B.A (Prog) History 4th Semester 2019

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JJai,ARy I ·
c.i. .

• .
your Roll No. : ······················· . · ., .. .~· '
paper : 9380 IC _ ....
SI. No. of Q• .
. Code : 62311444
Unique papei
e course : B.A. (Pros.) Hletory
Name of th
CBCS/ Core · MIL

Name of the Paper : History of India from

1707 to 1950

Semester : IV
Ttme : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates :

~ cf>~~~: .
(a) Write your Roll No. on t~e top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
{fr ~~.;-~ ~fits{-
(b) Answer may be written ·either in En11lah
or in Hindi; but the same medium should
be used throughout the paper.
~~- q;r th, '5tl"" ttr tff-
if tt,11},o;, ~fcbi-f ttt it
AA ~rfmt I
(c) Attempt any five questions.
fcb;t{ R:it'1l er; '3ttt( <fl~~ I
(d) All questions carry equal marks.
~ . er; '3lq) fti:tl"i I

1. Discuss the different interpretations of 18
century India by the historians.
Rt g1 tFt>I x'i aRT 1acff ia 1&{') * mm qft lTffi
qft ftj cliFil ¢') fGi I

2. What were the causes. and itnpact of Battle of

((91tft cfft • q,1~ 0 r tfttT ?

3. Discuss the main features and impact of the

Permanent Settlement of l3ertga1 .

-~,,-,~ ~G) Elta ~~1~c113TT mm
~tFfl ~ ·q I

4. What were the o~u~"g t1f the revtdt t)f 1857 ?

1JlsctHui itt3 t~sult~¥
1aa1 m·fflmtt ~t $l~t1, @l? • tt~tl11ttr m1 r~t1'f1•11
. us socio-Religious Reform
vsflo . .
5. oescri e . the nineteenth century India.·
Movements iJl
$ mm "ii fcrfi:Fr •w•11ftt<P-'Ellrn<P ~'Elli!
CfiT qur,=1 "$lf\lN I

. the causes for the rise -of Nationalism

6. o1scuss
in India.
mm,)' xi'S;ll.lffi cl, cl, <t>l« 0N IMiMI <6lftt~ I

7. Evaluate the contribution of Lal-Bal•Pal in the

Indian National Movement.
111-aft~ xi~~ 3Ti~l&Ff 1l ~-~:.. .:cntif cf) ~~ 41Gl.-fi q;-r ·
1!~-jq5;:i $)R,t~ I

8. What was Gandhi's unique ·contribution to the

National Movement?
3i"iG)c1.:i -q $T llPltll~ crQT ?
9. Trac" the development of political ev~nt8 in India
from 1940 to 1947 whith l~d to the partition or
1940 1941 -mn trtl ~1\fl~fflt:H Et e--11~ff ~ .
~trrffmTf $l fuf q roJqeh tfJI 01 tlff ~ rl\.fl Wffl I ,
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
Ptkt~f&a Fcl,.tf "tIT ~cqf<l,lti R;i q:
(a) Third Battle of P~ipat, 176 i
tlR11IB cp1 ~, 1761
(b) Subsidiary Alliance System
Xi61ll¢ ~ 0 116-tl
(c) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
·'-1£51-<l\if ~Gfla ftf-g
(d) Constituent Assembly, 1946
. (This questiofl pa~:$ttains 2 printed s] \
Your BoJI Jl'd• '9 :· · · · ·--·· ·--·· · Ua:t~RY !
j_O !
• 110- ofQ. Pa~r : 9352 ·I _

unique Paper Code : 62311465 ••

Natne of the -Course : B.A. (Prog.) History
Name of the Paper : Inequality and
(In Lieu of MIL)

Semester : IV
Time : 3 Hours .Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates :
(a) Write your Roll No. on the.top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b) Answer any four questi9ns.
(c) All questions carry equal rnarks . ·

1. Discuss the t oncept of social inequality. Explain

with examples.

ta, E,cplain the meaning of statuR group8 and point

t>ut how it is different from olatt8,
a, Ol•~u1tit the importW1ce of the htluti1ehold in
t!tJtH1tti.tct:l11g g~ttder idetttitlt:!~.
4. How are the concepts-of ~lavery, .$ervitude and
bondage related to the social structure ? Discuss
their inter. . relationship. ·
s. Do Y(?U agree that Untouchability found a defining
place in caste society ? Elaborate. . .

6. What is a tribe ? Discuss its salient feature~

with examples.
7. Do you agree that the caste and race are
interchangeable concepts ?
8 . The Indian Constitution has provisions for
safeguarding gender equality. Comment.
~.-..- "~ C
. · 4 nnt
1ns . d •'~
[This question paper conta p e pa
. @ Your Roi o..LJOOAR-Y

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 9500

Unique Paper Code 62314410

Name of the Paper History of India from 1707 to

1950 (OC)

Name of the Course B.A. Programme History -


Semester IV

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. Attempt any five questions .

3. AH questions carry equal tnatks ,
4. A11swers may be writhH1 either it1 English or Hindi;
hut the san1.e 1nediu1n should he u~ed throughout the

ur~, fJ1 ~ g -~ tr
'I. ·9fl' U~•t ··~ i ffl~· t ffltt ~lffitrt ~ ·jt:t ~t ~111~ \'
·H•(tli J/ftl1 I

3. ~~~afq,WJR""gl

4. ~- cfiT~ "lJT ~fch.-;

~~cfiT~~-gtm;:rr~ I

1. Is the concept of "Dark Age" sufficient to explain

the history of India in the eighteenth-century?

" ~ 1flr 11 c t ) - ~ 3i61U?~· \:fT«f cfi"

~fasl('i cfiT ('i'1$1~ cfi" S4£Uld t ?

2. What were the reasons for the Battle of Plassey and

Buxar? Why was the East India Company's army
successful in defeating the Nawab?

3ff{ 1flffl( -gw "Efi" cftlT cfTI(UT ? ftfe~I

~~w=rr~ttn~~~~sf ?

3. at Ief1y cl is tj us s the feIt tu t'fj s Of the p et' 1tHU1 e11 t

Sett1~111e11t irt llt1rtgML Whttt evE'11tun1ly tui-11ed dUt to
be Hs ttdvtt11tttg~s ttud d!~mdvtttthtges rut th~ Et1st 111dJa
CtHtt }HU1 y 1 1

i1tt~· -ll1 t~1-tn im fflm~t3tt'. ttn -#!·lfltt· -if 'gft11-.~ ,

#t f~ttl !f:r~~l ·@ 6ftf~: tttij ltttt - ~ ·~1•=1 ~l't· -~1lritft ~f 1
4. What were the 111ain isSues taken up by the anti-caste
movement in colonial India? Discuss with special
reference to Jyotirao Phule and Ambedkar.

;;tqA<lfflti:fi ~ - 3il~~FtY fcfi;f- fcfi;f cfiT

"361lfl ? ~fa<lct 3ff"{ ~- 31R. 3t~$cfi{

fcl~=qiift ~f"Gl~ I

5. Was Dalhousie responsible for hastening the events

of 1857?

,6, Briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the

emergence of Indian nationalism in the 1ate .. 19th
century I

1'J1W ~U -q ~l(~tf (l~etl~ tfTt ~tllfft * tfil(etn'

tlarl 1): "1Rftq I

1. \J1~~use th.a tol~ t,f Mttht1h111ut tht11tlhl 111 the yrtlwth

r:t1tt1 M~i'~tt.tl t,f 1uttitH1tt1 ttlt,V~ltl~fit b~tw~tH1 1920 1111tl
l ~j4 ,

·/tj~LJ 'l~~rl t Jn11 t.t~tt ~1~1fll1 $ ffl~1tt ~ft(

jfttt1 tT ,:,m~i, -11r,n * \li1$t •~· •t-1'tl~t ~Rli~ 1
8. What were the rea h
sons for the growt of communal
politics in _the 20 th century?

9. What were the major challenges faced by the

Constituent Assembly? How did it try to resolve them?

tTm •-· ~./4l[aq1 ~ ?

tTm WfiR ~-=tcfil f.:lcU{OI ?

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(i) Savitribai Phule

(ii) Swadeshi Movement

(iii) Cabinet Mission

(iv) INA and Subhash Chandra Bose

14i~· m1f{ fltqlffl fi;tRqq :

(i) ~1fcl~ts11{

(H) tt:t~dtl 31~.:r

(lH) Eflfrtl~ - itt1lt-=t

. U c, ~
[This question paper contams 4 printed

f Question Paper: 9501
Your ~~IBRARY.
Sr. No. o
. ue paper Code 62314402
Name of the Paper History of India from 1700 to
1950 (NC)

Name of the Course B.A. Programme History -


Semester IV

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. Attempt any five questions.

3. All questions cari-y ~qual mnrks.

4. A11swers 1nay be written eithet in English or Hirt.di;
but the sa1ne medium should be used throughout the

I. 'tfl -~ ~-- ~ - ·I ll~ t · ~tttRtl· ttttff ttt ~1t111t

i i•{~1JlfFf1 I
4. ~~-~clif"3TI(3iilJl~~~~~~ a~~-•~~.,
a~· cfiT "'°'" lfi R ,41[g~ ,

I. Briefly discuss various "iews on the eighteenth century

in Indian history.

3t6Rt;~l ~kliitit 1R ~RltH~cfl ~~l(f "ctt M

=tt4lf!1t cfil~~ I

2. What were the reasons for the Battle of Plassey and

Buxar? What is the historical significance of the
Treaty of AJJahabad in lndjan history?

411~ "ifqf ffit<UI ? ~~lt<l~H: -«iu

cfiT \fl(Jlq $Jd5Hf tfq'f '18+<1 f ?

3. Critically discuss the con tributiPn of Rnjn Rntntnohnn

.Roy and Brah1110 Snmnj ht th~ socin t uplifttncnt l,r
WtHt1etl h1 tudht.

tftt~ ~at, !fr lttltt~ J~r~ mn Wlll1~.i ~ltt ~\llt ~nt

#ttfut ml rtU~fl , f~lf;:-Jt$ ttft~t tf.tfm~ I

4. What factors contributed to the decline of traditional
. d tries in the late 18 th and early 19th century?
lll US ·

18 -;ff ma,csift cf1- 3fu" 19~ :tk11iiil ctt ~3fffi' i:fi1<07f

~Jlll 91<9Rcfi 3miff cfiT 8au ?

s. . The Revolt of 1857 began as a Sepoy Mutiny but

quickly turned into a mass revolt. Discuss.

1857 cfiT ~~cfi cf1- &3ff ~Ft¼,~

tf ,ifot~ - (4~5 qf{qfda "ITT WTT I ~~iHI cfil~t< I

6. Briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the

emergence of Indian nationalism in the late-19 th

19~ ~U \tl(Jlq (l~~I~ d€-'lfti efil(~'f cfit

ttM lt:1~-it.:11 I

1. UlijtJttss the ro t~ of dattdhl it1 th~ grt,wth tt11d ~prt,ttd

r,r 11ttlltH1l11 ttltlVettHHtt b~tw ~ett 1g2(j rtud 1934.

1rJ1tJ il IVad i iht 1tm-1ttt tt~ 3tl-=ar t1~ m·~$1lt a~t

UttU 11' tf Hlr:Jtl 1tr,~~l •lf~~trl rfTI ,1tna11 Ft\1Hl1V I
8. What in your opinion caused the partition of India?

9; How far is the vision of the National movement

reflected in the provisions of the Indian constitution?

31,;;?)c-1~ cm 6<f trcti" tS

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(i) Subsidiary Alliance System

(ii) B .R. Ambedkar

(iii) Hind Swaraj

(iv) Cabinet Missio11

(i) ~ rttef1 ~11n~

(II ) "&lt. 311t arJilstf-it

(ll I) ·lft Rt· ~ttm

( Iv} rtt ~l~f! 111 ijj;-j·

lll HU C.

[This question paper contains 4 printed pag

@ Your Roll fWARY
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 9513

Unique Paper Code 62314410

History of India from 1707 to

Name of the Paper
1950 (OC)

B.A. Programme History -

Name of the Course

Semester IV

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. Attetnpt any five questions .

3. All questions carry equal marks .
4. Ahswets may be wtitten either i11 E:11glish tlt Hindi;
but the same 1nediu1n should be us~d throughout the


I. 'l l1 -~- t)· ~1tt ffltt i11:f iiruf~ ·ttt ~t1tq1

l11,,u1J1f~11lf1R~ij· 1
2. fch;:gl'~~~~~ I

3. mit~~3fc:fi"~t,
4. ~- cflT al~tz , ~fch;::J
cflT -t)' ffl" iUf8~ I

1. Can the eighteenth century be regarded as a period

of Dark Age? Discuss.

3i6Ri5tjl ch1" -it1T

...:, cfim \TIT ftcficil "t ?
f2tq°" cfil~'i! I

2. Why was the British East India Company successful

in expanding its political base in Bengal after 1750?

1750 cf1- q:fiUti_ i:fi·q~ 3ttl.:fl {fol~fficfi {tjwl(

~~cF-ll~~ 7

3. What led to the ittti-oduction of Permanent Settlet11ent

in Be11gal1l Why was it 11ot introduced in other regiotts?

1fltM 1Y M 11m1tm ciT "Efit(t11 ? ttt· tfq1m-a

$l a1~~~- ~cf1lY~M111-lt

~. Wlutt Wfrn Utt ct1t1ll'lbutit1t1 ur ttt1Jtt ltct1trn11,lt11ti t{u v IH

II 1u f1 neIt1I uf1111·tt11 tH It tt f wt1 1Hti Ii I,1 t•t1 IuIII ,,I l l\ t \\ ,, "
~q~?ta,cfi ~an lil+tl~&i (l+\'fl6'1

cfiT qtJT ~•IG\'1 ?

5. Do you agree that the Revolt of 1857 was a nationalist

uprising against the British rule?

3fTll l@ ~6'1cl fcfi 1857 11'Rf.f

f<ct~Ni fct$ ?

6. Critically analyze the causes of the emergence of

nationalism in India.

<ilS{qlG "rtt Jt<tR=f cfi" cfiRcfll. cfil dil~iHlf'icfi 1:RT~

~f\il(;! I

7. Briefly discuss the contribution of Mahatatna Gandhi

in the national movement.

'lalf'11 mul • 311~~--t ~41tfM "ija)tt ~tm

~fu\Q I

8. Was lhe partitidll of lndilt ittevltttb1~? t)i~~uss1

9, Vtl 1·ltJ U J1tuv1sltltt~ ut th~ ttttlhttt tHHlstHuHtrn t·~flool'

til t! t:llvut·~Hy of the l1tl Uttll·y. CtH11111~tt L
'=tt<dlll fflUH \TI«f ctl" ct qlt-i414ct"

-g: I f201<ffl ct)~~ I

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(i) Lord Dalhousie

(ii) Ryotwari Settlement

(iii) Hind Swaraj

(iv) Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(i) m s~rn1J_i1
(ii) ~lfrl q I~ st'cil&t«=t

(iii) fcWIGi

(iv) @1""11
[This question paper contains 4 printed pa

@ Your ..=--~ -,: ····rq·

Sr. No. of Question Paper: 9514 UiRPlR'Y
Unique paper Code 62314402

Name of the Paper History of India l'l-e:~~

1950 (NC)

Name of the Course

B.A. Programme History - .

Semester IV

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 7 5

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. Atte1npt any five questions .

3. All questions carry equal .marks1
4. Answets may be written elthet 111 E11g1ish of Hindi;
but the same tnedittm should be used thtoughbut the

lJfm ctr ·@rn f;'f 411

I. ~ , 1,"ltt=t·- ~ · 1fT ~ · tt ~ - ttt attt~t

at1-,~f1Jlf~11~ fill~ I
2~ W-ciaM~~t .
1. ll'II M • we f •
4. taWl-~e";fiRMil•llaa.lffi'lhil-,. ~
lr'IJlmetllOl4~fl~-i1Pt ,

l. The Eigh,ee;!ih eernmy ia lcdiz:! mst:o~- represents

- rather than ~ - - lmclliSS~

ciiWifl" 118 .Jva-M • ~ -~.. V 11 I ~4 I

2. Discuss the politic.al expaRSlon of the British East

India Company in Bengal till 1765_

17,6 5 { tJili ·i1411t1 llbi W iffl·ci- i«dR c6l uJhtl

3. Briefly discuss various land rereoue settlements and

their impact..

4. Discuss the contribution of Raja Rammohan Roy and

lshwat Chandra Vid}"asaga_r in the social upliftm~nl
of wume,11 in colonial India.
3llqP\4~1cfl '1f8~nan cfi ~1'118icfi mn \ t'1JTIB~
W:f ~cl~·~ f4ijml•R ct ql•l~I~ f4ct~~I ctlru:t~ I

5. Discuss the nature of the Revolt of 1857 . .Was it the

First War of Independence?

6. Give the causes of the rise of nationalism in India.

What was the role of A.O. Hume in the birth of

'TI«t <l'{)llal 'ctt cfi cfil(tm' cfiT ~~<ti cfil@lq I

cfi,th-1 J~r:a ~-an. c:-- tftlt c:-- ~ ri
,., .,I'~ 7

7. Discuss the causes and results of the Swadeghi and

Boycott movement i11 the first deonde of the 20th

201ij ~~rift ~m "at~&:hl< o11Ri)~~

'lil(~· ttftuntW E#i1 fUI~ I

8. Wlrnt wet~ the t~lt~tHiM for h1u11c,hh1~ td' the Nt.Ht~

tHHj'~l:HatltHl tt1t1Vt;,t1HHil1 Why Wtt~ H ~V~tHLut tl y
WHht11·nw11 ? 1
3tijgq\~t dfl~cl~ qi" cfit-f-~ "ij" cfil<cfi 7

3R@: q(qij ?

9. Was the partition of India inevitable?

\lRct cfil 3tqfl614 '-IT ?

10. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(i) Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan

(ii) Ghadar Party

(iii) Decline of Traditional Industries

(iv) IN A and Subhash Chandra Bose

(ii) 1Ml tUtl

(m) '1n• J mit1· tfit ~if"

(JvJ ~'11~ tt~ .ttt ttef 3trumt • ·

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