NCDC-Chemistry Sample Assessment Items-S1-S2-2022
NCDC-Chemistry Sample Assessment Items-S1-S2-2022
NCDC-Chemistry Sample Assessment Items-S1-S2-2022
Guidance to Teacher
The end-of-year assessment consists of both short response items and extended response
Short Response Items Require learners to construct a response that is concise and focused. It
may be factual, interpretive or a combination of the two. The short response items focus on
the learner’s mastery of knowledge, understanding and skills used to perform a task or solve a
problem. The scoring guide for these items should include the criteria/indicators for each score
Extended Response Items are derived from an integration of knowledge, understanding and
skills used to perform a task or solve a problem. The integration can cut across topics and
subjects with related concepts. The item must have a context/problem/situation,
instruction/expected output and may include a support/stimulus material. The item should
focus on tasking the learner to provide a solution to a problem. The scoring guide for these
items should include a grid that has relevance, coherence, accuracy and excellence criteria
with their respective indicators.
The emphasis of the test items is to promote higher order thinking skills.
Refer to the teaching syllabus as a guide on what to assess in terms of the skills,
knowledge, values and understanding defined by the intended learning outcomes. Use
the LO(s) to develop test items.
The marking guide should clearly describe what a learner must do to meet the set
criterion as evidence of achievement of the LO(s).
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Section A: 3 items
Section B: 1 item
As a friend to Jimmy who understands the process of charcoal making, write a letter to
advise him on how to make charcoal. (10 Scores)
Section A: Short answer item
The human stomach contains hydrochloric acid with a pH of about 2. The acid helps to kill
any germs in our stomach. However, when the stomach walls produce too much of the acid,
we suffer from stomach pains and heartburn. One way to deal with this problem is to take an
antacid. The main component of antacid is sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Expected Solution
The sodium hydrogen carbonate that is introduced is a weak alkali. When it reacts with the
excess acid in the stomach, it produces a salt (sodium chloride), water, and carbon dioxide gas.
The salt formed is neutral on the body, the gas is breathed out and the water is absorbed by the
body making the person feel better.
Score 3 if learner identifies sodium hydrogen carbonate as an alkaline substance, mentions
the reaction between alkali and acid, products; and indicates that the salt formed is
harmless to the body and person feels better.
Score 2 if learner identifies sodium hydrogen carbonate as an alkaline substance, mentions
the reaction between alkali and acid, products; but does not indicate that the salt formed is
harmless to the body and person feels better.
Score 1 if learner identifies sodium hydrogen carbonate as an alkaline substance only, but
does not mention the reaction between alkali and acid, products; and does not indicate that
the salt formed is harmless to the body and person feels better.
As a friend to Jimmy who understands the process of charcoal making, write a letter to advise
him on how to make charcoal. (10 scores)
Key points to look out for in the letter and the flow of the points in the letter.
Output Basis of Relevance Accuracy coherence Excellence
than 3 points less than 3 less than 3
are related to conditions points in
the procedure and reasons the
making in the letter procedure
charcoal. are correct. are