Synthetic Fibre-Wps Office
Synthetic Fibre-Wps Office
Synthetic Fibre-Wps Office
more stronger than the natural fibres. Nylon, terylene, orlon and poly ethylene are the polymers used as
pharmaceutical aid. NYLON Synonyms Caprolan; Enkalon; Grilon; Kabron; Mirlon; Perlon; Phrilon;
Amilon. Nylon is a manufactured fibre in which fibre forming substances are long-chain synthetic poly
amide having recurring polyamide groups (-CONH,-) as an integral part of the polymer chain. Nylon is
usually prepared by condensing adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine. The molted polymer IS
pumped through a spinneret to produce filaments.
The filaments are smooth, solid cylinders, soften at 210° and melts at 2230: moisture regain is about 4%.
Swelling is low. They are immune to micro biological attack; resistant to most organic chemi cals, but
dissolves in phenol, cresol and strong acids. They may be highly lustrous to dull white or coloured. On
ignition the fibres melt and form a hard bead. They are soluble in 5 M hydrochloric acid, 90% formic
acid, 90% phenol and insoluble in acetone. Chemically, nylon is represented as : H-NH (CH,), CO], OH; n =
approx 200 Uses Nylon is used to prepare filter cloth, sieves, non absorbable sutures, nylon syringes,
film, textile fibres, monofilament, tire cord, fishing lines and tow ropes. TERYLENE (DACRON) Terylene is
a polyester fibre produced by conden sating ethylene glycol with terephthalic acid. Its chemical formula
may be represented as H[OCH, CH, 00C C, H, CO], OH. Terylene fibres are pre pared by an identical
process to that for nylon. On heating the fibres with phosphoric acid (90%) for 1 minute, it retain its
form. This test is negative in case of nylon. Terylene is used in the same way as nylon.
SURGICAL DRESSINGS A material used to protect a wound and to heal is called a surgical dressing. They
serve various function for the injured site. They remove wound exudates from the site, prevent
infection, give physical protection to the healing wound and mechanical support to the supporting
tissues. A good quality of dressing should be durable, easy to handle, sterilized, formed from loose
threads and fibres and it should not adhere to the granula-ting surface. Surgical dressings are classified
1. Primary wound dressings : Primary wound dressings are applied over the wound surface to absorb
pus, mucus and
blood. They minimize maceration. Some dressings adhere to the wound surface and cause pain on
removing them. Now nonadherent dressings are available such as petrolatum-impregnated gauge,
viscose gauze impregnated with a bland, hydro philic oil-in-water emulsion or an absorbent pad faced
with a soft plastic film having openings. 2. Absorbents : Absorbent cotton is widely used to absorb
wound secretions. Other absorbent materials are rayon wool, cotton wool, gauze pads, laparotomy
sponges, sanitary napkins, disposable cleaners, eye pads, nursing pads and cotton tip appli cations. They
are used in the shape of balls or pads. 3. Bandages : A bandage is a material which holds dressing at the
required site, applies pressure or supports an injured part or checks haemorrhage. The bandages may be
elastic or non-elastic in nature. Common gauze roller bandage and muslin bandage rolls are employed
most frequently. Elastic bandages may be woven to form elastic bandage, crepe bandage and
conforming bandage. 4. Adhesive tapes : Surgical adhesive tapes may be a rubber-based adhesive or an
acrylate adhesive. Rubber adhesive tapes are cheap, superior and provide strength of backing. In case of
operation or post operation acrylate, adhesive tapes are used to reduce skin trauma. 5. Protectives :
Protectives are employed to cover wet dressings, poultices and for retention of heat. They prevent the
escape of moisture from the dressing. Some protectives are plastic sheeting, rubber sheeting, waxed or
oil-coated papers and plastic-coated papers.
SUTURES AND LIGATURES A surgical suture isa thread or sting used for sewing or stiching together
tissues, muscles and tendons with the help of a needle. If these threads or fibres are used to tie a blood
vessel to stop bleeding without the use ofa needles, then they are digested in animal
tissues, e.g., catgut, kangaroo tendon and synthetic polyesters. If the sutures are not absorbed in the
body, they are called nonabsorbable sutures, e.g-, Silk. Cotton, Nylon, Synthetic Polyester fibres and
Stainless Steel wire. A good quality of suture should he well-sterilized, non-irritant; having well
mechanical strength, fine gauze and with minimum time of absorption. Absorbable sutures Surgical
catgut Catgut is a sterilized fibre or strand prepared from collagen of connective tissues obtained from
healthy animals like sheep and cattle. Preparation The submucosal layer of small intestine of a freshly
killed animal is used for the preparation of catgut. About 7.5 meter long intestine is cleaned and split
Jongitudinally into ribbons. The inner most mucosa and two outer layers of submucosa, muscularis and
serosal layers, are removed with the help of a machine leaving behind the submucosa. Up to six such
ribbons are stretched, spun and dried to forma uniform strand. These fibres are polished to get smooth
strings, gauzed for their diameter, cut into suitable lengths and sterilized by placing the catgut in glass
tubes filled with anhydrous high-boiling liquids like toluene or xylene and then heating in an autoclave.
Sterilization may be done by irradiating the suture by electron particles or by gamma rays from cobalt-
60. Kangaroo tendons, used in hernia and bone repairs, are prepared from the tails of kangaroo by the
identical method adopted for the preparation of Catgut. Chromicized surgical catguts are prepared 0y
soaking the ribbons in solutions of chromium salts for tanning the tissues. These fibres are not affected
by proteolytic enzymes in the body and they ae not absorbed rapidly in the body.
Synthetic polyesters The polymers obtained by condensation of cyclic derivatives of fglycolic acid
(glycolide) with cyclic derivatives of lactic acid (lacticide) are used to Ppare synthetic absorbable sutures.
These sutures have high tensile strength and degradated by hydrolysis and absorbed in the tissue. Non-
absorbable sutures Non-absorbable sutures are not affected by the body fluid d and remained unchange
for a long period. They are removed after healing of the wounds. Silk, cotton, nylon and metallic sutures
are classified as non-absorbable sutures. Silk sutures Silk sutures are prepared by spinning or twisting
silk fibres into a single strand of varying diameters. The sutures are smooth and strong and braided by
combining several twisted yarns into a compact mass. The strands are sterilized and boiled with water to
soften them. Cotton sutures Cotton sutures have uniform size and recommen ded in critical parts where
strength of the sutures is required for long time. Nylon sutures The microfilaments of nylon are braided
into strands of required diameter. These sutures are strong, water resistant and used in skin and plastic
surgery. Linen suture A linen suture is cheap, very strong under moist condition but not uniform in
diameter. Metallic sutures Metallic wires of silver or stainless steel are used as surgical aid. These wires
are available as mono filaments, twists and braids.