Chapter 1 To 3
Chapter 1 To 3
Chapter 1 To 3
BSISRes. No ____
MAY 2022
Farmers work hard to achieve good rice crop production and to have enough of
income nor increase of income. Many farmers fail because of lack of information, weak
performance of agricultural markets system, also constrained by many factors such as:
poor quality of agricultural produce, lack of market facilities, weak extension service
is the only one who made paddy rice and rice is one of our daily needs. Giving them
enough and right justice information for every agricultural market is much easier and
Increasing attention has been given to raising commodity prices due to its
negative effects on poverty and undernutrition. An example of this problem are the
growing rice prices in 10 Philippines, which are causing high living expenses to the
population across the country. To assess the competitiveness of agro-food chains, price
Impacts on traded goods consumption, wage income, farm and non-farm family
enterprise income, and government transfers, these welfare effects differ across the
distribution. The benefits of trade liberalization in terms of income and the costs of trade
liberalization in terms of inequality are quantified for each country, and the trade-offs
between them are assessed using an Atkinson social welfare index.(Artuc et al., 2019)
In addition, farmers have the right to choose agricultural markets depend on the
price that the agricultural markets offer. Improving marketing facilities for agricultural
crops in general and rice sector in particular enable farmers to plan their production
more in line with market demand, to schedule their harvests at the most profitable times,
to decide which markets to send their produce to and negotiate on a more even footing
with traders. Besides, a proper rice marketing system is also enables, to increase
longer limited to prices, but may also include information relating to trade (local trade
flows, imports and exports, contacts of buyers or sellers, etc.), and to production and
policy measures.
markets, wherein farmers lacking information about the markets for their crops and
With these problems and recommended solutions for the business, the
researchers will design and develop a platform to address the problem that will make
them more convenient, fast and easiest way of managing and processing of business
transactions the study entitled “Mobile Base Buy and Sell Transaction Processing
System” which is a mobile base design primarily for Faeldonia Buy and Sell and would
help the farmer in convenient way. Furthermore, it depends on the both person whether
they will continue the process or not due to some conditions and needs to considered.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective
Generally, this study aims to develop and evaluate the study entitled “Mobile
Base Buy and Sell Transaction Processing System”. This system will address the lack
of trade information (buyer or seller contacts, price per variety seedling, and crop
production price), as well as policy initiatives. It will alter in the sense that farmers will
have access to much more information like trade and prices, which will be helpful for
Specific Objectives
purchased products.
8.4 Sales and Inventory Report
9.1 Functionality
9.2 Accessibility
9.3 Accuracy
This study entitled “Mobile Based Buy and Sell Transaction Processing System”
This information system will help the business owner to have an easy and fastest
selling and purchase product, advertising of their product, monitor the products sales
To the Employees
This study will help them to lessen their work load and will increase the
productivity of the business. The employee can easily monitor availability of the
products during sales and can update the supply by physically counting the stock items
To the Farmer
This new information system will be more convenient and provides a useful and
convenient platform to buy and sell products and services at presumably better prices.
They can use search engines and price comparison sites which significantly reduce
search costs, to find and compare many different offers for the same rice products.
To the Researchers
This study will help the researchers to know the importance of technology in the
chosen business. It helps them understand the nature and procedure of the existing
switching manual and traditional system into technology-based system for business
This will help them in their studies as references and basis in gathering data to
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study aims to develop the study entitled “Mobile Based Buy and Sell
information. In the administrator interface, the administrator can access their interface
by having an account on the system; this user can manage users’ accounts, it can
perform add, update, delete and search account information. The assigned
administrator can also modify users’ accounts for its security purposes. The assigned
administrator can administer product information, view farmer’s information and scaler
information. The buy and sell owner as administrator or the assigned employee can
administer product information such as variety of rice, price, quantity, and status. The
user can also manage farmer’s and scaler information; the system provides registration
for farmer before it can order and sell products. It will allow farmers to have an account
purchased products. In this interface, the administrator will be the one to approved or
declined farmer production sell and purchased by viewing the production sell and
purchased products of the farmer, whereas, the farmer could not process directly it
Allow farmer to buy and sell rice crop products. In the farmer’s interface, when a
farmer buys a product from a business, such as rice seedlings or milled rice they must
log in to the system and click the button to buy a products then after that they will chose
what variety they want either seedlings or milled rice then submit after that the admin
will get notified of all the products in a receipt form then it depends on the business
whether they will accept it or not, after accepting farmer buys product it will get notified
the farmer of buys product with a receipt, the receipt represent as proof of legitimacy
where if the farmer will get those buy products farmer should show the receipt and then
pay those products. Moreover, if a farmer sells rice crop product, it is up to the business
enterprises to decide whether they will accept the rice crop product due to product
Enable the administrator to accept farmer payment. In this interface, after the
farmer buys a product, the system will automatically process the total computation of all
product buy of the farmer the computation will be submit to farmer wherein they should
show to the business enterprise if they will get their buy product and pay it to the
business enterprises. After that the business enterprises will back to the system and
click the accept farmer payment in order to close the transaction. The mode of
Allow admin to submit rice crop production sale of farmer to scaler. In this user
interface after the farmer gets accepted of rice crop production sale the admin will be
the one to submit that information regarding to rice crop production of the farmer to the
scaler in order for the scaler to get notify where will be the rice crop production of the
farmer and scaler will manage those rice crop production sale to get the total crop
production sale.
Allow the scaler to manage rice crop sales information. Scaler will get notify of
farmer’s rice crop sales wherein scaler should manage all the rice crop production of
farmer’s where scaler should take charge of the deduction of every sacks. Scaler
contains information (variety, farmer’s name, price, status, mode of selling, quantity of
sacks, deduction per sacks, gross, tare, net) It also needs to generate the whole
process in order to generate the total tally and notified the administrator of the official
Enable the farmer to accept payment. Wherein in the farmer’s interface they will
get notified that contains the payment information contains (OR number, farmer’s name,
variety, price, sacks, mode of selling, total kilograms, overall deduction, deduction per
sacks, total. In order to close the transaction, it needs to click the accept payment after
Generate reports such list of products, list of farmers, payment receipt, sales and
inventory report as well as income statement Statistical reports using Pie Graph
(monthly) saleable products. The following reports can be viewed and generated by the
evaluated by the chosen respondents with business owner, employees and farmer’s by
This research study will be conducted at Sultan Kudarat State University – Isulan
Campus and it will be pilot tested specifically at Faeldonia Buy and Sell, Norala, South
Definition of Terms
The following terms are operationally and theoretically defined as used in this
rice, seedlings
and advertising.
System - means a aid to the manual system of the buy
transaction programs
Chapter II
researchers make use of different reading materials related to the project. These
materials were gathered form different resources such as books, journals, published
thesis and online resources that provides an understanding of the aspects of the
people that are essential to the project and intended to establish anchors to software
development of the proposed project entitled “Mobile Base Buy and Sell Transaction
Processing System”.
Agriculture, which is usually mentioned in big data of agriculture, must cover three
coverage, wide range of related fields and contents, many influencing factors,
Specifically, According to (Su & Wang, 2021) agricultural big data should include
Agriculture is not only an ideal application field of big data, but also an important
information source of big data. The combination of big data and agriculture has
changed the situation that traditional agricultural production lacks data support.
Through the combination of the Internet and computer information technology, it has
decentralized, small-scale production, large space and time changes, weak scale, low
optimal control, intelligent management, logistics and electronic trading system as the
main production methods, aimed at the most efficient use of agricultural resources,
reduce agricultural cost and energy consumption, reduce the destruction of the
system, high efficiency, low consumption, high quality, ecology and safety of modern
essential factor in the efficient and rational use of fixed assets. Therefore, well-
According to (Matviychuk, 2020) an important achievement in this regard will be
the creation of software products that allow you to quickly process information and
small family businesses (rural farmers) living in border areas. Previous studies on
small rural businesses have a low level of knowledge of innovation practices. The
author acknowledges that technological innovation affects small farmers and it has a
contribution of innovation practices in a group of small rural farmers that have similar
The solution to the food problem in the Russian Federation largely depends on
the formation and development of the agri-food market that is a system of socio-
economic relations on exchanging agricultural raw materials, food and resources, and
materials and food. Production costs are reimbursed, profit is earned by each
adequately working producer, incentives are created for reducing costs, and the
quality of products is improved by means of the markets. (Minakov & Nikitin, 2019)
The agri-food market has certain features influencing the production and
Fluctuation of prices for agricultural products during the calendar year, which is
due to its uneven supply, A lot of perishable products; this increases the need in
producers’ income, State regulation of prices in the agri-food market, taking into
account the above features of the agri-food market and to use new approaches in
mechanism do not allow timely and loss-free selling of products. Under these
conditions, the relevance of studies related to selling agricultural products and food
The impact of innovation on the performance of small-to-medium informal metal-
trade enterprises
has arguably contributed to the collapse of the formal industrial sector resulting in a
performance are critical elements for eventual impact of the sector to the farming
favorable business climate that supports innovation might help to steer economy out of
According to (Rachmat et al., 2019) Unbalance ratio between rice plant area and
number of rice’s milling unit causes tight business competition on its business so it
has low productivity and profitability. Measures for enhancing productivity need to be
taken. There are some similarity situations between Indonesia and Korea related to
rice consumption and industry. Objectives of this study are to conduct comparative
study between Indonesian and Korean rice industry and arrange recommendations
about providing stable paddy supply for the rice processing industry in Indonesia.
Trading off the income gains and the inequality costs of trade policy
According to (Artuc et al., 2019) the trade-off between the income gains and the
inequality costs of trade using survey data for 54 developing countries. Tariff data on
agricultural and manufacturing goods are combined with household survey data on
detailed income and expenditure patterns to estimate the first-order effects of the
These welfare effects vary across the distribution by estimating impacts on the
consumption of traded goods, wage income, farm and non-farm family enterprise
income, and government transfers. For each country, the income gains and the
inequality costs of trade liberalization are quantified and the trade-offs between them
are assessed
household welfare effects from FDI. Another branch of the literature examines
currently conditioned by the development of industry, society and many other factors.
businesses, which could be explained by low level of information about the software
According to (Látečková et al., 2018) the ever-increasing trend of ICT
development is directly connected with the agricultural enterprises. ICT play important
environment and growing regulation lead to ever growing need for swift reactions and
Access to the right information in the right time is crucial for every subject.
There are several fundamental areas for modern agricultural enterprises. All
Rice price in Philippines is higher in comparison with other major rice producing
Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and China. The largest sources of higher
rice price in the Philippines are the costs for transportation, milling, packaging,
The PhiRice also said that the gross marketing margin (GMM) is higher at the
different stages of rice supply chain in Philippines, and it is due to the high costs of
marketing and the enormous returns to trade management. The rice prices in
Philippines have fluctuated dramatically in the last decade, with consumers facing
increasingly high prices that reached exceptional levels before falling during the
financial crisis over the second half of 2007 and first half of the 2008.
that have contributed to exacerbate price fluctuations of food commodities due to the
lack of incentives transmitted to chain actors for markets adjust to shocks in supply
and demand.
increase their prices to maintain their normal profit margins, but when
takes time to reduce prices to capture higher profit margins (Schroeder, 1988; Vavra
& Goodwin, 2005). Swinnen and Vandeplas (2014) argued that consumers in
developing countries are hurt by increasing food prices, while producers are not
benefiting from high prices for their products, increasing poverty and hunger.
transmission are due to several factors such as market power, processing and
In this regard of price transmission, this study suggests that the different rice
markets have distinct competitiveness in Philippines, and the policy makers require to
approaches from wholesale to retail level to increase the competitiveness in the rice
markets in the supply chain. Therefore, it can reduce the food expenses to the all
Filipinos and help to decrease a substantial number of poor peoples across the
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the 11th largest country in the world
although wars have devastated the economics of the country. In this vast but poor
There is an old saying that “food is the paramount necessity of the people”. The
people’s lives.
factors. Therefore, accurate forecasting of price change trends can instruct people’s
consuming behaviors, and has great significance to some heated social issues like
According to (Wu et al., 2017) agricultural commodity prices are influenced by a
These factors cannot be quantified by the same standard, and have different influences
Artuc, E., Porto, G., & Rijkers, B. (2019). Trading off the income gains and the inequality
Chaudhary, B., Morales, L. E., & Villano, R. (n.d.). Rice Price Transmission between
Markets ? 1–35.
Látečková, A., Bolek, V., & Szabo, L. (2018). Information systems in agricultural
Makate, C., Makate, M., Siziba, S., & Sadomba, Z. (2019). The impact of innovation on
Minakov, I. A., & Nikitin, A. V. (2019). Agricultural market development: Trends and
prospects. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Rachmat, R., Rahayu, E., Hadipernata, M., & Kim, J. (2019). Effective management
system of rice processing industry in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Su, Y., & Wang, X. (2021). Innovation of agricultural economic management in the
Wu, H., Wu, H., Zhu, M., Chen, W., & Chen, W. (2017). A new method of large-scale
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Figure1. Shows the conceptual framework of the study through input, process and output.
The input contained the basic manual knowledge requirements for the
system wherein the input consisting of the following: manual procedures of purchasing
and selling, business policies, farmer information, product information, sales and
inventory report, cash flow statement. The researchers understand the basic information
needed, analyzed and developed such strategies for the proposed study.
identifying the best solutions to the current manual system in order to recommend the
proposed study. The process contained the following activities and procedures in order
to develop the system. The Agile Software Development Methodology will be used to
The output will be the proposed system entitled “Mobile Buy and Sell
The feedback loops take the system output into consideration with the
end-users, which enables the system to adjust its performance to meet a desired output
Chapter III
conduct the study with the system of development life cycle as basis.
Project Development
Table 1. Shows the hardware requirements needed for the system; this includes
the minimum hardware parts of computer to support the development process of the
Table 2. Shows the software requirements needed to develop the system; this
includes the minimum operating system, front end and backend software as well as the
A. Software
1 Unit Windows 10 3,000.00 3,000.00
B. Hardware
Subtotal: 46,194.00
a given period along with proposals for financing during a period of the study; this
Figure 2. The Gantt chart of the Study
Figure 2. Shows the timeline, tasks and duration of the project and the expected
completion date.
establishment named Faeldonia Buy and Sell Norala, South Cotabato, wherein the
study was conducted as an initial step. The researchers started from identifying the
The researchers found out that the needs to enhance their current system
for buy and sell transactions were very important. The researchers created a project
title, formulated project objectives, scope and project schedules of the project. The
researchers recognized and identified the problems arising in the design and
development of the proposed system entitled Mobile Based Buy and Sell Transaction
Processing System.
The researchers will plan and design interface for administrator to manage
the product information about farmers and farmer’s information and scaler information.
In the development of the system, the researchers came up with the design output of
the proposed study, it has features where it can perform add, edit, delete, update. The
researcher follows its prototype to come up with the feature. The researchers utilized
the PHP5 server-side scripting language as frontend and MySQL5.1 as backend. In the
first objective the system will allow the owner to manage the information input inside the
system to test portion will be conducted on the establishments and some participants of
SKSU students. On the review cycle the system will be tested on its compatibility and
The researchers will design and develop an interface for farmer where
user can register and login with their valid account on the system. After login, the farmer
can view available product and can place an order with this development of the system,
the researchers use the manual method as basis in which the researchers gathered the
information from the current system. It has features where it can perform add, edit,
delete, update. It will be tested after the development of the system; the review phase
The researchers will plan, design and develop an interface where the
administrator will notify farmers purchased product or farmers’ rice crop production. In
this development of the system, it has a feature where the user can search and update
information. The researchers came up with the design prototype of the proposed study
then applied the procedures. In this phase the owner can evaluate the systems
usefulness and its efficiency, the inventory and deliveries data can be managed well
and it can help the owner in terms of decision making. The test phase will be conducted
when the system is now on this stage and be reviewed by the owner and its customer
The researchers will plan, design and develop an interface for where user can
In this development of the system, the researchers use the manual method as
basis in which the researchers gathered the information from the organization.
It has features where it can manage the rice crop sales of the farmer by clicking
those intended deduction to their rice crop production sell of the farmer, wherein it can
perform to send information by clicking send button after they finish the sacks through
identifying the deduction every sacks. The researcher follows its prototype to come up
with the feature. The researchers came up with the design output of the proposed study
The system will be tested by the end-users to ensure the satisfactions of the
system. The researcher will train the end-users how to use the system properly.
Furthermore, the system provides the following generated reports such as list of
products, list of farmers, payment receipt, sales and inventory report, income statement,
statistical reports (monthly) saleable products. The researchers will conduct a series of
testing to check if there’s an error in the system. When the system is already free from
and accuracy to know if it really meets the system requirements. The researchers will
pilot tested the system and will conduct a training procedure with the system users.
Use Case Description
Pre-Conditioned: Product name, product variety, price, must exist.
Sale item must exist
Sale must exist.
Post-Conditioned: Product is created and associated with costs per product.
Actor System
1. Admin fill up the 1.1. System will show
product item add, update, delete
information, amount product
Flow Of Activities: costing each product.
2. Admin could see and 2.1. System will validate
read products. the products also
stored and display
Exceptional Condition: If system error they must addressed manually the products.
Pre-Conditioned: Scaler name, address, and contact number must exist
Post-Conditioned: None
Actor System
1. Admin will enter 1.1. System will save
scaler information. the scaler
Flow Of Activities:
2. Admin could read 2.1. System will display
scaler information scaler information
Exceptional Condition: If system error they must addressed manually the products.
Table.8 Approved/Declined Farmer Production Sell and Purchased Products
Actors: Admin
Related Use Case: None
Pre-Conditioned: Receipts must exist.
Transaction must exist.
Post-Conditioned: Accepting farmer payment will be the end of the transaction
in the buying side of the farmer.
Actor System
1. Admin accepts the 1.1. System will store
farmer payment farmer transaction
Flow Of Activities: payment.
2. Admin could review 2.1. System will display
farmer transaction farmer transaction
payment payment
Exceptional Condition: Payment should be cash-to-cash basis it should not be
though any online banking.
Pre-Conditioned: Farmer’s Information must exist.
Post-Conditioned: List of Farmers
Actor System
1. Admin viewed list of 1.1. System will save
farmers farmer information.
Flow Of Activities:
2. Admin could generate 2.1. System will display
list of farmers farmer information
2. Admin generate sales 2.1. System will display
& inventory sales & inventory
Table. 16 Scaler Manage Rice Crop Sale Information Use Case Description
Table. 17 Farmer Buy and Sell Rice Crop Product Use Case Description
Use Case Name: Farmer Buy and Sell Rice Crop Product
Scenario: Farmer will be starting a transaction either buy or sell
Triggering Events: Farmer should submit select a product base on their
decision and product variety.
Description: In every transaction that the farmer made it associated with
the receipt and a scaler whether it is a selling event of
farmer side.
Actors: Farmer, admin
Related Use Case: None
Pre-Conditioned: Product name, product variety, price and quantity must exist.
Farmer must exist
Scaler must exist.
Post-Conditioned: Transaction has been granted nor approved.
Actor System
1. Farmer enter 1.1. System will verify the
transaction and transaction and
product product
Flow Of Activities:
2. Farmer will be 2.1. System will display
notifying of transaction and
transaction that product
has been allow.
Exceptional Condition: If transaction doesn’t exist, system error, technical error, it
should be addressed manually.
Table. 19 Accept Payment Use Case Description
and Sell
This figure shows between the activity transaction between the administrator,
Activity Diagram
Manage Product
Figure 6. Manage Product
Figure 8. Manage Scaler Information
Accept Farmer Payment
Figure 11. Generate List of Products.
Figure 13. Generate Payment Receipt
Figure 15. Generate Income Statement
Accept Payment
Figure 18. Farmer Buy and Sell Rice Crop Product
Submit Rice Crop Production Sale
Database Schema
The Figure 21 shows the Database Schema for the system. It shows collection of
Class Diagram
The Figure 22 shows the Class Diagram of the system. It shows the relationships
between objects to each other wherein, how they are interconnected with through the
Database Schema Description
tblFarmer This is the tblFarmer where in the farmer will be the one
farmer_id int who transact the buy and sell products whether it can be
farmername varchar buy products nor sell rice crop product.
address varchar
contact varchar
tblScaler This is the tblScaler where in the scaler is present if the
scaler_id int product is being sell by the farmer.
scalername varchar
address varchar
contact varchar
tblAdmin This is the tblAdmin is supposedly manage all the
admin_id int transaction happening in the system every transaction is
transaction_id int being cater by the admin whether it could be buy or sell.
username int Admin is the responsible for all the transaction will may
password varchar do.
tblSell This is the tblSell in this table this was the table wherein
sell_id int the agricultural enterprises sell two (2) different product
milledrice_id int milled rice and rice seedlings associated with their variety
riceseed_id int name for each product.
varietyname varchar
tblmilledrice This is the tblmilledrice in this table it is one of the
milledrice_id int products where the agricultural enterprises sell.
varietyname varchar
price double
quantity double
tblriceseed This is the tblriceseed in this table it is one of the products
riceseed_id int where the agricultural enterprises sell.
varietyname varchar
price double
quantity double
tblbuy This is the tblbuy in this table this was the table wherein
buy_id int the agricultural enterprises buy farmer rice crop
varietyname varchar production sale.
price double
quantity double
tblproduct This is the tblproduct in this table this was the table
product_id int wherein it has buy and sell associated with the products
buy_id int that they want whether it comes from the buy or sell.
sell_id int
productname varchar
productprice double
productquantity double
tblpayment This is the tblpayment in this table for every transaction
payment_id int that it made it should associate with the payment in order
product_id int for the farmer to pay what transaction they did.
farmername varchar
scalername varchar
varietyname varchar
productname varchar
productprice double
productquantity double
date varchar
total double
Tbltransaction This is the tbltransaction for every transaction that has
transaction_id int with it associate with their choices of their product
payment_id int whether it is buy or sell also when it comes to buy it
product_id int associates with the scaler in order for the agricultural
farmer_id int enterprises scale all those farmer rice crop production
scaler_id int sell.
transactiondate varchar
Evaluation Methodology
determines whether the system works properly, meet the objectives and satisfies the
Research Design
The method of research used by the researchers was the descriptive method
of research, because this method describes the present situation base on the
knowing the large of different condition of the present situation of the study.
Methods of Research
This study was the descriptive method of research to evaluate the system’s
users of the system entitled: Mobile Base Buy and Sell Transaction Processing System.
Data Gathering Procedures
This study used a rating scale questionnaire to gather the needed data and
accuracy and effectiveness of the system. It contains questions to evaluate all the
buttons, links, forms, etc. included in the system. It also contains the list of all system
objectives and deliverables that the researchers wanted the computed using the
formula below.
This study used rating scale questionnaire to gather the needed data and
responses in evaluating the system. The final outcome was based on the determined
The researchers utilized this instrument to attain the format of the current system
because it provided the chance to collect information from the respondents who were
This method was also used so that the researchers would obtain knowledge on
how the user react on the system and how to identify problem arising while using it.
Internet Research
Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data
X = Ʃx
X = mean
RATING Interpretation
5 Strongly agree
4 Agree
3 Moderately Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
WM = weighted mean
N = number of respondents
FD = frequency disagree
4.20 – 5.00 Very functional, accurate, accessible