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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude

EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude

Q1. Whose statement is this? Q7. The technique of brainstorming was introduced
Maturation is the “net sum of the gene effects by-
operating in a self-limited life cycle.” (a) Alex Osborn
(a) Gesell
(b) Tony Buzan
(b) Hurlock
(c) Boring (c) Harold palmer
(d) Gates (d) None

Q2. The number of scales in the Differential Aptitude Q8. CLIL stands for-
Test is -
(a) Content and Language Integrated Learning
(a) 2
(b) 4 (b) Computer Learning Inclusive level
(c) 6 (c) Comprehension learning and Integrated Learning
(d) 8 (d) Computer Language and Inclusive Language

Q3. The statement, “The child’s sensibility to absorb Q9. Which difference is not correct about the
language is so great that he can acquire foreign
traditional classroom and constructivist classroom?
languages at this age [birth to three]” is given by-
(a) Maria Montessori (a) Traditional classroom is teacher centred while the
(b) Albert Bandura constructivist classroom is student centred
(c) Ivan Pavlov (b) Students are active recipients of knowledge in
(d) Plato teacher centred classroom while students are passive
recipients of knowledge in a constructivist classroom
Q4. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation helps
to empower teachers in the following ways (c) In a traditional classroom, the teacher's role is
(a) They get pointers on how to improve the directive, rotated in authority while in a constructivist
evaluation procedure classroom, the teacher's role is interactive, rooted in
(b) They can formulate ways to help students master negotiation
competencies (d) In traditional classroom learning is based on
(c) They can select and deploy media such as audio-
repetition, while in a constructivist classroom,
visual aids for teaching in the classroom
(d) All of the above learning is interactive, building on what the student
already knows
Q5. This section of RTE provides for the formulation
of a National Curriculum Framework. Q10. Lesson plan of English for students with
(a) Section 7 (1)
disabilities should be planned based on the following
(b) Section 7 (6)
(c) Section 8 points -
(d) Section 3 (a) The methodology used in teaching English should
be made appropriate for students with special needs
Q6. Section 17 of the RTE Act- (b) The teacher should not plan extra working time
(a) Prohibits any child of being subjected to physical with the child
punishment or mental harassment
(c) The teaching material should be catchy and
(b) Private schools from denial of admission to a child
(c) Both attractive, but also appropriate
(d) None (d) Both (a) & (c)

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q11. How does evaluation help in effective school Q17. 'Learning about self and wisdom of life', is a
administration? definition given to-
(a) a systematic evaluation procedure provides an (a) Inclusive education
objective and comprehensive picture of each pupil’s (b) Value education
progress (c) Basic skills education
(b) Evaluation ensures an appropriate follow-up (d) Integrated education
(c) Evaluation helps to know whether the students Q18. This method allows students to actively
possess the required knowledge and skills to proceed participate in the learning process by talking with
with the instruction each other and listening to others’ opinions.
(d) Evaluation data helps administrators to judge the (a) Lecturing
extent to which the objectives of the schools are being (b) Demonstrating
achieved, to find out the strengths and weaknesses of (c) Collaborating
a curriculum, and arranging special school programs (d) Debating

Q12. In which key areas does UNICEF work to Q19. Who defined that “Psychology is the science of
promote inclusive education? behaviour and experience”?
(a) Advocacy (a) B.F. Skinner
(b) Awareness raising (b) Jean Piaget
(c) Capacity building (c) Lev Vygotsky
(d) All (d) Albert Bandura

Q13. IDEA stands for -

Q20. Which of the following is not included in the four
(a) International development of educational needs
differential approaches to creativity?
(b) Individual differences in educational needs
(a) Product
(c) The individuals with disabilities education Act
(b) Press
(d) Individual disabilities in education act
(c) Power
(d) Person
Q14. According to whom, motivation is the
combination of attempt plus desire to obtain the aim
Q21. Which of the following is a better strategy for
of learning the language plus favorable attitudes
teaching children with special needs?
towards learning the language?
(a)discussion in the classroom involving the
(a) Gardner
(b) Piaget maximum number of students
(c) Chomsky (b) demonstration by teacher involving students
(d) Bruner (c) cooperative learning and peer tutoring
(d) ability grouping for teaching
Q15. PIED stands for -
(a) Project integrated education of the disabled Q22. In a culturally and linguistically diverse
(b) Provide inclusive education to disable classroom, before deciding whether a student comes
(c) Provide integrated education for development under the special education category, a teacher should
(d) Project inclusive education for disabled (a) not involve parents as parents have their own
Q16. LPD stands for - (b) evaluate a student in her/his mother language to
(a) Language Processing Disorder establish a disability
(b) Language Producing Disorder (c) use specialised psychologists
(c) Language Programming Disorder (d) segregate the child to neutralise environmental
(d) Language Proficiency Disorder factor

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q23. What is the purpose of planning aesthetic and Q28. Which of the following is not a suitable measure
cultural activities like music ,dance ,drawing in for better implementation of inclusive education?
school? (a) Inclusive education should be unalterable
(a) to develop cultural awareness and interest (b) A school-based support team should develop
(b) to make the student busy in the classroom strategies for the whole school to meet the needs of
(c) to develop the ability to solve problems learners with special educational needs
(c) Differently abled children should be treated
(d) to enhance skills
equally as the normal children
(d) necessary school supplies such as audio learning
Q24. Which type of approach to learning is sometimes or textbooks in Braille should be made available
referred to as "sage on the stage"?
(a) Teacher centred approach Q29. "Play is the highest expression of human
(b) Learner centred approach development in childhood for it alone is the
(c) High tech approach expression of what is in the child's soul." This
(d) None statement is given by
(a) Maria Montessori
Q25. Learning is a process of actively constructing (b) Froebel
knowledge. Therefore, teachers and administrations (c) Jean Piaget
(d) Vygotsky
have a responsibility to-
(a) create environment and planning experiences that
Q30. According to whom,the child must find the
foster enquiry ,questioning, predicting, exploring etc environment motivating, so he or she is interested in
(b) provide learners with the experiences that are pursuing the available activities. The child will then
actively involved with them and are personally want to conduct his own experiences?
meaningful (a) Montessori
(c) help students see themselves as a separate part of (b) Froebel
the community (c) Dewey
(d) Both (a) & (b) (d) Bandura

Q26. Which one is the social advantage of educational Q31. Why are Presentation skills important in the
resources? classroom while presenting any concept?
(a) To gain knowledge of the world around and
(a) students can connect to the world around them
ignoring the real world skills
through their studies and vice versa, which is an
(b) To communicate thoughts and feelings effectively
important part of learning (c) To develop self confidence
(b) students will become aware of their immediate (d) Both (b) & (c)
(c) Students will be sensitized toward the Q32. Which one of the following is not included among
conservation of their immediate environment the aims for community health education?
(d) All of the above (a) healthy practices in day-to-day living should be
inculcated among children from a very early age
Q27. The children coming from tribal communities do (b) the knowledge about our body and various organs
not feel comfortable in the classroom environment of our body and their functions helps a person to
because- understand the disease, its causes, and common
(a) the socio-cultural climate in which they are born
(c) Practical knowledge should be provided about
and brought up is totally different from that of the
communicable diseases,serious health problems, and
classroom first aid and emergency services
(b) of the competition among the students (d) It should discourage social activities in society
(c) they will be neglected which means people will not gather for any activity in
(d) they are not creative like other children the community

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q33. It is to be remembered while teaching that the Q38. Which of the following pairs is not correctly
understanding of the children with regard to the matched?
concepts, anything, and everything is ______ specific. (a) instinct-emotion : appeal-lust
(a) nature (b) sensorimotor stage : object permanence
(b) age (c) concrete operational stage : understanding
(c) environment conversation
(d) pre-operational stage : understanding past
(d) surrounding
and future

Q34. Which of the following points is not related to Q39. Which one is not a characteristic of children who
Thorndike's theory? have ADHD?
(a) In this theory, more emphasis has been laid on (a) Not easily distracted
reinforcement (b) Does not seem to listen
(b) Habits are formed as a result of repetition (c) Talks excessively
(c) The effects of rewards and punishment also affect (d) Has difficulty paying attention
the learning of the child
(d) Practice leads a man towards maturity Q40. Which of the following does not show the
'teacher' as a main teaching aid in the classroom?
(a) Teacher as a narrator
Q35. The learner knows "whether it is meeting his
(b) Teacher as a model
need, whether it leads towards what he wants to
(c) Teacher as a role player
know, whether it illuminates the dark area of (d) None of the above
ignorance he is experiencing". This statement is
related to which of the elements of experiential Q41. Micro teaching is a practice where the _______
learning by Rogers? concentrate on only one specific skill at a time.
(a) It has a quality of personal involvement (a) Teacher
(b) Self-initiated (b) Trainer
(c) It is evaluated by the learner (c) Trainee
(d) Pervasive (d) Administrator

Q36. How is higher-order thinking important for Q42. Which theorists posit that language
development is a learned behaviour?
(a) Humanistic
(a) It promotes essential skills such as critical thinking
(b) Behaviourist
and problem solving (c) Cognitivist
(b) It involves convergent thinking (d) None
(c) It improves the memorizing power of students
(d) Both (a) and (b) Q43. Behaviourists consider language to be
determined by-
Q37. Consider the following statement (a) Experimentation
I. Democratic classroom is best for the emotional (b) Self discovery
development of the (c) Social interaction
children. (d) Reinforcement
II. Cognition-emotion is shown in being prized for an
Q44. Which of the statements is not correct about the
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) It is the list of contents taught to the students
(a) only I (b) It includes both curricular and extracurricular
(b) only II activities organised in a school or college
(c) both I and II (c) It records all experiences of a learner
(d) neither I nor II (d) It is the program of a school or college activities

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q45. According to whom, education should be in Q52. According to Kohlberg ‘good boy morality’ is
accordance with the needs of our real modern life ? found in this stage -
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (a) Pre - conventional level - stage 1
(b) Aurobindo (b) Pre - conventional level - stage 2
(c) Tagore (c) Conventional level - stage 3
(d) None (d) Conventional level - stage 4

Q46. A child's Ability to understand and to be Q53. An example of an individual test of intelligence is
understood is paramount for - -
(a) Good mental health (a) Army alpha test
(b) Socialization (b) Army beta test
(c) Depression (c) Raven’s standard progressive matrices
(d) Both (a) & (b) (d) Wechsler Intelligence scale for children

Q47. Which one is not a teacher's role in developing Q54. Unable to answer the questions in an interview a
literacy among children? person started weeping like a child. This is an example
(a) Organising fun activities that require of the defense mechanism -
memorization (a) Identification
(b) Using riddles, chants and nursery rhymes (b) Displacement
(c) Encourage interaction amongst the children (c) Regression
(d) Repression
(d) Discussion of stories, the plot and the characters
Q55. If the previous learning inhibits the recall of the
Q48. The CCE scheme was envisaged by -
present learning, then it is called -
(a) Proactive inhibition
(b) Retroactive inhibition
(c) CBSE
(c) Deja vu
(d) None
(d) Repression
Q49. For a child, learning can be facilitated in the best
Q56. The author of the book ‘The Mentality of Apes’ is-
way by
(a) Thorndike
(a) providing freedom to make friends as the child
(b) Kohler
wishes (c) Pavlov
(b) giving consideration and weightage to the emotion (d) Skinner
and opinion of the child
(c) subjecting the child to strict discipline and rules Q57. In participatory leadership -
(d) allowing leisure time to play and to recreate (a) There is no freedom for members to question
decisions made by the leader
Q50. Human personality is the result of (b) Leader will give importance to the opinions of
(a) only heredity members in taking decisions
(b) upbringing and education (c) Leader is a dictator
(c) interaction between heredity and environment (d) All the members act as leaders
(d) only environment
Q58. “Development is the complex process of
Q51. According to Piaget, the limitation in children integrating different structures and functions”. This
during the intuitive period is - statement is stated by -
(a) Object permanence (a) Anderson
(b) Animism (b) Craig
(c) Ego-centrism (c) Galton
(d) Lack of concept of irreversibility (d) Watson

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q59. The theory of transfer of learning proposed by Q66. ‘Motivation and personality’ book is written by-
Charles Judd is - (a) Maslow
(a) Theory of identical elements (b) Pavlov
(b) Theory of generalization (c) Skinner
(c) Theory of ideals (d) Thorndike
(d) Theory of transposition
Q67. Who is the father of Constructivism?
Q60. In NCF 2005 Institutional reforms were (a) Frobel
(b) Jerome Bruner
discussed in this chapter -
(c) Jean Piaget
(a) Chapter - 2
(d) Vygotsky
(b) Chapter - 3
(c) Chapter - 4 Q68. A Checklist is the …………technique used in
(d) Chapter - 5 Guidance and Counseling.
(a) Observational
Q61. According to Erickson, the psychosocial critical (b) Introspective
situation faced by the children during play age is - (c) Projective
(a) Trust Vs Mistrust (d) Socio-metric
(b) Autonomy Vs Doubt
(c) Industry Vs Inferiority Q69. The book ‘School and Society’ is written by-
(d) Initiative Vs Guilt (a) Jean Piaget
(b) John Dewey
Q62. Ravi neither wants to do his homework nor (c) Albert Bandura
wants to get scolded by his teacher. The conflict in (d) Lev Vygotsky
Ravi is -
(a) Approach - Approach Q70. Who is the author of the book, A dynamic theory
(b) Avoidance - Avoidance of personality?
(a) Kurt Lewin
(c) Approach - Avoidance
(b) Allport
(d) Double Approach - Avoidance
(c) Freud
(d) Eysenck
Q63. In Pavlov’s experiment ‘food’ is a -
(a) Conditioned stimulus Q71. The trait theory of personality is given by-
(b) Unconditioned stimulus (a) Eysenck
(c) Conditioned response (b) Allport
(d) Unconditioned response (c) Sternberg
(d) Binet
Q64. Who has given the term learning disability?
(a) Samuel Kirk Q72. The theory of sign learning belongs to-
(b) Montessori (a) Golman
(c) Lewis term an (b) Tolman
(d) Wertheimer (c) Skinner
(d) Pavlov
Q65. An adolescent’s attempt to emancipate him/her
Q73. Meier - Seashore Art judgment test is used to
from parental control and supervision is called-
measure -
(a) Symptomatic of the normal course of growing up
(a) Aesthetic Aptitudes
(b) To attain freedom and enjoy (b) Scholastic Aptitudes
(c) To obtain complete personal independence (c) Vocational Aptitudes
(d) poor parent-child relationship (d) General Aptitudes

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q74. Modeling is based on: Q81. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
(a) Classical Conditioning Theory Emotion?
(b) Social Cognitive Theory 1. Human emotion involves physiological arousal,
(c) Operant Conditioning Theory expressive behavior, and conscious experience’.
(d) Trial and Error Theory 2. Feelings are a necessary requirement for the
emergence of emotions.
Q75. The kindergarten system of education was 3. Emotions are subjective.
contributed by ____________.
(a) Only 1&2
(a) T. P. Nunn
(b) Only 2&3
(b) Spencer
(c) Froebel (c) Only 3&1
(d) Montessori (d) All of these

Q76. According to Heather’s ‘Many levels of inquiry’ Q82. Which of the following are the causes of
theory, the third level of inquiry learning is - Emotional stress in learners?
(a) Confirmation inquiry 1. Vocational Challenges
(b) Structured inquiry 2. Poor physical health
(c) Guided inquiry 3. Social and economic health
(d) True inquiry (a) Only 1&2
(b) Only 2&3
Q77. The first stage in Erickson’s eight Psychosocial (c) Only 3&1
developmental stages is - (d) All of these
(a) Trust Vs Mistrust
(b) Initiative Vs Guilt
Q83. The Contiguity Theory of learning is given by-
(c) Industry Vs Inferiority
(a)Edwin Guthrie
(d) Autonomy Vs Shame
(b)Kurt Lewin
Q78. Which of the following is not a characteristic of (c)Tolman
multigrade teaching? (d)Jean Piaget
(a) One teacher teaches simultaneously in more than
one class Q84.This law explains that the distribution of one
(b) The teacher gives tasks in one class and teaches in genetic trait does not influence the distribution of
the other class other traits. This statement relates to which of the
(c) The teacher teaches in both the classes serially following law-
(d) While teaching in one class maintains discipline in 1. Law of independent assortment
the other class through the monitor 2. Law of segregation and dominance
(a) Only 1
Q79. The word ‘Psychology’ is derived from _________ (b) Only 2
words. (c) Both of these
(a) Latin
(d) None of these
(b) Greek
(c) Spanish
(d) None Q85. "Why might some people choose to immigrate to
Brazil rather than the United States?" This question is
Q80. Which of the following is not relevant to an example of which cognitive process dimension in
Educational Psychology for Teachers? Bloom’s revised taxonomy?
(a) To know the learner (a) Understand
(b) To grade the learner (b) Apply
(c) To understand effective methods of teaching (c) Evaluate
(d) To understand individual differences (d) Analyse

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q86. Which of the following processes refers to Q93. According to Mayer and Salovey, which of the
researching the functioning of the mind? following processes is not an aspect of emotional
(a) Intellectual rationing intelligence?
(b) Mind reading (a) Understanding
(c) Mind mapping
(b) Construction
(d) Intellectual mapping
(c) Management
Q87. Match the following, according to the child’s age– (d) Perception
1. Up to 2 years A. 272 words Q94. John says, “Please pass the salt.”, Ralph passes
2. Up to 2.5 years B.450 words the salt. “Thank you,” says John. John’s request
3. Up to 3 years C.1000 words precedes a behaviour (salt passing) which is
4. Up to 3.5 years D.1250 words
reinforced (“Thank you”); thus, the request is
(a) 1-A,2-B,3-C,4-D
(b) 1-C,2-A,3-C,4-B analogous to a
(c) 1-D,2-B,3-A,4-C (a) discriminative stimulus
(d) 1-B,2-C,3-D,4-A (b) response
(c) positive reinforcer
Q88. Guilford and his associates were working in a (d) conditioned stimulus (CS).
psychological laboratory at the University of __________.
(a) London
Q95. As a teacher, you should adopt which of the
(b) America
following techniques to motivate students in the
(c) California
(d) Boston classroom?
(a) Rewards and punishment
Q89. Thurston is a psychologist from- (b) Child-centered approach
(a) German (c) Use of effective methods, aids, and devices in the
(b) America teaching process
(c) China (d) All of the above
(d) India

Q90. In the Constitution of India, education is included Q96. Which of the following methods is most suitable
in the- for learning disabled children?
(a) Union List (a) Brain storming
(b) State List (b) Remedial teaching
(c) Zila Parishad list (c) Behaviour guidance method
(d) Concurrent list (d) None of the above

Q91. Which subject was recommended as the centre

point in place of handicraft by Kothari Commission in Q97. The steps of the evaluation process are given in
Basic Education? jumbled form as below. Select the correct alternative
(a) Factories showing precise arrangement –
(b) Cottage Industries 1. Formulation of objectives
(c) Work Experience 2. Clarifying and defining of objectives
(d) None of these 3. Devising a suitable assessment procedure
4. Evaluating the outcomes
Q92. One of the most popular forms of drill and
5. Developing appropriate learning experiences
practice is-
(a) Questioning (a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(b) Direction instruction (b) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4
(c) Experiential instruction (c) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
(d) None of the above (d) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q98.Chosse the appropriate sentence for the Q103. When was the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan launched
autonomous morality -? in India?
1. Children are now able to appreciate the significance (a) 2001
of subjective facts and of internal responsibility (b) 2004
2. People make rules and people can change them (c) 2006
(a) Only 1 (d) 2007
(b) Only 2
(c) All of these Q104. According to whom, 'Community' also plays a
(d) None of these central role in the process of making meaning and
Q99.Piaget proposes that preoperational children are (a) Jean Piaget
unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to (b) Vygotsky
which one of the following factors? (c) Pavlov
(a) Irreversibility of thought (d) Chomsky
(b) Inability of hypothetic co deductive reasoning
(c) Personal fable Q105. Principles of constructivism include-
(d) Lack of high-level abstract reasoning (a) Knowledge is constructed, rather than innate, or
passively absorbed
Q100. ‘Enuresis’ in a child of above 5 years is a - (b) Learning is an active process
(a) cognitive disorder (c) All knowledge is socially constructed
(b) behavioural problem (d) All of the above
(c) normal behaviour
Q106. To address students with dysgraphia, teachers
(d) None of the above
(a) Use oral exams
Q101. Which one is the correct difference between
(b) Scold them for careless work
teacher-centred approach and learner centred
(c) Don't allow the use of a note taker
(d) Provide a quiet area for activities
(a) In teacher centred approach, the teacher is a
facilitator and she works with the students while in
Q107. The inclusive education system views that if a
learner centred approach, the teacher passes
child is not learning,
information and students learn by rote memorization (a) the problem lies in the disabled child and not in the
(b) In teacher centred approach, learning is passive education system
while in learner centred approach active learning (b) the problem lies in the education system and not
takes place in the disabled child
(c) Teacher centred approach is based on the (c) he must need remedial classes
engagement of students through different activities (d) teachers should talk to the parents of student
while learner centred approach is based on the
delivery of information Q108. What is the vocabulary of children up to three
(d) All of the above years?
(a) 10-12 words
Q102. Which of the following statements does not (b) 272 words
mean Inclusion? (c) 900-1000 words
(a) No student is excluded based on type or degree of (d) 3-4 words
(b) Placing students with disabilities into general Q109. It is a set of related contents which are largely
education classrooms without careful planning and part of a subject curriculum to be completed in a
adequate support specified time frame.
(c) All members of the school promote cooperative (a) Pedagogy
and collaborative teaching arrangements (b) Syllabus
(d) All students receive an education that addresses (c) Activities
their individual needs (d) Lesson plan

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q110. 'Thought and Language' is a book by- Q117. Repetition of the activity makes the student
(a) Jean Piaget retain the activity for a longer period.
(b) Noam Chomsky This statement talks about which law of trial and error
(c) Howard Gardener theory given by Thorndike?
(d) Lev Vygotsky (a) Law of exercise
(b) Law of effect
Q111. The characteristic which should rate the same (c) Law of readiness
candidate at the same scores if he is examined by the (d) Law of multiple responses
same or different examiners at the same or different
times is- Q118. Discovery learning takes place in-
(a) Validity (a) Critical thinking
(b) Reliability (b) Problem-solving
(c) Practicability (c) Project making
(d) Objectivity (d) Assignment completion

Q112. It is the test that assesses the ability or potential Q119. Learners who learn best through feeling and
of the students in performing a certain task without
touching are _________.
any training.
(a) Visual learners
(a) Achievement test
(b) Auditory learners
(b) Aptitude test
(c) Kinesthetic learners
(c) Proficiency test
(d) Tactile learners
(d) Diagnostic test

Q113. These tests measure the skills and knowledge Q120. Which one is an intrinsic reward for a learner?
learned at a particular grade or class. (a) Good test scores
(a) Diagnostic test (b) Ability to interact with different learners
(b) Proficiency test (c) Better relationships
(c) Achievement test (d) Sense of confidence
(d) Aptitude test
Q121. Who argued that children learn language based
Q114. 'Language and thought of the child' is a book by- on behaviourist reinforcement principles by
(a) Harold Palamar associating words with meanings?
(b) Noam Chomsky (a) Thorndike
(c) Stephen Krashen (b) Skinner
(d) Jean Piaget (c) Piaget
(d) Vygotsky
Q115. Which was the first commission on education
after independence? Q122. Which chapter of the Right to Education Act
(a) Education Commission 2009, talks about the right to free and compulsory
(b) University education commission education?
(c) Secondary education commission (a) One
(d) Official language commission (b) Two
(c) Three
Q116. According to whom, "True education of the (d) Four
intellect can only come through a proper exercise and
training of bodily organs, hands, feet, eyes, ears, and Q123. Which section of RTE includes the topic 'no
nose"? denial of admission'?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Section 11
(b) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Section 12
(c) Rabindranath Tagore (c) Section 13
(d) None (d) Section 15

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q124. Which stage involves the encoding and storage Q131. A teacher collects and reads the work of a class,
of information? then plans to adjust the next lesson to meet students’
(a) Symbolic needs. He/she is doing
(b) Iconic (a) assessment of learning
(c) Enactive (b) assessment as learning
(d) None (c) assessment for learning
(d) assessment at learning
Q125. Students of high ability are often referred to as-
(a) Special students Q132. Teachers who work under school-based
(b) Gifted students assessment-
(c) Intelligent students (a)are overburdened because they need to take
(d) Specific students frequent tests besides Monday tests
(b)need to assign project work in each subject to
Q126. Which section of RTE Act mentions that no individual students
teacher shall engage himself in private tuition or (c)observe students minutely on a daily basis to assess
private teaching activity? their values and attitudes
(a) Section 22 (d)feel a sense of ownership for the system
(b) Section 24
(c) Section 28 Q133. Multiple choice questions assess the child’s
(d) Section 30 ability to-
(a) construct the correct answer
Q127. Which section of RTE Act mentions the (b) explain the correct answer
Prohibition of physical punishment and mental (c) recognise the correct answer
harassment of children? (d) recall the correct answer
(a) Section 11
(b) Section 12 Q134. Errors of learners often indicate-
(c) Section 14 (a) how they learn
(d) Section 17 (b) socio-economic status of the learners
(c) the need for a mechanical drill
Q128. Alternative means of assessment required the (d) absence of learning
learners to ______ real-world contexts or simulations.
(a) create Q135. An area of individual differences is-
(b) perform (a) gender difference
(c) produce (b) body structure
(d) All of the above (c) mental abilities
(d) all of these
Q129. CLCC stands for-
(a) Creating Learning Communities for Children Q136. We all differ in terms of our intelligence,
(b) Creating Learner Competence Curriculum motivation, interest etc. This principle refers to
(c) Curriculum Learning and Computer Competency (a) individual differences
(d) Criterion Learning and Computer Learning (b) theories of intelligence
(c) heredity
Q130. It is the level of development that learners have (d) environment
already reached, and can attempt any activity
independent of any help. Q137. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Zone of proximal development (a) Gender is based on social norms
(b) Level of actual development (b) Gender roles cannot be modified
(c) Scaffolding (c) Gender not biological
(d) Assimilation (d) Gender roles are acquired

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q138. Which of the following things is normally Q144.Growth refers to, an increase in –
learned during the socialization process? 1. Size
(a) The roles we are to play in life 2. Length
(b) The culture’s norms 3. Height
(c) The language of the people around us (a) Only 1
(d) All of the above (b) Only 2
(c) Only 3
Q139. In Non-Directive counseling …………is the (d) All of these
person who leads the conversation -
(a) Client
Q145. The Kothari Commission (Indian Education
(b) Teacher
Commission) was established in the year -
(c) Counselor
(a) 1960
(d) Parents
(b) 1962
(c) 1964
Q140. One of the Directive-counseling’s
disadvantages is that the client is ……….. (d) 1966
(a) Dependent
(b) Independent Q146. The post-active phase of teaching, involves
(c) Interdependent which activities of a teacher?
(d) Interrelated (a) Analyzing the result
(b) Ask the questions from the learners
Q141. Which thinker defined environment as (c) Measures the behavior of the pupils
“anything immediately surrounding an object and (d) All of the above
exerting a direct influence on it”?
(a) Ann Nastase Q147. In the Pre-Active phase of teaching, planning of
(b) Holland and Douglas …….is carried over.
(c) P Gisbert (a) Teaching
(d) EJ Ross (b) Revising
(c) Learning
Q142. To which of the following statement can the (d) Evaluating
role of heredity and environment be linked?
(a) Role of the environment is static while heredity Q148. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of
changes learning, the process by which the cognitive structure
(b) Behavioral theories are related to heredity
is modified is called-
(c) Comparative effects of heredity and environment
(a) Assimilation
differ in many areas of human development
(b) Schema
(d) None of the above
(c) Perception
Q143.Development perspective of teaching demands (d) Accommodation
teachers to-
(a) Adapt instructional strategies based on knowledge Q149. While viewing children as active seekers of
of developmental factors knowledge emphasized the influence of social &
(b) Treat children in different developmental stages in cultural content on their thinking, who gave this
an equitable manner theory-
(c) Provide learning that results in the development of (a) Lev Vygotsky
only the cognitive domain (b) Jean Piaget
(d) Be strict disciplinarians as children experiment (c) Kohlberg
quite frequently (d) John Watson

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q150.According to Vygotsky Social constructivism is- Q156. This stage is also called as Preschool Age -
(a) Acquiring new knowledge based on the learners’ (a) Infant stage
experience and cooperation with others (b) Babyhood
(b) Acquiring new knowledge during classroom (c) Early childhood
transaction (d) Late childhood
(c) Acquiring new knowledge based on the learner’s
previous knowledge Q157. The IQ of idiots is -
(d) Acquiring new knowledge reading supplementary (a) < 25
books (b) between 26 - 49
(c) between 50 - 70
Q151. “Thinking is a mental activity in its cognitive
(d) between 70 - 89
Whose definition of thinking is this one?
Q158. Which of the following test is used to determine
(a) Warren
thought disorders especially when the subjects are
(b) Ross
(c) Valentine reluctant to share their thinking processes?
(d) Skinner (a) Raven's test
(b) Rorschach inkblot test
Q152. The learning in which, the teacher makes (c) Differential ability scale
students learn by themselves by putting problems and (d) Wechsler Individual Achievement test
questions before them to provoke thoughts and allow
brainstorming is, - Q159.Which test has a broad sampling of topics as
(a) Problem-solving learning strength?
(b) Social learning (a) Objective test
(c) Inquiry based learning (b) Short answer
(d) Instrumental learning (c) Essay type
(d) Problem type
Q153. The method in which information is obtained
from the same person selected for study is, - Q160. The lexical meaning of intelligence is -
(a) Longitudinal method (a) The power of learning
(b) Experimental method (b) The capacity to acquire knowledge
(c) Observation method (c) The capacity to apply knowledge
(d) Introspection method (d) Both b & c

Q154. According to L.M. Terman intelligence is -

Q161. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
(a) Ability to change his behaviour towards the
an adjusted person?
achievement of the goal
(a) Maturity
(b) Abstract thinking ability
(c) Ability to adapt to the physical and social (b) Delusions
environment (c) Emotionally balance
(d) Person’s innate ability to develop interpersonal (d) Decision maker
Q162. This type of conflict happens among individuals
Q155. Remedial teaching is also known as: within a group-
(a) Microteaching (a) Intragroup
(b) Corrective teaching (b) Intergroup
(c) Compensatory teaching (c) Interpersonal
(d) Both B. and C. (d) Intrapersonal

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q163. RTE Act, 2009 prohibits- Q168. Which characteristic is seen among backward
(a) Free education learners?
(b) Compulsory education (a) Ability to analyse
(c) Capitation fee (b) Objective - based behaviour
(d) None (c) Desire for vocation of repute
(d) Inability to express ideas

Q164. What is the name of chapter IV of The Right of

Q169. The unfolding of the inborn, innate abilities of a
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, person along with age is called -
2009? (a) Growth
(a) Duties of appropriate Government (b) Development
(b) Responsibilities of schools and teachers (c) Maturation
(c) Protection of Rights of Children (d) Readiness
(d) Miscellaneous
Q170. Stanley Hall identified this stage as ‘emotionally
Q165. The normal distribution curve of different instable’ -
(a) Babyhood
mental traits of individuals is given below. What type
(b) Childhood
of individuals' mental traits does it indicate?
(c) Adolescence
(d) Old age

Q171. The concept of ‘Emotional intelligence’ was

proposed by . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Alfred Binet
(b) Daniel Golman
(a) Individuals of the same intelligence
(c) Howard Gardner
(b) Individuals of low intelligence (d) Spearman
(c) Individuals of high intelligence
(d) Individuals of different intelligence Q172. The aim to reach a higher level of goals is
related to . . . . . . . . .
Q166. Which is placed at the top of Dell's cone of (a) Learning styles
experience? (b) Aspiration
(a) Motion picture (c) Readiness
(b) Still picture (d) Achievement motivation
(c) Verbal symbol
Q173. In the experiment ‘The influence of homework
(d) Visual symbol on student’s achievement’, the independent variable
Q167. Study the following statements and choose the (a) Students’ achievement
correct answer. (b) Homework
(i) Both normal and disabled children study in special (c) Arrival of relatives to the house
schools. (d) No independent variable
(ii) Disabled children of a particular category study in
special schools. Q174. This is not related to Learning Theories of
Association -
(a) (i) correct, (ii) wrong
(a) Insightful learning
(b) (i) wrong. (ii) correct (b) Operant conditioning
(c) (i) and (ii) correct (c) Classical conditioning
(d) (i) and (ii) wrong (d) Trial and Error learning

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q175. ‘Egocentrism’ exists in this cognitive Q182. As a teacher who firmly believes in the social
developmental stage of Piaget - constructivist theory of Lev Vygotsky,
(a) Pre - operational which of the following methods would you prefer for
(b) Concrete - operational assessing your students?
(c) Sensory - motor (a) Standardized tests
(d) Formal operational (b) Fact-based recall questions
(c) Collaborative projects
Q176. The Concept of Programmed Learning was (d) Objective multiple-choice type questions
given by-
Q183. The creative learner refers to one who is-
(a) Hull
(a) Very talented in drawing
(b) Thorndike
(b) Low intelligent
(c) Skinner
(c) Good at lateral thinking and problem solving
(d) Watson
(d)Capable of scoring consistently good marks in tests

Q177. The self-concept of children related to- Q184. Creative answers require-
(a) Adolescence (a) Content based questions
(b) Maturity (b) Open-ended questions
(c) Childhood (c) A highly disciplined classroom
(d) Early Childhood (d) Direct teaching and direct questions

Q178. In which of the following periods does physical Q185. A child's attitude 'i do not care' is a type of
growth and development occur at a rapid pace? behaviour which can be called-
(a) Infancy and early childhood (a) Aggression
(b) Early childhood and middle childhood (b) Defence
(c) Middle childhood and adolescence (c) Denial
(d) Adolescence and adulthood (d) Retrogression

Q179. Which of the following is the correct sequence Q186. According to the Right of Children to Free and
in The learning environment? Compulsory Education Act, 2009 teachers cannot be
(a) Attention, Interest, Memory deployed for-
(b) Memory, Attention, Interest (a) Pulse polio programme
(c) interest, Attention, Rote Learning (b) Population relief duties
(c) Duties relating to Budge
(d) Rote Learning, Interest, Attention
(d) Decennial population census
Q180. Thinking processes in children are not based
Q187. Difficulty in and making v the difference
between f sound; for letters m and n is a learning
(a) Manifestation
difficulty related to-
(b) Imitation
(a) perception
(c) Logic and reasoning (b) Metacognition
(d) Perception (c) attention
(d) All of these.
Q181. Thought patterns of children are ……..
(a) Confused in the sensory-motor and pre- Q188. Dance, drama & art are used for-
operational stages of development (a) development of specific traits
(b) Similar to those of adults (b) moulding personality
(c) Not expressed at all (c) an outlet for blocked and intolerable drives
(d) Different from those of adults (d) all of these.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
Q189. A balanced personality is one in which- Q195. Any activity in a reinforcement hierarchy is
(a) balance is established between ld, Ego and reinforced by an activity above it in the hierarchy and
Superego may reinforce any activity below principle was
developed by-
(b) balance is established between id and Ego
(a) Thorndike
(c) balance is established between Ego and Superego (b) J. Rotter
(d) balance is established between Id and Superego (c) A.J. Premack
(d) C. Rogers
Q190. In summative evaluation, the purpose is to -
(a) know the progress to the next Evaluation of Q196. According to Bandura, four factors are more
crucial to observational learning. Which is the right
sequence of these four factors?
(b) facilitate learning and not assign grades Diagnoses (a) Attention, Reinforcement, production process,
(c) discover such a student who is having difficulty in retention
keeping up with the rest of the students (b) Reinforcement, retention, attention, production
(d)find out how well a student has performed over process
time and at a variety of tasks. (c) Production process, retention, attention,
(d) Attention, retention, production process,
Q191. Verbal skills are generally acquired through- motivation
(a) Trial and error learning
(b) Memorising Q197. The law of perfectionism is-
(c) skill learning (a) symmetry
(b) proximity
(d) Both (A) and (B)
(c) structural
(d) All of the above
Q192. A child who studies for the sake of earning a
scholarship is an example of- Q198. A parent was encouraging her Eight-year-old
(a) Intrinsically motivated person Son to repeatedly climb up and grab the toy by placing
(b) Negative motivated person an attractive toy on a small table. What development
was this parent inspiring for the Boy child?
(c) Extrinsically motivated person
(a) Cognation
(d) All of the above. (b) Intellectual
(c) Gamer
Q193. William Mc Dougall - (d) Social
(a) Criticised the notion of purposive behaviour
(b) Criticised the stimulus-response mode of thought Q199. According to whom is the ideal period of
learning infancy?
(c) Aligned himself with the arguments of Thorndike
(a) Watson
(d) Initiated the work that eventually led to Pavlov's (b) Valentine
theories (c) Ross
(d) Fraud
Q194. Punishment is most effective as an aid to
learning when used- Q200. At what stage do external changes take place in
boys and girls?
(a) At the beginning of a series of trials
(a) Sensory Age
(b) At the end of a series of trials (b) Later childhood
(c) In combination with a reward (c) pre adolescence
(d) To extinguish the next rewarded responses (d) Adulthood.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S1. Ans.(a) S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. The above statement is given by Gesell. Arnold Sol. CLIL is an approach of learning of subject
Lucius Gesell was an American knowledge through other language i.e. English and
psychologist, pediatrician and professor at Yale learning English with the help of the contents of the
University known for his research and contributions language subject. It also means to integrate language
to the fields of child hygiene and child development. and subject content learners in an integrated manner.

S2. Ans.(d) S9. Ans.(b)

Sol. There are several aptitude tests on the market, Sol. In Traditional classrooms, teachers disseminate
and the one chosen is called the Differential Aptitude information to students and students are recipients of
Test. This test covers several scales including, Verbal passive learning. In a Constructivist classroom,
Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Abstract reasoning, teachers have a dialogue with students, helping
Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, Mechanical
students construct their own learning actively.
Reasoning, Space Relations, Spelling, and Language
S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Students with special educational needs also
S3. Ans.(a)
should learn English besides the other lessons. The
Sol. This statement is given by Maria Montessori in
1946. English lesson should be very interactive; emphasis
must be placed on singing, playing, dancing ,drawing.
S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. Teachers can formulate ways to help students S11. Ans.(d)
master competencies in which the students are failing Sol. Evaluation also helps in decisions concerning
behind through planned remedial steps admission, grouping and promotion of the students.
They can select and deploy media such as audio visual Evaluation data helps in research areas like
aids for teaching in the classroom, especially subjects comparative study of different curricular,
which cannot be understood purely with theoretical effectiveness of different methods, effectiveness of
learning. different organisational plans etc

S5. Ans.(b) S12. Ans.(d)

Sol. Section 7(6) Sol. Four key areas are-
provides for the formulation of a national curriculum • Advocacy- UNICEF promotes inclusive education
framework. The central government has notified the in discussions ,high level events and other forms
NCERT as the designated authority for this purpose. of outreach geared towards policymakers and the
general public
S6. Ans.(c) • Awareness raising- UNICEF shines a spotlight on
Sol. Section 17 prohibits any child being subjected to the needs of children with disabilities by
physical punishment or mental harassment. Physical conducting Research and hosting roundtables,
punishment and mental trauma are
workshops and other events for government
counterproductive, and may cause a child to become
even more defiant and rebellious than before.
• Capacity building- UNICEF built the capacity of
education systems in partner countries by training
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. The technique of brainstorming was introduced teachers ,administrators and communities and
by Alex Osborn, an American writer and creativity providing technical assistance to government
theorist. Brainstorming is a group creativity technique • Implementation support- UNICEF assist with
by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a monitoring and evaluation in partner countries to
specific problem by gathering a list of ideas close the implementation gap between policy and
spontaneously contributed by its members. practice

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S13. Ans.(c) S22. Ans.(b)
Sol. IDEA ensures that all children with disabilities are Sol. In a culturally and linguistically diverse
entitled to a free appropriate public education to meet classroom, before deciding whether a student comes
their unique needs and prepare them for further under special education category, a teacher should
education, employment and independent living. evaluate student on her/his mother language to
establish disability.
S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. It is said by Howard Gardner. S23. Ans.(a)
Sol. The purpose of these activities are-
To develop
S15. Ans.(a)
• Understanding of cultural heritage and tradition
Sol. PIED 1986- project integrated education of the
• Similarity with cultural elements and Ethos
disabled. It was a joint venture with the MHRD and
• Cultural taste
UNICEF. It was made to meet the special needs of
• Cultural awareness and interest
children with physical and intellectual disabilities.
• Aesthetic sensibility
S16. Ans.(a)
S24. Ans.(a)
Sol. LPD stands for Language processing disorder. It is
Sol. Teachers serve as instructors who deliver
a type of auditory processing disorder. A person with
knowledge to their students through lectures and
LPD finds it difficult to attach meaning to sound.
direct instruction, and aim to measure the results
through testing and assessment. This method is
S17. Ans.(b) sometimes referred to as "sage on the stage".
Sol. Definition of value education is,'learning about
self and wisdom of life', is a self explanatory, S25. Ans.(d)
systematic and scientific way through formal Sol. Teachers and administrators should engage
education. learners in experiences that encourage their personal
construction of knowledge, for example, hands on,
S18. Ans.(c) minds on science and maths ,drama ,creative
Sol. Collaboration establishes a personal connection movement ,artistic representation, writing and talking
between students and the topic of study and it helps to learn.
students think in a less personally biased way.
S26. Ans.(d)
S19. Ans.(a) Sol. A teacher uses a number of resources in her
Sol. B.F. Skinner defined, “Psychology is the science of classroom which helped her to achieve aims.
behaviour and experience” These also have social advantages too which are
mentioned above.
S20. Ans.(c) S27. Ans.(a)
Sol. It is noticed that children coming from tribal
Sol. The four differential approaches to creativity are-
communities do not feel comfortable in the classroom
• Person approach
environment because the social cultural climate in
• Process approach
which they are born and brought up is totally different
• Product approach from that of the classroom or school.
• Press approach
S28. Ans.(a)
S21. Ans.(c) Sol. As a system, inclusive education should be
Sol. A better strategy for teaching children with flexible. Its flexibility must be reflected in the methods
special needs is cooperative learning and peer and materials used to give these children the widest
tutoring. possible access to the regular curriculum.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S29. Ans.(b) S36. Ans.(a)
Sol. Froebel, often called the father of kindergarten, Sol. Higher order thinking skills are critical
stated that statement. A well-designed environment interpretations and demonstrate high levels of insight
allows children to participate in in-depth play and sophistication in their thinking. They are
opportunities. important aspects in teaching and learning. Thinking
skills is associated with learning process
S30. Ans.(a)
Sol. Montessori stressed that the environment needs S37. Ans.(c)
to liberate the spirit, promote independence, allow Sol. both I and II
activity, and beautiful ,safe and orderly. It is necessary
S38. Ans.(a)
that the environment be orderly to prevent children
Sol. Instinct-emotion : appeal-lust
from wasting their energy seeking materials
S39. Ans.(a)
S31. Ans.(d) Sol. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Sol. Presentation skills help create innovative ideas characteristics
when students come up with creative and interesting ● Difficulty following directions
slides to illustrate their talk. The more they will talk ● Talks excessively
,the more they will learn. ● Easily distracted
● Does not seem to listen
S32. Ans.(d) ● Has difficulty paying attention
Sol. It never stops people from socializing. All persons ● Has difficulty remaining seated
can be a part of social activities with precautions of
their safety S40. Ans.(d)
Community health is a medical speciality that focuses Sol. There are many ways to teach in classroom using
on the physical and mental well-being of the people in teacher as a main teaching aid
a specific geographic region. ● Teacher as a model in classroom
The importance of health education impacts many ● Teacher as a narrator
areas of wellness within a community. ● Teacher as a mother
● Teacher as a presenter
S33. Ans.(b) ● Teacher as a role player
Sol. It has been suggested that EVS should be
S41. Ans.(c)
integrated with the subject of studies at primary level.
Sol. Micro teaching is a practice where the trainee
It is to be remembered that the understanding of the
concentrates on only one specific skill at a time. The
children with regard to the concepts,anything and
training concentrates on practicing a specific well-
everything is age specific. defined skill.

S34. Ans.(a) S42. Ans.(b)

Sol. In this theory, more emphasis has been laid on Sol. Behaviour theorists posit that language
motivation.Thus, before starting teaching in the development is a learned behaviour. When babies first
classroom the students should be properly motivated. speak, they are trying to imitate the behaviour of their
parents and adults around them.
S35. Ans.(c)
Sol. Rogers listed 5 elements of experiential learning S43. Ans.(d)
● It has a quality of personal involvement Sol. Behaviourists consider a language to be
● It is self initiated determined not by experimentation or self-discovery,
● It is pervasive but by selective reinforcements from speech and
● It is evaluated by the learner language models, usually parents or other family
● Its essence is meaning members.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S44. Ans.(c) S52. Ans.(c)
Sol. Curriculum does not record although it comprises Sol. Stage 3 - Interpersonal Relationships - Often
all those experiences a learner receives in a school or referred to as the "good boy-good girl" orientation,
in a college. this stage of moral development is focused on living up
to social expectations and roles. There is an emphasis
S45. Ans.(b) on conformity, being "nice," and consideration of how
Sol. According to Aurobindo,education should be in choices influence relationships.
accordance with the needs of our real modern life. He
writes, education to be true must not be a machine S53. Ans.(d)
made fabric, but a true building or living revocation of Sol. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
the powers of the mind and spirit of human beings. (WISC) is an individually administered intelligence
test for children between the ages of 6 and 16.It
S46. Ans.(d) generates a Full Scale IQ (formerly known as an
Sol. A child's Ability to understand and to be intelligence quotient or IQ score) that represents a
understood is paramount for good mental health and child's general intellectual ability.
socialization. The use of good communication during
teaching is vital.
S54. Ans.(c)
Sol. Repression - Repression is an unconscious
S47. Ans.(a)
defense mechanism employed by the ego to keep
Sol. A teacher should organise fun activities that do
disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming
not require memorization. These activities will help to
enhance the children's awareness of sound with
Regression- Regression is a defense mechanism
rhymes, word play.
proposed by Anna Freud whereby the the ego reverts
to an earlier stage of development usually in response
S48. Ans.(c)
to stressful situations.
Sol. The CCE scheme as envisaged by CBSE takes care
of all round development of the student. Displacement- Displacement is the redirection of an
impulse (usually aggression) onto a powerless
S49. Ans.(b) substitute target. The target can be a person or an
Sol. For a child, learning can be facilitated in the best object that can serve as a symbolic substitute.
way by giving consideration and weightage to the
emotion and opinions of the child. S55. Ans.(a)
Sol. Inhibition, which can be either retroactive or
S50. Ans.(c) proactive. In retroactive inhibition, new learning
Sol. interaction between heredity and environment interferes with the retention of old memories; in
proactive inhibition, old memories interfere with the
S51. Ans.(d) retention of new learning. Both phenomena have great
Sol. Piaget's Preoperational cognitive development implications for all kinds of human learning.
sub stage is the Intuitive Thought sub-stage, which
spans ages 4-7 years. Children in this substage of S56. Ans.(b)
development learn by asking questions such as, Sol. The author of the book ‘The Mentality of Apes’
"Why?" and "How come?" Piaget labeled this "intuitive Kohler
thought" because he believed that children at this
stage tend to be so certain of their knowledge and S57. Ans.(b)
understanding that they are unaware of how they Sol. In participatory leadership, a leader will give
gained this knowledge in the first place (i.e., knowing importance to the opinions of members in taking
by intuition). decisions

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S58. Ans.(a) S64. Ans.(a)
Sol. Development is the complex process of Sol. The term learning disability is given by Samuel
integrating different structures and functions” - stated Kirk.
by Anderson Samuel A. Kirk is the first person to use the term
"learning disability"; at a conference in Chicago. 1969
S59. Ans.(b) – Congress passes the Children with Specific Learning
Sol. Generalization allows humans and animals to Disabilities Act, which is included in the Education of
recognize the similarities in knowledge acquired in the Handicapped Act of 1970
one circumstance, allowing for transfer of knowledge
onto new situations. This idea rivals the theory of S65. Ans.(a)
situated cognition, instead stating that one can apply Sol. An attempt of an adolescent’s attempt to
past knowledge to learning in new situations and emancipate him/her from parental control and
environments. supervision is called Symptomatic of the normal
course of growing up.
S60. Ans.(d) Symptomatic can mean showing symptoms, or it may
Sol. National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005, The concern a specific symptom. Symptoms are signs of
National Curriculum Framework is one of four disease or injury
National Curriculum Frameworks published in 1975,
1988, 2000 and 2005 by the National Council of S66. Ans.(a)
Educational Research and Training NCERT in India. Sol. Motivation and Personality is a book
The document provides the framework for making on psychology by Abraham Maslow, first published in
syllabi, textbooks and teaching practices within the 1954. Maslow's work deals with the subject of the
school education programmes in India. nature of human fulfillment and the significance of
SNO Chapter personal relationships, implementing a
1 Perspective conceptualization of self-
2 Learning and Knowledge actualization. Underachievers have a need for social
3 Curriculum Areas, School Stages and Assessment love and affection, but a self-actualized person has
4 School and Classroom Environment these "lower" needs gratified and is able to pursue his
5 Institutional /Systemic Reforms or her own path towards self-actualization.

S61. Ans.(d) S67. Ans.(c)

Sol. Initiative versus guilt is the third stage of Erik Sol. The Father of constructivism is Jean Piaget, who
Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. During focuses on the cognitive development of children and
the initiative versus guilt stage, children assert adolescents.
themselves more frequently through directing play
and other social interaction. These are particularly S68. Ans.(a)
lively, rapid-developing years in a child's life. Sol. A Checklist is an observational technique used in
Guidance and counseling. A checklist is a list of all the
S62. Ans.(b) things that you need to do, information that you want
Sol. Avoidance-Avoidance conflict is defined as times to find out, or things you need to take somewhere,
when an individual wants to avoid making a decision which you make in order to ensure that you do not
between two options that are both objectionable. forget anything.

S63. Ans.(b) S69. Ans.(b)

Sol. An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that leads Sol. ‘School and Society’ is a book written by John
to an automatic response. In Pavlov's experiment, the Dewey.
food was the unconditioned stimulus. An
unconditioned response is an automatic response to a S70. Ans.(a)
stimulus. The dogs salivating for food is the Sol. The author of the book ‘A dynamic theory of
unconditioned response in Pavlov's experiment. personality’ is Kurt Lewin.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S71. Ans.(b) S77. Ans.(a)
Sol. The trait theory of personality is given by Gordon Sol. Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust
Allport. The first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial
development occurs between birth and 1 year of age
S72. Ans.(b) and is the most fundamental stage in life. Because an
Sol. The theory of sign learning belongs to Tolman. He
infant is utterly dependent, developing trust is based
proposed five types of learning-
• Approach learning on the dependability and quality of the child's
• Escape learning caregivers.
• Avoidance learning
• Choice-point learning At this point in development, the child is utterly
• Latent learning dependent upon adult caregivers for everything they
need to survive including food, love, warmth, safety,
S73. Ans.(a) and nurturing. If a caregiver fails to provide adequate
Sol. Meier - Seashore Art judgment test is used to care and love, the child will come to feel that they
measure Aesthetic Aptitudes. cannot trust or depend upon the adults in their life.

S74. Ans.(b) S78. Ans.(c)

Sol. Albert Bandura created the psychology Modeling
Sol. The teacher teaches in both the classes serially
which is a social approach that exaggerates on how
important it is to be aware of attitudes and the result
of emotional responses. Modeling focuses on learning S79. Ans.(b)
by observing others. It is used to uncover evolved Sol. The word Psychology is derived from Greek
behavior. The attentiveness elaborates on how each words, ‘Psyche’ and ‘Logos’.
individual's cognitive factors and environments Psyche means ‘soul’ and Logos means ‘science’.
influence their own learning. This psychology
emphasis the learning that takes place in social S80. Ans.(b)
situations and how people obtain behaviors from Sol. Educational Psychology does not aim to grade a
others through imitation. The people that are being learner.
observed are called the "models."
The knowledge of educational psychology helps a
teacher to-
S75. Ans.(c)
Sol. Kindergarten is a preschool educational approach • To know the learner
based on playing, singing, practical activities such as • To understand effective methods of teaching
drawing, and social interaction as part of the • To understand individual differences
transition from home to school. The term was • To solve classroom problems
proposed by the German Friedrich Fröbel, whose • To understand the nature of classroom learning
approach globally influenced early-years education.
S76. Ans.(c)
Sol. Inquiry Level Sol. All are the Characteristic of emotion that feelings
1—Confirmation Inquiry: Students confirm a are a necessary requirement for the emergence of
principle through an activity when the results are emotions, emotions are subjective and human
known in advance. emotion involves physiological arousal, expressive
2—Structured Inquiry : Students investigate a behavior, and conscious experience.
teacher-presented question through a prescribed
procedure. S82.Ans.(a)
3—Guided Inquiry: Students investigate a teacher- Sol. The main causes of emotional stress in learners
presented question using student designed/selected will be poor physical health, social and economic
problems, failure in school or poor academic
4—Open Inquiry : Students investigate questions that
are student formulated through student achievement, Lack of healthy peer group and
designed/selected procedures maladjustment with schools.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S83. Ans.(a) S92. Ans.(b)
Sol. The Contiguity Theory of learning is given by Sol. The term drill and practice is defined as a method
Edwin Guthrie. of instruction characterized by systematic repetition
of concepts, examples, and practice problems. Drill
and practice is a disciplined and repetitious exercise,
Sol. Law of independent assortment-This law explains
that the distribution of one genetic trait does not used as a mean of teaching and perfecting a skill or
influence the distribution of other traits. procedure.

S85. Ans.(d) S93. Ans.(b)

Sol. Analyze:- Break material into its constituent parts Sol. According to Mayer and Salovey, "Emotional
and determine how the parts relate to one another and Intelligence includes the ability to engage in
to an overall structure or purpose.
sophisticated information processing about one’s own
S86. Ans.(a) and others’ emotions and the ability to use this
Sol. Intellectual rationing processes refer to information as a guide to thinking and behavior. That
researching the functioning of the mind. is, individuals high in emotional intelligence pay
attention to, use, understand, and manage emotions,
S87. Ans.(a) and these skills serve adaptive functions that
Sol. Up to 2 years a child should know 272 words, up potentially benefit themselves and others".
to 2.5 yrs 450 words, up to 3 yrs 1000 words and up
Mayer And Salovey Model Of Emotional Intelligence -
to 3.5 yrs 1250 words.
Mayer and Salovey have a 16 step developmental
S88. Ans.(d) model of emotional intelligence from childhood to
Sol. Guilford and his associates wear working in adulthood. It comprises four branches:
psychological laboratory in the University of • Perception, Appraisal And Expression Of Emotion
California. • Emotional Facilitation Of Thinking
• Understanding And Analysing Emotions;
S89. Ans.(d)
Employing Emotional Knowledge
Sol. Thurston is a psychologist from America. William
Paul Thurston was an American mathematician; he • Reflective Regulation Of Emotions To Promote
was a pioneer in the field of low-dimensional topology. Emotional And Intellectual Growth

S90. Ans.(d) S94. Ans.(a)

Sol. Concurrent List includes subjects of common Sol. Discriminative stimulus is a term used in classical
interest to both the Union Government as well as the conditioning as a part of the process known as operant
State Governments, such as education, forest, trade
conditioning. A discriminative stimulus is a type of
unions, marriage, adoption and succession.
stimulus that is used consistently to gain a specific
S91. Ans.(c) response and that increases the possibility that the
Sol. Major recommendations of the Commission desired response will occur.
included emphasis on Science and Mathematics,
introduction of work experience as an integral part of S95. Ans.(d)
school curriculum, introduction of common school Sol. the following techniques to motivate students in
system, educational structure with 12 years of classroom:
schooling, free text-books at primary stage, provision
• Rewards and punishment
of mid-day-meals, promotion of education of
handicapped and special measures for ensuring • Child centered approach
equality of educational opportunities (regional, tribal • Use of effective methods, aids and devices in teaching
and gender imbalances to be addressed). process

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S96. Ans.(c) S102. Ans.(b)
Sol. Children with Learning Disabilities may have Sol. An inclusive classroom is one in which all students
difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, irrespective of their abilities or skills are welcomed
recalling and/ or organizing information. Behaviour holistically. Inclusive classrooms are welcoming and
modification is a treatment approach, based on the support the diverse academic social-emotional and
principles of operant conditioning that replaces communication needs of all students.
undesirable behaviours with more desirable ones
through positive or negative reinforcement.
S103. Ans.(a)
Sol. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan launched in 2001 is
S97. Ans.(b)
Sol. The steps of evaluation process : the Government of India's flagship program for
• Formulation of objectives providing free and compulsory education to children
• Clarifying and defining of objectives of 6-14 years of age. One of the goals is to "focus on
• Devising a suitable assessment procedure elementary education of satisfactory quality with
• Evaluating the outcomes emphasis on education for life skills to be imparted to
• Developing appropriate learning experiences children for being successful.

S98.Ans.(c) S104. Ans.(b)

Sol. Autonomous morality (9-10 yrs), children are Sol. Vygotsky gave the opinion that social interaction
able to appreciate the significance of subjective facts played an important role in the development of
and of internal responsibility. cognition. According to him, the community also plays
a central role in the process of making meaning and
S99.Ans.(a) learning is a necessary and universal aspect of the
Sol. Piaget proposes that pre operational children are process of developing culturally organised,
unable to conserve, he attributes this inability to
specifically human psychological function
irreversibility of thoughts.

S100. Ans.(b) S105. Ans.(d)

Sol. Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis Sol. Constructivism's Central idea is that human
(ie, bedwetting) is defined by discrete episodes of learning is constructed, that learners build new
urinary incontinence during sleep in children ≥5 years knowledge upon the foundation of previous
of age who have never achieved a satisfactory period knowledge. Learning is a social activity, it is something
of nighttime dryness, have no other lower urinary we do together, in interaction with each other, rather
tract symptoms, and have no history of bladder than an abstract concept.
dysfunction.There are 2 types of nocturnal enuresis:
• Primary enuresis: a child has never had bladder S106. Ans.(a)
control at night and has always wet the bed. Sol. Students suffering from dysgraphia have very
• Secondary enuresis: a child did have bladder poor handwriting. They show signs like
control at night for a period of at least 6 months, ● A strong dislike of writing
but lost that control and now wets the bed again.
● Trouble writing down ideas
● Leaving words unfinished omitting them
S101. Ans.(b)
To address such disadvantages learners, teachers
Sol. Teacher centred approach is based on the delivery
of information. The teacher pass information and should
students learn by rote memorization. ● Avoid scold them for careless work
Learner centred approach is based on learning by ● Use oral exams
engaging students through different activities and the ● Allow use of tape recorders for lectures
teacher is a facilitator and she works with the ● Provide notes for outlines to reduce the amount of
students. writing required

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S107. Ans.(b) S116. Ans.(b)
Sol. Inclusive education system views that if a child is Sol. The statement is given by Mahatma Gandhi
not learning, the problem lies in the education system
and not in the disabled child. The difficulties arise S117. Ans.(a)
because of rigid methods and curriculum, inaccessible Sol. Law of exercise- Repetition of the activity makes
environment, untrained teachers and poor quality of the student retain the activity for a longer period. This
teaching etc is essentially constituted of two laws- law of use and
the law of disuse.
S108. Ans.(c)
Sol. Vocabulary grows to be about 900 to 1000 words S118. Ans.(b)
by the time a child is 3 years old. Sol. Discovery learning takes place in a problem-
3-4 words from 9th month to 1 year solving situation where the student draws on his or
her own experience and prior knowledge.
S109. Ans.(b)
Sol. A Syllabus is a set of related contents which are S119. Ans.(d)
largely part of a subject curriculum to be completed in Sol. A tactile learner, learns by touching and doing. He
a specified time frame. understands and remembers things through physical
S110. Ans.(d)
Sol. In his book entitled, 'thought and language' S120. Ans.(d)
Vygotsky has argued that crying and cooing of the Sol. Sense of confidence in one's ability to handle a
child are sounds that constitute non-cognitive
wider range of situations is an intrinsic reward.
language. They have social and emotional functions to
S121. Ans.(b)
Sol. Skinner argued that children learn language
S111. Ans.(b)
based on behaviourist reinforcement principles by
Sol. By reliability, it means the stability of the test
associating words with meanings. Correct utterances
are positively reinforced when the child realises the
communicative value of words and phrases.
S112. Ans.(b)
Sol. Aptitude test is a test which assesses the ability or
S122. Ans.(b)
potential of the students in performing a certain task
Sol. The name of the second chapter is 'RIGHT TO
without any training.
S113. Ans.(c)
Sol. Achievement tests are conducted after S123. Ans.(d)
completion of the instructions. Sol. A child shall be admitted to a school at the
commencement of the academic year all within such
S114. Ans.(d) extended period as may be prescribed: provided that
Sol. In his book entitled 'language and thought of the no child shall be denied admission. If such admission
child'. Jean Piaget has tried to distinguish between is sort subsequent to the extended period.
egocentric speech and thought that is communicated.
S124. Ans.(c)
S115. Ans.(b) Sol. The enactive stage appears first in the theory of
Sol. University education commission (1948-49) was Jerome Bruner. This stage involves the encoding and
the first commission on education after independence. storage of information. There is a direct manipulation
Its major emphasis was on higher education but it also of objects without any internal representation of the
touched upon the issues related to school education. objects.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S125. Ans.(b) S132.Ans.(d)
Sol. Students of high ability are often referred to as Sol. Teachers who work under School Based
gifted students. They are often the first ones done with Assessment feel a sense of ownership of the system.
an assignment over those who continually ask for
more creative and interesting work. S133. Ans.(d)
Sol. Multiple choice questions assess the child’s ability
S126. Ans.(c) to recall the correct answer.
S134. Ans.(a)
Sol. Section 28 of the RTE Act 2009, mentions that no
Sol. When a teacher sees the mistakes in the notebook
teacher shall engage himself or herself in private
of any child, it shows the status of that student and
tuition or private teaching activity. how the student is learning the lesson. It is not right
always to show anger at previous mistakes.
S127. Ans.(d)
Sol. Section 17 mentions that S135.Ans.(d)
(1)no child shall be subjected to physical punishment Sol. All the differences are justified.
or mental harassment
(2)Whoever contravenes the provisions of subsection S136.Ans. (a)
(1) shall be liable to disciplinary action under the Sol. Individual differences are the extent and kind of
service rules applicable to such person. variations of similarities among people on grounds of
our intelligence, motivation, interest etc.
S128. Ans.(d)
Sol. The alternative means of assessment required the S137. Ans.(b)
Sol. These sentences are true that Gender is based on
learners to perform ,create and produce in real world
social norms, gender is not biological and gender roles
contexts or simulations. Besides, the nature of these
are acquired. Gender refers to the characteristics of
methods is non-intrusive and lets students be women, men, girls and boys that are socially
assessed on everyday class activities. These constructed. This include norms, behavior and roles
alternative means include the use of checklists, associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as
videotapes, audio tapes, observations, portfolio etc . well as relationships with each other, as a social
construct, gender varies from society and can change
S129. Ans.(a) over time.
Sol. CLCC- Creating Learning Communities for
Children aimed to S138. Ans.(d)
improve the quality of primary schools through the Sol. During the socialization process learned things
introduction of more effective School-Based are that how to play our roles in life, the culture’s
Management, Active, Joyful and Effective Learning, norms and the language of the people around us.
and Community
S139. Ans.(a)
Sol. In Non-directive counseling client is the person
who leads the conversations. Nondirective counseling
S130. Ans.(b) is also known as client therapy, nondirective
Sol. The level of actual development is the level of counseling, nondirective therapy, and person –
development that learners have already reached, and centered therapy. In this approach, the counselor does
can attempt any activity independent of any help. not give judgment on the information being put forth
by the client and avoid offering advices or directions.
S131.Ans. (c)
Sol. The above activities by teacher comes under S140. Ans.(a)
assessment for learning. Assessment for learning Sol. Directive counseling’s disadvantage is that client
comprises two phases diagnostic and formative is dependent. Direct Counseling is an approach to
assessment. The teacher is first diagnosing the work counseling and psychotherapy in which the
therapeutic process is directed along lines considered
followed by adjusting the instructions so as to keep
relevant by the counselor or therapist, also called
students on track.
directive therapy.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S141.Ans.(c) S150.Ans.(a)
Sol. P Gisbert defined environment as anything Sol. Social constructivist according to vygotsky is
immediately surrounding an object and exerting a acquiring new knowledge based on the learners
direct influences on it. experience and cooperation with others.

S142. Ans.(c)
S151. Ans.(b)
Sol. Comparative effects of heredity and environment
Sol. “Thinking is mental activity in its cognitive
differ in many areas of human development; Heredity
involves traits that are asses down from parents to aspect.” It is said by Ross.
their children biologically through genes.
Environment refers to one’s surroundings. S152. Ans.(c)
Sol. The learning in which, the teacher makes students
S143.Ans.(a) learn by themselves by putting problems and
Sol. Developmental perspective of teaching demands questions before them to provoke thoughts and allow
teachers to adapt instructional strategies based on brainstorming is Inquiry based learning
knowledge of developmental factors.
S153. Ans.(d)
S144.Ans.(d) Sol. The method in which information is obtained
Sol. Growth refers to an increase in size, length, height
from the same person selected for study is,
and weight of an organism.
Introspection method
Sol. The Kothari Commission (Indian Education S154. Ans.(b)
Commission) was established in the year of14 July Sol. According to L.M. Terman intelligence is -
1964, under the chairmanship of Daulat Singh Kothari, Abstract thinking ability
then chairman of the University Grants Commission.
The medical and legal studies were excluded from the S155. Ans.(d)
purview of the commission. The tenancy of the Sol. Remedial teaching is also known as corrective or
commission was from 1964 to 1966 and the report compensatory teaching. The main objective of
was submitted by the commission on 29 June 1966. remedial teaching is to give additional help to learners
who have fallen behind the rest of the class in any
S146. Ans.(d)
topic or subject.
Sol. The post active phase of teaching involves
analyzing the result, asking questions from the
learners & measuring the behavior of the pupils. S156. Ans.(c)
Sol. This stage is also called as Pre - school Age and
S147. Ans.(a) Early childhood
Sol. In the pre active phase of teaching, planning of
teaching is carried over. S157. Ans.(a)
Sol. The IQ of idiots is - < 25
S148. Ans.(a)
Sol. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, S158. Ans.(b)
the process by which the cognitive structure is Sol. The Rorschach inkblot test is used to measure
modified is called assimilation.
personality. It is a widely used projective test designed
to let people respond to ambiguous stimuli, which
S149. Ans.(a)
Sol. Lev Vygotsky give the theory that while viewing reveals inner emotion and stimuli. It is used to
children as active seekers of knowledge emphasize the determine thought disorders especially when the
influence of social and cultural content on their subjects are reluctant to share their thinking
thinking. processes.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S159. Ans.(c) S167. Ans.(b)
Sol. Essay type ques has broad sampling of topic as Sol. (i) wrong. (ii) correct
S168. Ans.(d)
S160. Ans.(d)
Sol. Inability to express ideas
Sol. The lexical meaning of intelligence is the capacity
to acquire knowledge and the capacity to apply
knowledge. S169. Ans.(c)
Sol. Unfolding of the inborn, innate abilities of a
S161. Ans.(b) person along with age is called Maturation
Sol. Delusions is not a characteristics of an adjusted
person. Delusion is an irrational and obstinate belief S170. Ans.(c)
that the individual actively defends. Sol. Adolescence has been described by Stanley Hall
as ‘the period of storm and stress of human life’. It is a
S162. Ans.(a) very crucial period of one’s life which covers roughly
Sol. Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that
from 12-18/19+ years. The most important fact about
happens among individuals within a group.
adolescence is that it is a period of transition from
S163. Ans.(c) childhood to adulthood. Transition from one period to
Sol. RTE 2009 prohibits another always is associated with some problems.
• Capitation fee Adolescence is not an exception and it is also
• Physical punishment and mental harassment associated with some problems.
• Private tuitions by teachers etc.
S171. Ans.(b)
S164. Ans.(b) Sol. The concept of ‘Emotional intelligence’ was
Sol. The name of the IV chapter of RTE Act, 2009 is proposed by Daniel Golman.Daniel Goleman's 1995
Responsibilities of schools and teachers book 'Emotional Intelligence' introduced a whole new
perspective on predicting and analysing employee
S165. Ans.(a)
Sol. Individuals of same intelligence. performance.Goleman defines it as “the ability to
A normal distribution is perfectly symmetrical around identify, assess and control one's own emotions, the
its center. That is, the right side of the center is a emotion of others and that of groups.”
mirror image of the left side. There is also only one
mode, or peak, in a normal distribution. Normal S172. Ans.(d)
distributions are continuous and have tails that are Sol. The aim to reach a higher level of goals is related
asymptotic, which means that they approach but to Achievement motivation
never touch the x-axis. The center of a normal
distribution is located at its peak, and 50% of the data
S173. Ans.(b)
lies above the mean, while 50% lies below. It follows
that the mean, median, and mode are all equal in a Sol. In the experiment ‘The influence of homework on
normal distribution. student’s achievement’, the independent variable is
S166. Ans.(c)
Sol. Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that S174. Ans.(a)
incorporates several theories related to instructional Sol. Learning theories develop hypotheses that
design and learning processes. During the 1960s, describe how this process takes place. The major
Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more concepts and theories of learning include behaviourist
information by what they “do” as opposed to what is theories, cognitive psychology, constructivism, social
“heard”, “read” or “observed”. His research led to the
constructivism, experiential learning, multiple
development of the Cone of Experience. Today, this
“learning by doing” has become known as intelligence, and situated learning theory and
“experiential learning” or “action learning”. community of practice.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S175. Ans.(a) S181. Ans.(d)
Sol. Egocentrism refers to the child's inability to see a Sol. Thought patterns of children are Different from
situation from another person's point of view. The those of adults.
egocentric child assumes that other people see, hear,
and feel exactly the same as the child does. In the S182. Ans.(c)
developmental theory of Jean Piaget, this is a feature Sol. Collaborative learning is a situation in which two
of the preoperational child. or more people learn or attempt to learn something
together. Unlike individual learning, people engaged
S176. Ans.(b) in collaborative learning capitalize on one another's
Sol. Programmed learning is a research-based system resources and skills.
which helps learners work successfully. The method is
guided by research done by a variety of applied S183. Ans.(c)
Sol. Creativity is considered as the ability to produce
psychologists and educators. The learning material is
something original.
in a kind of textbook or teaching machine or computer.
A creative person is the one who:
S177. Ans.(d)
• Is good at divergent/lateral thinking
Sol. Early childhood, defined as the period from birth
• Has a highly developed problem-solving ability
to eight years old, is a time of remarkable growth with
brain development And self-concept at its peak. S184. Ans.(b)
During this stage, children are highly influenced by the Sol. Creative answer is the product of creativity which
environment and the people that surround them refers to the phenomenon whereby imaginative and
original ideas are turned into reality.
S178. Ans.(a) •It is the ability possesses by the people who are
Sol. The infancy stage is a crucial period for physical creative, persistent, and imaginative.
and mental development. Children learn to crawl, sit,
stand, start grabbing objects and make babbling S185. Ans.(c)
sounds. the early childhood stage, children learn to Sol. Denial called A child's attitude '1 do not care' is a
walk and are more involved increase in this stage. in type of behavior.
physical activities. There is a rapid the height and
weight of the children during S186. Ans.(a)
Sol. The main objective of the RTE Act is to ensure that
S179. Ans.(a) each child in India receives quality elementary
Sol. If A a person is interested then only he/she in a education irrespective of their economic or caste
particular topic or subject, will Definitely pay background; this includes children who are forced to
attention to the entire learning process and grasp drop out of school.
every detail of it. Then only it will go into permanent
memory with ease. S187. Ans.(a)
Sol. Difficulty in v-making the difference between f
S180. Ans.(d) and sound; for letters m and n is a learning difficulty
Sol. Manifestation- when children observe objects and related to perception.
situations in their physical and psychological
S188. Ans.(d)
environment, they increase their knowledge and
Sol. development of specific traits, moulding
develop thinking.
personality & outlet for blocked and intolerable drives
Imitation- when children observe others taking some
used for All Dance, drama & art.
actions and the result of such actions, they try to
imitate the same and increase their power
S189. Ans.(a)
accordingly. Sol. A and Super and Ego balanced personality is one
Perception- refers to the set of processes we use to in which balance is established between ld,Ego and
make sense of the different stimuli we're presented Super- ego.The id, ego and superego work together to
with. create human behavior.

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EMRS 200 Practice Question For Teaching Aptitude
S190. Ans.(d) S197. Ans.(d)
Sol. In summative evaluation the purpose is to find out Sol. This theory of learning is also called by the names
how well a student has performed over time and at a Gestalt theory, Perfection theory, Comprehension
variety of tasks. Summative evaluation is done at the
end of a course of instruction to know to what extent theory' etc. Among the exponents of this theory were
the objectives previously fixed have been four German psychologists Max Verdimer, Köhler,
accomplished. Kurt Kofka and Kurt Lewin. Gestalt is a German word.
Five main rules of Perfectionism have been given.
S191. Ans.(d)
Sol. Trial and error learning,Memorising Both . Verbal
skills. S198. Ans.(c)
Sol. With this action, the parent inspires the child's
S192. Ans.(c) development, apart from this, the child's activities like
Sol. A child studies for Extrinsically motivated person running, tricycle riding, Swimming etc.
the sake of earning a scholarship.

S193. Ans.(b) S199.Ans.(b)

Sol. Criticised the stimulus-response mode of thought. Sol. According to Sigmund Freud, 'Whatever a man
wants to become, he becomes in 4-5 years'. According
S194. Ans.(c)
to Good enough, 'Half mental development takes place
Sol. In combination with reward Punishment is most
effective as an aid to learning. by the age of three Characteristics of infancy –of a
rapid physical and mental development, age of toys,
S195. Ans.(c) age of learning, selfish and self-centred, lack of moral
Sol. A.J. Premack activity in a reinforcement hierarchy and social sense.
is reinforced.

S196. Ans.(d) S200. Ans.(c)

Sol. Social learning theory is a theory of learning Sol. in boys and girls? Pre-adolescence or puberty: At
process and social behavior which proposes that new the age of 14 years, many external physical changes
behaviors can be acquired by observing and imitating occur in girls and in boys. This state is also called the
& four factors are more crucial to observational
state of storm and confusion.
learning Attention, retention, production process,

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