4, 5] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in last st,
Body Pattern: 5 cls = 4 inches; 13 pattern sc, 3 dc in next sc (3-dc group made), *sk 3 sc, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] dc, 3
rows (starting with row 4) = 4 inches 3 dc in next sc, rep from * to last 3 sc, sk 2 sc, [4, 5, 6, 7] dc each edge)
dc in last sc, turn. (13 3-dc groups, 2 dc)
Yoke Pattern: 9 dc and 2 shells = 4 inches; Row 3: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in next
9 rows = 4 inches Row 3: Ch 5 (see Pattern Notes), *dc dec 0 [1, 2, 3, 4] dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next
Take time to check gauge. (see Stitch Guide) in next 3 dc (for cl), ch 3, rep 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] dc, rep from * once, shell in ch-2
from * across to last 4 dc, dc dec in next 3 dc, sp, dc in next 0 [1, 2, 3, 4] dc, dc dec in next
PATTERN NOTES ch 2, dc in last dc, turn. (13 cls, 2 dc, 2 ch-2 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of
Weave in loose ends as work progresses. sps, 12 ch-3 sps) 4 [5, 6, 7 8] dc, 2 [3, 4, 5, 6] dc each edge)
Both stitch and row gauge are very Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first dc, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc Size Small Only
important for this pattern. in top of next cl, *3 sc in next ch-3 sp, sc in Row 4: Ch 3, sk 1 dc, *shell in ch-2 sp,
Body is same length for all sizes. When next cl, rep from * across to last ch-2 sp, 2 sc dc in next 4 dc, rep from * once, shell in
working top section, the overall length in last ch-2 sp, sc in last dc, turn. (55 sc) ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn.
changes due to different armhole lengths. (3 shells, 2 groups of 4 dc, 1 dc each edge)
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.
Back and Fronts are worked from side to Row 5: Ch 3, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next
side and made in one piece up to armhole. Row 6: Ch 4 (counts as dc and ch 1), sk
4 dc, rep from * once, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in
Yoke is worked bottom-up from underarm next sc, dc in next sc, *ch 1, sk next sc,
last st, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of 4 dc, 1 dc
to shoulders. dc in next sc, rep from * across, turn.
each edge)
(28 dc, 27 ch-1 sps)
Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first
Rep rows 1–6 until body measures 35½ Size Medium Only
double crochet unless otherwise stated.
[39½, 43½, 47½, 51½] inches from beg, [Row 4]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, *shell
Chain-5 at beginning of row counts as in ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc, rep from * once,
ending with a rep of row 4.
first double crochet and chain-2 unless shell in ch-2 sp, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
otherwise stated. Note: Row 5 is intentionally sk. last st, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of 5 dc, 2 dc
When instructed to work stitches into Next row: Rep row 6, do not turn, do not each edge)
chain-2 space (of shell or V-stitch), always fasten off.
[Row 5]: Ch 3, sk next dc, *shell in ch-2 dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn. (1 group of 4 [5, 6] Size Large Only
sp, dc in next 5 dc, rep from * once, shell dc, 6 [7, 8] dc at neckline edge) [Row 21]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, shell in
in ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn. ch-2 sp, dc in next 6 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in
Row 12: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
(3 shells, 2 groups of 5 dc, 1 dc each edge) last 2 dc, turn. (2 shells, 1 group of 6 dc, 2 dc
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
at neckline and arm edges)
Sizes Large, X-Large & dc in next 3 [4, 5] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc
2X-Large Only in last st, turn. (5 [6, 7] dc at neckline edge) [Row 22]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, shell in
[Row 4]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, [1, 2, 3] ch-2 sp, dc in next 6 dc, shell in last ch-2 sp,
Row 13: Ch 3, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in
dc in next dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next [6, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn. (1 dc at
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
7, 8] dc, rep from * once, shell in ch-2 sp, dc neckline edge)
dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn.
in next [1, 2, 3] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
[Row 23]: Ch 5, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in
last st, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of [6, 7, 8] dc, Row 14: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
next 6 dc, ch 2, sc in last ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in
[3, 4, 5] dc each edge) ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
next dc, dc in last st. Fasten off. (2 sc, 9 dc, 4
dc in next 2 [3, 4] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc
[Row 5]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in ch-2 sps)
in last st, turn. (4 [5, 6] dc at neckline edge)
next [0, 1, 2] dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next
Sizes X-Large & 2X-Large Only
[6, 7, 8] dc, rep from * once, shell in ch-2 sp, Row 15: Ch 3, dc in next 3 [4, 5] dc, shell in
Arm shaping complete. V-neck shaping
dc in next [0, 1, 2] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
will continue.
in last st, turn. (3 shells, 2 groups of [6, 7, 8] dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn.
dc, [2, 3, 4] dc each edge) [Row 6]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, *shell in
Row 16: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep from * once,
Sizes Small, Medium & in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2
shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next [0, 1] dc, dc dec
Large Only sp, dc in next 1 [2, 3] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc,
in next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (3 shells, 2
Arm shaping complete. V-neck shaping dc in last st, turn. (3 [4, 5] dc at neckline edge)
groups of [7, 8] dc, [2, 3] dc at neckline edge,
will continue.
Row 17: Ch 3, dc in next 2 [3, 4] dc, shell in [3, 4] dc at arm edge; rem st counts are given
Row 6: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, *shell ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, only for counts that change)
in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, rep from * dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn.
[Row 7]: Ch 3, sk next dc, dc in next [0, 1]
once, (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in last ch-2 sp (dec
Row 18: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep
made), dc in last st, turn. (2 shells, 2 groups of
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, from * once, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4]
4 [5, 6] dc, partial shell at neckline edge, 1 [1,
dc in next 0 [1, 2] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc dc, turn. ([1, 2] dc at neckline edge)
2] dc at arm edge; rem st counts are given only
in last st, turn. (2 [3, 4] dc at neckline edge)
for counts that change) [Row 8]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, *shell in
Size Small Only ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep from * once,
Row 7: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp,
Row 19: Ch 5, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in next ch-2 sp (partial shell
*dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in next ch-2 sp,
4 dc, ch 2, sc in last ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in last st. made), dc in last [1, 2] dc, turn. (2 shells,
rep from * once, dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn.
Fasten off. (2 sc, 6 dc, 4 ch-2 sps) 1 partial shell, [1, 2] dc at neckline edge)
Row 8: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, *shell in
Sizes Medium & Large Only [Row 9]: Ch 3, dc in next [0, 1] dc, (1 dc, ch
next ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, rep from
[Row 19]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp, *dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell
* once, (2 dc, ch 2, 0 [0, 1] dc) in next ch-2 sp
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 in ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in last [3, 4]
(dec made), dc in last st, turn. (partial shell,
sp, dc in next [1, 2] dc, turn. ([3, 4] dc at dc, turn.
1 dc at neckline edge)
neckline edge)
[Row 10]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, *shell
Row 9: Ch 3, 2 dc in ch-2 sp, *dc in next 4
[Row 20]: Ch 3, dc in next [0, 1] dc, shell in in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep from *
[5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc
ch-2 sp, dc in next [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, once, 2 dc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in last [3, 4] dc,
in last 1 [1, 2] dc, turn.
dc in next [0, 1] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in turn. ([1, 2] dc at neckline edge)
Row 10: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, *shell last st, turn. ([2, 3] dc at neckline edge)
[Row 11]: Ch 3, sk [0, 1] dc, [1, 2] dc in ch-2
in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, rep from *
Size Medium Only sp, sk 2 dc of partial shell, *dc in next [7, 8]
once, sk next dc, dc between last 2 sts, dc in
[Row 21]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, ch 2, sc in dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in
last st, turn. (2 dc at neckline edge)
ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 5 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 last [3, 4] dc, turn. (2 shells, 1 group of [7, 8]
Row 11: Ch 3, dc in next 5 [6, 7] dc, shell in sp, ch 2, dc in last st. Fasten off. (2 sc, 8 dc, 4 dc, [9, 11] dc at neckline edge)
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, ch-2 sps)
[Row 12]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, *shell sp, dc in next [0, 1] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc Size Large Only
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep from * in last st, turn. ([2, 3] dc at neckline edge) [Row 8]: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp
once, sk [0, 1] dc, dc in last 2 dc, turn. ([9, 10] (partial shell made), *dc in next 6 dc, shell in
Size X-Large Only
dc at neckline edge) ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in last 2 dc, turn.
[Row 25]: Ch 5, sk next dc, sc in ch-2 sp,
[Row 13]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in ch 2, dc in next 7 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, Sizes Small, Medium &
next [6, 7] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next dc in next 2 dc, dc in last st. Fasten off. Large Only
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, (11 dc, 2 sc, 4 ch-2 sps) Row 9: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, *shell
turn. ([8, 9] dc at neckline edge) in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, rep from *
Size 2X-Large Only
once, 2 dc in ch-2 sp, 1 dc in last st, turn.
[Row 14]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, *shell [Row 25]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, shell in
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, rep from * ch-2 sp, dc in next 8 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in Row 10: Ch 3, dc in sp between first and
once, dc in last st, turn. last 4 dc, turn. (2 dc at neckline edge) next dc, sk next dc, *dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc,
shell in ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in last
[Row 15]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in [Row 26]: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, shell in
1 [1, 2] dc, turn. (2 dc at neckline edge)
next [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, ch-2 sp, dc in next 8 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in
8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next [2, 3] dc, dc last 2 dc, turn. Row 11: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
in last st, turn. ([7, 8] dc at neckline edge) ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
[Row 27]: Ch 5, sk next dc, sc in ch-2 sp, ch
dc in last 6 [7, 8] dc, turn. (1 group of 4 [5, 6]
[Row 16]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell 2, dc in next 8 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc
dc, 6 [7, 8] dc at neckline edge)
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 in last 4 dc. Fasten off. (13 dc, 2 sc, 4 ch-2 sps)
sp, dc in last [7, 8] dc, turn. Row 12: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
next 3 [4, 5] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4
[Row 17]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc Row 1: With WS facing, count 31 [35, 39,
[5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc,
in next [4, 5] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 43, 47] sts in from unworked side edge, join
turn. (5 [6, 7] dc at neckline edge)
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, (see Pattern Notes) in last st counted, ch 3,
turn. ([6, 7] dc at neckline edge) dc in next 3 [4, 5, 6, 7] sc, *sk 2 sc, shell in Row 13: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
next sc, sk 2 sc, dc in next 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] sc, ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
[Row 18]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell rep from * twice, turn. (3 shells, 4 groups of dc in last 5 [6, 7] dc, turn.
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] dc)
sp, dc in last [6, 7] dc, turn. Row 14: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
Rows 2–5: Rep rows 2–5 of Left Front. next 2 [3, 4] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4
[Row 19]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc,
in next [3, 4] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next Arm shaping complete. V-neck shaping
turn. (4 [5, 6] dc at neckline edge)
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, will continue.
turn. ([5, 6] dc at neckline edge) Row 15: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
Sizes Small, Medium &
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
[Row 20]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell Large Only
dc in last 4 [5, 6] dc, turn.
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 Row 6: Ch 3, *(1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp
sp, dc in last [5, 6] dc, turn. (dec made), *dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in Row 16: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc, next 1 [2, 3] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4
[Row 21]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in turn. (2 shells, 2 groups of 4 [5, 6] dc, 1 partial [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last 1 [1, 2] dc,
next [2, 3] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next shell, 1 dc at neckline edge, 1 [1, 2] dc at arm turn. (3 [4, 5] dc at neckline edge)
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, edge; rem st counts are given only for counts
turn. ([4, 5] dc at neckline edge) Row 17: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, shell in
that change)
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
[Row 22]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell Row 7: Ch 3, dc in next 0 [0, 1] dc, *shell dc in last 3 [4, 5] dc, turn.
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 [5, 6] dc, rep from *
sp, dc in last [4, 5] dc, turn. Row 18: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc,
once, (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in ch-2 sp, dc in last
dc in next 0 [1, 2] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in
[Row 23]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc st, turn.
next 4 [5, 6] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next
in next [1, 2] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next Sizes Small & Medium Only 0 [1, 2] dc, dc in last st, turn. (2 [3, 4] dc at
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, Row 8: Ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2) in next ch-2 sp neckline edge)
turn. ([3, 4] dc at neckline edge) (partial shell made), *dc in next 4 [5] dc, shell
Size Small Only
[Row 24]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from * once, dc in last st, turn.
Row 19: Ch 5, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next
in ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 4 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in last st.
dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn. Size X-Large Only Row 6: Ch 3, dc in next 5 dc, *shell in ch-2
([9, 10] dc at neckline edge) [Row 25]: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, ch 2, sc in sp, dc in next 4 dc, rep from * to last 2 sts,
ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 7 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 dc in last 2 sts, turn.
[Row 13]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in
sp, ch 2, sk next dc, dc in last st. Fasten off.
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, Rows 7–18: Rep row 6.
(11 dc, 2 sc, 4 ch-2 sps)
dc in next [6, 7] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
Row 19: Ch 3, dc in next 5 dc, *ch 2, sc in
last st, turn. ([8, 9] dc at neckline edge) Size 2X-Large Only
ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 4 dc, rep from * to
[Row 25]: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, shell in
[Row 14]: Ch 3, *dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell last 2 sts, dc in last 2 sts. Fasten off. (5 sc,
ch-2 sp, dc in next 8 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc
in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn. 4 groups of 4 dc, 6 dc each edge, 10 ch-2 sps)
dec in next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (2 dc at
[Row 15]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in neckline edge) Sizes Medium, Large, X-Large &
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, 2X-Large Only
[Row 26]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, shell in ch-2
dc in next [5, 6] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in [Row 2]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
sp, dc in next 8 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last
last st, turn. ([7, 8] dc at neckline edge) next [0, 1, 2, 3] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, *dc in
4 dc, turn.
next [5, 6, 7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from
[Row 16]: Ch 3, dc in next [6, 7] dc, shell in
[Row 27]: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch 2, sc in * 5 times, dc in next [0, 1, 2, 3] dc, dc dec
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 8 dc, ch 2, sc in ch-2 in next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (7 shells,
dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn.
sp, ch 2, sk next dc, dc in last st. Fasten off. 6 groups of [5, 6, 7, 8] dc, [2, 3, 4, 5] dc
[Row 17]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in (13 dc, 2 sc, 4 ch-2 sps) each edge)
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
B AC K Size Medium Only
dc in next [4, 5] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
Row 1: With WS facing, sk 14 sc from Left [Row 3]: Ch 3, sk next dc, *shell in ch-2
last st, turn. ([6, 7] dc at neckline edge)
Front, join in next sc, ch 3, dc in next 1 [2, 3, sp, dc in next 5 dc, rep from * 5 times, shell
[Row 18]: Ch 3, dc in next [5, 6] dc, shell in 4, 5] sc, *sk 2 sc, shell in next sc, sk 2 sc, dc in in ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn.
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, next 4 [5, 6, 7, 8] sc, rep from * 5 times, sk 2 (7 shells, 6 groups of 5 dc, 1 dc each edge)
dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn. sc, shell in next sc, sk 2 sc, dc in next 2 [3, 4,
[Row 4]: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next
5, 6] sc, turn. (7 shells, 6 groups of 4 [5, 6, 7,
[Row 19]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in ch-2 sp (partial shell made), dc in next 5 dc,
8] dc, 2 [3, 4, 5, 6] dc each edge)
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc, rep from *
dc in next [3, 4] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in Size Small Only to last ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in last ch-2
last st, turn. ([5, 6] dc at neckline edge) Row 2: Ch 3, sk next dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, sp, dc in last st, turn. (5 shells, 2 partial shells,
dc in next 4 dc, rep from * 5 times, shell in 6 groups of 5 dc, 1 dc each edge)
[Row 20]: Ch 3, dc in next [4, 5] dc, shell in
ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st. (7 shells,
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, [Row 5]: Ch 3, V-st (see Special Stitches) in
6 groups of 4 dc, 1 dc each edge)
dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn. ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc
Row 3: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp in next 5 dc, rep from * to last ch-2 sp, V-st
[Row 21]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in
(partial shell made), dc in next 4 dc, *shell in last ch-2 sp, dc in last st, turn. (5 shells,
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp,
in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 dc, rep from * to last 2 V-sts, 6 groups of 5 dc, 1 dc each edge)
dc in next [2, 3] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in last ch-2 sp,
last st, turn. ([4, 5] dc at neckline edge) [Rows 6–20]: Rep row 5.
1 dc in last st, turn. (5 shells, 2 partial shells,
[Row 22]: Ch 3, dc in next [3, 4] dc, shell in 6 groups of 4 dc, 1 dc each edge) [Row 21]: Ch 3, sc in ch-2 sp, dc in next 5
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc, *ch 2, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 5 dc,
Row 4: Ch 3, V-st (see Special Stitches) in
dc in last [3, 4] dc, turn. rep from * to last ch-2 sp, sc in last ch-2 sp,
ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc
dc in last st. Fasten off. (7 sc, 6 groups of 5 dc,
[Row 23]: Ch 3, dc in next [2, 3] dc, shell in in next 4 dc, rep from * to last ch-2 sp, V-st
1 dc each edge, 10 ch-2 sps)
ch-2 sp, dc in next [7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, in last ch-2 sp, dc in last st, turn. (5 shells,
dc in next [1, 2] dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in 2 V-sts, 6 groups of 4 dc, 1 dc each edge) Sizes Large, X-Large &
last st, turn. ([3, 4] dc at neckline edge) 2X-Large Only
Row 5: Ch 3, dc in ch-2 sp, dc in next
[Row 3]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in
[Row 24]: Ch 3, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc 4 dc, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 dc, rep
next [0, 1, 2] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, *dc in next
in next [0, 1] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next from * to last ch-2 sp, V-st in last ch-2 sp,
[6, 7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from * 5
[7, 8] dc, shell in ch-2 sp, dc in last [3, 4] dc, dc in last st, turn. (5 shells, 4 groups of 4 dc,
times, dc in next [0, 1, 2] dc, dc dec in next
turn. ( [2, 3] dc at neckline edge) 6 dc each edge)
2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (7 shells, 6 groups of dc, dc dec in next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. Left Front V-neck shaping, sc in first row
[6, 7, 8] dc, [2, 3, 4] dc each edge) (7 shells, 6 groups of 8 dc, 3 dc each edge) end, work across Left Front and underside of
foundation ch of Body as the Right Front was
Size Large Only [Row 5]: Ch 3, sk next dc, dc in next dc,
worked to last row end, 3 sc in last row end
[Row 4]: Ch 3, sk next dc, *shell in ch-2 shell in ch-2 sp, *dc in next 8 dc, shell in
for corner, rotate to work across row ends of
sp, dc in next 6 dc, rep from * 5 times, shell ch-2 sp, rep from * 5 times, sk next dc, dc in
Body, work 2 sc in each dc row end and 1 sc
in ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn. last 2 dc, turn. (7 shells, 6 groups of 8 dc,
in each sc row end to beg of rnd, sc in same
(7 shells, 6 groups of 6 dc, 1 dc each edge) 2 dc each edge)
st as beg sc, join to beg ch-1, do not turn.
[Row 5]: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp [Row 6]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, shell in ch-2
Row 2: Sk first sc, *(sc, dc, sc) in next sc,
(partial shell made), dc in next 6 dc, *shell sp, *dc in next 8 dc, shell in ch-2 sp, rep from
sk 2 sc, rep from * to button lp, sc in same
in ch-2 sp, dc in next 6 dc, rep from * to last * 5 times, dc in last 2 dc, turn.
sc as button lp (working over sc from rnd 1),
ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 1 dc) in last ch-2 sp, dc
[Rows 7–26]: Rep row 6. **sk 2 sc, (sc, dc, sc) in next sc, rep from **
in last st, turn. (5 shells, 2 partial shells,
to bottom corner of left front, leave rem sts
6 groups of 6 dc, 1 dc each edge) [Row 27]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, *ch 2, sc in
unworked. Fasten off.
ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in next 8 dc, rep from * 5
[Rows 6–22]: Rep row 5.
times, ch 2, sc in ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in last 2 dc. ARMHOLE BORDERS
[Row 23]: Ch 5, sc in ch-2 sp, *ch 2, dc in Fasten off. (7 sc, 6 groups of 8 dc, 2 dc each Rnd 1: Join in 7th st of armhole sts, ch 1,
next 6 dc, ch 2, sc in next ch-2 sp, rep from * edge, 14 ch-2 sps) sc in next 7 sts, working in row ends, *sc in
across, ch 2, dc in last st. Fasten off. (7 sc, next row end, [2 sc in next row end] twice,
F RO N T S , N E C K L I N E &
6 groups of 6 dc, 1 dc each edge, 14 ch-2 sps) rep from * to rem 7 sts of armhole, sc in last
7 sts, join to beg sc, do not turn.
Size X-Large Only Rnd 1: With RS facing, join in st at bottom
[Row 4]: Ch 3, dc in next dc, sk next dc, right front (last row of Body), ch 1, sc in first Rnd 2: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, *(sc, dc, sc) in next sc,
*shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next 7 dc, rep from dc, sc in next ch-1 sp, work 2 sc in each sk 2 sc, rep from * around, join to beg ch-1.
* 5 times, shell in ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in ch-1 sp to beg of V-neck shaping (54 sc), Fasten off.
last 2 dc, turn. (7 shells, 6 groups of 7 dc, 2 dc continuing along row ends of neckline, sc in
each edge) side of next sc, ch 10 (button lp made), [sc
Sew button on left front at base of V-neck
in next row end] twice, *[2 sc in next row
[Row 5]: Ch 3, sk next dc, *shell in ch-2 shaping, opposite button lp.
end] twice, sc in next row end, rep from * to
sp, dc in next 7 dc, rep from * 5 times, shell If blocking is necessary, lay garment on a
end of Right Front, continuing along Back,
in ch-2 sp, sk next dc, dc in last st, turn. padded surface, sprinkle lightly with water,
work 2 sc in each ch-2 sp and 1 sc in each
(7 shells, 6 groups of 7 dc, 1 dc each edge) pat into shape, pin with rustproof pins and
dc, sk each sc, continue across row ends of
[Row 6]: Ch 3, *shell in ch-2 sp, dc in next allow to dry. C!
7 dc, rep from * 5 times, shell in ch-2 sp, dc
in last st, turn.
81/2 [9, 10, 11, 12]"
Fancy Flip-Flops
Take boring old sandals and breathe new life into them!
Add the cuff or leave the cuff off and make your sandals your own.
Fold this blanket up, secure it with the separate carrying strap
and handle, and take it everywhere you go.
Set One
A Timeless Treasure”
You can throw this piece on and go! Wear it with leggings and
a tank for a road trip or as a swimsuit cover-up at the beach.
This easy-to-stitch crochet top is made from side to side in one piece
with a deep V-neck, and it’s a must-make for any wardrobe.
EASY Pattern is written to include 2–4 inches of * across, ending last rep at **, dc in last dc,
positive ease. Size medium will be a little turn. (182 [188, 188, 194, 206] dc; 59 [61, 61,
SIZES larger than expected. 63, 67] ch-1 sps)
Instructions given fit woman’s size small; Work into back bar (see illustration) of Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first dc, *ch 5, sk next
changes for medium, large, X-large and foundation chain and chain at neck opening. 3 dc**, sc in next ch-1 sp, rep from * across,
2X-large are in [ ].
ending last rep at **, sc in last dc, turn. (61
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS [63, 63, 65, 69] sc; 60 [62, 62, 64, 68] ch-5 sps)
Bust: 37½ inches (small) [43 inches Row 4: Ch 5 (see Pattern Notes), sc in first
(medium), 45½ inches (large), 51 inches ch-5 sp, *ch 5, sk next sc, sc in next ch-5 sp,
Back Bar of Chain
(X-large), 53½ inches (2X-large) rep from * across to last sc, ch 2, dc in last sc,
Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first
Length: 22 inches (small) [23 inches turn. (60 [62, 62, 65, 68] sc; 2 dc; 2 ch-2 sps;
double crochet unless otherwise stated.
(medium), 23 inches (large), 23½ inches 59 [61, 61, 63, 67] ch-5 sps)
(X-large), 25 inches (2X-large)] Chain-5 at beginning of row counts as
first double crochet, chain-2 unless Row 5: Ch 1, sc in first dc, ch 3, sk next ch-2
MATERIALS otherwise stated. sp, sk next sc, *sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, sk
• Omega Eulali super fine next sc, rep from * across, sc in 3rd ch of beg
Join with slip stitch unless otherwise stated.
(fingering) weight Egyptian ch-5, turn. (61 [63, 63, 65, 69] sc; 60 [62, 62,
cotton (3½ oz/394 yds/100g per ball): 64, 68] ch-3 sps)
3 [3, 3, 4, 4] balls #22 beige Row 6: Ch 3, *3 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sk
Ch 244 [252, 252, 260, 276].
• Size D/3/3.25mm crochet hook or size next sc, rep from * across to last ch-3 sp, 3 dc
needed to obtain gauge Foundation row (RS): Dc in 5th ch in last ch-3 sp, dc in last sc, turn. (182 [188,
• Tapestry needle from hook (sk chs count as foundation ch and 188, 194, 206] dc; 59 [61, 61, 63, 67] ch-1 sps)
• Stitch markers first dc), dc in next 2 chs, *ch 1, sk next ch, dc
in next 3 chs, rep from * across to last ch, dc Rows 7–24 [7–30, 7–30, 7–36,
GAUGE 7–36]: Rep rows 1–6 3 [4, 4, 5, 5] times.
in last ch, turn. (182 [188, 188, 194, 206] dc;
22 sts = 4 inches; 12 rows = 4 inches
59 [61, 61, 63, 67] ch-1 sps) Divide for Neck Opening
G AU G E S WAT C H Row 25 [31, 31, 37, 37]: Ch 3, dc in
Row 1: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc in next
Ch 36. next dc, [ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next dc, dc in
dc, ch 1, sk next dc, *dc in next dc, dc in
Work foundation row; then work Rows 1–6 next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next dc, next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc] 18 [19, 19, 20, 22]
at least 2 times. rep from * across to last 2 dc, dc in last 2 dc, times, ch 93, sk next 93 sts, [dc in next dc, dc
turn. (181 [187, 187, 193, 205] dc; 60 [62, 62, in next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next
PATTERN NOTES dc] across to last 2 dc, dc in last 2 dc, turn.
64, 68] ch-1 sps)
Top is worked side to side in one piece, (112 [118, 118, 124, 136] dc; 36 [38, 38, 40, 44]
then sides are seamed while working rows Row 2: Ch 3, *dc in next dc, dc in next ch-1 ch-1 sps; 1 ch-93 sp)
of lace mesh. sp, dc in next dc**, ch 1, sk next dc, rep from
Lace S t r i p e C o v e r- Up
Holder: 4½ inches wide x 8 inches long
Handle: 12 inches long
MATERIALS 5 sc = 1 inch; 5 rows = 1 inch
• Scheepjes Softfun light (DK)
weight cotton/acrylic yarn PATTERN NOTES
(3½ oz/153 yds/50g per skein): The Holder is worked in continuous rounds
1 skein each #2632 tortilla, from the bottom up; do not join unless
#2626 cobalt, #2634 bumblebee, instructed to do so.
#2605 emerald and #2534 cyclamen The Handle is worked separately and
• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed sewn on.
to obtain gauge
Weave in loose ends as work progresses.
• Tapestry needle
• Stitch marker C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 6 8
road trip
This handy reversible pillow will be your favorite new travel buddy!
An adjustable button strap allows you to secure it on any width
of headrest, hang it from a cargo hook or attach it to a suitcase handle.
INTERMEDIATE Work a total of 16 motifs and arrange them sk next 2 dc**, (3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc) in next ch-4
when joining to create a square of 4 motifs sp, rep from * around ending last rep at **, 3
FINISHED SIZE in each of 4 rows. dc in first ch-4 sp, ch 3, dc in top of beg ch-3
One size fits most (counts as ch-5 sp). (72 dc, 12 ch-5 sps)
CA R DI Rnd 6: Ch 3, 2 dc in same ch-5 sp, ch 5,
37 inches square before seaming FIRST MOTIF sc in next ch-5 sp, *ch 5, sk next 2 dc, dc in
Ch 6. Sl st into first ch to form a ring. each of next 8 dc, ch 5, sk next 2 dc, sc in
MATERIALS next ch-5 sp, ch 5**, (3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc) in
Rnd 1: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), 3 dc in
• Plymouth Pima Rino medium next ch-5 sp, ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp, rep
ring, [ch 4, 4 dc in ring] 3 times, ch 2, dc
(worsted) weight pima cotton/ from * around ending last rep at **, 3 dc in
(see Pattern Notes) in top of beg ch-3.
superwash merino wool yarn (1¾ oz/ first ch-5 sp, ch 3, dc in top of beg ch-3.
(16 dc, 4 ch-4 sps)
109 yds/50g per skein): (56 dc, 8 sc, 20 ch-5 sps)
13 skeins #12 coral Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in same ch-4 sp, [dc in each
Rnd 7: Ch 3, 2 dc in same ch-5 sp, *[ch 5, sc
• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size of next 4 dc, (2 dc, ch 4, 2 dc) in next ch-4
in next ch-5 sp] twice, ch 5, sk next 2 dc, dc
needed to obtain gauge sp] 3 times, dc in each of next 4 dc, 2 dc in
in each of next 4 dc, sk next 2 dc, [ch 5, sc in
• Tapestry needle first ch-4 sp, ch 2, dc in top of beg ch-3.
next ch-5 sp] twice, ch 5**, (3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc)
(32 dc, 4 ch-4 sps)
GAUGE in next ch-5 sp, rep from * around ending
10 dc = 2 inches; 5 dc rows = 2 inches Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in same ch-4 sp, [dc in each last rep at **, 3 dc in first ch-5 sp, ch 3, dc in
One motif = 9¼ inches square of next 8 dc, (2 dc, ch 4, 2 dc) in next ch-4 top of beg ch-3. (40 dc, 16 sc, 28 ch-5 sps)
sp] 3 times, dc in each of next 8 dc, 2 dc in
Take time to check gauge. Rnd 8: Ch 3, 2 dc in same ch-5 sp, *[ch 7,
first ch-4 sp, ch 2, dc in top of beg ch-3.
sc in next ch-5 sp] 6 times, ch 7**, (3 dc,
PATTERN NOTES (48 dc, 4 ch-4 sps)
ch 7, 3 dc) in next ch-5 sp, rep from * around
Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in same ch-4 sp, [dc in each ending last rep at **, 3 dc in first ch-5 sp,
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless of next 12 dc, (2 dc, ch 4, 2 dc) in next ch-4 ch 4, dc in top of beg ch-3 (counts as ch-7 sp).
otherwise stated. sp] 3 times, dc in each of next 12 dc, 2 dc in (24 dc, 24 sc, 32 ch-7 sps)
Chain-3 at beginning of round counts as first first ch-4 sp, ch 2, dc in top of beg ch-3.
Rnd 9: Ch 3, (dc, ch 3, 4 dc) in same ch-7
double crochet unless otherwise stated. (64 dc, 4 ch-4 sps)
sp, *[sc in next ch-7 sp, (6 dc, ch 3, 6 dc) in
Chain-2 and double crochet at the end of Rnd 5: Ch 3, 2 dc in same ch-4 sp, *ch 5, next ch-7 sp] 3 times, sc in next ch-7 sp**,
round counts as chain-4 space. sk next 2 dc, dc in each of next 12 dc, ch 5, C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 70
18 inches
• Omega Sinaia medium (worsted)
weight cotton yarn (3½ oz/
131 yds/100g per skein):
18 yds #410 papaya
• Size E/4/3.5mm crochet hook
• ¼-inch jingle bells or ¼-inch beads
for eyes: 2
• Flexible beading needle
• Tapestry needle
8 sc = 2 inches
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless
otherwise stated.
String 2 ¼-inch jingle bells or 2 ¼-inch
beads on yarn.
Step 1: Beg at tail end, ch 70, 3 sc in 2nd
ch from hook, 3 sc in each of next 14 chs,
sc in each of next 40 chs;
Step 2 (shape RS of body): hdc in
each of next 2 chs, dc in each of next 5 chs,
hdc in each of next 2 chs;
Bookmark D E S I G N BY K AT H E R I N E FLO R I M B I O
Step 3 (shape head): sl st in next ch,
sc in next ch, hdc in each of next 2 chs, 5 dc
in next ch, turn;
Step 4 (beg shaping opposite Step 8 (shape 2nd leg and toes): Step 11 (shape 4th leg and toes):
side of head and body): working in ch 10, sl st in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in ch 10, sl st in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in
unused lps on opposite side of foundation, 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 4th ch from 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 4th ch from
hdc in each of next 2 chs, sc in next ch, sl st hook, sc in each of next 6 chs, sk next st on hook, sc in each of next 6 chs, sk next st on
in next ch; body, sc in each of next 5 sts; body, sc in each of next 3 sts, join in next st
on body. Fasten off and weave in ends. C!
Step 5 (shape left side of body): Step 9 (head and eyes): hdc in each
hdc in each of next 2 chs, dc in each of next of next 2 sts, slip bead in place as close to
5 chs, hdc in each of next 2 chs, sc in next ch, hook as possible, 2 dc in next st, 3 dc in
sl st in next ch, ch 1, turn; each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, slip bead
in place as close to hook as possible, hdc in
Step 6 (finish shaping body and Use a flexible beading
each of next 2 sts, sc in each of next 5 sts;
adding legs): sk next st, sc in each of needle to get the yarn
next 2 sts; Step 10 (shape 3rd leg and toes): through the jingle bell
ch 10, sl st in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in hole. You will need to slide
Step 7 (shape first leg and toes):
4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 4th ch from the bells/beads through the
ch 10, sl st in 4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in
hook, sc in each of next 6 chs, sk next st on yarn as you work on your
4th ch from hook, ch 3, sl st in 4th ch from
body, sc in each of next 3 sts; project.
hook, sc in each of next 6 chs, sk next st on
body, sc in each of next 3 sts;
Your first month’s kit includes
all the yarn and instructions
you need to start stitching
your mandala center! Each
subsequent kit contains yarn
and patterns for continuing
each section—10 kits in total.
From the very first stitch to
the last, you’ll have exclusive
access to online video
instructions. By the time your
afghan is complete, you’ll have
mastered new stitches and
techniques you’ll carry forward
into your next project.
At the end of your kit series
you’ll have a super soft floral
mandala throw. Join the club with
a friend and share in the journey
together as you create something
handmade and special.
This super-cute
sleeveless tank is
hemmed with
hand-knotted fringe
for a fun look that’s
inspired by the swings
at the carnival!
S wing Tan k
INTERMEDIATE yo, pull through 1 lp on hook (see illustration Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join in
B—ch-1 completed), yo, pull through all beg sc, turn.
SIZES lps on hook (see illustrations C and D—sc
Rnd 3: Rep rnd 1.
Instructions given fit woman’s size small; completed). Rep for each next foundation sc.
changes for medium, large, X-large, 2X-large A Rnd 4: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), tr cl
and 3X-large are in [ ]. (see Special Stitches) over next 3 sts,
*insert hook in next st and pull up a lp,
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS ch 3, yo and pull through both lps on
Bust: 39½ inches (small) [43¾ inches hook, tr cl over next 3 sts, rep from *
(medium), 48 inches (large), 52¼ inches around, join in top of beg ch-3, turn.
(X-large), 56½ inches (2X-large), 60¾ inches B
A (37 [41, 45, 49, 53, 57] tr cls, 37 [41, 45,
(3X-large)] 49, 53, 57] ch-3)
MATERIALS Rnd 5: Sl st up to next tr, ch 4 (see
• Lion Brand Coboo light (DK) Pattern Notes), sk next tr, hdc in next
weight cotton/rayon yarn C tr, ch 2, *hdc in next tr, ch 2, sk next tr,
(3½ oz/232 yds/100g per ball): B hdc in next tr, ch 2, rep from * around,
4 [4, 5, 5, 6, 6] balls #144L magenta join in 2nd ch of beg ch-4, turn. (74 [82,
• Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or size 90, 98, 106, 114] hdc, 74 [82, 90, 98, 106,
needed to obtain gauge 114] ch-2 sps)
• Tapestry needle D Rnd 6: Sl st in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, 2 sc
GAUGE C in same sp and in each ch-2 sp around,
15 sc or hdc = 4 inches; 9 rnds in body join in beg sc, turn.
pattern = 4 inches;
Rnds 7–9: Rep rnds 1–3.
13 rows in bodice pattern = 4 inches
Rnd 10: Ch 4 (counts as first dc, ch 1),
PATTERN NOTES First Foundation Next Foundation sk next st, dc cl (see Special Stitches) in
Single Crochet Single Crochet
Weave in loose ends as work progresses. next st, sk next st, *dc in next st, ch 1, sk
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless Triple crochet cluster (tr cl): Tr in each next st, dc cl in next st, sk next st; rep from *
otherwise stated. of next 3 sts, working around post of all 3 tr around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-4, turn.
at same time, [yo, insert hook around all 3
Chain-2 at beginning of round counts as first Rnd 11: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 3 dc in
tr, yo and pull up a lp] 4 times, yo and pull
half-double crochet unless otherwise stated. same st as joining, sk next dc cl and ch-1 sp,
through 8 lps on hook, yo and pull through
Chain-4 at beginning of round counts as *4 dc in next dc, sk next dc cl and ch-1 sp; rep
last 2 lps on hook, push cl to base of tr.
first half-double crochet, chain-2 unless from * around, join in top of beg ch-3, turn.
Double crochet cluster (dc cl): Dc in next
otherwise stated. Rnd 12: Rep rnd 2.
st, working around post of st just made, [yo,
Chain-3 at beginning of round does insert hook around dc, yo and pull up a lp] 3 Rnds 13–24: Rep rnds 1–12.
not count as first double crochet unless times, yo and pull through all 7 lps on hook.
otherwise stated. Rnds 25–30: Rep rnds 1–6.
First foundation single crochet stitch Foundation row (RS): Work first Row 1: Ch 2, hdc in next 71 [79, 87, 95,
(first foundation sc): Ch 2, insert hook foundation sc (see Special Stitches), work 103, 111] sts, turn leaving rem sts unworked.
into 2nd ch from hook, yo, pull up a lp, yo, next foundation sc (see Special Stitches) (72 [80, 88, 96, 104, 112] hdc)
pull through 1 lp on hook (see illustration 147 [163, 179, 195, 211, 227] times, turn.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in
A—ch-1 completed), yo, pull through all (148 [164, 180, 196, 212, 228] sc)
first 2 sts, sc in each st up to last 2 sts, sc
lps on hook (see illustrations B and C— B O DY dec over last 2 sts, turn. (70 [78, 86, 94,
sc completed). Rnd 1: Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), hdc in 102, 110] sc)
Next foundation single crochet stitch each st around, join (see Pattern Notes) in
Row 3: Ch 2, hdc in each st across, turn.
(next foundation sc): Insert hook in last top of beg ch-2, turn. (148 [164, 180, 196,
ch-1 made (see illustration A), yo, pull up a lp, 212, 228] hdc) Row 4: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
This simple, boxy tee is worked from the top down with
vertical columns of post stitches intersecting bands of color.
It is the perfect top for a night at the carnival.
INTERMEDIATE Weave in ends as work progresses. each ch across, turn. (120 [127, 133, 133,
Join rounds with a slip stitch unless 137, 141] dc)
FINISHED SIZES otherwise stated. Row 3: Ch 2, dc in next st and each st
Instructions given fit woman’s size small;
Chain-2 at the beginning of a row or round across, turn.
changes for medium, large, X-large, 2X-large
counts as first double crochet unless Rep row 3 until Back measures approximate-
and 3X-large are in [ ].
otherwise stated. ly 8¼ [8¾, 9¼, 9¾, 10¼, 10¾] inches from
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS When working front post and back post row 1. Fasten off.
Bust: 42 [45, 49¾, 53½, 56¼, 61½] inches stitches, always bring loop up a little so
All sizes except 3X-large: Place stitch marker
Length: 21¼ [22½, 23, 23½, 24¼, stitch is not too tight.
in 10th [10th, 9th, 4th, 4th] st from each end
24¼] inches Mandala yarn can be cut and worked for of last row.
stripes to be single, specific colors or can
MATERIALS be worked continuously for variegated Size 3X-large: Place stitch markers in first
• Lion Brand Baby Soft light (DK) random stripes. and last st.
weight acrylic/nylon yarn (5 oz/
Carry MC up the wrong side of the work F RO N T
459 yds/140g per skein):
when not in use and fasten off each CC Left Shoulder
3 [3, 3, 3, 4, 4] skeins #100 white (MC)
stripe after completion. Row 1 (RS): With RS facing and working
• Lion Brand Mandala light (DK)
in opposite side of foundation ch, join MC in
weight acrylic yarn (5.3 oz/590 yds/
TEE first st, ch 2, dc in next st and each st across,
150g per cake):
turn. (46 [49, 51, 51, 52, 54] dc)
1 [1, 1, 2, 2, 2] cake(s) #220L troll (CC)* B AC K
• Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or size Right Shoulder Rows 2–6: Ch 2, dc in next st and each st
needed to obtain gauge Row 1 (RS): With MC, ch 47 [50, 52, 52, across, turn.
• Tapestry needle 53, 55], dc in 3rd ch from hook (sk chs count
Left Neck Shaping
• Stitch markers as first dc) and each ch across, fasten off.
Row 7: Ch 2, 2 dc in next st, dc in next and
*Note: Only a small amount of a 2nd cake is (46 [49, 51, 51, 52, 54] dc)
each st across, turn. (47 [50, 52, 52, 53, 55] dc)
needed for larger sizes.
Left Shoulder
Row 8: Ch 2, dc in next and each st across
Row 1 (RS): With MC, ch 47 [50, 52, 52,
GAUGE to last 3 sts, bpdc (see Stitch Guide and Pattern
53, 55], dc in 3rd ch from hook (sk chs count
17½ dc = 4 inches; 11 rows = 4 inches Notes) around next st, dc in same st, dc in each
as first dc) and each ch across, ch 28 [29, 31,
st across, turn. (48 [51, 53, 53, 54, 56] dc)
PATTERN NOTES 31, 33, 33], join (see Pattern Notes) to first st
Tee is worked from the top down, from the of Right Shoulder, fasten off, turn. (46 [49, Row 9: Ch 2, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st,
back shoulders to the underarm. Fronts are 51, 51, 52, 54] dc, 28 [29, 31, 31, 33, 33] chs) fpdc (see Stitch Guide) around next st, dc in
worked down from foundation chain to each st across, turn. (49 [52, 54, 54, 55, 57] dc)
Back Yoke
underarm and then top is worked in joined Row 2 (WS): Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes) in Row 10: Ch 2, dc in next st and each st to
rounds from underarm to hem. first st of Left Shoulder, dc in each st and post st, bpdc around post st, dc in next 2 sts,
Summe r Striped Tee
Row 11: Ch 2, dc in next st and each st to (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sts, dc in each st
post st, fpdc around post st, dc in each of to 4 sts before next marked st, dc dec in next
next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, dc in last st, ch 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, sk rem sts**, dc in first
18 [19, 21, 21, 23, 23], join to last st of Left marked st of Front, remove marker, dc in
Shoulder, fasten off, turn. (51 [54, 56, 56, 57, next 3 sts, rep from *, ending at **, dc in last
59] dc, 18 [19, 21, 21, 23, 23] chs) 2 sts, join in first st, turn. (200 [214, 230, 250,
258, 278] dc)
Front Yoke
Row 12 (WS): With WS facing, join in Rnd 2: Ch 2, dc in next st, *dc dec in next
first st, ch 2, dc in each st and ch across, turn. 2 sts, dc to 4 sts before marked st, dc dec
(120 [127, 133, 133, 137, 141] dc) in next 2 sts**, dc in next 4 sts; rep from *,
ending at **, dc in last 2 sts, join in first st,
Row 13: Ch 2, dc in next and each st across
turn. (196 [210, 226, 246, 254, 274] dc)
to first post st, fpdc around post st, dc in
each st to next post st, fpdc around post st, Rnd 3: Ch 2, dc in next st and each dc
dc in each st across, turn. around, join in first st, turn.
Row 14: Ch 2, dc in next and each st across Rnd(s) 4–8 [4–8, 4–6, 4–8, 4–6,
to first post st, bpdc around post st, dc in 4]: Rep rnds 2 and 3 2 [2, 1, 2, 1, 0] time(s)
each st to next post st, bpdc around post st, then rep rnd 2 once more. (184 [198, 218,
dc in each st across, turn. 234, 246, 270] dc)
Rep rows 13 and 14 until Front measures Sizes Small, Large, 2X-Large &
2 dc in next st, dc in last st, turn. (50 [53, 55, approximately 8¼ [8¾, 9¼, 9¾, 10¼, 10¾] 3X-Large Only
55, 56, 58] dc) inches from foundation ch. Fasten off. Rnd(s) 9 [7 & 8, 7 & 8, 5–7]: Rep
Row 11: Ch 2, 2 dc in next st, dc in next All sizes except 3X-large: Place stitch marker rnd 3.
2 sts, fpdc around next st, dc in each st in 10th [10th, 9th, 4th, 4th] st from each end Stripes
across, fasten off. (51 [54, 56, 56, 57, 59] dc) of last row. All Sizes
Right Shoulder Size 3X-large: Place stitch markers in first Rnds 10–36 [9–38, 9–38, 9–38,
Row 1 (RS): With RS facing and working and last st. 9–38, 8–37]: Rep rnd 3 in following color
in opposite side of foundation ch, join MC in sequence: [1 rnd CC (see Pattern Notes), 2
first st of Right Shoulder, ch 2, dc in next st B O DY rnds MC] 9 [10, 10, 10, 10, 10] times.
and each st across, turn. (46 [49, 51, 51, 52, Note: Continue to work post st patterning on Fasten off.
54] dc) the front throughout remainder of tee.
Rows 2–6: Ch 2, dc in next st and each Rnd 1: With MC and RS of back facing, join Sew sleeve seams tog if necessary. C!
st across, turn. in first marked st, ch 2, dc in next st, *dc dec
dc in last st, turn. (49 [52, 54, 54, 55, 57] dc)
2½ inches wide x 76 inches long,
excluding Fringes
• Cascade Yarns Sarasota light
(DK) weight cotton/acrylic yarn
(3½ oz/314 yds/100g per skein):
1 skein #238 beach glass
• Size F/5/3.75mm crochet hook or size
needed to obtain gauge
• Large crochet hook for Fringe
• Tapestry needle
7 tr = 2½ inches; rows 2–8 = 3 inches
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 70
Stripes SIZED TO
Stitch up this
colorful poncho
as a perfect flowy
layer to celebrate
the bright days
and evenings of
A simple V-stitch
mesh pattern
with increases
every third row
and regular color
changes makes this
a fun-to-crochet
project that is a
comfy piece you
will reach for time
and again.
Zigz a g S tripes Po n ch o
INTERMEDIATE cut and a single round of ecru is worked to Place markers in rows 7 [7, 11, 11, 9], 19 [19,
separate stripes. 23, 23, 23], 31 [31, 37, 37, 37] (center front),
FINISHED SIZES Always join new color at back, at least 5 43 [43, 51, 51, 51], 55 [55, 63, 63, 65] and
Instructions given fit woman’s size small/ V-stitches before center back in direction of 67 [67, 77, 77, 77] (center back).
medium; changes for large/X-large, work. Keep all tails to wrong side of fabric. B O DY
2X-large, 3X-large and 4X-large/5X-large When joining colors, it can be helpful to cro- Rnd 1: With WS of foundation facing, join
are in [ ]. Where only 1 number is given, it chet with both the tail and working yarn for a rosebud in side of sc row after center back
applies to all sizes. few stitches to make weaving in ends easier. marker, (ch 4, dc—see Pattern Notes) in side
Sized to fit actual bust sizes: 34-38 [42-46, Weave in loose ends as work progresses. of same sc as join, [*sk next dc row, V-st (see
50-54, 54-58, 58-62] inches. Special Stitches) in side of next sc row*, rep
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless
otherwise stated. between * to dc row before next marker, sk
next dc row, IncShl (see Special Stitches) in
Bust: 46 [52, 60, 65, 70] inches Poncho is Chain-4 and double crochet at beginning
marked sc row, move marker to center dc
meant to have a loose fit around the chest of row counts as first V-stitch unless
just made] 6 times, join to 3rd ch of beg
Neck Circumference: 24 [24, 26¾, 26¾, otherwise stated.
ch-4, turn. (30 [30, 34, 34, 34] V-sts, 6 IncShl)
26¾] inches
SPECIAL STITCHES Rnd 2 (RS): (Sl st, ch 4, dc) in ch-1 sp
Length (neckline to point): 19½ inches V-stitch (V-st): (Dc, ch 1, dc) in indicated of first V-st, *V-st in each ch-1 sp to next
st or sp. marked IncShl, V-st in first ch-1 sp of IncShl,
• Premier Yarns Afternoon Cotton Increase shell (IncShl): (Dc, [ch 1, dc] ch 1, sk marked dc, move marker to ch-1
light (DK) weight cotton yarn twice) in indicated st or sp. sp just made, V-st in 2nd ch-1 sp of same
(1¾ oz/136 yds/50g per ball): IncShl, rep from * to end, join to 3rd ch of
BODY COLOR SEQUENCE beg ch-4, turn. (42 [42, 46, 46, 46] V-sts,
2 balls each #2011-02 ecru, #2011-32
4 rnds: rosebud 6 ch-1 sps)
rosebud, #2011-03 goldenrod and
#2011-14 deep jade 1 rnd: ecru
Rnd 3: (Sl st, ch 4, dc) in ch-1 sp of first
1 [2, 2, 2, 2] balls #2011-13 pale teal 4 rnds: pale teal V-st, moving markers up to ch-1 sp of V-sts
• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed 1 rnd: ecru as you reach them, V-st in each ch-1 sp to
to obtain gauge end, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-4, turn. (48 [48,
4 rnds: goldenrod
• Tapestry needle 52, 52, 52] V-sts)
• Stitch markers 1 rnd: ecru
4 rnds: deep jade Rnd 4 (inc): (Sl st, ch 4, dc) in ch-1 sp
GAUGE of first V-st, *V-st in each ch-1 sp to next
3 V-sts and 5 rows = 2 inches 1 rnd: ecru
marked ch-1 sp, IncShl in marked ch-1 sp,
12 rows of stacked rows foundation = Work the entire sequence twice, then rep move marker up to middle dc of IncShl just
4 inches the first 5 rnds once. made, rep from * to V-st after last IncShl,
Take time to check gauge. V-st in each ch-1 sp to end, join to 3rd ch
PONC HO of beg ch-4, turn. (42 [42, 46, 46, 46] V-sts,
Poncho begins with a stacked rows F O U N DAT IO N Fasten off and join new color following Body
foundation joined in a ring. Stitch markers Row 1: With ecru, ch 2, sc in 2nd ch from Color Sequence (see Body Color Sequence
are placed in foundation to indicate the 6 hook, turn. (1 sc) and Pattern Notes) for rem rnds.
increase points. The first round is worked
into the sides of the foundation rows, with Row 2 (RS): Ch 2, 2 dc in sc, turn.
increases in the 6 marked points. After the (1 ch-2, 2 dc)
indicated number of rounds for the size you Use different-colored
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first dc, turn. (1 sc)
are making, the 4 stitch markers at shoulders stitch markers for the
are removed and rounds are continued with Rows 4–72 [4–72, 4–80, 4–80, center front and back
increase points at center front and back. 4–80]: Rep rows 2 and 3 ending with increase points than the ones
a row 2. used for the other 4 shoulder
Broad stripes of color are created with 4
increase points.
rounds of the V-stitch pattern, then color is Without twisting foundation strip, join
(see Pattern Notes) last row to row 1.
V-st, *V-st in each ch-1 sp to next marked Rnds 9–11: Rep rnds 3–5. (66 [74, 80,
/1 2
IncShl, V-st in first ch-1 sp of IncShl, ch 1, 82, 82] V-sts, 2 [2, 4, 6, 6] ch-1 sps)
sk marked dc, move marker to ch-1 sp just
Size 2X-Large Only
made, V-st in 2nd ch-1 sp of same IncShl, rep
Remove both front shoulder inc markers
from * to V-st after last IncShl, V-st in each
leaving only center front and back inc
ch-1 sp to end, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-4,
st markers.
turn. (54 [54, 58, 58, 58] V-sts, 6 ch-1 sps)
46 [52, 60, 65, 70]"
Size 3X-Large Only
Size Small/Medium Only
Remove both back shoulder inc markers All Sizes
Remove the 4 shoulder inc markers leaving
leaving both front shoulder inc markers, Rnds 15–17: Rep rnds 3–5. (74 [82, 90,
only center front and back inc markers.
center front and back inc markers. 98, 104] V-sts, 2 [2, 2, 2, 4] ch-1 sps)
All Sizes
All Sizes Size 4X-Large/5X-Large Only
Rnds 6–8: Rep rnds 3–5. (62 [66, 70, 70,
Rnds 12–14: Rep rnds 3–5. (70 [78, 86, Remove front shoulder inc st markers leaving
70] V-sts, 2 [6, 6, 6, 6] ch-1 sps)
92, 94] V-sts, 2 [2, 2, 4, 6] ch-1 sps) only center front and back inc st markers.
Size Large/X-Large Only
Size 3X-Large Only All Sizes
Remove the 4 shoulder inc markers leaving
Remove front shoulder inc st markers leaving Rnds 18–45: [Rep rnds 3–5 alternately]
only center front and back inc markers.
only center front and back inc markers. 9 times, then rep rnd 3 once. (112 [120, 128,
Size 2X-Large Only 136, 144] V-sts)
Size 4X-Large/5X-Large Only
Remove both back shoulder inc markers
Remove both back shoulder inc markers FINISHING
leaving both front shoulder inc markers,
leaving only front shoulder inc markers, Gently wet- or steam-block to open up mesh
center front and back inc markers.
center front and back inc markers. pattern. C!
available at these
Sea Needles WEBS America’s Yarn Store Playing With Yarn Yarn and More, Inc Merribee Needlearts
780 Garfield Parkway 6 Industrial Parkway 276 Scenic Drive 4104 S. Virginia Dare Trail, #21 12682 Shiloh Church Road
Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Easthampton, MA 01027 Knife River, MN 55609 Nags Head, NC 27959 Houston, TX 77066
This listing is provided as a service to our readers and should not be considered an endorsement from Crochet! magazine.
YES. Please reserve the “God’s Pearl of Wisdom” Pendant
for me as described in this announcement. City State Zip
Instructions given fit size X-small;
changes for small, medium, large and
X-large are in [ ].
Bust: 27 inches (X-small) [29 inches (small),
33 inches (medium), 37½ inches (large),
42 inches (X-large)] over ribbing
Length: 24½ inches (X-small) [24½ inches
(small), 24½ inches (medium), 24½ inches
(large), 24½ inches (X-large)]
S un- Kissed Top
MATERIALS ch 4] 3 [3, 4, 4, 4] times, sc in ch sp of last Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next st, [sk next ch sp,
• Berroco Weekend DK light (DK) shell, ch 2, sc in each of last 2 dc, turn. shell in next sc] 4 [4, 5, 5, 5] times, sk next
weight acrylic/cotton yarn (94 [94, 90, 90, 90] sc, 5 [5, 6, 6, 6] ch sps) ch sp, dc in back lps of each rem st across,
(3½ oz/268 yds/100g per skein): turn. (4 [4, 5, 5, 5] shells, 90 [90, 85, 85,
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, [sk next ch sp,
3 [3, 4, 4, 5] skeins #2910 cornsilk 85] dc)
shell in next sc] 4 [4, 5, 5, 5] times, sk next ch
• Sizes F/5/3.75mm and G/6/4mm crochet [Rep rows 2 and 3 alternately] 10 [12, 12, 12,
sp, dc in back lp of each rem st across, turn.
hooks or size needed to obtain gauge 12] times.
(4 [4, 5, 5, 5] shells, 90 [90, 85, 85, 85] dc)
• Stitch markers
• Tapestry needle [Rep rows 3 and 4 alternately] 22 [24, 28, 32, 36] Next row: Ch 1, sc in back lp of each of
times. Rep row 3. next 88 [88, 83, 83, 83] dc, ch 2, [sc in ch sp
GAUGE of next shell, ch 4] 3 [3, 4, 4, 4] times, sc in
Size F hook: 21 sts = 4 inches; 14 rows = Next row: Sc in back lp of each sc and ch
ch sp of last shell, ch 2, sc in each of last 2 dc,
3¾ inches in ribbing across. Fasten off.
ch 22, turn. (94 [94, 90, 90, 90] sc, 5 [5, 6, 6,
6 shells = 5 inches; 6 rows = 2 inches in F RO N T 6] ch sps)
shell pattern Row 1 (WS): Ch 131, working in back bar
Take time to check gauge. of chs, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch
Row 1 (RS): Dc in 4th ch from hook (3 sk
across, turn. (130 sts)
PAT T E R N N O T E S chs count as first dc), sk next 2 chs, [shell in
Chain-3 at beginning of row or round Row 2 (RS): Ch 3, dc in next st, sk next 2 next ch, sk next 4 chs] 3 times, shell in next
counts as first double crochet unless sts, [shell in next st, sk next 4 sts] 7 [7, 8, 8, ch, sk next 2 sc and ch sp, shell in each of
otherwise stated. 8] times, shell in next st, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 4 [4, 5, 5, 5] sc, sk next ch sp, dc in back
back lps of each rem st across, turn. (8 [8, 9, lps of each rem st across, turn. (8 [8, 9, 9, 9]
Front is worked starting from left side.
9, 9] shells, 90 [90, 85, 85, 85] dc) shells, 90 [90, 85, 85, 85] dc)
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless
otherwise stated. Row 3: Ch 1, sc in back lps of next 88 [88, Row 2: Ch 1, sc in back lps of next 88 [88,
83, 83, 83] dc, ch 2, [sc in ch sp of next shell, 83, 83, 83] dc, ch 2, [sc in ch sp of next shell,
Top is intended to be blocked with
ch 4] 7 [7, 8, 8, 8] times, sc in ch sp of last ch 4] 7 [7, 8, 8, 8] times, sc in ch sp of last
negative ease.
shell, ch 2, sc in each of last 2 dc, turn. (98 shell, ch 2, sc in each of last 2 dc, turn. (98
SPECIAL STITCH [98, 94, 94, 94] sc, 9 [9, 10, 10, 10] ch sps) [98, 94, 94, 94] sc, 9 [9, 10, 10, 10] ch sps)
Shell: (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in indicated sp.
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, [sk next ch sp, Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next st, [sk next ch sp,
shell in next sc] 8 [8, 9, 9, 9] times, sk next ch shell in next sc] 8 [8, 9, 9, 9] times, sk next ch
T OP sp, dc in back lp of each rem st across, turn. sp, dc in back lps of each rem st across, turn.
B AC K (8 [8, 9, 9, 9] shells, 90 [90, 85, 85, 85] dc) (8 [8, 9, 9, 9] shells, 90 [90, 85, 85, 85] dc)
Row 1 (WS): With size F hook, ch 111, [Rep rows 3 and 4 alternately] 4 [4, 6, 8, 10] [Rep rows 2 and 3 alternately] 4 [4, 6, 8, 10]
working in back bar of chs (see illustration), times. Rep row 3. Fasten off. more times. Rep row 2.
sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across,
turn. (110 sts) F RO N T N E C K Next row: Ch 1, sc in each st and ch
Row 1 (RS): With RS facing, sk 4 ch sps across. Fasten off.
from right edge, join (see Pattern Notes)
yarn in first ch of next ch sp, ch 3, dc in next
Count 80 [78, 74, 72,
ch of same ch sp, sk next 2 chs of same
68] sts from bottom
Back Bar of Chain ch sp, [shell in next sc, sk next ch sp] 4 [4,
of Front and Back
5, 5, 5] times, dc in back lps of each rem st
Row 2 (RS): Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc on each side and
across, turn. (4 [4, 5, 5, 5] shells, 90 [90, 85,
in next st, sk next 2 sts, [shell—see Special mark with stitch
85, 85] dc)
Stitches in next st, sk next 4 sts] 3 [3, 4, 4, marker. Seam Front
4] times, shell in next st, sk next 2 sts, dc in Row 2: Ch 1, sc in back lp of each of next and Back tog using
back lp only (see Stitch Guide) of each rem 88 [88, 83, 83, 83] dc, ch 2, [sc in ch sp of invisible seam Invisible Seam
st across, turn. (4 [4, 5, 5, 5] shells, 90 [90, 85, next shell, ch 4] 3 [3, 4, 4, 4] times, sc in (see illustration) up
85, 85] dc) ch sp of last shell, ch 2, sc in each of last to marker. Seam shoulders of Front to
2 dc, turn. (94 [94, 90, 90, 90] sc, 5 [5, 6, 6, Back on each side.
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in back lp of next 88 [88,
6] ch sps)
83, 83, 83] dc, ch 2, [sc in ch sp of next shell, C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 71
Keychain Wristlet
Continued from page 9
Row 37: Ch 1, sc in each sc across. Fasten clasp across. Then sew back across for
off, leaving an 18-inch tail. added security.
Finishing Weave in ends. C!
With a tapestry needle, weave in beg tail.
Fold strip in half widthwise. With a tapestry
needle and 18-inch tail, sew through both
thicknesses around the lobster-claw
Arcade Tote
Continued from page 11
sts, change color to fuchsia, sc in next 7 sts] 5 sts, change color to fuchsia, sc in next 5
around, sc in last st, join in beg sc. sts] around, sc in last 2 sts, join in beg sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same st as join and in Rnds 4–8: Referring to Chart (see Pattern
next 7 sts, [change color to peach, sc in next Notes and Chart), ch 1, sc in each st around,
knot, work in pattern across, leaving last st, Next rows: Work same as First Shoulder
turn. (16 [20, 22, 26, 28] double love knot sts) Shaping and Shoulder.
Rows 2–5: Work in pattern across, leaving FINISHING
last st unworked, turn. (12 [16, 18, 22, 24] Beg at Armhole edge, evenly sp sc in ends of
double love knot sts at end of last row) rows across to bottom edge, inc as necessary
so piece lies flat. Fasten off.
Next rows: Work even in pattern until
piece measures 5 [5½, 6½, 7, 7½] inches Rep on other side edge.
from beg of Armhole, ending at Armhole A S S E M B LY
edge. Sc shoulder seams tog. Fasten off. Seams
First Shoulder Shaping will be on RS of work.
Row 1: Work in pattern across first 5 [7, 8, Sc side seams tog. Fasten off. Seams will be
10, 11] double love knots, leaving rem sts on RS of work.
unworked, turn. (4 [6, 7, 9, 10] double
love knots)
Rnd 1: Joining with sc at seam, evenly sp
Row 2: Work even in pattern across, turn. sc around, join with sl st in beg sc.
Rows 3–6: [Rep rows 1 and 2 alternately] Rnds 2–4: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join
twice, turn. (2 [4, 5, 7, 8) double love knots at with sl st in beg sc. Fasten off.
end of last row) Rep on other armhole.
Next rows: Work even in pattern EDGING
until piece measures same as Front Rnd 1: With RS facing, working in starting
before Shoulder. ch on opposite side of row 1, join with sc at
Row 1: Ch 1, evenly sp 10 [10, 12, 13, 15]
This colorway from
sc across, turn.
Círculo’s Whoopee has
Rows 2–4 [2–4, 2–4, 2–5, 2–5]: quite a bit of white in
Top Ch 1, sc in each st across. At end of last row, it. If you want your vest to
Work same as Front Top to Armhole Shaping. fasten off. be more purple and gray like
(18 [22, 24, 28, 30] double love knots) this one, order an extra cake
2nd Shoulder Shaping
Armhole Shaping of yarn and cut out some of
Row 1: Join with sl st at armhole edge,
Row 1: Sl st in first 2 sc, sl st in first lp of the white.
work in pattern across first 5 [7, 8, 10, 11]
double love knot and in next sc, single love love knots, leaving rem sts unworked, turn.
141/2 [173/4, 19, 221/2, 24]" 71/2 [9, 93/4, 111/2, 121/4]"
back bar (see illustration) of chs, sc in 2nd ch Row 10: Ch 12, with WS facing, sk first
from hook and in each ch across, turn. (44 sc) 12 sts, sc join (see Special Stitch and illustra-
tion) in next st, sc in each st across, turn.
(32 sc, 12 chs)
Row 11: Ch 1, sc in each st and ch across,
turn. (44 sc)
Back Bar of Chain
Rows 12–14: Rep rows 2–4. At end of last
Rows 2–4 (braid tail): Ch 1, sc in each row, fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing
st across, turn (first braid tail made). (last braid tail made).
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in first 32 sts, ch 13, leave A S S E M B LY
rem sts unworked, turn. (32 sc, 13 chs) Beg with tail at right, braid tails, overlapping
each tail once, then overlap tail at left again.
Row 6: Ch 1, sc in 2nd ch from hook and
With RS of tails and short end of Headband
in each ch across, sc in each st across, turn.
held tog and matching sts, sew ends of rows
(46 sc)
tog, working braid tail end of row 4 in ends
Rows 7–9: Rep rows 2–4. At end of last of rows 4 and 5 and tail end of row 9 in ends
row, fasten off (center braid tail made). of rows 9 and 10. C!
Fasten off. (28 sc, 26 ch-2 sps, 2 ch-1 sps) as follows, [sc in last sp, ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc) in If desired, gently tug block seams to help
unworked lp of foundation ch and marked flatten the joining sts.
Rep to join next column. (3 columns in
ch of respective panels, ch 1, sc in same sp]
each panel) TOP TRIM
(corner made), working as in Joining Blocks,
Rnd 1: With RS and top right edge of either
Joining Panels [ch 2, sc in next ch sp] to next corner of
panel of tote facing, sc join rose in first ch
Join 3 edges of panels, as follows: Hold panel, ch 2, work corner as before, working
sp, [ch 2, sc in next ch sp] around opening to
panels with WS tog and bottom edges at as in Joining Columns, [ch 2, sc in next row]
beg, ch 2, join (see Pattern Notes) in beg sc,
same end, either panel facing, in position to to end, ch 1, sc in marked ch and top of
turn. (54 sc, 54 ch-2 sps)
start at left top edge of tote. Work in same dc of respective blocks, remove markers.
manner as Joining Columns across to last Fasten off. Rnd 2: Ch 1 (see Pattern Notes), place
row of this edge, then, ch 2 and work corner marker in ch just made, sk sl st, [sc in next
Fancy Flip-Flops
Continued from page 35
B L AC K G L A D I AT O R Top Triangle
INSTEP Ch 6, sl st in first ch to form a ring.
Make 2.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 12 sc into ring, join in beg sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 4, beg tr cl (see Special Stitches)
Holding 2 strands of black tog and working
in same sc, [ch 6, sk 1 sc, tr cl (see Special
with yarn doubled, place a slip knot on
Stitches) into next sc] 5 times, ch 6, sk 1 sc,
the hook.
join in 4th ch of beg ch-4. (6 petals)
Hold the flip-flop with the toe away from
you, and start working at beg of left strap. Rnd 3: Sl st in first sp, ch 2, in same sp
work [2 dc, tr, 2 dc, hdc], in each of next
Working over the strap, work 19 sc along
5 sps work [hdc, 2 dc, tr, 2 dc, hdc], join in
the left strap to the center, turn shoe to
2nd ch at beg of rnd. (6 leaves)
work along the 2nd strap and work 19 sc
along the opposite strap. Rnd 4: Ch 9, sl st in sp between first and
Fasten off. 2nd leaf, [ch 6, sl st between next 2 leaves]
3 times, ch 9, sl st between next 2 leaves, way, ending with 2 sc in the last dc on band on opposite side, dc dec in next 3 sts,
ch 6, join in sp between last and first leaf. instep and the last 2 sts on right strap. 2 dc in each row along band, join in 3rd ch
Do not fasten off. at beg of rnd, making sure there is an even
Rnd 5: 4 sc in first sp, ch 5, [2 ttr (see
number of sts on rnd. (approximately 56 dc)
Special Stitches), 3 tr, dc] in first sp, 7 dc in Heel Band
next sp, [3 tr, 2 ttr, 3 tr] in next sp, 7 dc in Row 1 (WS): Ch 3, working from WS Rnds 2–6: Ch 3, [fpdc (see Stitch Guide) in
next sp, [dc, 3 tr, 2 ttr] in next sp, ch 5, 4 sc along the upper edge, work dc in each of next st, dc in next st] around to last st, fpdc
in same sp, 7 sc in last sp, join in beg sc. next 5 dc, turn. (6 dc) in last st, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Fasten off. Row 2: Ch 3, dc in each of next 5 dc, turn. Rnd 7: [Ch 3, sk 1 st, sc in next st]
Upper Edge Rep Row 2 for approximately 22 rows, around to last st, ch 3, sk last st, join in first
Row 1 (WS): Join yarn in 5th ch at beg of measure around your foot, or make sure the ch on rnd.
rnd 5, ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), 6 dc in first band will be approximately ½–1 inch shorter Fasten off.
sp, sc in each of next 4 sc, sc in each of next than the sole of the flip-flop, to ensure a
Bottom Edge
7 sc in next sp, sc in each of next 4 sc, 7 dc in snug fit. Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch tail.
Turn flip-flop around to work along the
last sp, turn. Sew short end of band to opposite side of bottom edge of heel band.
A S S E M B LY Upper Edge.
Row 1 (RS): Join in first st on band
Starting at the end of left shoe strap and Cuff right after the strap, [ch 3, sc in next dc
beg of left side on instep, work sc through Rnd 1: Starting in the back of heel band, row] along the band to end of band in
both layers in each st, starting with 2 sc join in edge. Ch 3, work 2 dc in each row opposite side.
through the side of first dc on the instep, along band to 1 row before the transition
and the first 2 sc on strap, and then sc Fasten off.
to the sts on Upper Edge, dc dec (see Stitch
through each st until center. Turn shoe to Guide) in next 3 sts, dc in each dc along FINISHING
work along the opposite strap the same upper edge to 1 dc before transition to the Weave in ends. C!
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless Rnd 3: [Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] You can add or
otherwise stated. around. (27 sts) subtract rows to fit
Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in taller and shorter
HOL DE R next st] around. (36 sts) water bottles if desired.
Rnd 5: [Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in
Rnd 1: With tortilla, ch 2, 9 sc in 2nd
next st] around. (45 sts) Rnds 40 & 41: Rep rnds 34 and 35,
ch from hook. Do not join; place stitch
changing to tortilla in last st.
marker in first st (see Pattern Notes). (9 sts) Rnd 6: Sc in back lp (see Stitch Guide) of
each st around. Rnd 42: Rep rnd 36, changing to cyclamen
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (18 sts)
in last st.
Rnds 7–33: Sc in each st around. At end
of rnd 33, change color (see Stitch Guide) Rnds 43 & 44: Sc in each st around.
in last st to bumblebee. At end of last rnd, join (see Pattern Notes)
in first st. Fasten off.
Rnds 34 & 35: Sc in each st around,
changing to tortilla in last st of rnd 35. HANDLE
With tortilla and leaving a 6-inch tail, ch 121,
Rnd 36: Sc in each st around, changing
sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch
to emerald in last st.
across. Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch tail.
Rnds 37 & 38: Rep rnds 34 and 35,
changing to tortilla in last st.
With tapestry needle, sew 1 end of Handle
Rnd 39: Rep rnd 36, changing to cobalt to top of Holder. Sew other end of Handle to
in last st. other side of top of Holder. C!
Enjoy Sassy Cat-titudes in Sweetly Sized Pots!
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© 2023 Kayomi Harari ©2023 BGE 01-34289-001-BDR2
Rnd 9: Work as for First Motif while joining Rnds 2–4: Ch 3, fpdc (see Stitch Guide)
to adjacent motifs (see Pattern Notes and around next st, bpdc (see Stitch Guide)
diagram) as follows: around each of next 2 sts, *fpdc around each
Instead of making a ch-3 sp, (ch 1, sl st of next 2 sts, bpdc around each of next 2 sts,
into corresponding ch-3 sp of adjacent rep from * around, join in top of beg ch-3.
motif, ch 1). Main Edging
Fasten off. Starting at seam, work as for Armhole
Edging foundation rnd.
Block to size. Fold the assembled square in Rnd 1: Sc in each ch (not ch sp) around.
half. Seam half of the edge motifs together Fasten off. C!
as shown in the diagram to create
Armhole Edging
Foundation rnd: Starting at the
dc in each rem ch (not ch sp) around, join
6-dc groups, 20 ch-3 sps)
in top of beg ch-3. (200 dc)
M O T I F S 2 –16
Work same as First Motif through rnd 8. 37"
Sun-Kissed Top
Continued from page 63
into ends of every other sc row (2 sc rows
at seam count as 1 row end), shell 23 [25, 29,
33, 37] times evenly sp around edge, 3 dc in
same seam as beg ch-3 (first shell finished),
join with sc in top of beg ch-3. (24 [26, 30,
34, 38] shells)
Rnd 2: Ch 4, [sc in ch sp of next shell, ch 4]
around, join in first sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in first sc, shell in each sc
around, 3 dc in first sc, join with sc in top of
beg ch-3. 131/2 [141/2, 161/2, 183/4, 21]"
[Rep rnds 2 and 3 alternately] twice. Note: Front length does not include
Bottom Edge.
Fasten off. C!
161/2 [171/4, 20, 223/4, 251/4]" PRODUCT IDEA?
Blocking is important
to get top to fit GET YOUR FREE
correctly. The front INVENTOR’S GUIDE,
and the back will stretch TODAY!!
widthwise as they are
B U Y E R’ S G U I D E
Due to the ever-changing nature of the yarn and craft industry, it may be impossible to find BEGINNER
the exact yarn and craft products used in the designs shown in this publication. Crochet!
magazine makes every effort to provide an accurate and complete Buyer’s Guide when Projects for first-time crocheters using basic
possible and cannot be responsible for the discontinuance of products by companies after stitches, with little or no shaping.
production of this publication. Similar products may be found via the Internet or by visiting
your local yarn and craft stores. BEGINNER
ANNIE’S LION BRAND YARN Projects for new crocheters who are comfortable with the beginner basic stitches and are ready to combine
them into short pattern sequences. Skills include simple
BERROCO INC. OMEGA increasing, decreasing and minimal color changes. Distributed by Creative Yarn Source
Categories of yarn, gauge ranges and recommended hook sizes. Projects that require an intuitive understanding of
a pattern or chart, and that also include advanced
Yarn Weight Symbol &
Category Names stitches and techniques, as well as intricate methods
such as intarsia, cables, lace, stranded colorwork with
Fingering, Sock, Worsted, Super numerous color changes, and advanced shaping and
Type of Yarns in Category Size 10 Fingering, Sport, DK, Light Afghan, Chunky, Chunky, Roving
Crochet Baby Baby Worsted Aran Craft, Rug Roving construction techniques.
Crochet Gauge* Ranges 5 sts and
in Single Crochet to 32–42 sts 21–32 sts 16–20 sts 12–17 sts 11–14 sts 8–11 sts 6–9 sts fewer
4 inches
Recommended Hook in 1.5– 2.25– 3.5– 4.5– 5.5– 6.5– 9– 16mm and
Metric Size Range 2.25mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.5mm 6.5mm 9mm 16mm larger
*Guidelines only: The above reflect the most commonly used gauges and hook sizes for specific yarn categories.
Example of 2-sc dec Example of 2-hdc dec Example of 2-dc dec Example of 2-tr dec
Natural Beauty Vest, Fancy Flip-Flops, Pack & Go Blanket, Lace Stripe Cover-Up,
page 26 page 34 page 37 page 40
Swing Tank, Summer Striped Tee, Boho Skinny Belt, Zigzag Stripes Poncho, Sun-Kissed Top,
page 50 page 54 page 57 page 58 page 62