Trust Manager: Problems Importing Certificate Responses
Trust Manager: Problems Importing Certificate Responses
Trust Manager: Problems Importing Certificate Responses
Other Terms
• As PKCS#7 package with complete certificate upward path. The upward path
includes the re-issued certificate, the certificate of the root CA and if
necessary, the certificate of the intermediate CA.
• As a file with several PEM-coded certificates that are enclosed between a "-
----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" header line and a "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
footer. In this case, the system automatically attempts to set up a complete
certificate upwards path (unnecessary certificates are ignored). If
certificates are missing, for example if you use an intermediate CA, you add
other PEM coded certificates to the certificate response before the import.
The complete response must look as follows when using an intermediate CA .
<Base64-coded contents of the re-issued certificate>
<Base64-coded contents of the certificate of the intermediate CA>
< Base64-coded contents of the certificate of the root CA>
In Release 6.10 and 6.20, you can implement the correction instructions or
import a Support Package to eliminate an error in transaction STRUST that
results in a short dump when you import large certificate responses in PKCS#7
format. Furthermore, the "Create certificate request" and "Import certificate
response" pushbuttons are no longer hidden.
If importing the certificate response fails, this may be due to one of the
following causes:
• The certificate response does not match the selected PSE, that is, you have
either selected the wrong PSE for importing the certificate response or you
re-generated the PSE after generating the certificate request. In the second
case, you must request a new certificate because the certificate response
depends on the key pair of the PSE.
Software Components
Correction Instructions
Support Package