Title Care and Support for HIV/AIDS infected and affected women’s and orphans in the association of hope
for life Tigray.
Project Holder Association of hope for life Tigray women’s living With HIV/AIDS Office
Address Tigray Region
Kebele-16 near to Geza- gereslasie cultural restaurant
Fax: +251344410948
P.O. Box: 937
Primary Target Group People living with HIV/AIDS and AIDS Orphans in Tigray Region
Project duration One year
Main Objective
Provide Holistic Care, and Support for AIDS patients, HIV positive women’s and AIDS Orphans
Provision of IEC/BCC activities for the public at large in Tigray Region
1. Aids orphans support
2. Provision of counseling services
3. Provision of Social Support
4. Provision of Home based care Services
5. Provision of IGA and vocational Training
6. Provision of Training
7. Provision of HIV/AIDS education
Estimated Budget: 1,675,498.44 birr
. 2. Background :
Tesfa Hiwot Association of women living with HIV/AIDS (THAWLHA) is an indigenous NGO established in 26
December 2005 by Voluntary women living with HIV/AIDS in cooperation with GOs & NGOs. With recognition of
Regional justice Bureau and by the new legislation it is re-registered. AHLTWLHA is the only Positive Women's
Association in the Tigray region to work with HIV Positives women’s and their families, stimulated by HIV Positive
Members. The bold objectives of the association are:
To contribute its part in Fight against the expansion and spread of HIV/AIDS.
To empower economically to women living with HIV/AIDS.
To take part against stigma & discrimination
To support aids orphan children’s
To Facilitate Conditions where by women Living with HIV/AIDS and their families can assure their health,
economic, psycho-social problems get relieved.
To add ideas to the policy makers concerning HIV/AIDS and the victims of this pandemic.
Starting from its inception, AHLTWLHA has registered more than 1437 members. It has an office at mekelle and has 3
branches office in hagerselam wereda, sahariti-samere and wereda embalaje and also preparations to open other
branches offices at all administrative zones of the region.
In order to prevent & control the fast expansion of HIV/AIDS, the regional HAPCO. of Tigray has set a strategic plan.
This plan highlighted that care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS shall continue but should be pursued in a
way it will break the dependency syndrome. Within the frame work of Tigray HAPCO the physically and medically health
members will be a modal sample working groups and shall be given initial capitals for self-support.
The association strongly believes that engulfing members with work can be one way to get free from dependency and
can be a psychotherapy treatment. The women PLWHA are Living under the bottom less poverty Line, even they cannot
afford to buy medicine, food, shelter,& cloth. A significant number of them don't have close relatives to shale their pain
and to help them. On the contrary, some people understand wrongly and are not voluntary to know how it is transmitted.
They consider HIV/AIDS is transmitted through sin work, thinking "It will end up only on the victims". AHLTWLWA, as an
intentional association to work with HIV positives, feels the pains, and being affected by the same problems, tries to
contact with some donors such as the close partner Tigray HIV/AIDS prevention & control office, UNFPA, UNDP,
UNCIEF, NEP+, NNPWE and RBOLSA , RHB, WAT, WA and with all wereda administration office. so on to alleviate
those social, psychological, economic and medical problems.
3. Methodology:
Provision of Individual, Group, Family and couple counseling
Provision of Social support like House rent, Food, and Clothing support
Provide School Cost Like School fee, School Materials and School Uniform
Provision of Treatment support Like Refunding money for drugs, Provision of Home Based care Materials,
Provision of Home based care Services Like Massage, Dressing Wounds, Cutting Hair Cleaning the client
cloths and his body.
Provision of Training on Counseling, Home Based Care and Peer Educators.
Building the Association capacity
Provision of HIV/AIDS education for house wives through coffee ceremony and provide HIV/AIDS education
activates through personal Testimony for the public at large.
Provision of seed Money for Those who working in IGA activities
Support for those who are attending Vocational Trainings
As experiences have shown all of us and as studies indicate, a big gap has been observed in the struggle to-date to
halt the spread of HIV and address its effects. That is failure to involve the most vulnerable and affected part of
Society- the women, and give them a chance to spearhead the struggle.
Studies indicate that women have more than 30% more risk of getting HIV/AIDS than the men. The Situation is
even worse (about 4 times more chance of getting infected) when it comes to women in the age bracket of 15-24.
Biological &economic disparities as well as cultural influences are some of the main factors after women's increased
vulnerability. Only because of biological variations, women are 2-4 times more exposed to HIV infection than men. In
addition to this, the age-old abject poverty facing Ethiopians at large has been adding fuel to the fire by way of raising
vulnerability. Here again women have been more affected than men in gender- specific ways.
Therefore, strategy that could take the central position for women is believed to address the root causes of
problems effectively than simply hovering over them. Hence:
- Women living with the virus should be encouraged to publicly testify their experiences to the community and
- Build their capacity through trainings on leadership, networking, in income generating schemes, etc
- Facilitate conditions where by women living with HIV/AIDS can exchange information & experiences,
- Design strategies & movements that fit emerging damages and situations.
- Association of women WLWHAs should be strengthened in human & economic positions (i.e. Staffing &
furnishing the office, etc--)
- And, at large, the assistance for women WLWHA should be directed to the concerned organizations.
5. Project Sustainability:
Once the capacity of the Association is upgraded in terms of the necessary different office equipments', pieces of
furniture, in the next one year Association of hope for life Tigray women’s living with HIV/AIDS will take over the
responsibility for the rest of 5 years and after a total 10 years, the community will empower to take over the project.
6. Expertise and operational capacity:
This project will be managed and implemented by Association of hope for life Tigray women’s living with HIV/AIDS.
Different program heads will be directly responsible to the project Coordinator who is the overall responsible for all the
Association programs. The Program coordinator is responsible to direct and control the over all activities and
representing the Association in all situations.
7. Monitoring & Evaluation:
The implementing agency management committee will have a meeting once in two weeks to assess and evaluate the
progress of the project. In addition to this the committee will set up appropriate project monitoring modalities to follow
and monitor the implementation of the project. Accordingly the detailed action plan will be prepared and implementation
will be monitored against this plan.
The Home Based care and counseling, The IEC/BCC and the Social support programs will be monitored daily by the
programs component heads and the program coordinator. Immediate action will be taken by the program coordinator
when ever there will be any problem.
To the able to assess the impact of the project activities, both internal and external evaluation will be made.
In the middle of the project implementation period, the concerned parties in the organization and concerned
stakeholders will make internal, evaluation. Questionnaires will be prepared by this group and distributed to the target
population to assess its impact in the relative terms. Activities will be evaluated against the primary plan of the project.
The group formed from stakeholders and the Association will make the external evaluation. To clearly know the
implementation of the project there will be a tripartite reviews (Donors, the Association and representatives of t he
The evaluation report will be transparent. It will be distributed to the donors, the local level government officials, to sister
organizations working in the area of HIV/AIDS and any one in need of it.
8. Estimated Budget
Association of Hope for life Tigray Budget Break down for One Year
1 For AIDS Orphans &children if AIDS Patients
1.1 School fee for 140 childrenX60 birr EachX10 months 84,000.00
1.2 School Uniform for 140 children X 80 birr each 11,200.00
1.3 School Materials for 140 children X 2 times/ year x 50 birr 14,000.00
2 House rent for AIDS patients and AIDS Orphans
2.1 For 140 AIDS Orphans X 100 birr each/ Month X 12 168,000.00
2.2 For 40 Needy AIDS Patients X 100 birr Each/ Month X 12 months 48,000.00
3 Medical Cost for 135 AIDS patients X 200 birr/ patient 27,000.00
4 HBC Materials cost for 185 patients
285 Blanket X 95 birr 27,075.00
285 Bed sheet X 60 birr 17,100.00
10 carton soap X 175 birr 1,750.00
60 bottle insect side X 22 birr 1,320.00
120 bottle Blench 5 birr 600.00
14 Roll Plastic Bed sheet X 150 birr 2,100.00
5 Income Generating Support for 355 beneficiaries for Poultry and Sheep 887,500.00
production and other Project. N.B:- per each beneficiary 2500.00
6 Support for entrepreneur ship training lump sum 37,500.00
Sub Total Care and Support 1,327,145.00
B HIV/AIDS Awareness raising
1 120 coffee Ceremony cost X 20 birr 2,400.00
2 150 HIV/AIDS Sessions personal testimony presenters X 100 birr 15,000.00
3 Door to Door Peer Educators Transport Allowance and Incentive
3X 250 birr/month X 12 9,000.00
4 IEC Materials production 25,000.00
Sub total for HIV/AIDS Awareness raising 51,400.00
C Capacity Building
1 Training on HBC and Counseling for 10 days for 51 trainees
1.1 Trainer fee 250 birr per day X 10 days 2,500.00
1.2 Trainees launch allowance for 51 Trainees X 50 birr per day X 10 days 25,500.00
1.3 Total Stationary and Documentation cost 4,000.00
1.4 Refreshment cost for 55 participants X 10 birr per day X 10 days 5,500.00
Total Training on HBC and counseling 37,500.00
2 Training on Peer Educators for 15 peer Educators for 5 days
2.1 Trainer fee 250 birr per day X 5 days 1,250.00
2.2 Trainees lunch allowance for 15 Trainees X 25 birr per day X 5 days 1,875.00
2.3 Total Stationary and Documentation cost 1,500.00
2.4 Refreshment cost for 19 participants X 10 birr per day X 5 days 950.00
Total peer Educators Training 5,575.00
Sub Total of Training 43,075.00
3 Office Equipment and Furniture
3.1 One Computer with printer 12,000.00
3.2 One photocopy Machine 25,000.00
3.3 3 Office Tables 2,250.00
3.4 16 Office chairs 2,400.00
Total Office Equipment and furniture 41,650.00
D Office Administration cost
Office Utilities and all communication and office rent 46,000.00
E Personnel cost
Total personnel 116,448.00
10% Provident fund 11,644.80
Sub Total for personnel 128,092.80
Aggregate Total budget 1,595,712.80
10% contingency cost 79,785.64
Grand Total Budget 1,675,498.44