B.A (Prog) History 2nd Semester 2019

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[This question paper contains 4 pri
. pages]
Your Roll No. : •······· •··· •··· •··· ·
Sl!t No. of Q. Paper : 9484 IC
Unique Paper Code : 62311233

Name of the Course . : B.A~ (Prog.)

History - CBCS
Name of 1:µe Paper : Cultural Diversity in
India - NC (in lieu of
Semester : II

Tttne : 3 Bours MaJCtmum Marks : 15

In1tructlon1 for CancUdatea :
q<l~1ftflff M~ :
(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this que9tiot1 paper.
tr1r.=t-tfiir ca ~ ~ ,ttt
(b) Answer tnay be writtet1. either in lt11H1h
or in Hindi; but the 81ttne medium ~htluld
be used throug~aut the tntp~r,
t(:t tt~ --ttot Eht (3ft ( Gfft~' tff " M1 ttm
1:ft~ ~t~J tft t.ftttt tf
ri11l t:1lffttt; I .
(c) Attempt any ·fi,ve-questions. . -
~ . er; '3ffi( ~~ct I

(d) All questions carry equal marks.

'WIit· R ~'11.=t I

1. What do you understand by the term 'Unity in

Diversity'? Discuss its significance in the Indian
'fcffcr~ (tc:hd-1'
ff J.t'1tl ? qffif c6 tjq,f if
~ ·1-1s~ w'cfOFf calPl~-1

2. Mirlgavati is literary representation· of Indian

cultural heritage, Explain.
~{l,114efl ilHftlG fli, ftlEh ~fle;( tfl~~e» ~fflBn
I Sllt@.tt Eb)fa, ~ I

3. How are men, womett anti .animals dtpieted in

the J'ataka sttlties r O!~t Ul!IIJ,
t111t1et1 enelt~il if~. ~ ttef _
t r~ e@~:t· ~~,•~/
tt~' ,.ttttr t r '1-ttf1t eltlftl1 tl 1
.l•ation .
ular app,;-opn
·tt·cally comment o~ the p p . . . h "'' on-
4. Cri during t e .L, .
of Gandhi as Mahatma . .
cooperation Movement.
'31M-.l•r '3-li<U©:rr c6 <fl<i-f "' 61 ~ iji; :
'3ll<iflii:1'1 I('4<6 iil:tl@IT ctlPI I '

.al policies were

5. How far do you think that co oni . . . . ..
· identities of
responsible for making of reli gious
Hindu and Muslim ?
,a:r1q~ \.iijl.-ll{~ ~1-1 tt1Mc6 ,3;1~ctr iji; Pt1-1i r
il '3{1qf;,~~1c6 4l"'lli ~ - (3@.<&14' eff ? .

6. Describe N.K. Bose's understanding of cultureµ

diversity. Explain.
(t#f. t;;. fl i(iiRlefi steo1·\' Bi:t ~~ I
ciql(§tll ~P, q I

7. How did the early Gupta and Pallava king~ tried

to legltimite their political powet through
~l!fil ( tt't qwt11 "ll <-1 Effi it ,a;i 1:14' \ R••nlWFi 'flffit
int ltt ~l\lf 'lit '3t:ttlftT l!fit l.ltll'lt
~t 1

iscuss the role of photography in exploring

s. D
visual histories. _
~f\ll6Jtf ctr ffl·if 01.•n ~st 0 1 c1it ~cfil ciit fclcl-q-11
~- Keeping in view of Ramchandra Guha's article,
_do you think that cricket can be devoid of politics ?
{l'-rijs( cfi '3-11~~ ffi· cf<:rT '3lT'Cf ~1-61~ fcl:>
t=md6e. {1"141Rl TI~ mftcnctl ?

10. Lion hunting was the favorite past-time of the

Mughals. Comment. ·
Rm cnf ~P=bl < cf3T '1 ;?\-l&t .=t I ~cq oft t.6\fGI I
.This question paper contains 4 printe es.] -
' ,-1
Your •~ .......
Sr. No. of Quesdon Paper : 9536 . 1
Unique Paper Code 62311201
Name of the Paper History of India from c. 300
to 1206 (OC)
Name of the Course B.A. Programme History -
Semester II
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
'ij1flf : 3 lfUt ~ : 75

Instru ction s for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Attempt any Five questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;
but the same medium should be used throughout the

0 1-;n' cfi' @Iv ~~-,

1. t« t ftq 1f1t tt( a1tf"1
~1~ffitl1$ f'1 t=-~ I
2. W th M' '$ tn«· 11~a· I
3. 1ttft -, Mf!fr ~ttlllf f I
d. 1fM'wtfW $1 \!'ttt ,qr fNt M it$ ~1V Mft. ~~t:t
~tff u~ $1'1ltttfttii$tM1ttfttt 1
1. How far would it be correct to describe the Gupta
period as a 'Golden Age' of Indian history? Comment.

qffiwl' cfiT ~Rdl~ .rae,tt efiT ·~fo'i'f ~, ltM.fT cfiffl

WIT ? f2 '4«ffl cfilmtq I

2. Discuss the salient features of Gupta administration.

3. Review the social and economic changes during the

post-Gupta period.

!I41ltt< ijl'ftfGlcfi anfltcfi qftq~· cfiT

~fatq I

4. Wrlte an essay on Harsha 's achievements.

fl ttt T{'ff r..u ~,-q I

~. Oeeoribe the ~u1tura1 bchievemetttM of the Pnlh1vas,

6. tJl~t,U~~ th~ Vltl'itJU~ t,ittt~~N t,f NtrUM~l~ rut tn,HH~ul

~uptijtf1M oy bt,tWtHH1 thti ltnshtnikuttts, 11ttht~ "11tl
l1tNHHMt Mt
7. Outline the salient features of Cho la administration.

8. Describe the various theories regarding the origin of

the Rajputs.

9. Analyse the impact of the Arab conqu est of


1O. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Ptayaga l'rsshttsti

(b) l'Urt\111\S

(~J Hsu"11 t~lH1~

(ti) C'i1ttiu kyu J\ l'l

9536 4


(11) ~"ffltl

(~) iUtl~ cfi'ffi

· This question pa.per collltains 4 printed pages]

s. No. ofQuestion Paper : 9S37

Uniqucf Paper Code

Name of the Paper History of India, c. 3DO•tQ tiOO(NC)

Nam~ of the Course ,~ -A. Programme Mistory: CBCS-DSE

Semester II

Duration : 3 Heu-rs Maximum Marks : 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
' .
Note :- Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;
but the ~am.e medium. should be used throughout the
lat11oft :-~
. -q tt1f'1tQ.; ~.....1'rt-~~\fi -m !-fi1

il' -m
·Attempt Ettty flve questiotts.
All qu~stfons tarey eqmtl marks1
~l-11~ ti
L 018tU8S the aehltvettte.11t~ uf SiU11udr.iguptll Ott the bMls t,f
Alltthttbdcl IH~otlptltm,

·m 'ttr~ ltJ: atf\• 3ftlff"( tft

1#l 1=.J~·, elfl~' I
z. _pj~cu~s
.. . ...
_~alient ~ea~res: ~r:_the administrative system of

the Gupta dynasty. .

cf;l ~~llftRcfi . sqq~ cfiT fq~l~_man ' cfil

-~ ·' .Eh1f\Jf4 I · : .: · '

• ... I • l ' . . .:. . . •

3. . ·'. •. Di~-~uss the , ~ocio:.economic cle.velopments during the Post-

Gupta period in North India.

-ij 11.ciht< cf;K1 -~11-Jlf-.ifcfi"-anf~

. fqtfi.i ft cn1' fc~~'91! c:f,1f-3f~ _I -_

4. Write an essay on .Harsha ;s achievements. -

. .

5. .Exatnihe th·e contribution of the Pa11avas· in the field of art


and architecture,

'ef)'tiJ cten ~ ,qflt • ant ~-~, t ~,,~·1q· 'cfrr

Efi, f"1 tl I

6. Wdte n11 essay un frl~atthe ~truggli! betwe~h the OutJara.

l1tt1lllnwus, ljttltts 1t11d ltEtNhtnikuttt~, ·
' ' '

-t1ffllttt, tr~ 1:tttf 1't fittf~

'lj 11/tr 'f'rf~tt fi9~§f U I 1
outline the main features. of. Choli1,administration with special
7. i, • - • •

reference to the administration at the village level.

8. Explain the emergence of the Rajputs during the early medieval


9. What were · the causes for Arab invasion on Sindh_? Discuss

its impact. .

10. Write shoii 110tes 011 uny two tJf the fdllowl11g

(a) Gupta an

(h) Nulm1du

kJ t ltaluky~s

(c/J Bbiijttt~ u11cl tsdrnultJMY

(tf) fqq1i1 · etcf>ilcfi I
.,,. .. .

, .,iJWtJ '
Co<<~ .
[This question paper contains 4 printed ~ ) ~s.]
i 4' LIBRARY G ·

Your ~ .nNo.oi·····MJ
\ +., . oL-0
Sr. N0 • of Question Paper : 9 SS7 ___
~\.._.,~ )f e J . :!
. ........_ _,,. ,,,,.

Unique Paper Code 62311201

Name of- the Paper History of India from c. 300

to 1206 (OC)
Name of the Course B.A. Programme History -

Semester II

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

~:3~ ~ : 75

.Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Attempt atty Five questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Attswers may be writtett either in English or Hindi;
but the same medium should be used throughout the

0 1~· '-ff f.!1~11

1. ltt=r- tl1t 1"f 1t1f tt'(
~11:ff n?l~~, I
~. Wtfftr~1ff~ - I
3. i~ \ff.ff ~- fI
4. 1tf 1f-~ - tftf $f tt,:i( ~-tJt ttt 1'ft 111ft ~ - .,
flt~ ttflff ~ fit~ ft !1i1t • I
t. Write an essay on Gupta administration.

2. Describe the various aspects of society and religion

during the Gupta period.

3. Evaluate the achievements of Harshavardhana on the

basis of different sources.

"t amTR tit mtf;r 'f~


Efi1ffllq I

4. Dlscuss the political and economic conditions of post-

Gupta period,

~tJl~, 'flm (iGt-ll~efi attfittfi •

!Al@!~· I

S, outlittt the ttutitt f\uttut't,~ t,f Pii lh1vo art ttttd

ft l'bJi Jt t,tj tUrtt

ij~~ 'efti:ft 1:~tfltt • ~il~t~tY $l

~tfflft I
6. Discuss the causes of the struggle between Palas,
Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas while highlighting its main

%1, SIRnm: cf <l~c:-.e:f ffl 'ti"{ Sl4il~I

m cfiROTI. fcl~if'11 film.~ ,

7. Describe the political and cultural achievements of

the Cholas.

8. Evaluate the various theories about the origin of the


9. Dts(!USS the causes for the 11ucet,ss of Arabs in Sindh

and its itnpact.

fflu d ttl r~tfj~ffl ~1,uft' M ,_~'Q'fl

tffl~~, I

1tl. WrHe ~ht1tt tu1te~ ott ttt1y twu or th@foltuwlttM i

( ~, YtttHUtll'tt t j Ut-Jht
(b) Nalanda

( c) Chai ukya

(d) Cho la village administration

A...=t~f{i.1{1 ~.:tl· lit fecqfu1tfl ~Rel~

(lfi') tf~sl!(Cd

(~) ..:tl~tc#I

(~) "'tliftl

(lf) • ~~lfij..:f

p·aper contnins 4 printed pages]
, , llllt'stlO .
,111~ ' ..
(toll No.

f Question Paper 9558 ~'-'(

,, 0, 0
5,,.1 . . >

paper Code 62311'104 C
Ufljqlle ,·1. ,. ·~. ·:..f.

History oflnd1a, c. 300 to 1200 (N~)

. . - • • ~ • . .-

·eof the Paper . .

Nnn1 .

e of the Course ltA, Programme History : CBCS


,ern~stet' . II

ouration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 7·s

/Writeyo11r Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note :- Answers may be written .either in English or in Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the
:- ~ ~~tt?r~-m \tl15IT

'1'lr ffl

it ~ I ~ '$11:ff~

· Attempt Ml1~ JIVtJ ~uestlt1t1s1

AII qU, ~tlt1H~ · ljttrr~ l1~Uol ttttttks-
m .t -1
t 1·
I,~~ct ltt~ llle ~tll~11t ™"lUPl!s tlt- tillplll acllt\it1isltlilltm.

1v11 4 ~tltM '!ll1 1113,~ ~tltttt~)' $1 ~ titt

,!ltit~l I
2 Write· an essay on the culturaf develop~ents of ·the Gupta


3. Discuss the achievements of the Vardhana dynasty.

4. Assess the contributi?n of Pallavas tt> · the history of South

· India.
. .

'efaJUT ct $@~1ft 4R1cfl ct ~'IGl1· 'f~icfi1

.ch1 f-.it 4 I

5. Examit1e the changes in the i8grarian system dudng the

post-Gupta period. What was their imputt ot1 cot1tett1porary

society ?

1]'m\H tfiffl if Wftr &fcf~ if ·ttR~ef~

'Ef11 tttratttt tftlf_itq I d4~1 W-ttii lffti:t ~tHo, tft

(I I Jl ~(•lf14q Ilit- Vt1Htlll8 tl~jletl~ or !'Im t'i'l~Ul'I lltj ~ll'llg~I~.

7. Briefly explain the wrious views ir~vidr.ng of lite


-ij olli~ 1 <fiif'4¥4 I

8. E~uate the nature of Cbola ·state· and its admnmtratioo.

9. Examine
the impact
of the establishment of Arab cootrol on


IO. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Allahabad inscriprion

(b) Vakatakas

(r} Banabhatla

(d1 Rajataja Cholo.

( W) q l$ t2cf.

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