Emrs TGT PGT Teaching Aptitude 200+ MCQ PDF - 1384
Emrs TGT PGT Teaching Aptitude 200+ MCQ PDF - 1384
Emrs TGT PGT Teaching Aptitude 200+ MCQ PDF - 1384
Q2. The number of scales in the Differential Aptitude Q8. CLIL stands for-
Test is -
(a) Content and Language Integrated Learning
(a) 2
(b) 4 (b) Computer Learning Inclusive level
(c) 6 (c) Comprehension learning and Integrated Learning
(d) 8 (d) Computer Language and Inclusive Language
Q3. The statement, “The child’s sensibility to absorb Q9. Which difference is not correct about the
language is so great that he can acquire foreign
traditional classroom and constructivist classroom?
languages at this age [birth to three]” is given by-
(a) Maria Montessori (a) Traditional classroom is teacher centred while the
(b) Albert Bandura constructivist classroom is student centred
(c) Ivan Pavlov (b) Students are active recipients of knowledge in
(d) Plato teacher centred classroom while students are passive
recipients of knowledge in a constructivist classroom
Q4. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation helps
to empower teachers in the following ways (c) In a traditional classroom, the teacher's role is
(a) They get pointers on how to improve the directive, rotated in authority while in a constructivist
evaluation procedure classroom, the teacher's role is interactive, rooted in
(b) They can formulate ways to help students master negotiation
competencies (d) In traditional classroom learning is based on
(c) They can select and deploy media such as audio-
repetition, while in a constructivist classroom,
visual aids for teaching in the classroom
(d) All of the above learning is interactive, building on what the student
already knows
Q5. This section of RTE provides for the formulation
of a National Curriculum Framework. Q10. Lesson plan of English for students with
(a) Section 7 (1)
disabilities should be planned based on the following
(b) Section 7 (6)
(c) Section 8 points -
(d) Section 3 (a) The methodology used in teaching English should
be made appropriate for students with special needs
Q6. Section 17 of the RTE Act- (b) The teacher should not plan extra working time
(a) Prohibits any child of being subjected to physical with the child
punishment or mental harassment
(c) The teaching material should be catchy and
(b) Private schools from denial of admission to a child
(c) Both attractive, but also appropriate
(d) None (d) Both (a) & (c)
Q12. In which key areas does UNICEF work to Q19. Who defined that “Psychology is the science of
promote inclusive education? behaviour and experience”?
(a) Advocacy (a) B.F. Skinner
(b) Awareness raising (b) Jean Piaget
(c) Capacity building (c) Lev Vygotsky
(d) All (d) Albert Bandura
Q26. Which one is the social advantage of educational Q31. Why are Presentation skills important in the
resources? classroom while presenting any concept?
(a) To gain knowledge of the world around and
(a) students can connect to the world around them
ignoring the real world skills
through their studies and vice versa, which is an
(b) To communicate thoughts and feelings effectively
important part of learning (c) To develop self confidence
(b) students will become aware of their immediate (d) Both (b) & (c)
(c) Students will be sensitized toward the Q32. Which one of the following is not included among
conservation of their immediate environment the aims for community health education?
(d) All of the above (a) healthy practices in day-to-day living should be
inculcated among children from a very early age
Q27. The children coming from tribal communities do (b) the knowledge about our body and various organs
not feel comfortable in the classroom environment of our body and their functions helps a person to
because- understand the disease, its causes, and common
(a) the socio-cultural climate in which they are born
(c) Practical knowledge should be provided about
and brought up is totally different from that of the
communicable diseases,serious health problems, and
classroom first aid and emergency services
(b) of the competition among the students (d) It should discourage social activities in society
(c) they will be neglected which means people will not gather for any activity in
(d) they are not creative like other children the community
Q34. Which of the following points is not related to Q39. Which one is not a characteristic of children who
Thorndike's theory? have ADHD?
(a) In this theory, more emphasis has been laid on (a) Not easily distracted
reinforcement (b) Does not seem to listen
(b) Habits are formed as a result of repetition (c) Talks excessively
(c) The effects of rewards and punishment also affect (d) Has difficulty paying attention
the learning of the child
(d) Practice leads a man towards maturity Q40. Which of the following does not show the
'teacher' as a main teaching aid in the classroom?
(a) Teacher as a narrator
Q35. The learner knows "whether it is meeting his
(b) Teacher as a model
need, whether it leads towards what he wants to
(c) Teacher as a role player
know, whether it illuminates the dark area of (d) None of the above
ignorance he is experiencing". This statement is
related to which of the elements of experiential Q41. Micro teaching is a practice where the _______
learning by Rogers? concentrate on only one specific skill at a time.
(a) It has a quality of personal involvement (a) Teacher
(b) Self-initiated (b) Trainer
(c) It is evaluated by the learner (c) Trainee
(d) Pervasive (d) Administrator
Q36. How is higher-order thinking important for Q42. Which theorists posit that language
development is a learned behaviour?
(a) Humanistic
(a) It promotes essential skills such as critical thinking
(b) Behaviourist
and problem solving (c) Cognitivist
(b) It involves convergent thinking (d) None
(c) It improves the memorizing power of students
(d) Both (a) and (b) Q43. Behaviourists consider language to be
determined by-
Q37. Consider the following statement (a) Experimentation
I. Democratic classroom is best for the emotional (b) Self discovery
development of the (c) Social interaction
children. (d) Reinforcement
II. Cognition-emotion is shown in being prized for an
Q44. Which of the statements is not correct about the
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) It is the list of contents taught to the students
(a) only I (b) It includes both curricular and extracurricular
(b) only II activities organised in a school or college
(c) both I and II (c) It records all experiences of a learner
(d) neither I nor II (d) It is the program of a school or college activities
Q46. A child's Ability to understand and to be Q53. An example of an individual test of intelligence is
understood is paramount for - -
(a) Good mental health (a) Army alpha test
(b) Socialization (b) Army beta test
(c) Depression (c) Raven’s standard progressive matrices
(d) Both (a) & (b) (d) Wechsler Intelligence scale for children
Q47. Which one is not a teacher's role in developing Q54. Unable to answer the questions in an interview a
literacy among children? person started weeping like a child. This is an example
(a) Organising fun activities that require of the defense mechanism -
memorization (a) Identification
(b) Using riddles, chants and nursery rhymes (b) Displacement
(c) Encourage interaction amongst the children (c) Regression
(d) Repression
(d) Discussion of stories, the plot and the characters
Q55. If the previous learning inhibits the recall of the
Q48. The CCE scheme was envisaged by -
present learning, then it is called -
(a) Proactive inhibition
(b) Retroactive inhibition
(c) CBSE
(c) Deja vu
(d) None
(d) Repression
Q49. For a child, learning can be facilitated in the best
Q56. The author of the book ‘The Mentality of Apes’ is-
way by
(a) Thorndike
(a) providing freedom to make friends as the child
(b) Kohler
wishes (c) Pavlov
(b) giving consideration and weightage to the emotion (d) Skinner
and opinion of the child
(c) subjecting the child to strict discipline and rules Q57. In participatory leadership -
(d) allowing leisure time to play and to recreate (a) There is no freedom for members to question
decisions made by the leader
Q50. Human personality is the result of (b) Leader will give importance to the opinions of
(a) only heredity members in taking decisions
(b) upbringing and education (c) Leader is a dictator
(c) interaction between heredity and environment (d) All the members act as leaders
(d) only environment
Q58. “Development is the complex process of
Q51. According to Piaget, the limitation in children integrating different structures and functions”. This
during the intuitive period is - statement is stated by -
(a) Object permanence (a) Anderson
(b) Animism (b) Craig
(c) Ego-centrism (c) Galton
(d) Lack of concept of irreversibility (d) Watson
Q76. According to Heather’s ‘Many levels of inquiry’ Q82. Which of the following are the causes of
theory, the third level of inquiry learning is - Emotional stress in learners?
(a) Confirmation inquiry 1. Vocational Challenges
(b) Structured inquiry 2. Poor physical health
(c) Guided inquiry 3. Social and economic health
(d) True inquiry (a) Only 1&2
(b) Only 2&3
Q77. The first stage in Erickson’s eight Psychosocial (c) Only 3&1
developmental stages is - (d) All of these
(a) Trust Vs Mistrust
(b) Initiative Vs Guilt
Q83. The Contiguity Theory of learning is given by-
(c) Industry Vs Inferiority
(a)Edwin Guthrie
(d) Autonomy Vs Shame
(b)Kurt Lewin
Q78. Which of the following is not a characteristic of (c)Tolman
multigrade teaching? (d)Jean Piaget
(a) One teacher teaches simultaneously in more than
one class Q84.This law explains that the distribution of one
(b) The teacher gives tasks in one class and teaches in genetic trait does not influence the distribution of
the other class other traits. This statement relates to which of the
(c) The teacher teaches in both the classes serially following law-
(d) While teaching in one class maintains discipline in 1. Law of independent assortment
the other class through the monitor 2. Law of segregation and dominance
(a) Only 1
Q79. The word ‘Psychology’ is derived from _________ (b) Only 2
words. (c) Both of these
(a) Latin
(d) None of these
(b) Greek
(c) Spanish
(d) None Q85. "Why might some people choose to immigrate to
Brazil rather than the United States?" This question is
Q80. Which of the following is not relevant to an example of which cognitive process dimension in
Educational Psychology for Teachers? Bloom’s revised taxonomy?
(a) To know the learner (a) Understand
(b) To grade the learner (b) Apply
(c) To understand effective methods of teaching (c) Evaluate
(d) To understand individual differences (d) Analyse
Q90. In the Constitution of India, education is included Q96. Which of the following methods is most suitable
in the- for learning disabled children?
(a) Union List (a) Brain storming
(b) State List (b) Remedial teaching
(c) Zila Parishad list (c) Behaviour guidance method
(d) Concurrent list (d) None of the above
Q112. It is the test that assesses the ability or potential Q119. Learners who learn best through feeling and
of the students in performing a certain task without
touching are _________.
any training.
(a) Visual learners
(a) Achievement test
(b) Auditory learners
(b) Aptitude test
(c) Kinesthetic learners
(c) Proficiency test
(d) Tactile learners
(d) Diagnostic test
Q113. These tests measure the skills and knowledge Q120. Which one is an intrinsic reward for a learner?
learned at a particular grade or class. (a) Good test scores
(a) Diagnostic test (b) Ability to interact with different learners
(b) Proficiency test (c) Better relationships
(c) Achievement test (d) Sense of confidence
(d) Aptitude test
Q121. Who argued that children learn language based
Q114. 'Language and thought of the child' is a book by- on behaviourist reinforcement principles by
(a) Harold Palamar associating words with meanings?
(b) Noam Chomsky (a) Thorndike
(c) Stephen Krashen (b) Skinner
(d) Jean Piaget (c) Piaget
(d) Vygotsky
Q115. Which was the first commission on education
after independence? Q122. Which chapter of the Right to Education Act
(a) Education Commission 2009, talks about the right to free and compulsory
(b) University education commission education?
(c) Secondary education commission (a) One
(d) Official language commission (b) Two
(c) Three
Q116. According to whom, "True education of the (d) Four
intellect can only come through a proper exercise and
training of bodily organs, hands, feet, eyes, ears, and Q123. Which section of RTE includes the topic 'no
nose"? denial of admission'?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Section 11
(b) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Section 12
(c) Rabindranath Tagore (c) Section 13
(d) None (d) Section 15
Q177. The self-concept of children related to- Q184. Creative answers require-
(a) Adolescence (a) Content based questions
(b) Maturity (b) Open-ended questions
(c) Childhood (c) A highly disciplined classroom
(d) Early Childhood (d) Direct teaching and direct questions
Q178. In which of the following periods does physical Q185. A child's attitude 'i do not care' is a type of
growth and development occur at a rapid pace? behaviour which can be called-
(a) Infancy and early childhood (a) Aggression
(b) Early childhood and middle childhood (b) Defence
(c) Middle childhood and adolescence (c) Denial
(d) Adolescence and adulthood (d) Retrogression
Q179. Which of the following is the correct sequence Q186. According to the Right of Children to Free and
in The learning environment? Compulsory Education Act, 2009 teachers cannot be
(a) Attention, Interest, Memory deployed for-
(b) Memory, Attention, Interest (a) Pulse polio programme
(c) interest, Attention, Rote Learning (b) Population relief duties
(c) Duties relating to Budge
(d) Rote Learning, Interest, Attention
(d) Decennial population census
Q180. Thinking processes in children are not based
Q187. Difficulty in and making v the difference
between f sound; for letters m and n is a learning
(a) Manifestation
difficulty related to-
(b) Imitation
(a) perception
(c) Logic and reasoning (b) Metacognition
(d) Perception (c) attention
(d) All of these.
Q181. Thought patterns of children are ……..
(a) Confused in the sensory-motor and pre- Q188. Dance, drama & art are used for-
operational stages of development (a) development of specific traits
(b) Similar to those of adults (b) moulding personality
(c) Not expressed at all (c) an outlet for blocked and intolerable drives
(d) Different from those of adults (d) all of these.
S142. Ans.(c)
S151. Ans.(b)
Sol. Comparative effects of heredity and environment
Sol. “Thinking is mental activity in its cognitive
differ in many areas of human development; Heredity
involves traits that are asses down from parents to aspect.” It is said by Ross.
their children biologically through genes.
Environment refers to one’s surroundings. S152. Ans.(c)
Sol. The learning in which, the teacher makes students
S143.Ans.(a) learn by themselves by putting problems and
Sol. Developmental perspective of teaching demands questions before them to provoke thoughts and allow
teachers to adapt instructional strategies based on brainstorming is Inquiry based learning
knowledge of developmental factors.
S153. Ans.(d)
S144.Ans.(d) Sol. The method in which information is obtained
Sol. Growth refers to an increase in size, length, height
from the same person selected for study is,
and weight of an organism.
Introspection method
Sol. The Kothari Commission (Indian Education S154. Ans.(b)
Commission) was established in the year of14 July Sol. According to L.M. Terman intelligence is -
1964, under the chairmanship of Daulat Singh Kothari, Abstract thinking ability
then chairman of the University Grants Commission.
The medical and legal studies were excluded from the S155. Ans.(d)
purview of the commission. The tenancy of the Sol. Remedial teaching is also known as corrective or
commission was from 1964 to 1966 and the report compensatory teaching. The main objective of
was submitted by the commission on 29 June 1966. remedial teaching is to give additional help to learners
who have fallen behind the rest of the class in any
S146. Ans.(d)
topic or subject.
Sol. The post active phase of teaching involves
analyzing the result, asking questions from the
learners & measuring the behavior of the pupils. S156. Ans.(c)
Sol. This stage is also called as Pre - school Age and
S147. Ans.(a) Early childhood
Sol. In the pre active phase of teaching, planning of
teaching is carried over. S157. Ans.(a)
Sol. The IQ of idiots is - < 25
S148. Ans.(a)
Sol. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, S158. Ans.(b)
the process by which the cognitive structure is Sol. The Rorschach inkblot test is used to measure
modified is called assimilation.
personality. It is a widely used projective test designed
to let people respond to ambiguous stimuli, which
S149. Ans.(a)
Sol. Lev Vygotsky give the theory that while viewing reveals inner emotion and stimuli. It is used to
children as active seekers of knowledge emphasize the determine thought disorders especially when the
influence of social and cultural content on their subjects are reluctant to share their thinking
thinking. processes.