6G Network
6G Network
6G Network
Technology: 6G Networks
N.Karthika M.C.A.,M.Phil., Dr.D.Kavitha M.C.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Asst.Professor, Asst.Professor,
Department of Computer Applications, Department of Computer Applications,
KG College of Arts and Science, KG College of Arts and Science,
Coimbatore. Coimbatore.
karthika.n@kgcas.com d.kavitha@kgisliim.ac.in
The world of mobile communications has experienced an evolution as a result of wireless communication. In recent
years, the sector of wireless and mobile communication has seen an increase in demand. Since the widespread development
of 4G networks, wireless and communication have played a critical role in the information exchange system. The entire
world is moving toward the 5G system right now, and a few nations are currently implementing it. Research has started on
the development of the 6G system, that won't be completed until 2027- 2030. The 5G network will be available in India by
the end of 2021 or in 2020.This study reviews how wireless communication will be used in the future with regard to 6G
technology.6G technology provide height safety, confidentiality, seclusion, in height frequency speediness, capability,
perfection, trust ability system rules, etc.
Key Words: Radio message, portable transmission, corporeal connections, three -dimensional routes, 5G and 6G.
Every eight to ten years, it has been shown, mobile Since phone services are not encrypted, neither the
phone technology is enhanced. This essay will highlight security nor confidentiality of data transmission or
a few crucial improvements to the 5G technology. We telephone conversations can be guaranteed. As a result,
anticipate the introduction of 6G portable transmission there are substantial safety and privacy concerns that the
innovation everywhere 2030.The 6G expertise offers a entire network and its users need to cope with, such as
ton of opportunity for creative research and development cloning, eavesdropping, and unauthorized access.
because it will utilize rebel-elevated-tempo information
system with a large exposure zone. This study will 2) 2G Technology
explain how 6G technology will benefit various networks
in the future. cellular networks, which had several clear
advantages over analog networks. Digital modulation
1) 1G Technology methods like Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), which may
In the 1G system introduced in the 1980s with a support both voice and short message services, are the
focus on voice services. It was analog system based. foundation of the 2G network. GSM (Global System for
Frequency Division Multiplexing was employed. Mobile Mobile Communications) is the furthermost important
phones (also known as mobile radios), cellular sites, and besides usually castoff portable transmission usual in 2G.
mobile switching centers (MSCs) are the three It goals to rise organization security to that of a PSTN
fundamental components of analog cellular systems. A (Public Switched Telephone Network). Anonymity,
radio system with ubiquity that can link to the Public authentication, signaling protection, and user data
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is created by protection are some of its security and privacy offerings.
combining these three components. Up to 2.4kbps of
Encryption is also used for signaling and user data with wireless interface attacks: 1) Unauthorized access to
protection, and the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) has data; 2) Integrity threats 3) DOS 4) Illegal entree toward
a significant impact on the encryption keys. Radio route service area. The majority of secrecy concerns remain
encryption and Temporary Mobile Subscription Identity allied to certain sorts of assaults, like AKA error
(TMSI) are the two main strategies for protecting users' messages, which are intended to destroy user identities
privacy. and sensitive or secret data.
All mixed real and virtual environments, as well as A fully distributed learning mechanism where
human-machine interactions enabled by wearable devices various AI agents may teach and learn from each other
and computing technology, are referred to as XR. All of by interactions is required for 6G to succeed. This
its descriptive forms including AR, VR, and MR. It mechanism will be made possible by the merging of AI
combines AR, VR, and MR into a single phrase. A true and game theory. According to our projections,
XR experience requires high data rate, low latency and communal AI that successfully combines AI and game
extremely dependable Wi-Fi network connection, all of theory would result in the true brain. According to our
which are given by the 6G system. The successful estimates, collective AI that successfully combines AI
deployment of XR apps in the future will be made and game theory would have a genuine brain power of
feasible by the 6G service, uHLSLLC. 6G.
AI has to be the enabling technology for 6G that is 1) Intelligent Homes: Due to the ease of integration
most certain. The use of AI in wireless network design and, in particular, the quick adoption of automated
and optimization has attracted a lot of attention in recent meters, smart energy grid has received the majority of
years, and it is generally acknowledged that AI will be a attention in the last ten years. Other utilities, though,
key component of 6G due to the development of AI have made far slower progress.IoT will soon advance and
techniques, notably deep learning and the availability of liberate all elements of homes, transforming them into
huge training data.. Although AI is only anticipated to intelligent devices. The supporting the large data rate at
operate in remote places where there are abundant home while offering safety safeguards for personal data
training data and fast computing facilities, recent will prove difficult. All of the networks needed for data-
progress has inspired AI to become a part of 5G. from intensive services will be provided by 6G. Additionally,
physical layer to network resource allocation methods 6G is anticipated to completely incorporate AI for
like traffic control and cache store management .The domestic autonomous decision-making.
channel estimation and preceding, security and
authentication, and dynamic cell To defect prediction and 2) Intelligent Networks: The enhanced capabilities of
detection, dynamic cell and topology construction, and 6G will speed the creation of smart societies that will
more. The list goes on. It is reasonable to assume that 5G enhance life quality, monitor the environment, and
will include some type of AI and that 6G will make AI a automate activities leveraging AI-based M2M
bigger element of the core technology. The most communication and energy harvesting. All of the uMUB,
effective AI methods today, deep learning, are based on uHLSLLC, mMTC, and uHDD services apply to this
deep neural networks (DNN), which require centralized application. Through the use of intelligent mobile
training. In order to manage millions and billions of end- devices, driverless cars, and other methods, 6G wireless
to-end connections globally. 6G is heading toward a connectivity will make our culture extremely intelligent.
more distributed architecture like fog-RAN. Additionally, numerous cities will deploy throughout the
world. utilizing 6G wireless technology, flying taxis.
The distributed cloud architecture limits deep Smart homes are already a reality thanks to the ability to
learning by requiring training to occur at network edges. operate any device from a distance with a command sent
Although the recently developed federated learning from a smart device.
partially resolves this issue by enabling training to take
Advantages of 6G their forerunners. By doing this, it will be easier to
guarantee that data is kept private and safe, and that
There are a number of benefits to 6G, as with any new consumers' personal information is not jeopardized.
technology. In comparison to the 5G networks, 6G
networks will offer higher speeds, lower latency, and Conclusion
more reliable connections. Users will be able to access
data more quickly and with fewer delays as a result. Every 7-8 years, wireless technology is changed, moving
Additionally, 6G will enable more users and connected from 1G to 4G technologies, and each time it does, a
devices, improving communication and data transfer. system with new features, functions, and technological
parameters is utilized. Few nations have accepted 5G,
The enhanced speed and dependability of 6G networks and they are prepared to start preparing for 6G because,
will also allow for a number of new applications that are after a number of years, possibly between 2030 and 33,
not achievable with existing networks. For instance, 6G 5G system support will be impossible for customers. It is
will make it possible to create brand-new augmented still too early to talk about the 6G's extra features and
reality and virtual reality applications as well as give functions, though there are already a number of
users direct access to robots and other machinery. companies working on some future wireless
communication initiatives.This essay provides an
Furthermore, 6G networks will employ cutting-edge overview of 6G technologies based on AI, network,
encryption technology and safety features based on applications, IoT, and benefits.
artificial intelligence, making them more secure than
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National Conference Proceeding NCRIETS April 6-7, 2018 , National Conference On Recent Innovation In
Emerging Technology & Science by JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun & IJCRT.
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