Savage Worlds - The After (2020) - yCGm2n
Savage Worlds - The After (2020) - yCGm2n
Savage Worlds - The After (2020) - yCGm2n
special thanks to
All of our KICKSTARTER backers & Facebook friends, Walt Robillard, The BAMF Podcast, The
Manaburnt Podcast, Savage Insider, Keystroke Medium, Happy Monster Press, Random Worlds Q&A,
Comics Clerics & Controllers and strong coffee makers worldwide
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group
at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of
Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty
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is reproduced with permission from Pinnacle Entertainment Group from Savage Worlds core rules
available at
chapter 1 welcome to the after 7
chapter 2 players guide to the after 21
chapter 3 gear, salvage and trading 55
chapter 4 living in wind river 81
chapter 5 gazetteer of wind river 103
chapter 7 major players in the after 207
chapter 8 adventure: Shadow of the phoenix 223
No matter how much the people of Chapter revere me, I am not
truly one of them. In the valley below, they whisper to one another
once the snows finally melt and the winds stop howling. “Take a
sack of food or a bottle of whiskey up the mountain, to Old Man
Crow’s cave,” they say. “He’s got the Boon, and he can find what
you’ve lost - tell you where the best salvage is - see your future.”
It’s true, of course. In the cool of the night when the broken
moon rises, theBoon comes upon me whether I wish it or not, and I
hear, see, and dream things that don’t belong to me.Often times,
things I’d rather not know at all.
The truth is, being around other people for long just makes
the visions worse. They come upon me fierce and choking, until
I can barely breathe. I see the Old World as it was before the
Harvest, and before the Fall. I see the Butchers hurtle down
from the stars, transforming cities into wreckage in the blink of
an eye. I see shattered families and endless fields of sorrow. City-
sized spaceships transformed into flesh factories, converting the
helpless into mechanized slaves. Torture, death, destruction - a
litany of pain.
Never again.
The After is a Savage Worlds roleplaying game setting
which takes place in the northwestern reaches of a
broken North American continent. You play heroic
survivors who have emerged into a planet that has
become frightfully different after decades of alien
predation and interstellar war.
The enormous, lumbering Helots, an alien race the Jodrell Bank Observatory, in the United Kingdom,
brought to Earth as slave labor for the invaders. beamed a powerful message into space. Hurtling
They are slow-witted, protective, loyal, and quite outward at faster-than-light speeds previously thought
strong. impossible, the message spoke of humanity’s desire
The nimble, small-statured Skav, aliens who for peace, friendship, and understanding.
stowed away on the invaders’ ships. They are
stealthy, friendly, and adaptable, doing their best Celebrations took place all over the world after this
to fit in with human settlements. scientific breakthrough. However, after a few weeks
in the mainstream news cycle, most of the populace
returned to their lives of labor, social media, and
The After has much for the gamemaster to enjoy as
consumption. Corporations began to scheme
about how to control and exploit this new quantum
Factions: groups your players can join or strive
communication technology. To most of the billions
against. Each wants to shape the world of The
of Earthlings, nothing of real note had occurred.
After in a different way.
A new rules system for gear degradation: Stress That all changed on Saturday, June 13, 2020.
Tags, caused by the alien nanites permeating the Humanity’s message was answered. A fleet of dozens
world. of city-sized starships arrived and entered Earth’s
Remnants, pieces of alien technology that your orbit. Scientists marveled at the technology that
players might salvage and attempt to use - at a cost. must have been required to build and move these
A well-detailed gazetteer of the Wind River Goliath Ships, and to decelerate them at speeds that
Valley setting, including plot hooks for several seemed to ignore the known laws of physics.
An exploration of mysterious Breach Zones, The visitors did not seek out our leaders or
home to dangerous and uncanny creatures communicate with our scientists. They did not
provide information about life beyond our solar
A rogues’ gallery of fully statted non-player
system, nor did they gift us with extraterrestrial
characters, who might be allies, enemies, or
technology. Instead, after three days in orbit, the
alien fleet bombarded Earth with a cascade of
Guidelines for creating custom gangs of Feral high-altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks. This
humanoids, including warriors, champions, and attack destroyed power grids and electronic devices
shamans. worldwide, plunging humankind into chaos.
A bestiary compiling the new and spectacular
creatures that wander the Wind River Valley, such Even most of the world’s ‘hardened’ power systems
as the Butcher Bear, the Humbuzz Swarm, or the and communication arrays were disabled by the EMP
Crocogant. attack. Without electricity, food and medical supplies
could not be distributed to cities, fuel could not be
pumped from its underground tanks, and water could
THE WORLD BEFORE not be easily purified. Without communication, law
and order quickly broke down. Within a week, panic
In the Old World, mankind was wealthy beyond and deprivation spawned mass violence in urban
measure, plundering Earth for fuel and resources. centers all around the world. Authorities, rendered
Humanity’s reach was boundless and its knowledge nearly powerless to communicate across distance,
multiplied with every passing year. For millennia, struggled to contain the madness.
humans had looked at the night sky and wondered,
“What could be out there?” Following the electromagnetic attack, several of the
world’s nuclear powers attempted to launch nuclear
Finally, in AD 2019, a brilliant invention arose. missiles at the invaders’ fleet, but the missiles were
Using experimental quantum technology, scientists at smashed out of the sky by the alien fleet’s weaponry.
mass-driver slugs pulverized every installation that
had launched a missile, devastating the landscape for
miles around.
biomechanical servitors were dangerous, they could a grotesque combination of Earthly genetics with
be slain by concentrated fire or a well-placed explosive. biomechanical implants that both empowered
Their alien masters, however, stepped into the gaps and enslaved the creatures. While the armies of
wherever their servants were turned aside. A Butcher’s humankind struggled against these creatures in their
armor seemed near impregnable and their weapons many forms, the lines held.
were unstoppable. No military unit ever reported
scoring a confirmed kill against a Butcher. In AD 2029, either the amusement wore thin or the
Butchers’ hunger was too great: the aliens marshalled
As the massacres continued, we learned that the their forces and took to the fight themselves. The effect
aliens had come not only to slaughter, but also to was devastating and immediate, a renewed slaughter.
gather. All sorts of organic life forms were chased By the end of AD 2030, organized resistance to the
down, captured, and returned to the Harvester Ships. Butchers had been completely crushed worldwide.
In addition to hunting the living, the Butchers No organized army remained in fighting condition.
gathered up the broken remains of human technology:
forged metal, plastic, electronic components. For decades, the Harvest continued, with the
Butchers taking an almost leisurely approach to the
Both flesh and metal became raw materials as final destruction of Earth. As they advanced into
the Butchers’ Harvester Ships were converted new regions, they built smaller sub-facilities, where
into nightmarish industrial facilities. Day and their twisted experimentation continued. While
night, victims were devoured, consumed as fuel, or the Butchers concentrated at first on urban regions,
converted into insane slaves through the use of gene- by the 2050s their depredations followed survivors
twisting and hideous biotechnological implantation. even into the deep wilderness. The Butchers, their
alien slave races, and their biomechanoid armies
Throughout all this horror, the Butchers never continued hunting humanity almost to the last.
communicated with humanity. We never discovered Mankind was devastated, driven to the far corners of
the invaders’ motivations, learned their language, the world. Resistance to the Butchers’ overwhelming
or had the opportunity to negotiate for mercy. technology and savagery was impossible.
The Butchers systematically dismantled human
civilization, with utter disregard for humanity. We Then, in AD 2065, the skies of Earth were torn apart
came to call this process The Harvest. Major cities in dozens of places, and giant orbs of shimmering
were depopulated within ten years, with the survivors energy thrummed through the breaches. These
scattered into the countryside. constructs were extradimensional transports of yet
another alien race. As best as the few human survivors
In some areas, governments remained - or had could determine, the Butchers had an enemy: a race
been formed among the survivors - that were strong that we came to call the Ghosts. They were bizarre
enough to take a stand. To protect what remained of beings of sickening radiance, that seemed to exist
their people, they formed armies meant to contain partially outside our own reality.
the Butchers in the ruins they now controlled.
With what little weaponry they could scavenge and The Ghosts came to our planet by rending space and
maintain, they struck at the Butchers’ servitors that time with unfathomable quantum engines, tearing
had begun patrolling farther from the cities. outward from the ineffable non-space beyond the
dimensions we know. This Breaching sent terrible
For a time, this resistance seemed to be just energies rippling over the horizon as the ambushing
enough. The Butchers themselves rarely ventured Ghosts hurtled into battle with the Butchers.
far from their massive facilities, which continued to
emit GenBomb clouds. Whether out of caution, or The Butchers struggled to respond effectively to
as a perverse game, the Butchers created hordes of this sudden assault. The flaming hulks of Goliath
monstrosities and sent them forth into the burned motherships and broken Ghost orbships rained
no-man’s-land surrounding the cities. Each was downward all over the planet with calamitous effect,
spreading toxins and Breach energy onto on an ushered in a new phase of the War between Butchers
already devastated Earth: an event known as The Fall. and Ghosts. Both races vanished from Earth’s surface,
shifting their conflict into the far reaches of our solar
This Breach technology ate away at our very reality, system - and perhaps even farther!
leaving Breach Zones strewn all over Earth - areas
where the laws of physics were permanently bent, or
where bizarre alien life thrived in place of what had TIMELINE
been there before. Crystal forests, fungus jungles, and
acid swamps arose in the blink of an eye, permanent AD 2019
scars on the landscape. European scientists use innovative quantum
communication to send a message of peace into the
The Ghosts, just as the Butchers before them, did not cosmos at faster-than-light speeds.
communicate with the few survivors of humankind.
They focused entirely on exterminating the Butchers, AD 2020, June
engaging them in merciless combat around the globe,
The Butchers arrive in Earth’s orbit. Their Goliath
heedless of the effects their Breach technology had on
motherships bombard the Earth with waves of
our planet. It remains uncertain whether the Ghosts
Breach-energy infused EMP attacks, disabling or
were even aware of humankind’s presence.
destroying most modern technology.
The Fall touched off decades of profound
Within days, crime and looting breaks out in most
destruction. Entire continents were ravaged by
major cities as supplies run thin.
the fallout as the two alien races made heedless
and awful war, using the most powerful weapons
Governments around the world begin to lose
they could bring to bear. Many human survivors
control of their populaces, as communication over
were mutated beyond recognition by the Butchers’
long distances becomes nearly impossible.
poisonous technology, or driven inescapably mad by
the psionic war engines of the Ghosts. The two alien
races, their constructs, and their slaves all grappled AD 2020, July
for supremacy, leaving the Earth wrecked beneath Violence is widespread in cities, where, without modern
their armies. transportation, food and water has become scarce.
The War was not contained to the surface of Earth, The Butchers’ Harvest Ships land in urban centers
as Harvester Ships and Orbships escaped into orbit on every continent except Antarctica, dispersing the
to continue the fight. By AD 2072, the Butchers and GenBomb’s mutagenic poisons. The GenBomb has
Ghosts had spread throughout the solar system, still immediate and awful effects, halving the populace in
fighting, while the few human survivors struggled to most cities within weeks.
survive the new hazards of Breach Zones and endure
the hordes of hideous biomechanical creatures that With local governments gone, ad hoc local militias
the Butchers had left behind. During this time, have already sprung up in larger cities around the
most enclaves of survivors were wiped out by plague, world. Some current local governments claim
starvation, or violence. descent from these earliest citizen armies, though
only the die-hard loyalists believe them.
The real truth of what ended the War will never be
known, but the survivors do know this: in April 2090, AD 2020, August
a titanic impact or explosion cracked the Moon. The The armies of the Butchers erupt from the Harvest
Breaking resulted in further destruction for the Ships, which have been converted into bio-industrial
remnants of mankind, as debris from the explosion facilities. The Harvest begins, as the aliens capture
crashed to Earth in a series of horrific impacts, survivors en masse.
leaving immense craters. However, this disaster also
AD 2025
AD 2029
Having completely depopulated their initial landing
zones and converted the populace into biomechanical
slaves, the Butchers seek more fuel for their hideous
experiments. They begin a global counterattack,
devastating the defenders in a summer assault of
unprecedented speed and fury.
AD 2030
The last organized military forces of humanity are
eliminated worldwide. This is where most of the on an average day, and always listening for the sound
new governments, those that replaced the collapsed of the hunters, always ready to run toward the deeper
coalitions of politicians and bureaucrats, cease to underground darkness.
exist, along with most of the citizen armies. They
became grist for the butchers’ mill.
AD 2045
With the collapse of the erstwhile cordon, the All human cities are largely depopulated. Human
Butcher forces move freely through settled areas. The population worldwide is reduced below 100 million
Harvest spreads to the few remaining urban centers. as the Butchers reign uncontested, their nightmare
factories glutted with flesh and technological salvage.
Those who survive in the cities live like rats,
moving into sewers and subway tunnels. The A few survivors are able to hide in the tunnels
children do better than the adults. They are smaller beneath the cities. The “hard winter” of 2045 kills
and able to hide deeper in against the Butchers and almost all of them, but a few cling to life. Beware these
their servitors, but more than that, it is that this is “tunnel rats” if you scavenge in a city today. They are
their world, the only world some of them remember. feral cannibals and one of the most terrifying sights
Eating rats raw on a good day, cockroaches and ants in The After.
AD 2055 shattered Goliath motherships and destroyed Ghost
Butcher forces advance into wilderness areas, in search of orbships is known as the Fall, an event that further
remaining survivors, both human and animal. Legends devastates the Earth.
tell stories of “Bait Runners”, their names universally
forgotten in the coming chaos. These heroes led the Breach Zones begin to appear near sites of wrecked
Butchers one way while women and children went the Ghost ships or large amounts of Ghost activity.
opposite direction. The new generation of humanity
has learned to adapt to their lowered place in the new Human population worldwide is reduced below 10
food chain, and exist only to survive another day, by million. Ironically, 2065 was a year of renewed hope
misdirection, stealth, and a lot of terrorized running. for The After’s first generation. Though millions
more are yet to die, humanity was no longer the
Biomechanoid slaves outnumber humans worldwide. Butchers’ focus. Through the ravaged Earth, humans
continued to hide, and they tried to avoid the conflict
whenever possible.
AD 2065
The Ghosts arrive for war, tearing open holes to the
Breach and ambushing the Butchers. The rain of
The War between Ghosts and Butchers rages vanish, leaving behind Breach zones, alien slaves,
heedlessly across the globe, damaging what few biomechanical monsters, and myriad other hazards.
ecosystems remain. Humanity is left to its fate, as much an afterthought
for them as ever.
As a result of the continued conflict, Breach Zones
become common over Earth’s surface. AD 2092
The After begins. Though the Earth will never be the
Strange creatures and plagues emerge from same, life does what it always does after an extinction
Breaches, making survival even more difficult. event. Humans begin to rebuild on the surface, either
with a plan and armed with ancient knowledge, like
Though no longer the focus of the alien invaders, the town of Chapter in Wind River Valley, or following
malnutrition, exposure, disease, and collateral instincts and lessons learned from survival, as
damage take their toll. Human population worldwide nomadic hunters following packs of game across the
is reduced below 5 million. ruined countryside, or scrabbling through the ruins
of the cities of old. Although they have competition
AD 2072 from the occasional biomechanoid, humans quickly
Most Butcher and Ghost presence has moved into reassert themselves and rise above the animal world
orbit, with the Harvester fleet having converted back to in the food chain.
spacecraft and launched to continue the fight in space.
And for the nonhuman residents of Earth, an
Survivors can detect faint signs of alien combat explosion of life begins almost immediately. Existing
continuing throughout the solar system. animals adapt to a new environment, learning
to survive. And new life springs up everywhere.
The second hard winter kills a million or more of the Biomechanoids breed with each other and create
few human survivors. Cannibalism is commonplace all new, bizarre forms of life. Plants and animals
during this time. Human population worldwide is altered by Breach Zones explode outward into the
reduced below 1 million, its lowest point in 12,000 wider world, competing with existing life, sometimes
years. Animal life, including animals that had never displacing it, sometimes being wiped out, and
seen an Earth sunrise before, begin to adapt and sometimes merging into something completely new.
expand quickly. Those humans who retreated into
the wilderness readjust to a tribal lifestyle. The men Nature abhors a vacuum, and life erupts into
track and hunt game, while the women tend children lifeless areas all around Earth. It is terrifying,
and forage for crops. The “world that was” exists dangerous, and beautiful. Life does what it has
only in stories for these people, a time of gods and always done. Life endures.
monsters, heroes and villains.
In Wind River Valley, survivors return to the surface
of the Earth and found the town of Chapter.
AD 2090
The Breaking: a titanic explosion sunders Earth’s In the cities, humans split into two groups. Some
moon. No one knows who destroyed the moon, or why remain underground. They are used to the darkness,
they did it. Tribal humans living on the surface were they feel safe there. They know how to hunt and
the only ones who saw it happen, and they record this hide and avoid the biomechanical horrors that still
event in their oral histories as “the last punishment”. dominate the surface.
Falling debris, windstorms, tsunamis, and other
natural disasters follow in the wake of this disaster. A second group though, moves out and up, into the
few surviving tall structures of the old world. They too
Survivors living underground can only speculate the are still in hiding most of the time, but without their
cause of the nightmare noises they hear from the surface.
leaders, they are occasionally able to defend themselves AD 2106, Year 14 of the After
against the old servitors. It is rumored that some of Construction is completed on the outer walls of
these groups have even been farming, moving valuable Chapter.
food sources up into their broken towers to keep the
biomechanoids from trampling them underfoot. The Chapter Militia is formed. This volunteer
force is armed and paid by the Elder Council, with the
AD 2097, Year 5 of the After. mission to keep the peace both inside and outside the
Some people of Chapter strike out on their own. A walls of Chapter. Many in the Elder Council advocate
few cannot abide the rule of the Elder Council and the the formation of a permanent, professional fighting
Librarians, while others simply want to explore the Wind force. While some arguments against this rise from a
River Valley. Some of them fall prey to Ferals, Breach- fear of dictatorship and empire, from the Librarians’
born horrors, or plague. Others form tiny settlements ancient knowledge, it is brutal reality that forces
in the southwest region of Wind River Valley. the measure to fail: there are not enough people at
present to both farm and fight.
These intrepid souls are the first to return to the
great cities of the vanished world. Most of them are AD 2109, Year 17 of the After
never heard from again. Biomechanoids slaughter The notorious Blackgold Gang stops their banditry
some, while “underferals” hunt and cannibalize and forms the Blackgold Trading Company, leading
others. As they flee, they see movement above, and salvage teams and trading caravans. Some say they
some claim they see humans living in the ruined remain just as criminal as ever despite the name
towers of old. These become figures of legend. change. One of the most closely guarded secrets
of the BTC is the Blackgold Map. Their leader has
Faithful of the Sacellum of Light found the town employed scouts and cartographers to explore and
of Daniel. map the known world, and uses this knowledge to
increase the Blackgolds’ power and prosperity.
AD 2101, Year 9 of the After
Less than 10 years into The After, a new land rush has The Chapter Scouting Guild is formally chartered by
begun. Humans begin to domesticate animals for the Elder Council. Some say the Elder Council heard
food, labor, and byproducts such as leather and milk. rumors of the Blackgold Map, but it’s equally likely
These new ranchers move out into the countryside they came to the same conclusion independently, that
and stake claims to abandoned land. They hire guns to gain power, and simply for protection, humanity
to defend their properties, both from wild animals had to learn about the new world they had inherited
and the occasional Breach horror, but also from rival in The After.
ranchers. Farmers begin cultivating new staples,
some which have been cultivated since the dawn of AD 2110, Year 18 of the After
agriculture and some brand new to planet Earth in Chapter’s scouts make peaceful contact with the Tribe,
the wake of the Butchers and the Ghosts. a group of survivors who live north of the mountains,
claiming a wide swath of the Wind River Valley. Their
The McKellar family founds Sweetwater Ranch. society is guided by the oral recollections of the “Old
Ways” of the Old World’s Native Americans.
AD 2104, Year 12 of the After
A horde of dozens of Ferals assault Chapter in broad Chapter believes all tribals are members of the
daylight. Casualties are widespread. As a reaction, Tribe, and they do nothing to disabuse the Valley
the Council conscripts anyone with fighting ability Dwellers of this notion, as it makes them appear vast
to hunt surviving Feral bands and either exterminate and powerful. In truth, there are dozens of tribes
or drive them off. already scattered through the vast wilds of the world.
AD 2119, Year 27 of the After terrorize. No one is sure if, deep in the abandoned
Clarity settles down at Highway Market, forming a Butcher facilities, captured victims are still being
small but close-knit enclave. twisted into fresh horrors.
AD 2129, Year 37 of the After Because of this, many plants and animals are
The Elder Council is forced to outlaw intoxicants Changed in unpredictable ways. These anomalies are
gathered from a Breach Zone known as the Verdant, modified to become more resilient, more dangerous,
after deleterious effects on the populace. This and more aggressive. Fortunately for survivors, these
touches off a series of riots that are quashed by the Changed creatures usually pose a lesser danger than
Chapter Militia. Dozens of the instigators are exiled. the Butchers’ biomechanical slaves, as they are not
specifically programmed to hunt humans. Still, some
of these Changes have become permanent additions
AD 2135, Year 43 of the After to a local population’s genetic line - in that the new
DNA breeds true.
Explorers east of the mountains have first contact
with soldiers of the Phoenix State. They are This is also true among humans. While being
unremittingly hostile in every instance, actively infected by the GenBomb sometimes brings a swift
refusing communication and attacking on sight. and painful death, for others it leads to permanent
alteration. These Changed humans might have
AD 2139, Year 47 of the After anatomy that resembles an animal or plant, or strange
Present day. powers generated by biomechanical organs that -
rather than being implanted - have grown as part
of their flesh. A Changed person might even have
BEYOND THE BREAKING metallic skin, subdermal plating, glimmering LEDs
underneath their skin, or constructs resembling
More than a century after the Butchers’ arrival on wiring alongside their veins. As with Changed
Earth, there is no longer any functioning form of animals, in some cases these anomalies carry forward
worldwide communication. Human society has to a Changed human’s descendants.
been reduced to a pre-industrial level, a smattering
of isolated communities struggling for resources and In addition to the alterations of living creatures,
shelter amid the ruins of their great-grandparents’ GenBomb infection still attacks manufactured
cities. Many regions are utterly devoid of human items. It breaks down forged metal, infests plastics,
presence. and interferes with physical and chemical reactions
- rendering technology that was once proven fact
While the Butchers have been chased back into tenuous and unreliable. Sophisticated technology
space, their servants remain. From decaying facilities, such as silicon chips are almost entirely useless.
biomechanical warbeasts still lumber forth to wreak
havoc. Though their masters are not present to give The Ghosts and their Breach engines have also
orders, their genetic programming persists. These altered Earth forever. Throughout the world, Breach
horrors still seek to slay and gather, to feed and Zones defy all logic and reason. Within, incongruous
and alien landscapes await intrepid explorers, and leaders of these survivors knew that, if humanity was
the previously-known laws of physics are often bent to ever make its way in the world again, they would
or broken. With the absence of the Ghosts, no new need the wisdom of those who had come before. A
Breach Zones have appeared. Since the Breaking, the sect of Librarians arose, held in sacred regard among
existing Breach Zones are not growing, but they do the survivors.
seem to be permanent.
The Librarians served dual roles. Foremost, they
The Breach energy spewed forth by Ghost acted as fierce guardians of the cherished library.
technology lingers, permeating Earth’s atmosphere. The libraries were isolated in sealed chambers, to
While Old World technology - mostly disabled by the keep the books pristine and as far from the horrors
GenBomb by the time of the Fall - was never able of the outside world as possible - and, especially, far
to detect or quantify Breach energy, some survivors from any contamination that might be brought in
have found that they are able to sense it. This via GenBomb nanites. Each book was regarded more
Breach sensitivity allows a few people, The Gifted, highly than any man or woman of the community.
to recognize Breach energy and even use it. These The words of the Old World were paramount. To
Gifted can access the extradimensional space beyond deface a book of the Library meant execution.
the Breach - where the Ghosts arrived from.
The Librarians also were revered as teachers.
A Gifted might be able to see the unseeable or While the books of the Old World had to remain
touch the untouchable. By reaching beyond the safe in the Library, the Librarians could memorize
Breach, they might be able to summon forth a blast their words and pass on their lessons. Librarians
of fire, fly through the air, or twist an enemy’s mind dispensed knowledge to any who cared enough to
into fear or obedience. Others find that they can use learn. Alongside a council of wise elders, they kept
Breach energy to mutate flesh - whether that might the survivors from devolving into barbarism.
mean causing mutations, healing wounds, or rending
enemies apart. Decades later, after the Breaking, the Elder Council
deemed it safe enough to begin rebuilding. They
authorized the construction of a town in their cliffside
The After: valley. They hope that the town of Chapter will be a
Wind River Valley shining beacon, a counterpoint to the madness that
gripped the world.
In 2029, the cruel realities of the Harvest became
known in rural areas that had been cut off from Since returning to the surface, Chapter’s scouts
communication for nearly a decade, following the have spread throughout the Wind River Valley,
Butchers’ EMP attack and the horrors of the GenBomb. bearing messages of prosperity through trade and
In the mountains of the northwest United States, a knowledge. The Elder Council would dole out the
group of determined survivors went to ground. This knowledge of their Great Library in return for peace
enclave retreated to a deep bunker system buried in and kinship.
abandoned mines, far beneath the mountains. They
dug even deeper, stayed silent, and hid well. They They soon found they were not alone in the Wind
weathered the Butchers, the Ghosts, and the War. They River Valley. Small, scattered villages defended
lived in the dark, with whole generations surviving as themselves against gangs of bandits, marauders, and
best they could underground. feral humanoids. The Tribe, descendants of Native
American survivors, lived according to the Old Ways
In their makeshift bunkers, they had stashed books of their people, though many of those had been lost
- thousands of them, a veritable treasure trove of to the Harvest. Traders arrived, along with news of
the world before the alien invasion. This library settlements even farther away.
was held as more dear than gold or fresh water. The
And, most shocking of all, the aftermath of areas of countryside where the laws of physics fall
the invasion had left some of the Butchers’ into question and alien terrain predominates over
extraterrestrial slaves stranded in Windriver Valley. what should be present. Extremes of temperature,
The lumbering, slow Helots and the nimble, skittish gravity, and geology arise with no logic, and strange,
Skav had survived the War, and they made peaceful twisted beasts lope forth to belch liquid fire or rend
contact with the human survivors. survivors with claw and horn.
Scattered throughout all these habitations were Aside from the Breach Zones, Wind River is
the Changed, mutants whose very bodies had been relatively untouched by the Harvest and the War.
altered forever by the Butchers’ bizarre technology. While Ferals and Changed animals roam, and the
The Butchers’ flesh-warping GenBomb induced
permanent mutations that were often hereditary.
As well, their nanotech infiltrated blood and bone,
causing biomechanical implants to spontaneously
form in otherwise normal people. While many
communities in Wind River distrusted, ostracized, or
even murdered the Changed, the people of Chapter
had more open minds.
GenBomb’s infestation still infects manufactured working bits of Old World technology. They delve
goods and living creatures, it’s nonetheless true that into Breach zones, hoping to bring out bizarre
the Valley is lush. There is ample clean water and Remnant technologies that might change the face
healthy soil. It’s as far from a blasted wasteland as of the world with their strange powers. They forge
one could imagine. Farms and herds have space to trade routes, battle twisted beasts, and frighten off
thrive, and wildlife abounds. bandits. They farm and herd and hunt.
In the face of all the new dangers of The After, the They survive.
people of Wind River compete to explore the ruins
of the time before The Harvest, hoping to uncover
Making Characters
The vast majority of people in the Wind River Valley
are Human. These folk get a free Edge, as outlined
in Savage Worlds.
Assign your survivor’s attributes and skills. Your
character begins play with a d4 in each attribute
(Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor) and five
points to distribute among those attributes however
you like. Raising an attribute die type costs one
point, and you may not raise an attribute above d12.
Common Knowledge
Later in this chapter are listed some new Edges and The following Hindrances are not available in The
The following Edges from Savage Worlds are not All Thumbs
appropriate for The After and are not available for Doubting Thomas
your character:
Also, the Arcane Backgrounds from Savage Worlds are
unavailable, but they have been replaced by something
Aristocrat new. See The Boon on page 48 for more details.
Champion 4. GEAR
Chi By default, your character starts with $500 worth of
Extra Effort gear from the lists in Chapter 3: Gear, Salvage, and
Gadgeteer Trading. If you don’t spend your quota, take the
difference in Salvage.
Holy/Unholy Warrior
Linguist (unless your GM has implemented Talk to your GM before buying gear: perhaps they
granular languages) want to assign specific equipment, or want the group
Mentalist to start penniless and weaponless, chained in a slave
Rich (and Filthy Rich) encampment. Roll with it as best you can.
Finish your character by creating any history or
background that makes sense. Ask yourself why
Implementing Languages your hero is where she is and what her goals are.
We suggest trying to make your character bold and
If your GM thinks getting more granular about interesting, someone who would walk out of the
languages would add flavor and fun to their game, safety of Chapter to explore the wilds of Wind River.
then our assumptions about languages should It might be useful to talk to the rest of your group
go right out the window: instead, your GM can and create backgrounds that connect to one another.
declare that the Language skill and Linguist Why are all of your Wild Card survivors spending
Edge are available (and perhaps necessary). time together?
In this case, while the predominant language You can also create a brief physical description of
of Chapter is still English, aliens and characters your character, so the other players understand what
from the Tribe should start with knowledge of your survivor is all about. Is your character tall or
their native tongues instead. They’ll need to take short? Lanky, or hulking? What does their voice sound
the appropriate Skills or Edges to communicate like? Does your character look unkempt and hungry,
with the rest of the group! dangerous and well-equipped, or smooth and lovely?
In addition to various Native American dialects, If this doesn’t sound like fun, you can just start
Skav, and Helot, Old World languages such as playing and fill in the details as they become
English, Spanish, German, Latin, and Japanese important.
are good choices for the dedicated linguist.
Details about joining the factions of Wind River
The Butchers and Ghosts did not communicate Valley can be found on page 43.
with humanity in any meaningful way, so their
languages are not available.
“You couldn’t ask for a better watchman than a Helot. Most folk with trouble on
their minds will turn the other way just seeing the size of ‘em. And a Helot on guard
duty won’t shirk. Doesn’t matter if it’s hot as blazes, pouring rain, or snowing fit to
bury you, they’ll keep watch proper, like it doesn’t even bother them. See, they believe
their god is watching from the stars, waiting to lead the most steadfast of ‘em back to
their homeworld, wherever that is.
“Oh, you think that’s a bunch of hooey? Don’t say it where they can hear you, then.
Helots take everything seriously - especially when it comes to religion. You’re likely to end
up face-down in the mud.”
Helots are hulking, resilient aliens with blue-toned Helots as a group tend to be accepting and
skin marked with pebbly white patterns, each as uninquisitive, and somewhat unwilling to challenge
unique as a fingerprint, who were stolen from their the status quo. Some humans have speculated that
homeworld of Thorm centuries ago. They came to this is the genetic remnant of Butcher programming,
Earth as a slave race of the Butchers, and many were embedded throughout the Helot DNA structure.
left behind in the aftermath of the Breaking, escaping Whatever the reason, this renders most Helots calm;
from the Harvester ship facilities where they had they are slow to experience extremes of emotion. A
been forced to labor. While their physiology renders hot-tempered Helot is a rare thing indeed.
them immune to toxins, they found the ravaged areas
near the Butcher bases uncomfortable, and migrated Although they tend toward low intelligence
into the Wind River Valley. At least 200 Helots now individually, their leaders are wise and nurturing.
call the Valley home - some in Chapter, but many Helots value community-building and enjoy
others scattered in tiny villages. interfacing with other races - although older Helots
often find the excitability of other races bothersome.
The Helots worship Kraim, “He Who Covers the Sky”,
a deity that values hard work, unswerving dedication, The Helot frame is impressively strong, and they do
patience, and endurance. They believe that Kraim will not flinch at carrying heavy burdens. They enjoy two-
lead them back to Thorm as long as they remain stolid handed, hafted weapons, such as spears and staves,
and fervent in their worship. Indeed, the Helots of which allow them to emphasize their long reach
the Wind River Valley are especially devout, as Kraim and powerful musculature. A Helots staff weapon
has already shown his favor by leading them out of the is a form of ranking and identification to others of
Butchers’ bondage! Some Helots even believe that the the race. Helots who follow the path of the warrior
Ghosts’ arrival was the work of Kraim. are known as Sentinels, and use bladed heavy spears
twenty. An average Helot can live
to be about sixty years old. Elder
Helots often become slower and
less responsive over time, until
eventually they stop moving
altogether - often in the middle
of some arduous task. A peaceful
death while performing honest
labor is considered honorable
and desirable by many Helots - a
worthy act of reverence for Kraim.
“Somewhere down in those warrens they’ve got a Council, they’ve got elders just like Chapter does.
I know, they won’t admit it. Any Skav would die first. But someone down underground is calling the
shots, sayin’ how the Skav will change next.
“Yeah, change. When they first came down from the sky, they looked more like bugs - big creepy
eyes, a little bit of a carapace, and spindly legs that bent backward. Them dreadlocks used to be
antennae. They’ve been mutating quick. The form changes a little with every generation, and theirs
come faster than ours. I know it had to be done a-purpose so that we humans would like the Skav
better, would be less inclined to kill them the rest of the way off. That’s why they tinker for cheap, and
trade fair, and why they’ve taught their children to mostly eat food we’re not interested in.
“I’m pretty sure they’re only pretending to have two genders to make us more comfortable with ‘em.”
- Zachariah Cole
Skav are a nimble, fast-breeding, and quick-evolving Skav have adapted to the area well. Their genes show
alien race that stowed away on Butchers’ Goliath a remarkable tendency toward rapid evolution. Each
motherships, living as parasites among their generation looks noticeably different from the last.
biotechnology. They spent generations skulking in The Skav of today, for instance, are much better
the darkness of the enormous spacecraft, scavenging adapted to the cold climate of Wind River Valley than
just enough to survive without raising the ire of their were the original survivors of the shuttle crash.
unwitting hosts. Their bodies adapted to this lifestyle,
and even today Skav can subsist on contaminated Skav make great efforts to be friendly and
water and fouled food - if they must. accommodating to humans, and integrate smoothly
into their settlements. Most of them still love to
When the invasion of Earth began, the Skav tinker, breaking equipment down into component
inhabiting one particular Goliath ship hatched a wild parts and repairing it with surprising facility.
plan. They assaulted a launch bay en masse, attempting
to steal a spacecraft and escape the clutches of the Many Skav yearn for new and interesting
Butchers. Many of them were captured or slain, but experiences - perhaps a cultural reaction to the
a few hundred of them commandeered a heavy cargo stagnation of so many generations spent hiding in
lifting shuttle and escaped to Earth’s surface shortly the bowels of the Butchers’ fleet. Some might wish to
before the Fall. explore the wilderness or comb through Old World
ruins, while others satisfy this desire by meeting as
The Skav that survived the subsequent hard landing many other people as possible - perhaps as a trader
and escaped the Butchers’ furious pursuit stayed or by running a business. Skav are fascinated by art
together and eventually settled in Wind River Valley. and music as well. They might choose to take up an
The War devastated their numbers, but the remaining instrument, despite their awful singing voices.
TWO Skav express friendship through gifts of food, A Skav character gains the following qualities:
shelter, and warmth. They invite friends of all
types to potluck-style feasts, to swap stories long Enhanced Low Light Vision: After generations
into the night. Often these gatherings end with the in the sub-holds of Butcher dreadnoughts, the
attending skav piled together in front of a roaring Skav have evolved the ability to see in the dark
fire, drifting off to sleep as a group. Skav tend to be and detect heat patterns. They ignore penalties
more communal and do not share other races’ desire for Dim and Dark lighting. Even in Pitch
for privacy in sleep, bathing, and other activities. Darkness, a Skav halves Illumination penalties
when attacking targets that are notably warmer
A Skav that is under stress often refers to “Mother”: or colder than the surrounding environment.
“Mother save us!” and “I swear by Mother!” are Nimble: Skav begin with a d6 in Agility, and their
common phrases. Skav refuse to talk with outsiders maximum Agility is increased by one.
about who or what Mother is, but most other folk of
Photosensitivity: In full sunlight, a Skav’s dark-
the Wind River Valley believe that it’s a reference to
adapted eyes have difficulty remaining focused.
how the Skav lived when they were parasites on the
They suffer a -1 penalty to any Trait roll dependent
Butcher fleet - that originally, the Skav were more
on vision (such as ranged attacks and Notice rolls)
hive-based and may have been born from a single
while in bright light.
brood-mother. Perhaps all the surviving Skav in
Wind River are related to this Mother. Short: Skav range from three to four feet tall.
Their natural Size of -1 also subtracts 1 from their
A Skav is fully mature at five years of age, and it is Toughness.
rare for them to survive past the age of forty.
“All of us are changed in some way or another, honey. What the Butchers and Ghosts did to this
world, it’s in the air we breathe and the water we drink, whether we like it or not. Just because you
and I seem pretty close to the pictures you’ve seen in your library books, that doesn’t mean you aren’t
a little different on the inside. Old Bob over there, he’s just got his changes on the outside, too. I
know what your daddy says, but you don’t need to be scared of Old Bob. He isn’t an animal. Don’t
mind the fur and the teeth. I taught him how to read, same as I’m teaching you and your sister. He’s
a nice fellow. He likes to play checkers, you know.”
-Allie Morgan
During the Harvest, the Butchers dropped GenBombs their Harvest facilities spread more of the insidious,
on heavily populated areas, releasing clouds of mutagenic particles into the environment. During
mutagenic nanites. In addition to wreaking havoc on the early 2020s, one could become affected by the
the flora and fauna of Earth, these hideous weapons GenBomb simply by drinking a tainted water source
of mass destruction were specially tailored to trigger or eating food that had been contaminated with their
immediate and catastrophic changes in human particulates.
bodies: some were made to encase themselves in
twitching cocoons made of their own flesh, while This was certainly the case in Wind River Valley;
others went savagely, homicidally mad. while the Butcher presence was low, the GenBomb
still affected many of the scouts that kept the mines
The Butchers collected millions of these helpless safe and scavenged for food. Now, among every
victims for twisted experiments. Whether this was community in The After, there remain at least a few
to advance their biotechnological sciences or simply who are Changed.
for their perverse pleasure will never be known.
Most victims of the Butchers died or devolved into The Changed are easy to spot, for the Butchers were
the savages now known as Ferals. The few survivors not subtle in the biomechanical contagions they set
discovered that the Butchers’ meddling resulted loose with the GenBombs. Most of these alterations
in bizarre bodily anomalies and the spontaneous, are permanently twisted into the DNA of the
nanite-based generation of biomechanical implants. Changed and can be passed on to their descendants.
Of course, it can be difficult for a Changed person
Indeed, some of those affected by the GenBomb to find a mate, given that many of the inhabitants
survived the process and were not collected by of the Wind River Valley fear and shun the Changed,
the Butchers. This became more common in the considering them tainted and dangerous, only a step
decades following the invaders’ initial landing, as away from Ferals. Because of this, many Changed
make a show of acting calm, shy, or quiet among other Cosmetic Changes from the table or design your
The Butchers’ toying with human DNA has resulted environment. You might be coated in fur, a layer
in the surviving Changed having powers and abilities of blubber, or have biomechanical temperature
beyond what was considered normal in the Old regulation. Gain +2 to resist Fatigue caused by
World. Any of these Anomalies might have effects on all negative environmental effects such as heat,
the character’s looks, beyond what has already been cold, radiation, or pressure. This does not apply
inflicted by cosmetic changes. Be creative and work to Breach zone effects.
with your GM to determine what’s appropriate. 10. Fluorescence. Via bioelectric implants or
phosphorescent genetic material, portions of
Choose each Anomaly only once, unless its your body can glow for up to 30 minutes a day,
description says otherwise. shedding light equal to a candle or two. It’s an
action to turn the glow on or off.
MINOR ANOMALIES 11. Implanted Aggression. You have either a
1. Abnormal Size. This hulking mass of a character biomechanical implant or genetic modification
gains +1 Size, which also adds one to Toughness that grants you a free d6 in Fighting.
and increases maximum Strength one step. This 12. Inborn Hunter. You have pattern recognition
Minor Anomaly may be chosen twice. and ingrained nature sense, granting you a free
2. Armored Flesh. The character has scales, a d6 in Survival.
carapace, bone ridges, or subdermal plating 13. Instinctual Expertise. Raw data has been
that protects her internal organs. She gains +2 imprinted into your genes or implanted straight
Armor that stacks with worn Armor. This Minor into your mind. Gain a d6 in one of the following
Anomaly may be chosen twice (granting +4 Armor skills that you do not already have: Academics,
in total). Battle, Electronics, Repair, or Science. This
3. Augmented Immune System. Due to bulging Anomaly can be taken multiple times, choosing a
glands or whirring implants, you are immune to different Knowledge skill each time.
disease. 14. Limited Telepathy: While you’re touching
4. Biomechanoid Internals. Many of your someone, you can speak to and be understood by
internal organs have been reinforced, moved or them, even if you don’t share a common tongue.
decentralized. In any case, they are replaced with You still have to speak out loud, but this ability
hardier stuff. You do not take additional damage allows you to communicate. If you use this ability
from Called Shots. on an unwilling creature, you must beat them in
an opposed Spirit roll or they are immune for 24
5. Blood Filters. You have additional filtration
hours. This ability doesn’t work on a creature
organs that make you immune to poison.
that doesn’t know any languages.
6. Born Healer. Due to genetic programming,
15. Low Light Vision. The character has genetically
you have an inborn sense of anatomy and find
modified eyes or mechanical augmentation. He
yourself easily able to treat injuries. Gain a free
ignores penalties for Dim and Dark lighting, and
d6 in Healing.
can see in all conditions except Pitch Darkness.
7. Buoyant. Your body easily floats in water due
16. Keen Hearing: Gain +2 to Notice rolls involving
to internal gas bladders, and you’re a natural
your hearing.
swimmer. Gain a free d6 in Swimming.
17. Keen Scent: Gain +2 to Notice rolls involving
8. Chilling Demeanor. Your genes were spliced
your sense of smell.
to make you frightening to humans through
several intangible qualities of expression, skin, 18. Keen Sight: Gain +2 to Notice rolls involving
pheromones, and psychic radiance. Gain a free your vision.
d6 in Intimidation. 19. Poisonous Touch. When under stress, the
9. Environmental Resistance. The hardships character’s flesh exudes a mild toxin. With a
of outdoor living don’t concern you much, as successful touch attack, a victim must roll Vigor
your body was reinforced to resist extremes of or suffer the effects of Mild Poison. This poison
can be delivered when attacking with natural 5. Augmented Vigor. The character’s flesh is
I won’t forget my father’s face as he shouted at me from the porch. “You can’t do this to us, Mallory - it’s planting season.
We need you here! Unsaddle that horse and come inside, let’s talk about this.”
There was nothing to talk about, though. I’d heard him and Mom talking about marrying me off to one of the McKellar
boys, in hopes of getting an extension on their debt.
That maybe this year’s harvest, this year’s herds, would be enough to
get Derek McKellar’s hands out from around Papa’s throat.
But I had better plans than being stuck raising babies for cruel men who happened to like the way I looked. My friend
Quentin Jones had gotten word from a bounty-hunting cousin of his of a cache of Remnants, way out in the Hanging
Rocks. Valuable things, Remnants - full of Breach magic from the Ghosts. If we could bring back even a handful of them
to Chapter or Blackgold, and get a proper deal, we could buy out our family debts once and for all.
Today was the day. Quentin and the others would meet me at the end of the lane, on the horses they’d begged, borrowed
or stolen. Each packing a sack of provisions and a weapon for the trail, and bright hopes for the future. Quentin, with
his aunt’s old crossbow. The gigantic Helot named Chork, carrying a ridiculous polearm over one shoulder like it was a
twig; he was there to watch over Lila, the Changed girl who was the best tracker of all us. She’d make sure we didn’t get
turned around once we made it to the Breach Zone.
And, of course, there was Clarence - though we all called him Slick. He was not much of a friend to any of us, but Slick
had worked the trade trail with his family the last five years, and had convincedQuentin that if we cut him in, he could
get us a good enough deal for the Remnants. I’d be keeping my eye on him all the way until we got back home.
“Who do you think you are?” were the last words I could hear my father roaring at my back as I rode away with tears
stinging in my eyes.
He thought I was shirking my responsibility to the family. But I’d come back by the end of the summer
and make everything right.
“Oh, Papa,” I thought. “It’s not who I am. It’s who I will be.”
Requirements: Seasoned, Common Bond, Connections Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8+, Smarts d8+,
(Sacellum of Light) Healing d8+
This character has stood vigil in the Sacellum of Light The pulsing, quasi-living tendrils of Butcher biotech
and taken vows of service and faith. Long hours of Remnants do not frighten you. In fact, you have experience
study, meditation, and deprivation have flensed away implanting these Remnants. You gain a +2 to Healing
his ego and left behind a clear-eyed adherent to the rolls when surgically implanting Butcher biotech into
New Faith, ready to serve his fellow man. When using other people (which will offset the penalty associated with
the Common Bond Edge to provide Bennies to another these Remnants). In the event of a failure, you can draw
Wild Card, this Edge also provides a +2 bonus to their two cards on the Biotech Implantation Failure Table and
roll (this does not stack with the bonus from Elan). In choose which one to apply to the subject.
addition, choose one of the following to be true:
Breach Explorer
The Baptized gains +2 to all Healing rolls, and
Requirements: Seasoned, Connections (Scouting
extends this bonus to the natural Healing rolls of
Guild), Woodsman
as many as five travelling companions, as long as
The Scouting Guild has trained this character
he can provide medical care and deliver blessings.
extensively regarding Breach Zones in the Wind River
The Baptized was trained to defend the faithful region. The character may apply the bonuses from
against the misshapen creatures of evil. He the Woodsman Edge while within a Breach Zone, even
gains +1 Parry and +1 damage against Changed though it may not be considered normal wilderness
creatures and creatures of the Breach. It is to other characters. In addition, Common Knowledge
the GMs judgement as to whether a particular may be used by this character to identify Breach effects
opponent qualifies for these bonuses. or the special qualities of a Breach-infused creature.
The Baptized is a gifted orator, gaining +1 to Finally, the character gains +2 to Persuasion when
Persuasion rolls. He may attempt to deliver dealing with other members of the Scouting Guild.
a speech to the masses, influencing all Extras
within 5” with a single Persuasion roll.
Bunker Lord
Requirements: Seasoned, Connections (Order
Finally, while wearing the regalia of the order, the
of Silence), Notice d6+, Survival d8+, cannot be a
character gains +2 to Persuasion when used on anyone
member of the Chapter Militia
who is a member of the Sacellum of Light, due to his
The character has located and secured a small
exalted status within the New Faith.
dwelling in the wilderness. The player and the GM
should work together to determine the location and
Biotech Scavenger layout of this safe house, which offers shelter to as
Requirements: Skav, Notice d6+ many as ten human-sized creatures. As well, the
Some of the Skav retain abilities from generations player may pick two of the following to be true:
past, when their people roamed the halls and
conduits of the Butchers’ Goliath fleet, siphoning The dwelling is well fortified, requiring invaders
nutrients and fuel from the quasi-living starships. to bypass obstacles to gain entry (such as a cliff
A Biotech Scavenger exhibits the ability to scent climb or reinforced doors that must be broken).
Butcher Remnants at a distance of 10 yards. This The dwelling is hidden, requiring successful
Edge confers a +2 bonus to Notice when attempting Notice rolls to discover.
to perceive creatures with Butcher Remnants on The dwelling contains or is adjacent to a source of
(or implanted within) their bodies that approach fresh, running water sufficient to hydrate the residents.
within 10 yards. At the GM’s option, this might
The dwelling contains or is adjacent to a source
include certain Butcher-influenced creatures of
of food abundant enough to feed the residents
Wind River Valley, or even Changed with extreme
for at least part of the year.
biotechnological anomalies.
two Extras who are uniformed members of the Smarts or Spirit. As well, the Sky Elder is influential
Chapter Militia, the character gains +1 Parry, and and respected as a leader, gaining +2 to Persuasion
the benefits of the Brave edge if she does not when dealing with other Helots.
already have it. The character can use Common
Knowledge to identify notable bandits and beasts
of the Chapter locale.
Her unit were notorious bruisers, fighting crime
within the walls of Chapter with studded clubs
and little mercy. The character gains +2 to
Intimidation rolls made against any native of
Chapter. As well, the character gains +2 to any
maneuvering skill rolls made during a Chase
that takes place within the walls of Chapter. The
character can use Common Knowledge in regards
to the laws of Chapter, as well as identifying
prominent citizens (and criminals) of Chapter.
Remnant Scholar
Requirements: Seasoned
You’ve sifted through plenty of tales and studied
whatever Remnants you could get your hands on.
You can now roll Common Knowledge to identify
the function of a Butcher Remnant or Ghost Shard,
given about an hour to handle and examine it. At the
GMs option, failing this roll might trigger unusual
effects (such as a Fracture check).
Each character may choose to join a single Faction Journeyman Librarians might travel Wind River
during character creation. Characters who begin Valley, seeking to gather surviving copies of any
play as members of a Faction may choose to gain pre-Harvest print material. This often means they
the Connections Edge with that Faction for free. are interested in joining salvage expeditions and
However, if they do, they also gain the Vow (Minor) investigating dangerous underground sites, since any
Hindrance to represent their ties to the Faction’s paper texts left in aboveground ruins have usually
leadership, who will occasionally ask the character degraded beyond recovery.
for favors or assign them duties.
While the Librarians are few, they hold great social
Those characters who wish to join a Faction during weight with the people of Chapter. In addition to
play must dedicate themselves to the aims of the running the school, the Librarians employ a number
Faction and must be accepted by its leaders. This is of citizens as paper-makers and scribes. The Chief
represented by taking the Vow (Minor) Hindrance Librarians are also known to pay well for the delivery
immediately upon applying to join the Faction. of pre-Harvest books, especially those that are new to
However, the character does not gain the Connections the archives.
Edge automatically. Instead, it must be bought with
an Advancement if the character wishes to take full Rather than simply hoarding the knowledge of
advantage of his new membership. the Old World, the Librarians desire to spread the
knowledge gained from those books as freely as
The GM has final approval on whether a Faction possible. The Librarians want Chapter to become
will accept any particular character as a member, and the light of the new world, an open and free
what tasks the Faction leaders might require to prove source of knowledge for all survivors. Through
their loyalty. the Librarians’ efforts, every citizen of Chapter is
literate. Their teachings have helped redevelop what Chapter should be dissolved and its people return to
little technology still functions. The Elder Council the mines, build underground bunkers elsewhere, or
has been at odds with the Librarians, though, as become wandering tribes, dispersing to maximize
they attempt to hold back the flow of learning mankind’s chances at survival.
beyond Chapter. The Council wishes to rein in
the Librarians, insisting they dole out knowledge Cousins of the Order maintain small, hidden
to outsiders only in ways that benefit Chapter. For bunkers and safehouses near enough to Chapter
now, the Chief Librarians obey the Council in such that they can visit whenever necessary, but do not
matters, understanding that knowledge is Chapter’s maintain a formal presence within the town. Most
greatest coin in The After. members believe that living with everyone else in
Chapter invites their destruction. During visits
Order of Silence to Chapter, members of the Order often hand out
flyers and give impassioned speeches, begging the
“Mankind must vanish.”
populace to disperse. It is somewhat ironic that
It’s only a matter of time. When the War is over in
the so-called Order of Silence is outspoken and, at
space, victorious aliens will return to Earth. They will
times, even belligerent. Though the Order has never
finish the job that was started during the Harvest -
chosen to turn to violence over logic to disperse the
rendering humankind extinct. The Order of Silence
population of Chapter, their public presentations
is insistent that humanity must prepare for this
still sometimes turn ugly, which results in friction
second coming by becoming invisible and remaining
with the Chapter Militia.
so until they either outlast the alien presence, or
develop sufficient population and technology to
defeat the invaders in a single, decisive action. Scouting Guild
“Into the Breach, my friends!”
Members refer to one The Scouting Guild began with only a handful of
another as Cousins, adventurers, all friends of the legendary trader and
and hold an almost scout, Zachariah Cole. In the decades since the
religious devotion Breaking, the Guild has grown into a strong-knit
to a document they cadre who believe that in order to flourish, the people
call the Silent Credo, of Chapter need keen eyes in the wild. The Guild
written by the late provides those eyes. Their scouts diligently quest into
leader of the Order, the changed world of The After, seeking to turn the
known to outsiders mysteries of the Breach Zones to their favor. For a
as Uncle Hush. The price, scouts of the guild will guide expeditions and
Silent Credo explains the caravans safely through the wild, better than anyone
inevitability of a second else can. They also monitor the area within a day’s
extraterrestrial invasion. It insists that any kind of travel of Chapter for threats to the settlement. The
over-the-air broadcasting must cease, lest mankind’s masters of the guild are known to pay fees to explorers
survival be detected by the survivors of the War who can accurately map Breach Zones or bring back
between Ghosts and Butchers. specimens of previously unknown creatures.
The Posthumans
“Augment yourselves, always.”
These meatsacks we wear, this mortal flesh - it wasn’t
good enough to stop the aliens. The Posthumans are
the small portion of Chapter’s populace who have
Chapter Militia fully embraced the possibilities of The After. They
“Defend the walls!” actively seek to augment themselves with any form
While the Scouting Guild is Chapter’s eyes, the of technology, power, or mutation that is available,
Militia is its hands. Acting entirely at the command in order to transcend their fragile humanity and
of the Elder Council, this force of volunteer soldiers become immortal and powerful. They want Chapter
is active both inside and outside the walls of Chapter. to become a safe haven for all of their kind.
In the wild, they proactively work to drive out The Changed do not suffer the effects of the
dangerous creatures and defend trade routes. The Outsider Hindrance while dealing with Posthumans.
Militia doesn’t range more than a day’s march outside
the walls of Chapter, but within that range they visit
outlying farms, escort traders, and patrol aggressively
in search of dangerous wildlife (including Changed
animals), bandits, or Feral incursions. Usually,
a patrol of ten Militia will partner with a pair of
Scouting Guild members.
But someone like me? Someone who hadn’t fallen in with the hoopla,
hadn’t fallen in with the crowd - someone like me, an outsider, a
mindbender - could tell that something wasn’t quite right. I could
see that his men were tense, and traded guarded looks, drinking far
faster than they normally might. They were hiding something. And
I had to know what.
I slid my way through the crowd, sidling up to Last Chance Cole, who
was slumped against the corner of the bar, into his third or fourth
cup of rotgut already. I called on the Boon and immediately felt the
cold and terrible touch of the Ghosts lash into my veins. Like always,
I fought down the urge to scream, to vomit, to react at all. The touch
of the Boon wasn’t pain, not quite, but it was almost more intense than I
could take.
But I swallowed down the power. I felt it tingle in my eyeballs and the ends of my
fingers, even in my hair, quiet but impatient.My mind put a leash on it and dragged it into a shape, one that I
couldn’t even express with words, something from outside this universe. I laid that shape down, linking my brain
and Cole’s, just for a minute. I was transported to the memory that he was trying to drink away.
Smoke from a campfire, intertwined with the fog rising from the grass Cole crept through. The weird light
just before dawn barely illuminated the horizon in a pale gray.
Big Jim gestured silently, signalling the start
of the attack: not a bold charge, but an ambush. An ambush against hapless farmers. Women. Children. They
were barely armed, half asleep, begging for mercy.
Militiamen cut the camp apart from all directions, with a ruthless, merciless efficiency. All the while, Big Jim
spurred them on, whooping with excitement and shouting threats and orders. Whole wagons of trade goods
were wheeled away from the dead, along with the cache of weapons they’d claim the “outlaws” were carrying.
Cole glanced around in the slow sunrise, looking silently at the havoc they had wrought.
The silence of that bloody dawn shattered, and I was back in the roaring din of McNary’s. I backed away from
Cole, my clothes suddenly clammy with sweat. Nobody had seen, nobody had noticed; I’d kept the Boon under
control this time.
I’d learned the truth, learned what Big Jim and his braggarts had done to earn such accolades. But who would
believe me?
A Fleshcrafter summons forth Breach energies to cocoon of their own out-of-control flesh. The Gifted
cause temporary physical mutations in themselves must roll at Vigor (including the -2 penalty for being
and others. These mutations typically fade without a Distracted that is inflicted by the Bound condition)
trace after the power’s duration ends, leaving behind to regain mastery of their own body and fight off
only a residual ache. the condition. Until this condition is removed, the
Fleshcrafter may not use any powers.
Trappings for all Fleshcrafting powers involve Available Powers:
sudden, shocking physical changes. When these Arcane Protection (strange whorls and warts on
powers are engaged, skin ripples and flows like water skin that serve to divert Breach energy)
and the laws of reality are bent: targets may change
Beast Friend (take on animalistic traits; emit musk/
shape, size, or mass at the Fleshcrafter’s whim.
pheromones from swollen ducts)
Because of this, many Fleshcrafters wear robes or
other loose clothing that is easily shrugged away Blind (seal the target’s eyes shut; spray of painful
when it’s about to be shredded by a sudden change of fluid)
body size or soiled by sprays of organic fluids. Bolt (firing spines or bone spikes; spitting acid,
bile or poison)
Fleshcrafting is based on Vigor, because Boost/Lower Trait (obvious alterations of bone
Fleshcrafters have to call Breach energy deep into structure, musculature, and skin)
their bones and muscles, then fight through the pain Burrow (gain digging appendages: are they
of channelling it. While beginner powers might mammal claws, insectoid, or utterly alien?)
just cause a throbbing, more advanced Fleshcrafting
can result in exquisite agony in those few moments Burst (gain glands in the wrist or throat that allow
when the Gifted forces the power into effect. A good a momentary spray of acid, fire, or spines)
Hindrance for a Fleshcrafter might be Quirk: Voice Darksight (animalistic eyes; enormous, slightly
permanently shredded from screaming. glowing eyes; antennae or other strange
appendages that allow sight)
Edge: Arcane Background (Fleshcrafter) Detect/Conceal Arcana (nose swells, becomes
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Vigor d6+ useful for sniffing out Breach energy)
Arcane Skill: Fleshcrafting (Vigor) Disguise (morphing target’s flesh to look like
Starting Power Points: 10 another person)
Starting Powers: 3
Entangle (shoot forth vines, hair, tendrils, or webs
Backlash: The temporary mutations induced by
to trap enemies)
Fleshcrafting overwhelm the Gifted’s system, rocking
them with waves of crippling pain as their limbs twist Environmental Protection (knobbly or scaled skin;
and their bones warp. This body-warping effect renders gills; changes vary based on environment chosen)
Farsight (eagle eyes, perhaps combined with
feathers over the target’s head)
Backlash and Gear Fly (insect or avian wings, probably combined with
other torso morphing)
Rolling a Critical Failure while using the Boon Growth/Shrink (lots of snapping, popping, and
triggers Backlash! Each Arcane Background pain during the size change)
described below has Backlash effects that
Healing (squeeze wounds together like kneading
differ from the baseline effect described in
dough; stinger that injects a healing agent)
Savage Worlds.
Light/Darkness (spew forth slime that either glows,
These unfortunate rolls shouldn’t also trigger or somehow destroys light)
the Things Break Setting Rule, unless the GM is Protection (thickened flesh; bony spurs; hardened
feeling particularly fiendish. scales)
Trappings for Mindbender powers involve rippling Detect/Conceal Arcana (psychic detection,
energies, psychic sight, and emotional manipulation. possibly with the aid of a crystal or prism)
While their powers are not always flashy or even Dispel (through force of will, dismantle arcane
visually noticeable, there are often telltale signs of constructs)
strain: a Mindbender’s head may radiate a slight
Divination (read the threads of fate that lie in the
glow or haze when they use their abilities.
Breach, outside of time and space)
Edge: Arcane Background (Mindbender) Drain Power Points (steal away the mental
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Smarts d6+ strength of the victim)
Arcane Skill: Mindbending (Smarts) Empathy (psychically read target and act
Starting Power Points: 10 accordingly to seem sympathetic; forcibly inject
Starting Powers: 2 target with positive feelings toward you)
Hands Free: Mindbenders do not need their hands Fear (waves of cold horror billow forth; targets see
to activate their powers. They may cast even when demons, aliens or worse)
Bound or otherwise restrained. Illusion (forced hallucination)
Backlash: One of the terrible intelligences from
beyond the Breach has taken note of the Mindbender Invisibility (mentally convince living targets that
and attempts to devour their mental essence. Any of you’re not present)
the Mindbender’s maintained powers are immediately Mind Link (basic telepathy… does the target feel
terminated. The Gifted must immediately spend 2d6 a physical sensation as well?)
Power Points or become Stunned. Mind Reading (psionic mind invasion; aura
reading; “Look into my eye!”)
Available Powers: Mind Wipe (violating, total mental intrusion)
Arcane Protection (mental constructs serve to
Object Reading (eyes glass over as you see through
deflect Breach powers)
the cracks in the Breach to where the object was;
Barrier (telekinetic force field) sing to the object to convince it to reveal its secrets)
Beast Friend (charm animals with but a wave and Puppet (murmur hypnotic phrases over and over:
some whispers) target’s eyes glow brightly)
Blind (convince the target’s brain it can’t see, even Relief (convince the mind it’s unhurt and the body
though its eyes work) follows)
Bolt (exploding heads; rippling telekinetic force Slumber (neural disruption; trapped in nightmares)
Stun (telekinetic concussion blasts; psychic
Boost/Lower Trait (mind over matter) screaming)
Confusion (targets see momentary, horrific Telekinesis (tendrils of mental energy move objects;
illusions; or see the world sway and melt) howling from beyond the Breach as unseen forces
Deflection (telekinetically swat away projectiles; are made to exert power on the real world)
mentally influence attackers to miss)
-Zachariah Cole
The almighty dollar has become a mere curiosity of
the Old World. In most settlements, food, clothing,
and shelter are shared communally. One of the
scarcities of The After is human life, and very few
settlements will allow a fellow human being to starve
or die of exposure. Folk give as they can, work as they
can, and take only what they need.
your concentration. In any case, while you own it, striking once a day (usually at the worst possible
dimension or timeline. The owner must roll 1d6 daily, each scene, the owner must make an Agility roll or
hourly, or each time the item is used; on a 1 or 2, the drop it. If the tag is gained a second time, the roll
item is not present! If this tag is assigned to a piece must be made each time the item is used.
of gear a second time, assign the warped tag instead.
Static. This item somehow stores ambient energy
Poisonous. Insidious microdoses of poison are within the body of the user, an effect which causes
delivered to the owner of this item at unpredictable him to occasionally deliver mild electric shocks at
intervals. Most of the time it doesn’t seem to do the worst times. This gives the user the All Thumbs
more than make the user feel a little dizzy now and Hindrance when dealing with electronic equipment,
then, but the truth is far worse. After a day or two as these static discharges tend to damage wiring or
owning poisonous gear, the owner takes -1 to recover make machinery act strangely. This effect remains
from being Shaken, as the poison weakens the user’s for 24 hours after discarding the Static equipment. If
internal systems. Even worse, if this tag is gained this tag is drawn a second time, instead of assigning
a second time, the owner takes -1 to all Soak rolls. any Stress tag, the user immediately suffers a
These penalties remain for at least 24 hours after damaging (3d6) electrical shock.
discarding the item.
Stutter-Step. The item affects the user’s spatial sense
Screeching. This item has a tendency to make and balance - or perhaps it subtly warps gravity in
loud, unpleasant noises at unpredictable intervals. the immediate area. When the owner rolls a 1 on her
Perhaps it utters bestial howls or alien babbling, or Running die, she falls prone after the movement. If
emits a technological keening or beeping. In any this tag is gained a second time, the effects become
case, the noise is easily audible within 12”. This more intense, limiting her Running die to a d4.
inflicts a -1 penalty on social interaction
skill checks, and renders most Stealth Tempting. This item is irrationally attractive: everyone
attempts an automatic failure. If this who sees it immediately wants to have it for their very
tag is drawn a second time, the noise own. Perhaps it glitters as if inlaid with gemstones and
is even louder and tends to draw gold, has a gleaming aura, reminds everyone of the best
Ferals and Breach creatures from the parts of the Old World, or maybe it is simply fascinating
surrounding countryside, who are for no reason one could express with mere words. The
eager to attack the wearer and make owner finds herself constantly handling the Tempting
away with the item. equipment, keeping it polished and near to hand at
all times. As people sight the Tempting item, the user
Shadowy. Defying the laws of physics, will be forced to fend off regular theft attempts and
the item sucks in the light all around it. trade offers. At the GM’s option, nearby Extras may
The illumination level within 2” of the be affected by the Greedy (Minor) Hindrance in
item is treated as one level lower (bright the presence of the item. If this tag is applied
light becomes Dim, Dim becomes Dark, a second time, friendly NPCs become willing
Dark becomes Pitch Darkness). This effect to kill for the item. Only truly
is suppressed while the item is sealed in a sadistic GMs would require
container. If the tag is assigned a second time, the owner’s heroic Wild Card
the light level is treated as two levels lower. companions to make daily
Spirit rolls to avoid
Slippery. No matter how many times it’s cleaned, being affected
this item always seems to have the thinnest film of by the lust this
oily residue on its surface, making it unreasonably item inspires.
difficult to hang onto. The first time the item is used
Time-Twisted. Whether it’s actually warping the very Warped. Even though it looks just fine to the eye,
fabric of time or just influencing the owner’s flesh, there’s something off about the mass and balance of
the effect is that the owner and all his gear ages at this gear. The problem seems to shift from moment
triple the usual rate. This is a subtle effect, and might to moment. Warped weapons inflict a -1 penalty to
only be noticed at first when the owner’s trail rations attack. Any other warped gear inflicts a -1 penalty to
and other consumables go rotten more quickly than Athletics, Stealth, and Agility rolls. This tag can be
they ought. Even worse, if this tag is gained a second assigned twice and the penalties are cumulative.
time, the owner ages at ten times the usual rate.
Following are the ways in which The After alters the base Savage Worlds rules.
Attacks with the Heavy Weapon quality inflict Gritty Damage (per Savage Worlds) on any target without
Heavy Armor.
Things Break
Much of the equipment available in The After is old, thrice-patched, or rickety. The environment wears upon
all things, making them prone to break at inopportune moments. Weapons break, armor corrodes, medical kits
become contaminated. Breach energies and GenBomb nanites have the potential to infiltrate almost everything
a survivor carries.
When a character rolls a Critical Failure on any Trait roll, the piece of equipment used in the attempt
suffers a Stress Tag (see Chapter 4 for a list of these). A vehicle suffers a Critical Hit instead of a Stress Tag.
If the Critical Failure was rolled during an action that involves no gear (such as Stealth or Persuasion), this
Setting Rule affects a piece of random equipment carried by the character. This item should be chosen by
the GM, or rolled randomly on the Hit Location chart to choose a piece of gear carried closest to that area.
Any character with the Signature Weapon Edge will find that their chosen weapon is immune to Stress Tags
assigned by this Setting Rule, due to the extreme care the character takes maintaining the weapon. It’s the
GM’s decision whether a Stress Tag assigned to a Signature Weapon should fall upon another piece of gear,
or be negated altogether. We recommend sticking with one choice or the other throughout your campaign
in The After.
PRIMITIVE RANGED Range Dmg RoF Cost Avail Wgt Shots Notes
Bow 12/24/48 2d6 1 250 C 3 - Min Str d6
Crossbow 10/20/40 2d6 1 300 U 10 - AP 2; Action to
Hatchet 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 75 E 2 - -
Knife 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 25 E 1 - -
Sling 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 10 E 1 - Fires with Athletics
Spear 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 100 E 5 - Min Str d6
Compound Bow 12/24/48 Str+d8 1 300 U 3 - Min Str d6
Pistols: Min Str: d4
Black powder pistol 5/10/20 2d6+1 1 200 U 3 1 Reload 3
Holdout special / 3/6/12 2d4 1 150 U 2 2
Revolver 12/24/48 2d6 1 300 S 4 6 AP 1
Semi-automatic 12/24/48 2d6 1 350 S 4 7 AP 1
...for high-caliber pistols, add +50 cost and +1 damage, raise Availability to R.
Rifles/Machine Guns: Min Str: d6
Black Powder Musket 10/20/40 2d8 1 300 U 15 - Reload 3
Carbine 20/40/80 2d8 1 400 R 8 7 AP 2
Assault rifle 24/48/96 2d8 3 450 VR 10 30 AP 2; Auto
Bolt-action hunting 24/48/96 2d8 1 350 S 8 6 AP 2, Snapfire
Semi-auto rifle 24/48/96 2d8 1 600 R 10 8 AP 2, Semi-Auto
Sniper rifle 50/100/200 2d10 1 1200 VR 35 11 Min Str d8; AP 4;
Snapfire, HW.
Submachine gun 12/24/48 2d6 3 500 VR 10 30 AP 1, Auto
Gatling gun 24/48/96 2d8 3 2500 VR 170 100 AP 2, min. ROF 2,
Reload 2, must be
mounted to fire
Shotguns : Min Str: d6
Blunderbuss 10/20/40 1-3d6 1 300 U 12 - Reload 2
Double-barrel 12ga 12/24/48 1-3d6 1-2 400 R 11 2
Pump-action 12ga 12/24/48 1-3d6 1 450 R 8 6
Removing Stress from Items without tying up a lot of ‘screen time’, and ensures
The After can be a terrible place, and the occasional that it won’t be a common occurrence.
surprise of having gear develop Stress Tags is meant to
reflect that. Stress results in a hero having to discard A truly soft-hearted and generous GM might
valued gear and seek out replacements, instead decide that a Joker drawn when applying a Stress Tag
of relying on that one perfect item for his entire actually removes any existing Stress from the item, as
career. This is by design, mechanically enforcing opposed to simply having no effect.
the scarcities found in the world of The After and
spotlighting the weird legacies of the Butchers and GEAR NOTES
Ghosts - they may not still be on Earth, but they’ve
left you plenty of problems to deal with! Firearms: If you’re a hobbyist that knows a thing or two
about firearms, you’ll notice that (for the most part) our
Despite this, generous GMs may wish to allow for weapons chart doesn’t track guns by their real-world
the removal of Stress Tags. We encourage making make, model, or caliber. Perhaps you disagree with
this an arduous process, perhaps requiring the the weight, range, or ammo capacity of a given weapon
(expensive) services of a powerful Gifted or a group on the list. In our idea of The After, we believe that
of accomplished scientists, depending on whether most guns were destroyed or damaged in the Harvest
it’s nanites and invasive tech that needs to be purged or during the decades that followed, and that much of
from your hero’s gear, or Breach energy that must be the ammunition of the Old World was used up. Most
torn free and dispersed. The process should never be firearms that remain in circulation are a patchwork
easy or routine. of rebuilt parts and careful repairs, that aren’t easily
recognizable as belonging to any particular Old World
If a GM doesn’t want to focus on Stress removal as manufacturer. We also didn’t think it would be much
a dramatic plot point, she could simply request that fun to track bullets by caliber, so our gear chart offers
a hero spend an Advance to purge all Stress from a small bullets for pistols and SMGs, large bullets for
single item. This represents the extreme effort taken rifles, and shotgun shells.
Min Str: equals
dmg WGt Avail Cost Notes
weapon damage die
Mundane Items
Clothes WGt Avail Cost notes
Boots 4 C 40
Clothing, normal - E 10
Clothing, fancy - E 75
Clothing, winter 6 C 100 Fur-lined, includes gloves/boots, +2 to
Vigor resisting cold weather
Shoes/Sandals 1 C 20
Food and Drink WGt Avail Cost notes
Beer/wine/whisky (homemade) 1 C 2+ Per serving; Cost may be higher based
on quality
Canned Goods 1 S 5
Restaurant, Average - C 5
Restaurant, Cheap - E 2
Restaurant, Fancy - S 20+
Trail Rations 10 E 10 5 meals; keeps for 1 week
Exploring Gear WGt Avail Cost notes
Backpack 2 C 50
Bedroll 4 C 40
Binoculars 3 VR 400
Blanket 4 E 20
Canteen 1 E 10
Climbing gear (30' rope, grapple) 12 U 50
Compass - VR 200
Crowbar 2 C 40
Firestarting kit (flint/steel/tinder) 1 E 5
First Aid Kit 4 S 100
Lantern 3 C 40
Oil (for lantern, 1 pint) 1 C 5
Pick or Shovel 5 C 25
Quiver (holds 20 arrows/bolts) 2 C 25
Saddle 10 R 10
Saddle (Elaborate) 50 R 50
Saddle Bags 5 R 10
Soap 1/5 C 2
Tent (2-man) 10 S 100
Tool Kit 5 R 200
Torch (1 hour, 4" radius) 1 C 5
Whistle - U 20
Whetstone 1 E 5
Indeed, most of the Butcher and Ghost technology Bioslug Railgun: Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d8, AP 10,
The wound Voss took from that direclaw wouldn’t close no matter what we did. He’d lost too much blood
and had a fever, so we sent Gabby and Twitch riding to Sweetwater for help. They came back with a gap-toothed
old sawbones who’d asked for too much barter but was our only choice. The old doc took a poke at Voss, who
was unconscious but still squirming and moaning, and she clucked scornfully with her hands wrist-deep in his
“It’s not just the blood fever, though that’s likely enough to kill him,” she murmured to us. “He’s lost pieces
in here, important ones. This is a dead man.”
The cave we were hiding out in got real quiet, except for the crackling of the fire. Twitch caught my eye and
touched the hilt of his knife, but I frowned and shook my head. Voss had saved us all from that ambush back
at the Junkyard, and I wasn’t about to let Twitch cut his throat in a filthy cave. I turned to the doctor. “You
must be able to do something, make him comfortable at least. Break the fever so we can get him home.”
“Well…there might be something I could do. Dangerous, of course. Expensive, too. You got the scratch?” She
opened her big, leather rucksack. Inside, among a scattering of tools, scalpels, and linens, was a clear plastic bag
holding something awful. A chunk of purplish, warty flesh all shot through with glowing veins - or were they
wires? The bag was half full of fluid, and the flesh gobbet seemed to be pulsing of its own accord.
“Piece of an old warbot that some explorers took down, over by the Fission Factory,” said the doctor. “Reckon
it’ll fit right in here. Patch the holes, filter out the toxins from his gut wounds, even break that fever. Maybe,
anyway. Can’t promise nothin’.”
Twitch hissed, “You want to put some radioactive chunk of BUTCHER MEAT into Voss? What the hell, lady!”
“That’s enough, Twitch,” I barked. “If you don’t like it, you can get the hell out!”
I pointed at the doctor. “You. Get to work. I’ll pay the price.”
I could see Twitch was mad enough to chew nails. He packed his bags and left. He was gone before the doctor
slid that quivering mass into my friend. Before it let out that gleeful squeal and latched onto Voss like a
lamprey, wiggling of its own accord to fit itself into the right shape and match its conduits to his innards.
We had to stay there for a couple of days while Voss’ fever broke and the wound sealed up. By then the old
sawbones had taken her payment and cleared out. She was long gone when Voss woke up screaming.
Gabby and I were able to pin him down while he woke the rest of the way up. I think he would have just gone
running out into the night stark naked, otherwise. Voss’s wound was knit, all right, but his head wasn’t the
same after that. He took to sleeping only every few days because of the nightmares. He’d never tell us what
they were about, but every once in a while he’d do some talking under his breath that wasn’t in any language I
had ever heard.
Because of that, I guess, he was flinchy and mean. Hard to deal with. Cost us a couple of jobs. But I tried to
help Voss work through it. He needed us more than ever.
Matters got worse a few weeks later, after a bandit ambush on the road back to Chapter. He’d volunteered to move
the bodies off into a stand of trees, away from the camp. Gabby caught him out there - wrist-deep in a body, pulling
out gobbets and stuffing them into his mouth.
The merchants we were guarding wouldn’t have any of that, and ran him off with arrows and swords. I think he’s still
following us, though - two men have gone missing in the last three days. The second one we heard screaming for a
while, out there in the hills, echoing enough that we couldn’t tell where Voss had dragged him to, exactly.
I’ll get these people into the hands of the Chapter Militia, and then lead a posse back out in the wild to see if I can’t
track Voss down. I’m not sure if he’s worth talking to, or if whatever programming was still in that piece of warbot
has ruined his mind for all time.
Truth is, I think Twitch might have had the right idea, back in the cave. I’ll bring a sharp knife.
Paying the Price in Blood Despite the risks, Butcher biotech devices “want”
Biotech Remnants endow their hosts with incredible to be implanted: if the subject survives the initial
power - but at a steep cost. Most Butcher Remnants trauma of having his natural-born flesh cut out, once
require grafting directly onto bones and nerves. in place, the Remnant helps to staunch blood loss and
Frequently, the implantation procedure involves the stabilize the user’s system. Even with this unnatural
Remnant replacing normal tissue or organs. The assistance, most biotech implantations leave the
surgery can be quite extensive and dangerous to subject Incapacitated for at least a day. A Butcher
the subject, depending on the location necessary to Remnant also needs about three days to become fully
implant the Remnant. operational as it bonds to the subject’s system.
Sometimes a surgeon is incompetent, a subject’s hawk. Nervous townsfolk might band together to
system is compromised, or the chosen implant turns drive them out of town, or worse. It’s unlikely that
out to be hostile to the would-be host. If the Healing authorities would raise much fuss if an ‘accident’
roll is failed, draw from the Action Deck and consult happened to a Remnant-bearer.
the Biotech Implantation Failure Table. On a Critical
Fumble, draw twice and choose the lowest result. To make matters worse, there are those in Wind River
who crave either the power that biotech implants can
Beyond the physical dangers of implantation bring, or the incredible price in barter that others will
surgery, there is the social price to consider. Most pay for them. It’s not unknown for an unscrupulous
civilized folk consider anyone with an obvious biotech gang to stalk the bearer of a biotech Remnant, in hopes
implant to be an unstable and dangerous ticking of incapacitating them and stealing it - that is, cutting
timebomb. At a minimum, someone augmented it right out of the current owner, dead or alive. In fact,
with a Butchertech implant can expect to pay more some Remnants in The After have become infamous,
for their barter transactions and be watched like a bearing the name of a previous owner.
Ghost Remnants List Eye in the Sky: A fragile plate of crystal, this Remnant
Rustsleeper: This device is a tangle of glass-like mesh sized balls connected by a greasy black cord. When
and metal spikes. It’s about the shape and size of a the marbles are forcefully clacked together, they emit a
pre-Harvest car battery, and weighs around 30 pounds. Breach wave that sublimates all metal within three feet
The whole device is unusually cool to the touch and from solid to gaseous form - effectively disintegrating
emits a subtle, high-pitched whine. When connected it permanently. Fracture: Any black card; Volatile
to a steady electrical power source, the Rustsleeper
begins to grow crystalline “roots” that attach firmly U.S. Express: This slim Shard is made of a material
to nearby structures as well as the ground. After a that resembles bright blue agate inscribed with
day or two, the Shard begins to radiate a subtle aura twisting, glittering glyphs. It’s named for its uncanny
that retards decay within a one square mile area. resemblance to a pre-Invasion credit card in shape
Within this zone, the dead don’t rot, metal doesn’t and size. When activated (by biting down on it), it
rust, food doesn’t spoil, and gear isn’t subject to the allows the user to teleport to anywhere he has been
Things Break Setting Rule. While in operation, the to before. Afterward, a harsh, soapy taste lingers in
device can’t be moved without irrevocably breaking it, the user’s mouth for several hours. Fracture: Red face
as separating it from the roots causes the Rustsleeper cards; Volatile
to crack into thousands of tiny, useless chunks. If
the electrical current is interrupted for more than an Wrong Hat: This odd helmet, constructed out of
hour, the device will reset, detaching from the roots crystal and shining metal, induces startling visions
(and requiring a new setup period to be used again). of the future when worn. While the visions can
Fracture: Any Hearts; Harmless sometimes be useful, the helm can also be a handy
method for disabling someone. Anyone wearing the
Salamander’s Lament: This large bracelet, constructed helm must make a Spirit roll at -2. If unsuccessful, they
of ethereal silvery wire, caging ten glimmering azure are overcome by the visions and Incapacitated for 1d4
stones, inhibits all combustion within 20 feet of the minutes. Fracture: Face cards.
wearer while worn around a limb. Any nearby fire
source, including open flames, internal combustion
engines, and gun discharges will cause the Lament
to activate for one hour, bonding painfully to the
wearer’s flesh. This inflicts a level of Fatigue that
lasts until the wearer gets four hours of rest. While
activated, combustion within 20 feet of the wearer
is not possible: active fires are extinguished, fire-
based Boon powers fail to activate, and gunfire is
impossible. Fracture: 2-8 of Clubs
Creating Your Own speculate that they only look like plastic, crystal,
Putting the wind into Despite the dangers of the region, perhaps the
were taught from these books whenever light could be It took months of tense and cautious watching,
While the Great Library in Chapter holds copies of the Old World’s most treasured cultural works (such
as sheet music of Mozart’s symphonies and the works of William Shakespeare), the ‘pop culture’ of the
Old World is simply no more. People of The After have rarely if ever been exposed to it, so in-character
references to Batman, Mickey Mouse, or other kitschy icons of the Old World are not appropriate.
Technology is another differentiating factor when comparing The After to other genre material.
Because of the GenBomb particles still infesting Earth, technology is still extremely unreliable. Rather
than power armor and hover tanks, most folk of the Valley are existing at a technological level about equal
to the American Old West. This might be supplemented with the occasional alien Remnant, but advanced
technology is otherwise quite rare.
The aliens that caused the apocalypse have gone. This means that survivors have a chance to band
together and make real choices about their future. In The After, there is genuine hope. Things are getting
better for most settlements by the year. Rather than struggling to overcome unbeatable warlords or alien
rulers, your characters have the chance to become leaders that shape and grow their society.
the hazards of the outside world. Many Librarians to barter knowledge from their archives in exchange
sacrificed years of their life remaining underground for peace, protection, and assistance.
to guard the books - and copy them, as the surface
dwellers began to make paper and inks. In AD 2101, explorers returned to Chapter with a
watermelon-sized crystalline Remnant: a Shard from
As well as guarding this vital archive, the Librarians a wrecked Ghost spacecraft. It was still humming with
continued teaching Chapter’s youth, ensuring that Breach energy. After three years of cautious tinkering,
every child who had the capacity to learn would grow the scientists of Chapter managed to put the Shard into
up educated and literate. They would understand the a partially-operative state. It began to affect the weather.
history of their ancestors, and be prepared to make Within a mile or two of the artifact, wind speed is halved
the hard choices of the years ahead. and the temperature is roughly ten degrees Fahrenheit
warmer. This means that, while winters in Chapter are
The youngest of the Librarians also became the still difficult, the usual perils of winter in the mountains
fledgling town’s first emissaries. Sent to scour are a little easier to bear. The artifact was dubbed “The
the land for signs of what had passed during their Hearth” after its properties were confirmed.
decades underground, the Librarians were often the
first to encounter other communities of survivors. Chapter in AD 2139 is a thriving and prosperous
With the blessing of the Elder Council, they offered town. The Hearth is still in operation, and the
This can also affect characters who might like Each of the nine Elders is an esteemed leader
to ‘blend in’ when visiting a new settlement. That within the community. However, they weren’t
might work in a busy trading post like Blackgold elected to their positions. The original Council of
Station, or in a crowded inn room. But, in Elders was chosen while the survivors still lived in
general, folks know the other locals by sight if not darkness, squabbling for scraps of food and clothing
by name, and strangers will be noted. in the mines. Only the Elders kept the survivors from
fragmenting into wild clans and killing one another
for meat, or from fleeing wholesale into the arms of
the Butchers. Since the initial inception, the Elders
mysterious Breach energy powering it shows no sign
have chosen who will be elevated to the Council.
of waning. Under its shelter, the town’s population
has burgeoned to nearly a thousand souls, with
The Council still enforces its will on the people of
ample space and food for all. The Elder Council
Chapter - through leadership and common sense when
keeps a sharp eye out for dissent, disease, and trouble
possible, but with force when necessary. While they
from outsiders. The oldest people of Chapter keenly
had to rule with a swift and cruel hand in the mines,
remember life in the mines. They have a deep
the Council has made an effort to relax their grip
appreciation for the open sky and freedom to work
now that space and food are prevalent. Nonetheless,
the land and walk where they please.
Elders are involved in most citizens’ day-to-day life.
They approve job placements, trade deals, and living
The town has been well-planned, with plenty of
space allocations. They gather tithes and distribute
room for pedestrians and horse-drawn wagons
rations of food and other supplies, ensuring that no
alike. What refuse can’t be burned is thrown into an
upstanding citizen of Chapter starves.
As far as the Council is concerned, anything that Most of the Elders feel driven to shepherd the
happens within a day’s walk of the old mine entrance younger folk of Chapter as they strive to raise barns
is their business. Anyone who has a dwelling or and families both. While Chapter has the normal
business near Chapter was granted permission to suite of laws against stealing, harming others, sexual
build on that space by the Council. Even the farms crimes, and the like, the Elders also issue ordinances
outside the walls were parcelled out precisely through that make some of the townsfolk unhappy: issuing
a decree of the Elders. taxes of goods and service to staff the Militia and
build the wall surrounding Chapter, for example.
Old Man Crow is the oldest person in Chapter. While he holds a seat on
the Elder Council, he mostly stays in his cave in the cliffs overlooking the
settlement, rarely becoming involved in day-to-day affairs.
Crow served Chapter as a scout and still maintains contacts within The Tribe that were forged during his
explorations. However, during a far-reaching mission, he discovered the ruins of a crashed orbship and
found the expiring form of a Ghost. The Ghost touched him directly as it died, opening his mind to the
Boon. Crow returned to Chapter as the most powerful Gifted to walk its streets, but spends many of his
nights wracked by nightmarish oracular visions.
Children of Chapter who are found to be Gifted are usually brought to Old Man Crow for evaluation and
tutelage. Other visitors are often chased off by the irascible visionary, unless they come bearing gifts for his
two trained crows, Jeremiah and Johnson - or with some Old World whiskey to share.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d6, Healing d8+2, Intimidation d6, Mindbending
d12+2, Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d10, Riding d6, Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Survival d10
Pace 5; Parry 5, Toughness 5
Hindrances: Elderly, One Eye, Quirk(lousy hygiene)
Edges: Arcane Background(Mindbender), Connections(Chapter Council), Connections (The Tribe), Elan,
Expert(Mindbending), Healer, Level Headed.
Special Abilities:
Ghostblooded: Old Man Crow can use Common Knowledge to identify objects and effects related to
the Ghosts.
Master Gifted: 30 Power Points, knows every Power available to Mindbenders.
Oracle: Old Man Crow is often wracked by prophetic nightmares which allow him to offer guidance to
the people of Chapter...when he can decipher their meaning.
Many of the Council’s toughest decisions are made over the walls for a year. If you don’t have
“You want a healthy militia watching out for - Big Jim Haggart
you next time the ferals come around, ladies an’
gentlemen? Good! So do I. But I can’t keep
Punishment of lawbreakers varies by the offense
and the circumstance, as the Elders sit in direct
my eyes open ‘round the clock and I ain’t tough
judgement when a trial is necessary. Minor offenses
enough to fight ‘em all by myself. So, come
are overseen by one to three Elders, while something
springtime I expect each household to make me
serious is more likely to bring all of them to sit.
a pledge of a son or daughter of fightin’ age There isn’t a codified book of rules in regards to
to come train with spear and bow, and watch sentencing criminals. Instead, the Elders rely on
Allie Morgan is a willowy redhead in her late thirties. She’s most often
seen shuttling between her home workshop (where she maintains a well-
equipped laboratory) and the Council House, where she holds a seat on
the Elder Council.
Strong-willed and independent, she shows no interest in romantic relationships or slowing down her work
to start a family. Instead, she spends long nights analyzing any Remnant technology she can get her hands on.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Healing d6, Research d12, Notice
d6, Persuasion d8, Repair d10, Riding d4, Science d12, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Survival d6.
Pace 6; Parry 4, Toughness 6(1)
Hindrances: Cautious, Curious.
Edges: Attractive, Connections(Chapter Council), Connections(Librarians), Elan, Investigator, Jack-of-All-
Trades, Strong Willed.
Leather lab gear (Armor 1 to torso, legs, arms, included in Toughness)
their own wisdom to punish as necessary. This is a sentenced to hard labor - perhaps hauling stone
regular point of debate among the Elders when they from the mines, shovelling dung with the nightsoil
gather in private. They know that, as Chapter grows, transporters, or swinging a hammer in the seemingly
the burgeoning populace will require a standardized endless construction around Chapter. Other
set of laws and consequences, along with a fair system punishments might include forced restitution and
of courts and law enforcement. fines, or confiscation of property in accordance with
the severity of the crime. The Council of Elders forbids
The most minor offenses are met with ‘rough law’ slavery, however, even as a punishment for lawbreaking.
from the Militia: get caught stealing from a shop,
and they might just beat you bloody and dump you in Though there are a pair of holding cells in the
the nearest horse trough. Such matters are generally Militia barracks, Chapter does not maintain a full
ignored by the Council, as long as the guardsmen time prison. Nor does Chapter practice capital
stop short of a permanent maiming. punishment. Those guilty of major offenses like
rape, murder, and arson will usually be exiled. By
When a case does come before the Council, thieves, law, exiles are given a 24 hour grace period to get clear
brawlers, and other such minor criminals are often of Chapter’s holdings. Exiles that return to Chapter
“Big Jim” is responsible for law and order in the vicinity of Chapter. His
grandfather was Wayne Haggart, one of the founders of Chapter and a
celebrated Old World athlete. Jim shares his grandfather’s looks: tall and
powerfully built, he radiates strength, even as he enters his 40s.
Jim is madly in love with Allie Morgan, though he often clashes with
her in Council meetings. Unlike Allie, Jim wants Chapter to develop a
much stronger and more active military presence. He claims this is to protect the populace of Chapter, as Jim
believes the most practical method of ensuring safety is to conquer the surrounding settlements and use them
as a buffer.
The truth is that Jim does have the best interests of Chapter at heart, but nonetheless he is quick to respond to
any threats with brutal, overwhelming force.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Healing d4, Intimidation d10, Notice
d6, Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6, Taunt d6.
Pace 6; Parry 8, Toughness 11(3)
Hindrances: Delusional(Minor): Allie Morgan will be my wife, Greedy(Minor), Vengeful(Major).
Edges: Block, Brawny, Brave, Command, Command Presence, Connections(Chapter Council), Connections
(Chapter Militia), Dodge, First Strike, Inspire.
Aluminum baseball bat: Str+d6
Custom steelscale shirt and steel helm (Armor 3 to torso, arms, head; included in Toughness)
Double Barrel Shotgun
have exhausted the mercy of the Council: the Militia During those months, Chapter is cut off, as the heavy
or another. Some want a return to the American system including a cold cellar. What was once a central
Chapter Guardsman
These thick-necked, brash men and women are the firm hand of justice
on the streets of Chapter and in the lands surrounding the town. They
range in pairs within the walls, and in larger patrols outside. Often, road
patrols will carry blades, as well as a rifle or two. The guards of Chapter
are prone to bully anyone who seems like a troublemaker, and use their
cudgels liberally at the first sign of dissent. However, they always deal
Nonlethal Damage to people of Chapter unless attacked with lethal force,
first. Their revolvers are badges of office as important as the symbol of
Chapter emblazoned on their breastplates, but are only to be fired in times of genuine need - as bullets are
not to be wasted in The After.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Investigation d4, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10(3)
Hindrances: Stubborn, Vow (Minor: Uphold the Law).
Edges: Brawny, Counterattack.
Heavy Cudgel (Str+d6), Scale Corselet, Scale Leggings, Steel Helm, Revolver with 6 shots.
While Chapter doesn’t have too much in the way that anyone who receives medical care will provide
of dedicated storefronts, the Council has reserved sufficient barter to cover the costs of the medical
this wide, flat space for folk to gather on Sundays to supplies that were used.
haggle, swap stories, and meet travellers. Tents and
rickety stalls abound. Visiting traders can rent space 8. Allie Morgan’s
from the Council in the few permanent structures
on the market grounds. This serves both to better Laboratory.
display their goods to the locals and to provide them This building is surprisingly sturdy, with very
a place to sleep that’s out of everyone’s way. few windows, none of which are big enough to
permit passage to an adult human. The laboratory
is secured with steel security doors that have Old
4. Schoolhouse. World locks installed. As well, at least four guards
With Chapter’s thriving expansion, there are plenty are on duty around the clock. Electric power is
of children who need to be brought up in a culture present at all times, as the facility is lit night and
of learning. The Librarians take a direct hand in this, day. Allie Morgan uses generators to provide
providing a rotating staff of teachers to lead children power for her experiments, as she tries to pry into
of all ages in lessons ranging from Old World history the secrets of the Butchers and Ghosts in hopes of
to agriculture to advanced mathematics. reawakening Old World technology. In particular,
this building is home to the Ghost Shard known as
5. Barracks. “The Hearth”. While Allie Morgan has been loath
to disrupt its operation, she’s constantly trying to
The Militia is about fifty strong at any given time,
including about a dozen full-time veterans led by understand more about how the Shard manipulates
Big Jim Haggart. The full-timers have their hands the local weather and uses Breach energy.
full training young men and women to defend their
families. There’s a small exercise ground, though 9. The Blue Sky Tavern.
much of the Militia’s training takes place during Homey and intimate, this bar is often crowded
overnight patrols around the vicinity of Chapter. shoulder-to-shoulder with locals. The beer is
While serving in the Militia, it’s expected that recruits mediocre, but there’s always fresh bread and well-
will live in the barracks, to be armed and ready in the seasoned stew to be had for a few scraps of barter.
event they are called upon. The owner, Shandra Pierce, goes to great lengths to
ensure that troublemakers aren’t welcomed. She’s
6. Public Stables. prone to judge anyone from outside of Chapter as a
troublemaker right away, unless they’re accompanied
Visitors who bring their own feed, haul their
own water, and keep their own guard can use by a local she trusts to vouch for them. Anyone on
this facility for free. Most choose to pay locals a Shandra’s bad side is likely to get foul beer, stale
pittance to mind their animals while they do their bread, and cold shoulders from the clientele. Those
trading. There’s usually a Militia patrol within who get rowdy about this treatment are sometimes
earshot in the event of horse thieves or other such thrown into the nearest horse trough by the locals.
10. Big Bill’s Bar.
7. Mercy Hospital. Perched at a prime location near the marketplace,
Bill McDougal caters to visitors in this rowdy
This brick building is sparkling clean and well-
staffed. Between the medical equipment and fine establishment. Here is where deals are struck
education of the medical staff here, Healing rolls at in smoky, dark booths, with the caterwauling of
the hospital receive a +1. The medical staff can provide drinking songs and the crashing of fistfights in the
a Healing roll at d8. While the Council subsidizes the background. Anyone looking for work would do well
to examine Bill’s Board of Bounties, where anyone lodging in the barracks-style bunkhouse. Prices
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Gambling d8,
Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Survival d4, Stealth
d4, Taunt d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor).
Edges: Attractive, Charismatic, Humiliate, Rabble-Rouser, Streetwise
Hidden knives, blunderbuss under the counter
Faith. Outpost.
This humble church of wood was lovingly built by Uncle Pete’s finest maintain a waystation for Blackgold
members of the Sacellum of Light, who attend each Company members here. They store trade goods
Sunday to show their contrition before their deity. (especially fuel) in a small, fortified warehouse. Rather
Bishop Gabriel presides most Sundays, though he than make individual deals with citizens, they prefer
regularly lends the pulpit to visiting preachers, especially to parcel out their goods in larger portions, signing
Vicar Sheila from the town of Daniel, who visits once a contracts with the movers and shakers within Chapter.
season if she can. Bishop Gabriel continually hounds For example, they have a deal with Allie Morgan to
the Council for room to expand the church. provide reserve fuel for her generators, and ensure that
the Sacellum of Light has a steady supply of heating oil.
While they aren’t willing to deal fuel by the lantern-load,
15. Mine Entrance. they are willing to enlist wanderers and adventurers as
This unassuming entrance reveals the Old World mercenary assistance for the Company’s expeditions
mines where the survivors of the Harvest took deeper into the Valley. Those who acquit themselves
shelter. Not far inside, wings of the mine are blocked well might even be offered an associate membership
by locked security doors and Militia guards. Beyond into the Blackgold Trading Company.
these barriers lie Chapter’s food stores. Even deeper,
the Librarians watch over their Grand Archive.
18. Scouting Guildhouse.
This unassuming cabin is identical to the family
16. Lacey’s Playhouse. dwellings that surround it. Maintained by Breach Zone
With this brand new theater seating up to 100, explorer Tasha Two-Wolves, this is where members of
Lacey Jones has reintroduced the joy of public the Scouts’ Guild can take off their boots and rest for
performances to the folk of Chapter. Interestingly, a few days between missions. It’s also where locals
her establishment is subsidized by the Librarians, can come to buy and sell maps, or to hire guides for
who happily provide copies of scripts and sheet their trade and exploration expeditions. Though he’s
music in return for free admission for any Librarian. almost never present, Tasha keeps a private room
reserved for the exclusive use of Zachariah Cole.
Bishop Gabriel,
Leader of the Sacellum of Light
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10, Healing d6,
Intimidation d4, Notice d8, Performance d10, Persuasion d10, Riding d4,
Survival d4
Pace: 5; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Elderly, Pacifist (Major)
Edges: Baptized in Light (gifted orator), Bolster, Charismatic, Common Bond, Connections (Elder Council),
Connections (Sacellum of Light), Retort, Strong Willed, Work the Crowd
Priestly vestments, holy symbol, book of prayers
19. Armstrong House. generators and compete with her to lay their hands on
However, the many fools and failures she’s witnessed when exploring Breach Zones and ruins have destroyed
any sentiment she might have carried in her younger days. Tasha Two Wolves now sees exploration as a
viciously practical business. She is concerned about her safety first and her profit second, with everything
else falling far behind. Any trail companions are just a means to an end...and if they fall prey to the dangers
of The After, that’s more profit for her, isn’t it? Tasha always tries to have leverage in hand, to make sure the
greatest possible portion of a find ends up in her backpack. If this means abandoning a group of travelers in
the face of danger, robbing them in the night, or even outright banditry, Tasha is up for it, as long as the plan
puts more salvage in her pockets.
Born of the Tribe, Tasha winters there with her extended family. She shares her gains to build the family
fortunes, setting up luxuries for the day she gets too old to keep to the trail. Until then, she knows that if she
makes too many enemies, she can always flee back to the land of the Tribe and receive protection. To ensure
that her safety net is never taken away, Tasha would never betray another Tribe member.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d8, Gambling d6, Healing d4, Notice d8, Persuasion
d6, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d10, Taunt d6, Thievery d6.
Pace 6; Parry 8(2), Toughness 8(2)
Hindrances: Greedy(Major), Ruthless(Minor)
Edges: Combat Reflexes, Command, Connections (The Tribe), Dodge, Extraction, Retort, Streetwise, Woodsman
Horse and saddle, traveling gear,
crocogant hide armor (+2 Armor),
medium shield (+2 Parry, -2 Cover),
Hand ax (Str+d6),
hand-drawn crossbow and 20 bolts (10/20/40, 2d6, AP 2).
Shaun, who prefers to be called “The Broker” except by his friends, runs
a dusty shop tucked into a cozy corner of Chapter: Ace’s Brokerage.
Though he’s reluctant to tell the story, Shaun earned the nickname “Ace”
from Zachariah Cole himself. Cole was impressed by Shaun’s bravery
and combat prowess while evacuating Teshnell Station, a settlement near
the Verdant that was destroyed by a swarm of Ferals attracted after an
accidental explosion. Shaun’s wife, Dara, died in the attack, but he was able to carry his infant son, Junior, to
safety, along with a band of other survivors.
After the escape from Teshnell Station, Shaun and Junior settled in Chapter, where Shaun opened the
Brokerage, a shop dedicated to setting up deals for all sorts of Old World material, ranging from busted
technology to multimedia discs to industrial parts. In addition to selling his own stock, Shaun takes items
on consignment, certifies agreements, or serves as a middleman, all for modest fees.
However, in the back room of Ace’s Brokerage is where the real deals go down. The Brokerage runs a
circumspect trade in Ghost Shards and Butcher biotech. Shaun insists on secrecy from all parties involved
in dealing with Remnants, as he is concerned the Council of Elders would step in to confiscate his inventory
if it were public knowledge.
Every few weeks, Shaun closes the shop and strikes out into the Wind River Valley as “Ace”. He explores
Old World ruins to gather up inventory for the Brokerage, secures any Remnants he can find, and avenges
his dead wife by exterminating Ferals whenever possible. During these adventures, Shaun leaves Junior with
family friends in Chapter - fellow survivors of Teshnell Station. At ten years of age, the boy is beginning to
show signs of being Changed, and “Ace” is looking forward to teaching his son the tricks of his trade.
Leaving Junior behind is made a little easier knowing the child is protected by “Teddy”, a Changed cat that
has bonded with the child. While spending most of its time lounging around as a pet, Teddy’s Changed
nature becomes apparent if he or Junior is threatened: he grows in size to equal a mastiff and launches into
a furious defense.
A wide band of crystalline lattice is embedded into the flesh of his right
bicep. Shaun calls the strange Breach-infused relic his “Ace in the Hole”. The
Remnant activates when he is in danger, causing him to partially phase out of
reality when threatened. This effect causes attackers to subtract 4 from their
attack rolls, just as if deflection had been cast upon Shaun with a Raise. Shaun
found the Ace in the Hole on one of his earliest Breach Zone explorations, and
while it has saved him countless times, he worries about its true nature. It
hasn’t degraded and been destroyed like most Ghost Shards, and it has bonded
with his flesh permanently. Is the Ace in the Hole the real reason he’s driven
to leave his son behind in his increasingly risky expeditions into the ruins and
Breach Zones of the Wind River Valley? What will happen to him if the Shard
is ever broken or forcibly removed from him?
comfortable while learning. Librarians hold classes Nearly all business that visitors might have with the
Cast of Characters
Some of the key players found within Wind River have full write-ups that can be found in CHAPTER 7:
Gazetteer of Wind
This chapter provides details about the places that
travelers in Wind River Valley might want to visit. It
begins with a rundown of the known settlements of
the region, where survivors have banded together to
make a home. Player characters might hail from any
of these places, though Librarians are only chosen
from Chapter citizens.
Blackgold Station
“Dangerous folk through and through.
Scavengers and hard cases. Still, they have
fuel. If you need your tank filled, bring
someone you trust to watch your back.”
- Zachariah Cole
as it’s now referred to among the Blackgolds. After drugs, and other goods that might be unwelcome
discovering a large cache of usable fuel in a Breach in Chapter or other more ‘wholesome’ settlements.
Zone, one of the gang’s operators decided he had At Blackgold Station, the only thing that’s against
enough leverage to take over the gang. The ensuing Uncle Pete’s policy is the trade of slaves. Uncle Pete,
coup was as violent as the Blackgold’s other activities, ever the pragmatist, doesn’t want his traders to turn
resulting in the death of Charlie Sharp Tooth as well into the kidnappers and killers from Charlie Sharp
as the other lieutenants of the gang. Tooth’s day - and besides, he believes that opening a
slave market would encourage the other settlements
In the ensuing months, the gang stopped their in the area to band together and exterminate the
marauding altogether, instead putting their efforts Blackgold Company. Slavery isn’t necessarily against
into fortification of a new compound to the southwest Pete’s moral code, but it’s a potential liability that he’s
of Chapter: Blackgold Station. The new leader, Uncle not willing to risk at Blackgold Station.
Pete, a dreadlocked ruffian with a gruesome Butcher
Remnant eye, sent envoys to Chapter, Sweetwater, Despite their shift from crime to trade, the
and elsewhere in the Wind River Valley. His message Blackgold Trading Company is still heavy-handed
advised the settlements’ leaders that the Blackgold and corrupt, with a gangster’s eye toward exploiting
Gang was under new leadership, and had turned over weakness. Mercy is a rare commodity when dealing
a new leaf. They would henceforth be known as the with a Blackgold trademaster, and discounts are
Blackgold Trading Company. simply unheard of. As the trader might tell you, “Hey,
I have to answer to the Manager.” When trading,
Under Uncle Pete’s direction, Blackgold Station Blackgold merchants are expected to capitalize on
has slowly developed into a well-known trade hub for whatever leverage they have, and charge whatever the
fuel and ammunition. The compound also harbors market will bear.
many side trades in Butcher Remnants, Shards,
That said, it’s frowned upon for Blackgolds to deal At the center of the compound is a large building
dishonestly. They don’t deal in “snake oil” or shoddy made of Old World cinder blocks. This imposing
goods. This is another one of Uncle Pete’s policies. In edifice houses the Blackgold Company’s leaders
the Old World, you could cheat a customer and have as well as the Blackgold furnaces. The company is
literally a million more to choose from afterward. using its seemingly inexhaustible fuel to heat forges,
But Uncle Pete recognizes that Wind River Valley is attempting to make quality steel. Blackgold crafters
a small place, and he won’t allow his trademasters are getting better by the season, and Uncle Pete has
to poison one of the few settlements against his lofty dreams of cornering the market on armaments
company for some momentary profit. Those who and metal goods of all kinds - perhaps even powered
violate this policy are stripped of all their assets and vehicles! As well, they have begun preliminary work
ejected from the Company. of laying pipes to some of the outlying buildings,
to deliver steam heat during the vicious winters of
Blackgold Station is now home to between 100 and Wind River Valley. So far, efforts to generate reliable
200 people, depending on the time of year. It’s a rough- electricity from boilers have met with limited success,
and-tumble place with no safety for the weak, so there are but Uncle Pete hopes to have his compound fully
few children here in comparison to other settlements in electrified in the coming years.
the Valley. People who spend time at Blackgold Station
tend to have a weapon handy, a backup weapon hidden, The furnace building is surrounded by tall fencing
and a sharp eye for those around them. and barbed wire. It’s also heavily guarded, day and
Uncle Pete
Head of the Blackgold Trading company
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Boating d4, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting
d10, Gambling d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Repair d8,
Riding d6, Science d4, Shooting d10, Survival d8, Stealth d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9(3)
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Greedy (Minor), Ruthless (Major), Ugly (Minor).
Edges: Alertness, Block, Combat Reflexes, Command, Connections (Blackgold Trading), Counterattack,
Dodge, Elan, First Strike, Hard to Kill, Harder to Kill, Hold the Line, Menacing, Nerves of Steel, Rock and
Roll!, Strong Willed
Gear: Scrap Armor, Knives, Long Sword, Assault Rifle with 2 reloads
Special Abilities:
Uncle Pete’s Evil Eye: This gruesome Butchertech Remnant remains open even when Uncle Pete is
unconscious, making it almost impossible to sneak up on him. It confers the Alertness and Menacing
Edges and grants Low Light Vision. Alien filaments penetrate the left side of Uncle Pete’s face, inflicting the
Ugly Hindrance. As well, the Remnant has subtly altered his personality, making him confrontational and
Master of Blackgold Trading: Uncle Pete can leverage his Connections Edge with Blackgold Trading
Company as many times as he would like. He is never without a squad of enforcers and can outfit himself
with any equipment that could reasonably be found in Wind River Valley, including upgraded armor,
explosives, and dangerous Remnants. The gear list above reflects his ‘everyday’ equipment.
night, by pairs of guards that often patrol with dogs. industrial operations, but also cloaks in mystery the
Uncle Pete isn’t interested in outsiders snooping source of the Company’s fuel. It’s an open question
about and potentially sabotaging their operations. In in the rest of Wind River Valley. Speculation ranges
his words, “Company business is Company business.” from the original gang having built Blackgold Station
Anyone foolish enough to intrude without permission on top of a pre-Harvest holding tank, to an arcane
from management is likely to be attacked on sight. process involving Remnants of one sort or another.
Whatever the case, the Company sells the fuel at the
This secrecy serves to safeguard not only the scope dearest prices the market will bear - scoffing at the idea
and direction of the Blackgold Company’s nascent of any abundance. The average Blackgold tradesman
Those who remain in his presence for long will note that - when he’s
not on a job - Nightwolf is relaxed and even a little soft-spoken. A perceptive companion might realize that
the bounty hunter’s tattoos slowly move, rotating almost as if they were interlocked gears - a giveaway of his
Changed heritage. With concentration, the bounty hunter can control the art and form of this ‘ink.’
In addition to the obvious cosmetic effect the Change has had on Miguel’s skin, he has developed an array
of anomalies that make him a consummate hunter of men. He can scent prey like a hound and see in the
dark. His agility and focus while on the hunt are fearsome, and when drawing near to the climax of a ‘job’,
his tattoos often expand to turn all of his skin midnight-black. As well, his noticeably biomechanically-
enhanced legs allow him to sprint over broken ground at terrifying speed to reach his target.
Miguel’s career as a bounty hunter in Wind River Valley has been long and fruitful. Between jobs, he sometimes
lingers near Chapter, usually renting lodging for the season there when winter nears. More often, though, he can
be found at Blackgold Station, where he is a fixture at Smokey’s. While the bounty hunter is not a card-carrying
member of the Blackgold Company, Miguel’s efficacy and reliability has ensured that the Blackgolds revere him.
Nightwolf is not choosy about the jobs he accepts, so long as they pay well and on time. He is consumed by
the joy of the hunt and is willing to accept nearly any prey. While he could be hired to hunt a Feral chieftain,
a roaming Breach creature, or an escaped criminal, he feels no moral qualms about accepting a job to settle a
vendetta or dispose of a rival. His only constraint is that he’s unwilling to hunt within the bounds of a civilized
settlement. This isn’t a matter of ethics; Nightwolf simply doesn’t want to be branded as a criminal, himself.
The bounty hunter wears trinkets and trophies from his most prominent hunts, and carries much of his
wealth on his person in the form of two immaculately cared-for firearms and a bandolier of bullets. He
flaunts these rare items as if daring someone to try and take them. That said, he knows that bullets are hard
to come by and the Breach makes guns less reliable. He tends to reserve firing them for situations where he’s
actually in danger, or to bring down the rare prey that can outrun even the Nightwolf.
believes the fuel is scarce and hard-won. Only Uncle If you can take care of yourself, Smokey’s is a hub
Pete and a few members of his inner circle know the for all manner of dark desires. One could dabble in
full truth of where the fuel is coming from. drugs or prostitution, plan a robbery, hire cutthroats,
engage in sanctioned bloodsports, or gamble at any
Beyond the smoke-belching furnace building, the number of house games. The foul alcoholic beverages
remainder of Blackgold Station is composed of a dozen available here are almost an afterthought.
blocky buildings enclosed in a rough fence of crumbled
cement chunks and barbed wire that serves as a barrier Plot Hooks:
to roaming predators. Near the gate into the compound,
One of Blackgold’s “Acquisitions Team” wants
a 20’ tall wooden watchtower houses a pair of lookouts
to hire your group as contractors. She wants
during the day. In the central square of the compound,
you to head to The Verdant and learn about the
there is plenty of space to set up campsites and park
underground trade in Breach Zone drugs. They’re
wagons. Of course, the Blackgold Company charges
being smuggled into settlements like Daniel and
nominal fees for entry into the compound, as well as
Chapter, and she believes the Blackgold Trading
additional fees for those who wish to partake of the
Company can turn a great profit - they just need
Company’s protection against the dangers of the night.
someone like you to put a stranglehold on the
trade. There might be a spot on the permanent
Squatting in the middle of the campsites is a
payroll if you can prove yourselves.
sprawling, dank bar known as Smokey’s. It’s a rough
and dodgy place, with fights and stabbings the You spot someone you know from back home
norm. The Company enforces only enough justice being dragged toward the bloodsport arena at
to stop full-blown rioting and keep the place from Smokey’s. What are they doing here and who did
burning to the ground. If you’re robbed, drugged, or they cross? Can you get them out of there before
shot at Smokey’s, you’re usually on your own, unless they’re pulverized, without raising the whole bar
you know someone in the Blackgold Company who - or the whole Station - against you?
has an interest in your health. It’s best practice at If the company’s supply of fuel begins to run low,
Smokey’s to never look like an easy target, and to pay will the Blackgolds return to their marauding
ahead of time for protection if you need it. ways?
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation
d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
Hindrances: Mean
Edges: Brawny
Equipment: Leather armor, variety of hand weapons that do Str+d6 damage. Half of them carry a bow with 10
arrows. Depending on the situation, Blackgold management might arrange for them to have better equipment.
Edward started showing signs of illness during Edward is a burly man in his 40s with a thinning
his trip to the ruins, and decided to return home. hairline and grizzled beard. When he answers the
When Edward arrived a day later to find Alex gone, door, he’s sweating and trying to conceal a cough.
he remained unaware of the true danger she was in.
equipment is missing, so I hope she went voluntarily, been moved around during Edward’s search, but a
but unfortunately that’s all I can tell you.” successful Notice roll finds a loose slat of wood in
the wall behind the bed. Inside the cavity, the PCs
If Edward contacted the player characters directly for find a small collection of letters between Alex and
help, he’ll also tell them that the strange box is missing Jess, which reveal the following information:
- perhaps Alex was seeking help in opening it?
Jess Dugan is the daughter of one of the managers
If the characters are working for someone else, of Blackgold Trading Company.
he might not volunteer information about the box. Alex and Jess have developed a deep emotional
Explorers talking to Edward might be allowed to roll bond despite the distance between them.
Notice to realize he’s hiding something. Given his Jess lives at Blackgold Station and has been
current state, a simple Persuasion or Intimidation roll imploring Alex to come live at Blackgold Station
will get him to tell the explorers all he knows about with her.
the box. Remember that he doesn’t know everything
in the Background section, and thinks the box is just
a harmless-but-odd Remnant that might be holding GenBomb Sickness
treasure inside - if only they could get it open! Anyone entering Alex’s room will be exposed to the
spores that were released from the box, and might
Edward can also answer the questions listed below: develop GenBomb Sickness. At the end of the scene,
ask those PCs to make Vigor rolls. Those who fail
Q: Did you find anything in her room? will be affected by GenBomb Sickness.
A: Alex’s room is fairly sparse and Edward couldn’t find
anything unusual there - most of her gear is missing, Victims of this disease will develop a cough and
though. He can easily be convinced to allow the PCs fever within the next four hours, and will remain
to look for themselves (no roll required). Fatigued with these symptoms for 2d6 days.
Q: Do you have any idea where she might have gone?
A Critical Failure on the Vigor roll to resist
A: If Edward hasn’t told the players about the box, he’ll GenBomb Sickness indicates that the character is
insist he has no idea where she’s gone and hopes especially vulnerable to the plague and will be much
she’s somewhere in the vicinity of Chapter. If the more drastically affected. Use the rules for a chronic
explorers know about the box, Edward wonders if disease as outlined in Savage Worlds. However, a
she’s roaming Chapter looking for assistance in Critical Failure on the daily Vigor roll might mean
opening it. that the character suffers a Cosmetic Change rather
Q: What does Alex look like? than dying. This is an especially nice option for
A: Alex is a slender, 22-year-old woman with shoulder- player characters!
length brown hair and freckles across the bridge
of her nose. She has a scar on the back of her left Ill characters remain carriers of the disease, which
hand from a mishap in her childhood. could force those they spend time with to continue
making Vigor rolls to resist catching the illness. We
Q: Did you notice anything else strange?
leave adjudication of this to individual GMs, who can
A: After thinking for a few moments Edward says “A decide how contagious they’d like this sickness to be
few weeks ago I saw Alex reading a letter or note of in their campaign.
some kind that she quickly hid away.”
Asking Around Chapter
Alex’s Room The PCs may also wish to ask around Chapter to see
Alex’s room contains a wooden framed bed, a set if any of the other residents recall seeing Alex recently.
of drawers, a trunk of blankets and winter clothes Use the Networking rules to govern their efforts as they
reason Jarrod is travelling or where he is going is Beyond the fence, most of the Outer Compound is
left open for the GM to possibly use as a link to taken up by temporary tents and stalls with a wide
another adventure. range of scavenged items and other goods. The only
permanent buildings in the Outer Compound are
Act Three: the Bar “Smokey’s”, some rentable warehouse space,
and a few other small structures.
Blackgold Station
GMs Note: When Jess and Alex arrived in Blackgold Near the center of the settlement, a more substantial
Station, the pair immediately headed to the Inner wall made of stone and topped with barbed wire
Compound, intending to stay there. However, Alex separates the Inner Compound from the rest of
was obviously ill and was refused entry despite Jess’s Blackgold Station. The tops of several large cinder
pleading on her behalf. Annoyed by the decision, block buildings can be seen. The gate and walls to the
the pair set up camp near Smokey’s bar and later fell Inner Compound are watched over day and night.
afoul of Erasmus Finch, a rival to Jess’s father. By the Guards are armed with rifles and travel in groups of
time the PCs arrive at Blackgold Station, Alex and Jess four. No one gets inside this part of town without
have already been taken elsewhere by Finch’s men, being a Blackgold “employee”.
but the PCs will need to ask around to discover this.
The GM should also show signs of the GenBomb Once inside the Outer Compound, the PCs will
Sickness in various NPCs in order to hint that they want to look around and start gathering information.
have had close contact with either Alex or Jess in the They will soon find that the transient nature of
last few days. the traders means that most of the people inside
Blackgold have very little knowledge of the day-to-
As the PCs get nearer to Blackgold Station they day events and arrivals at the settlement. A successful
are able to make out a few details. The settlement is Networking roll made at -2 does manage to reveal that
surrounded by a fence made of crumbled concrete there was some sort of event near Smokey’s bar two
interspersed with wooden bracing and barbed wire. days ago but they were not near enough to say what it
The main gate is guarded by a handful of Blackgold was. This information should draw them towards the
Trading Company guards, and the area is overseen bar. If the check fails, the PCs will almost certainly
by a 20’ tall wooden watchtower with a pair of armed make their way to Smokey’s when they realize it may
lookouts inside. A few carts and horses mill around be their only hope of learning anything.
outside waiting to gain entry.
Smokey’s Bar
Getting Inside Smokey’s Bar is a large two story wooden building
Anyone approaching the outer gate will be questioned on the west side of the settlement. The front of the
by the guards and asked to identify themselves as building is dominated by a huge hand-painted sign
either a buyer or seller. Sellers must have their goods that hangs over the main doors. A side door on the
inspected by an official from within the compound, left rear side of the building is guarded by a vicious
so they can be registered with the Company. This looking dog and his handler.
doesn’t happen until Blackgold is permitted to take
first pick of any items they have. After this process, The main bar can be described as anything but
they will be allowed inside. pleasant. Fifteen mismatched sets of tables and
chairs are dotted around the room and the floor
The PCs could also attempt to sneak past the outer shows signs of blood stains. The rooms at the rear
gate guards. While not impossible it is definitely of the building can be rented out as private meeting
easier at night. The only thing they gain from this is places for making drug deals and similar illicit
access to the settlement without being subjected to trades, while the first floor has a flourishing business
the scrutiny of the guards. in prostitution. A set of stairs that connects to the
Erasmus Finch
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation
d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6,
Survival d6, Taunt d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Command, Connections (Blackgold Trading Company), Retort,
Gear: Leather armor, revolver with 6 shots, club (Str+d6)
Description: A tall thin man currently nursing a broken nose. Erasmus is desperate to climb the Finch family
ladder and grab more power within Blackgold Station. Erasmus prefers manipulation and bribery over
physical confrontation if possible, but will do whatever it takes to further his latest scheme.
Chapter and was carrying some kind of alien artifact. impatiently asks what they want. Bo will nod along
He had the idea that he may be able to hold her to to what the PCs have to say without any display of
ransom in exchange for salvage or additional alien emotion as showing any sign of weakness is a bad
Remnants. Learning that the pair had been refused idea inside the compound. If the PCs inform him
entry to the Inner Compound Erasmus and a small that the Finches are involved and tell him that they
group of Finch family thugs found their camp, swept may be hiding out at one of their stills, he will round
in and kidnapped them, bundling them into a wagon up a gang of Dugan thugs in order to stage a rescue
and taking them to the Finch Family stills outside of (see The Dugans Ride In below).
Blackgold - but not before Jess broke Erasmus’ nose.
Capturing Jess in addition to Alex has escalated the Where Next?
situation more than Erasmus intended. Erasmus
The PCs may now suspect that they may have hit
stayed behind at Smokey’s in order to monitor the
upon something linked to Alex. If they observe the
situation, think about his next move, and prepare to
bar they see Erasmus leave soon afterwards and head
send a message to Chapter with his demands.
towards the edge of town before taking a horse and
leaving Blackgold Station in a hurry, heading for the
The Inner Compound Finch stills.
If the PCs visit the Inner Compound before Finch’s plot
has been discovered, they will find at least four heavily If the PCs didn’t get the location of the stills from
armed guards standing in front of the gate. Behind either following Erasmus or getting him to talk,
them a sign reads “trespassers will be annihilated”. The another bar patron could approach the PCs with the
guards will ask if the PCs have any business with the information in exchange for $50 of Salvage.
families. Without an appointment or specific contacts
to reach, they will quickly be dismissed with threats of
violence. Mention of Alex will just get a shrug. Act 4: To the Rescue
The PCs should now know that Alex and Jess are being
So far the kidnapping of Jess and Alex has gone held at a small holding a few hours away from the
unnoticed by the Dugans inside the compound, as Blackgold Trading settlement, the Finch stills. The
Jess stormed out saying that she wouldn’t be back and Finches have been at the stills a day or so by the time
her hot-headed nature is well known to her family. the PCs arrive and are still on an increased state of
alert. The holdings consist of four sheds containing
Particularly pushy PCs may attempt to fight past a still each, gathered around a central cabin. A guard
the guards or climb the walls, but it’s a sure fire stands at both the front and back door of the cabin
death sentence when they are discovered. Uncle and another two man patrol circles the perimeter.
Pete’s rules do not permit outsiders within the Inner Even from a distance the PCs can see that one or two
Compound. Upon discovering an intrusion, guards of the guards are coughing.
will raise a compound-wide alarm and shoot to kill.
This would result in the PCs having to fight literally The Stills
the entire Blackgold Trading Company. The stills in each shed produce a potent moonshine
that the Finches sell to Smokey’s Bar in Blackgold
Once Erasmus’s plan has been discovered, the and other traders around the settlement. A small
PCs may return to the compound to inform the collection of alcohol in a variety of glass bottles is
Dugans about Jess’s disappearance. They will need stacked in each shed. Both the alcohol and fumes
to make a Persuasion roll in order to even get the produced by the still are highly flammable and
guards to take a message to Skeeter Dugan. Under might be utilized by the PCs in a rescue attempt or
no uncertain terms will they be allowed inside. If distraction.
they are successful a few minutes later Bo Dugan, a
While the PCs may come up with any type of plan to a +2 to one round of social combat.
rescue Alex and Jess, two options are detailed below
along with some complications: The GM should roleplay the entire exchange out
with the gang being played off against each other for
Storm the Shack: The PCs may decide to storm the as long as it is needed. If Erasmus is talked around,
shack and incapacitate or drive off all of the Finch he will demand that he be let go before he hands over
forces. The thugs will put up a strong fight as they Alex and Jess.
are afraid of disobeying orders from the family, but
if it appears that the PCs are winning Erasmus will Complication One, the Dugans Ride In: This could
threaten to kill Alex unless he’s allowed to leave. This be triggered by the PCs delivering a message to the
is the most direct outcome and the PCs are likely to Dugans at the Inner Compound. Alternatively, a GM
get hurt, maybe even killed. who wishes to run this scenario might decide that Bo
Dugan heard about what happened at Smokey’s and
Negotiate: The PCs may want to try and talk the figured out from someone there that Alex and Jess
situation out and depending on how they deal with were taken to the Finch stills. Gathering up a posse
the guards Erasmus may initially believe that they are of five Dugan thugs, they arrive soon after the PCs,
there to negotiate on behalf of either the Dugans or demanding to know what’s going on. Their initial
Chapter. He wants the Dugans to leave the compound plan is to storm into the shack, kill all the Finches, and
in Blackgold Station and relinquish their share of rescue Jess with Alex as an afterthought. But they may
the operations to the Finch family. If he thinks the be talked around to a more peaceful solution. Keep in
PCs are from Chapter, he demands that they hand mind that the PCs are also regarded as unimportant
over any weapons or devices they have gathered that and if they get in their way without some successful
may prove useful. Persuasion checks and good roleplaying, they may
draw the Dugans’ ire as well.
If the PCs attempt to convince Finch to give up Alex
and Jess, they may be able to sway the Finch thugs, Complication Two, Not So Helpless: Even though
who are starting to fear that the whole plan has been both Alex and Jess are suffering from sickness they
more trouble than it’s worth. The Social Conflict haven’t been idle. The pair have managed to palm a
rules from Savage Worlds would be a great way to shard of metal and have slowly been cutting through
handle trying to talk Finch’s men into abandoning the ropes they are tied up in. The GM should use Jess
their leader - or trying to talk Erasmus himself out and Alex’s escape to break a stalemate or at some other
of his plan. Revealing that Alex is the source of the dramatic moment. Jess will rush Erasmus and hold
Alex Hamilton
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Repair d8, Research d6,
Riding d4, Science d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Impulsive, Loyal
Edges: Charismatic, Mr Fix It, Strong Willed
Description: A 22 year old woman with shoulder length brown hair usually found tinkering with machinery
or electronics. Alex is pleasant, likeable and has a drive to discover everything she can about ancient and
xeno technology. She is conflicted between her sense of duty to Chapter and her father, and her love of Jess
and their possible new life together.
Jess Dugan
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair
d4, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Driven (Major: I must be with my new love)
Edges: Brave, Connections (Blackgold Trading Company), Streetwise
Description: A 23 year old woman with short blonde hair and an athletic build. As a member of one of
Blackgold’s ruling families she knows that she has benefitted from some of their more dubious practices
but always felt there was something better for her elsewhere. Meeting Alex seemingly confirmed this. She
is quick to act and isn’t afraid to stand her ground if threatened.
Vicar Sheila,
Blessed Shepherd of Daniel
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Fleshcrafting
d8, Healing d6, Intimidation d4, Notice d8, Occult d6, Performance d8,
Persuasion d8, Riding d6, Survival d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(2)
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Driven (Minor), Loyal
Edges: Arcane Background (Fleshcrafting), Baptized in Light (Defender), Brave, Common Bond, Connections
(Sacellum of Light), Connections (People of Daniel), Level Headed, Reliable
Gear: Leather travelling gear (+2 Armor), Trusty Quarterstaff, Sling and stones
Special Abilities:
Power Points: 15
Powers: Bolt, Healing, Fly, Protection, Relief
and gambling are unwelcome - there are plenty of Those who bear the Boon and bed down in
friendly faces, a hot meal, and a clean, fenced-in Daniel often have prophetic dreams. They are
campground right behind the church. (Virtuous overcome intense visions of angels and demons
followers of the New Faith may be invited to stay battling. What’s the source of these dreams? Is
indoors with one of the local families rather than Daniel really watched over by God, or is there a
camp in the rough.) more tangible reason?
Ginny Benham, Marcus’s fourth daughter, gets a
Plot Hooks: mad crush on one of the PCs and does her best
George Carver and his boys have discovered a to inspire them to court her. If she’s not rebuffed
tribe of Ferals are beginning to settle in at the far soundly, she might even follow them on their
end of the valley. They’re looking for some help travels. Her three brothers probably wouldn’t
to roll down there and burn those demontouched take kindly to that.
filth out, in the name of God. Are you interested?
What would you do if you found out they were
just some Changed folks instead of Ferals?
Doc Fisher,
Veteran Veterinarian
(see Chapter 7 - Major Players in The After)
Better known as “Doc Fisher” by the farmers of Daniel, Juan Fisher keeps
a modest cabin on the outskirts of the settlement, where anyone can
come for medical care - as long as they don’t mind a lecture from the
irascible medic! In addition to buying supplies for his medical practice,
he trades for spectacles or lenses, as the vision in his one remaining eye
is getting blurry.
In his teenage years, Fisher became disillusioned with farming and left home to travel with the Blackgold
Trading Company. He doesn’t tell too many stories of that time. Locals speculate that he did things he
would rather forget about. But he learned to shoot and ride, and came home with a wickedly fast knife hand.
As well, he’d done some sort of favor for a Librarian of Chapter and earned the right to take home copies of
a few books - veterinary manuals, as it turns out, which Fisher devoured.
For the last few years, he’s been the man all the local farmers of Daniel ask for when there is trouble in
their herds. When his fortunes have allowed it, he’s bartered for more medical texts and now boasts a tiny
library in the back room of his cabin. With the help of these Old World manuals, Doc Fisher has been able to
branch out his medical work and start helping his fellow citizens. He can set a bone, stitch a wound, deliver
a child, or help break a fever.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d6.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Healing d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion
d6, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Survival d6, Stealth d4.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Code of Honor, One Eye
Edges: Brawny, Elan, Frenzy, Healer, Level Headed
Gear: Furs/leather armor (+2 Armor), Medical supplies, wicked combat blade (Str+d6), bullwhip
collapses a nearby farmhouse, which promptly
catches fire. Can the PCs brave the incessant
“The old books tell romantic tales of the
lightning, the howling wind, and the flames to rescue
cowboys and their herds. Serene nights on
the surviving family members trapped within?
the range, campfires under the stars. Songs
and brotherhood and bravery. Well, the
ranchers of Sweetwater never read those
books, I reckon. Always worrying and angry
about something, whether it’s the herd,
or the weather, or the neighbors.”
- Zachariah Cole
are honored with a memorial stone in the graveyard Clarity… the trouble is that darned Helot, Raine,
back at the McKellar ranch. Those who remain are that hangs about. Raine doesn’t like Lawrence.
often a sullen, paranoid bunch when encountered in She’s got to go, and the PCs look like just the
the wild, slow to trust and prone to start shooting at group to make that happen.
the slightest provocation. Old Jackie’s herd of cattle got into some kind of
Changed plant and it’s made them turn savage.
The few skav that have merged into the settlement They trampled Old Jackie and her husband, and
are praised for their night vision. They are treated now they are headed this way with more blood in
with more respect at Sweetwater than at most locales mind!
in the Valley.
One of the farmers thinks the McKellars are
going to foreclose on his farm soon, which will
Plot Hooks: put his family at the mercy of the Regulators. His
Lawrence McKellar, one of Derek’s younger daughter, Missy, loves to read and wants to be a
brothers, lost his wife to a fever a year ago. He teacher. Will the PCs escort her to Chapter so she
recently returned from a trading trip with can get some proper book-learnin’? If she stays
wild ideas of taking over Highway Market and in Sweetwater, she’ll be forced to work in some
controlling most of the trade between Sweetwater other man’s field or marry too young.
and Chapter. He’d even be willing to marry
Derek McKellar, Sweetwater Regular
Cruel Master
It’d be easy for an outsider to mistake these broad-
of Sweetwater ranch shouldered young men as the peacekeepers of
Sweetwater Ranch. The truth is that they are
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
stone-hearted enforcers of Derek McKellar’s
Strength d8, Vigor d8.
cruel laws. The only time Sweetwater ranchers
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Boating d4, are relieved to see the Regulators is when they
Common Knowledge d8, Driving d8, Fighting are riding the other direction. In addition
d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, to patrolling for Ferals and Changed beasts,
Riding d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival regulators collect the many taxes and debts that
d10, Taunt d10 McKellar imposes on his tenants, and evict those
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11(2) who can’t or won’t pay. McKellar has also invested
Hindrances: Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Greedy his regulators with the power to fine or detain
(Major), Ruthless (Major), Stubborn anyone causing trouble within his settlement.
Anyone who tries to resist with force is met with
Edges: Ambidextrous, Brawler, Brawny, Bruiser,
remorseless steel and fire.
Combat Reflexes, Command, Connections
(Sweetwater Ranch), Dead Shot, Dodge,
Fervor, Hard to Kill, Inspire, Marksman, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Menacing, Nerves of Steel (Improved), Quick, Strength d8, Vigor d10.
Rabble-Rouser, Steady Hands, Strong Willed, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Trademark Weapon (Twin Pistols), Two-Gun Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Kid Persuasion d4, Riding d8, Shooting d8, Stealth
Gear: Kevlar Vest (reduces bullet damage by 4), d4, Survival d6, Taunt d6.
Knife, Matched pair of high-caliber revolvers, Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10(2)
30 bullets Hindrances: Mean, Stubborn, Vengeful(Major).
Special Abilities: Edges: Brawny, First Strike, Marksman.
Master of Sweetwater: While Derek Gear: Reinforced Leather Armor (+2 Armor),
McKellar remains in charge of Sweetwater Wood Axe or Machete, Revolver with 12 bullets
Ranch, he can use the Connections Edge as OR Pump Shotgun with 10 shots.
often as he likes. Just by giving the order, he
can round up an armed posse of Regulators,
claim additional firearms, or gather mounts
and wagons.
The Phoenix State salvage operation. Their soldiers are fanatical and
Plot Hooks:
A family with Changed children is on the run,
with a patrol of Phoenix State militia only a few
minutes behind them! Will the PCs interfere or
step aside from the pending slaughter?
A group of Blackgold Company salvagers have
discovered the Phoenix State is fortifying a
Few truths are known about the Phoenix State. They permanent base camp at the south end of The
originate from somewhere to the distant east, beyond Rustyard. They’re clearing the area of other
the Wind River Valley, and screen off their territory with foragers methodically and brutally. What Old
regular scouting flights and well-armed patrols. When World cache have they discovered? How will the
they make an incursion into the Wind River Valley, communities surrounding react to the military
it’s usually a large operation to delve the ruins of Old intrusion?
Buffalo, the Fission Factory, or Old Kaycee for parts, A Phoenix State microlight crashes near
salvage, and whatever else of value they can haul off. Sweetwater. The pilot is wounded and raving. He
is a defector who is seeking sanctuary in return
While Phoenix State soldiers don’t generally move for the secrets he’s stolen from the Phoenix State.
far enough west to raid existing settlements, they are What has he learned that’s so important to the
not shy about shooting at anyone who approaches people of the Wind River Valley, and what will the
within shouting distance of a patrol, base camp, or Phoenix State army do to cover their tracks?
The Tribe
“It takes a certain kind of folk to have gotten
through The Harvest and The War out in the
open air. Them that survived raised children
who are stoic, patient, and tough. Clever in
what they call the “Old Ways.” That means
knowing their land and the things that dwell
in it.They’re good and honest people and fair
traders, as long as you treat them right in
turn. Those that harm the Tribe aren’t likely
to make it back to the mountains unscathed.”
- Zachariah Cole Tribal Trail Master
(see Chapter 7 - Major Players in The After)
Before the Harvest, this area was home to the Eastern
Shoshone and Arapaho Native American tribes. The lands of the Tribe are vast and lush. When
When the Butchers assaulted America’s cities and the winters subside and the fields bloom, the
towns, some members of those tribes disappeared families of the Tribe spread out to hunt, fish,
into the wilderness and survived by adopting the and herd. Guarding them are trail masters like
survival techniques of their ancestors. Now, a thriving Tamala: scouts and protectors who feel most
community has risen in the area, including many comfortable standing apart from others, moving
Helots and other survivors of various heritages. through the wilderness in silence and solitude.
Not only do these scouts stand guard over the
The lands claimed by the Tribe are somewhat rest of the Tribe, they also shadow the many
sheltered from the unpredictable squalls that blow groups of traders, scavengers, and troublemakers
in from the south, but frequent storms and hard that enter the Tribe’s land.
winters still are the norm. The Tribe’s lands are rife
with wildlife: bison, elk, and pronghorn are regularly
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
hunted. The Tribe also watches over a few small
Strength d8, Vigor d8
herds of horses.
Skills: Athletics d8, Boating d6, Common
The families of the Tribe are rovers, camping in Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6,
a prime location for weeks at a time, hunting and Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Riding d8, Shooting
gathering for sustenance. When winter approaches, d10, Stealth d10, Survival d8.
members of the Tribe gather at a central location Pace 6; Parry 6, Toughness 7(1)
in the southern area of their land, where sturdy Hindrances: Phobia(Major): crowds, Ruthless
longhouses are erected to house the people through (Minor), Suspicious (Minor)
the cold. Some elders of the Tribe stay in this Edges: Alertness, Marksman, Signature Weapon
settlement year-round, so there is always someone (Family Rifle), Woodsman
of wisdom and repute to settle disputes, or to make
treaties and oversee trade with outsiders. The Gear: Custom-crafted camouflage outfit (+1
longhouses are also a permanent home to those who Armor, +2 to Stealth in natural surroundings
are too elderly or unwell to travel the breadth of the when not moving), hatchet, survival knife,
land. This is also where a small number of dedicated compound bow, 20 arrows. Family Rifle: Range
warriors make their homes, training to defend their 50/100/200, Damage 2d10, AP 4, RoF 1, Snapfire,
people against any threats that arise. Heavy Weapon. 14 bullets for the rifle.
percent of the children born to the Tribe for several
generations after the Harvest were female. While
this effect has somewhat abated - only seventy-five
percent of children in the Tribe are female today -
this has led to the Tribe becoming a completely
matriarchal society. All elders and war leaders of the
Tribe are women. Given the low numbers of men,
the Tribe is less concerned with monogamous pair-
bonding than other civilizations.
Plot Hooks:
A terrible creature has driven the Tribe away from
their hunting grounds to the north. The size of Lina Stout,
a bear, but covered in metal plates and bearing Colonel of White Pine
strange biomechanical implants, this bloodthirsty
creature is hunting humans in preference to Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
other prey. The elders are arranging war parties Strength d8, Vigor d8.
to drive the beast off or slay it. If the PCs can
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d8, Boating d4,
track it first and dispatch it without help, they
Common Knowledge d8, Driving d8, Fighting
will earn great esteem with the Tribe.
d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
A teenage girl, enraged and embarrassed at failing Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Riding d8, Shooting
the test of womanhood for the third time, has d10, Stealth d8, Survival d8, Taunt d6, Thievery
stolen her aunt’s prized rifle and run away. She d4
is headed toward the Rustyard, intending to hunt
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
down one of the beasts of the ruins and bring
back its head, to prove that she is a true hunter Hindrances: Big Mouth, Impulsive,
of the Tribe. While the elders of the Tribe have Overconfident
chosen to give the girl her chance, her father is Edges: Brave, Command, Command Presence,
distraught and begs the PCs to take action and Connections (White Pine), Dodge, Elan, Fleet-
bring his daughter home alive. Footed, Gear Warden, Gear Purifier, Marksman,
Nerves of Steel (Improved), Quick, Rock and
Roll!, Trademark Weapon (assault rifle)
White Pine Gear: Kevlar Vest and Helmet (reduces bullet
damage by 4), Assault Rifle with 2 reloads, Semi-
“A wild and intemperate bunch, prone to risk- auto pistol, Combat Knife, two pre-Harvest
taking and troublemaking. They bring down grenades
regular shipments of timber to Chapter, along
Special Abilities:
with interesting Remnants their explorers have
Colonel: While Lina remains Colonel of
gleaned from The Verdant. Unfortunately, along
White Pine, she can use her Connections
with the Remnants, they bring alcohol distilled Edge as often as desired. By giving the
from the fruits found there. The big hobbies order, she can mobilize every fighter in
back home are apparently drinking to excess and White Pine, and lay claim to any piece of
picking fights, and they seem so offended to find equipment owned by the town, including
that Chapter doesn’t tolerate that behavior.” additional firearms and explosives, or a
motorized vehicle.
- Allie Morgan
Nestled high up in heavily-wooded mountains, the the mountain every spring in his ox cart. The
people of White Pine would probably be left all alone mildly narcotic beverage is distilled from a secret
if it weren’t for their penchant to get out and see the blend of ingredients harvested from The Verdant.
world. They seem to thrive on excitement, so when Will the PCs steal the formula? What if it’s not
the time comes to run timber or other trade goods written down - are they willing to coerce or entice
down the slopes to Chapter, a good portion of the the brewers? What happens if the Colonel finds
settlement will make the trip. They’re usually keen out about the plot?
to make deals, find mates, and get into mischief - and
not always in that order.
breaking down altogether. This effect gets stronger Recovery: No effect, ability, or power can remove
and more pervasive as explorers get nearer the center this Fatigue while the victim remains in the Blight.
of the Blight, in the vicinity of an Old World ruin that One Fatigue level incurred from the Blight will be
explorers now call Cankertown. removed every 24 hours spent entirely outside the
Scientists avoid all but the outskirts of the zone, as Incapacitation Effects: Incapacitated victims that
more than one expedition to discover the true cause remain within the Blight must make a Vigor roll
of the Blight has failed to penetrate all the way to the every additional hour they remain within the
center. Few of those explorers returned, despite safety Blight, or transform into glibbermen. They forget
procedures and even environmental suits. What keeps their previous existence and slump off into the
the Blight attractive to scavengers is its high incidence Blight, soon to be indistinguishable from any other
of pre-Harvest salvage, such as electronic components, Glibbermen an explorer might encounter.
motor parts, and ammunition. Most explorers choose
to hurry into the Blight and back out again as soon as
they can fill their bags. It’s common knowledge in the POINTS OF INTEREST
northern Wind River Valley that to stay in the Blight Outer Blight: The outermost reaches of the
more than a day or two guarantees death. Blight are where most explorers and scavengers
limit their searches. Because it’s close to the
Even more strangely, the effects of the Blight are border of the Breach Zone, danger from the
limited by proximity and aren’t lasting or contagious Blight effect is relatively low. There also aren’t
once a victim moves out of the zone. Escape alive, too many glibbermen present. The problem is
stay out, and it will wear off - eventually. that most of the ruins have been picked through
quite a bit by the folk who got there first.
Characters within the Blight must make a Vigor Cankertown: Set deeper into the Blight is this
roll every eight hours that they remain within the withered and twisted Old World ruin. Even many
Breach Zone. Characters who eat food that has spent of the remaining buildings are beginning to warp
more than four hours inside the Blight must also and flow in bizarre ways. The salvage is good if
immediately make a Vigor roll to resist its effects. you can handle the effects of the Blight and avoid
Failure on this roll results in the character suffering the weird things that wander the streets.
one level of Fatigue.
Mushmoat: This is a mile-long trench or canal
This Fatigue represents the Blight starting to work that serves as a landmark and roadblock. It’s not
its way into the character’s flesh. Their bodies begin on any Old World maps, and nobody’s sure how
to subtly change: their limbs might go crooked it got there or what purpose it serves aside from
or their flesh become jelly-like. There is no pain getting in the way. It’s full of liquid fungus that
accompanied with this warping, nor any noticeable moves of its own accord. What swims under the
mental effects - unless the character succumbs fully surface? In any case, those who have fallen into
to the effects of the Blight. the Mushmoat have never been seen again.
This Vigor roll is modified by the character’s current Centerpoint: A former town of substantial size,
location, as follows: this would be a veritable gold mine of salvage and
Within Outer Blight: +2 technology, except that it’s too close to the center
Within Cankertown: -2 of the Blight. Over the years, it’s served as a deadly
Within one mile of the central point: make the lure for explorers who think they’ve discovered a
roll every hour gimmick to avoid the effects of the Blight.
Within one-half mile of the central point: make
the roll every 10 minutes
The explorers are ambushed by a pair of wreckers. creating a new military base in Casper. CENTCOM
recommends moving by night in an attempt to evade
The beasts attempt to separate them and stomp
enemy reconnaissance from orbital installations.
the stragglers flat.
A pack of zapdrones patrols the area, You have authorization to confiscate any items useful
exterminating any humans they encounter. Will to the defense effort, including fuel, vehicles, guns,
you engage them in combat or attempt to hide in ammunition, and anything else you see fit.
the nearby wreckage?
A terrifying ghost ooze begins to stalk the group. You have authorization to conscript any and all
Glibbermen assault the explorers with nets and citizens of fighting age and fitness, including but not
clubs, attempting to take prisoners. They intend limited to Wyoming National Guard, Wyoming state
to drag any captured people deeper into the and local police officers, and local civilians.
Blight, place them on a weird altar, and keep
the prisoners bound until they become more In Casper, the 11th is to rendezvous with Dr Darius Wei
glibbermen. and his group of scientists. Dr Wei and his team must
You’ve spotted another exploring party digging be protected at all costs. Dig into Casper and create
into some kind of equipment cache. Who knows a fortified base for these scientists to perform work
if they’ll be friendly or attack on sight? Is your related to national security. CENTCOM recommends
group the type that would try to steal their digging down to create an installation that could
salvage? avoid notice from the air. The 115th’s highest priority
is to defend Dr Wei, his work, and his team. Casper and
Scouts from the Tribe emerge from the fog.
its citizenry are to be considered expendable. Dr Wei’s
They’re trying to follow the tracks of a missing
scientific efforts are of utmost importance to the war
warrior who entered the Blight to prove her
bravery by taking a trophy from one of the beasts
of the zone. Was she taken by glibbermen, pinned
The 115th is to remain in Casper until further orders
under a collapsing wall, or simply overcome by
the Blight?
Last Stand of the Old World industry and reestablish communications with other
Shortly after the Harvest began, the United States’ parts of the world. Surely the restricted areas were
armed forces struggled to maintain a cordon around being used to synthesize vital medicines and get
the city of Denver, where Butcher forces were wreaking electrical power running again.
havoc. With their best technology ruined either by
the pre-Harvest EMP attack or by the destructive In truth, many of these expeditions were sent to
influence of the GenBomb, the soldiers were hard- explore the nuclear missile silos that had been built
pressed to contain roving bands of biomechanoids across Wyoming. After the United States launched
and other Butcher servitors. nuclear weapons against the Butcher fleet, most of
these installations had been completely destroyed
As supplies at the battlefront ran low and casualties by orbital bombardment. In a scant few, however,
slowly mounted, the remaining Western command the scientists were able to extract vital rocket fuel,
structure chose a sacrificial gamble. They committed electronics, and - most importantly - fissile material.
their reserves in Wyoming to create a secret base in Under the assumption that the Butchers’ fleet was
the relative backwater of Casper, Wyoming, hundreds watching, this salvage was often brought back under
of miles from the nearest Butcher landing zone. If the cover of night, and stashed in the tunnels and
Butchers could be contained, the scientists in Casper compounds that had been dug below Casper - an area
might have a chance to make a weapon capable of that came to be called the Fission Factory.
driving the aliens out of Denver - and, perhaps, out
of America entirely. The experiments most commonly performed in
the Fission Factory attempted to understand, harness,
Despite the scarcity of fuel and the increasing and control the particles emitted from the GenBomb.
unreliability of motorized transport, the soldiers The goal was to inoculate weaponry and technology
of the 115th successfully evacuated Cheyenne and against the insidious effects of the nanites, in order
made the long, difficult march to Casper. There, to enable the military to fight back against the alien
they had to pacify a populace gone half-mad after menace. Experiments ranged from small-scale efforts
a year of panic, food shortages, and virtual anarchy. to insulate individual soldiers and their personal
With guidance from a cadre of local scientists, they weapons, to ambitious efforts to launch an airborne
brought a stern order to the small city. Crime was assault with enhanced nuclear payloads. Each
met with zero tolerance, and citizens were offered experimental track was assigned its own underground
rations and shelter in return for their hard labor. bunker, isolated from the surface and kept as a ‘clean’
environment. Years of quiet testing yielded both
Within a year, communication from upper successes and failures; several of the Fission Factory’s
command had ceased, and the 115th found itself bunkers lost containment after accidents in handling
governing a city-state. The relative law and order the nanites, and had to be permanently sealed to avoid
compared to the rest of the region drew in survivors contaminating the remainder of the complex with
from the surrounding countryside, and the soldiers rampant GenBomb particles.
put the burgeoning population to work building
dwellings, crafting fortifications, gleaning useful It’s uncertain how much effect the holding action in
salvage, and farming. Conditions were always Denver (and other cities of the Old World) had upon
difficult and daily life was, by necessity, strict. the Harvest. Were the Butchers cowed by the valiant
efforts of the soldiers attempting to hem them in - or
Below the small city, the army began to build a were they simply satisfied with the rich territory they
sealed, underground complex. There, scientists had stolen from humanity? Regardless, in the late
gathered what little technological equipment summer of 2029, the Butchers controlling Denver
could still be used. Under the scientists’ direction, had sucked the city dry. Having run out of victims,
expeditions were mounted in all directions to gather the aliens marshalled their biomechanical armies
industrial parts. As far as the general populace and took to the battlefield themselves, shattering
was concerned, these efforts were meant to rebuild the remnants of the American army in a matter of
weeks before swarming outward into the suburbs disgorging a horde of biomechanical servitors before
and countryside. unleashing a pulverizing wave of artillery against the
town. Following the bombardment, the Butchers led
News of this reached the Fission Factory in the their armies toward Casper.
fall, carried by a handful of bedraggled and starving
survivors. A particularly vicious winter slowed the The brave men and women of the Fission Factory
Butcher advance, but in the spring of 2030, a Harvester lashed out with every hidden weapon they had built
ship was sighted closing in on the Fission Factory. and triggered every trick and trap they had spent years
laying. They slew biomechanoids by the hundred.
The aliens were rebuffed, briefly: an experimental Legend has it that the army of Old Casper had
cannon forced the Harvester ship to the ground more success against the oncoming aliens than any
several miles away from Casper. This allowed the human force on Earth. It’s said that, in their furious
town’s leaders time to order a partial evacuation. counterattack, they destroyed two Harvester ships and
While many of the soldiers would stand and fight, managed to slay several of the Butchers themselves.
using the best armaments that nearly a decade of
desperate experimental science could produce, others This valiant stand bought time for the evacuees to
led a frantic convoy to points east of Wind River Valley. flee the area successfully, but in the end the Butchers
could simply bring superior force to bear. They had no
Unfortunately for Old Casper, forcing the Harvester compunctions about tying up a group of defenders with
ship out of the sky led to a devastating reprisal. Several an onslaught of biomechanoids, and then bombarding
other Butcher ships surrounded the area at a distance, the entire area with railguns until it was glowing slag.
The aftermath of the battle brought Butchers Dotting the land around the Fission Factory
swarming to the area like flies to a corpse. While are skeletal, blackened remains of the Butchers’
there were relatively few survivors for the aliens to shattered habitats and biofactories, alongside the
capture and toy with, they seemed attracted to the crumbling ruins of Old World human settlements,
bunkers of the Fission Factory itself, as well as the untouched since the Harvest. These ruins are
radioactive craters left from the enhanced nuclear thoroughly poisoned and are often crawling with
weapons that the defenders of Casper had triggered dangerous creatures.
in an attempt to wipe out the Butchers. Indeed, the
aliens basked in the radiation, seeming to benefit The radiation here remains a fuel source for the
rather than be harmed. automated remnants of some of the Butchers’
bioforges, hidden deep underground. This means
By the winter of 2030, every remaining soul in that, from time to time, the ground rumbles and a
Casper was devoured or put to work as a slave, as hidden door grinds open, belching forth poison
the Butchers began to excavate a site for a fortified clouds and bloodthirsty biomechanical creatures,
industrial base, centered around the experimental which are still programmed to hunt and kill in the
bunkers left behind by the defenders. For decades, name of the Butchers.
the Butchers used the Fission Factory as a spawning
ground for renewing their biomechanical armies, If an explorer can withstand the toxins and avoid
slaughtering the surrounding region with cruel the murderous adversaries common to the Fission
precision. Factory, there is salvage to be found throughout
the Breach Zone. Underground bunkers might
The sudden arrival of the Ghosts in AD 2065 reveal an Old World laboratory with some partially-
brought true devastation down upon the Fission functional equipment, or a crumbling garage could
Factory. One of the Ghosts’ entry points through hold an intact military vehicle or weapon. For
the Breach was in the sky, directly above the Butcher those who brave the hazards of the ruined Butcher
facilities that had been built here over the last thirty bioforges, alien Remnants can be discovered - both
years - a position which allowed them to assault the Butcher biotechnology as well as Ghost Shards, left
Butchers completely by surprise. Their Breach-based scattered from the vicious fighting that took place
weaponry twisted the land itself, cracking open the in Old Casper. These treasures bring explorers into
Butcher bioforges like so many anthills and exposing the Breach Zone year after year, despite the awful
the underground works beneath. dangers.
At the GMs option, certain limited areas POINTS OF INTEREST
- such as impact craters, wrecked reactor Bioforge Kvoshk: This terrifying edifice is a fallen
rooms, or destroyed laboratories - might be Butcher flesh factory. Several levels still loom
treated as high radiation zones instead. aboveground, though the structure is damaged
• Unpredictable currents of Breach energy are and slowly crumbling. The underground areas
common throughout the Fission Factory. are passable but have sustained significant
Whenever a Gifted uses a power and rolls a damage, resulting in unexpected rockfalls and
Raise, that power is also affected by the Glow yawning chasms. While there is some amazing
Power Modifier at no additional Power Point salvage to be collected here - especially if you are
cost. However, when a Gifted attempts to interested in Butchertech Remnants - at the cost
activate a power and fails, they lose 1d4 Power of having to tangle with freakish and formidable
Points (instead of the usual one point). Do not Butcher-made beasts that stalk around the area,
include this effect on a roll that inflicts Backlash. slaughtering all intruders.
• GenBomb particles are unusually active due
to the nearby presence of Butcher machinery
and wrecked bioforges. Whenever someone Sentry Hollow: This tiny settlement near the
in the Fission Factory would have a Stress Tag western edge of the Fission Factory is evenly
assigned to their gear, they instead receive split between two feuding survivor clans. The
two. It’s up to the GM whether both tags village exists because they have discovered
affect the same piece of gear, or if they are Remnant technology that cleans the ubiquitous
assigned separately. contamination from the air and water within
a short distance. The Remnant seems to be
running off the radiation that it devours.
A group of Blackgold Trading Company
scavengers on horseback are fleeing headlong Classic Dungeon”
down a nearby hill. A glowbelcher is in full
pursuit, attempting to get close enough to attack. If your group is the type that likes to
The traders seem to be getting away, but from kick in doors, fight dangerous creatures,
your perspective you can see a second one of the and get away with loot, then you could
fearsome biomechanoids circling around, and turn the Fission Factory into the perfect
it’s about to cut them off. The ambush would place for them. The bunkers, tunnels, and
undoubtedly be fatal. Will your group act before other secret construction underneath the
the Blackgold traders are massacred? Breach Zone could be loaded from end to
A sizable pack of Changed wolves begins stalking end with incredible secrets and powerful
the explorers, hoping to single one or two of them items, guarded by the nastiest traps you
out for a quick meal. These canines are riddled can dream up and filled with crowds of
with Butcher biotechnology: they are stronger, flesh-hungry biomechanical guardians.
faster, and more dangerous than any Old World
wolf ever was - especially if they can attack from An ambitious GM could map out
a successful ambush. Use the statistics for a connections between multiple layers
Dire Wolf from Savage Worlds, but include the of bunker, requiring explorers to solve
following changes: puzzles and recover keycards to penetrate
deeper into the place. Each expedition
• Each Changed wolf has two points of Armor could become a little more dangerous,
• The pack alpha is a Wild Card with Str d10, while revealing to the group more
Shooting d8, and a biomechanical firebolt secrets of the Old World and the aliens
projector protruding from atop its shoulders that destroyed it. An entire campaign
(Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+2, ROF 1, Shots of The After could take place in a ‘mega
10, Reload requires an hour of rest) dungeon’ of your own custom design -
That buzzing, whining noise on the wind: at first, though it might not be an appropriate
you mistook it for a stalking biomechanoid or a place for Novice characters....
pack of zapdrones lying in wait. Instead, though,
you’ve discovered that a microlight aircraft is Any expedition like this should
flying far overhead, probably hundreds of feet up. be a race against time, as the players
Explorers with binoculars, exceptionally sharp struggle to conserve resources, mitigate
eyes, or some way to approach more closely might Fatigue from radiation, dodge the most
be able to identify the craft as being marked with dangerous guardians of the area, and
the crest of the Phoenix State - it’s one of their avoid gear destruction from Stress Tags.
observer aircraft. Are they scouting in support
of a ground-based attack group, or just gathering
the commonly expected all-out assault. Instead,
A local Feral tribe has taken up residence in a
they use hit-and-run tactics, with a brief, frenzied
mostly-collapsed Old World apartment building
attack followed by an equally frantic retreat.
that was severely damaged during the Battle of
Those who follow the Crater Gang back to their
Old Casper. The building (and the wide crater
lair will find themselves in grave danger: as
next to it) is a high radiation zone, but this
radiation-based Fatigue affects the explorers, the
particular gang has developed resistance to the
Ferals are likely to counterattack in an attempt to
effects. The cunning Ferals have realized that
cut off the explorers’ retreat. The explorers may
their lair is extremely hazardous to outsiders,
find that they’ve blundered into a deadly trap!
so their attacks follow a different pattern than
ground to a halt and prices have soared. The town is The second rival group vying for control of Sentry
actively recruiting mercenaries to come and protect City. Members: Silas Pearl (Area 4), Gideon Pearl (Area
prospecting parties as they explore the nearby ruins. 6), Sheriff Willa Pearl (Area 6), and Clay Cole (Area 10).
Silas Pearl runs the local barber shop and is also a deputy Owned by Lydia Anderton, this cheap boarding
sheriff. He comes to the aid of his sister whenever there’s house takes its name from the prospectors who pan
trouble. Silas is a hothead who is a major contributor to the local Circuit Creek for little bits of technology
the current feud. He advocates jailing the Cantors for a and radioactive ore. These are very low-probability
myriad of offenses large and small. Plus he just knows forms of prospecting and those who do it make up
they’re up to no good and thinks that should be good the town’s working poor.
enough for his sister. It isn’t.
11. Circuit Creek
5. Mick Stabler’s The creek provides the town its water supply. The
No one knows what Mick’s real last name is, or if he water was very unhealthy until Doc Lombardy got the
even has a real last name. Everyone calls him Stabler Reclamation Plant up and running.
because he sells and rents animals for transportation
and labor. He has close ties to the Clive Clan, from 12. Reclamation Plant
whom he buys unwanted bulls, which he castrates
This small, squat concrete building houses the
and turns into plow-pullers.
future of Sentry Hollow. It purifies the water running
through the town, removing the radiation and other
6. Miner’s Rest Casino poisons from it. Even better, it uses that radiation as
Gideon Pearl runs this casino and many townsfolk a power source, making the plant self-sustaining.
believe the competition between the Miner’s Rest
and Luminosity Inn is where the bad blood between Sentry Hill Battleground
the Cantors and Pearls started. The crowd here is
During the Harvest, this hill was the last stand
rougher than that found at the Luminosity, as this
of a group of soldiers that fought bravely against
place caters to rough and ready miners, looking to
the Butchers. After being repulsed at the factory,
blow off steam after hot, dangerous days mining
the soldiers retreated here and set up a desperate
radioactive ore.
defensive position on this steep hill. Legend states
that they managed to take a number of Butchers with
7. Levi’s Miscellany them before being wiped out to the last man. Today,
If you found something and you aren’t quite sure this site is a treasure trove of artifacts, both human
what it is (a common occurrence), Levi Cantor will and alien, from that final battle.
appraise it for a fee, or just buy it off you. They also sell
spare parts useful for repairing Remnant technology. Owned by Doc Lombardy, the hill looks like an
The locals believe both Cantor brothers to be honest ant mound, as prospectors he employs constantly
and experienced. excavate the location for lost technology. Only
major finds bring the Doc out to the hill. Mostly the
8. Cantor’s Expeditions prospectors take the tech right to the surveyor, who
gives them their 25% cut of the item’s worth, and
Processes legal claims to different claims
then stores the items for Doc Lombardy to look at
surrounding the town. Prospectors can pay a fee to
when he has the time.
consult Elijah Cantor’s maps, to try and find likely
areas with good loot.
Clive’s Kine Ranch
9. Pluto Mining HQ Situated well away from the town proper, but within
the zone of radiation absorption. Kine are mutated
This building is covered in graffiti blaming the
cattle the size of hippos. The males are extremely
business for the recent rise in Feral attacks. Since his
dangerous and are blinded at birth to keep them
divorce and losing the mayoral race, Clay Cole has
in check, as they will charge anything or anyone
been sleeping here as well.
approaching their cows.
it with their 3 sons (Hank, Jasper, and Jesse) and 2 approached by Sheriff Pearl. She makes it a habit to
daughters (Minerva and Selena), along with dozens greet any newcomers and make sure they’re aware
of farm hands. They’re a prime source of food for that the town is defended and not the sort of place to
the town. tolerate excessive “mischief ”. If the players enquire
what constitutes excessive, she’ll tell them to use their
Samson Uranium Mines own judgement, but also that she’ll let them know in
no uncertain terms when they’ve gone too far.
These mines are largely played out, though a few
prospectors believe there’s still a fortune in Uranium
The players will also notice that, for such a small town,
here, waiting to be discovered. Recently, these mines
there are an awful lot of political posters everywhere.
have become the lair of a group of Howlers.
Apparently the town just had a highly-contested
election. Another thing that stands out about the
Newton Downs posters is that both candidates, Clay and Clementine,
This facility was a smaller satellite location for the share the same last name. If the players ask about this at
Butchers during the Harvest. When Clay Cole hired one of the local watering holes, they’ll find out that the
a team of prospectors to explore it, Feral attacks on candidates are former husband and wife.
Sentry Hollow increased by a factor of ten. Many
blame Cole for this, which helped his wife defeat him Opinions of the candidates differs greatly depending
in the recent Mayor’s election. on who the players talk to. It quickly becomes apparent
that the entire town is divided down the middle
between Pearls and the Cantors. The locals seem
Prologue: Welcome to friendly to the characters, but each faction believes the
Sentry Hollow other to be misguided, if not downright dangerous.
Let the characters ask about this and explore the
The heroes have wandered into the town of Sentry various points of interest in the town described above,
Hollow (pronounced more like “Hollar” by the locals) before advancing the adventure.
to seek their fortunes. They’ve heard it’s a town on
the rise, due to its proximity to the Fission Factory
and the subsequent access to Butcher technology. In
Chapter 1: Howler Attack
fact, the town itself is a major find, sitting on the site Just when the characters start to get comfortable,
of a disastrous attack on the Butchers. they hear the town’s alarm bells ringing. The town
is under attack!
like the cry of an owl (though much louder), but uranium mine. He will loan the characters horses
what they see are very similar to wolves. The streets for the trip, and tell them that if they put a stop to
are pure chaos, with some of the townsfolk fighting, the attacks, he’ll let them keep their new mounts. He
some running in terror, and others being eaten alive will also supply the party with food and clean water
by the Howlers right there in broad daylight. There sufficient for several days, allowing for the journey to
are dozens of Howlers rampaging through Sentry the Samson Mines and back.
Hollow, but most are fighting elsewhere in town. The
players will need to deal with one or two Howlers
each before the threat has passed. Chapter 3: Campfire
Chapter 2: Tracking the The characters make camp on the plains, and have a
Howlers chance to trade stories with Jasper Clive. He’s a big,
tough, amiable fellow and is especially fond of ghost
After the fight, Sheriff Pearl approaches the stories. Unfortunately for the characters however,
characters. She explains that while Howlers are a they have made camp in the hunting range of a
threat, it’s extremely unusual for them to attack a gang of Ferals. These cannibals have been reduced
settlement in force like this. Usually they attack the to savagery by the harsh conditions outside Sentry
local Kine herds at night. Hollow and will kill and eat anything they can catch,
including the characters.
Sheriff Pearl deputizes the PCs and offers them a
bounty to track down the source of this attack. This The Ferals will wait until the darkest part of the
could threaten the entire town if it’s not dealt with night before swarming into camp. If possible, they’ll
quickly. She suggests they begin their investigation incapacitate someone and drag them off into the
at Clive Ranch outside of town. They deal with darkness.
Howler attacks on the herd and know more about the
creatures than anyone in town.
Chapter 4: Lair of the
At the Clive Ranch, the players will meet with Slitherbelly
the clan patriarch, Jim Clive. Howler attacks have
gotten worse recently and he’s anxious for a solution As the characters approach the mines, they see the
to the attacks. With the PCs on the case, he sees an bodies of Howlers strewn everywhere. Something big
opportunity. He offers his son Jasper as a guide to and mean came into this area and slaughtered them,
The carnage has a pattern though, and the players master develop further adventures in the area around
will be able to make their way to the lair of whatever Sentry Hollow.
thing did all this, and drove the Howlers out of their
usual lairs. Brushfire War: Coles vs. Pearls
The ongoing bad blood between the factions has
Unless the characters are very stealthy, the
finally boiled over into open conflict. The Cantors
Slitherbelly will be aware of them almost immediately
have armed themselves and forced Clay Cole out of
after they enter the area of its lair. Being a nocturnal
town. In response, he’s hired a group of mercenaries
predator, it will wait in its lair, assuming the
to help force his way back into town.
characters are exploring during the day. Once they
reach the mouth of its cave, however, the creature
The PCs can hire on with one faction or the other
will leap to the attack.
(both will be “staffing up” for conflict).
Slitherbellies are mutated land crocodiles, much
Of course, the PCs can also try to negotiate a peace
larger than the typical amphibian member of their
between the two factions. If they’re on good terms
species. They have no arms or legs, but slither at
with the Clive family, or Doc Lombardy, this is much
astonishing speed across the land. They avoid water
except during the rainy season, when they gather
around mud puddles swollen by the rain to breed.
Brushfire Wars are a tried and true Western storyline
This alpha male is an exceptionally dangerous and
and luminaries such as Wyatt Earp participated in
tough member of his species.
real conflicts of this type. In fact, gunfighters such
as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson were famous for
Epilogue: participating in one such conflict.
Alpha Male
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13(2)
Edges: Brute, First Strike
Special Abilities:
Armor +2: Thick crocodile hide
Bite: Str+d6
Size 3: This terror is 12’ long and weighs almost a ton.
THE HANGING ROCKS close enough to one another that a doughty explorer
could, with care, move between them.
“Blessed land, that. A Ghost Orbship
It is obvious to any traveller that this is a Breach
crashed there, during the Fall. Took away Zone: immense vines and outworld flowers are
two mountains and left us with something prevalent, as well as flocks of strange aerial creatures
else, something greater. A legion of humming that never were found in an Old World encyclopedia.
islands, all doing a stately dance to music
we can’t hear, and connected by outworld ZONE EFFECTS
vines and unseen forces. It’s safe enough Within the Hanging Rocks, gravity doesn’t grasp
to climb around through them if you’re so
things quite the way you might expect. Traversing
inclined, as long as you have reverence for the Hanging Rocks is “floaty” and more than a little
the place. It’s a burial ground, after all.” strange. Many visitors report nausea for the first few
hours among the rocks. It could be caused by the
- Old Man Crow strange gravitational pulls, or by the disorienting effect
of the swirling Rocks, but doesn’t usually last long.
At the end of the mountain range is an incongruous
cloud of greenery and stone. Immense, mismatched It’s uncertain whether this Breach Zone effect is
islands of rock and crystals float untouched by gravity, caused by the gigantic crystals embedded within the
forming an impenetrable forest a half-mile high and Rocks, or if it radiates from the otherworldly plant
ten miles across. Even the ceaseless wind doesn’t life that permeates the area. Regardless of the source,
seem to move the Hanging Rocks, though they drift visitors to the Breach Zone will find that, while among
ever so slowly among one another, in a slow and gentle the Rocks, the lessened gravity creates the following
dance around the largest fragments. Collisions are game effects:
exceedingly rare, but In many places, the chunks glide
+2 to Athletics rolls made to climb or jump brightly lighting up the area within 100 yards and
Jumping distances are doubled providing Dim Light for another 100 yards beyond
that. This light is visible from outside the Hanging
Falling damage is halved
Rocks at night.
Ranges for archery and thrown weapons are
doubled, but their damage dice do not explode
There is a substantial gap between the Orbship and
Range penalties for firearms are doubled, as bullets the rest of the Hanging Rocks - about 30 yards from
lose velocity unpredictably and veer off course most angles. Explorers ingenious enough to cross
the gap could probably make a great deal of salvage
As well, explorers who make their way upwards will by gathering some of the shimmering Breach crystals
find that a significant fraction of the Hanging Rocks that have accreted on the outside of the wreck. In fact,
have their own, localized gravity. This allows visitors to users of the Boon will find that, by taking an action
stand and move freely on any surface of that particular while holding a fist-sized chunk of this energized
Rock, just as if it were solid ground - even if they end crystal, they can recover 1d6 Power Points. This causes
up standing upside-down relative to their friends on the crystal to disintegrate in a beautiful shower of
the neighboring Rock! This is rare at surface level floating, harmless sparks.
(one percent of Rocks) but at the top of the formation,
nearly half the Rocks offer this effect. ENCOUNTERS
An extremely clever (and lucky) explorer might be That whirring flock of birdlike creatures you saw
able to use this localized gravity to “slingshot” their in the distance turns out to be a humbuzz swarm.
way into some truly impressive jumps. They were lovely in the sunlight, audacious and
graceful flyers - which was wonderful until they
decided that they needed to feed. Now they’re
POINTS OF INTEREST swooping down on a nearby creature like a school
Jaunters: These gigantic, alien creatures resemble of airborne piranha. Maybe they’re about to take
immense, fleshy gasbags that are translucent and some bites out of the jaunter that you’re riding.
glitter in the sunlight. Tentacles dozens of feet Perhaps you should do something about that?
long dangle downward, brushing against the The Star League has set up camp atop a huge Rock.
crystal and metal deposits in the Hanging Rocks, Their group of a half-dozen explorers intended to
which the creatures seem to feed from. The mine the Rock, gathering outworld minerals or
jaunters are virtually harmless unless antagonized. ores that they could use to construct antigravity
Some explorers say that you can deliberately machinery. Instead, they’ve been driven mad by
attract a jaunter by feeding them metal, then hallucinations that were brought on by Breach
climbing aboard to sit on top. The beasts rarely energy released when they dug into the crystal
react to being ridden in this way, even without an structures, and are well on the way to becoming
offering of metal. Riders can have a calm picnic Ferals.
aboard their ethereal mount, taking in the beauty
What are these lovely rounded crystals? They look
of the Hanging Rocks until they’ve reached a good
valuable. When your group gathers up a few of
spot to hop off. Boarding or disembarking from
them, you discover that there are burrowing alien
a jaunter usually requires a simple Athletics roll.
worms hiding in the cracks of the Rocks. When
riled up, they can crawl around quite quickly on
Orbship Wreckage: The final resting place of the outside of the Rocks and even spring between
the Ghost Orbship is a point at the center of them. Usually they just nibble on the vines and
the Hanging Rocks. The shattered structure of flowers of the Breach Zones, but you’ve picked up a
the Orbship is covered with crystals and stone few of their eggs. They’re only a foot long, but there
fragments that have adhered to the outside in are a lot of them - and it looks like they have sharp
large mounds, as the hovering wreckage has its teeth. Use the statistics for a Swarm (Medium).
own gravity well. The wreckage glows at night,
THE ICE PLAINS weather in the Ice Plains is below freezing all year, with
skies that are leaden and grey. The sun is barely visible
through the depressing haze, even in the height of
“Hell of a place to go for fuel, if you ask me.
summer. Fierce squalls of ice and snow are common.
Like as not you’ll lose someone to the cold on Explorers without appropriate protective gear are in
the first day, someone who didn’t listen when I great danger from the vicious cold.
told you what to buy for the trail. The cold is a
fierce thing out there. It’ll dull your thinking Before the Harvest, this region used to be thick
and lull you to sleep. Last thing you want when with oil wells. The Butchers took notice of this
you’re trying to chase down ten tons of fuel on resource, though, and deployed giant mechanoids
the hoof. Anyhow, one more thing: if you get to to suck the land dry. Many of these behemoths are
noticing the sky’s changed color, turn yourselves still lumbering drunkenly across the frozen lands,
around and go right back the way you came.”
probing the ice with their drilling proboscises. These
“tankerbots” don’t move quickly and often stop to
drill into the ice in search of more fuel. This makes
- Zachariah Cole
them prime targets for daring (and well-insulated)
scavengers who’d like to tap one of the fuel bladders
This sprawling icescape dominates the area formerly
and bleed off some of that oil for themselves.
known as the town of LaBarge. The remnants of the
town can still be made out under humps of ice and
Of course, draining a tankerbot isn’t without risk.
snow. The atmosphere here is laden with Breach
They are immense and could crush a wagon with a
energy, which means the weather pays no mind to what
misplaced step. More importantly, many of them
it ought to be doing. Regardless of the time of year, the
are still attended by screening patrols of Butcher-
built automata in varying condition. A final concern A large gang of Feral warriors have been hunting
is that destroying a tankerbot rather than simply your group, drawing ever closer in their pursuit.
draining some fuel would make those responsible Suddenly they veer off, seemingly afraid. Why did
instantly notorious. The tankers are prized as a they break off pursuit? It turns out that you have
semi-permanent resource. Destroying one would strayed into an Ice Beetle breeding ground.
make everyone’s lives more difficult in the long run. An alien felid - perhaps from the world beyond
Purplesky - has scented your group and is
POINTS OF INTEREST stalking you. It’s starving, and won’t be able to
Frigia Station: Tarvis James, a junior trader with restrain itself from attacking you soon. Its aim
the Blackgold Trading Company, has excavated a is to incapacitate the smallest member of the
tiny shelter out of the ice near the edge of the Ice group and drag them off into the snowfields to
Fields. He’s got a couple of vehicles that are just be devoured. Use the statistics for a lion, but with
barely in running condition, and hopes to haul a +2 bonus to Stealth to account for its coloration
fuel back to Blackgold Station regularly, ensuring blending in with the snow and ice.
himself both fame and fortune. Right now he’s
struggling to keep personnel onsite, as few of his
compatriots are willing to sign on for the long
Old Buffalo
terms of duty needed to learn the gentle art of
tapping fuel from active tankerbots. “Long walk, out to Old Buffalo. A tough slog,
especially if there’s any kind of weather. The
good news is that once you get to the ruins,
Purplesky: Somewhere near the center of the Ice
Plains is a place where the dreary sky slowly bleeds there’s plenty of shelter to be had in what’s
into purple. An explorer might not notice the left of the town. The bad news is that you’re
glowing sky, if they were wrapped up in their own not going to be the first people to figure that
troubles, head tucked into a hood and trudging out. Either go in quiet, or bring an army.”
through the ice. Continuing forward into Purplesky
is a hazard that no explorer has yet returned from. - Zachariah Cole
The Breach energy here is still highly active, unlike
most other Breach Zones: after traveling for a time, While civilization was wiped out in Old Buffalo, just
wanderers under the purple sky will find that they as most other places in Wind River Valley, the town
have been transported to some faraway world didn’t see a great deal of fighting. Many of its citizens
where the sun is perpetually in twilight and the evacuated before the Butchers’ servants arrived, and
fierce cold is never-ending. Becoming lost in this Old Buffalo didn’t suffer much damage during the
barren place is surely a death sentence. The truth War or the Fall. Most of the town’s buildings are still
about Purplesky isn’t known to anyone, as anyone standing, though they show the effects of decades of
who’s been taken through the Breach hasn’t come weather. Wild cattle and sheep graze on the rampant
back. The Star League and the Order of Silence overgrowth that has engulfed the area since American
would both be interested in examining the world civilization fell. The ruins of Old Buffalo seem lush
beyond the Breach, if they could figure out a way and placid at first blush.
to reverse the trip.
Unfortunately for would-be explorers, the ruins
ENCOUNTERS of Old Buffalo are not as lonely as they initially
seem. Several gangs of Ferals lair in the general area,
Dr. Mortimer Kline, a cackling Star League
warring with one another as well as hunting any
scientist, is testing a bulky control device that he’d
interlopers. They often pass through the ruins while
like to use to steer a tankerbot back to Chapter with
stalking prey, and sometimes even shelter among the
its entire cargo on board. Of course, it would work
remaining structures.
a lot better if he could find some agile explorers to
attach this antenna harness to its head…
Perhaps more concerning, the Phoenix State has bleeds off a permanent blue flame. The Ferals
set up a base camp about half a mile to the southeast revere this ‘eternal flame’ and commonly spend
of Old Buffalo. The camp is occupied by thirty or the evening hooting and dancing in its presence,
more soldiers at a time, who split their time between despite the terrible smell and the toxic chemicals
fortifying the camp and exploring the ruins. The the well exudes. The gang has developed a warped
local Feral gangs have learned not to assault this proto-religion that involves bearing torches lit
entrenched position after suffering substantial losses from the Wellflame - and then joyously burning
to rifle fire, though they still harass the Phoenix their enemies to death in bonfires lit from those
State’s salvage and reconnaissance patrols, as well as same torches. A substantial fraction of the
their supply caravans. Wellflame gang have developed Changed abilities
and even rudimentary control of the Boon, and
There are certainly riches buried beneath the hills all of them take four points fewer damage from
surrounding Old Buffalo. In addition to the usual injuries inflicted by fire.
salvage that is common in Old World ruins, there
is a vein of natural gas beneath the town that was
being actively mined before the Butchers arrived. In
out-of-the-way spots, it’s possible that old, battered The characters, while exploring the ruins, begin
extraction machinery could be coaxed back into to hear the howling and gabbling of Ferals from
life. If an intrepid and mechanically-inclined group just out of sight, all around them. Savvy and
of explorers could find a way to collect, store, and stealthy parties might be able to figure out that
transport the gas, the scientists of Chapter could do it’s two different gangs of Ferals, posturing and
great things indeed with it. threatening before having a battle with each
other. Less subtle (or less fortunate) parties
might instead end up caught right in the worst
POINTS OF INTEREST of the fighting, with both gangs trying to tear
Camp Big Horn: This Phoenix State military them apart.
camp is nestled between the embankments that
Explorers are likely to encounter all sorts of
remain from two Old World interstate highways
wildlife among the ruined buildings of Old
that once entered the city of Buffalo. While the
Buffalo. Many of these might startle someone but
asphalt of the Old World roads has mostly worn
are relatively harmless, such as bighorn sheep,
away, the earthworks still serve as an elevated
deer, or the wild descendants of Old World cattle.
vantage point for Phoenix State lookouts. The
On rarer occasions, one might stumble into the
soldiers manning the camp are working feverishly
path of a roving grizzly bear, come face-to-face
to add fortifications, combining earthworks with
with a grouchy elk, or even a Changed creature
barriers made of material hauled from the ruins.
such as a wrecker or Butcher bear.
They treat anyone who approaches within sight
as a problem, with gunfire as their universal Near the center of Old Buffalo, the recent collapse
and immediate solution. As always, the Phoenix of a brick wall has exposed an Old World bank
State soldiers are utterly xenophobic, eschewing vault that remains sealed after all this time. What
communication with outsiders. would it take to crack the bank vault and find out
what the citizens of Buffalo left behind? Perhaps
it’s full of Old World documents and useless
Wellflame: On the northern outskirts of Old
American paper money. Then again, there might
Buffalo, a Feral gang has settled permanently
be a cache of gold. Or, maybe after the Harvest
around a cluster of former industrial structures
began, it was repurposed as a survival bunker, and
surrounding the remains of a natural gas
is full of Old World supplies - things that would
well. They surprised and ambushed a small
be remarkably untouched by the ravages of the
band of explorers who were tinkering with the
GenBomb. It’s possible there might even be a
ravaged machinery. Before the scavengers were
functional computer inside!
overwhelmed, the gas well was damaged and now
Old Jackson
A Little Piece of the
“A silent place, and full of ghosts, right up near
the stars on the shoulders of the mountains. After
Fierce and cold winds blow in the winter that For roleplaying groups who are interested in
creating and detailing their own community,
will strip the skin from a man. But, one who
Jackson offers an interesting opportunity.
was strong of leg, soft of step and sharp of eye
Compared to the settlements in Wind River
could go down into that valley in the summer
Valley, it’s isolated and relatively safe. Changed
and come out with all manner of fur, bone, creatures are rare and Butcher-spawned
and meat for his clan. If you do this, go with biotech horrors even more unusual. The local
reverence in your heart or do not go at all.” Ferals would be a problem, especially during
the short growing season, but there is plenty
- Old Man Crow of space and ample hunting and fishing
to support a small community. Jackson
A bastion of natural beauty, the glorious mountain Hole could be an ideal place for a group of
valley housing the ruins of Old Jackson has returned characters to lead an expedition to set up their
to a nearly pristine state. The town itself, nestled up at very own town, as long as they have plans to
the very foot of the Teton Mountains, has deteriorated deal with the winter weather.
rapidly, with most buildings in a sorry state of rot or
half-collapse. While mechanical salvage is hard to turn Because Jackson Hole is a well-known
up, the area is rich in wildlife and timber. Would-be tourist destination in the real world, there
fur traders or loggers will need to ensure they do not are many photographs and even detailed
overload themselves, though, as the mountain roads maps of the Old World region available for
in and out of the valley are treacherous. an enterprising GM to examine. This could
allow settlement-building campaigns to get
The lush surroundings support a thriving population very detailed about the valley, allowing for all
of elk, bison, moose, and deer, as well as a few small sorts of additional, hidden areas that their
gangs of Ferals, who are hostile to all outsiders. These groups might like to explore.
Ferals are heavily furred and develop an almost
ursine bulk during the summer, which allows them
to hibernate through the worst of the winter weather. thousand feet above sea level. While Savage Worlds
Unlike Ferals commonly seen in the Wind River Valley, does not model altitude sickness, GMs might
their behavior varies based on the season. During the consider calling for characters to make a Vigor roll
summer and fall, the local Feral gangs don’t instantly after strenuous combats or chases to avoid suffering
leap to a frenzied assault. Instead, their scouts will often a level of Fatigue (which cannot be lethal, and is
stalk explorers, sometimes for days, waiting for the removed after an hour of rest), at least until they’ve
interlopers to appear complacent or vulnerable before spent long enough in the area to be considered
bringing their warriors to an ambush. They bide their acclimatized - perhaps 1d4 weeks.
time, seeking to bring their kin the most meat with the
least effort. But during the weeks following the first In addition to the elevation, the temperatures in
snowmelt, the Ferals come from their caves both savage Jackson are a danger, as the area is even colder than
and starving, desperate for food and eager to hunt. in Wind River. Nighttime low temperatures are
extreme compared to daytime peaks, with nightly
ZONE EFFECTS temperatures averaging below freezing except during
The valley of Jackson Hole is not a Breach Zone, but June, July, and August. Low temperatures during the
it is worth noting the extreme weather conditions winter are exceptionally fierce, regularly ranging
of the area. Firstly, the entire area is more than six thirty degrees or more below freezing.
of the War between the Butchers and Ghosts can be A ruined entrance to Riverton High School is
heard echoing among the fallen bricks. A handful of nearly indistinguishable as a crumbling crack
folk claim to have heard the very voices of the Butchers, halfway down the rim of a large, smoking crater.
barking forth orders to their minions. Fortunately, Explorers who dare the pitch-black depths will
these nightmarish sounds are just echoes percolating have to leap over crumbling pits, avoid or defeat
up through the Breach. a cloud of a dozen zapdrones that haunt the area,
and finesse or muscle their way past some Old
After all of this carnage and conflict, the Rustyard is a World locks. Those who succeed could uncover
tangled mass of rubble and brush - a ruined graveyard the ruins of a classroom with several boxes of
for thousands of forgotten beings. Old World buildings relatively intact textbooks - better than gold when
are mingled with the wreckage of Butcher facilities presented to the Librarians of Chapter!
and biomechanoid holding pens. It all crumbles away
a little more each winter, sinking glacially into the
The inscrutable Ghosts were thorough in their war
against the Butchers, but was the devastation truly
complete? It’s possible that, with the right excavation
ZONE EFFECTS tools and a little luck, dedicated scavengers might
The entire Rustyard has been rendered barely passable be able to uncover a fraction of one of the Butchers’
between the rampant overgrowth, crumbling cement processing plants. Within could be found wiring
and brick buildings, and the scars and craters of the and technological salvage that might be at least
War. This wrecked terrain has the following effects: somewhat resistant to the GenBomb; one or more
Difficult Ground is the prevalent terrain type Butcher Remnants, somehow still throbbing
within the Rustyard, as most areas are laden with in a stasis container; and a half-operational
shifting wreckage or sudden elevation changes biomechanoid servitor that mindlessly assaults all
ranging from potholes to pits. Explorers often have intruders without rest or mercy.
to clamber from ledge to ledge or work their way
around even larger obstacles. ENCOUNTERS
Because of the unstable and inhospitable terrain, A pack of 2d6 wild dogs begins stalking the party.
vehicles larger than a dirt bike are nearly impossible Do the explorers look like prey? The beasts are
to drive within the Rustyard. There isn’t enough probably too wild to tame, but might be driven off
flat ground to bring in a horse-drawn wagon, for by a show of force or distracted by dropping food.
While clambering past the edge of a crater, someone
A -2 penalty is applied to maneuvering rolls stumbles over a piece of leftover Butcher ordnance
during any chase within the Rustyard, unless the that immediately explodes. Its worst effects have
participant has a way to ignore or avoid the difficult eroded with time, but it still has the effect of a
terrain (such as a flight power or the Free Runner Havoc power in a Large Burst template. This might
Edge). hurl unfortunate characters down into the crater
Stealth rolls within the Rustyard gain +2 as long (inflicting Bumps and Bruises), or smash them into
as the character is moving at half speed or less; the nearby ruins opposite the crater. The noise
while the many cracked and crumbling walls offer might also attract any Ferals that are scavenging
shadows and shelter, moving quickly could result nearby.
in crashing through brush or stumbling over A group of dart vultures wait until the explorers
shattered bricks. are traversing a narrow or dangerous area before
launching a brief attack. They focus on the slowest
or weakest-looking member of the group, hoping it
will be left behind to be devoured.
disorienting. Light fades out only a few yards away, no
“Every time we think we are beginning to matter how intense a light source you bring. With the
landmarks mostly out of view and the sky impossible
understand what Breach energy is and how
to see, explorers need to take special care not to get
it works, we end up surprised.
Take Shadow, lost. A compass is nearly the only way to be sure of
for instance.
It’s complete nonsense. A whole keeping to the desired direction inside of Shadow.
town covered in perpetual darkness? That’s
the sort of thing you’d read about in an Old Animals within Shadow seem to have adapted to the
World storybook. A myth, a dream, a tall tale unending darkness. Despite the fact that the Breach
for cowpokes to share around the campfire. Zone has been in existence only a few decades, some
creatures (such as fish, deer, and rodents) have already
And yet, there it is, as plain as the nose on your evolved into eyeless variants - perhaps assisted by the
face, this black blotch in the middle of the
influence of Breach energy. Even without eyes, these
southeastern Valley that simply should not be
beasts are able to navigate by sound and smell almost
as well as sighted creatures would - and perhaps
there. It shatters the laws of physics. We can’t
better when at a full run.
even begin to guess at what’s causing the endless
shadows. And the way sounds are muffled doesn’t Given that the strange darkness of the Breach Zone
make any scientific sense either - but you still appears to block all sunlight, one might expect the
can’t hear a gunshot from more than a few yards entire area to be a barren, dusty wasteland. However,
away. But what’s really, really strange about the plant life within Shadow appears to be largely
the place - the thing that drives me absolutely unaffected. Flowers bloom, grass grows, and trees
batty - is that nobody can explain why plants bear fruit - for more of the year, in fact, than the
are still growing there, if there’s no light.” growing season in the rest of the Breach Zone, since
the temperature is slightly moderated. This puts off
- Allie Morgan the usual nighttime freeze for a few weeks longer
than might be expected elsewhere.
Along the slumping ruins of Interstate 80, far the
south and east of Chapter, wandering explorers Alongside the usual plant life in Shadow are truly
might spot what looks like a storm cloud at first: odd specimens of fungus, including occasional
a dark and wavering stain miles wide, fading up ‘forests’ of giant mushrooms, which grow caps as
from the horizon far into the sky. There, roughly wide as rooftops, ranging from six to twenty feet
centered around the ruins of a forgotten and tall. Even outside of these clusters, knee-high
nameless Old World town, is the Breach Zone mushrooms are common throughout the Breach
known as Shadow. Zone. Most of the fungi nauseate those who might
eat them (inflicting a level of Fatigue that lasts
Shadow has a roughly ovoid border, about eight eight hours, unless the diner is resistant to poison).
miles north-to-south and twelve miles east-to- Identifying a mushroom that is safe to eat requires
west. Anyone venturing within the border finds a Survival roll at -4. Even an edible mushroom is
their surroundings change as suddenly as if they likely to be foul to the taste and slimy to the touch.
had walked through a door. The winds common Unlike the infamous Verdant, so far explorers have
elsewhere in the Valley die away almost to nothing. been unable to derive any useful or entertaining
The air is cool and wet, almost a little misty. Sounds concoctions from the mushrooms. Perhaps your
are unnaturally suppressed, too - but the most group will be the first to discover something!
obvious effect, of course, is the unnatural darkness
that hangs over the entire Breach Zone.
The outflow of the Lake of Stars trickles down the character gets enough rest to avoid Fatigue,
into the cracks and crannies, revealing an extensive per the sleeping rules in Savage Worlds.
system of ravines and caves that extend far below
ground level of the Trench. The great majority of
this cave system remains unmapped and unexplored.
Whether the orb in the center of the Trench is
real, some sort of Breach-induced illusion, or
ZONE EFFECTS something else entirely, the truth is that nobody
The orb provides Dim lighting at all hours, visible has been able to get close enough to it to bring
throughout the Trench. back facts for the rest of Wind River Valley.
Bathing in the Lake of Stars during a ‘red rain’ The rare explorers that used powers of flight
can bring on visions. The content of these visions to attempt a landing on the orb were terribly
is up to the GM; in many cases, the affected can affected by the tangible tides of Breach energy
only report seeing indescribable sights and being that radiate outward from it. They were Changed
consumed with ineffable emotion. Others have almost beyond recognition, their sanity eroded
described seeing the hideous and awesome by experiencing months of nightmares packed
battles between the Butchers and Ghosts as if into just a few short minutes.
they were there firsthand.
A Gifted who bathes in the Lake of Stars (at any Deep in one of the cracks at the bottom of the
time) gains the Rapid Recharge Edge until the southern end of the Trench, a Glowbelcher from
next time they sleep. Their sleep will be wracked the Fission Factory is attempting to dig deep and
with terrifying and chaotic dreams for 1d6 days create a small facility for churning out zapdrones.
thereafter. It’s the GMs decision as to whether It’s following its programming to wreck all
things of the Ghosts, unaware that the zapdrones In the Old World, this area was an unremarkable
would be unable to affect the huge, glowing stretch of mountainous terrain. Arid, rocky, cold,
orb. That said, if the creature isn’t stopped, a and inhospitable, most of what grew here was scrub
plague of zapdrones could render the Trench brush and scraggly whitebark pines. That all changed
uninhabitable for explorers and might even be a after the Fall.
threat to neighboring settlements.
The exact event that touched off the formation
The shattered caves at the bottom of the Trench of this Breach Zone will never be known, but the
are full of Breach-infused runoff from the Lake amount of Breach energy released was immeasurable.
of Stars. This means they are likely to be full of It resulted in the most utterly transformed Breach
all sorts of bizarre plants and animals, and ripe Zone in the entirety of Wind River Valley, leaving the
for cataloguing and exploration. landscape overwhelmingly altered. The coniferous
mountain valley shown on Old World maps had
been completely replaced. In its stead, explorers
ENCOUNTERS discovered a tangled, alien jungle swarming with
A Phoenix State ultralight attempts to investigate bizarre creatures and bristling with unearthly plants
the orbship, is disabled by Breach energy of every color, size, and description.
corrosion, and crashes nearby. What have the
pilots become during their proximity to the orb? Even the weather has been altered by the energies
Those people that went missing from Sweetwater that created the Breach Zone. The incessant
two summers ago, they’re down here in the caves. winds found elsewhere in the valley die down to
They’ve become cultists, driven insane by the light breezes, and the temperatures range from
Breach energy. They worship the Orb and make uncomfortably warm to sweltering. Snow does not
daily visits to the Lake of Stars. Interlopers must fall in the Verdant. Instead, rain washes the area
be ‘baptised’ to help in dreaming the perfect regularly, leaving the jungle intensely hot and humid
dream. Those that survive this process will surely throughout the year. Where it comes from is a lively
join the cult, most of whom bear the Boon. topic of debate among local scientists, as the Breach
A member of the Chapter Scouting Guild Zone gets an enormous amount of precipitation
approaches the group. Her partner has been compared to the rest of Wind River. The rain clouds
captured by a gang of marauders hiding out in don’t leave the Verdant, but in several places runoff
a nearby cave. The pair of scouts were spying streams enter the rest of the region. These streams
on the marauders in hopes of bringing them to sometimes carry fish, beasts, or seeds outside of the
justice via bounty hunters. Will the PCs rescue Verdant, but these almost always die quickly in the
the captured scout before he is tortured to death? cooler climate found in Wind River Valley.
cough, or bark. Some of the alien plant life adds The hot and humid climate of the Verdant can lead
to the noise, emitting buzzing, deep hums, or even to special challenges. The temperature is often
sudden shrieks in an attempt to scare off nearby above 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day; GMs
creatures - or, in rare cases, to lure them within should be aware of the Hazard rules for heat and
reach of predatory attack. apply them accordingly.
Exploration of the Verdant can be hazardous in the Characters entering the Verdant who wear armor
extreme. It’s easy to get lost amid the labyrinth of or other clothing from Wind River Valley are likely
plant life, and the jungle canopy often screens the to be very uncomfortable due to the temperature.
sky from view. Compasses aren’t always reliable here, They may need to stash their cold-weather gear
either, making orienteering a struggle. somewhere near the border, or figure out how to
stuff it in their packs. Those who insist that it isn’t
Despite the dangers, explorers flock to the Verdant. a big deal to just keep wearing their insulated gear
Hacking trails through the rampant overgrowth, will take a -2 penalty on attempts to resist Fatigue
they seek to penetrate the unexplored depths of the from the heat.
jungle. The more scientifically-minded attempt to Due to the heat, all explorers will need to drink a
catalog the unending varieties of new, alien life found lot of water - surely too much to pack in with them.
there, gathering data and performing experiments to At the GM’s option, water sources in the Verdant
see which life forms of the Verdant might be useful might be tainted with exotic pathogens, Breach
and safe to consume. They seek out potential fruits energy, or microscopic parasites. Ingesting locally-
to be harvested and test meat for safety, as well as sourced water without boiling it first could result in
attempting to determine if local plants or fungi the character contracting a Debilitating disease (per
might serve to replace some of the lost medicines of the Savage Worlds Hazards rules) or even drawing
the Old World. a result from the chart following! How the GM
handles water safety in the Verdant will set the tone
However, many visitors to the Verdant are more for the ‘difficulty level’ of the Breach Zone. A gritty
interested in profit than science. They might hunt game that emphasizes the difficulties of exploring
indiscriminately, hoping to bring a unique hide to alien terrain will have almost all water sources
market. More than this, though, these ruffians seek start unsafe, while a more free-wheeling game that
out beamfruit. These heavy, head-sized fruits grow at focuses on action will usually ignore the possibility.
substantial height, and thus can be difficult to gather. It almost goes without saying that the tangled
But, with effort, beamfruit can be fermented and landscape and dense canopy makes getting safely
turned into an alcoholic beverage, called beambrew. from point to point extremely difficult. Survival
Depending on how the beambrew is prepared, it rolls to avoid getting lost are in order whenever
can cause euphoria and mild hallucinations in explorers are traveling away from a known path.
some drinkers, as well as being mildly addictive. Penalties might apply for particularly dark or dense
After a few occasions of beambrew-inspired chaos, sections of the Verdant.
both beambrew and beamfruit were outlawed in Eating plants or fungus of the Verdant can result in
Chapter. It’s also frowned upon in more strait-laced unpredictable effects. Survival rolls to locate food
settlements such as Daniel. Still, there is a market for require a Raise to acquire food that is guaranteed
the stuff and it’s often smuggled into places where it safe - otherwise the explorers who try this (whether
isn’t welcomed by the authorities. out of foolhardiness or hunger) should draw a card
from the Action Deck and apply the corresponding
result from the following chart. There is an endless
variety of these flora for players to experiment with,
so a GM should feel free to generate additional,
custom results as desired for groups that make a
habit of sampling unknown vegetation.
is all a dream. If the GM would prefer to resolve energy. This inflicts a random Stress Tag on a
this quickly, instead simply call for a Fear check piece of the character’s equipment. If more
as the hallucination hits like a waking nightmare than one character is trying this item, inflict the
before passing as quickly as it arrived. same Stress Tag to everyone (though the assigned
equipment might be random).
- Ace: Intoxicating. In addition to being
nourishing and tasty, the consumer must make HEARTS
a Vigor roll or be Distracted for an hour as they - 2-10: Tolerable. Perhaps not the worst choice;
become rip-roaringly drunk. At the GMs option, this item doesn’t smell or taste all that great, but
it might be fun to waive the mechanical effects of it’s edible, nourishing, and causes no harm.
being Distracted if the player is willing to role-
play the intoxication to the hilt. - Jack: Analgesic. This item tastes far too
strong to eat in large amounts - that is, it won’t
DIAMONDS make a meal for a character. But, when consumed
- 2-8: Vile. It tastes awful, and powerfully in small doses, it serves as a strong pain reliever.
so. There are no ill effects once the taste finally The character receives the benefits of the Nerves
goes away. of Steel Edge for 1d6 hours.
- 9-10: Diseased. The item has a painfully bland - King: Medicinal. With a strange and salty
taste. 1d4 hours after eating, the character must taste, this item is not a good choice for a meal
succeed at a Vigor roll or begin suffering from a - in fact, eating too much of it will cause brief
fever, which leaves them Fatigued for 1d6 days. vomiting. But, in small amounts, it serves to
boost the character’s immune system, offering
- Jack: Breach-laden. Sour-tasting, but an immediate Vigor roll to remove a disease the
not overwhelmingly so, eating this causes the character is suffering from.
character to make a Vigor roll at -2. Failure
results in the Breach energy inherent to the - Queen: Nourishing. A mild taste and heavy,
food inducing mutations to the character’s body. mealy consistency accompany a surprising
Draw again from the Action Deck and apply the amount of nutrition. One meal made of this
result to the Cosmetic Changes chart in Chapter stuff will sustain most characters for an entire
Two. The Change erupts suddenly and painfully, day of adventuring.
leaving the character Vulnerable for 2d4 rounds.
The effect usually goes away within 1d4 days. - Ace: Nootropic. In addition to being edible
and filling, there is a substance inside this item
- Queen: Poisonous. After choking down that adds to the character’s focus and attention.
this bitter food, the character must make a They gain the benefits of the Alertness Edge for
Vigor roll at -1 or suffer a level of Fatigue (two 2d6 hours, as well as gaining a +2 on any Smarts
levels on a Critical Failure). This cannot cause roll related to memorization for the same
Incapacitation. amount of time.
item seems to freshen the breath and cool the might ask the player to swap a mental or social
character’s skin. It also helps the character’s Hindrance on their character sheet for another
system recover from strain, removing one level of equal value. For instance, perhaps a previously
of Fatigue. Bloodthirsty character becomes a Pacifist(Major),
or a character overcomes their Death Wish and
- Queen: Fate-twisting. This item melts in the becomes Impulsive instead.
mouth almost like cotton candy, almost evaporating
before it can be chewed. Despite this lightness, it is POINTS OF INTEREST
perfectly edible and sustains the user like a typical
Floating Isles: Over the years since the Breach
fruit or vegetable. In addition, the Breach energy
Zone appeared, a thick carpet of invasive vines
inherent in the meal alters the character’s luck:
spread over the rocks and hills here. The kudzu-
they immediately gain one Benny.
like coating became Changed from the Breach
energy in the area, which accelerated its spread
- Ace: Regenerative. Upon consuming this
and caused it to gain anti-gravitic properties.
chewy and spicy item, the character heals one
Eight years ago, enormous chunks of the ground
became replete with these vines to the point that
they broke free of the earth and floated skyward
JOKER in an immense eruption. Nearby water sources
- Roll any die. On an even result, draw roared into the gaps left behind, and the region is
another Action Card and apply the result, but now home to a large but shallow lake, with dozens
include the effect that it is highly Addictive. The of airborne “islands” tethered above in a stable
character must make a Spirit roll at -2 or gain the formation. The usual canopy of the Verdant was
Habit(Major) Hindrance related to the substance destroyed when the isles went airborne, leaving
they have ingested. While the Savage Worlds rules the area open to the sky.
do not include guidelines for beating the addiction
modeled by this Hindrance, we suggest finding a Mount Goop: Tucked away in a rarely-explored
way for afflicted characters to eventually break free section of the Verdant is a small “volcano” of sorts.
of their addiction - especially if your campaign It regularly belches forth torrents of intensely-
takes the characters far away from the Verdant! colored slime, which end up slowly solidifying
into multicolored lakes around the place. Once
- On an odd result, the ingested substance is solidified, the stuff becomes waxy and somewhat
charged with an immense amount of Breach pliable. It can be cut into blocks and, with the
Energy, which causes the character to suffer a proper equipment, rendered into dye, ink, or paint.
Breach Crisis. They experience visions of the
Breach and the unexplainable dimensions that
Mushroom Grove: The Grove is home to multi-
exist within and beyond it. For 1d6 hours, they
capped, towering mushroom formations with
are a babbling, incoherent mess - effectively
stalks as thick as redwoods and caps sturdy
Incapacitated, although they may attempt to
enough to march an entire group of explorers
wander off into the Verdant unless restrained.
across. These fungi form a canopy that leaves
At the GMs option, this is the kind of event that
the ground in perpetual shadow, inflicting
could cause a character to become Gifted (taking
Illumination penalties on those who remain
an Arcane Background with their next Advance)
at ground level. Those who brave the darkness
or even Changed (gaining all the qualities of the
can make good time hiking, as the undergrowth
Changed as seen in Chapter 2 - or the Further
in this region is at a minimum. It’s dominated
Changed Edge with their next Advance, if they
by glowing patches of mold that spread in
are already Changed). A character that does not
strange fractal-like patterns, interspersed with
become Changed or Gifted as a result of this
stands of black fernlike plants and smaller-scale
experience is forever altered by their visions. This
Boombug Swarm: Amid the ever-present insect Breach-infused creature, when creeping close
life of the Verdant lurk dangerous creatures, such enough to the explorers, can attempt to use a
as the explosive boombug. The explorers have form of the Gift to hypnotize one of them. If this
strayed too close to a boombug nest, where 2d6 mesmerism is successful, the character will creep
of the creatures have entered their reproduction off into the undergrowth, where the mesmer will
cycle and swoop to the attack. A Notice roll at quietly coil around them - making sure they are
-2 allows a character to pick out the impending Restrained before attacking with its fangs, possibly
danger from the intense noise of the surrounding with The Drop. A challenging GM will have the
forest - however, the skill die rolled is capped by mesmer use this power on the rearmost character
the character’s Survival skill, as knowledge of the in a march, or - even worse - on the sole character
creatures of the Verdant is mandatory to note the that’s on watch during a nighttime camp.
insect menaces. If nobody in the group notes the Crocogant Ambush: While traversing a muddy
approaching boombugs, they will ambush the path on the floor of the Verdant, the group
group - terrifying indeed, given their penchant stumbles across the hunting ground of a
for exploding! crocogant. The scaly beast is buried beneath
Bootlegger Still: The explorers stumble onto a a layer of mud, leaves, and other detritus. The
concealed camp. In a rudely-built cabin sits an lead character may attempt a Notice roll to defeat
active beambrew distillery, run by bootleggers the creature’s natural camouflage. Regardless of
who distribute the stuff throughout Wind River the result, it will launch its bulk from hiding to
Valley. Understandably, the bootleggers are very grab what it believes is easy prey, relying on its
upset that their operation has been discovered formidable scales for protection.
and will do everything in their power to drive Shimmering Pool: Through the foliage, the
off interlopers. For statistics, use 3d4 Outlaw group spots a shimmering pool that seems alive
Bandits and, if desired, the Outlaw Gang Leader. with rainbow colors. A sweet scent wafts through
A particularly formidable group of smugglers the brush. Characters that approach within 6”
might include a Helot Guardian who thinks may be compelled to approach the pool, which
beambrew is a great thing, and worth fighting for. is actually formed from the paralytic saliva of a
Chosen by a Mesmer: Should the group decide scent shrouder. The beast will attempt to devour
to climb higher than the Verdant floor (perhaps anyone that is overcome by its pool.
when visiting the Floating Isles or Mushroom
have a lot more to offer them, but she can arrange where the scientists do their work and where injured
for the Militia to look the other way if the PCs decide personnel are cared for. The scientists live in two-
to bring a load of beamfruit back from the Verdant. person tents around one end of the medcenter while,
“That stuff sells for a pretty penny on the black at the other end, the mercenaries have constructed a
market,” she assures the PCs. “Should make this trip barracks from pre-fabricated materials. Supplies are
worth your while.” kept under tarps behind the trailer. A few more tents
house the assistants and labor staff, and there’s a central
If the PCs agree, Lt. Horn provides them with firepit where the inhabitants of Satler’s camp gather
a basic map; show the PCs the illustration of the when there’s insufficient room inside the medcenter.
Verdant. The map marks several landmarks inside The entire camp is surrounded by a wire mesh that
the jungle, including a Feral village, but Horn is keeps out most of the Verdant’s local wildlife; there’s a
quick to point out this is only the largest tribe within single entrance, a door-sized gate that’s been placed in
the Verdant; other Feral groups wander through the the mesh and which is usually kept closed.
jungle, usually sticking to a particular territory. “No
one really knows much about the Wendigos,” she The inhabitants of Satler’s Camp don’t get many
tells them. “That’s part of why I’m hiring you. But visitors, so the PCs are greeted positively. Characters
you might have more luck at Satler’s Camp. That’s with a scientific or academic background are
probably where you’ll want to make your home immediately welcomed into the small community
base.” The PCs may want to get some supplies or of scientists here, while heroes with a history in
adventuring gear, and Horn is willing to reimburse the military or law enforcement are invited into the
them for these things, within reason; she does not, barracks for a round of beambrew. The PCs have a
however, pay for weapons, armor, vehicles, mounts, chance to gather information, roleplay with the
or other large expenses. Instead, use this as an inhabitants of the camp, and potentially recruit a
opportunity to provide the PCs with survival gear guide or gather additional supplies. Use this as an
that their characters would logically have, but which opportunity to include a Backstory Interlude, as the
they could not afford as starting equipment. PCs tell stories about themselves and get to know
one another.
Once the PCs have their mission and any equipment
they require to complete their task, they can travel to Dr. Phillip Gaston is an enthusiastic and
Satler’s camp. optimistic field scientist with a clear appreciation
for the dangers of the Verdant. He’s heard about
Satler’s Camp the White Wendigo and read sightings that place
him in the Mushroom Grove, but Gaston’s never
About five years ago, a scientist from Chapter named
seen him personally. “I’m afraid I don’t get into
Joseph Satler set out for the Verdant with a couple of
the jungle as often as I used to,” he says. “There’s
bodyguards and pack handlers. He reached the edge
always so much to do here!” He extends the camp’s
of the jungle and set up camp; after a few months,
limited services to the PCs; they’re welcome to
however, communications ceased. A young colleague
sleep in the medcenter for a day or two, but if they
of Satler, Phillip Gaston, followed his friend, found
stay longer than that, they’ll need to arrange for
the camp, and tried to investigate, but Satler’s entire
their own housing. When he learns the PCs are
expedition had vanished without a trace. Now, Gaston
going into the jungle, he assures them they can
leads a small team of half a dozen biologists, zoologists,
use Satler’s camp as a base, and if any of them
and botanists trying to explore the Verdant. They’re
are seriously injured, they should withdraw to the
protected by a dozen mercenaries who’ve become
camp immediately.
quite experienced at jungle survival and warfare.
There’s also a few assistants and laborers at the camp, Sherman is the leader of the mercenaries here. He’s
which has a total population of less than 30. a grizzled veteran who has seen all kinds of crazy
stuff in the Verdant, but these strange sights have
unnerved him and he lives in fear of the Ferals and
weapons the PCs have brought, he assures them it’s Sherman. “One day,” he says in a tense whisper, “the
not enough. Sherman has seen the White Wendigo White Wendigo, he’s gonna lead all them Ferals out
among the Floating Isles, and he tells the story in of the Verdant like the wrath of God, and they’re
a haunted voice. “He stands straight up. Not like gonna kill all of us, every man, woman and child. Y’all
Ferals. Like a man does. They fight for him, even should get outta here, come mornin’. Be the last one
when we mow ’em down like stalks of corn.” of us to go, not the first.”
Tesla is one of Gaston’s young assistants. She’s
seen the White Wendigo near the Great Tree, With this foreboding warning, the PCs are ready to
but is more intrigued than frightened by his march into the Verdant.
behavior. “When the other Ferals are near him,
they make this howling noise—almost as if they
were talking! But of course Ferals can’t talk! We
Act II: Into the Green
The PCs have three locations to investigate, in
really need to learn more.” Tesla is inexperienced,
addition to the Wendigo Caves, where the Ferals are
and all but helpless in combat, but she is brave,
most concentrated. It will take them several days to
loyal, and willing to guide the PCs through the
travel to all these locations, during which they will be
Verdant; she also knows the various plants and
tested by the Verdant’s many hazards.
animals that live in the jungle, and she can survive
there. She’s unarmed, but will accept a pistol or
Travel through the Verdant is slow, but trails lead
hand weapon if the PCs loan her one.
from Satler’s Camp to the Mushroom Grove and the
Louie is an experienced teamster and guide. He Floating Isles; groups who travel along these paths
came to the camp hoping to make a fortune, but cross about 1 1/2 miles in an hour, while those who
the mercenaries take all the beamfruit and he’s leave the path have to chop their way through dense
been unable to make the big score he was hoping jungle, crossing only 3/4 of a mile in an hour of travel.
for. Of all the people in camp, Louie is the best Use this as an opportunity for a Trek Interlude,
jungle survivalist and knows more about the giving one PC a turn in between each encounter
creatures that live in the Verdant than anyone location described below. In addition, the PCs might
except perhaps Gaston himself, though he’s never encounter all manner of creatures, plants, and other
seen the White Wendigo and is half-convinced hazards, depending on pacing and the amount of
the man is a myth. He will guide the PCs into the time you have available. The Verdant is a place of
Verdant if they agree to pay him; if he’s not happy wondrous biological diversity; it is dangerous, but it
with the price they offer (and as the adventure gets is also amazing. Here are some ideas for encounters
more dangerous, he expects more), he waits till he the PCs might have along the way:
can make off with all the beamfruit he can carry
before abandoning the PCs. If he can lead the PCs
D8 Encounter
into an ambush and loot their bodies, he will.
1 The PCs discover a stand of beamfruit trees.
For every hour the PCs spend harvesting,
Satler’s camp has a limited collection of jungle
they gather 2d12 beamfruit, each weighing
survival gear (mosquito nets, water purification
approximately 3 lbs.
tablets, first aid kits), scientific equipment
(microscopes, glass containers for samples, and a 2 A crocogant is lurking under cover just off the
prized solar-powered calculator), weapons (machetes, path. If the PCs do not notice it, the creature
knives, small arms, and hunting rifles), and armor attacks by surprise.
(vests and leather jackets). None of these things 3 A buzzing noise grows increasingly loud,
are “for sale” in the usual sense, as they are all the increasingly fast. It’s a swarm of boom bugs.
personal possessions of someone at the camp. But If the PCs successfully hide, the insects fly by;
if a PC has befriended someone, and has an obvious otherwise, they attack. Use 1 boom bug for
lack, the NPC may offer it to them as a loan or trade. every PC.
4 The PCs make camp within sight of a
mesmer. That evening, a random PC on and difficult terrain of the Verdant, and each has a
watch is targeted by the creature, who tries to rudimentary and twisted set of antlers or horns that
lure the victim away to be eaten. are sufficient to deliver Str+d4 damage in melee.
5 The PCs are trailed by a small horde of
There are four tribes of Ferals in the Verdant, and
monkey-like creatures which mimic the
the PCs will likely encounter several of them on this
PCs’ speech and gestures. At first, they only
adventure. Each tribe has its own territory and a unique
make animal noises, but as the day goes by,
special ability. In addition, each is led by a shaman and
their screeching begins to form words and
champions with unique powers, but the PCs will not
sentences copied from the PCs. Around dusk,
encounter most of these leaders (the exception, the
they begin talking to each other with words
Cave Clan, is detailed below). The names given for
the PCs have never used. Then they vanish.
each tribe are those used by the mercenaries of Satler’s
6 The PCs find the remains of an abandoned Camp; if the Wendigos have names for themselves, no
expedition. Twisting vines rise up from one has yet been able to understand it.
the corpses of two horses. A body, still in
clothing from Chapter, appears to have been Shroomers: These are the Wendigos of the
eaten from the inside out. The imprint of Mushroom Grove. They live atop the giant
shoes leads off into the jungle, then vanish mushroom stalks and mix pieces of these
suddenly; see “Satler & Wallace,” below, for psychedelic plants into their feasts of live meat.
the fate of this individual. Underneath the They decorate their skin with phosphorescent
leaves and mud, the PCs can salvage a first fungus in swirling patterns, as a form of warpaint.
aid kit and a heavy pistol with 4 rounds of Indeed, elder Shroomers may have fungus
ammunition remaining. actually growing from their flesh. Frequent use
7 The trees part around a small clearing with a of psychedelics makes them even more immune
pool of liquid in the center. The liquid has the to pain than they usually are; these Ferals have
consistency of water, but gives off a rainbow the Hardy special ability. See the Mushroom
sheen and smells fruity. There are no fish in Grove encounter in Act II for more details.
the water, but there are prints around the pool Crawlers: Crawlers live among the Floating
that suggest multiple creatures crawled out of Islands. They decorate themselves with feathers.
it. The liquid sustains anyone who drinks it Their hands and feet have adapted into sharp
for three days, after which it causes a random claws which they use to grip the sides and bottoms
mutation (hair falls out, skin changes color, of the floating islands themselves. Within the
grow an additional finger on each hand). Verdant, this grants them the Wall Walker special
8 Wendigo attack! The PCs come under attack ability and attack with their claws instead of
by Ferals belonging to a tribe they have not weapons, for Str+d6 damage. Crawlers are often
already encountered. armed with nets, nooses, and other trapping
weapons which they use to catch land-dwellers
The assault party consists of two Feral scavengers before hoisting the victims up onto the islands.
for each PC. Note that each tribe has a unique special They also hang vines from the islands which they
ability; see each encounter site for details. use to swing from one piece of land to the next;
see the Floating Islands encounter in Act II for
The Wendigos more details.
Ferals native to the Verdant, as a whole, are called Croakers: The Ferals of the Swamp are known as
Wendigos. Each tribe of Wendigos is heavily Croakers. It’s unlikely the PCs will travel to the
Changed, making it easy to identify one group from Verdant’s swamp, as it does not lie on the path
another. These Ferals do share two traits that are to the Wendigo Caves, but they could still come
common among all of the gangs: each has the Free under attack by this tribe. Croakers have adapted
to amphibious life; their chests inflate with air
a frog. This allows them to hold their breath for assemble bone and stone into a fetish). But among
an extended period; they have the Aquatic special the detritus is a shattered glass vial that still has a
ability and a Pace of 6 in water. faint residue on it of a green chemical. A label on the
Cave Clan: The Wendigo Caves are far to the vial clearly reads “Satler,” though the rest of the label
northeast in the Verdant, and are home to the has been picked off.
largest collection of Ferals in the region. These
Wendigo are led by the White Wendigo, and Tesla, the junior scientist, can identify this vial as
they revel in the strength of their numbers. a chemical sample brought into the jungle by John
Champions of the Cave Clan have large antlers Satler, the first researcher to explore the Verdant. He’s
which they can use as natural weapons (Str+d6); been missing for years, and it’s a miracle this vial has
use the rules for horn attacks, so the champion survived, but the fact that the residue is still detectable
gains a damage bonus if he runs at a target before means the sample must have been sealed until
attacking them. The Cave Clan has no shaman, recently. Satler was experimenting with psychoactive
as the White Wendigo killed him recently. The chemicals meant to enhance intelligence; no one has
White Wendigo himself is a Wild Card with the followed up on his work, however, as all his notes were
ability to use the Boon. See Acts IV and V for lost when he disappeared. If Tesla is with the PCs, she
more information. can tell them all this, but if she is not, the PCs will have
to return to Satler’s Camp to get this information.
Great Tree for the first time, they note the air is filled The PCs, perhaps injured or carrying evidence
with a kind of electric energy that makes the hair on collected from the various Wendigo territories,
their arms and necks stand up. There is a high-pitched return to Satler’s Camp. The camp is largely as they
whine just at the edge of their hearing, like the echo of left it, and the staff help to care for any wounded
a concert long after the music has stopped. The tree is characters. If the PCs tell their story, the men and
enormous, the size of an Old World high-rise building, women at the camp are eager to listen, especially
with roots that undulate out of and back down into to the PCs’ experience at the Great Tree, which is a
the ground. At the base of the tree is a cave from which source of considerable debate among them. (Gaston
slowly-shifting light emerges. wants to prepare an expedition to explore the caverns,
but Sherman adamantly refuses.)
All the Wendigo tribes have come to consider the
Great Tree a holy site - a concept quite foreign to Ferals If the PCs did not have Tesla as a guide, she or
found elsewhere! Despite (or perhaps because of ) this Phillip Gaston can identify the test tube fragment
reverence, they generally come here only on special as an element of Joseph Satler’s research. Satler
occasions. If the PCs approach the cave entrance, the disappeared years ago, and Gaston would very much
strange sensations associated with the area intensify, like to know what happened to him. The PCs may
until the PCs find it so hard to concentrate that they speculate that the White Wendigo is, in fact, Satler;
can barely place one foot in front of the other. In front Gaston and Tesla both find this impossible to believe.
of the cave entrance is a collection of random junk left
by the Ferals as offerings: a shirt torn from a scientist, Scientists at the camp can also identify the
an empty and rusted pistol, the carcass of a lizard, a dinosaur bone, if the PCs have brought it back. It’s
beamfruit, and a collection of brightly colored stones. a strange find; Gaston can shed little light upon it,
But among the collection is something the PCs except to say that there are no known fossil sites
cannot immediately identify: a long, curved stone rod within the Verdant, so either the fossil was brought
that comes to a sharpened point at one end. This is a in from elsewhere, or it’s coming from some place
dinosaur fossil, taken from the rib cage of a massive the expedition has yet to discover.
carnivore. A PC who succeeds at a Science roll can
make this identification. A Raise on the roll allows the Evidence that the Wendigos are more sophisticated
character to date the fossil to the Cretaceous period, than other Ferals—using tools, cooking food, and
about 70 million years ago. more—earns mixed reactions from the staff of
Satler’s Camp. Some insist they’ve been arguing this
PCs who linger too long near the cave entrance
all along, and the evidence brought back by the PCs
develop nose bleeds and intense headaches that only
only confirms long-held suspicions. Others hold
get worse the longer they stay near the Great Tree.
firm in the belief that these signs of more advanced
Pressure on their ears makes them feel like they
intelligence must be from outsiders who entered
are deep underwater. Anyone who actually ventures
Wendigo territory, and whose tools and camps the
into the cave complex does not return. What they
Ferals are now using. This debate is not split cleanly
see, and what happens to them, is beyond the scope
across the population of the camp—scientists and
of this adventure.
mercenaries are on both sides. If the PCs have a
Once the PCs have explored the Great Tree, the strong opinion, their stance on this point tips the
Floating Isles, and the Mushroom Grove, they face balance into a clear majority.
a choice: they can continue onward to the Wendigo
Caves, where the Ferals are most numerous, or they Use this time at the camp for a Downtime Interlude,
can return back to Satler’s camp for information, rest, as the PCs prepare for the second half of the adventure.
and resupply. If they return to Satler’s Camp, proceed
with Act III. If they choose to go on instead, skip Act The PCs might choose to return to Chapter at this
III and go directly to Act IV. time, especially if you are running this game as a
one-shot adventure and you’re running out of time
the Verdant again and investigate the Wendigo Caves, continues to wind down from slopes farther northeast,
Sherman finds one of them late at night, preferably and while travel is still difficult, the PCs can at least
approaching a PC with Strength d8 or higher; this see the sun and they don’t have to hack their way
may be the same PC he spoke to in Act I. through dense undergrowth. If the PCs have already
visited the Floating Isles, there’s no second encounter
“If you’re going after the White Wendigo,” he says there; they can travel along the edge of the lake until
in a low whisper, “bows and arrows aren’t gonna cut they reach the river and continue on towards the
it. Yer going to need real firepower.” He leads the caves. Any PC that didn’t get a chance to do a Trek
PC to the prefab hut which the mercenaries use as a Interlude should do so now, on this second journey.
barracks, and opens a crate stacked against the side of
the building. Within is a flamethrower (3d6 damage, The Cave Clan Wendigos post scouts on the heights,
Cone template, ROF 1, Shots 5). “Take it,” Sherman on the way to their caves. These positions are high
tells them. “It’s got half a tank, but that’s all we’ve got.” up and camouflaged from below; the PCs can spot
Indeed, the flamethrower has room in the tank for 10 a lookout by succeeding on a Notice roll made at -4.
shots, but no one at the camp has any way to reload Once they’re aware of the Wendigo scouts, the PCs
it. A flamethrower is a horrifying weapon, especially can choose to use Stealth on their approach to bypass
against Wendigos, who have no experience with such the lookouts, or try and sneak up on the lookouts to
awesome power. The first time each combat that the take them out before an alarm is raised. There are
PCs use the flamethrower, all Wendigos within 12” multiple lookout positions, but only 2 Wendigos are
must attempt Fear checks. lurking at each. If the PCs can sneak up on one of
these Wendigo lookout positions and take them out
Sherman refuses to accompany the PCs, or allow without gunshots or allowing one of the Ferals to
any of his mercenaries to go. However, if you are escape, they can find a path to the caves that avoids
running this adventure as a two-session story, the further lookouts.
scientists, assistants, and mercenaries at Satler’s
Camp provide an easy way to introduce a new PC to The caves themselves are a warren of about a dozen
the second half of the story. chambers connected by natural tunnels. About 60
adult Wendigos live here, along with a number of
Once the PCs are rested, they are ready to travel children that are not yet dangerous enough to be
to the Wendigo Caves. Tesla is wisely reluctant to threats in combat. The mercenaries from Satler’s
go, as violence is almost assured and she is not a Camp call these Wendigos the Cave Clan, though
seasoned combatant. A PC who succeeds on a they’ve almost never seen them as no one usually
Persuasion roll can persuade her to come along, but ventures this far into the Verdant. Most of the Cave
if she dies on the mission, there’s only one person Clan are Feral scavengers, but there are 3 Feral
to blame! Louie, by contrast, agrees to come along if champions and the White Wendigo himself in the
the PC invite him; he has no intention of sticking tribe. For more on the Cave Clan, see The Wendigos
by the PCs’ side, however. He keeps an eye out for (above), and for the White Wendigo, see Act V, below.
any money-making opportunity on the journey, and There is only one way in or out of the caves other
as soon as Wendigos attack, he flees into the jungle, than the front entrance: the gore chute, a narrow
never to be seen again. sluiceway that emerges from the feasting chamber.
The Wendigos use this as a garbage chute, where they
throw their offal as well as those bits from live prey
Act IV: Caves of the which even Ferals refuse to eat.
There is no clear trail through the Verdant that The first thing the PCs are likely to do is observe the
leads all the way to the caves. However, if the PCs caves to gather what information they can. Any guide
take the trail to the Floating Isles, they can follow can tell them that this is the largest community of
upriver to the northeast until the jungle opens up Ferals they’ve ever seen - indeed, it’s an unprecedented
or elsewhere in the Wind River Valley. A small number A successful climber finds themselves in the feasting
of Wendigos act as lookouts, crouching at the entrance cave, which might entail other problems. If the PCs
to the caves—one Feral scavenger for each PC—but can get the flamethrower into the caves, they might
many more come in or out, hinting at the size of the be able to set enough Wendigos on fire that the rest
community within. The Wendigos are primarily active flee, allowing them to face the White Wendigo with a
at night; by day, most of them are sleeping and the caves reasonable chance of success.
are significantly less active. Three groups of hunters
leave the caves every evening at dusk; each group is Your PCs may even decide to make assaulting the
composed of two Feral scavengers for each PC, led by a Wendigo Caves a long-term endeavour, retreating
Feral champion. They usually return around midnight back to Satler’s Camp after one or two tentative
with the evening’s live meat, some of which they leave raids with the hope of returning later, after they
with the lookouts before proceeding into the caves, have gained more experience. Do not consider this
where presumably the creatures make their feast. These failure! The Wendigos are a significant threat, and
three groups of hunters and the champions who lead if the PCs choose to withdraw rather than be eaten,
them make up a large share of the total Wendigos who this just leaves the Ferals as a plot in your campaign.
live in the caves, so for the hours they are gone, the caves The longer the PCs leave the Wendigos alone, the
are much less populated. more organized they will become, until eventually all
the Feral tribes of the Verdant answer to the White
This portion of the adventure is a sandbox Wendigo alone. Once that has been accomplished,
encounter which the PCs may choose to approach Satler’s Camp will be overrun and the Verdant
in various ways. For example, one or more of them will belong entirely to the Ferals. Can a follow-up
could try to sneak into the caves. They might stage adventure be far behind? (We can call it “The Wendigo
an attack on the entrance to gauge the strength of War,” and you’ll finally get a chance to use the Mass
the Ferals, then retreat when reinforcements arrive. Battle rules!)
If they’re armed with the flamethrower, grenades,
or other unusual weapons, they may just decide to If the PCs get far enough into the caves to find the
charge the caves. Bravery should be rewarded, but White Wendigo, proceed to Act V.
foolishness is its own punishment: PCs who get
caught in the caves when the hunting parties return
will be mercilessly trapped and slain. Likewise, PCs Act V: Behold... the White
who flee the caves are likely to be chased by dozens of Wendigo!
howling Wendigos. The White Wendigo lives in a group of three caverns
at the rear of the cave complex. But first, a story must
Locating the gore chute should not be automatic; be told.
the Wendigos themselves do not use it to go in or out
of the caves, and the only time it is used is immediately
after a feast. But if the PCs observe the caves for at
Satler & Wallace
least one night, and they search the entire area, they Joseph Satler was studying the effect of the Breach
can find the refuse deposited down the chute with a on human intelligence. He entered the Verdant to
successful Notice roll at -2. Of course, after discovering gather plants that grow only there and, returning to
the vile gore chute, crawling up is a trial of both body his camp, he used these plants to create a chemical
and mind. A character must succeed at a Spirit roll or solution that radically transformed the human brain.
they cannot bring themselves to crawl up the chute, However, there were side effects, and Satler was an
which is lined with blood, gore, feces, and all manner ethical scientist. He anticipated a lifetime of further
of other horrifying substances. Characters with a tests before he would be able to test the solution on a
heightened sense of smell make this roll at -2. Anyone living subject. Unfortunately, Satler was captured by
who does attempt to climb up the chute must succeed Ferals and taken to the Wendigo caves, where he was
at an Athletics(Climbing) roll, which is made at -2 for eaten by the shaman of the Cave Clan. The shaman,
Satler’s chemicals intact. tribes will not fight with the Cave Clan now, for fear
of arousing the White Wendigo’s anger. Sometimes he
Over the years, the shaman fed the occasional speaks to all of the shamans and champions of the other
sample of Satler’s formula to prisoners, but Ferals are tribes, who meet him at the Great Tree. Slowly they are
not known for their patience; each of these victims all coming under his influence. The White Wendigo
was eaten before any effect of the formula could knows that, were Satler’s Camp to be destroyed,
manifest or be detected. But, a short time ago, a pair of Chapter would realize how dangerous the Wendigos
travelers passing through the Verdant were ambushed really are; therefore, he is waiting to take this step until
by Wendigos. One was killed, but the other—whose he has united all the tribes under his leadership as an
name was Wallace—was captured. Brought before the unstoppable force. He’s close to achieving this goal, but
shaman, he was forced to drink a vial of the mutagen. he hasn’t succeeded yet.
Wallace would have died like every other captive of
Ferals, but when he made a break for it and ran, he The Sacred Caves
got lucky. After descending into a deep gully which
The White Wendigo lairs in a group of three caves that
the Wendigos seldom ventured into, he slipped and
lie beneath the rest of the cavern complex. The primary
slid down into a previously-undiscovered cave.
cave, the Cave of the Bone Dragon, is reached by a steep
slope that descends from the gully, marked on the map.
In this cave, the fossil of a colossal dinosaur could
In the past, this gully was filled with loose stone, but
clearly be seen, it’s ribs lining the wall and its empty
now that the White Wendigo has made his lair here, it
eye sockets glaring into the darkness. Wallace was
has been cleared; phosphorescent stones that glow with
startled, but he kept his wits about him; the Ferals
a brimstone-like yellow color have been set into the
failed to discover the new cavern, and he was left
walls of this tunnel, clearly marking the path. It is not
alone for a time, during which the chemicals coursing
hard to see the descent, once PCs reach the gully.
their way through his brain did their work. Wallace
was transformed; his mind exploded with new
The Cave of the Bone Dragon is where Wallace
intelligence and ideas, and his body bleached white
originally hid from the Ferals and where he won them
as the moon. He soon realized he could see perfectly
to his side. It is a large natural cavern with a fossil of
in the darkness of the cave. Carefully, he used his
a tyrannosaur wrapped around two sides. The head
clothes and pieces of the fossilized skeleton to create
of this enormous creature faces the entrance to the
improvised torches; when he was ready, he lit them.
cave, and it’s mouth is open, its teeth sharp as knives.
There are no light sources, as the White Wendigo
The Wendigos quickly found him and slid into the
can see in the dark. Anyone who is surprised by this
cave, but when they did, they found something they
sight—for example, if the PCs are chased in here by
did not expect. Wallace stood tall and proud before
Ferals, or if they suddenly turn on a light source—
them, framed by fire and with an enormous skeletal
must attempt a Fear check. The Cave of the Bone
guardian looking over him like a spirit. In the moment
Dragon is usually empty, but if the White Wendigo
when the Wendigos hesitated, Wallace commanded
wants to address the clan, he does so here.
them to grovel before him... and they did. The White
Wendigo was born. The shaman was his first victim,
Two smaller caves lead off from the Cave of the
sacrificed to the spirit of the bone dragon.
Bone Dragon. The smaller one is where the White
Wendigo keeps his plunder: everything taken from
This was all several months ago, and in the time since,
the shaman, from the corpse of Satler, and from any
the White Wendigo has consolidated his hold on the
other victims who are brought before him. Much of
Cave Clan and begun cowing the other tribes that prowl
this may be worthless junk—fetishes and other odd
the Verdant. As his influence over Ferals spreads, his
collectibles the Wendigos pick up and bring to their
minions begin to display more advanced intelligence:
master as tribute—but more valuable things could be
whatever effect gives the White Wendigo the power
here as well. Use the hoard of plunder to seed future
to manipulate and control other Ferals appears to
to a site the PCs haven’t explored, equipment they If the PCs kill the White Wendigo, they reduce the
need to go places they have had to avoid (such as gas threat posed by the Ferals of the Verdant to its
masks or underwater gear), or even some weapons previous level. The Wendigos are still dangerous,
(a few grenades, for example, or hard-to-find but they are no longer cooperating on the scale
ammunition). Among the treasures, however, is a they once were, and they lose the characteristics of
small sturdy plastic box wrapped in canvas and tagged higher intelligence they were beginning to display.
with a biohazard symbol; within are three vials of a The tribes once again begin fighting with one
thick green liquid, all that remains of Joseph Satler’s another. Satler’s Camp is safe. When the PCs return
original formula. (The White Wendigo has consumed to Satler’s Camp, Sherman expects them to return
the rest.) The effects of this formula on a human who the flamethrower. “That was a loaner,” he says, “not
consumes it are unpredictable, but exceedingly dire. a gift.” Of course, the PCs may have used all the
Any PC who tries it should be allowed a triumphant weapon’s fuel.
scene in which they rescue everyone from the White
Wendigo, before the character turns into a mutant If the PCs withdraw, however, or the White Wendigo
monster and becomes an NPC. escapes, the threat persists. The White Wendigo uses
the PCs’ invasion of the cave complex as a propaganda
The second cave leading away from the Bone Dragon tool that mobilizes the other Wendigo tribes; soon
is the personal chamber of the White Wendigo himself, they are all loyal to him. In a late night operation, he
and he sleeps here in the company of his handmaidens, commands his army to overwhelm Satler’s Camp and
four Wendigo females. The White Wendigo has been leave no survivors (though one or two may escape to
trying to sire children on these Ferals, but the Statler reach Chapter and raise the alarm).
formula has rendered him sterile. The female Ferals
have been exposed to the White Wendigo’s psychic Finally, if the PCs do not take the chemical samples of
powers for so long that they are fanatically loyal to Satler’s formula, it’s quite possible that another White
him; they will fight and die to protect him. Use the Wendigo could appear, to take the first one’s place...
Fanatics rule for the handmaidens.
Handmaidens (4)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8,
Survival d6.
Pace: 8, Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Edges/Hindrances: Berserk, Brave, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Fleet-
Footed, Free Runner.
Special Abilities
Natural Weapon: The handmaidens have long teeth which they have
filed to sharp points. Their bite attack inflicts Str+d6 and exposes the target to a Debilitating disease; the
target must succeed at a Vigor roll or contract the disease and become Fatigued until treated.
Strength in Numbers: When outnumbering the enemy at least 2:1, Ferals gain the Strong Willed Edge.
THE WRECK One of the first casualties of the War, a Butcher ship
If the Dramatic Task is failed, the GM will need Groups that reach the summit of the mountain will
to determine appropriate consequences based on need to contend with the strange radiation that is
the desired ‘difficulty level’ for their campaign. In still being emitted from the shattered warship’s fuel
addition to being driven off the mountain, possible cores and engine systems. While Butcher technology
consequences could include: is esoteric and not based on real-world nuclear
The group is overcome by hallucinogen gas and technology, the Radiation Hazard rules from Savage
flees down the mountain. Each character suffers Worlds will be sufficient to model the danger. Treat
Bumps and Bruises, and after snapping out of the entire mountaintop as a “low radiation” zone,
the effect, finds they have discarded 1d4 pieces of requiring a Vigor roll once an hour to avoid Fatigue.
equipment during their retreat.
The group retreats from an oncoming cloud How accessible the Butcher spacecraft remains is
of corrosive gas, but is caught in the edge up to the individual GM’s preferences. Some might
nonetheless. Each character suffers 1d4 Wounds prefer to have the ship shockingly intact and run it
from acid burns, although they may make a single as a “dungeon”, replete with high radiation zones,
Soak attempt if they have a Benny available. biomechanoid traps and creatures, and any other
hazard they can think of. Others will prefer to think
A cloud of GenBomb nanites envelops the group.
of the Wreck as a scavenger site, where explorers
If any group member is carrying Salvage, half of it
might grab a few choice items before legging it back
is destroyed outright. Every piece of equipment
down the mountain. In addition to potential Salvage
carried by the group suffers 1d4-1 Stress Tags.
rewards, savvy explorers might stumble across
This is a crueler consequence than it might
barely-operational Butcher weaponry still clutched
seem, since it’s likely to result in a great deal of
in the dead hands of biomechanoid soldiers, or find
gear loss and may strand the group in the wild
freakish Butcher Remnants still ‘alive’ in a stasis pod.
without sufficient cold weather protection, food,
or weaponry.
Regardless of the state of the Wreck, the Star League
After fleeing an oncoming gas cloud, each group would certainly be fascinated by any artifacts brought
member is left separated and lost. Their task from the starship, or news concerning viable routes
now is to avoid the creatures of the wild, find one to the peak of Squaretop Mountain.
another, and make their way back to civilization
after their failed expedition.
For particularly adversarial GMs, all of the above.
Boom Bug
The Verdant is teeming with hundreds of varieties
of oversized, alien insects. Many of these are the
size of a man’s fist, with glittering carapaces that
reflect what little sunlight makes it through
the Breach Zone’s canopy. The deep hum of
their wings is a constant background noise in
the area. Most of these insects, despite their
unusual size, are harmless nuisances. The boom
bug, however, is an unpredictable menace.
Environmental Resistance: The butcher bear formidable protection against any attacker, though
can ignore most weather-based Hazards, its underbelly is vulnerable. The crocogant rarely
gaining +4 to resist Fatigue from environmental exposes this unarmored area, but a daring attacker
heat, cold, or exposure. could attempt a Push action to roll the creature
Size 4: Scale Modifier +2. over (requiring success on the opposed roll, and
replacing the usual effect of a Push).
Very Resilient: When combined with its Size, this
means the butcher bear can take three wounds
Fortunately for explorers of the Verdant,
(and is Incapacitated upon taking a fourth).
crocogants are solitary beasts. In fact, they have
discrete territories and often clash with one another
when meeting face-to-face. Their brief mating
Crocogant season drives them to local bodies of water, where
they ignore prey in favor of pursuing procreation.
These brief, ill-tempered trysts result in fertilized
This hulking reptilian beast is a predator common eggs about the size of softballs, which are abandoned
to the Verdant. It boasts a thick layer of scales, with to drift with the current.
a slimy coating that aids the beast in hiding itself
as leaves and other detritus stick to it. This natural Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
camouflage allows it to hide in a shallow depression Strength d10, Vigor d10.
and wait for prey to venture too close, so it can launch
forth from hiding and strike. Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth
A crocogant ambush can be startling - the creature Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (4)
often emits a coughing roar while leaping to the Special Abilities
attack - but those who aren’t immediately caught can Armor +4. Scaly hide. The Armor can be
often outrun the creature. It has relatively stubby bypassed by adjacent attackers while the
legs and can be ungainly when trying to make its way crocogant is flipped over.
through the undergrowth of the Verdant.
Bite: Str + d6.
Those who choose to fight back against a hungry Natural Camouflage: The crocogant gains a +2
crocogant will have to deal with its impressive to Stealth while it is motionless, but only within
natural armor. The beast’s top and sides offer The Verdant.
order to engulf and consume them. They exhibit Hardy: This creature does
a preference for prey that originates from not suffer a Wound from being
outside the Blight. Shaken twice.
Phase Jump: Once an hour,
While a ghost ooze does the ghost ooze can phase
not move quickly, between dimensions to travel
it is tenacious in instantly up to 10” distant.
pursuit, able to The ooze can teleport to
squeeze through areas it cannot sense and
small gaps as has not seen previously.
well as cling to
Semi-sentient: Ghost
sheer surfaces. A
oozes are not affected
ghost ooze’s most
by Fear, cannot be
disturbing hunting
communicated with by
tactic, though, is the
any means (including
ability to briefly crawl
telepathy) and are
between dimensions and
immune to Tests that
end up right where it wasn’t
target Smarts or Spirit.
expected - a trait that hints at
a Ghost-tech origin for these Size 2: Were it to
horrible creatures. gather all its mass together, it
would be a slimy lump as big as a
Rumors persist of ghost large bear, but the ghost ooze usually occupies
oozes even bigger than a space equivalent to a Small Blast Template as
the usual specimen, large it hunts.
enough to engulf entire wagons. Very Resilient: Ghost oozes can take an
enormous amount of punishment before
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, losing cohesion and dissolving into a harmless
Strength d10, Vigor d12. but smelly puddle. They can suffer two extra
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth Wounds before being Incapacitated.
d6, Survival d4. Wall Walker: The creature may traverse sheer
Pace: 6 (cannot run); Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 surfaces (even ceilings) at its full Pace.
Special Abilities
Amorphous: Ghost oozes take no additional
damage from Called Shots, gain +2 to recover
from being Shaken, and are immune to disease
and poison. They can also squeeze through any Glibbermen
opening the size of a fist, though this transition
costs the ooze 4” of movement.
Bizarre Senses: The creature cannot be blinded These bipeds with pale, mucilaginous flesh haunt the
or deafened and ignores penalties for low light corrupted Breach Zone known as the Blight. They
or concealment. However, it suffers -4 to Notice have no visible facial features and seem to be mute.
things more than 12” distant. Despite this inability to communicate, they seem to
Engulfing Limbs: Str+d6. The creature attacks be silently outraged by the presence of humanoids
using a storm of thrashing pseudopods. This that are unlike them. Glibbermen gather in packs to
attack affects all adjacent targets using a single pursue and attack explorers, and have been known to
Fighting attack, as with the Improved Sweep jog for hours along the trail of those who have fled
Edge. on horseback.
While those who resist the paralyzing effect might be These enormous, Changed birds of prey have a
left to eventually lose interest and wander off, a hungry wingspan nearing twenty feet. They spend most of
scent shrouder won’t wait to ascertain whether a victim their time soaring in thermals at extreme heights,
was affected by its poison. Instead, it will lurch its covering vast distances in search of prey. They nest
body upward and begin lashing out with its vine-like atop mountains, where they won’t be bothered by
tentacles, which are also coated in its poison. Despite lesser creatures. As such, screaming eagles - while rare
its impressively large mouth, the creature’s jaws don’t - can occasionally be spotted taking advantage
deliver much biting power and are relatively harmless. of thermals above the Wind River Valley.
Special Abilities
Special Abilities
Them Ferals are different everywhere you go in Wind River, but there’s a few truths about ‘em that seem
First truth to know is that Ferals have a powerful lust for meat, especially when it’s still live and hot.
Blood and guts, as often as they can get it. Once a group of ‘em gets to hungerin’, they’ll follow you for
days if they have to, waiting for a sign of weakness.
See, Ferals are not exactly smart, but… I guess ‘cunning’ is the word you’d want to use. They want that
blood and flesh. Sure, there’s plenty of it on the hoof out there in the wild. Trouble is, goats and elk and
deer are fast and have keen senses. You and me, we don’t run so well and we don’t always hear or smell the
Ferals coming.
When there’s a road, especially, they know that sooner or later, slow-walking meat’s going to come walking
down it. And, eventually, that two-legged meat is going to camp. And after a while, one of those campers
is going to walk out into the bush to drop his drawers, and he’s going to get snagged up and hauled away.
And that’s the second truth of the Ferals: whenever they can, unless they’re well and truly starved,
they’ll take a fella alive: knock him out and carry him back to whatever squalid mudhole their gang is
squatted in.And they’ll keep you there until the whole gang is back from their hunts or patrols. So they
can all dig in at once, while you’re alive and hot and wriggling.
Guess it’s their preference. Not to say they
won’t eat the dead, but anyways.
Nasty business, but there’s a silver lining to it. If’n someone in your homestead or caravan gets taken, might
be that you’ve got time to assemble a posse and go fetch ‘em. If you’re quick about it and well-armed, your
kin might not be missing anything too important by the time you get there. Hope you know a good tracker
or have a few hounds with you. And if you get there too late, at least you’ve got revenge staring you right
in the face, mm?
Third truth of the Ferals is that there’s no negotiating with ‘em. Don’t try it unless you want to end up
dead. Talking at ‘em just seems to rile ‘em up. Better minds than mine have tried to figger out what all
that hissing, barking, and cackling they make is about. Can’t rightly call it a language, but they seem to
get by among themselves. They don’t have higher concepts like music or math or philosophy, but Ferals can
communicate well enough to coordinate an ambush, establish whatever kind of pecking order they’ve got in
their gang, that sort of thing. Wouldn’t be surprised to know if there’s a little bit of the Change in ‘em,
making all that gabbling seem like a common tongue. Telepathy or whatever.
Speakin’ of the Change, that’s the last truth of the Ferals: ain’t none of ‘em quite the same from place
to place. Every one of their little gangs or tribes or whatever you want to call ‘em… they have all been
touched by the Breach. Changed, every one of them, and in a big way. Most of ‘em seem to carry more or
less the same looks within their local group - say, they’re all furry or they all have horns and tails. But I
hear tell of the occasional “champion,” if you will, among the Ferals, and those can get scary. Most often
it’s one of their warriors that has stumbled into some Breach energy or made the mistake of gobbling some
meat with embedded Butchertech. And that’s where things can take a real turn for the worse. For you, I
mean. Nobody wants to deal with a Feral powerhouse that can spit fire and heal bullet wounds.
Sometimes they get to rambling in the wild, but once they find a steady source of hunting they tend to
settle down. That can mean trouble if they lair up near a homestead or a trade route. So don’t be shy about
reporting Feral trail signs. Authorities in any settlement worth a damn will take it plenty serious.
I suppose if there’s any good news, it’s that the different gangs don’t get along with each other any better
than they do with you and me. Ferals will happily capture and gobble up scouts from other tribes, and
sometimes even go as far as gang-on-gang extermination warfare. At least that keeps ‘em from grouping up
together and putting a hurt on someplace like Sweetwater Ranch. That’d be a nightmare, wouldn’t it?
Anyways, it’s time for me to hit the trail. You wanna know who here in Chapter sells dogs that are the best
at sniffing out Ferals? Good. That’ll be extra.
Adversaries in The After are not always creatures
that have been warped and mutated by effects and
atrocities inflicted upon the Earth by the Butchers,
and the subsequent war with the Ghosts. Human
beings have long since battled between themselves
over resources and food, and this is no different now.
He was brought into the community from outside, as the founders of Chapter discovered him wandering
alone in the wilderness when he was a child. His adoptive parents named him “Joseph Hatch,” but Old Man
Crow hasn’t answered to that name in decades.
Crow served Chapter as a scout and still maintains contacts within The Tribe that were forged during his
explorations. However, during a far-reaching mission, he discovered the ruins of a crashed orbship and
found the expiring form of a Ghost. The Ghost touched him directly as it died, opening his mind to the
Boon. Crow returned to Chapter as the most powerful Gifted to walk its streets, but spends many of his
nights wracked by nightmarish oracular visions.
Children of Chapter who are found to be Gifted are usually brought to Old Man Crow for evaluation and
tutelage. Other visitors are often chased off by the irascible visionary, unless they come bearing gifts for his
two trained crows, Jeremiah and Johnson - or with some Old World whiskey to share.
Agility d4 • Smarts d10 • Spirit d10 • Strength d4 • Vigor d6
Athletics d4 • Common Knowledge d10 • Fighting d6 • Healing d8+2 • Intimidation d6 • Mindbending
d12+2 • Notice d8 • Occult d10 • Persuasion d10 • Riding d6 • Stealth d6 • Survival d10
Elderly • One Eye • Quirk(lousy hygiene)
Arcane Background(Mindbender) • Connections(Chapter Council) • Connections (The Tribe) • Elan •
Expert(Mindbending) • Healer • Level Headed.
Special Abilities
Ghostblooded: Old Man Crow can use Common Knowledge to identify objects and effects related to
the Ghosts.
Master Gifted: 30 Power Points, knows every Power available to Mindbenders.
Oracle: Old Man Crow is often wracked by prophetic nightmares which allow him to offer guidance to
the people of Chapter...when he can decipher their meaning.
Attributes Skills
Agility d8 • Smarts d10 • Spirit d8 • Athletics d8 • Common Knowledge d10 • Fighting
Strength d6 • Vigor d10 d8 • Notice d8 • Persuasion d8 • Repair d10 •
Shooting d8 • Stealth d6 • Survival d8.
However, the many fools and failures she’s witnessed when exploring Breach Zones and ruins have destroyed
any sentiment she might have carried in her younger days. Tasha Two Wolves now sees exploration as a
viciously practical business. She is concerned about her safety first and her profit second, with everything
else falling far behind. Any trail companions are just a means to an end...and if they fall prey to the dangers
of The After, that’s more profit for her, isn’t it? Tasha always tries to have leverage in hand, to make sure the
greatest possible portion of a find ends up in her backpack. If this means abandoning a group of travelers in
the face of danger, robbing them in the night, or even outright banditry, Tasha is up for it, as long as the plan
puts more salvage in her pockets.
Born of the Tribe, Tasha winters there with her extended family. She shares her gains to build the family
fortunes, setting up luxuries for the day she gets too old to keep to the trail. Until then, she knows that if she
makes too many enemies, she can always flee back to the land of the Tribe and receive protection. To ensure
that her safety net is never taken away, Tasha would never betray another Tribe member.
Agility d8 • Smarts d8 • Spirit d8 • Strength d6 • Vigor d8
Athletics d8 • Common Knowledge d8 • Fighting d8 • Gambling d6 • Healing d4 • Notice d8 • Persuasion
d6 • Riding d6 • Shooting d8 • Stealth d8 • Survival d10 • Taunt d6 • Thievery d6.
Greedy(Major) • Ruthless(Minor)
Combat Reflexes • Command • Connections (The Tribe) • Dodge • Extraction • Retort • Streetwise •
Horse and saddle, traveling gear, crocogant hide armor (+2 Armor), medium shield (+2 Parry, -2 Cover), Hand
ax (Str+d6), hand-drawn crossbow and 20 bolts (10/20/40, 2d6, AP 2).
Those who remain in his presence for long will note that - when he’s not on a job - Nightwolf is relaxed and
even a little soft-spoken. A perceptive companion might realize that the bounty hunter’s tattoos slowly move,
rotating almost as if they were interlocked gears - a giveaway of his Changed heritage. With concentration,
the bounty hunter can control the art and form of this ‘ink.’
In addition to the obvious cosmetic effect the Change has had on Miguel’s skin, he has developed an array
of anomalies that make him a consummate hunter of men. He can scent prey like a hound and see in the
dark. His agility and focus while on the hunt are fearsome, and when drawing near to the climax of a ‘job’,
his tattoos often expand to turn all of his skin midnight-black. As well, his noticeably biomechanically-
enhanced legs allow him to sprint over broken ground at terrifying speed to reach his target.
The bounty hunter wears trinkets and trophies from his most prominent hunts, and carries much of his
Agility d12+1 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d6 • Vigor d6
Athletics d10 • Common Knowledge d6 • Fighting d10 • Intimidation d6 • Notice d8 • Persuasion d4 •
Shooting d8 • Stealth d10 • Survival d6.
Arrogant • Stubborn • Suspicious (Minor)
Connections (Blackgold Trading Company) • Dodge • Fleet-Footed • Free Runner • Further Changed •
Heavy Club (Str+d6), revolver with 20 bullets (12/24/48, 2d6+1, AP 1, ROF 1, Shots 6), bolt-action hunting rifle
with 12 bullets (24/48/96, 2d8, AP 2, ROF 1, Shots 5, Snapfire), Scrap Armor (Armor +3).
Special Abilities
Changed. Carries the Bio-Acceptance and Not Like Us qualities.
Minor Anomalies: Inborn Hunter, Keen Scent, Low Light Vision, Unusual Articulation
Major Anomaly: Augmented Agility
Doc Fisher
Better known as “Doc Fisher” by the farmers of Daniel, Juan Fisher keeps a modest cabin on the outskirts
of the settlement, where anyone can come for medical care - as long as they don’t mind a lecture from the
irascible medic! He can also be encountered in Chapter, where he makes regular visits. In addition to buying
supplies for his medical practice, he trades for spectacles or lenses, as the vision in his one remaining eye is
getting blurry.
In his teenage years, Fisher became disillusioned with farming and left home to travel with the Blackgold
Trading Company. He doesn’t tell too many stories of that time. Locals speculate that he did things he
would rather forget about. But he learned to shoot and ride, and came home with a wickedly fast knife hand.
As well, he’d done some sort of favor for a Librarian of Chapter and earned the right to take home copies of a
few books - veterinary manuals, as it turns out, which Fisher devoured. He wasn’t interested in the hard life
of the trail any longer, but easing the pain of the Valley’s animals brought him joy.
will also summon forth a Changed bear that Juan calls Goliath. He found the cub abandoned and nursed
Agility d6 • Smarts d8 • Spirit d10 • Strength d8 • Vigor d6
Athletics d6 • Common Knowledge d8 • Fighting d10 • Healing d10 • Intimidation d6 • Notice d6 •
Persuasion d6 • Riding d6 • Shooting d6 • Survival d6 • Stealth d4
Bad Eyes (Minor) • Code of Honor • One Eye
Brawny • Elan • Frenzy • Healer • Level Headed
Furs/leather armor (+2 Armor), Medical supplies, wicked combat blade (Str+d6), bullwhip
Maverick Foster
With a face full of scars, and a crooked nose, this weatherbeaten wilderness scout looks every inch the
dangerous killer upon first meeting. Only after holding eye contact until it’s uncomfortable will he reveal an
easy smile and mellow voice. In the end, despite his looks, Maverick Foster is personable and charismatic.
His reputation is that of a consummate and trustworthy trail leader, a man who keeps to his word and
leaves nobody behind. This code of honor was born from pain and tragedy. Maverick was a teenage son
of tenant farmers who slowly fell behind in their payments to the master of Sweetwater, Derek McKellar.
Maverick tried over the years to stand up for his parents and younger brothers,
but was regularly beaten and tormented by the Sweetwater Regulators. All the
while, his family’s debt got worse.
His life in Sweetwater came to an abrupt end when his best friend’s sister,
Abbie Longmire, was taken by the Regulators. She was going to be
made to marry one of the McKellar boys who had taken a shine to
her, supposedly to pay off her own family’s debt to Derek McKellar.
Maverick had a wild teenage crush on Abbie, and put together a
reckless plan with a few of his friends to sneak into the McKellar
ranch and steal Abbie back.
Strong of arm and sharp of eye, Maverick is handy with his revolver, but refers to it as “Plan B.” He tries to
Agility d8 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d8 • Vigor d8
Athletics d8 • Common Knowledge d6 • Healing d4 • Fighting d6 • Notice d6 • Persuasion d6 • Riding
d6 • Shooting d8 • Stealth d6 • Survival d8 • Taunt d6.
Code of Honor • Shamed(Minor) • Wanted(Minor)
Command • Combat Reflexes • Connections (Scouts’ Guild) • Dodge • Extraction • Marksman • Quick
Scrap Armor, Plastic Helm (Armor +3), Revolver, 12 bullets, 3 throwing axes (Str+d6), horse and saddle,
appropriate traveling gear
Tamala grew up as a hunter and found herself often becoming anxious among groups of people. As she
matured into a strikingly beautiful woman, the increasing emotional pressure from romantic pursuits
served only to make her more uncomfortable around others. Tamala was nearly without emotion, displaying
sociopathic tendencies that made her a perfect hunter, but caused friction even with her family. After a
disastrous winter cooped up with the rest of her family, Tamala found more and more reasons to stay on the
trail, and apprenticed with Jacie Ross, a white-haired trail master who spoke even fewer words than Tamala.
Under Jacie’s tutelage, Tamala became a fearsome hunter of both beast and man. Agile and lithe, she could
drop from a galloping horse into a combat roll, pop up into firing position, and strike a target at a hundred
yards. These talents served her well when she allowed her frustrations with society to lead her away from
the Tribe. In Chapter, Blackgold Station, or points even farther afield, she could take on bounties - favoring
those where criminals had a price on their head. Landing a headshot on
a ‘bad man’ from stealth gave her a rush like nothing else could.
After years, Jacie retired to the arms of her family to be honored as an elder. Tamala took up the mantle and
Now Tamala defends the families of the Tribe, and serves grudgingly when she is asked to escort outsiders
within the tribal lands. On those occasions, she rarely speaks to travelers - instead lurking at the outskirts
of campsites and forging ahead to mark a trail. The exception to this aloofness is her soft spot for children,
especially those who remind Tamala of her three younger sisters.
Tall and lithe, she commonly wears a poncho or cloak and covers her face with a broad-brimmed hat and
camouflage paint. She dreads how she will react the next time she is approached romantically, and tries to forestall
that day by disguising her good looks as well as she can.
Her prized possession is an Old World rifle that has been passed down through the generations of her blood
family. It has been patched so many times - and covered in so much camouflage - that it’s barely recognizable
when compared to illustrations of its original model. The optic piece sitting atop the rifle is battered and
dented, and functions poorly. Offering up a replacement Old World scope might be the motivator that could
get Tamala to do almost anything.
Given that ammunition for the rifle is hard to find, she often keeps it bagged - to protect it from the weather
as well as stray GenBomb particles. For routine tasks she uses a classic Tribe composite bow, reserving the rifle
for engagements against dangerous foes or situations where she needs to strike decisively at extreme range.
Agility d8 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d8 • Vigor d8
Athletics d8 • Boating d6 • Common Knowledge d6 • Fighting d8 • Intimidate d6 • Notice d10 •
Persuasion d4 • Riding d8 • Shooting d10 • Stealth d10 • Survival d8
Phobia(Major): crowds • Ruthless (Minor) • Suspicious (Minor)
Alertness • Marksman • Signature Weapon (Family Rifle) • Woodsman
Custom-crafted camouflage outfit (+1 Armor, +2 to Stealth in natural surroundings when not moving),
hatchet, survival knife, compound bow, 20 arrows. Family Rifle: Range 50/100/200, Damage 2d10, AP 4, RoF
1, Snapfire, Heavy Weapon. 14 bullets for the rifle.
Zachariah Cole
Zachariah Cole is known to every community in the Windriver Valley. He is a famous scout, explorer, and
sharpshooter. He chooses to live a nomadic, solitary life, exploring The After. Cole visits Chapter once or
twice a year to share knowledge with the Elder Council.
He grew up an orphan after his small village was destroyed by a monstrous Changed beast he refers to as
“Redback”. Young Zachariah was the only survivor. He dreams of one day tracking down Redback and taking
his revenge. Perhaps because of this, he has been known to help communities in need, especially those
threatened by marauders or ferals.
Athletics d8 • Common Knowledge d8 • Fighting d10 • Intimidation d8 • Notice d8 • Persuasion d4 •
Riding d8 • Shooting d12 • Stealth d10 • Survival d10
Enemy(Minor) • Heroic • Stubborn
Alertness • Brave • Combat Reflexes • Connections(Scouting Guild) • Improved Extraction • Improved
Trademark Weapon (Winchester) • Marksman • Nerves of Steel • Quick • Steady Hands • Woodsman.
Rebuilt Winchester Rifle: Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8, AP 2, RoF 1, Shots 15, Reinforced long coat: Armor 2
to torso, legs, arms (included in Toughness), Longknife: Str+d6
Special Abilities
Zachariah Cole is Changed and shares the Bio-Acceptance and Not Like Us qualities. Cosmetic Changes:
greyish skin and glowing eyes. Minor Anomalies: Low Light Vision, Armored Flesh (subdermal plating).
Major Anomalies: Heightened Senses
The pre-generated characters used at the convention You can also ask your players how well they’d
have been provided here for your convenience. The like their characters to know one another at the
character sheets include brief backgrounds for each beginning of the scenario. Our assumption is
character that offer personal goals relevant to the plot. that the characters live in or around Chapter. If
that’s true at your table, that means the characters
The main opposition force in this adventure will know one another’s names and professions,
is too strong for a group of Novice characters to at the very least. Wild Cards, by definition, stand
simply attack head on. If you’re playing this with out in a crowd, which means that - even as Novice
your home group, more experienced characters characters - they are noteworthy and memorable,
might be able to simply draw weapons, charge in, especially in a town the size of Chapter.
and survive. Our playtest sessions at Gen Con
2019 proved that 0 XP Novice characters can still Beyond basic knowledge of one another, some
succeed, as long as they plan carefully and use all players enjoy sketching out past relationships so that
the resources at their disposal. their characters can share stories and have a deeper
emotional bond to power roleplaying. Perhaps some
of the characters served a stint in the Militia together,
Synopsis: For the trained in the same Librarian’s class as youths, or fell
in love with the same person as teenagers.
The Elder Council of Chapter has received warning While it’s not vital to have this extra connection,
from the Scouting Guild that a large expeditionary some groups will find that it enhances their game.
force from the Phoenix State is building a camp near Others will want to receive their mission and get
the ruins of Old Lander. These ruins are just across on with rolling dice. You know your group the
the mountains, mere days away. best, so do what feels right.
The Phoenix State is known to be extremely
militaristic. They do not offer parlay, shoot all outsiders
that approach, and are especially aggressive in hunting The Phoenix State camp cannot be allowed to stay,
down aliens and the Changed. The Council believes but the Council has chosen not to send the Chapter
that if the Phoenix State discovers the pass through Militia to engage them. The Militia is sufficient
the mountains, Chapter will be in grave danger. In to deal with local issues, but isn’t well-equipped
a year or perhaps two, Chapter would be discovered - enough to tangle with the heavily armed Phoenix
and no doubt, a siege would follow. State soldiers. As well, the Council is concerned that
marching in an organized army will simply tip off
the presence of Chapter that much sooner.
has engaged the PCs to investigate the camp and do Lander. They must be in terrible danger from
whatever they can to discourage the Phoenix State these xenophobic killers! She begs you to get
presence. Old Man Crow’s visions have guided the them to safety.
Council in this, and they believe the PCs will be able 5. The Order of Silence believes the Phoenix State
to effectively deal with the menace. uses radios to communicate. Find out if this is true,
and destroy the offending equipment at all costs!
In Wind River Valley’s blustery autumn weather,
6. The Scouting Guild has a job for you. Surely
the heroes must scout the camp and determine what
the Phoenix State’s officers have maps detailing
the Phoenix State plans to do in Old Lander. Will
the path needed to return back to their own
they be able to drive off the invaders before they are
lands. Steal those maps - that knowledge is
fully established?
vital to the Guild.
7. You have a close relationship with a border scout of
Secondary Objectives the Tribe, who has challenged you to take a trophy
When we ran this scenario at Gen Con 2019, we from the mightiest of the Phoenix State warriors,
found it was useful to engage players that are new to gathering it by stealth rather than by force.
The After by assigning their characters an additional 8. The Blackgold Trading Company wants to know:
objective. This immediately engages them with will the Phoenix State trade? They are utterly
NPCs or Factions of Chapter and makes them more unconcerned with the threat to Chapter, and only
interested in the world and the mission. want to know about profit. Of course, there’s a
substantial company salary in line for the person
You can choose to assign these based on the who forges the first trade route with the outsiders.
interests and associations that your player characters
have already exhibited, or assign them randomly. It’s
also perfectly fine to ignore all of these and just get Act One:
on with the mission.
The Elder Council
If you’re using the pregenerated characters at the The scene begins in the Council House of Chapter,
end of the adventure, some of these objectives are with a meeting of the Elder Council already taking
already included in their biographical text. place. The meeting isn’t open to the general public,
but the council chamber is nonetheless crowded with
1. Big Jim Haggert, leader of the Chapter Militia, many of the most important folk of the town - as well
wants to know why the Phoenix State would be as the player characters, who have been ordered to
risking so many soldiers this far from their usual attend, by the will of the Council.
territory and this late in the year. It doesn’t make
sense. Why are they really at Old Lander? Surely The meeting has been tense, as the Elder Council
their commanders have some sort of intelligence. is briefing the influential people of Chapter on a
You need to find it and bring it back. threat that could spell danger for every citizen of
Chapter. The Scouting Guild has delivered word that
2. The Star League wants to know how Phoenix
a military force from outside of Wind River Valley -
State technology remains functional. The secret
from a group that calls themselves the Phoenix State -
could lead humanity to safety among the stars!
has taken up residence near the ruins of Old Lander.
Steal whatever technology you can and bring it
They appear to be building a permanent camp.
back to Chapter, secretly.
3. A previous Phoenix State patrol wiped out your These Phoenix State soldiers are aggressive and
loved ones. You’re out for revenge. Find a way to heavily armed. They’ve already attacked a group of
kill them all. scavengers hailing from Chapter, killing most of them
4. A Helot priest in Chapter advised you that in a hail of rifle fire. A clever guild scout who survived
there are a handful of Helots living in a small the assault was able to bring back the warning.
despite being on the other side of the mountains, Haggert, Allie Morgan, and Old Man Crow, who can
puts Chapter in direct danger. Allie Morgan believes answer many of the questions they might have about
that, given the size of the force and the time of year, the mission.
the soldiers are clearing the way for the arrival of
colonists in the spring, which would imperil the What Is the Phoenix State?
entire region. Any colony established this close to
A brutal and militaristic society from far to the east,
Chapter will discover the pass through the mountains
outside the Wind River Valley. Most encounters
in a season or two - it’s only a matter of time, she says.
are with scavenger or scout parties gathering raw
And then, surely, the Phoenix State will invade.
material from Old World sites, but they also have
some kind of ultralight spotter aircraft. How those
This news touches off a fierce debate, as many folk
aircraft manage to operate given the effects of the
in the crowd insist that the Chapter Militia be sent
GenBomb is not understood.
to drive off the threat. However, the Elder Council
believes that attacking the camp head-on with the
Phoenix State soldiers are violently and immediately
Militia is too dangerous. The Militia is lightly armed
hostile to any outsiders, and will go out of their way to
compared to the Phoenix State and is unprepared to
utterly exterminate Changed, Gifted, or aliens. They
sally forth on an offensive. Losses during a frontal
are always heavily armed with rifles and shoot on
assault would be heavy, leaving Chapter vulnerable
sight. They don’t seem concerned with conserving
to danger. In addition, attacking the camp with a
bullets, unlike Wind River folk, implying that they
large, organized force would undoubtedly tip off
have some industrial-grade source of ammunition.
the Phoenix State about Chapter’s existence. If any
All attempts at making peaceful contact with the
survivors escaped to bring the news back to their
Phoenix State have failed spectacularly, and there has
masters in the East, it would only accelerate the
never been successful parley or trade with them. Big
potential danger.
Jim Haggert insists that trying to talk to the invaders
will just get the player characters shot.
Big Jim Haggert and the rest of the Council agree
to begin preparations to fortify the pass, and will
continue to discuss whether an organized attack in What if I Don’t Want To Do This?
the spring would be worthwhile. Old Man Crow, Chapter isn’t a democracy and the Elder Council
the famous seer, insists that some action be taken in isn’t asking - they’re ordering. Furthermore, all the
the meantime. He hints that he’s had visions about most important people of Chapter just saw the player
the matter. While he agrees that a frontal assault characters receive those orders. As Allie Morgan might
by the Chapter Militia would only lead to pain and say, “If you aren’t willing to take up this task in defense
devastation, he’s identified a small team of specialists of your fellow citizens of Chapter, maybe it’s a sign you
that might be able to do some good for Chapter and don’t like it here. If that’s really how you feel, maybe
its people. you should pack your things and find somewhere else
to hole up for the winter. Maybe you should do it
That, of course, is where the player characters are quickly. Or have you changed your mind?”
introduced. Their mission is to find and scout the
camp as best as they can, and take any actions possible What Will I Get For This?
to drive the invaders away. Under no circumstances
The Elder Council will provide the following gear to
are they to give away the existence of Chapter or even
help the PCs on their way:
of the mountain pass. To do so would bring doom
Cold weather wear for anyone who currently lacks
upon the heads of the many families living there -
it (offers Armor+1 but can’t be stacked with worn
perhaps the characters’ own families.
Armor due to bulk)
After explaining the Elder Council’s decision to the Dried trail rations sufficient for ten days in the
crowd, they are dismissed. The characters are invited field
is in need
A steel-headed spear for each group member that Journey To Old Lander
desires one The trip from Chapter to Old Lander is fifty miles
Two black powder hand grenades (4/8/16, 3d6, or so as the crow flies. This is four or five days of
MBT) hard marching for a healthy group on foot, given the
craggy and difficult terrain that the group must cross
through the mountain pass and down the other side
After a successful expedition, survivors can expect of the range.
free room and board through Midsummer of the
following year. Those who wish it will be lodged The autumn weather is blustery and the wind is a near-
in a freshly-built cabin near the walls of the town, constant presence. Each night, the temperature drops
where food and firewood will be delivered to them to just below freezing. For characters that are camping
throughout the winter. Any characters who have outdoors, this will invoke the Hazard rules for cold found
their own lodgings will similarly have their needs in Savage Worlds. Talk about how the characters intend
met by the Council. The Council will also cover the to pass the night safely while exposed on the trail. While
cost of any medical care, should they return with winter gear offers a +2 bonus to resisting cold weather, it
injuries that require treatment. might not be sufficient to safeguard them.
In addition to this material reward, Old Man Crow A simple Survival roll will allow characters to build
will slyly remark that, by the time they get back, and light a campfire. Keeping close to the fire over
everyone in Chapter will know what they’ve done the course of the night removes the need to make
for the town and its people. If they are successful, Vigor rolls to resist the cold - but also could expose
surely this will offer them opportunities that lesser the group to encounters with wandering creatures, at
folk wouldn’t be offered. They’ll be seen as people of the GMs discretion.
substance. This increase in social status will surely
lead to more opportunities for adventure. On the third day of their voyage, the party is well
through the mountains and are making their way
south along the foothills when they stumble across
a speedy pack of Ferals that are moving north. Use
two Feral Scavengers per player character. The
You Call That a Reward? group is led by a Feral Champion. These hairy,
fierce creatures are of the Sasquatch strain. While
Players who are used to fantasy roleplaying games they mostly eschew weapons in favor of their natural
where their characters are mercenaries who claws, half of the scavengers do carry a single javelin
command huge bags of gold, magical trinkets, and for bringing down prey at a distance.
glittering gems might be a little disappointed at
the reward offered by the Elder Council. Remind Allow the party’s lead scout a Notice roll. Failure
them that Chapter is a small community and indicates that the Ferals have blundered into the player
winter in the Wind River Valley is an exceptionally characters, and the battle starts with the two groups
harsh season. Many people struggle to stay warm, perhaps 2d4” apart. A success allows the characters a
fed, and healthy. For those who aren’t maintaining round to prepare, so that they can draw weapons, take
their own farmstead, paying for upkeep over a long cover, or create a little more space - but the Ferals will
Wind River winter can be ruinously expensive. nonetheless be upon them afterward. On a raise, the
What the Council is offering is nine months of scout has detected the Ferals far enough away that the
secure upkeep. That’s quite a big deal that nearly party has the option to avoid the encounter with stealth,
any resident of Chapter would leap at. or to spring an ambush at a longer range - which puts
the Ferals at a significant disadvantage, though it might
eat into the party’s ammunition.
the Feral tribe members bear recent wounds that
were not received during the encounter with the
player characters. A Notice (-2) roll (or a Healing
roll while examining a defeated Feral) will show that
these are bullet wounds. It seems likely that these
Ferals have clashed with the Phoenix State and
come out the worse for it. (A GM wishing to make
this encounter less difficult might decide that the
Feral Champion, a Wild Card, has already suffered
one Wound.)
of a battle, where at least a dozen Feral corpses are with hammered road signs and other detritus. A
scattered. The bodies are rank with decay and the Notice roll will reveal the doorway - perhaps there are
explorers may need to scare off some scavenging blood droplets on the metal paneling that hides it. A
wildlife if they wish to investigate - most likely a raise will allow the explorers to note that there are
matter of making an Intimidate roll. A cursory several cunningly screened ports near the door that
investigation of the Feral bodies will note that they allow anyone hiding within to view those approaching.
have been thoroughly shot to death.
Beyond the door is an entire Helot family who are
Rolling the Battle skill might reveal additional very upset and feeling quite paranoid. The wounded
information: with a success, the character notes Helot, Arla, has just watched her mate, Jor, be killed
that the bullet impact sites show good placement in by a Phoenix State patrol. She was shot as well, and
the center torso, implying that shooters were quite barely managed to escape and return to her family.
proficient and that the victorious force here was well- Two other adult Helots are within, Magra and Brok,
trained, maintaining order in the face of a wave of and there are four children.
charging Ferals.
This is a social encounter where the players will
Characters who investigate the battle site and need to be on their best behavior in order to coax
succeed in a Notice roll at -4 will realize that the the Helots into speaking with them. Magra takes
battlefield has been cleaned up in some ways. Despite the lead, and will open the conversation by trying
the obvious hail of bullets directed at the Ferals, no to intimidate the group into leaving them alone,
bullet casings can be found - they seem to have all claiming they have a whole bundle of dynamite and
been collected. Also, the successful character will aren’t afraid to use it!
find several areas where bloodstains indicate that the
victorious force suffered casualties, but carried them This isn’t true. However, aside from the hand
away. Due to time and weather, there aren’t tracks weapons typically possessed by Helots, Brok does
or scent remaining at this site that are sufficient to have a rusty blunderbuss at hand. Anyone attempting
allow following the path of the victors. to force open the front door (Hardness 10) is likely to
take a blast of nails to the face at point blank range.
Helot Homestead
The explorers encounter fresh footprints tracking A successful Persuasion roll will be necessary to
through a patch of mud. A successful Survival roll get the Helots talking. They are paranoid and want
will identify the tracks as belonging to a Helot, while nothing more than for the explorers to go away so
a raise will reveal small droplets of blood near the they can heal Arla’s wounds and properly grieve Jor.
trail, as if the Helot had been wounded. Persuasion rolls with the Helots will be modified by
the following circumstances:
The trail quickly leaves the muddy area and winds Speaker (making the Persuasion roll) is a Helot: +2
among deserted streets, heading toward the outskirts A Helot is accompanying the speaker: +1
of the ruins. While the GM might choose to call for Any obvious Ghost Remnants being carried or
another Survival roll to follow the trail, failing the roll used: -2
(and losing the trail) would cause the group to miss Any use of the Boon during the scene: -2
out on an interesting encounter. Consider allowing
your group to follow the tracks without a roll.
Each success or raise will reveal a parcel of
information from the list below. The GM can deliver
In any case, the trail ends in a small dale, near
these in order as presented, or choose at random if
a cluster of Old World buildings that are mostly
collapsed. Because the terrain of the dale drops
The Helots are very upset at the use of the Boon
down, the Helot’s lair is cunningly hidden among the
or Ghost Shards anywhere near their homestead.
wreckage, with rusted metal paneling pulled down to
near the center of the ruins, an unstoppable to abandon everything they’ve built in Old Lander.
Changed beast called a Butcher Bear. This creature
is attracted to Breach energy, so using the Boon or Phoenix State Diggers
a Ghost Shard could bring it into the area.
The explorers have run into a patrol of six Phoenix
The Phoenix State soldiers seem to be coming State soldiers that have been sent out from their
into the area from the south. They’re digging camp to investigate the ruins. These grunts are on
through the ruins, gathering scrap and edge, counting as active guards for the purpose of
technological leftovers. Jor thought they were detecting Stealth. They are extremely hostile and will
looking for something specific, but died trying to open fire as soon as strangers are detected. Aliens
get close enough to determine what it might be. and Changed are their priority targets, followed by
The invaders are heavily armed and greet all anyone using the Boon in a visible fashion.
outsiders with a hail of bullets. Their camp is
well-fortified and protected by a gatling gun. While this is likely to become a combat encounter
Going near it during daylight would be suicidal. quickly, there are still things that savvy explorers
might discover:
Though it might be difficult to understand over
the hail of gunfire (perhaps requiring a Notice
Moving the Plot roll at a penalty of -2), a character might identify
the strange, barking argot that the Phoenix
Forward State soldiers use as English. It’s not quite the
If the conversation with the Helots goes really English the Librarians teach in Chapter - the
well, you’ll need to decide how much you’d like accent is almost unintelligible and their slang
it to move the plot forward. This may depend makes almost no sense - but it’s interesting
simply on how much time at the game table information, nonetheless.
you’d like the players to spend looking around
Anyone approaching closely (within melee range,
Old Lander. If you’re ready to move toward the
or investigating a slain Phoenix State soldier)
final act, then the Helots can share the exact
will note that the grunts’ skin is very oily, with
coordinates of the Butcher Bear lair or the
a faint greenish cast. Explorers with enhanced
Phoenix State camp. If you’d prefer to get more
scent abilities will note that the soldiers all
mileage out of the search, then the Helots can’t
provide exact coordinates, but their information
will still be useful.
If you’ve been using the Action Deck to choose Phoenix State Grunt
encounters within the ruins of Old Lander, you
might choose to accelerate matters a little by Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
drawing two cards for each encounter and using Strength d8, Vigor d8.
the highest. Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Riding
d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(2), 11(4) vs bullets
Explorers who want to convince the Helots to Hindrances: Delusional(Major): anyone outside
abandon their home and flee to Chapter will need the Phoenix State is a dangerous mutant, Loyal.
to engage Magra in Social Conflict, using the rules Edges: Brawny, Brave, Combat Reflexes.
presented in Savage Worlds. Normally the Helots Gear: Submachine Gun with 60 bullets (12/24/48,
would laugh off such a suggestion, but Jor’s death has 2d6, AP 1, ROF 3, 30 Shots), Combat Knife (Str+d4),
shaken them. Still, Magra will resist with a Spirit of Kevlar Vest and Combat Helmet.
d8. She believes the family can hunker down for the
a body combined with a successful Healing roll expedition could be organized, in the spring.
will note ‘track marks’ on the limbs of all the
soldiers, as if they received regular injections. The Librarian’s notes include easily understandable
Their equipment is lightly covered in the same directions that can lead explorers to the Butcher bear
strange-smelling, greenish oil as their skin. It’s lair in the center of Old Lander.
likely that the explorers will be able to loot a
treasure trove of Kevlar vests, submachine guns, Butcher Bear Encounter
and bullets. However, see the Secrets of the If this encounter was drawn randomly, the GM will
Phoenix State sidebar later in this adventure for need to adjudicate based on where the explorers are
more details about confiscated equipment. currently located. If they’re on the outskirts of the
While it’s hard for the explorers to tell what ruins, they may see the Butcher bear at a distance. It’s
exactly this patrol was after, they’ve gathered reasonably well-fed and isn’t particularly aggressive -
a rucksack full of things like spools of wire, unless the group includes a Gifted that makes active
thick plastic sheeting, and a few glass vials - the use of her powers, or triggers a Shard. In that case, it
equivalent of about 100 Salvage. relentlessly pursues the group!
If the GM is ready to press forward to the end
of the adventure, then either the patrol left a If the explorers are checking through the interior
trail which could be followed (using Survival) of Old Lander, then they’ve discovered the lair of the
to backtrack to their camp, or they might be Butcher bear. The character with the highest Survival
carrying a rough map which can be found after skill in the group will note the deep claw marks,
the fight. spoor, and other telltale signs that an immense
predator dwells within. As well, characters who have
spoken with the Helots or recovered the Librarian’s
Fallen Librarian notebook might be coming to the lair directly.
The explorers stumble across a corpse clad in the
vestments of a Librarian. The body has been exposed
for two weeks and is in terrible shape, as both
nature and scavengers have affected it. Nonetheless,
Common Knowledge of
explorers with strong stomachs can recover the the Butcher bear
Librarian’s personal book, still bound to his belt. These immense creatures were constructed in
Though the slipcover is fouled with gore, the contents Butcher bioforges, melding the aliens’ strange
were protected and are still readable. technology with vat-grown flesh. The Butcher
bears’ genes were specially crafted, combining
Literate explorers that examine the notebook will the dominant traits of several species of Earth
find that the Librarian’s name was Xando James. bear with genetic material from an unknown
James accompanied a previous expedition sent from alien predator species. The result was an
Chapter - in fact, the very one that was shot to pieces unparalleled predator.
by the Phoenix State, precipitating the warning that
led to the player characters being here. An average-size Butcher bear weighs 2,500
pounds, stands five feet tall at the shoulder, and
The Librarian’s expedition was here investigating when standing on its hind legs crests eleven feet.
a rumor of a Ghost Shard to be found deep in the The largest adult males can grow up to 25% larger.
ruins of Old Lander. However, while they found
the correct site, they discovered it had become the A successful Common Knowledge roll delivers
lair of a terrifying Butcher bear, a mighty Changed the information above, and allows the GM to
predator that was lured by the energy of the Shard. advise the character that a Butcher bear is a deadly
James’s group determined they didn’t have enough opponent - especially for Novice characters. Head-
firepower to deal with the Butcher Bear and would on combat might not be the best approach.
wide enough to crawl through has been sealed with maintain their base here and will retreat. There
barbed wire or wooden planks. The steel is flimsy are also notes that can be stolen. They’ll require
enough that it isn’t likely to support a climber’s some time to decipher (as the Phoenix State’s use of
weight - resulting in a dangerously loud collapse. English is almost incomprehensible), but eventually
Several wooden platforms just on the other side of will inform the players of the nature of the Phoenix
the wall allow spotters to view the outside world for State’s anti-nanite drug. This tent is always guarded
hazards. These posts are often filled by Snipers or by two Grunts in the absence of the Lieutenant-
Scouts. Doctor.
3: The radio tower would require explosives to 5: An ammo dump maintained in a large tent is
bring down quickly, or a team of horses to pull always guarded by at least four Grunts and the
down more slowly. Explorers who have the time to outside is lit with electric lights around the clock.
tear into the materials and make a successful Repair Within can be found a dozen barrels of petroleum-
roll can walk away with 100 Salvage. based fuel for the generator, a dozen sticks of
4: The generator is blocked from view by a pair of dynamite, a crate of grenades, and many boxes of
empty wagons, but isn’t far from the radio tower, bullets. Enterprising players can get up to a great
since the intention is to hook the radio equipment deal of mischief if they get into this tent. If the
up to the power. The generator is on wheels and is ammo dump is detonated, the Phoenix State will
meant to be hitched to a horse or ox when it needs initiate a retreat from the area.
to be moved. It’s burning some kind of petroleum- 6: The command tent where the Lieutenants and
based fuel. It’s Hardness 14 to break with force, or Commander sleep also has maps that show the
a Repair roll to sabotage it. There are always a pair march of the Phoenix State, indicating a clear path
of Grunts within spitting distance of the generator. back to the homeland. It also contains documents
A research tent where the Lieutenant-Doctor is that (given time to translate) will explain the Phoenix
setting up scientific equipment to brew more of State strategy: they believe they are cleansing the
the Phoenix State’s brainwashing/anti-GenBomb world by conquering it and exterminating tainted
drug. The equipment is easily smashed or stolen. alien filth. They consume the holy relics of the
Vargo HultzRanahan
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d6, Riding d4, Science
d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4, Weird Science d8.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (more with Protection power triggered)
Hindrances: Delusional(Major): anyone outside the Phoenix State is a
dangerous mutant, Loyal.
Edges: Combat Reflexes
Gear: Revolver (2d6 AP 1), Saber (Str+d6)
15 Power Points
Burst (Trapping: Lightning Gun): Cone Template, PP 2, 2d6 damage (3d6 on a raise). For +2PP do an
extra d6.
Protection (Trapping: Creepy nanite armor): PP 1, Duration 5, Armor +2 or +4. +1 PP per addl recipient,
+1 for +2 additional armor, +2 to affect Toughness instead of Armor
from the infernal influence of the GenBomb. This area, as noted above.
“blessing” is mandatory for all soldiers on a weekly An exceptionally clever group might decide to use
basis to ensure their purity. the Ghost Shard (or any powers of the Boon that
7: Salvage Wagons are laden with what little material the group can trigger) to lure an angry Butcher bear
the Phoenix State has pulled from the ruins of Old into the Phoenix State camp (perhaps requiring a
Lander. If given time to sort through it for the best Chase or even a Dramatic Task). A sprinting Butcher
stuff and a wagon to transport it back to Chapter, bear can easily smash through the outer wall as an
a dedicated explorer could probably make 500 action. Even a hail of bullets is unlikely to penetrate
Salvage out of this junk. the Butcher bear’s armored hide quickly, so the
angry beast is likely to massacre many Phoenix State
soldiers before being driven off. Savvy explorers
Paths to Victory could easily take this ruckus as a chance to raid the
Given this overwhelming force, many players will camp, either by force or by stealth. One playtest
exhibit unhappiness or frustration at the obstacle facing group at Gen Con 2019 tried this method (at great
them. However, there are multiple ways to proceed that risk to their Gifted) and left the camp in a smoking
could lead to their expedition being successful. ruin, utterly victorious.
While the active guards and electric lights make
Depending on the makeup of your group, other
infiltrating the camp difficult, a sneaky group could
paths to victory might be possible. Perhaps a
enter the camp and blow up the ammo dump or
Mindbender might be able to frighten the Phoenix
destroy the lab equipment. Either of these actions
State away. A group of characters optimized to be
means that - even if the characters botch their
powerful in combat (and advanced beyond Novice
escape and all die - the Phoenix State expedition
rank) might be able to set their jaw, draw initiative,
will retreat, and Chapter will be safe.
and tear the entire camp apart by themselves.
The Phoenix State force doesn’t need to be wiped
The only thing that certainly will NOT work is
out to the very last man. If half the soldiers and two
negotiation. Under no circumstances will a Phoenix
officers (or the entire command structure) are slain,
State soldier bargain with a filthy, unholy outsider.
the expedition will retreat.
They would rather kill or die.
The characters might engage in guerilla warfare,
engaging Phoenix State soldiers by the handful on
their patrol and salvage routes. After enough of this,
the Wild Card officers will begin accompanying
the patrols. If they are defeated as well, mounting Phoenix State Lieutenants,
Susan Quell &
Mikel Corcoran
Phoenix State Grunt (40)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Strength d8, Vigor d8. Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Fighting d8, Notice
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Riding d6, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4.
d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(2), 11(4) vs bullets
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(2), 11(4) vs bullets Hindrances: Delusional(Major): anyone outside
Hindrances: Delusional(Major): anyone outside the Phoenix State is a dangerous mutant, Loyal.
the Phoenix State is a dangerous mutant, Loyal. Edges: Brawny, Brave, Combat Reflexes,
Edges: Brawny, Brave, Combat Reflexes. Command, Command Presence, Nerves of Steel.
Gear: Submachine Gun with 60 bullets (12/24/48, Gear: Submachine Gun with 60 bullets (12/24/48,
2d6, AP 1, ROF 3, 30 Shots), Combat Knife (Str+d4), 2d6, AP 1, ROF 3, 30 Shots), Saber (Str+d6), Kevlar
Kevlar Vest and Combat Helmet. Vest and Combat Helmet.
Attributes Skills
Agility d6 • Smarts d8 • Spirit d6 • Strength d6 Athletics d6 • Common Knowledge d6 • Fighting
• Vigor d6 d6 • Mindbending d8 • Notice d6 • Persuasion d4
• Shooting d8 • Stealth d6 • Survival d4 • Taunt d6.
Hindrances Edges
Curious • Stubborn. Arcane Background(Mindbending).
Leather traveling gear (Armor +1 to torso, arms, legs), knife (Str + d4), battered rifle with 21 bullets (24/48/96,
RoF 1, 2d6, AP 2), backpack, bedroll, canteen, mess kit, firestarting kit, lantern, and 1 pint lamp oil.
Special Abilities
10 Power Points
Starting Powers: Beast Friend, Deflection, Fear
Hands Free: Mindbenders do not need their hands to activate their
powers. They may cast even when Bound or otherwise restrained.
Backlash: When using a Mindbending power, she suffers Backlash
on a Critical Failure. One of the terrible intelligences from
beyond the Breach attempts to devour her mental essence. Any of
Leelee’s maintained powers are immediately terminated. She must
immediately spend 2d6 Power Points or become Stunned.
On the way to the Council meeting, a faction known as the Order of Silence contacted Leelee. The Order
believes that the Butchers and Ghosts will return to Earth someday, and humanity needs to be ready to go
silent and vanish once again. The Order of Silence has heard that the Phoenix State is somehow maintaining
radio communication. If this is true, they want the offending radio equipment destroyed. Bring back some
of the wreckage to prove it was done, and be rewarded.
Attributes Skills
Agility d6 • Smarts d4 • Spirit d6 • Strength d10 Athletics d10 • Common Knowledge d4 • Fighting
• Vigor d8 d8 • Healing d6 • Intimidation d6 • Notice d6 •
Persuasion d4 • Stealth d6 • Survival d6.
Hindrances Edges
Quirk (Prays loudly at odd times) • Loyal. Brawny • Brute.
Hammered metal scrap armor (Armor +3 to torso, arms, legs), Halberd (Str+d8, Reach +1, 2 hands), Sling and
12 stones (5/10/20, Str + d4, ROF 1) - uses Athletics(Throwing) to fire, Backpack, blanket, canteen, firestarting
kit, and first aid kit.
Hover crystal: a Ghost Shard infused with Breach energies, this glimmering crystal floats lazily around
Glurk’s head. He can use a mental action, activating the Remnant to gain Flight (as the power) for one
minute, but this destroys the crystal.
Special Abilities
Reach +1 (stacks with halberd for a +2 Reach when wielding it)
+2 to resist negative environmental effects.
Lumbering (natural Pace 5, running die d4)
Limited Intelligence (-2 to all Smarts rolls)
Immune to all poisons.
Like all Helots, Glurk has short legs, wide shoulders, and unusually long
arms. His powerful musculature can bear heavy loads and his physiology
is resilient to toxins and extremes of temperature.
Glurk firmly believes that Kraim has guided him to Chapter to care for the people there. He’s acted as a
caretaker by joining the Chapter Militia, doing his best to separate troublemakers and keep internal conflict
to a minimum.
Glurk can’t wait for Kraim to return and take the Helots back to the stars, so he likes to pray as loudly as
possible, to ensure Kraim can hear. As a reward for this prayer, a priest of Kraim visited Glurk, and gave him
a holy task. She told him that there is a tiny settlement of Helots - just a few families - not far from the ruins
of Old Lander. She asked Glurk to see that they are kept out of harm’s way!
Attributes Skills
Agility d8 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d4 Athletics d6 • Common Knowledge d6 • Fighting
• Vigor d6. d6 • Notice d6+2 • Persuasion d8 • Riding d6 •
Shooting d6 • Stealth d6 • Survival d6.
Hindrances Edges
Loyal • Overconfident • Vow(minor): kill all Ferals. Alertness • Extraction • Luck.
Leather armor (Armor+1 to torso, arms, legs). Bolt-action hunting rifle and 30 bullets (2d8, AP 2, 24/48/96,
RoF 1). Two hand grenades (5/10/20, 3d6 in a MBT). Knife (Str + d4). Backpack, bedroll, canteen, firestarting
kit, and 3 torches.
Garth had been living a charmed life as a merchant, traveling from one
end of Wind River to the other. It all fell to pieces during his most
recent caravan, when a horde of Ferals swarmed out of a nearby Breach
Zone. Fortunately, the always-lucky Garth had been taking a shift as a
forward scout when the ambush fell, and managed to escape to Chapter
to raise the alarm with the Chapter Militia. However, his caravan, his
companions, and all of his trading capital were lost and he’s starting his
career back at square one.
The nefarious Blackgold Trading Company has privately contacted Garth. Their operative hinted that he
had pulled strings to get Garth included in the mission. If he can set up trading between Blackgold Station
and the Phoenix State, there’s an enormous amount of wealth to be made. The Blackgold leadership isn’t
concerned about the success of the Elder Council’s mission or the potential danger to Chapter - profit is
what’s important to them. There’s a big percentage for Garth, if he can make this happen. You’ll need to
decide: is it worth it?
Attributes Skills
Agility d6 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d8 Athletics d6 • Common Knowledge d4 • Fighting d10
• Vigor d8. • Notice d6 • Persuasion d4 • Repair d6 • Shooting
d6 • Stealth d6 • Survival d6.
Hindrances Edges
Cautious • Heroic • Outsider(Minor) • Ugly(Minor) Brawler
Backpack, bedroll, canteen, tool kit, double-barrel shotgun with 12 shells (12/24/48, 1-3d6), and leather trail
wear (Armor +1).
Special Abilities
Bio-acceptance (-2 to resist effects from Butcher biotech or Breach energy).
Cosmetic Changes: Backward-bending legs; Stigmata.
Minor Anomalies: Armored Flesh (+2 Armor from ridged subdermal
plating) , Low Light Vision (ignore penalties for Dim and Dark
Major Anomalies: Natural weapon (spiked forearms, Str+d8 damage
due to Brawler Edge)
Karx hopes to someday earn a place in the Scouting Guild of Chapter. Perhaps if he were able to capture
the maps and navigational data that these invaders are using, he would be rewarded by the Scouts! Being
able to show a charted route to the Phoenix State homeland would surely be enough to get Karx entry into
the Guild.
Attributes Skills
Agility d6 • Smarts d8 • Spirit d8 • Strength d6 Academics d6 • Athletics d6 • Common Knowledge d6
• Vigor d6 • Fighting d6 • Healing d4 • Notice d8 • Persuasion
d6 • Riding d4 • Science d4 • Shooting d6 • Stealth
d4 • Survival d4
Hindrances Edges
Curious • Loyal, Driven (Minor): Protect Chapter • Connections(Librarians) • Elan
Vow(Minor): Librarians
Thick hide armor (Armor +2), short spear (Str+d6, can be thrown with Athletics 3/6/12), medium wooden
shield (Hardness 10, Parry +2, Cover -2), revolver and 12 bullets (12/24/48, 2d6, AP 1 , ROF 1), notebook, 3
pencils, chalk, blanket, tent, canteen, mess kit, firestarting kit, and backpack.
Masha has lived within the walls of Chapter all her life, toiling at
academic pursuits. Her intentions to become a Librarian came to an
abrupt halt, when her Librarian teacher, Xando James, went missing on
an expedition to examine a strange phenomenon in the ruins of Old Lander. When word came that the
Council planned a followup mission, she clamored to be included. If her teacher can’t be found, perhaps she
can recover his notes - or at least show enough initiative and worth to be inducted into the Librarians despite
an unfinished apprenticeship!
Attributes Skills
Agility d10 • Smarts d6 • Spirit d6 • Strength d6 Athletics d8 • Common Knowledge d4 • Fighting d6
• Vigor d6 • Notice d6 • Persuasion d4 • Shooting d8 • Stealth
d10 • Survival d6 • Thievery d6
Hindrances Edges
Loyal • Overconfident • Stubborn Woodsman (+2 to Survival and Stealth in the wilds)
Leather trail gear (Armor +1), Crossbow with 20 shots (10/20/40, 2d6, AP 2, ROF 1), two throwing knives (3/6/12,
Str+d4), longknife (Str+d6), lockpicks, 30’ rope, blanket, canteen, firestarting kit, backpack.
Special Abilities
Enhanced Low Light Vision: After generations in the sub-holds of Butcher dreadnoughts, the Skav
have evolved the ability to see in the dark and detect heat patterns. They ignore penalties for Dim and
Dark lighting. Even in Pitch Darkness, a Skav halves Illumination
penalties when attacking targets that are notably warmer or colder
than the surrounding environment.
Photosensitivity: In full sunlight, a Skav’s dark-adapted eyes have
difficulty remaining focused. They suffer a -1 penalty to any Trait
roll dependent on vision (such as ranged attacks and Notice rolls)
while in bright light.
Size -1
Not quite four feet tall, the diminutive Kitikari has the skills to practically
vanish in the wilderness. While being rewarded for her reconnaissance
work is nice, it’s really the bragging rights that keep her warm at
night. She is best known for her knack of sneaking into Feral lairs and
encampments to get an accurate count of the creatures, despite the obvious risk. It’s these skills that allowed
her to survive the Phoenix State’s attack on her previous visit to Old Lander, evade their patrols, and slip away
to Chapter to inform the Council of the danger.
As the Council moved to get a second expedition in order, a faction called the Star League contacted Kitikari.
They have heard rumors that the Phoenix State somehow communicates with radios despite the Butchers’
biotech having wiped out most electronics. They want Kitikari to steal some of this technology and bring it
back to be examined. If the Star League can get electronic circuitry working again, perhaps they can move
humanity into the stars where they belong!