s.4 Physics Paper 1 Mock Examination - 2924
s.4 Physics Paper 1 Mock Examination - 2924
s.4 Physics Paper 1 Mock Examination - 2924
Paper 1
2 ½ hours
Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes.
This paperconsists of two sections A and B. It has seven examination items.
Section A has three compulsory items.
Section B has two parts; I and II. Answer one item from each part of Section B.
Answer five items in all.
Any additional item9s) answered will not be scored. All answers must be written on the
answer sheets provided.
Where necessary take acceleration due to gravity g = 10 ms-2
Item 1.
A first time nurse was tasked to monitor a newborn baby whom the Doctor had
recommended that the baby be put in an incubator for some time. The nurse noticed that
the cries from the baby were almost inaudible when the baby would be in the incubator
but the cries were more loud when the baby is out of the incubator and wondered why.
One day the nurse picked the baby from the incubator and was with the baby at a distance
of 6.0 m from one of the walls of the hospital when the nurse noticed that the baby's cries
are louder at night and appeared to come in pairs, with one cry heard twice after a time
interval of 0.035 seconds. Curious about the source of the second sound, and wondering
how a small baby could produce such a loud sound the nurse took a closer look at the
baby's mouth using a magnifying glass (convex lens) of focal length 10.0 cm to observe
the baby's open mouth vocal cord which was at a distance of 6.0 cm from the lens.
(a) Describe an experiment to show that sound from the baby’s mouth requires a
material medium to reach the nurse’s ears. (4 scores)
(b) Explain why the baby's cries were louder at night. (2 scores)
(c) Explain why the sound from one baby cry is heard twice, with a delay of
0.035 seconds and calculate the speed of sound. (4 scores)
i) Determine the position and nature of image formed by the magnifying glass.
(6 scores)
ii) Calculate the magnification and power of the lens. (4 scores)
Item 2.
A bodaboda cyclist was involved in a nasty accident and when an Ambulance was called
in, the cyclist in unconscious state was rushed to the nearest hospital. The Doctor in
charge of emergency ward decided to put the bodaboda patient on ECG
(Electrocardiologram) machine to monitor the heart beat and pressure as the doctor
waited for the patient to stabilize during the treatment.
When the patient become stable the Doctor recommended for an x-ray scan to ascertain
the nature of fracture that the cyclist sustained.
Task: Using your knowledge of Physics
(a) With the aid of a labelled diagram, escribe how x-rays are produced in an x-ray
tube. (7 scores)
(b) Explain the dangers of x-rays and give the precaution that must be taken when
dealing with x-rays. (6 scores)
(c) Determine the frequency at which the heart was pumping the blood (heart beat)
from the ECG display below : (3 scores)
Hint :
HORIZONTAL CALIBRATION: Size of each square is equivalent to 18 beats per minute.
VERTICAL CALIBRATION: size of each square is equivalent to pressure of 120mmHg.
(d) Give four differences between cathode rays and x-rays (4 scores)
Item 3.
A group of students from a school went on a 7-day camping trip to a beautiful beach in
another continent during the December holidays. As they gazed up at the night sky using
a telescope, they noticed something fascinating - the shape of the moon changed every
night! They observed that as the moon's shape changed, the ocean tides also changed,
with the water level rising and falling in sync with the moon's phases. As they explored
the night sky, they noticed that different stars shone in different colors - some red, some
yellow, some white. But they couldn't see any stars during the day, no matter how hard
they looked. On their last night, as they were calling home, one of the students saw a
bright fast moving light streak across the sky which some called a shooting star.
(a) Explain why the shape of the moon appeared to be changing. (3 scores)
(b) Describe the connection between the moon's phases and ocean tides. (3 scores)
(f) What was the bright light in the sky that they observed, and what was the small
glowing star that appeared afterwards? (4 scores)
(g) How were the students able to communicate to their parents from a different
continent? (5 scores)
(Answer one item from this part)
Item 4.
A certain man who was good at driving his car was inspired to become a racer. When
he successfully joined a racing company, he was given a new car. He did not like the
design and height of the new car but he accepted it anyways. The new car had a wider
wheel base, it was streamlined, had spoilers at the back. It also had wider tyres and it
was low to the ground.
His old car had a narrow wheel base with narrow tyres and it was well raised from the
ground. He decided to put his new car to a test along a straight road. He started the car
from rest, accelerated uniformly to 50ms−1 in 10 seconds. He then maintained a
constant velocity for 30 seconds and finally retarded uniformly to rest in 5 seconds.
As the driver decelerated; he realized that the forward jerking was minimal. He was
indeed impressed by the driving dynamics of the car.
Task: As a Physics student,
(a) explain to the man why the design of the new car offers better driving dynamics.
(5 scores)
(b) determine the acceleration and deceleration of the new car during the driving test.
(c) determine the total distance covered during the driving test. (4 scores)
(d) Explain why the driver jerks forward during sudden deceleration and how this
jerking can be controlled. (3 scores)
Item 5
On a hot day, an athlete went for jogging and on coming back, was feeling thirsty.
Checking in the fridge for the 1.5 liters of water left in the fridge, had already
turned into ice. He wanted to determine the temperature of the ice but the
thermometer available had a faded scale that could not be read easily. He put the
ice turned water under the sun and its temperature initially at -15 0C changed to
200C after some time.
a) Write a brief scientific report on how the athlete was able to use the thermometer
with a faded scale to measure the temperature of ice. (7 scores)
b) Suggest and give reasons as to which liquid that could have been used in the
thermometer. (3 scores)
c) Sketch the graph to show the variation of the temperature of ice between -150C
and 200C . (3 scores)
d) Explain why the temperature remains constant at some point. (2 scores)
e) Determine the amount of heat absorbed from the sun. (5 scores)
- Density of water = 1000kgm-3
- specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg-1 K -1.
- Specific latent heat of fusion of water = 340000 J kg-1
a) Write a simple scientific report on the investigation the technician could carry out
to determine the resistance of a resistor using an ammeter and a voltmeter.
(5 scores)
b) Find out the current flowing through the series circuit when connected to the 24V
battery. (4 scores)
c) Determine the voltage drops across each light bulb. (3 scores)
d) Discuss the percentage change in current supplied and voltage drop across the 5Ω
bulb if a fourth light bulb with a resistance of 20Ω is added in series to the circuit.
(5 scores)
e) Explain the advantages of having the bulbs connected in parallel instead of series
connection. (3 scores)
Item 7
A group of students visited an electrical power plant while on a study tour. At the power
plant the class was told that electricity is generated at 24 kW and 240V, which is then
transmitted to a factory 10 km away through transmission wires with a total resistance of
0.5Ω. The students were also told that, to reduce energy loss during transmission, the
voltage is stepped up to 4000V using a step-up transformer and then stepped down to
240V using a step-down transformer at the factory. The students wondered why the
electrical power has to be stepped up at the generation station and later be stepped down
at the factory.
Task: As a physics student;
a) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the action of a transformer (6scores)
b) Explain why the actual transformers used are not 100% efficient. (4 scores)
c) Determine the power lost in the transmission lines. (3 scores)
d) Calculate the power that would have been lost if the electricity had been
transmitted directly to the factory at 240V without using transformers. (3 scores)
e) Compare the power losses in (c) and (d) and explain the significance of the
difference and how they can be minimized. (4 scores)