Message from The AstroTwins
All About Virgo
BEAUTIFY. Career & Life Purpose
The Virgo Look Money
Home Décor
Fitness & Food—Eating Well
LOVE. Entertaining
Virgo in Love Family Dynamics
Meet Your Match Friendship
Date Planner
Breakup Recovery
Wedding Planner LEARN.
Planets & Their Meanings
The 12 Houses of the Zodiac
The Elements: Fire, Earth, Air & Water
Cory Verellen,
Moon & Rising Signs
Cosmic Events To Watch
12-Month Planetary Planner.
Astrologers Tali & Ophira Edut
There’s no mistake you were born under your sign. The moment you
arrived was created just for you—and there will never be another one
like it. Your astrological sign, which is determined by the date and
time you were born, gifted you with unique talents, beauty, strength
and challenges. Just as there are billions of stars in the sky, there’s only
one you in the universe. (As identical
twins, we can attest to this!) So we’re
here to help you be your ultimate
best, with the cosmos as your guide.
Virgo also rules health and fitness, and you can be quite
the natural woman. You love organic fibers, neutral col-
ors and all things clean and fresh. Your sign loves the
outdoors, so spend time in nature, or try a sport like
Tae Kwan Do that relaxes both your body and mind.
Remember, it’s easy for helpful Virgo to give, but harder
for you to receive. Let your friends pitch in and support
Illustrated by Yoko Furosho you, too! Try opening up a little more. You don’t have to
be perfect to be lovable. Just be yourself.
Dates: August 23–September 22 Beyonce Jennifer Hudson
Blake Lively Salma Hayek
Symbol: The Virgin
Cameron Diaz Mother Teresa
Color: White Amy Winehouse Paz De La Huerta
Ruling Planet: Mercury, planet of Lea Michele Pink
the mind and communication Shania Twain Sophia Loren
Faith Hill Rachel Zoe
Good Day: Helpful, practical, real
Rachel Ray Gloria Estefan
Bad Day: Critical, worried, know-it-all Nicole Richie LeeAnn Rimes
You tend towards the practical, as well as the Focus areas: Waist, midriff,
frugal, but this can be a double-edged sword. hands
It’s not always best to shop on the sale rack or
buy something just because it’s comfortable. Fabrics: Cotton, wool
You can fall into a style rut if you don’t push
yourself to find pieces that are both well-cut Best Looks: Belts, cardigans
AND fashionable. Virgos do like to save a and tops in preppy cuts, deli-
buck, so designer discount stores were made cate bracelets, wrap dresses,
for you, and so was eBay. tortoiseshell glasses, wool
suits, low–rise jeans, ball-
Your best look is a 80 percent class, 20 per- gowns, chandelier earrings,
cent sass. Pair a sleek, cropped blazer in navy yoga pants, flowing hair
or brown with low-rise jeans. Add tortoise-
shell glasses, a chunky belt, a camisole or a
Stay Away From: Synthetic
turtleneck, and low heels. Let your wild hair
fibers, baggy tops, heavy
do its thing and throw on sexy chandelier ear-
makeup, stuffy suits, clunky
rings. Voila!
shoes, overly practical styles
Earthy Virgo thrives in a clean and subdued environment with pops of color.
Entering your home is like a religious experience. You love the quiet, Zenlike vibe of a medi-
tation temple. A clean, natural look works best for Virgo. After all, there’s enough going on
in your busy mind! Your furniture should be comfortable and basic, in neutral colors like
celadon green, dove gray or white. Steer clear of
heavy antiques, doilies, overly plush carpet and
anything too decorative. Try a flat woven rug,
a few ethnic or spiritual pieces (wood sculp-
tures, for example), plants and fresh flowers.
Accessorize with small pops of color—like throw
pillows and vases in plum or burnt orange. Your
large book collection will supply plenty of color,
Virgo loves routine. Embrace core-based exercises and digestion-enhancing foods.
Body Part
Abdomen, waist, digestive system
throw you off schedule! You’re an intuitive cook—you
know exactly how much of each ingredient to add to your
signature dishes. However, you rarely let anyone help you
in the kitchen, so preparing meals can stress you out. Take
a brisk walk after eating to unwind and help your digestion.
Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes on your iPhone
available on
Can you hold out for perfection without missing your happily ever after?
Wise and worldly though you are, there’s a certain childlike innocence about you as well. No
matter how tough or wild you act, when it comes to romance, Virgos have an old-fashioned
streak. You want the princess fantasy, complete with a dashing knight who sweeps you off
your feet. Even if you run a physics lab or boast several PhDs, you’ll revert to five years old
at the thought of being a blushing bride. Amid the fantasies of veils and white dresses, your
prince still has to pass a long, practical checklist. For starters, he has to be clean (Virgos are
hygiene freaks), loyal, respectful and intelligent. No dummies make it past a first date with
picky Virgo—not even the hot ones!
Bookish Virgos can be introverts, and many of you
are reluctant to spill your secrets, which makes it
hard for people to get close to you. Or, you may
dump out all your baggage right away, assuming
that the other person can already see all your so-
called flaws. Both of these extreme attitudes can
prevent you from forming lasting relationships. Al-
though everyone appreciates a great listener, make
sure you’re not lending your ears in order to avoid
opening up. And if you’re tempted to spill your
dirty laundry too quickly, take a deep breath and
talk about the weather instead.
To keep yourself in check, make sure you’re not Cory Verellen,
falling in love with a person’s potential. Just be-
cause you’re capable of running the show doesn’t
mean that you should! Although it can be easier to
give and receive, relationships are a two-way street.
Virgos will do anything to avoid that vulnerable
feeling of DEPENDING on someone. Yet, once you
let down your walls and try it, you’ve just laid the
groundwork for real love. Aim for mutuality and
respect, a true balance of give and take.
You + Aries
The Good. Helpful Virgo is the best supporting cast- The Bad. Aries is self-focused, while Virgo is
mate for superstar Aries. Those lofty visions the Ram others-focused, and this can bring a serious
dreams up could actually become a reality with Virgo’s clash. Virgo may find Aries to be narcissistic or
pragmatic, project management skills. Aries brings ex- diva-like. Aries may feel that Virgo has a mes-
citement into Virgo’s universe, encouraging Virgo to siah complex. Passionate Aries can overwhelm
take more chances and just go for it without deliberat- cool, measured Virgo with all that fire. Critical
ing endlessly. Virgo teaches Aries the power of proto- Virgo can wound Aries with the “helpful” re-
col and process. While you operate at different speeds, marks. While Virgo is generally happy to help,
you are both passionate about causes you believe in. Aries must be sure to return the favor on a regu-
lar basis or the relationship could get lopsided.
You + Taurus
The Good. Romance happens easily and naturally be- The Bad. Yawn! You’re both so steady and pre-
tween you two compatible Earth signs. Elegant Taurus dictable that things might get a little dull. Both
brings pleasure and tasteful luxury to Virgo’s practical Taurus and Virgo are natural project managers,
world. Virgo tempers Taurus’ hedonism and makes but when you try to play fixer-upper for each
sure there’s money left over in the bank to pay the other’s lives, you both feel controlled and criti-
bills. You’re both family-oriented and value friend- cized. Money matters could cause tension, too:
ships that stand the test of time. As parents, you can Frugal, fussy Virgo may clash with indulgent,
provide a stable home to your kids. luxury-loving Taurus. Virgo is passive-aggres-
sive; Taurus is just plain aggressive so dealing
with conflict can be trying.
You + Gemini
The Good. Both signs are ruled by brainiac Mercury, The Bad. Both signs are super detail-oriented
the planet of communication. You have a strong in- and can get hung up on the small stuff. Criti-
tellectual connection and can talk for hours without cal Virgo may nitpick Gemini, especially when
coming up for air. Both signs have an innate sense of Gemini’s somewhat embellished stories fail to
rhythm and love to dance. It won’t be hard to stay in line up. Gemini may feel smothered by Virgo’s
step with each other socially either since you both en- insistence on adhering to structure, rules, and
joy parties that center around learning and connect- tradition. Gemini’s multiple personalities dis-
ing over new ideas. Virgo loves to play psychologist rupt the order Virgo tries so hard to maintain.
while Gemini is happy to be analyzed and dissected. Things can get petty—you’re both a little OCD
and fighting over the placement of knick-knacks
is a real possibility here.
You + Cancer
The Good. Cancer and Virgo feel safe in each other’s The Bad. Emotional Cancer is all about intu-
arms. You’re both security-minded signs who love ition and feelings; logical Virgo may be too cool
family and traditions. Cancer brings a creative energy for the Crab. Virgo likes to analyze every feeling
to Virgo’s practical planning. Uber-responsible and with the intensity of Sigmund Freud. Shy, pri-
hardworking, you will share household duties well. vate Cancer squirms under that amount of at-
Both signs are foodies, and cooking together is a ma- tention, and may feel controlled by Virgo’s rules.
jor turn-on. You may start out as friends before you In turn, Cancer can be bossy, making Virgo feel
fall in love, which is perfect since neither sign likes to smothered. You’re both frugal, but your com-
rush into things. bined penny pinching can cause you to miss out
on experiences as a couple.
You + Leo
The Good. Leo is the sign of the star, and Virgo is The Bad. In your own ways, you can both be
the sign of the helper. If you team up, Virgo happily drama queens. Leo needs extravagant displays
runs the show behind the scenes while Leo puts on a of love and affection—preferably while an en-
grand performance. Leo loves to talk about Numero vious audience watches on. Neurotic Virgo can
Uno while Virgo is happy to play therapist, analyzing harp on an offensive comment, unexpected
and problem-solving for the lion. Loyal, outgoing Leo sniffle, or bad service experience for days. Leo’s
helps Virgo overcome social anxieties while patient fanciful imagination gets way too “woo woo” for
Virgo keeps home and finances humming like a well- logic-oriented Virgo. By the same token, Virgo’s
oiled machine. insistence on rules and pragmatism is a buzzkill
to Leo’s creativity.
You + Virgo
The Good. You’re both pragmatic perfectionists, so The Bad. Since both of you are always striving
you understand the other’s need to have everything for perfection, there isn’t much room for play in
just so. Ruled by information planet Mercury, your this relationship. You’re both critics who hate
communication will be intense and deep. Collecting to be criticized, so when you turn the micro-
trivia and conversation pieces from around the globe scopes on each other, all hell can break loose.
may be a shared hobby. Healthy living is a Virgo pas- While the mental chemistry is strong, you are
sion, and you’ll take great care of each other. As the both analytical about your emotions. Who will
sign of the helper, you are one another’s Best Support- bring the TLC when someone just needs a hug?
ing Castmates. Dancing together could be one of your Born advice-givers, there’s a tendency to play
favorite ways to bond. life coach and therapist for each other, which
may dull romance.
You + Libra
The Good. Earthbound Virgos help dreamy Libras The Bad. Luxury-loving Libra spares no ex-
develop a realistic outlook on life. Romantic Libras pense when it comes to life’s finer things. Frugal
lighten up rigid Virgos and remind them that rules Virgo abhors excess, showiness, and waste. As
were made to be broken. Virgo’s talents for planning Libra races to keep up with the Joneses, Virgo
and organization can help make lofty Libra’s dreams starts a petition to kick them out of the neigh-
a reality. Libra loves to talk, Virgo loves to listen and borhood. Virgo is the sign of the critic, Libra is
you both get off on learning about human behavior the sign of the judge; it’s easy for both of you
and interpersonal dynamics. There’s a therapeutic en- to fault-find in this relationship. Libra’s constant
ergy to your relationship, which is warm and healing need for affection can overwhelm Virgo who
for both of you. prefers to show love through helpful acts.
You + Scorpio
The Good. Both Virgo and Scorpio love to unravel The Bad. Scorpio is the zodiac’s sex symbol,
a mystery, and you may become each other’s favorite Virgo is the virgin and your physical needs can
cases to crack. Virgo’s matter-of-fact communication be as different as night and day. When Scorpio
style puts suspicious Scorpio at ease. In turn, Virgo gets to freaky, buttoned-up Virgo runs for cover.
will appreciate Scorpio’s keen and astute observations. In turn, Scorpio may be irritated by how uptight
You’re caring friends as well as companions. This Virgo can be. Obsessing over the details can
match brings you both the security and predictability turn into nitpicking, and you might tear each
you crave. Helpful Virgo is a great supporter for Scor- other to shreds trying to be helpful. You bring
pio’s inventive ideas. Scorpio inspires Virgo to think out each other’s introverted sides, and you may
outside the box. lose touch with the rest of the world. If one of
you feels attacked, you’ll unleash a deadly ver-
bal strike.
You + Sagittarius
The Good. Conversation sparks your attraction in this The Bad. Free-spirited Sagittarius hates when
sexy meeting of the minds. Virgo loves to analyze, and anything becomes predictable. Efficiency ex-
philosophical Sag will explore any topic. Even-keeled pert Virgo needs life to run according to a well-
Virgo brings a grounding energy to the relationship, planned schedule. Sagittarius feels fenced in by
helping Sag to relax. Passionate, optimistic Sagittarius Virgo’s rules and rigid discipline. Virgo find’s
reminds Virgo to view the glass as half full. You’ll mo- Sagittarius to be flaky and unreliable. You’re
tivate each other to work towards your goals. Sagittar- both natural advice givers and the tone of your
ius is the visionary, Virgo creates the plan and makes relationship can get a little preachy at time. Sag-
sure you both stick to it. You’ll love sharing books ittarius is a gambler and Virgo squirrels away
and attending workshops and lectures together. cash for a rainy day. Your different financial
styles can cause major tension to erupt.
You + Capricorn
The Good. A dreamy matchup! As earth signs, you The Bad. While you look good together in pub-
are both stable and goal-oriented people who want lic, it’s hard for either of you to let your hair
to live the purpose-driven life. Your relationship cen- down behind closed doors. Both signs suffer
ters around building something tangible together, be from debilitating perfectionism and you may
it a business venture, a beautiful home, or a family. find yourselves striving towards impossible ide-
Helpful, analytical Virgo teaches Capricorn to think als that leave you both feeling disappointed.
outside the box, while Capricorn can help Virgo The relationship scores high on the practical
overcome procrastination and modesty. You are the scale, but the safe, predictable nature can also
perfect society couple: you don’t mind following the grow boring. Neither one of you likes to make
rules of etiquette. Dutiful and loyal, you know you a scene, but if you suppress your feelings for too
can count on each other through thick and thin. long, the passion can fizzle out.
You + Aquarius
The Good. Intellectual stimulation runs high here. The Bad. You’re both unpredictable, but in dif-
You’ll have endless fun analyzing new ideas, sharing ferent ways. Aquarius is always searching for the
quotes from books, and attending consciousness-rais- next big thing, while Virgo believes in tradition.
ing events together. Aquarius is the sign of the hu- Virgo’s moods can change on a dime, especially
manitarian, Virgo is the sign of service. Your union when something “offensive” crops up—includ-
may revolve around making the world a better place, ing comments, sights, and odors. Aquarius likes
or creating a safe and comforting space for your 1,001 to experiment freely, and may feel nitpicked by
friends and pets. perfectionist Virgo. Virgo is constantly terrified
by Aquarius’ daredevil antics.
Do anything and every-
thing outdoors, from hiking
to biking to kayaking
places that you’re dying to try. Your dates don’t have to work hard
Go to a wine-tasting
to come up with a restaurant or movie suggestion. In fact, you are
event at a vineyard
likely to take charge of the planning, eagerly mapping out an itin-
erary and dutifully booking reservations.
Rent scooters or motor-
Intellectual and opinionated, you need a companion who can cycles and go exploring
match your conversational repartee. You love haute culture events
like art exhibits and controversial films. It doesn’t matter if you Snuggle up on the
love the chosen location or event of your date or not. You’re a re- couch for a day of real-
fined critic and want to banter about the nuances of each shared ity TV and making out
experience with a partner who is as keenly observant as you are.
Bonus points to the well-read suitor. You love to chat about litera- Wander into a music
ture and current events. Just try not to turn the conversation into store and try the guitars
a competition. and drums, or go to a
pottery shop and paint
Your sign rules the digestive system and you’re always up for ex- plates and mugs.
ploring a gastronomical adventure. Take a cooking class or a wine-
pairing workshop. As an earth sign, you love all things natural.
Enjoy a bountiful feast at a hip farm-to-table restaurant, go for a
gourmet picnic and hike, or soak in a natural hot springs. Wander
through a farmer’s market and pick up the ingredients for a roman-
tic, home-cooked meal. Cohosting intimate dinner parties is one of
your favorite ways to bond as a relationship progresses.
How your sign can move on when the honeymoon is over.
Heart Healing Tips for Virgo
Keep it real.
Virgos are awesome listeners, but when it comes to talking
about yourself, you’re a lot less eager. Because you’re so hard
on yourself, you may feel like a “failure” when a relationship
doesn’t work out. Although you may act warm and happy,
your close friends know it’s an act, and that inside you feel
bitter, hurt and confused. Tell the truth and let them be there Cory Verellen,
for you.
love is in the stars
The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac
Demystify men and transform any relationship. The Astro-
Twins have been using the zodiac for over 15 years to help
couples find the love affair of their dreams. You can have a
great relationship with a man of any zodiac sign—the key
is to learn what makes him tick. Using this definitive guide
to understand his personality, his preferences, and his val-
ues will help you decide whether you’re in it for the long
haul—or not. You’ll quickly discover:
Available at all retail and online bookstores, including and Barnes and Noble.
cut diamond, which is very clear, step-cut, and
old-fashioned on a halo setting, which features small
diamonds and/or colored stones surrounding a larger
center stone, and a filigree—lacy, patterned detailing
in the band that will keep you fascinated for years
BEST CAREERS With your sharp mind and keen listening skills, you make an
FOR VIRGO excellent journalist, Virgo. You know how to get the facts and
journalist put a great story together! You’re not afraid to ask people tough
office manager questions and get to the bottom of a story. You’re fascinated by
veterinarian what makes people tick, and love to learn about each person
biologist you meet. That also makes you a great therapist, social worker
accountant or human resources director. Many Virgos are also whizzes at
social worker accounting, and as an Earth sign, you excel in natural sciences
gardner like biology or botany. You love being outdoors, so why not
project manager make nature your virtual office? You have quite a green thumb,
holistic healer and are great with gardening, too.
photographer As the ruler of the zodiac’s sixth house of health and organiza-
naturopath tion, a lot of Virgos end up in healing professions, working as
agent yoga teachers, acupuncturists or nutritionists. Quite likely you
trainer have a cabinet full of vitamins and herbal remedies, so you’ll
strategist always be the unofficial office doctor, no matter where you work.
Pitfalls to avoid
Perfectionism. Controlling Virgo is a highly self-critical sign,
and you may avoid going for your dream job because you
think you aren’t ready. Take a risk and try! Chances are, you’re
way more qualified than you think. Also, your ruler Mercury
makes you an information magnet. You’re always the first to
hear office gossip, but avoid the temptation to spread it. Know
when to chill. If you take your detail obsession overboard, you
can turn into a workaholic and a control freak, intimidating
co-workers. Remember, everyone has to go home sometime,
and that includes you!
How to embrace your inner Rich Girl and keep money in the bank.
book a private reading
One-on-One Astrology Readings
Private, personal horoscope chart readings with The AstroTwins are
available by phone or in person. If you’re at a crossroads in any area
of your life, The AstroTwins will help you move ahead on a clear, con-
fident path. They’ve counseled thousands of clients to create the rela-
tionships, careers and lives of their dreams. To book a consultation,
As hard as you work, Virgo, consider it your duty to take a vacation.
When you’re away from home, you get a little neurotic with things out of order. A kitchen and great
dressers make a difference. If you’re away for long, book an efficiency suite or a cabin, where you can
prepare your own meals.
Since you’re the sign of service, you might be fulfilled by traveling with an organization like Habitat for
Humanity. You’ll get to build houses and help people in need, while escaping the stress of your daily
environment. Still, we recommend balancing this out with an indulgent trip that’s all about relaxing.
You give so much to others. Consider it your duty to refill your tank!
Your attention to detail makes your parties extra special. Pass the swag bags!
Virgo is the happy helper of the family, always there to lend a hand.
V irgo is the sign of service, which may explain why you’re the
Happy Helper of your family. Babysitting, yardwork, a ride to
the doctor’s office: you never say no when a relative needs you to
pinch hit. While this sometimes verges on martyrdom, you wouldn’t
have it any other way. Simply being there for your loved ones brings
you great joy—and besides, you’d feel too guilty if you bailed.
Yes, your kids DO come with instructions.
i ni Lib
Gem ra
A parenting site brought to you by The AstroTwins
* Child Horoscopes
* Mom Horoscopes
* Cosmic Features for Family Life
G enerous Virgos make helpful and supportive friends. You like
order and you’ll happily come in and organize other people’s
lives. In your own world however, you prefer to be in total control.
You don’t believe in asking for help in return; in fact, you get ner-
vous when other people move things around in your living spaces
or schedules. A handmade or sentimental gift is a better way to
show appreciation to a supportive Virgo.
While Virgos are willing to make sacrifices for the ones you love, A 10-class yoga card or private pilates
friends should be sensitive enough not to take advantage of your
kindness. One too many favor asked can provoke a tirade from Books or an e-reader
tapped-out Virgos. Relaxing is not something this sign knows how
to do naturally and friends who are able to put your minds at ease A cooking lession from a private class
will enjoy the fun-loving and hilarious personalities hidden inside
every Virgo.
How do the planets affect you? Every planet orbits the sun at a different
speed, going slower and slower the farther they are from the sun. Each one
is said to affect a different part of your personality.
The “inner planets”— the sun, moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus—move
quickly through the zodiac. As a result, they affect your day-to-day life,
moods and habits.
The “outer planets” — Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto — move
slowly, changing signs every 1-12 years. As a result, they shape the bigger
trends in your life. In fact, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto orbit the sun so
slowly that they’re said to shape entire generations.
Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign, and that sign will exhibit traits
of the planet. For example, turbo-charged Aries is ruled by warrior planet
Mars. Cheerful Sagittarius is ruled by optimistic Jupiter. If you want to learn
more about your sign, look no further than its ruling planet! (P.S. We still
look at Pluto as a “real” planet, even though astronomers have recently di-
minished its status to “dwarf planet.” Its impact is undeniable in astrology.)
Like a clock, the zodiac is divided into 12 segments, or houses,
each one ruled by a different sign. The zodiac begins with the
first house, and goes counterclockwise around. Each house is
associated with a set of traits, beginning from the self, and ex-
panding outward into society and beyond. At the moment you
were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses.
When an astrologer interprets your chart, she blends the mean-
ing of each planet, the house it’s in, and the sign it’s in, to map
the obstacles or gifts you’ll face in this lifetime.
When planets visit a house, they light up that part of your chart,
and energize that house’s traits. Astrologers use the houses to
predict which parts of your life will come into focus, and where
you can take the best possible action. To learn more about a
house, read about the sign that’s associated with it.
The seventh house is the sector of relationships
and other people. It governs all partnerships,
both business and personal, and relationship-
associated matters, like contracts, marriage, and 10TH HOUSE
business deals. (Ruled by Libra) The tenth house is at the very top and most
public part of the chart. The tenth house gov-
erns structures, corporations, tradition, public
image, fame, honors, achievements, awards,
8TH HOUSE boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, fathers
The eighth house is a mysterious sector that and fatherhood. The cusp, or border, of the
rules birth, death, sex, transformation, myster- tenth house is also called the midheaven, and it
ies, merged energies, and bonding at the deepest clues astrologers into your career path. (Ruled
level. The eighth house also rules other people’s by Capricorn)
property and money (real estate, inheritances,
investments, et. al. (Ruled by Scorpio)
The eleventh house rules teams, friendships,
9TH HOUSE groups, society, networking, social justice, re-
The ninth house covers the higher mind, ex- bellion, and humanitarian causes. It also rules
pansion, international and long-distance travel, originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surpris-
foreign languages, inspiration, optimism, pub- es, invention, astronomy, science fiction and all
lishing, broadcasting, universities and higher things futuristic. (Ruled by Aquarius)
education, luck, risk, adventure, gambling, re-
ligion, philosophy, morals and ethics. (Ruled by
The zodiac completes with the twelfth and fi-
nal house, which rules endings. This house cov-
ers the final stages of a project, tying up loose
ends, completions, the afterlife, old age, and
surrender. It’s also associated with separation
from society, institutions, hospitals, jails, hidden
agendas, and secret enemies. And it rules the
imagination, creativity, arts, film, dance, poetry,
journals, and the subconscious mind.(Ruled by
The twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four “elements”—fire, earth, air and water. Each of
these elementary groups has distinct traits. Together, they form the natural world, so each is
in some way dependent on the other.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Like fire itself, fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. Fire can keep
you warm, or it can do great destruction. While fire burns out quickly without fuel to keep it
going, it can also regenerate its power from the ashes. A single spark can set off a forest fire.
As a result, fire signs need to be nurtured and managed carefully.
Air signs are all about action, ideas, and motion—they are the “winds of change.” When a
strong gust hits you, you can’t help but move. While some within their ranks may be true-
life “airheads,” others are as powerful as a gravity-defying G-force. Air signs bring everyone a
breath of fresh air when things start to get stale. Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them,
and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up. It will almost always
been an adventure, though.
Earth signs keep it real. They are the “grounded” people on the planet, the ones who bring us
down to earth and remind us to start with a solid foundation. Slow and steady, these “build-
ers” are loyal and stable, and stick by their people through hard times. On good days, they’re
practical; at worst, they can be materialistic or too focused on the surface of things to dig into
the depths.
Intuitive, emotional and ultra-sensitive, water signs can be as mysterious as the ocean itself.
Like water, they can be refreshing, or they can drown you in their depths. These signs often
have intense dreams and borderline-psychic intuition. Security is important to them—after
all, water needs a container, or it dries up and disappears.
There’s more to your chart than your Sun sign—much more. At the moment you
were born, each planet was in a specific sign at a specific degree. Your moon and
rising sign are two of your chart’s key features. Along with your sun sign, these
two star players can tell a lot about your personality.
How do you calculate your moon and rising signs? The moon moves into a dif-
ferent sign every 2-3 days, and the rising sign changes every two hours. You’ll
need to check moon sign and rising sign tables to determine yours. Visit our site
at, where you can do a free natal chart.
Following moon cycles can be a great way to set You know those times when everything goes hay-
goals and reap their benefits. Astrologers believe that wire, and you can’t figure out why? A planet could
our energy begins to build at the new moon, then be retrograde—meaning that from earth, it appears
peaks two weeks later at the full moon. New moons to be spinning backward. While this is just an opti-
mark beginnings, and are the perfect time to kick cal illusion, it feels like an astrological reality! The
off any new project or idea. Full moons are times for areas that a retrograde planet rules may become
completions, creative outpourings, and harvesting. weak or out of wack, causing chaos to erupt during
They’re also your cue to cash in on anything you this backspin.
started at the new moon. Wrap up your success over
the next two weeks as the moon dwindles, then be- Two major retrogrades to watch are Mercury and Ve-
gin the cycle all over again. In many cultures, farm- nus. Mercury, planet of communication, transporta-
ers have planted by the new moon and harvested by tion and technology, goes retrograde for three weeks
the full moon. about three times a year. Arguments and misunder-
standings rage, plans fall apart, cars break down,
and computers crash suddenly. Back up your digital
ECLIPSES files beforehand, postpone any deals, and plan to be
Eclipses happen 2-3 times a year, bringing sudden explain yourself a few extra times. Love-planet Ve-
changes and turning points to our lives. If you’ve nus goes retrograde about once a year, and causes
been sitting on the fence about an issue, the eclipse relationship craziness. Astrologers advise against
will knock you off and force you to face the facts. proposals, weddings, and any major relationship
Truths and secrets will rise to the surface. Things moves during this 4-6 week period.
that aren’t “meant to be” will be taken away. There
are two types of eclipses—solar and lunar. Lunar So what’s good about retrogrades? The prefix re-
eclipses happen when the earth passes directly be- means to go back—and retrogrades are a time to
tween the sun and moon, cutting off their com- polish up projects already in the works, or to dig up
munication. A solar eclipse takes place when the ones you’ve set aside. Old friends and past issues can
new moon passes between the sun and the earth, resurface, giving you a chance to reconnect or revise.
shadowing the sun. The effect is similar to a spiri- This can be a useful time to resolve any arguments,
tual power outage—it either makes you feel a little revisit old ideas, research an idea or renew a com-
off-center, or makes your mind crystal clear. Expect mitment. Tighten up your routine during these peri-
the unexpected, and wait for the dust to settle before ods, and you’ll be ready to rock when the retrograde
you act on any eclipse-fueled impulses. planet returns to “direct” (or forward) motion.
january flirting july friends & networking
february get in shape august finish everything
march relationships september start something new
april get married october money
may vacation november communicate
june career & achievement december family
so take charge and step boldly into what you want.
4 it’s in the details
How deep are your bonds with people? You’ll find
If you haven’t commanded the respect you deserve,
ask for it. If you’re looking for fame, this is the
month to put yourself directly in the spotlight. You
could be honored and noticed for all your hard
out this month, as the planets bring out your most work. Acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve
intimate side. You feel passionate, driven, even come!
mystical—your life could feel like a spicy novel! At
times, you or someone around you may seem a bit
secretive. Solve the mystery. The stars also focus on
joint resources and large amounts of money. Real
estate, income taxes, investments, inheritances,
and credit cards are all highlighted. Pay off debts,
7 july
There’s strength in numbers, and the planets
write a living will, invest in property. Research
urge you to team up now. What better way
everything thoroughly, as your mind is sharp. Pay
to get your message out there than with a fun
attention to every detail!
and lively crew? If career is your passion, join
a networking group or attend a profession-
al group meeting. If you’re looking to expand
5 vacation & inspiration
your circle of friends, try a book club,
co-ed singles group, or an intramural sports
team. Reconnect with old friends by host-
After an intense month, you’re ready for a vaca- ing a party or reunion. Humanitarian efforts
tion! The stars light up your sector of long-distance are also featured this month, so volun-
travel now, beckoning you to pack your bags and teer for a worthy cause. Get out and mingle!
head for distant shores. Book a getaway outside
city limits, even if it’s just a long weekend. If you
can’t leave town, expand your horizons by attend-
ing an inspiring class, lecture or workshop. Higher
education is featured now, so apply to schools or
8 handle your business
Yawn! The Sun completes the last leg of its jour-
for scholarships. Step outside your comfort zone at ney around your zodiac wheel, making you a little
every opportunity. Explore another culture. Avoid sleepy. Hold off on anything new and instead, think
petty squabbles. Enjoy inspiring, soul-searching completion. Finish any lingering loose ends. You’ll
conversations. want a clean slate next month, when your personal
New Year begins! Return phone calls, donate old
clothes to charity, and resolve any conflicts. Get
6 career
Career, achievement and ambition are all featured
plenty of rest, and pour out your feelings in a jour-
nal or creative work. Your dreams are full of vivid
messages, and your healing powers are strong.
Consider volunteering at a hospital or with the
now. Keep your eye on your goals and aim for
them! People relate to you as a natural leader now,
september november
9 it’s all about you 11 communicate
Communication is this month’s theme. If you
Make a fresh start! As the Sun enters your sign, you
kick off your personal New Year. Think new! This is haven’t expressed what’s on your mind, do it now!
the time to launch projects, debut a new image, and Send off emails, return calls, write letters, reach out
take on a leading role. It’s all about you now. Don’t to old friends. It’s a great month for writers, too.
let demanding types take away from your “me” Your mind bubbles with ideas, so jot them down in
time. Say yes only to offers that take your dreams a notebook. This month rules siblings and friends,
to the next level. Express yourself in a big way—be so make time to connect with yours. Short trips
bold and fearless. You have the stage and the world and your neighborhood are also featured. Organize
is listening! a block party. Explore your favorite local haunts
or discover new ones. Grab a pal for a bike ride or
power-walk, and enjoy an inspiring talk.
10 money & makeovers
Last month was all about getting in touch with the
person you’ve become. Now, it’s time to build an
12 december
family matters
environment—and an income—that reflect the new Home and family are where it’s at now. Cozy up
you. Treat yourself to a makeover. Stock your fridge your household—add fluffy towels, scented soaps,
with gourmet groceries. Add a few fabulous pieces soft sheets and fresh flowers. Don’t overdo on par-
to your wardrobe, or pick up a beautiful vase or ties. Instead, opt for home-cooked meals, a good
bed cover. Money is highlighted now. Are you earn- book and your favorite DVD. Your energy is low-
ing what you’re worth? Is it time for a new job or a key now, so book some private time. Spend qual-
raise? Does your budget allow you to both splurge ity time with your parents and cherished family
and save for your dreams? A financial advisor or members, or send them a thoughtful card. Female
smart money manager can help now. energy and femininity are strong now. Surround
yourself with comforting, inspiring women. Get in
touch with the powerful woman that you are!
The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac
Demystify men and transform any relationship. The Astro-
Twins have been using the zodiac for over 15 years to help
couples find the love affair of their dreams. You can have a
great relationship with a man of any zodiac sign—the key
is to learn what makes him tick. Using this definitive guide
to understand his personality, his preferences, and his val-
ues will help you decide whether you’re in it for the long
haul—or not. You’ll quickly discover:
About the Authors & Astrologers
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut—known as
The AstroTwins—are professional astrologers who “bring
the stars down to earth” with a unique, practical com-
bination of astrology and coaching. Their columns and
predictions reach millions every month. They are the as-
trologers for, TV Guide magazine, and Lifetime,
and regular guests on Sirius Radio. They are the authors
of several books including The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac:
The Essential Astrology Guide for Women (Sourcebooks), a
450-page handbook to understanding the men of every
sign. Other titles include Shoestrology: Discover Your Birth-
day Shoe (Random House), a cosmic guide for fashionistas, and Momstrology (Harper Collins) a
parenting manual by the stars which will be published fall 2013.
Tali and Ophira also give private consultations, and have read charts for celebrities including Be-
yonce, Stevie Wonder and Sting. Through chart-reading services and their website,
they help clients and readers “de-sign” amazing lives. Based in New York City and Seattle, Ophira
and Tali enjoy city life with husbands, kids and pet dachshunds.
Copyright © 2012 by Ophira & Tali Edut, Mediarology, Inc. dba Astrostyle. All rights reserved.