Austria - Drug Study - Ob
Austria - Drug Study - Ob
Austria - Drug Study - Ob
Name of the Dose, Frequency, Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Route, Duration Action
of Administration
Classification: 500mg tablet q6 Paracetamol Paracetamol is 1. Allergy or CNS: headache (rare), Before:
Analgesic, oral as prescribed works by inhibiting indicated for the Hypersensitivity: dizziness (rare) • Assess the patient’s medical
Antipyretic or until symptoms the synthesis of relief of mild to - Patients with a known history, including any known
are relieved. prostaglandins in moderate pain GI: nausea, vomiting, allergies or liver conditions.
allergy or
Generic Name: the central and fever. epigastric distress • Verify the prescribed dose,
Paracetamol nervous system. hypersensitivity to frequency, and route of
Prostaglandins paracetamol should HEMATOLOGIC: Rare administration.
Brand Name: play a role in the not use the cases of blood • Ensure the patient is not
Tylenol perception of pain medication. disorders have been taking other medications
and regulation of reported, including containing paracetamol to
2. Liver Impairment:
body temperature. thrombocytopenia (low prevent accidental overdose
By reducing their - Severe liver platelet count) and During:
production, impairment or active leukopenia (low white • Administer the medication as
paracetamol helps liver disease is a blood cell count). prescribed, making sure the
alleviate pain and contraindication due patient can swallow and has
reduce fever. to the risk of LOCAL: No significant no contraindications.
local adverse effects • Monitor for any signs of
exacerbating liver
are typically associated adverse reactions during
damage. with oral paracetamol. administration.
3. G6PD Deficiency:
- Use caution in OTHERS: allergic • Monitor the patient for
patients with glucose- reactions, serious therapeutic effects, such as
6-phosphate adverse effects (Severe reduced pain and fever.
liver impairment or • Assess for any adverse
active liver disease) effects, especially signs of
(G6PD) deficiency, as
paracetamol use may liver toxicity.
• The patient should be
increase the risk of
educated about the
hemolysis in these importance of not exceeding
individuals. the prescribed dose and to
report any unusual
symptoms promptly.