Parach 0075 December - Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

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December 2023



rd Bushiri


SB Publishers

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Volume 0075
Published: December 2023

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Parach daily devotional is an inspiring publication by Shepherd Bushiri. It

is designed to encourage readers to study the Word of God daily. Included
in each devotion is the Word of the Day, a short guideline on what to do
with it and prayer.

How to use the Parach daily devotional:

• The devotional can be read at anytime and even repeatedly.

• Make sure that you read the devotional everyday and be consistent.

• Follow the message, meditate on it and pray.

• When you pray, you may personalise the prayer.

• Search and study the Scriptures included for further reading. This will
help you to expand your understanding of the subject.

May you enjoy the benefits of filling yourself up with the Word of God
through this devotional.

December 2023

1st December, Friday USE YOUR TALENT

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each
according to his own ability; and then he went on his journey.

The one who had received the five talents went at once and traded with
them, and he [made a profit and] gained five more.”

- Matthew 25:15-16 (AMP)


In the parable of the talents, Jesus conveyed a profound message about the
Kingdom of God. God has blessed each of us with specific talents and
abilities suited to our capacities. Just as the servant with five talents
immediately invested and traded with them, doubling his return, we too can
multiply our blessings when we put our God-given gifts to work. Similarly,
the servant with two talents wisely utilised what he had, doubling his
portion as well. However, the one who received only one talent buried it out
of fear. Many of us have hidden talents and abilities that we have yet to tap

Let this parable serve as a reminder that we are called to use our talents for
the glory of God. Those who achieve greatness often do so because they
faithfully employ the gifts God has bestowed upon them. On the contrary,
when you hide your talents or make excuses for not using them, you risk
losing them. When the master returned, he did not commend the servant
who buried his talent out of fear. Instead, he labelled him as wicked and
lazy. The master in the parable took the talent from the one who buried it
and gave it to the one who 6

had already multiplied his talents. This parable emphasises the importance
of using your talents wisely.

Going Deeper:

Exodus 35:30-33 | 2 Chronicles 26:14-15 | Daniel 1:17

Prophetic Action:

Identify your unique skills and talents. Do not let fear or hesitation bury
them. Instead, start using them today. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to
reveal the talents within you and begin using them to advance God’s


Heavenly Father, I thank You for entrusting me with special talents and
abilities. Holy Spirit, guide me to be a faithful steward of all You have
given me, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
From the Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“You need to know that all you need is within you. God has given you divine
abilities to achieve all that you desire. There

“is so much more that God can bring into your life if you’d only take a step
of boldness and begin to imagine the seemingly impossible.” - Rayon
Anointing” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB 2017, pg. 49)

2nd December, Saturday THE LONG WAR PROCESS

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of
David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul
waxed weaker and weaker.”

- 2 Samuel 3:1 (KJV)


Deliverance is a journey, a process by which God sets us free from

influences or forces that are not aligned with His divine purpose. This
journey may take various forms - some experience immediate deliverance,
like a sudden healing in the presence of God’s anointing.

Others may undergo a gradual transformation, where God progressively

addresses different areas of their lives, like salvation, finances,
relationships, and more. The long war process, illustrated by the conflict
between the houses of Saul and David, signifies a spiritual battle. David
faced formidable challenges and opposition, yet he persevered in his faith
and reliance on God.

As he endured, his house grew stronger while Saul’s weakened until it

crumbled. God may be leading you through a similar process to break
generational strongholds and secure your destiny. During this journey, your
mindset is crucial. It is vital to maintain faith and perseverance. The long
war process demands consistent prayer, unwavering determination, and the
refusal to give up. Remember that as you persist, the enemy weakens, and
you become stronger.

Even in the most difficult situations, when it seems like God 8

is silent, He is working behind the scenes to deliver you through this


Going Deeper:

Romans 5:3-5 | Exodus 23:29-30 | Psalm 34:19

Prophetic Action:

Embrace the long war process with unwavering faith.

Pray without ceasing, stay steadfast, and never give up. Know that there is a
reward of complete deliverance waiting for you at the end of the battle. As
you persist, you will witness the enemy growing weaker while you grow
stronger. Trust that God is using this process to bring about your victory.


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in
battle.” (Psalm 24:8) Holy Spirit, grant me strength and perseverance as I
trust You throughout the long war deliverance process. In the mighty name
of Jesus, I claim my victory. Amen.

From the Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“God will do His part, but He requires us to do our part as well by praying,
praising, fasting and to keep fighting until

“we obtain victory.”- Demons and Deliverance by Prophet Shepherd

Bushiri, (PSB, 2015, pg. 125) 9

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“The LORD said to me: Even if Moses and Samuel stood before me, I
wouldn’t change my mind about these people. Send them away from me. Let
them go! And if they say, “Go where?”

tell them, this is what the LORD proclaims: Those marked for death—to
death, those marked for war—to war, those marked for famine—to famine,
and those marked for exile—to exile.”

- Jeremiah 15:2 (CEB)


Prophet Jeremiah received a solemn message from the Lord concerning His
intentions to bring judgement upon the Israelites. God declared that those
marked for a particular disaster would indeed face it. Perhaps you have
been facing a relentless series of challenges in a specific area of your life,
and it feels like that area is marked for suffering. This means that area is
marked for slaughter by the devil, and this happens when you operate
outside the bounds of God’s mercy.

In the same way, Jesus, while praying for His disciples, mentioned that He
had kept them safe, except for Judas, who was doomed to destruction (John
17:12 NIV). Judas had been marked for a tragic fate, and it ultimately came
to pass. There are situations, marriages, individuals, ministries, careers, and
businesses that are marked for disaster. It is a distressing place to be. But
take heart, as a prophet of God, I declare deliverance over everything in
your life that seems 10

marked for destruction. The Lord’s mercy is boundless, and He desires to

rescue you from the path of ruin.

Going Deeper:
John 13:26-27 | Luke 22:31 | Matthew 17:15

Prophetic Action:

Take a moment to assess every area of your life.

Identify any area that seems to be under constant attack and pressure. This
is the area that may have been marked for destruction. Spend time in prayer,
declaring God’s deliverance and pleading for His mercy over that specific


Gracious and merciful God, I thank You for Your unfailing love and endless
mercies. I speak Your abundant mercy over (mention the area or areas that
are marked) in the name of Jesus. I erase any demonic marks and declare
Your deliverance. Amen and amen!

From the Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“I walk out of the realm of failure and into the arena of success, in the
wonderful Name of Jesus. I block every

“ spirit of financial embarrassment, lack, wrong judgment, contentions,

disloyalty & the devourer of the fruit of my labour in Jesus Mighty Name.”
– Breakthrough Guidelines”

by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg. 38) 11

4th December, Monday BE COURAGEOUS

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be

afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you
go.”– Joshua 1:9 (NKJV).

In the scripture above, we find the story of Joshua, a man chosen to succeed
the great leader and prophet of Israel, Moses. This was an immense
responsibility, but God didn’t just call Joshua to lead; He commanded him
to be strong and courageous. It was not a mere suggestion; it was a divine
mandate. God expected Joshua to lead with unwavering confidence because
fear would signify a lack of trust in Him.

Dear child of God, take God’s instructions seriously, for they are
commands. Some of you have received visions and revelations about
business, education, ministry, or other endeavours this year, but fear has
held you back.

When God speaks, He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah

1:12). As this year draws to a close, believe in the words and revelations
you have received, and summon the courage to take action. As a prophet of
God, I declare that you will find the courage within you to overcome any
obstacle and see God’s promises come to fruition in Jesus’



Going Deeper:

Romans 4:18-21 | Psalm 27:1-3 | Psalm 125:1

Prophetic Action:

Stand before a mirror and speak boldly to the reflection you see: “I am
strong and courageous.” Intentionally believe and act upon what God has
spoken to you. Have unwavering faith to carry out what you are called to
do, regardless of your circumstances.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your life-giving Word.

I receive the courage You have imparted to me through this message today.
From this moment forward, I walk in the grace of God, believing and acting
upon Your Word. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.

From the Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“A well able mindset marks the difference between a victor and a victim,
between more than a conqueror and the

“conquered. One’s mindset will either set you up as a winner or a looser.” –

“The Jesus Nation” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2021, pg.135)


5th December, Tuesday DON’T MESS WITH DAVID’S SHEEP

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and
when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out
after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it
arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it.” - 1
Samuel 17:34-35 (NKJV) Revelation:

David, a young boy, did not appear to be a formidable warrior. When he

volunteered to confront the giant Goliath, King Saul doubted him because
of his youth. Little did Saul know that David had already been tested in

While tending his father’s sheep alone in the fields, David had confronted
and defeated both bears and lions that threatened his flock. This young
shepherd possessed an indomitable anointing, and nothing could harm his
sheep and survive to tell the tale.

David’s strength was derived from a unique anointing, and he never relied
on his physical stature. He placed his trust in God. Similarly, within you lies
an anointing capable of overcoming giants. How many situations have you
allowed to intimidate you? How many giants have you permitted to dictate
their supposed dominance over you? It is time to declare to those giants,
bears, and lions that you are the guardian of David’s sheep, and they cannot
prevail against you. Do not be intimidated by the size of the giants in your

life. There is a fearless warrior within you, ready to defy the odds and
conquer any challenge.

Going Deeper:

Joshua 7:3 | Isaiah 41:10-13 | Joshua 1:18

Prophetic Action:

Today, stand up for your business, your job, your family, and your
community. Embrace the mindset of relentless determination. Take your
documents, symbolising your aspirations and goals, throw them down, pick
them up, and declare with confidence, “It is done.”


Mighty God, I thank You for the strength and courage You provide to
overcome obstacles. Increase my faith, Lord, so that I may trust You in
every situation. Empower me to face each day with confidence, knowing
that the battles I face are already won in Your name. In Jesus’ mighty name,
I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Some people think that weapons are to be feared when in fact the most
dangerous thing about any weapon is the person

“using it. When used correctly, the right words used in the right battle
ensure victory.” - “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015,
pg. 58)

6th December, Wednesday GOD IS A COVENANT KEEPER

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“My covenant will I not break or profane, nor alter the thing that is gone
out of My lips.” Psalm 89:34 (AMPC) Revelation:

There are moments in our lives when we earnestly seek God’s intervention,
holding onto His promises for breakthroughs. I remember one such
moment, where I was deep in prayer, waiting on the Lord for a swift
breakthrough. It was during this time that the Holy Spirit led me to the
scripture in Psalm 89:34. As I meditated on these words, I felt the assurance
that God had answered my prayer, and the breakthrough was already

There was no need for further supplication; instead, I began to praise Him.
You see, God is unwavering in keeping His covenant with us, a covenant
sealed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. He will not break His

Child of God, if you are clinging to a promise from the Lord, take heart, for
He is faithful, and He will not fail to fulfil His word. Every promise given
to you as part of His covenant will be upheld without alteration. Rest
assured that His Word is perfect and unchanging, and you can invoke it with
confidence for remarkable results. The Bible tells us that God watches over
His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).

His Word never returns void, and it always accomplishes its purpose. You
can remind Him of His promises, and He will surely bring them to fruition
in your life.


Going Deeper:
Exodus 2:24-25 | Leviticus 26:9-10 | Deuteronomy 8:18

Prophetic Action:

Lift your Bible in your right hand and declare boldly,

“All my solutions are found in Your Word!” Spend time meditating on the
promises of God in His Word, and let your faith be strengthened.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for being a covenant-keeping God. Your

promises are sure, and I stand on them with unwavering faith. I believe that
every word You have spoken over my life will come to pass. In Jesus’
name, Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“God is Holy, meaning He has integrity. He does not say one thing and then
does another. To do so would be to

“compromise the essence of who He is as God who is Holy and faithful.” –

“You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg.30)


7th December, Thursday GOD WILL BLESS YOU

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless
me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and
that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God
granted him what he requested.” I Chronicles 4:10 NKJV

Jabez’s life was marked by struggle and disappointment. He was
surrounded by

circumstances that seemed to condemn him to failure. Every attempt he

made seemed to end in failure, and he yearned for a more meaningful and
blessed life. Jabez realised that if he wanted to change his situation, he
needed to change the story of his life. True transformation begins when we
turn to God and seek His divine intervention. Jabez knew that only God
could change his story and bring blessings where there was once

When Jabez cried out, “Bless me indeed,” he acknowledged God as the

ultimate source of blessing.

He understood that God could provide what his earthly relationships and
circumstances had failed to give. To say,

“Bless me indeed,” is an act of vulnerability and surrender, recognizing that

our own efforts have fallen short. It’s an admission that only God can bring
the extraordinary out of the ordinary and turn the mundane into the

Just like Jabez, you too can experience God’s blessings regardless of your
background, family, nationality, or 18

situation. The Creator is always ready to respond when you call upon Him,
fulfilling His promises and transforming your life.

Going Deeper:

Philippians 4:19 | James 1:17 | Genesis 1:22

Prophetic Action:

As God promised blessings to Abraham when he obeyed, stand up, raise

your hands, and declare, “Dear Lord, I commit to obeying Your Word.
Change my story today for Your glory!”

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for Your abundant blessings. Grant me Your

peace, joy, and favour through Your spiritual blessings. Bless me in all my
endeavours, in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“In Isaiah 1:19, God reveals that those who are wil ing and obedient will
eat the best of the land. Two of the most essential

“attributes for the prophetic ministry, especialy those who’ve been cal ed as
a minister, is obedience and wil ingness. If you cannot obey God, then He
cannot reveal mysteries to you, in the same context if you are not wil ing to
be used by Him, according to His ways, then He cannot open mysteries to
you either.” - “Prophetic Codes” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB 2018,
pg. 73)


8th December, Friday THE POWER OF REVELATION

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“She had said to herself, “If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well.” -
Mark 5:28 (CEVUK)


The Bible shares a powerful story of a woman who had been suffering from
a debilitating condition for twelve long years. She had sought healing from
various sources but found no relief. Then, one day, she heard that Jesus was
passing by. In that moment, she received a revelation—an insight from the
depths of her spirit. She knew that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus’
garments, her healing would be realised. “As soon as she touched them, her
bleeding stopped, and she knew she was well” (Mark 5:29 CEVUK). This
woman’s story highlights the incredible power of revelation.
The key to her miraculous healing lay in her ability to discern and follow
the revelation given to her by the Spirit. She acted upon this divine insight
and, as a result, received her healing instantly. This episode underscores the
importance of being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and acting
upon the revelations received through prayer and the Word of God. In
another instance, a centurion approached Jesus, seeking healing for his
ailing servant.

The centurion believed in the power of Jesus’ spoken word and declared,
“Just say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Luke 7:7-8). His
revelation led him to trust in the 20

authority of Jesus’ spoken word, and he saw a miraculous healing take


Going Deeper:

Matthew 16:16-20 | Deuteronomy 29:29 | Luke 7:1-10

Prophetic Action:

Take a moment to reflect on what revelation the Spirit of God has given you
regarding your situation. Then, step out in faith and act upon that revelation.
Whether it involves anointing yourself, fasting, or other actions, follow the
leading of the Spirit.


Heavenly Father, grant me the sensitivity to discern, and the faith to act
upon the revelation. I trust in Your wisdom and guidance, knowing that
Your Word and the leading of Your Spirit will bring about miraculous
outcomes in my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“Angel Gabriel is a special angel in the Kingdom of God.

God revealed him to also be an angel of provision and not

“just a messenger angel. He is sent by God to bring provision by answering

the questions that people have about their chal enges.” – “Angel Gabriel”
by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg. 39)


9th December, Saturday GODLY WISDOM

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God
chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” - 1 Corinthians
1:27 (NIV) Revelation:

In the world’s eyes, success often appears to be closely tied to formal

education and worldly wisdom. However, in the realm of the spirit, a
different dynamic is at play. When Jesus taught in the temple during a
festival, the religious authorities marvelled at His wisdom, questioning how
He could possess such knowledge without formal education (John 7:15
GNT). The apostles, though unlearned in the eyes of the world, exhibited
remarkable boldness and wisdom that came from being with Jesus (Acts
4:13). This demonstrates that spiritual wisdom, acquired through a
relationship with God, surpasses human qualifications and worldly

Our scripture today highlights that God often chooses what the world
considers foolish to confound the wise.

Consider the example of King Saul, who made a rash decision when the
Holy Spirit departed from him. He ordered his military camp not to eat until
they defeated the enemy, a decision contrary to God’s leading (1 Samuel
14:24-30). Fasting can be a valid practice, but when it lacks spiritual
discernment, it can lead to unwise choices. The key is to allow the Holy
Spirit to guide our actions and to seek divine wisdom.

Going Deeper:

Galatians 3:3 | Ephesians 3:10 | 1 Kings 3:9-10

Prophetic Action:

Make the Holy Spirit the central guiding force in every aspect of your life.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,
and acknowledge Him in all your ways (Proverbs 3:7 NIV).


Heavenly Father, I humbly seek Your divine wisdom, for You are the source
of all true understanding. Grant me the wisdom to navigate the challenges
of this world and to make choices that align with Your will. In the name of
Jesus, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“In Job 32:7-8, the Bible clearly states that wisdom does not come from
age, rather, from the Spirit, which is the breath

“of the Almighty. It is this spirit that I refer to as the ‘Spirit of Wisdom’. The
Spirit of wisdom is an anointing which equips you with divine
understanding and reasoning.” - “Tushiya Anointing” by Prophet Shepherd
Bushiri (PSB, 2017, pg.15) 23

10th December, Sunday PEACE BE WITH YOU

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I
give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” - John
14:27 (NKJV) Revelation:
Peace is a profound concept encompassing comfort, the cessation of
hostilities, and inner calm. It is the soothing balm that calms the storms of
life and brings an end to conflicts, both internal and external. In Isaiah’s
prophecy about the coming Messiah, Jesus is described as the Prince of
Peace (Isaiah 9:6), highlighting the paramount importance of peace in our
lives. When you possess the peace of God, your heart remains untroubled
and unafraid, regardless of the circumstances.

Colossians 3:15 encourages you to let the peace of God rule in your hearts.
This divine peace is not just a passive presence; it actively governs your
emotions and decisions. It empowers you to face challenges without
intimidation and to remain steadfast in faith. This peace is not of this world;
it transcends the limitations of earthly tranquillity and is rooted in the
unchanging nature of God.

In moments of difficulty and panic, pause and allow God’s peace to wash
over you. Exhale the peace of God, knowing that it surpasses understanding
and will rule your heart.

Regardless of the trials you may face, the Prince of Peace is with you,
offering His unwavering comfort.


Going Deeper:

Exodus 14:13-14 | Psalm 46:10 | John 14:1-3

Prophetic Action:

If you find yourself in a state of anxiety or distress, take a deliberate break

and receive God’s peace. Make a conscious decision to dwell in His peace
today, allowing it to rule your heart.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for being the Lord of peace. I receive Your
divine peace that surpasses all understanding. May Your peace rule my
heart and guide my steps in every circumstance. In the name of Jesus, I
pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“It is the will of God for every born- again Christian to live a life
overflowing with peace. Before Jesus ascended to heaven,

“He gave us His very own peace (John 14:27). Imagine that Jesus gave us
the peace He had as a man, the peace that al owed Him to endure to die on
the cross, THAT IS THE

PEACE I HAVE.” – “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB,

2015, pg. 41)


11th December, Monday BE AT PEACE WITH ALL MEN

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all
men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all
men.” - Romans 12:17-18 (NKJV) Revelation:

Today’s prophetic Word emphasises the importance of living in peace with

all people, a challenging command. It calls for a commitment to be at peace
not only with the righteous but also with those who may have wronged us.
The Word instructs us to avoid returning evil for evil and to strive for
peaceful coexistence with others. This requires a deliberate effort to end
conflicts and hostilities with everyone, to the extent that it depends on us.
Living at peace with all people does not mean we have to become close
friends with everyone, but it does mean that we should harbour no hostility
or unforgiveness in our hearts.
Even when others have wronged us, we are called to choose the path of
peace. Jesus taught the significance of reconciliation, emphasising that if
we bring an offering to the altar and remember that someone has something
against us, we should first go and make peace with them before offering our
gift (Matthew 5:23-24 NIV). This underscores the power of peace in our
lives and in our relationship with God. Ephesians 2:16 tells us that through
Christ, we can reconcile with both God and one another, bringing an end to
division and strife. As you strive for peace with all 26

people, you honour God and reflect His character of love and forgiveness.

Going Deeper:

Ephesians 2:16 | Numbers 6:26 | Hebrews 12:3

Prophetic Action:

Take a moment to identify anyone with whom you are not at peace. Make a
commitment to seek reconciliation and make peace with them. Guard your
heart against bitterness and anger, choosing instead to extend forgiveness
and pursue harmony.


Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace, I seek Your guidance and strength to be
at peace with all people. Help me to maintain a heart of reconciliation and
forgiveness in every relationship. May Your peace reign in my life, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Most believers do not behave any differently from non-believers when they
go through battles in life. It is

“understandable when non-believers complain, murmur and grumble when

troubled; believers are supposed to behave differently. We are the children
of the Almighty God.
The Creator of the universe is our Daddy; surely, we must respond
differently to situations we face. – “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary
Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg. 112) 27

12th December, Tuesday CALLED TO MINISTRY

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards
of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of
God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies
—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

- 1 Peter 4:10-11 (ESV)


The prophetic Word of today reminds us that every individual in the body
of Christ is called to ministry.

Ministry is not limited to those who stand on the pulpit; it encompasses a

wide range of roles and responsibilities within the church. Just as in the
Torah, where the word

“serve” is used instead of “ministry” in 1 Peter 4:10, we are all called to

serve in various capacities. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 teaches us that the
church is like a body with many different parts, each having its own unique

This diversity of roles and gifts is intentional, and it reflects the richness of
God’s grace.

Ministry involves serving others, and it goes beyond preaching or teaching;

it includes acts of service, encouragement, leadership, giving, and more.
Spiritual gifts are bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit to equip us for
ministry. These gifts enable us to demonstrate the power of God and bear
witness to Christ. They encompass a wide range of abilities, such as
wisdom, knowledge, faith, 28

healing, prophecy, and many others. Our service in the church and the use
of our spiritual gifts should ultimately bring glory to God through Jesus

Going Deeper:

1 Corinthians 12:5-6 | 1 Corinthians 4:1 | 1 Corinthians 12:4

Prophetic Action:

Embrace your calling to ministry with joy and diligence.

Remember that you are called to serve, just as Christ Himself came as a
servant. Seek opportunities to use your spiritual gifts to bless and edify the
body of Christ.


Faithful God, I thank You for the calling to ministry that rests upon my life.
Help me to faithfully and joyfully serve in the various roles and
responsibilities You have assigned to me. May I use my spiritual gifts to
bring glory to Your name, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“When God looks at us, He is not seeing single people moving around the
earthly realm haphazardly-no! When He looks at

“us, He sees the possibility of an entirely new nation rising to establish and
reposition the sovereignty of Jesus Christ in all the earth.” – “The Jesus
Nation” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2021, pg24)

13th December, Wednesday THE COVENANT AND MERCY OF

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Then they reached Jericho, and as Jesus and his disciples left town, a
large crowd followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of
Timaeus) was sitting beside the road. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of
Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, “Jesus, son of David, Have mercy
of me!””

– Mark 10:46-47


Throughout the Bible, we witness the healing and transformation of people

through faith, mercy, and the covenant of God. In today’s passage, we
encounter Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, who heard that Jesus was passing by.
In his desperation, he cried out for mercy, and his cry attracted the
compassionate heart of Jesus.

Bartimaeus received his healing through the mercy of God.

His situation did not disqualify him; instead, it became an opportunity for
God’s mercy to manifest.

In Luke 13:15-17, we encounter a woman who had been bound by a

crippling spirit for eighteen years. She, too, received her healing, and she
was identified as a daughter of Abraham. This identification points to the
covenant that God made with Abraham, and through that covenant, she
received her healing. Just as in the days of old, we are beneficiaries of
God’s covenant in Christ. Since the day we surrendered our lives to Jesus,
we become partakers of the covenant blessings. Every dream and desire we
have can come to fruition through the privileges of this covenant.

Going Deeper:

Acts 3:25 | Psalm 105:8 | Genesis 17:7

Prophetic Action:

Live with the awareness that you are a recipient of God’s covenant
blessings. Boldly confess that the promises of God are manifesting in your
life this year. Remove all doubt and approach the throne of grace with
confidence, knowing that you can obtain mercy for every area of your life.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word and the promises it holds. I
declare that I am a partaker of the blessings of the covenant through Christ
Jesus. May all the covenant benefits manifest in my life according to Your

In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray, Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“Pleading intercessors are the kind that pray for situations such as
injustices in communities, orphans, the sick, the poor

“or anything that troubles many. They remind God of His covenants & His
promises, to see to it that the ways of the Lord are established in the lives of
His people.” – “Issachar the Intercessor” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
(PSB, 2020, pg.80) 31

14th December, Thursday KEEP TRYING, YOU WILL MAKE IT

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your
hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether
both alike will be good “
- Ecclesiastes 11:6 (NKJV)


One day, during my meditation on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit
conveyed a powerful message about the path to success. Success begins
with the act of sowing. Without sowing, there can be no harvest in sight.

Often, when you attempt new endeavours, you encounter challenges and
setbacks. Many individuals then give up, concluding that their efforts were
in vain. Solomon’s wisdom, as expressed in Ecclesiastes 11:6, encourages
us not only to sow in the morning but also to continue sowing in the
evening, without withholding our hand. Morning sowing may seem
relatively easy, as it is a common practice.

However, sowing in the evening represents a higher level of risk-taking. It

entails stepping out of the ordinary, the comfortable, and the familiar. While
others are sleeping and resting, you are planting seeds in the ground. These
seeds hold the potential for a different level of harvest. If you have
attempted a business venture before and it failed, consider asking yourself,
“Is there another approach that might work?” Asking such a question opens
your mind to thinking beyond limitations. Today, begin sowing abundantly
in every area of your life—whether in business, prayer, 32

marriage, or relationships. Refuse to settle for ordinary methods, for they

yield ordinary results.

Going Deeper:

Galatians 6:9 | Genesis 8:22 | Jeremiah 29:11

Prophetic Action:

Identify your pressing needs. Today, take an envelope and place a seed
within it, believing that it will yield the desired outcome. Sow this seed at
the altar in your church.
Continue to pray over that seed, trusting that the Lord will honour His


Heavenly Father, I give You the glory and praise that rightfully belong to
Your great name. You are unwavering in Your faithfulness. I thank You,
Lord, for the assurance that the desires of my heart will be fulfilled today.
In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Fear is a spirit; it is a demonic spirit that must be rebuked and cast out
like any other unclean spirit. We often mistake

“fear for emotion, and thus we fail to be militant in our approach against it.
It masquerades as an emotion, but it is an evil spirit to which we should
never give room to.” – “You will win by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB,
2015, pg. 47) 33

15th December, Friday THE MANNA CEASED

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the
land; and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food
of the land of Canaan that year” -

Joshua 5:12 (NKJV)


For forty years, six days a week, manna would fall from the heavens,
sustaining the children of Israel in the desert. Imagine those who were forty
years old or younger, growing up on this miraculous provision, relying on it
day by day. It was a dependable source of nourishment in the desert
wilderness, provided when needed. But one day, without warning, “The
manna ceased!” The scriptural account reveals that the manna stopped the
moment they began to eat the produce of the promised land. A new form of
divine provision had emerged. God’s provision had shifted gears, ushering
in a season of learning how to plant and harvest.

When one door closes, it is important not to linger or pound on it in

frustration. Such actions will not reopen it.

Instead, open your eyes to see the new door that God has graciously opened
for you and walk through it. In life, many people find themselves
stagnating, grieving over what has been lost. Some may even fall into
depression while trying to fathom why the manna they relied on for decades
has ceased. However, remember this: God is the one who 34

provided the manna, and it is within His power to bring it to an end. His
purpose is to elevate you to a new level of provision, beyond mere

Going Deeper:

Philippians 4:19 | Psalm 23:1-2 | Psalm 121:1-2

Prophetic Action:

If your ‘manna’ has ceased, it is not a time for despair.

Open your eyes to perceive the fresh source of provision that God is
bringing into your life. Recognise the opportunities He is presenting to you.
As you do, God will lead you into a season of abundance, prosperity, and


Dear Lord, thank You for Your unchanging promises.

I place my trust in You, knowing that You will open new doors of provision
in my life. Thank You for the doors You are opening, in Jesus’ Name.
From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Only people who have made praising God their lifestyle can declare that
all things will work together for their good.” –

““You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg.110)


16th December, Saturday DO NOT GIVE UP

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall
be rewarded.” - 2 Chronicles 15:7(ESV) Revelation:

Mastering a new skill demands dedicated practice; the more you engage in
it, the more proficient you become. No one is inherently skilled; it is
through learning and practise that perfection is attained. In this world, you
can acquire any skill you desire. That is why the opening scripture
encourages you not to surrender, for your diligent efforts will yield rewards.
Moreover, you have the Holy Spirit by your side. The Bible assures us that
when He indwells you, He will teach you all things. There are no

As we near the end of this year, you may feel like you have not
accomplished much, but remember, it is never too late for those who fear

What is that aspiration you have always harboured?

Do not deem it impossible, for you serve a God of limitless possibilities.

Always bear in mind that your achievements do not hinge on your strength
or might, but on the Spirit of God residing within you—a Spirit greater than
the one in the world. To attain your goals, cast aside anything that hinders
your progress. This includes unhealthy relationships and detrimental habits.
It is crucial to persist in pursuing what is virtuous and beneficial for you.
Fight for your success, fight for your marriage, fight for your children, fight
for your 36

well-being—never give up! When you require strength, God will provide it.

Going Deeper:

2 Corinthians 3:5-6 | Isaiah 41:10 | Jeremiah 29:11

Prophetic Action:

It is never too late to begin anew. Do not succumb to fear, as fear has been
paralysing you for years. Start afresh, but this time, do it in tandem with the
Holy Spirit. If you encounter difficulties in any endeavour, seek His
guidance and understanding. Cultivate a habit of communing with Him, and
you will undoubtedly bear testimony.


Heavenly Father, thank You for this message. I decree and declare that I
will not yield to despair. I am more than conquerors, and today, I am tearing
down any strongholds attempting to hinder my progress. In Jesus’ mighty
name, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“Noema is bringing to pass what you have been envisioning in your mind.
Noema is when you fore prepare. You lay out

“all the necessities and have a complete picture of the aim.

Even without money, you begin to put structures into place.”

- “Rayon Anointing” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2017, pg. 79)


17th December, Sunday GOD’S DISCIPLINE

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“When we are punished, it seems to us at the time something to make us

sad, not glad. Later, however, those who have been disciplined by such
punishment reap the peaceful reward of a righteous life.” - Hebrew 12:11
(GNT) Revelation:

Facing hardships and challenges does not necessarily mean you are being
punished or abandoned by God. There are occasions when God uses
adversity and difficulties to shape us into what He intends us to be in Him.
In the book of Proverbs, we find wisdom for parents: “Discipline your
child, and they will bring you rest; they will bring delight to your soul”
(Proverbs 29:17).

Similarly, Proverbs 29:15 states: “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a
child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” These verses do not
advocate for the mistreatment of children; rather, they emphasise the
importance of lovingly guiding them away from sin.

In the same vein, God is actively working to save you from sin, which
ultimately leads to spiritual death. While the pain of discipline or adversity
may seem overwhelming at times, if it is from God, it can only be for your
ultimate good.

Our opening scripture clarifies this concept, revealing that it is through

discipline that you can harvest the fruits of a righteous life in Christ. God
reaffirms this in Revelation 3:19: “Those whom I love, I reprove and
discipline, so be 38

zealous and repent.” God only disciplines those whom He cherishes.

Going Deeper:

Proverbs 13:24 | Proverbs 12:1 | Ephesians 6:4

Prophetic Action:
When you find yourself in the midst of hardship, avoid hasty abandonment.
Instead, seek discernment and divine guidance from God before giving up.
If the burden feels unbearable, pray for mercy, grace, strength, and for the
fulfilment of God’s will in your life.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your unconditional love. I am grateful for
Your constant guidance and correction when I stray from Your path. My
earnest prayer is for You to never forsake me or withdraw Your Holy Spirit
from me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“It may not seem so, but the battle you are facing today is preparing you for
your next battle. You should be encouraged

“because battles in the life of a believer are supposed to be won and

promote us to our next level- they are steppingstones to greatness.” – “You
Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg. 14)


18th December, Monday GOD IN THE PIT

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set
my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.”

- Psalm 40:2 (NKJV)


In the Bible, the term pit is used to describe various situations. It can refer
to a hole in the ground, a cistern for water, a vault, or even a grave. When it
is associated with water, it signifies a source of life for communities and
their livestock. However, a pit can also be a place of danger, that can harm
people. Yet, as a child of God, pits can serve as stepping stones in His
divine plan for your life. God may allow you to go through challenging
times to demonstrate that He is present in every situation, even the darkest

During hardships, many believers feel abandoned by God.

However, God never forsakes His beloved, even in the darkest hours.

The story of the Prophet Jeremiah exemplifies this.

Throughout his ministry, Jeremiah delivered a weighty message to the

nations, often met with rejection. In Jeremiah 38, we read about the time he
was cast into a pit of mud. While facing imminent death, an Ethiopian
eunuch intervened, securing Jeremiah’s release. The Bible does not
explicitly mention Jeremiah praying to God for deliverance; instead, God
worked through the eunuch to save His faithful servant. Similarly, the story
of Joseph being thrown into a pit by his brothers illustrates God’s presence
in adversity.


Although Joseph’s brothers initially sought his death, God used Judah’s
intervention to spare Joseph’s life and set in motion His greater plan.

Going Deeper:

Psalm 143:7 | Genesis 37:24-27 | Jeremiah 38:6-12

Prophetic Action:

Recognise God’s omnipotence in every circumstance.

He is not only present in your moments of light but also in your darkest
hours. He is the ever-present Helper, always with you. Call upon Him in
your times of need.

Heavenly Father, I find myself sinking in the mire, with my feet slipping. I
am on the verge of being overwhelmed by the torrents. Rescue me, O Lord,
and prevent me from sinking. Deliver me from my adversaries and the deep
waters that threaten me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“We see in the Bible Joseph going from slave to Prime Minister, Moses from
being hunted as a baby to being one

“of God’s greatest prophets of all times. Hannah, from being a scorned
barren woman to the mother of Prophet Samuel.

This God whose track record remains unbeaten is The God of the JESUS
NATION.” – “The Jesus Nation” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2021,
pg, 103) 41

19th December, Tuesday HIDDEN TREASURE

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness— secret riches. I will
do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one
who calls you by name.”

- Isaiah 45:3 (NLT)


A treasure represents something precious, valuable, and rare, often not

readily accessible to most people. Treasures like gold, diamonds, and
precious gemstones are highly regarded, yet obtaining them requires
venturing into perilous and shadowy depths. As a testament to God’s calling
on your life, He will grant you treasures hidden in darkness. These treasures
lie within the darkness that may seem overwhelming to you. Remember,
God is your guiding light.
Jeremiah 33:3 reveals, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great
and unsearchable things you do not know.” God serves as your hotline,
your reliable friend whom you call upon whenever you are in need. The
beauty of God’s provision is that it knows no bounds; it can be anything
you require. As indicated in our opening scripture, these treasures are
concealed. In the midst of the darkness you currently face, there lies a
hidden treasure waiting for you to discover, and God is the guiding map
leading you to it.


Going Deeper:

2 Corinthians 4:7 | Revelation 3:18 | Genesis 13:14-17

Prophetic Action:

The crucial message from our opening scripture is that God knows you by
name, signifying that He is aware of your circumstances, your challenges,
and your future. With God by your side, victory is assured. All you need to
do is call upon Him, beseeching Him to dispel the darkness and reveal the
hidden treasures.


Heavenly Father, I express gratitude for Your unwavering love. May Your
radiant light pierce through the darkness that surrounds me whenever I am
engulfed by it.

In the name of Jesus, I offer this prayer. Amen!

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“In Proverbs 16:3, God promises to cause all our plans to succeed, if only
we commit our plans to Him. God does not
“stop us from making plans, but He wants us to let Him direct our plans.
This is how we become co-laborers with God.” –

“You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg.



20th December, Wednesday JESUS OVER SIN

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ.” - 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NKJV) Revelation:

Do not succumb to the devil’s voice when he attempts to convince you that
you are too tainted and sinful to approach God. Understand that he is the
accuser of the brethren, always seeking to make you believe that you are
too impure to stand before the Lord. One of the gravest consequences of the
devil’s scheme is its impact on your spiritual and prayer life, weakening
your faith as you start to believe that God cannot hear your prayers.

Remember, Jesus has already paid the ultimate price by shedding His blood
on the cross, which is why the Bible declares you as the righteousness of
God in Christ Jesus.

Scripture also assures that there is no condemnation for those who are in
Christ. You may be grappling with an addiction that makes you feel sinful
and distant from the saving hand of the Lord. However, know that His hand
is never too short to save, nor His ear too heavy to hear. While God does
not condone sin, the Blood of Jesus is always available and holds the power
to reconcile you with God.

Going Deeper:

1 Peter 5:8 | Ephesians 6:10-11 | Romans 6:13-14


Prophetic Action:

Whenever the devil tries to convince you that you are a sinner, remind him
and yourself that Jesus shed His Blood for you. Call upon the Blood of
Jesus, cry out to your Saviour, and remind the Father that His only begotten
Son did not die in vain. Jesus paid it all, and if you have accepted Him, His
Blood cleanses you.


Father, Your Word in Proverbs 28:13 says that those who confess and
forsake their sins shall find mercy. Today, Lord, I confess all my sins and
wrongdoings. Thank You for the redeeming power of the Blood of Jesus. I
claim the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus over my life. In the name
of Jesus, amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“The word “Kadosh” means; “Holy One, designated or set aside for a
divine purpose.” When you are serving God, He

“does not just want you to live a mediocre life, He wants you to be holy,
different and to be a representation of all that He stands for in holiness and
purity of life.” – “The Names of God” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB,
2018, pg.34) 45

21st December, Thursday OVERCOMING ADDICTION

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We
should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to
God. - Titus 2:12 (NLT) Revelation:
Today’s prophetic word acknowledges the presence of evil in the world we
live in. Many people are seeking ways to cope with this darkness and,
unfortunately, some fall into the trap of addiction. Once ensnared by
addiction, breaking free becomes a formidable challenge.

Addiction is not limited to substances like alcohol or drugs; it can manifest

in various forms, including food, relationships, phones, TV, and social
media. Essentially, addiction is anything that replaces God in your life,
becoming the object of your worship and dependence. It is a spiritual
stronghold that must be cast out.

As a follower of Christ, you must resist worldly temptations and ungodly

influence. “The temptations in your life are no different from what others
experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more
than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so
that you can endure” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT) This word reminds you
that you are not the only one facing that temptation/addiction. In that
temptation, God has given you a way out, you can break free from the
addiction with God’s help.


Going Deeper:

Galatians 5:22-25 | 1 Timothy 6:9-10 | Ezekiel 36:26-29

Prophetic Action:

Examine your life and identify the one thing you feel unable to live without.
While daily essentials like phones, the internet, and television can be
considered necessary for staying connected, they can also become invasive
and draw you away from God. Maintain self-control and moral integrity by
nurturing a closer relationship with God.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for being my refuge and strength. Fill my
heart with Your healing love and power.

Break the bonds of addiction in my life and remove any hindrances. I plead
the Blood of Jesus over every addiction, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I
pray. Amen!

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“The blood of Jesus offers mercy for those in need of it, healing to those
who are sick, strength to those that are weakened, a

“new chapter to those that are weakened and a new chapter to those that
are lost and looking for a new beginning.” –

“Crucifixion” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg.



22nd December, Friday SHIFT YOUR FOCUS BACK TO GOD

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Yes, you must humbly return to God and put an end to all the evil that is
done in your house” - Job 22:23 (GNT) Revelation:

The world we live in can be overwhelmingly distracting. In this modern

age, everything is just a click away, and we easily get ensnared by the
constant stream of information around us. Many of us wake up in the
morning, reaching for our phones before even greeting those around us or
acknowledging God. Hours can slip away as we mindlessly scroll through
YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, when that time could have been better
spent reading, praying, or learning something new. Slowly, you can drift
away from God’s presence and open the door for evil in your life.
If you find yourself caught in this cycle, it is not too late. God is at your
door, knocking, and asking you to invite Him in. He is the way, the truth,
and the life. In Him, you have everything you need. By drifting away from
God, you are doing yourself a disservice. Remember, God is God with or
without you, and without Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5). Do not drift
away from your very source and strength, that will be your end as evil
invades your life and your home.

Going Deeper:

Lamentations 3:40 | Jeremiah 24:7 | Nehemiah 1:9


Prophetic Action:

Like the woman at the well, stop seeking things that can never truly satisfy
you. Hold onto God with all your strength. Take a moment to assess your
life and identify everything that is pulling you away from God. Now, pray
to God to bring back your first love for Him and to close every door that
has been opened for the evil one in your life.


Heavenly Father, I am grateful for Your boundless love for me. No one else
loves me as You do. Today, I choose to cast off the distractions of the world
and return to You, my Saviour. Thank You for always being there for me.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Make a decision today to focus on what God says about every situation
you encounter, and you will win the battles

“of life without fail, in Jesus’ Name.” – “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary
Bushiri (PMB, 2017, pg. 90) 49
23rd December, Saturday THE END WILL BE GLORIOUS

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? My
clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.’ The
LORD answered, ‘I will be with you, and you will strike down all the
Midianites, leaving none alive.’”

- Judges 6:15-16 (NIV)


Gideon, who became the fifth judge over Israel in the book of Judges 6,
started from humble beginnings. He hailed from the weakest clan in
Manasseh, and he himself was considered the least in his family.

Despite these seemingly unfavourable circumstances, the Lord called upon

him to deliver Israel, assuring him of His presence and victory. Gideon’s
humble start did not determine his destiny because God had promised to be
with him, guaranteeing a triumphant conclusion.

Gideon’s trust in the Lord led to a victorious end. He defeated the

Midianites with just 300 soldiers by faithfully following God’s instructions.
When God is involved, even the smallest beginnings lead to glorious
endings. Regardless of how your year began, believe that you will finish it

If you have already achieved something, believe that there is even more in
store for you. In your spiritual journey, aim to do well and finish strong.
There is an abundance of blessings awaiting you in God.


Going Deeper:

Zechariah 4:10 | Ecclesiastes 7:8 | 2 John 1:8

Prophetic Action:

Emulate Gideon’s obedience to God’s instructions and his habit of seeking

God’s guidance before taking action.

These qualities will ensure that you finish well in all aspects of your life.


Heavenly Father, thank You for imparting this message of life to me. With
all my heart, I believe I will finish this year well and fulfil the calling and
assignments You have placed upon me, in the matchless Name of Jesus
Christ, I pray.


From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“We out always to know deep within us that we have an excel ent and
powerful God, who is trustworthy even in

“impossible situations. He can cause a virgin to conceive; it is not difficult

for Him to put a child in a dead womb as He did for Sarah.” – “You Will
Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg. 23)


24th December, Sunday HIS NAME SHALL BE

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
- Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) Revelation:

As we rejoice in the birth of Jesus during this glorious Christmas season, it

is essential to comprehend the significance of His name. This understanding
will bring transformation to your life in this season. The prophet Isaiah
foretold the coming of the Messiah and declared that His name would
encompass being Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, Everlasting
Father, and the Prince of Peace.

Isaiah’s prophecy reveals that Jesus is a miraculous and wondrous God,

hence the name Wonderful. He is the source of wise counsel and guidance
when you are unsure of your path. Jesus is the all-powerful God, ensuring
victory in His name, which is why He is The Mighty God.

He also embodies the role of the Everlasting Father, providing unceasing

love. The Bible acknowledges Him as the Father to the fatherless (Psalm
68:5), demonstrating His boundless love and protection. Lastly, His name
shall be the Prince of Peace; in Jesus, there is an abundance of peace.

When the world around you is in turmoil, call upon Him, and His peace will
guard and rule your heart. Therefore, today, invoke the name of Jesus, and
He will manifest in your life with peace, love, strength, wise counsel, and


When storms rage, call upon the name of Jesus, and you will find peace and

Going Deeper:

Philippians 2:10-11 | Isaiah 33:22 | Luke 19:5-10

Prophetic Action:

In this season, partake in the wonders He offers, seek His guidance when
you are perplexed, allow His might to fight your battles, bask in the love of
the Father, and experience His profound peace. This season is filled with
incredible miracles.

Lord Jesus, You are indeed Wonderful. In You, there is wise counsel,
boundless love, and enduring peace. Today, as I call upon Your name, let
wonders unfold in my life, and let Your guidance light my path. May Your
mighty hand bring victory, and may Your presence fill me with the love of
the Father and peace, in Jesus’ Name.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“God is multifaceted that is why you often hear people call Him “a doctor
in the hospital and a lawyer in the courtroom.”

“God revels aspects of Himself, to His people according to the situation

they find themselves in. Pray that He may reveal not only His deeds but the
way He may reveal Himself to you as well.” – “You Will Win” by
Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg. 25)


25th December, Monday MERRY CHRISTMAS

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16


Merry Christmas! In our prophetic word of the Day, we are reminded of

God’s profound love for humanity.

God demonstrated His love by giving us His only begotten son, our Lord
Jesus. Jesus came to Earth so that mankind would not perish but have
eternal life through faith in Him.

Isaiah 7:14 prophesied, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and shall call His name Immanuel,” which means ‘God with us.’ Christmas
is a season that showcases God’s love as He sent Jesus Christ to be with us.
This is the greatest gift ever given to humanity.

When Jesus was born, the shepherds who were in the field encountered an
open heaven. “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the
Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to

‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the
people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the
Messiah, the Lord’” (Luke 2:9-11 NIV). as Just as the angel brought good
news to the shepherds, this Christmas Day is bringing good news to you.


Going Deeper:

1 John 3:8 | Luke 1:26-35 | Matthew 1:18-25

Prophetic Action:

Purposefully choose to display God’s love by sharing the good news with
others and giving to those in need. Open your heart to God’s transformative
work in your life during this season. Believe that this season marks the
beginning of newness in your life.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Your only begotten Son to
demonstrate Your love for humanity.

May this season bring transformation to my life. May this Christmas be the
start of a new chapter filled with Your love and blessings, in Jesus’ Name.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“The blood of Jesus offers mercy for those in need of it, healing to those
who are sick, strength to those that are weakened, a

“new chapter to those that are weakened and a new chapter to those that
are lost and looking for a new beginning.” –

“Crucifixion” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg. 73) 55

26th December, Tuesday YOU ARE FREE IN JESUS’ NAME

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he
replied, “for we are many.” The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the
pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the impure
spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in
number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.”

- Mark 5:9,12-13 (NIV)


This passage tells the story of a man who was tormented by demonic forces.
For many years, this man lived among the tombs, far from his family and
friends. No human being would willingly choose to live in a graveyard.
Graveyards are not places for the living; they are where the dead are laid to
rest. This man’s living conditions were abnormal because he was under the
influence of demons. The good news is that his deliverance finally came.
Deliverance is crucial in the life of every believer; it can transform you
from being a nobody to becoming somebody in society.

Many children of God suffer needlessly because they don’t understand the
power of deliverance. In 2 Corinthians 10:4, the Bible teaches us about the
power available for deliverance, and it is found in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is God’s will for you, as His child, to experience deliverance.

If there were any dreams or plans you had for this year 56
that seemed dead and unattainable, I stand as a prophet to declare
deliverance over you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you are free!

Going deeper:

2 Corinthians 6:1 | 2 Samuel 22:2-3 | Psalm 107:6

Prophetic Action:

Be intentional about your freedom. Confess it with your mouth and believe
in your heart that you are free. Walk in your freedom in Christ Jesus. Begin
to do things you could not do before and see yourself giving and supporting
the gospel.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the deliverance in my life. I declare that
my business, career, family, job, health, children, and all aspects of my life
are free. I walk in the light of my deliverance and freedom, in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“I decree and declare I am empowered to use the Name of Jesus to cast out
demons and heal the sick. Wherever I go,

“demons will scatter and die, by the power of the Holy Ghost”

- “Breakthrough Guidelines” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg.



27th December, Wednesday HOLD ON TO THE WORD

Prophetic Word of the Day:

“‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’
‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water
and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and,
beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached
out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you
doubt?’ - Matthews 14:28-31 (NIV)


The passage above teaches us about holding on to the Word of God. Peter
saw Jesus Christ walking on water, and in faith, he asked Jesus to tell him
to come to Him on the water. Jesus, our Lord, told him to come, and the
Word gave him the ability to walk on water. The Word that Jesus Christ, our
Lord, spoke to Peter, combined with his faith, enabled him to walk on
water. The same Peter, when he saw the wind, became afraid and began to

Faith creates an atmosphere of possibilities for us, while doubt and fear
create impossibilities.

Many times, believers start well but lose faith in the promises of God along
the way. At the beginning of the year, you received many promises; do not
lose faith in what God spoke to you. Throughout the year, there may have
been challenges, but make a deliberate decision to keep your eyes fixed on
Jesus Christ. Have faith, and all the promises of God for the year 2023, such
as your business, career, family, peace, health, and more, will come to pass.


Going deeper:

Hebrews 10:23-25 | 2 Corinthians 1:20 | Romans 8:28

Prophetic Action:

Intentionally make a conscious effort to hold on to what God has spoken to

you. Revisit what you heard, meditate on it, and begin to apply it to your
life. Even when it doesn’t make sense, keep believing it.


Precious Father, I thank You for the gift of faith and the grace to hold on to
what You have spoken into my life.

I believe that whatever You have spoken to me concerning the year 2023
will come to pass, in the name of Jesus.


From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Trust and doubt cannot co-exist. As believers it is wisdom to trust someone

who consistently strives to ensure that not

“ a word of what they promise ever fails. As believers, we have someone

whose word is guaranteed. Our God is eternal y faithful; we can be at
peace knowing that He is trustworthy.”

– “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri (PMB, 2015, pg.22)



Prophetic Word of the Day:

“So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was

noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.”
- Ezekiel 37:7 (NKJV) Revelation:

God took Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and commanded him to
prophesy to those dry bones.

As he began to prophesy, the bones came together, bone to bone, and

sinews, flesh, and skin covered them. However, there was no breath in
them. Ezekiel prophesied again for breath, and they received life (Ezekiel
37:1-14, NKJV). Dry bones represent hopelessness, and to prophesy means
to speak a word. When you prophesy, you may not see immediate changes,
but keep prophesying until you witness a miracle. Do not grow weary of

Ezekiel persisted in prophesying until a transformation occurred.

Sometimes, you may have a business idea but lack the necessary capital.
Prophesy for the provision of that capital to bring your business to life.
Spiritual matters respond to sound, just as when Jesus called Lazarus out of
the tomb with a loud voice. Speak with authority and positivity. Today,
speak to those seemingly insurmountable issues, and as you prophesy,
things will come together, and a mighty change will take place. Speak over
what you desire to see. Even in seemingly hopeless situations, prophesy. In
situations devoid of life, prophesy life.


Going Deeper:

Ezekiel 37:1-14 | 2 Peter 1:21 | John 11:1-44

Prophetic Action:

If you have received a prophecy that has not yet come to pass, prophesy
over that prophecy once more. Prophesy authoritatively over challenging
circumstances. Do not grow weary of prophesying. Prophesy repeatedly
over any issue you wish to see transformed today.


Heavenly Lord, grant me the grace to prophesy and speak life into every
dead situation in my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“It is the supernatural ability of God through the Holy Spirit to speak in the
heavenly language. When you speak in

“ tongues, the Holy Spirit takes, information about your life, from the mind
of God and He reveals it to your human spirit, who declares it through
speaking in tongues. As you speak, you are declaring the plans of God for
your life.”- “Tongues”

by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB,2015 pg. 81) 61

29th December, Friday GUARD THE HEDGE

Prophetic Word for The Day:

“He who digs a pit will fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall will
be bitten by a serpent.” - Ecclesiastes 10:8 NKJV


As a believer, refrain from the habit of opening the wrong doors in your
life. Keep the hedge of security that the Lord has placed around you intact.
The enemy has no power to breach that hedge unless you assist him. When
you open a door into your life, the devil will find a way to attack you. This
hedge can be breached in various ways, such as allowing sin to linger
around you without addressing it or deliberately lying to get your way,
among others. Listen, Child of God, God always defends the righteous.
Within that hedge, there is protection, prosperity, health, and profit. If that
hedge is broken, it becomes a leaky vessel unable to hold anything.

Regularly inspect your hedge! Sin has the potential to bring down the
hedge. When the hedge falls, victory is lost, and life becomes a struggle.
The serpent does not need a wide entrance; a small opening will suffice.
The devil is looking for a foothold, and if you give it to him, you have
given him everything. No area is unimportant; when you injure one finger,
the entire body feels the pain. The Father has granted you the protective fire
of the Holy Spirit as a hedge around you, and you should never break that

Going Deeper:

Zechariah 2:5 | Luke 22:39-40 | Luke 11:4

Prophetic Action:

Every morning, declare your victory. Affirm that you will not yield to any
temptation. Now, take your anointing oil, anoint your forehead, and declare,
“I will overcome every temptation, in Jesus’ name.”


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the hedge of protection around my life. I
declare that my hedge is intact and everything in my life is protected, in
Jesus’ Name. Amen.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“I decree and declare I am empowered to use the Name of Jesus to cast out
demons and heal the sick. Wherever I go,

“demons will scatter and die, by the power of the Holy Ghost”-

“Breakthrough Guidelines” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018,



30th December, Saturday JESUS MAKES YOU WHOLE

Prophetic Word for The Day:

“And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on
him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the
road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled
with the Holy Spirit.” –
Acts 9:17 (NKJV)


Paul, originally Saul, was a great persecutor of the Church of Jesus and was
feared for the damage he had already caused to the body of Christ. One day,
as Saul was on his way to Damascus, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ,
and his life was never the same. He was left blind as everything he ever
lived for was challenged.

The Lord spoke to Ananias to go and minister to Saul. The words that
Ananias had to convey to Saul were, “Jesus, who appeared to you on the
way as you were coming, makes you whole.” When he spoke those words,
something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he began to see again.

That day, he received the power of the Holy Ghost to minister the gospel.

Today, the work of Paul and his writings are part of the great treasure that
has been given to the saints in the Word of God. Are you in bondage today,
even though you have encountered the Lord already? The same message
that Ananias delivered to Paul that day applies to you: Jesus Christ makes
you whole. In that area where you felt disillusioned and confused, Jesus
will give you sight and 64

direction. You could be battling with something today; invite the Master in
because His nature is to make things whole.

Today, you can be set free from any situation you are facing.

Jesus is not limited. It is His nature to perform miracles.

Your business will be turned around, your marriage, and your job.

Going Deeper:

Ezekiel 37:14 | Jeremiah 30:17 | 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28

Prophetic Action:
Lift up your hands, turn around three times, and declare, “My life has been
made whole in Jesus’ name.”


I decree and declare I have been made Whole and Complete in Jesus’ name.
By the blood of the lamb, I am perfected.

From The Prophetic Library of Dr Shepherd Bushiri:

“The blood of Jesus offers mercy for those in need of it, healing to those
who are sick, strength to those that are weakened, a

“ new chapter to those that are weakened and a new chapter to those that
are lost and looking for a new beginning.” –

“Crucifixion” by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (PSB, 2018, pg.



31st December, Sunday LOVE PEOPLE

Prophetic Word for The Day:

“As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down my
life for the sheep.” - John 10:15 (NKJV) Revelation:

Jesus was a great leader, and his leadership style is full of important lessons
we can all draw from. The Bible tells us that multitudes always followed
Him to hear the words that He spoke; they cherished Him, and they
benefited from His ministry. He had a genuine love for the people that He
was serving, and His sphere of influence kept on growing as a result, and it
is still growing today. For you to influence other people and win them to
Christ, you must show genuine love to them. As believers, it is a great
requirement for us to win souls to the Kingdom of God. This is a lot easier
for you if you demonstrate genuine love to the people. They must see that
you are talking to them in love.

They must see that love radiates from your face.

Genuine interest in people must be shown wherever you are. There are
some people that we meet daily who seem insignificant. A “hello or
shalom” and a genuine smile will not take a minute of your time, but you
would have won their heart. At work, do not be ever hard on your
subordinates; compliment them when they do well; if you deal with
customers, show a genuine interest in them.

In Church, love everyone, share a beautiful smile with everyone, greet

everyone sitting close to you. In John 10, 66

He tells us that He lays down His life for the sheep, that is, for the people.
Similarly, go out of your way to love others.

Going Deeper:

Psalm 63:3 | John 13:34-35 | 1 John 3:1

Prophetic Action:

Today make a decision to show love and appreciation to others. Greet seven
people and tell them, “I love you with the love of Jesus.”


Precious Father, thank You for loving me unconditional y. Help me to love

my neighbours more and to be a blessing to Your people. Help me to show
patience, tolerance, kindness, care, and love to all, in Jesus’ Name.


From The Prophetic Library of Dr Mary Bushiri:

“Our God does not change. You can count on Him always to be faithful,
powerful and loving irrespective of the

“ circumstances at hand.”- “You Will Win” by Prophetess Mary Bushiri

(PSB, 2015, pg.35)




Do you know that God loves you? You may think that this is not true
because of the wrong things that you might have done or because you look
at your current situation and say, “God cannot love me with the state that I
am in.” That is not true! He gives you everlasting and unconditional love,
and He created you to have a relationship with Him. God loves you so
much that He provided a way for you never to be separated from Him and
to save you and me from hell. He sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, while
you and I were still sinners so that we may have everlasting life. For you to
have this eternal life, you need to be born again.

Who Can Be Saved?

Anyone can be saved. The only thing you need to do is to believe.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from
yourselves, it is the gift of God.” - Ephesians 2:8

It does not matter the decisions that you have made in the past. God will
always give you a second chance. If you repent today from living life on
your own and commit yourself to follow Jesus, He will remove all your past
mistakes, sins and wrongdoings, and He will guide you in the path of joy,
peace and everlasting life.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.” - 1 John 1:9

How Can You Get Saved?

God has given us the freedom to choose whether we want to open the door,
and invite Jesus in our hearts or not.

It is a decision that you make to say, “Lord, I want to change my life and
today, I want you to be the Lord of my life.”

You become saved when you get born again. In order to be born again, you
must receive Jesus. Jesus Christ is the provision that God gave for all man’s
sin. It is only through Jesus that we can know God personally and be
forgiven for our sins. Even the name Jesus in the Hebrew translation is
Yeshua, meaning saviour.

“But God showed His great love for us by sending His Christ to die for us
while we were still sinners.” - Romans 5:8

What Happens When You Are Saved?

• Deliverance – You receive newness of life. It is as though you have never

sinned, and you become released from any bondage or spiritual

• Preservation – What belongs to you ceases from expiring because God is

now the keeper of all that belongs to you.

• Safety – You are kept safe and protected from all harm.

• Divine health – You qualify for divine healing in that God can cause you
to be healed supernaturally.

• Child of God – You become a citizen of heaven. You inherit all the
benefits of being a child of God.

• Holy Spirit – You receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God who is sent to
guide, teach, intercede, and help you.
Salvation Is Yours!

Are you ready to have your life changed? Are you ready for your sins to be
forgiven? Are you ready to start 69

a new journey with God? If so, say the following words out loud:

Heavenly Father, today, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and need You to

help me live a new life. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He was
crucified to pay for my sins. I believe that He rose again and sits at the
right hand of the Father. By his blood, I am saved. My sins are washed
away and I am forgiven. Today I am born again. I am a new creation in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action Point:

If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations!

You have made the most important decision of your life.

Now, I encourage you to get a Bible and find out more about Jesus and your
new life. God is going to be with you and guide you all the way. Go to a
church where they teach the Good News of Jesus Christ and share this
gospel with two or three other people.






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