Hints On Boring in The Lathe
Hints On Boring in The Lathe
Hints On Boring in The Lathe
Fig. lA. An incorrectly ground Fig. 1B. Showing the insecurity of its
boring tool performance
that we are concerned only with the those of us who are experienced in be explained by the fact that the
profile of the tool as seen in the lathe-work, but one must never lose tool, being small in the head,
plan view sketch, and it may be sight of the fact, that there is a appears to dip in a series of tiny
assumed that the necessary rake and first time for everything in lathe- movements, while at the same time
clearances are correct, otherwise. work, and indeed a first time for removing chips from the bore. The
To use such a tool on anything everyone. " neck " or body of the tool is
other than the lightest of cuts is The sketch, Fig. 2, shows a boring constantly reverting to its original
asking for trouble. Let us assume tool of correct shape in use. It position. and the net result is that
that a cut of say 1/16in. a side is being will be noted that the trailing edge the chips are catapulted upwards in a
made with this tool in use. The fact of the tool has a distinct clearance most disconcerting manner.
that there may be no back-lash from the work. There is a tendency This is much in evidence when a
present in the lathe-saddle is no among those of little experience, fairly large hole is in course of
guarantee that the tool will perform to have little or no clearance on the being tooled out, and consideration
correctly. There is every chance that trailing edge of a boring tool, result- should be given to replacing such a
during the course of the cut, the ing in much squealing and oscilla- tool at the earliest moment, either
leading edge of the tool may become tion. by the use of a boring bar and
dull, and in the increased resistance In this connection, the tool used tool-bit, or another boring tool
set up towards the cutting of the for boring should be distinct from of heavier duty, if only for the pur-
material, it will almost certainly the recessing type of tool, as the pose of workmg in safety and com-
hesitate, and following that moment latter has a straight or square fort.
, 1
Fig. 3. Recessing tool-To use this for
Fig. 2. Correctly ground boring tool boring, it should be set slightly askew