History Discipline PYQs Team Sahayak (1) - Watermarked
History Discipline PYQs Team Sahayak (1) - Watermarked
History Discipline PYQs Team Sahayak (1) - Watermarked
] 't)'t-c_/~,o \d
Your Roll No .............. .
Semester III
ffl $ ~ ~i•r
'I. I w ~~tml;ff ~it'8t't:ftft'f 111f 311Jlt"i"1
~ ~ tt I
2. ~ ttfl.t~...w~~ -1
:t ~1¼ttti~lfr I
,1. 1tt tt~ ·~ ~'lftt ttt 1ft M . , ~,
11ffif ~, iit~it ift,r ·«1· !\itt - I
1. Discuss the steps taken by Iltutmish and B
alban 1•
consolidating the Delhi sultanate. n
3. The economic and administrative reforms of Mohammad
Bin Tughlaq were an attempt to streamline a rapidly growing
Sultanate. Discuss.
Akbar to Aurangzeb .
'J . Uut l1111e Hu, ~111~1·~et1t!t:1 tttttl ut~Et J1l~btltH1 t1t the M~nttlrn Slijte
(iii) Shershah
(iii) i1om,
Semester III
tmncfi'fsr-q ~~II
1. i m ~,r,i 1!ft fil1lffl lit~ 1l\t 111f ""'8f ,n: 31'!'!1 31~;i."i"'
t ~tim~$tm( - t
3. ~l lff MtfT f I
4. ttf ffl ... ~-ef1f"(ffl( ~ 1.ttft~ 1f$ ~ li ~ ,
~ ·(Y -etrt 1ffltttf tt"1 ft - I
Describe the experiments of Mohammad Bin Tughlaq. What
was its impact?
"1"t I
171W •1~llsft
f~~(1Jl I
t J¥ttlf * tf(tffl~ ~Pfil~
The city of Hampi was a reflection of imperial power.
~l'll~cfi ttlf'Ycfi ~€4ii cffl qRi4fdd ffl' ~-'1~\'11 '1lfffl lfiT cftlT ~alc;l.:t
~? ~(liili{ lfi' ffi ftl-~ I ftl a~;:r I
(iv) Kabir
(ii) ~ - {l~'l_ft
(Hi) ';fiat5~<~tfift
(Iv) tli1itt ·