CH 1 Tableau Questions With Step-By-Step Instructions
CH 1 Tableau Questions With Step-By-Step Instructions
CH 1 Tableau Questions With Step-By-Step Instructions
Install Tableau and use the verification key that was emailed to you.
Download the Ch 1 data file and save it to a place on your computer that you can find.
Open Tableau. Click on the “Microsoft Excel” option under the “Connect” menu. Then select the Ch 1 data file that you
First you will see the Data Source page. Note that there are 3 types of data: numbers (#), dates, and text.
Next to the Data Source tab is a tab named “Sheet 1.” Click on that to start working in a sheet. If you need a new sheet,
click on the icon that has a sheet with a +. If you hover over icons and items in Tableau you will usually see a prompt
or expanded description.
To answer these questions, you can follow the step-by-step instructions below. Once you start getting the feel for how
Tableau works you can deviate from the instructions and try things on your own.
1. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Bank” dimension pill onto rows shelf (or double-click on “bank” and it will pop into the rows shelf)
3. The answer will appear ( it’s 3)
2. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Bank” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Foundation Data (Count)” measure pill onto columns shelf
4. The answer will appear (it’s 381)
3. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Bank” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Foundation Data (Count)” measure pill onto columns shelf
4. Sort the data in ascending order (from least to greatest)
5. The answer will appear (it’s PNC)
4. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Payment Date” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto columns shelf
4. The answer will appear
5. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Bank” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Date” dimension pill onto columns shelf
4. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto the chart
5. The answer will appear
6. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Bank” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto the chart
4. The answer will appear
7. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Vendor Name” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto columns shelf
4. Sort the data in descending order (from greatest to least)
5. The answer will appear
8. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Vendor State” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto columns shelf
4. Sort the data in descending order (from greatest to least)
5. The answer will appear
9. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Payment Date” dimension pill onto columns shelf
3. Right click the “Payment Date” dimension pill and select “Month” option that shows both Month and Year
4. Drag “Payment Amount” measure pill onto rows shelf
5. Convert the chart into a line chart to see the largest spike
6. The answer will appear
10. Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Open a new sheet
2. Drag “Vendor Name” dimension pill onto rows shelf
3. Drag “Payment Amount” onto the chart
4. Drag “Payment Date” onto the filters pane and choose the Month and Year you found in Question 9 (December
5. Sort the data in descending order (from greatest to least)
6. The answer will appear