MAC25-4 Hydraulic General Info

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Manual of use and maintenance


Translation of the original manual

Winch code: 82 45 13 12 2I Edition: 12/2013

Manual code: M96 – REV08 rev0 del 01/10/2012

1 – GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 – Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 – Manufacturer’s identification data ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 – Winch identification data ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 – Using this instruction manual ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 – Exclusion of responsibility .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 – Instructions for technical assistance .................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 – Receiving.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.8 – Warranty terms and conditions ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.9 – Standards and applied laws ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.10 – Safety symbols used in this manual ................................................................................................................... 5
2 – TECHNICAL INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 – Main parts and general winch description ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2 – Description of machine functions ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 – Permitted use ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 – Uses not permitted ............................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 – Environmental conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.6 – Safety devices ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.7 – Residual risks ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 – Noise .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.9 – Electro-magnetic field........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.10 – Overall dimensions ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.11 – Technical data .................................................................................................................................................... 8
3 – SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 – General safety instructions................................................................................................................................... 9
4 – TRANSPORTING, HANDLING AND INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 10
4.1 – Packing the machine .......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 – Handling - Storage ............................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3 – Winch movement ............................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4 – Assembly on base plate ..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.5 – Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 – Checks ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.7 – Cable mounting .................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.8 – Pulleys ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
5 – START UP INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 – Start up ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
6 – MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 17
6.1 – Warning .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.2 – Maintenance schedule ....................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3 – Service ............................................................................................................................................................... 17

6.4 – Cable .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.5 – Lubrication .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 – Cleaning operations ........................................................................................................................................... 18
6.7 – Scrapping and disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 18
7 – PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 19
7.1 – Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................. 19
8 – PARTS REPLACEMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 – Cable replacement ............................................................................................................................................. 20
8.2 – How to order spare parts.................................................................................................................................... 20
9 – ANALYSIS OF THE RESIDUAL RISKS .................................................................................................................. 21
10 – NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................... 22

1 – GENERAL INFORMATION 1.4 – Using this instruction manual

This manual contains the necessary information enabling

1.1 – Introduction the operator to familiarize and correctly use the winch
(also simply described as “the machine”, although ac-
Crane Owners and Operators: cording to Directive 2006/42/CE, the winch has been
Terex appreciates your choice of our product for your classified as partly completed machine).
application. Our number one priority is user safety which The information contained is intended for skilled op-
is best achieved by our joint efforts. We feel that you ma- erators (1).
ke a major contribution to safety if you as equipment u- The original instructions are supplied by the manu-
sers and operators: facturer in Italian.
To fulfil legal or commercial requirements, the original in-
Comply with OH&S, Federal, State and Local Regula- structions may be supplied by the manufacturer in other
tions. languages.
Read, Understand and Follow the instructions in this If there are any doubts, whatsoever, concerning the cor-
and other manuals supplied with this product. rect interpretation of the instructions contained in this
Use Good, Safe Work Practices in a common sense manual, immediately contact the manufacturer for any
way. necessary clarifications.
Only have trained operators – directed by informed and To facilitate the consultation of the manual, it has been
knowledgeable supervision – operating this product. divided into chapters of major concepts.
For quick searches please consult the index.
If there is anything in this manual that is not clear or Reproduction or publication, in part or in whole, of the in-
which you believe should be added, please send your formation contained in this manual is prohibited without
comments to Terex Product Support. written authorization given by the manufacturer.
Using this instruction manual, for purposes other than
Your safety is our priority. those described, without written authorization given by
the Manufacturer, is prohibited.
1.2 – Manufacturer’s identification data Any violation will be prosecuted according to the law.

(1) Only experienced people having the proper tech-

Terex Australia Pty Ltd
nical ability and knowledge of regulations and laws
585 Curtin Ave East
will be able to carry out the necessary operations
Eagle Farm, QLD 4009
and to identify and avoid possible damages during
handling, installation, operation and maintenance of
the machine.
1.3 – Winch identification data

1.5 – Exclusion of responsibility

The manufacturer is released from any responsibility for

damages deriving from:

- incorrect installation or which is not in accordance with

applicable laws;
- use of the machine by unauthorized and/or untrained
- total or partial instruction disregarding;
- lack of maintenance;
- unauthorized modifications or repairs;
- Plate details - non-designated uses;
a = Model - use of non-original spare parts and/or parts that are not
b = Serial nr. specific to the model;
c = Max delivery - environmental circumstances beyond the manu-
d = Max pull facturer's control.
e = Code
f = Year
g = Max speed
h = Hoisting pressure


Under no circumstances must the data shown on the

identification plate be altered.
1.6 – Instructions for technical assistance 15. Damage caused by misuse, including continued ope-
ration after recognising a defect, improper operation and
In case of machine malfunction or failure, for which spe- maintenance, use of unsuitable fuel, oil etc., as well as
cial technical assistance is required and for all spare by disregard of the operation manual and the lubrication
parts requests, contact directly the manufacturer or the and maintenance manual, are not included in the war-
Reseller by phone or fax. ranty. The same is valid for damage caused by normal
16. Operation not corresponding to the intended purpose
1.7 – Receiving or the use in combination with additional equipment not
released by us result in a loss of warranty.
If any damages, faults or missing pieces are noted, con- 17. We do not accept responsibility for the commissio-
tact Terex Australia Pty Ltd service centre by phone ning or use in any country other than the original country
(07) 3868 9600. of destination (road permit, standards, etc.).
18. Terex Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to change
1.8 – Warranty terms and conditions or modify design or specification of their products. This
does not include subsequent claims for modifications of
Terex Australia Pty Ltd warrant new products sold by us products already sold but still in warranty.
to be free of defects in material and workmanship under 19. The above terms of warranty apply for all sales of Te-
the following conditions, unless otherwise provided in the rex Australia Pty Ltd, for the Franna Mobile Crane pro-
sales contract: duct. Any other agreements are valid only if confirmed in
writing by the general management of Terex Australia
1. Please read Warranty Terms and Condition located in Pty Ltd.
the operator’s manual.
2. The warranty period is 12 months or 1000 hours, whi-
chever occurs first. The warranty begins at the end date 1.9 – Standards and applied laws
of the commissioning and handover period.
3. We repair or replace at our discretion parts or compo-
The machine was designed and constructed under cur-
nents, which we recognize to be defect. Claims for dimi-
rent directives 2006/42/CE and the following normes:
nution or redhibition of the sales contract are excluded.
ISO 4301/01;
4. If a technical problem arises during warranty period,
FEM 1.001 3rd edition (point 2,3,4,5,8).
and cannot be solved within six (6) months after expira-
tion of warranty by no fault of Terex Australia Pty Ltd, the
claim will lapse. 1.10 – Safety symbols used in this manual
5. Terex Australia Pty Ltd has to be notified in writing a-
bout all defects or damages before the end of the war- The following symbols will also appear throughout this
ranty period. instruction manual. For safety purposes, these symbols
6. Adequate time to perform the required work and to aim to highlight the operations which are considered
supply spare parts in cases of warranty must be granted. safety hazards. Therefore, it is absolutely indispensable
7. Repairs within the warranty period will be carried out that the instructions highlighted by these symbols be re-
during regular working hours. Expenses for overtime, spected.
work during weekends or holidays will be invoiced if the
customer has, expressly requested such overtime.
The information and procedures indicated by this symbol
8. The warranty for parts repaired or replaced expires
which are not strictly respected will result in immediate
with the warranty period for the equipment.
death or serious personal injuries.
9. Parts replaced during the warranty period become the
property of Terex Australia Pty Ltd.
10. Correct maintenance according to the maintenance ATTENTION !!!
manual must be certified. Failure to do so may result in The information and procedures indicated by this symbol
the loss of warranty. which are not strictly respected may result in death or
11. Repairs and interventions, not effected by us, respec- severe personal injuries.
tive staff authorised by us, or the use of spare parts not
delivered by Terex Australia Pty Ltd during the warranty
period results in a loss of warranty. CAUTION !!!
12. The right to claim under warranty expires for compo- The information and procedures indicated by this symbol
nents dismantled without our consent. which are not strictly respected may result in minor per-
13. Our warranty is limited to maintaining a serviceable sonal injuries or damages to the machine.
condition of the product. Additional costs, such as tran-
sport, customs duty, auxiliary labour etc, are not borne by
Terex Australia Pty Ltd. Information
14. We do not accept liability for consequential damage Indicates important procedures and instructions.
such as economic loss, compensation, and rental of re-
placed machines or lost profit resulting from a failure du-
ring the warranty period.

2 – TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2.5 – Environmental conditions

2.1 – Main parts and general winch descrip- Room temperature for a proper use: - 10°C; + 40°C, with
tion a maximum humidity level of 90%, with no condensation.
It’s possible to use the winch with room temperatures of
- 20°C; + 50°C only with the correct precautions.

2.6 – Safety devices

- Legend
A = Hydraulic motor
B = Negative parking brake Valve for stopping and controlling the lowering
C = Planetary reduction gear Fluid controlled, mounted directly on the hydraulic motor,
D = Drum this part is essential for the safe functioning of the winch.
E = Support structure It prevents the load slipping out of the motor’s control
during lowering.
The winch is composed of a drum (in which an planetary
reduction gear and a negative parking brake are insert-
2.7 – Residual risks
ed) driven by a hydraulic motor, around which the rope
for load hoisting is wound: the whole unit is installed on a
support frame. Despite the observance of all safety norms and the em-
ployment according to the rules described in the manual,
there can still be some residual risks among which the
2.2 – Description of machine functions most recurrent are:
- friction;
The winch is commanded by the distributor of the opera- - crushing between rope and drum;
tive machine on which it is installed. The rotation of the - inverse rotation of the drum by human error;
drum winds and unwinds the rope to which the load is - ejection of fluids due to the spillage of the oil in pres-
applied. The brake is released when the motor is started sure.
and is activated when the motor is stopped. Keep in mind that the use of an any machine implicates
some risks. Face every type of operation with the maxi-
2.3 – Permitted use mum attention and concentration.

The winch is designed to raise and lower loads by wind- 2.8 – Noise
ing and unwinding the cable around the drum. The use of
the winch with superior values to those listed in the tech- The level of noise emissions detected is not relevant.
nical data is considered "improper use" and therefore
"not admitted"; insofar the builder declines every re-
2.9 – Electro-magnetic field
sponsibility in relation to the damages eventually pro-
voked to people or to things and cancels the warranty.
The electro-magnetic discharges of the winch with cable
press - limit switch and load limiter are not significant.
2.4 – Uses not permitted

Never use the winch to lift and transport people.

2.10 – Overall dimensions

V2 (B) = Hoisting line: 3/4” BSP D = Drain line: 1/2” BSP

V1 (A) = Lowering line: 3/4” BSP P = Lubrication oil plug: 1/2” BSP

2.11 – Technical data

Hydraulic motor: SAUER DANFOSS H1B

Motor displacement: 60/30 cm³
Maximum and minimun oil flow: 150/15 L/1’
Maximum counterpressure on the return line: 5 bar
Hoisting pressure: 190 bar
static torque of 45 daNm
Negative brake:
(with back pressure of 1 bar)
Brake release pressure: minimum release pressure 20 bar, total open 28 bar
Secondary safety brake: not present
Planetary reduction: ratio 1:58,16
Drum rotation direction(hoisting): clockwise
Reduction lubrication oil: ISO VG 320* – 6,5L
Fixing screws: M20 – 10.9 class (see “Tightening torques” chart)
Total weight of winch complete with lubricant: 260 kg
Recommended rope diameter: 14 mm
The winch is classified according to FEM 1.001 10/98 M5(L2-T5).
*depending on the ambient temperature, it’s possible to use oil ISO VG 150 or ISO VG 220.

Rope layer n° 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total line pull (60cm³) daNm 5400 4900 4500 4200
Total line pull (30cm³) daNm 2700 2450 2250 2100
Rope speed with capacity 125 L/1’ (60cm³) m/1’ 30 32.5 35 38
Rope speed with capacity 125 L/1’ (30cm³) m/1’ 60 65 70 76
Smooth drum rope capacity m
Grooved drum rope capacity m 22,5 47 73,5 102

- Tightening torques
Values for driving torques (Nm)
8.8 class 10.9 class 12.9 class
M10 50 73 86
M12 86 127 148
M14 137 201 235
M16 214 314 368
M18 306 435 509
M20 432 615 719
M22 592 843 987
M24 744 1060 1240
M27 1100 1570 1840
M30 1500 2130 2500


3.1 – General safety instructions

- Read this manual carefully before attempting installation, use and maintenance operations.
- The user must be familiar with applicable safety rules and use modes of both the operating machine and the winch
installed, as he is responsible for his own safety as well as for any other person present near the machine working ar-
- All the operators must be suitably trained to use, adjust and operate of both the operating machine and the winch in-
- Do not allow unauthorized personnel to use this machine.
- Do not start the machine, if it is faulty.
- Do not search for hydraulic leakage with bare hands, use a piece of paper or wood instead.
- A fluid coming from a very small hole might be almost invisible, and yet sufficient to penetrate the skin.
- If the fluid comes in contact with the skin, seek medical assistance immediately, for there might be risk of infection or
skin disease.
- Before removing any caps, plugs, or flexible tubes, make sure that there is no pressure in the hydraulic circuit.


4.1 – Packing the machine 4.2 – Handling - Storage

The packing of the machine is done according to the Use suitable means of transport to hoist and move the
agreements made with the Customer, taking into account packed unit, taking into account the type of packing.
the distance and type of transport chosen. If the package is moved with a fork-lift truck, make sure
In general the winches are packed in wooden boxes with the weight is balanced on the forks.
wood joists to facilitate harnessing and lifting. If the packages are moved with a hoist and, in any case,
Packing varies in relation to the quantity and type of with a hook, make sure that the load is balanced in the
product. sling.
The weight and dimensions are indicated in the transport Use lifting accessories that are suitable and legally certi-
documents or on the package itself. fied.
The maximum number of winch boxes that can be While hoisting the unit and positioning it, take care not to
stacked on top of each others is 4. let it swing too much to prevent it hitting something.
The storage area must not be excessively damp or dusty.
The ambient temperature must be between - 20 °C and +
70 °C with a maximum humidity level of 90%, with no
Do not tilt or turn the package upside down while lifting or
during transport.

4.3 – Winch movement

For the hoisting procedures, strap the winch using two belts, which must be wrapped around the ends of the drum (fig.
A), or hook it on at the indicated points (fig. B) if present.

4.4 – Assembly on base plate

- Make sure that the surface the winch will be fastened to

is rigid enough and even.
- Place the winch on the surface and check that the fas-
tening plates lie perfectly flat on the fastening surface.
- If one of the 4 weight bearing points of application is
raised, insert a shim "A" to balance the unit and avoid
causing the unit undue tension during screw tightening.
- Tighten the screws with the correct tightening torque,
see section "2.11-Technical data".

4.5 – Installation

4.5.1 – Warnings 4.5.2 – Hydraulic system

Winch installation and post-installation checks must be
carried out according to the applicable rules in the coun-
try where the machine is used.

The distributor, therefore, must have an an hydraulic

scheme as in picture 4.5.2.
If the distributor presents a plurality of elements, connect
the winch to the last element closest to the outfeed side.
Before assembly, make sure the winding direction of the
Connect the delivery opening of the element to the winch
rope corresponds to the one indicated by the arrow ap-
motor in position “V2”.
plied on the winch (fig. 4.5.1).
The hydraulic system must meet the applicable rules and
Winches which rotate in the opposite direction to the
realised with proper hoses, filters and valves.
standard ones can be supplied on request (counter-
The winch can be mounted with the fastening surfaces
facing downwards, upwards or in any other position be-
tween the two.

4.6 – Checks

- Check the pressure in the return line of the circuit - Make sure the control distributor has the gate open

This measurement should be made by disconnecting the

two tubes from the valve and connecting them with a “T”
connection that may be linked to a pressure gauge with a
maximum scale of 60 bar.

This counterpressure must be between 5 and 1 bar.

Counter-pressure values higher than 5 bar dangerously
limit the braking torque, and values lower than 1 bar
could cause an insufficient motor power supply.

D = Distributor
M = Motor
V = Valve
P = Pump

If you do not have sure indications you may proceed as


- disconnect the tubes from the valve and place their

ends in a container with a sufficiently large capacity; start
the pump while keeping the distributor in the center.

- If the two tubes do not release oil into the container the
distributor has the gate closed; if instead the two tubes
release oil, the gate is open.
D = Distributor
M = Motor
V = Valve CAUTION !!!
m = Pressure gauge Make sure the oil flow does not cause the container
P = Pump to overflow and as a consequence waste oil as well as
R = “T” connection releasing polluting substances into the environment: if
there is a risk of this occurring, interrupt the test immedi-
ately and resume it only after having replaced the con-
tainer with a larger one.

Do not waste drain oil into the environment but collect it
and send it to authorized centres for disposal.

4.7 – Cable mounting

- Installing cable with wedge

The winding direction of the rope must correspond to the drum rotation direction indicated by the arrow.
Make sure that the emergency switch is working and that a skilled operator is on hand and ready to stop the hoist in
the event of entangling or other irregularities that may cause harm to the operator who is in the vicinity of the cable.

If the cable is not sufficiently compact during the initial assembly phase, when it is loaded it may become caught up in
the turns below and damaged.

1) Introduce the rope end into slot positioned on the drum and then in the poket “A”.

2) Fold the rope around the wedge “B”. Then secure the rope and wedge in the slot by pulling firmly.

To fix the rope with wedge it is necessary

around 450mm of rope more than
the rated quantity indicated in the datasheet.

For a correct winding, it is necessary to have a minimum preload of 5% of the breaking force of the rope. The breaking
force of the rope depends on the diameter and of the type of the rope and it has to be indicated in the rope certificate.

4.8 – Pulleys

- Legend - Diameter choice according to gear class

H = Depth of the sheave groove Drums Pulleys

Classification of mechanism
a = Angle between sides of the sheave h1 = D/d h2 = C/d
d = Nominal diameter of the rope M1 11,2 12,5
M2 12,5 14,0
1 M3 14,0 16,0
= Maximum angle “b”:
smooth drum = 1°30 (tg b = B/A) M4 16,0 18,0
threaded drum = 2° (tg b = B/A) M5 18,0 20,0
M6 20,0 22,4
2 = Groove radius “r” = 0,5375 x d
M7 22,4 25,0
3 = Groove minimum height “h” = 2 x d
M8 25,0 28,0
4 = Angle between the pulley groove “a” = between
30° and 60°.
The size of the return pulley pitch diameter must comply
with the standard ISO 4308-1, according to the mecha-
nism classification.

for mechanism classification M5, the ratio between the
pulley pitch diameter and the diameter of the cable must
be no lower than 20.


5.1 – Start up

- Safety instructions

Before the intervention it is necessary to warn, with signs or other suitable means, that it is forbidden to get close and
stay in the danger zone due to the presence of suspended loads.
A danger warning plate, notifying the danger constituted by running cables that wrap around pulleys and drum, must
be placed on the machine. This prohibit anyone from approaching to the moving parts. This plate has to be reported in
the user manual of the crane or of the machinery on which it is mounted.

- Check hoisting part conditions (rope, hook, etc.) before using the winch.
- During start up operations, the operator and any member of the team shall keep a safety distance from the rope, to
prevent personal injuries in case of its breakage.
- It is standard practice to carry out the first few operations hoisting a modest load to no more than 1 metre from the
ground, in order to check that the lowering operation is controlled.

- Carry out manoeuvres gradually; avoid sudden jerking and load swivelling.


6.1 – Warning

Make sure the machine on which the winch is installed is stopped and cannot be started during maintenance activities.

6.2 – Maintenance schedule

Operation Chap. Of the manual
8 hours 250 hours 500 hours
Cable inspection ● 6.4
Oil level check ● 6.5
Cable lubrication ● 6.4
Screws tightness check ● 2.11
Reduction gear oil replacement ●(*) 6.5.1

(*)Terex will carry out the first replacement after 100 crane working hours; afterwards, 500 crane working hours.

6.3 – Service

Terex will service your winch at the standard service intervals of the crane it is installed on. See section 6.2 for routine
maintenance that can be carried out by the customer.
Please contact the service department if you have any questions about your winch. Please note the crane model
number, crane serial number and winch family (SW45 TF) in all your correspondence.

Service Centres

Brisbane New South Wales

585 Curtin Avenue East 114 Hassall Street
Eagle Farm, QLD 4009 Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
P: (07) 3868 9600 P: (02) 8786 4444
Western Australia Victoria
39 Catalano Road 187 Osborne Avenue
Canningvale, WA 6155 Clayton South, VIC 3169
P: (08) 9232 0000 P: (03) 9551 8644

6.4 – Cable

- Cable inspection - Cable lubrication

- Check the condition of the cable carefully, along its en- Clean the cable thoroughly to remove all traces of dirt,
tire length. dust and sand.
If it has any dents, crushed sections, bulges or a number To reduce corrosion, lubricate the cable with a specific
of broken strands, it must be replaced with a cable with product.
the same specifications and length.
- Replace the cable in the event of a reduction in the rat-
ed diameter of at least 10% due to breakage of elemen-
tary strands or wear.
- Replace the cable when corrosion or any kind of warp-
ing occurs.

6.5 – Lubrication

6.5.1 – Oil level check and replacement

Oil filling and draining via drum Alternative oil filling and draining via side of winch

In case of low oil level, top up through cap “A” hole until
Information oil comes out from cap “B” hole (in horizontal position).
Do not waste drain oil into the environment but collect it For oil type, see par. “Technical data”.
and send it to authorized centres for disposal.

In case of oil replacement: unwind the rope until filling

cap “A” and level cap “B” are visible.
- Put a container under the winch to drain used oil.
- Turn the drum to position the level hole to the lowest
- Drain off oil completely.
- Turn the drum to position the level hole on the hori-
zontal axis and the filling hole on top.
- Put oil through the filling hole until it pours out level
hole, the quantity is about 6,5 litres.
- Retighten level cap “B” and filling cap “A”.

6.6 – Cleaning operations 6.7 – Scrapping and disposal

The machine dismantlement must be entrusted to techni-

ATTENTION !!! cally qualified personnel specialising in similar operations
Clean the winch with products meeting the applicable and with the necessary hydraulical and mechanical
laws. When washing with liquid under pressure do not abilties. Components shall be separated according to the
direct the jet on electrical equipment to avoid damage. materials they are composed of and sent to the au-
thorised disposal centres. With reference to WEEE direc-
tives (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment),
the electric and electronic parts, marked with the relative
symbol, must be disposed of via specific authorized col-
lection centres.


7.1 – Troubleshooting

In the event of the winch malfunctioning, please refer to the table below to identify the cause of the problem and pos-
sible remedy.
If the problem persists refer to a manufacturer’s authorized workshop.

Fault Possible cause Remedy

Noises in the hydraulic circuit Presence of air in the circuit Purge the circuit

Noises during hoisting accompanied Insufficient circulation of oil in the cir- Operate the hoist with gradually in-
by jerky rotation cuit creasing loads until it turns regularly
and the noise disappears.
If this condition occurs increase the
quantity of oil in circulation. If this is
not possible, contact Manufacturer
Technical Office

The insufficient circulation might be
caused by a pro longed choking of
the oil flow by the operator manoeu-
vring the lever of the distributor. This
operation is dangerous.
The load being lowered tends to fall Impurities in the valve Remove the valve and clean it with
compressed air and naphtha

Check the cartridge of the circuit filter

and replace it if necessary
Cable wound in opposite direction to Wind the cable in the direction in-
that indicated by the arrows dicated by the arrows (see para. 4.5).
With the distributor set in the center Excessively high counterpressure Connect the drain of the motor di-
the load tends to go down rectly to the tank
Brake springs are broken Replace springs

The hoist cannot lift the load Insufficient pressure in the hydraulic Make sure the maximum-load valve
circuit on the control distributor is set cor-
Damaged motor Check the drainage of the motor
If the flow of oil exceeds 1 l per min.,
replace the motor


8.1 – Cable replacement

The cable must always be replaced when:

- it has a significant number of broken strands (approximately 10%);
- its is permanently warped (reduction in the section, dented, squashed, etc.);
- the lead coating on the cable lug is damaged.

- Removing cable with wedge

1) Completely unwind the rope.

2) Extract the rope and the wedge “B” from the pocket “A”.
3) Slip the rope off.

- Assembly

See chapter 4.7 “Cable mounting”.

8.2 – How to order spare parts

The Customer must purchase only original spare parts. Removal and refitting must be performed in accordance to the
manufacturer's instructions.


When ordering spare parts from Terex Australia Pty. Ltd., always indicate:
 CRANE SERIAL No e.g. 4000
 CRANE MODEL No e.g. AT-20
 DESCRIPTION e.g. Seal kit
 QUANTITY e.g. 1

Winch spare part information can be found on the Docware electronic catalogue (CD) included with your crane. If your
winch was supplied individually (i.e. not assembled to a crane) you will need to contact spare parts for further informa-
Enquiries and orders relating to spare parts should be made to:

Spare Parts
585 Curtin Avenue East
Eagle Farm, QLD 4009
P: (07) 3868 9600


Note 2006/42/CE Description Comment
Attached I
To be understood by the customer during
19 1.3.4 Risks due to surfaces, edges or angles installation operator protection from risks
due to surface edges or corners
Are to be considered by the customer to pro-
22 1.3.7 Risks related to moving parts tect the operator from the potential risks re-
lated to moving parts
Are to be considered by the customer to pro-
Choice of protection against risks related
23 1.3.8 tect the operator from the potential risks re-
to moving parts
lated to moving parts
Are to be understood by the customer the
General requirements for guards and pro-
25 1.4.1 choice of the requirements for guards and
tection devices
protection devices
Are to be understood by the customer the
26 Fixed guards
implementation of any fixed guards
Are to be understood by the customer any
28 Adjustable guards restricting access
adjustable guards restricting access
Are to be understood by the customer the
29 1.4.3 Special requirements for protective devices choice of the special requirements for pro-
tection devices

10 – NOTES


420 Mobile Piston Pump

Technical Bulletin ADU041
Model Codes
420 Mobile Piston Pump

ADU 062 R 08 AB 1 0 A 43 14 00 A 1 AB 1 00 CD 0 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 2 3 Pump Series 10 11 Main Ports 15 16Pressure Control 23 24 Auxiliary Rear Mount

ADU – 420 Family Open AA – Rear Ports, 4 Bolt Flange Setting Code 00 – No Rear Mount
Circuit Piston 2” Inlet; 1” Outlet 28 – 206.8-213.7 bar AA – 9T No Coupling Needed
(Code 61) [3000-3100 lbf/in2] AB – SAE A 2 bolt with
4 5 6 Pump Displacement AB – Side Ports, 4 Bolt Flange 43 – 275.8-282.7 bar 11T Coupling
041 – 41.0 cm3/r [2.50 in3/r] 2” Inlet; 1” Outlet [4000-4100 lbf/in2] AC – SAE B 2 bolt with
049 – 49.2 cm3/r [3.00 in3/r] (Code 61) 13T Coupling
17 18Flow Control
062 – 62.3 cm3/r [3.80 in3/r] 25
12 Drain Ports Setting Code Shaft Seal
7 Pump Rotation 1 – .875-14 UNF-2B O-Ring 00 – No Flow Control Setting 0 – No Shaft Seal
R – Right Hand (Clockwise) Port on Top 14 – 12.41-15.17 bar 1 – Polyacrylate (standard)
Right Side Suction; Left 2 – .875-14 UNF-2B O-Ring [180-220 lbf/in2] 2 – Fluorocarbon
Side Pressure Port Port on Bottom 24 – 22.75-25.51 bar 3 – Double Fluorocarbon
L – Left Hand [330-370 lbf/in2] 26 27
(Counter-clockwise) 13 Diagnostic Ports Pump Special
Left Side Suction; Right 0 – No Diagnostic Ports 19 20Secondary Features
Side Pressure Port Pressure Setting 00 – No Special Features
14 Control Type 00 – No Pressure Setting 28 29
8 9 Front Mount and Shaft A – Pressure/Flow Paint
02 – 2 Bolt B with straight Compensator With 21Control Special Features 00 – No Paint
keyed shaft, 25.4mm SAE O-Ring Port 0 – No Special Features CD – Blue Primer
(1.00 in.) dia. B – Pressure/Flow A – Load Sense Bleed 30 Identification
05 – 2 Bolt B with 13T spline Compensator With Metric Down Orifice
shaft, 22.2mm (.88in.) dia. O-Ring Port 0 – Standard
08 – 2 Bolt B with 15T spline C – Pressure 22Displacement Option
shaft, 25.4mm Compensator Only 31 Design Level
1 – Standard Displacement
(1.00 in.) dia. 2 – External Manual A – First Design
Stroke Adjust

Features Pump Performance Data

- SAE B-B, 2 Bolt Mount, - Standard SAE splined DISPLACEMENT 041 049 062
Cradle Swashplate and keyed shaft options (cc/rev) 41.0 49.2 62.3
(in/rev) 2.50 3.00 3.80
- Clockwise and Counter- - End and Side Ports PRESSURE (BAR)
Clockwise rotation in Tube and Flange styles
Continuous 280 280 280
Intermittent 320 320 320
- Pressure Compensator & - Optional diagnostic ports Peak 350 350 350
Pressure/Flow Comp.
pump control types - Alternate Drain Port
locations Rated 2750 2650 2600
Standby 3600 3600 3600
- Auxiliary thru-drive pad Minimum 600 600 600
for multiple pump use
7.4 psig (1.5 bar) 2950 2850 2800
0 psig (1.0 bar) 2750 2650 2600
5" Hg (.85 bar) absolute 2550 2450 2400
Response (off stroke) 25 25 30
Recovery (on stroke) 90 90 100
Load Sense Recovery 100 100 120
LOSS (HP) 4.5 4.5 5
DRY WEIGHT (LBF) 46 46 48

2 EATON Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003

Installation –
Rear Ported Case Drain Top
7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE
420 Mobile Piston Pump (M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional) [4.83]
O-Ring Port
(Shown Plugged)


2X 13.6
Removal of the pressure
adjustment screw cover may
void the warranty on this For compensator
assembly configuration see
26.19 42.88 separate compensator
[1.031] [1.688] installation drawing
port -C For shaft configuration
1.00 SAE see separate shaft
4 bolt installation
Suction drawing
split flange port -D
port standard 2.00 SAE 4
pressure bolt split flange
series port standard
(code 61) pressure series
(code 61)

[2.062] 77.77

4X .500-13 UNC-2B [3.999±.001]
[1.62] 38.1 19.6 MIN 9.4
4X .375-16 UNC-2B [1.50] [.77] [.37]
(M10 X 1.5-6H optional)
14 MIN
2X Ø14.2 79.2
77.5 [.56] [3.12]
[3.05] (case drain)

73.8 72.1 [2.91]
[2.91] [2.84]
(case drain)

Case Drain Bottom 7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE

(M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional) [5.75]
O-Ring Port (Shown Plugged)

EATON CORPORATION Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003 3
Installation –
Case Drain Top
Side Ported 7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE
420 Mobile Piston Pump (M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional)
O-Ring Port 122.7
(Shown Plugged) [4.83]

[2.91] 42.9


Removal of the pressure
adjustment screw cover may 2X 13.7
void the warranty on this [.54]
Suction For compensator
port -D configuration see
2.00 SAE 4 separate compensator
bolt split installation drawing
port For shaft configuration
standard see separate shaft
pressure installation 119.1
series drawing [4.69]
(code 61) 79.2
(case drain)

72.1 74.7
2X Ø14.2 [2.84] [2.94]
[.56] (case drain)

[8.59] 146.1
42.88 [5.75]
4X .500-13 UNC-2B
(M12 X 2.5-6H optional)
[.77] MIN Pressure
port -C
256.2 1.00 SAE
[10.09] 4 bolt
97.3 9.4 split flange
[3.83] [.37] port standard

(code 61)
71.4 [3.999±.001]

[9.49] [8.34] 26.19
[1.03] 4X .375-16 UNC-2B
Case Drain Bottom 7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE (M10 X 1.5-6H optional)
(M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional) 14
O-Ring Port (Shown Plugged) MIN

4 EATON Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003

Installation –
SAE A Option Case Drain Top
420 Mobile Piston Pump 7/8-14 UNF-2B
(M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional)
O-Ring Port 122.7


Removal of the pressure adjustment
screw cover may void the warranty
on this assembly
For compensator
configuration see
A separate compensator
Suction installation drawing
Port -D 2.00
SAE 4 Bolt 119.1
Standard [4.69]
Pressure 79.2
Series 2X Ø 14.2
[.56] [3.12]
(Code 61) (case

[3.062] 72.1
(case drain)

42.88 [8.59] For shaft [5.75]
[1.688] configuration
4X .500-13 UNC-2B see separate shaft
(M12 X 1.75-6H optional) installation drawing
19.6 MIN
Ø ±0.02
±0.01] .375-16 UNC-2B
7.9 19 MIN
[.31] ]
287.3 Groove to accept
[11.31] 2 X 13.6 9.4 an AS 568A size 042
[.54] [.37] (1/16 X 3-1/4 ID)
3X .375-16
71.4 UNC-2B
[2.81] THRU
172.7 57 ±0.02 [4.188]
[6.80] ±.001] 86.4

Case Drain Bottom 97.3 For output shaft
7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE [3.83] configuration see VIEW A-A
(M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional) separate output
O-Ring Port (Shown Plugged) shaft installation drawing

EATON CORPORATION Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003 5
Installation – Case Drain Top
7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE
Thru-drive (M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional)
SAE B Option O-Ring Port 122.7
420 Mobile Piston Pump


Removal of the pressure
adjustment screw cover may
void the warranty on this

For compensator
A configuration see
Suction port -D separate compensator
2.00 SAE 4 installation drawing
bolt split
flange port 119.1
standard [4.69]
(code 61) 2X Ø14.2 79.2
[.56] [3.12]


A 42.88 [8.59]
For shaft 146.1
[1.688] configuration see [5.75]
4X .500-13 UNC-2B separate shaft
(M12 X 1.75-6H optional) installation
19.6 MIN drawing

287.3 [.41]
[11.31] 2X 13.6 9.4
[.37] Groove to accept
an AS 568A size
045 (1/16 X 4 ID)
71.4 O-Ring
[2.81] 4X .500-13
172.7 ±0.02 146.1
[6.80] 9±.001] [5.75]

71.4 86.4
[2.81] [3.40]

Case Drain Bottom 97.3 For output shaft

7/8-14 UNF-2B SAE [3.83] configuration see 146.1
(M22 X 1.5 Metric Optional) separate output shaft [5.75]
O-Ring Port (Shown Plugged) installation drawing VIEW A-A

6 EATON Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003

Pump Control
420 Mobile Piston Pump

Load Sense Port

7/16-20 UNF-2B SAE
(M14 X 1.5 Metric Optional)
O-Ring Port 74.7
96.6 [2.94]

122.2 [5.49]
[4.81] 94.5

229.3 [9.03]
210 bar [[3000
3000 psi]
or less
251.5 [9.90]
210 bar [3000 psi]
or greater

[.248 -.002 ]
Shaft Installation Key width

08 Code 05 Code 02 Code 46.0

46.0 41.3
(1.81) (1.62)

28.16 -.12
[1.108 +.005
-.004 ]

[.9998 +.0002 ]

ø 24.912 [.9808] 15 Tooth 30° ø 21.737 [.8558] 13 Tooth 30°

Flat Root Side Fit 16/32 Flat Root Side Fit
Class 5 Spline 16/32 Class 5 Spline per
per ANSI B92.1 (Modified) Fits
Fits 15 Tooth 30° 13 Tooth 30°
Flat Root Side Fit Fit 16/32 Internal Splines per
16/32 Internal Splines SAE J498b Class 1 or
per SAE J498b Class 1 ANSI B92.1 Class 5
or ANSI B92.1 Class 5

EATON Hydraulics 420 Mobile Piston Pump E-PUPI-TB001-E January 2003 7

Eaton Eaton Eaton
14615 Lone Oak Road 20 Rosamond Road 46 New Lane, Havant
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Footscray Hampshire PO9 2NB
USA Victoria 3011 England
Tel: 952 937-9800 Australia Tel: (44) 23 92 486 451
Fax: 952 974-7722 Tel: (61) 3 9319 8222 Fax: (44) 23 92 487 110 Fax: (61) 3 9318 5714

© 2003 Eaton Corporation

All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Document No. E-PUPI-TB001-E
January 2003

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