SOA Material
SOA Material
SOA Material
Services minimize resource consump on by deferring the management of state informa on when
Services are supplemented with communica ve metadata by which they can be effec vely
discovered and interpreted.
Introduc on:
- SOA is an architectural style that allows so ware components to communicate and interact with
each other through services.
- Services are self-contained, modular units that expose their func onality through standardized
interfaces, enabling loose coupling and interoperability.
- Service: A discrete unit of func onality that can be accessed and u lized by other components.
- Service Provider: The en ty responsible for implemen ng and hos ng the service.
- Service Consumer: The en ty that requests and consumes the func onality provided by the service.
- Service Interface: The contract that defines how a service can be accessed and u lized.
- Service Registry: A centralized repository that stores and manages informa on about available
2. Benefits of SOA:
- SOA promotes the reuse of exis ng services, reducing development efforts and enhancing
produc vity.
- Services can be developed using different technologies and pla orms, and s ll communicate and
interact seamlessly.
- SOA allows for the easy addi on or removal of services, enabling systems to scale and adapt to
changing business requirements.
- Services can be independently updated or replaced without affec ng the overall system.
- SOA fosters loose coupling between services, allowing them to evolve independently.
- Changes made to one service do not require modifica ons in other services, reducing the impact of
system-wide changes.
3. Components of SOA:
- Service Layer: Implements the business logic and orchestrates the services.
- Services can be combined to create more complex and higher-level func onality.
- SOA facilitates the integra on of disparate systems and applica ons within an organiza on.
- Services can be used to expose func onality from legacy systems and enable seamless data
4.2 Cloud Compu ng:
- SOA is a fundamental architectural approach in cloud compu ng, allowing for the integra on and
orchestra on of cloud services.
Introduc on to SOA:
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural approach that enables organiza ons to
design and develop flexible, scalable, and interoperable systems.
- SOA focuses on the concept of services, which are self-contained and loosely coupled so ware
components that can be accessed and invoked over a network.
- SOA provides a framework for organizing and integra ng various so ware components into a
cohesive system.
- The ul mate goal of service orienta on and SOA is to enable organiza ons to achieve greater
flexibility, agility, and interoperability in their IT systems.
- By adop ng SOA, organiza ons can streamline their business processes, reduce complexity, and
enable rapid adapta on to changing business requirements.
- SOA also facilitates the integra on of legacy systems and the development of new applica ons that
can leverage exis ng services.
1. Planning: In this stage, the organiza on iden fies the business needs and objec ves, and defines
the scope and requirements of the SOA project.
2. Analysis and Design: This stage involves analyzing exis ng systems and processes, designing the
service architecture, and defining the service interfaces and contracts.
3. Development and Tes ng: Services are developed and tested according to the defined
specifica ons and requirements. This stage also includes integra on tes ng to ensure the
interoperability of services.
4. Deployment: The services are deployed in a produc on environment and made available for use
by other applica ons or systems.
5. Monitoring and Management: This stage involves monitoring the performance and availability of
services, managing service versions and configura ons, and ensuring the overall health of the SOA
6. Con nuous Improvement: Organiza ons con nuously evaluate and enhance their SOA
implementa ons by incorpora ng feedback, addressing issues, and adap ng to changing business
Introduc on:
In the field of computer science, service-oriented analysis and design plays a crucial role in the
development of efficient and scalable web services. This lecture will focus on the web service
modeling process, which involves decomposing the business process, filtering out unsuitable ac ons,
defining en ty service candidates, iden fying process-specific logic, and applying service-orienta on
principles. Addi onally, we will explore the iden fica on of service composi on candidates, analysis
of processing requirements, defini on of u lity service candidates, defini on of microservice
candidates, and the revision of service composi on candidates as well as capability candidate
The first step in the web service modeling process is to break down the business process into
granular ac ons. By doing so, we can iden fy specific ac ons that can be performed independently
and can be encapsulated as services.
Not all ac ons within a business process are suitable for service encapsula on. In this step, we need
to evaluate and filter out ac ons that are not suitable for service orienta on. This involves
considering factors such as complexity, reusability, and compa bility with service-oriented
Once the suitable ac ons have been iden fied, we can proceed to define en ty service candidates.
En ty services are responsible for managing and manipula ng data en es within the system. These
services encapsulate business en es and provide opera ons for crea ng, retrieving, upda ng, and
dele ng en ty instances.
Process-specific logic refers to the business rules and decision-making processes that are unique to a
specific business process. In this step, we need to iden fy the process-specific logic within the
business process and determine how it can be encapsulated as service opera ons.
Service-orienta on principles, such as loose coupling, encapsula on, and service contracts, need to
be applied to the iden fied services. This ensures that the services are independent, reusable, and
Service composi on involves combining mul ple services to achieve a specific business goal. In this
step, we iden fy poten al service composi on candidates by analyzing the dependencies and
interac ons between services.
To ensure efficient processing, we need to analyze the processing requirements of the iden fied
services. This involves considering factors such as performance, scalability, and resource u liza on.
U lity services provide common func onali es that can be reused across different services. In this
step, we define u lity service candidates that can be used to enhance the func onality and
performance of the iden fied services.
Microservices are small, independent services that focus on specific business capabili es. In this
step, we iden fy microservice candidates based on the granularity and modularity requirements of
the system.
A er defining the microservice candidates, we need to revisit the service composi on candidates
and revise them accordingly. This ensures that the composi on aligns with the microservices
architecture and promotes scalability and flexibility.
11. Revising Capability Candidate Grouping:
Lastly, we revise the grouping of capability candidates to ensure that they are logically grouped and
represent cohesive business func onali es. This step helps in organizing and managing the services
effec vely.
The web service modeling process is a crucial step in service-oriented analysis and design. By
decomposing the business process, iden fying suitable ac ons, defining services, applying service-
orienta on principles, and analyzing requirements, we can develop efficient and scalable web
services. Addi onally, the iden fica on of service composi on candidates, u lity services,
microservices, and the revision of capability candidate grouping enhances the overall architecture
and func onality of the system.
- Introduc on to SOA: SOA is a so ware architectural style that enables the development of loosely
coupled and highly interoperable services. It promotes the use of reusable and modular components,
known as services, which can be combined to create complex applica ons.
- The Four Characteris cs of SOA: SOA is characterized by four key principles. Firstly, services are self-
contained and autonomous, meaning they can operate independently. Secondly, services are
discoverable, allowing other components to locate and interact with them. Thirdly, services are
loosely coupled, ensuring that changes in one service do not impact others. Lastly, services are
interoperable, enabling seamless communica on between different systems.
- The Four Common Types of SOA: There are four common types of SOA that organiza ons typically
adopt. These include enterprise service bus (ESB) architecture, service-oriented integra on (SOI),
composite applica on architecture, and mobile service architecture.
- The End Result of Service Orienta on and SOA: The ul mate goal of service orienta on and SOA is
to improve the agility, flexibility, and reusability of so ware systems. By adop ng SOA principles,
organiza ons can achieve be er interoperability, modularity, and scalability, leading to reduced
development me and cost.
- SOA Project and Life cycle Stages: The life cycle of an SOA project typically consists of several stages.
These stages include planning and strategy, requirements analysis, service design and development,
service tes ng and valida on, service deployment and management, and ongoing service
maintenance and enhancement.
- Web Service Modeling Process: The web service modeling process involves iden fying the key
business processes and decomposing them into granular ac ons. This step helps in understanding
the business logic and func onality that needs to be encapsulated as services.
- Decompose the Business Process (into Granular Ac ons): In this step, the business process is
broken down into smaller, manageable ac ons. This allows for be er understanding and
iden fica on of the specific func onali es that can be encapsulated as individual services.
- Filter Out Unsuitable Ac ons: A er decomposing the business process, unsuitable ac ons that do
not align with the service-oriented approach are filtered out. This ensures that only ac ons that can
be effec vely encapsulated as services are considered.
- Define En ty Service Candidates: En ty service candidates are iden fied based on the data en es
involved in the business process. These services focus on managing and manipula ng data.
- Iden fy Process-Specific Logic: Process-specific logic refers to the specific business rules and
algorithms that need to be implemented. This step involves iden fying and capturing these rules and
algorithms to be incorporated into the services.
- Apply Service-Orienta on: Service-orienta on principles are applied to the iden fied services to
ensure they are designed in a modular, reusable, and interoperable manner.
- Iden fy Service Composi on Candidates: Service composi on candidates are iden fied based on
the need to combine mul ple services to achieve a specific business func onality.
- Analyze Processing Requirements: The processing requirements of the services are analyzed to
determine the necessary performance, scalability, and reliability aspects.
- Define U lity Service Candidates: U lity service candidates are iden fied based on the common
func onali es required by mul ple services. These services provide common capabili es that can be
shared among mul ple services.
- Define Microservice Candidates: Microservice candidates are iden fied based on the need for
smaller, more specialized services that can be independently developed and deployed.
- Revise Service Composi on Candidates: The iden fied service composi on candidates are revised
and refined based on the analysis of their individual services.
- Revise Capability Candidate Grouping: The grouping of services based on their capabili es is revised
and adjusted to ensure op mal composi on and func onality.
1. The end result of Service-Orienta on and SOA can be best described as? [C] An Agile and flexible
IT environment
2. What are the four characteris cs of SOA? [D] Vendor Neutral, Business Driven, Service Orienta on,
Cloud Compu ng
3. What does a vendor neutral design enable? [B] To maximize the poten al alignment of technology
and business
4. What is the goal of a business-driven technology architecture? [C] To maximize the poten al
alignment of technology and business
5. What does the Service Encapsula on pa ern define? [B] The architecture of a single service
6. SOA Pa erns focuses on designing so ware programs as reusable resources. [A] TRUE
7. What is the first part of a service to be physically delivered as part of a standard service-oriented
design process? [C] The API of the service
8. What is the defini on of SOA? [C] A paradigm that provides a method for achieving a target state
9. What is the result of a business-driven technology architecture? [A] Increased poten al alignment
of technology and business.
10. What is the first step in the Web Service Modeling Process? [A] Decompose the business process
1. What is the first stage of SOA project and lifecycle [C] Service Oriented Analysis and Design
2. What are the four characteris cs of SOA? [D] Vendor Neutral, Business Driven, Service Orienta on,
Cloud Compu ng
3. What does a vendor neutral design enable? [B] To maximize the poten al alignment of technology
and business
4. What is the goal of a business-driven technology architecture? [C] To maximize the poten al
alignment of technology and business
5. What does the Service Encapsula on pa ern define? [B] The architecture of a single service
6. SOA Pa erns focuses on designing so ware programs as reusable resources. [A] TRUE
7. What is the first part of a service to be physically delivered as part of a standard service-oriented
design process? [C] The API of the service
8. What is the defini on of SOA? [C] A paradigm that provides a method for achieving a target state
9. What is the result of a business-driven technology architecture? [A] Increased poten al alignment
of technology and business.
10. What is the first step in the Web Service Modeling Process? [A] Decompose the business process
1.Services are supplemented with communica ve metadata by which they can be effec vely
discovered and interpreted.
2.Services minimize resource consump on by deferring the management of state informa on when
3.A service inventory architecture addresses issues of standardiza on by defining a boundary within
which independently standardized services are delivered.
5.A er decomposing the business process, unsuitable ac ons that do not align with the service-
oriented approach are filtered out.
6.En ty service candidates are iden fied based on the data en es involved in the business process.
7.Process-specific logic refers to the specific business rules that need to be implemented.
8.Service-orienta on principles are applied to the iden fied services to ensure they are designed in a
loosely coupled manner.
1. Services are supplemented with communica ve **metadata** by which they can be effec vely
discovered and interpreted.
4. **Stateful** Services Exercise a high level of **control** over their underlying run me execu on
6. A er decomposing the business process, **unsuitable** ac ons that do not align with the
service-oriented approach are filtered out².
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