Board Review Coverage Checklist
Board Review Coverage Checklist
Board Review Coverage Checklist
Component Yes/No
Board meetings:
• Do board meetings start and finish on time?
• Do people turn up to meetings?
• Have they all read their papers?
• Does everyone contribute?
• Are the meetings well-chaired?
• Are decisions made?
• Are decisions followed through?
The agenda:
• Is it logically structured?
• Is it collaboratively formulated?
• Is it dynamic?
• Does it steer the meeting in the direction of
The board papers:
• Are they distributed predictably and in good
enough time to allow proper consideration?
• Are they well written?
• Do they provide enough information to
facilitate decision-making? (But not too much
to be overly burdensome?)
The board minutes:
• Are they succinct?
• Are they a true record?
• Do people read them?
The board calendar
• Is it up to date?
• Is it useful?
• Is it followed?
• Do they have the right people on them?
• Do they have clear terms of reference?
• Are they productive?
• Do they serve (rather than inhibit) the board?
• Is the role of the board clearly defined and
understood by the board?
• Is the board structure appropriate for the size
of the organisation and the work that it
• Are directors’ roles and expectations clearly
articulated within position descriptions, codes
or policies?
• Is the role of the chair being effectively
carried out? Have appropriate powers been
given to the chair by the board?
• Is the role of the secretary being completed
efficiently and in line with the constitution?
• Has the head staff member been given
appropriate delegations and are they
reporting to the board in an effective way?
• Is the board meeting its responsibility to set
the strategic direction of the organisation?
And does it do this well?
• Is the board actively engaged with the artistic
vision? And doesn’t interfere?
• Is the board receiving the information it needs
to monitor the progress of the organisation to
achieving its mission, to plan and to budget?
• Does the board have appropriate processes
in place to ensure it is compliant with
regulatory and legislative requirements?
• Are appropriate risk management processes
and policies in place?
• Does the board conduct the CEO evaluation
effectively? Can the process be improved?
• Does the board have appropriate delegations
in place and are they recorded?
• Does the board understand its role in
fundraising? And do it? Does it utilise its
collective networks?
• Are appropriate insurances in place for
• Does the board evaluate its performance? Is
it doing it often enough?
• Does the board pause/reflect/celebrate
• Does the board evaluate the performance of
individuals? Is it doing it often enough? How
are issues remediated?
• Does the board ensure it is continuing to
develop relevant skills and knowledge
(individually and collectively)?
• Does the board have appropriate steps in
place to manage succession planning?
• Does the board have an effective and
appropriate induction process in place for
new board members?
• Does the board have a successful process to
exit board members (e.g. limited tenure)?