Riya Jacob K
Dept of BCA
2020 -21
• An anemometer is an instrument used to measure the speed or
velocity of gases either in a contained flow, such as airflow in a
duct, or in unconfined flows, such as atmospheric wind.
• To determine the velocity, an anemometer detects change in some
physical property of the fluid or the effect of the fluid on a
mechanical device inserted into the flow.
• When the wire is kept in the stream of liquid, in that case, the heat is
transferred from the wire to the fluid. The heat is directly proportional to
the resistance of the wire. If heat reduces, that means the resistance of
wire also reduces. The Wheatstone bridge measures the variation in
resistance which is equal to the flow rate of the liquid.
Constant Temperature Method
• In this arrangement, the wire is heated by the electric current.
• The hot wire when placed in the fluid stream, the heat transfer from wire
to the fluid.
• Thus, the temperature of the wire changes which also changes their
• It works on the principle that the temperature of the wire remains
constant. The total current requires to bring the wire in the initial
condition is equal to the flow rate of the gas.
Measurement of the rate of a fluid
using a Hot Wire Instrument
• In hot wire anemometer, the heat transferred
electrically to the wire which is placed in the fluid
• The Wheatstone bridge is used for measuring the
temperature of wire regarding their resistance.
• The temperature of the wire remains constant for
measuring the heating current. Thus, the bridge
remains balanced.
• The standard resistor is connected in series with the heating wire.
The current across the wire is determined by knowing the voltage
drop across the resistor. And the value of voltage drop is
determined by the potentiometer.
• The equation determines the heat loss from the heated wire