BPA Terminal Velocity Mar 2022

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Emerging technology and future skills for UK ports

Forward 2

Introduction 3

The big picture 3

Transformative technologies 5
High-probability technologies 5
Big Data 5
Automation 6
Alternative fuels 6
Low-probability technologies 7

Ports of 2050 8

High Cargo Throughput Ports (>10 million tonnes per annum) 9

Medium Cargo Throughput Ports (>1 million tonnes per annum) 11

Low Cargo Throughput Ports (<1 million tonnes per annum) 11

Non-cargo Handling Ports 12

Roles and skills in 2050 13

Plugging the gap 13

Training today’s port workers 15

Offering alternatives 15

Final thoughts 16

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 1

Forward The British Ports Association is the national trade body
for UK ports and harbours, representing over 400 ports,
The British Ports Association has commissioned Thetius terminals and marine facilities, collectively handling just
to examine how emerging technologies might change under 90% of the UK’s maritime trade. We also represent
skills dynamics across UK ports in the coming years. all of the main maritime passenger, energy, fishing, and
marine leisure hubs in Britain and work closely with Port
In this analysis, Thetius takes a high-level view of the Skills and Safety— the industry’s lead body on skills and
ports of 2050 and unpacks some of the changes that are training.
expected for the sector over the coming decades.
Thetius enables innovation across the maritime industry
Digital and technological transformation should be high by delivering a suite of research, consultancy, and talent
on the agendas of all UK ports and other stakeholders services to the ports and shipping sector, as well as
working in or alongside our industry. By working closely technology developers, innovators, and OEMs. Their
with our trade partners, including training providers, global team of technology analysts and researchers all
careers specialists, and human resource agencies, have extensive maritime sector experience, giving their
British ports can begin preparing for a changing world. research output a level of contextual understanding that
is unparalleled in maritime innovation consultancy.
To provoke thought, discussion, and action, this
extensive and complex subject is distilled into a bitesize The British Ports Association, together with our partners
vision of the future based upon current trajectories and Thetius, are delighted to present Terminal Velocity -
trend lines. As such, this report provides some useful Emerging technology and future skills for UK ports. We
high level evidence to the UK Government and hope you find the following pages informative,
industry-organised Maritime Skills Commission, which is entertaining, and insightful.
currently examining skills requirements for the maritime Richard Ballantyne
sector. We will also use this report as a key topic in the Chief Executive
BPA’s own Port Futures programme, looking at emerging British Ports Association
and evolving issues affecting UK ports.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 2

In most ports, a diverse labour force is engaged in
When considering which technologies are most likely to delivering marine operations, including pilotage, towage,
influence future generations of UK ports, we need to dredging, surveying, and buoy maintenance. By 2050,
begin with two simple questions: technological changes will affect these tasks, and
changes in legislative requirements for maritime
● What technology will be available? qualifications will cover the skills required for these
● Which technologies will each port actually use? roles. In this mini-report, we take a closer look at which
technologies are most likely to influence the next
Particularly as an island nation, ports are an essential generation of UK ports and ask: what skills should the
link in the UK supply chain; however, they’re also a industry be looking for now, to prepare for the ports of
high-risk environment for workers. Add the fact that the tomorrow?
maritime industry is notoriously conservative, and it
becomes clear that any significant changes to the status
quo will require that the benefits are proven, the risk
​The big picture
profile is minimised, and a return on investment is A 2020 Techvalidate survey1 found high costs, labour
established. Why change an imperfect system for an unions, and lack of skills were the biggest barriers to
unproven one, without first ensuring the odds are automation in sea ports. While these results are limited,
stacked towards success?

It’s highly plausible that new technology will completely

disrupt the ports industry, and the ships of 2050 may no
longer berth, load, discharge, and use port services in the
traditional manner. However, while this may happen by
2050, it’s unlikely. Most ships’ working lives are between
20-30 years, so the cutting-edge ships ordered today for
delivery in a couple of years from now will probably still
TechValidate. (2020). Challenges to Implement Automation.
be working in 2050. https://www.techvalidate.com/product-research/navis-n4-platform/chart

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 3

previous research in other industries has found similar market share from air transport in the coming years,
results.2 3 4 5 6 making the optimisation of future traffic demand ever
more important.
In a 2017 survey, 76% of container terminal operators
identified optimising operations as their primary concern, Just as the once futuristic technologies of the internet
closely followed by reducing operational costs (67%).7 and the smartphone have become an integral part of our
Ports are an interface between land and sea transport daily lives, today’s cutting-edge technologies will reach a
so, as shown during COVID-19, they can become a tipping point well before 2050, paving the way for wider
chokepoint for multimodal transportation. Port call workplace adoption.
optimisation is key to ensuring the free-flow of goods. In
the push for environmentally sustainable operations, sea Barriers to technological progress will always exist;
transport will continue to increase and take further however, a combination of regulatory and competitive
pressure and changes in adjacent industries such as
Larsson, J., & Wollin, J. (2020). Industry 4.0 and Lean – Possibilities,
shipping will force change over time. Similar pressures
Challenges and Risk for Continuous Improvement. Blekinge Institute of will dictate the pace and nature of developments in port
https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1458094/FULLTEXT02 technology.
Sharpe, B. (2017). Barriers to the adoption of fuel-saving technologies
in the trucking sector. International Council on Clean Transportation.

It’s highly plausible that new

Kantar Public. (2019). Business Basics: Attitudes to Adoption (BEIS
Research Report Number 2019/018). Department for Business, Energy
and Industrial Strategy.

Baldwin, J., & Lin, Z. (2001). Impediments to Advanced Technology
technology will completely
Adoption for Canadian Manufacturers. Statistics Canada.
disrupt the ports industry
Estrin, L., Foreman, J., & Garcia, S. (2003). Overcoming Barriers to
Technology Adoption in Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs).
Carnegie Mellon University.
TechValidate. (2017, August). What are your terminal’s biggest
operational challenges? from

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 4

​Transformative technologies artificial intelligence (AI),11 machine learning (ML), and
digital twins.12 As connectivity improves, the use of
Like portable and handheld computing devices, connected sensors will proliferate rapidly. Cloud
transformative technologies are those which, if adopted, computing technology that has the ability to handle big
will fundamentally change the way port operations are data will be the column that supports all environmental
conducted. We can divide new technologies based on sensing, condition monitoring, and the ‘internet of
the impact they’ll have and the probability of adoption. things’.
​High-probability technologies
Big data,8 alternative fuels,9 and automation10 will For ports, big data (via AI/ML) drives berth and yard
transform port operations by 2050. In most cases, this planning, anomaly detection, predictive maintenance,
change will be direct; however, big data’s greatest impact and mooring systems. When combined with effective
will be indirect, incentivising data collection, sharing, and communication systems and external data sources, such
collaboration. These, in turn, will facilitate and as those from single-window systems, AIS, or other
encourage regional and international port communities ship-tracking technology, big data will facilitate
to optimise and balance port calls and traffic flows for just-in-time (JIT) arrivals, a concept which will remain
the benefit of all. central to port operations, even if recent events have
encouraged a more ‘just-in-case’ methodology by
Big Data manufacturers and retailers. By simplifying planning and
administration, big data processing may also enable port
Computing “big data” involves the analysis of extremely
authority and government awareness and assessment of
large data sets, too big for conventional analysis
secondary risks to ports and the supply chain.13
techniques. Big data analytics is an enabler of most
transformative technologies, including automation,
Gardner, N. (2021b). Current and future uses of artificial intelligence in
the maritime industry. Thetius.
Chubb, N. (2020). Brief guide to big data in shipping. Thetius. e-maritime-industry/
https://thetius.com/brief-guide-to-big-data-in-shipping/ Brunton, L. (2021). The current state of maritime digital twin solutions.
Gardner, N. (2021). Understanding alternative marine fuels. Thetius. Thetius.
https://thetius.com/understanding-alternative-marine-fuels/ https://thetius.com/research-the-current-state-of-maritime-digital-twin-s
Gardner, N. (2021a). A brief guide to container terminal automation. olutions/
Thetius. Shaw DR, Grainger A and Achuthan K (2017) Multi-level port resilience
https://thetius.com/a-brief-guide-to-container-terminal-automation/ planning in the UK: How can information sharing be made easier?

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 5

Automation 2. provision of bunker/refuelling/recharging
Automation, while reliant on big data, has a discrete facilities for vehicles and vessels; and
impact. Not everything can be automated, but many port
3. changing risk profiles and emergency response.
activities, both physical and administrative, are
predictable and repetitive. These activities are prime As the proportion of vessels reliant on crude oil
targets for automation. derivatives contracts, some ports have capitalised by
creating new business in areas like wind farm
From cranes to unmanned straddle carriers, automation construction and support,14 15 while others have been
is already in use in many major container terminals. forced to lay off staff.16 17
Expanding the use of automation into other types of port
terminal will become technically viable within the next The risks and processes around today’s fuels are
thirty years. Whether non-container ports and terminals well-known and well-understood. Liquid Natural Gas
adopt automation depends very much on the port’s (LNG), hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and even
strategy and competitor landscape. lithium-ion batteries pose variable risks, and need
appropriate facilities and safety plans.
Alternative fuels
Today, a range of alternative ship fuels and propulsion
systems are vying for supremacy in a post-fossil fuel
supply chain. By 2050, one or more of these will succeed
in surpassing fossil fuel oils, but it isn’t yet clear which. 14
Associated British Ports (ABP). (2021). ABP unveils ambitious vision
This paradigm shift is likely to affect ports in three ways: for Port of Lowestoft in support of SNS energy sector.
1. petroleum ports and terminals will adapt or 15
Port of Inverness. (n.d.). Renewable Energy.
close; 16
BBC News. (2016). Redundancy threat for workers at Humber Estuary
ports. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-35504022
Hugill, S. (2015). Workers face redundancy at Port of Tyne. The
Northern Echo.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Special issue on https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/business/13847354.workers-face-re
Disaster Resilience. dundancy-port-tyne/

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 6

Low-probability technologies
Insight Certain technologies in development have a low
Docking an Autonomous Vessel probability of being in widespread use in supply chains
by 2050. However, if these technologies gain traction in
An autonomous container ship steers for the port approaches and the coming decades, they will profoundly revolutionise
enters the final phase of a trans-oceanic voyage. Passing the fairway the ports industry.
buoy with no crew onboard, the vessel’s navigational AI neural
networks connect automatically to the port’s environmental
application programming interface (API) and start receiving real time Elon Musk’s Hyperloop18 or Maglev trains19 are examples.
environmental data. Now in ultra-high precision mode, the ship is If adoption rates increase and they become
maintaining a cross track error below 50cm. commonplace in high-volume freight transport by 2050,
they will incentivise the development of new
The vessel securely connects to a remote pilot: a qualified human,
technologies to speed up cargo operations in ports to
located at a state of the art navigational command centre on shore.
The pilot will monitor the approach and will be equipped to intervene avoid bottlenecks. If ships could discharge directly into
if required. the hyperloop tunnel at sea,20 or if ports are sufficiently
connected by hyperloop tunnels or maglev tracks, cargo
Once within range, precision guidance systems at the berth will
operations could look very different. Indeed, a global
communicate with the vessel’s navcom and the ship will initiate a
final approach. Multi-channel optical and spectral sensors, network of ultra-green, ultra-high speed links could
processing several terabytes of data per second, help the ship’s AI outmode ships altogether. The likelihood of this
neural network to build a highly accurate digital twin of the vessel happening by 2050 is low however, as either option relies
and the berth, modelling multiple control surface input commands in on extremely large investments in infrastructure over a
real-time to ensure the vessel docks with unparalleled precision.

Once in range, vacuum mooring armatures deploy to tether the vessel

to the berth and bring it to rest alongside. Once in position, a team of 18
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, HyperloopTT. (2020).
port technicians will board and conduct visual inspections of the Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. HyperloopTT.
vessel and cargo before coordinating the arrival of automated cargo 19
US Department of Energy. (2016). How Maglev Works. Energy.Gov.
handling equipment. https://www.energy.gov/articles/how-maglev-works
Peters, A. (2016). Imagine A Hyperloop That Uses Underwater Tunnels
To Replace Cargo Ships. Fast Company.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 7

very long period—assuming the remaining technical themselves in 2050, would take much longer to adjust.
challenges can be overcome. Regardless of the port, workers in 2050 will inevitably
Similarly, while widespread adoption of personal jet face more automation, and need a higher level of
packs,21 flying shipping containers,22 semi-submersible technical knowledge as a result.
container ships,23 and airships24 would undeniably impact
ports, but again, the probability of these technologies A significant proportion of impacts on port operations
having a disruptive effect on the industry within the next will come from technological advancements in their
two decades remains remote. service user’s and supply chain partner’s operations. For
example, increasing numbers of marine autonomous
​Ports of 2050 surface ships (MASS) may make it financially viable for
shipowners to operate large numbers of small feeder
If we were to teleport an average port operative from ships. This would lead to widespread changes in cargo
1991 to a port of 2021, how long would it take them to shipping, such as pivoting from the “hub and spoke”
familiarise themselves with the operation? Afterall, most model to a “point-to-point” model,25 routing cargo directly
ports haven’t changed that much, if at all, in the last 30 to its final destination, thereby spreading the load and
years. reducing bottlenecks at high-throughput ports. This,
combined with freeport areas and the push for efficiency,
Based on the rate of technological progress in recent may encourage manufacturing to move closer to ports.
years, an average port operative of 2021 who found While not a technological change in port operations, it
would transform port operations, and provide new jobs in
the port community area.
Debusmann, B. B., Jr. (2021). Is the use of jetpacks finally about to
take off? BBC News. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57652297
Kenn, K. (2020). Ghana to start using drones in carrying shipping
containers. AfriTechPost. Regardless of cargo throughput, the UK ports of 2050
https://www.afritechpost.com/ghana-to-start-using-drones-in-carrying-s will have several things in common:
Oney, J. (2017). Seahorse Shipping [Video]. YouTube.
Hunt, J. D., Byers, E., Balogun, A. L., Leal Filho, W., Colling, A. V.,
Nascimento, A., & Wada, Y. (2019). Using the jet stream for Rodrigue, J. (2021). Point-to-Point versus Hub-and-Spoke Networks.
sustainable airship and balloon transportation of cargo and hydrogen. The Geography of Transport Systems.
Energy Conversion and Management: X, 3, 100016. https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter2/geography-of-transpo
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecmx.2019.100016 rtation-networks/point-to-point-versus-hub-and-spoke-network/

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 8

● increased physical automation, particularly of
port vehicles and cranes; ​ igh Cargo Throughput Ports (>10 million
tonnes per annum)
● individual mechanical aids, such as powered
exoskeletons, to help with any remaining manual As it is today, high cargo throughput ports and those
operations; engaged in substantial commercial activities will have
the greatest access to funding to support upgrading their
● increased process and system automation facilities to the cutting edge of port technology. As ships
including single-window systems, coordinated increase in size and capacity, some of these ports will
data-sharing, and automated tools for berth and
handle fewer ships, but the already-critical yard planning
yard tracking and planning;
could become a major bottleneck in a high-flow cargo
● increased tracking and sensors to drive environment. These ports will have the opportunity to
data-based decisions, including predictive rely on AI tools and digital twin technologies to handle
maintenance, and personnel and asset tracking yard planning. Any changes in transportation technology
within the port; ashore, such as maglev or hyperloop, will impact these
ports the most.
● facilities for handling alternative fuels and
charging electric vehicles and vessels, and
responding to related emergencies; As the MASS transition progresses, these ports will
develop dedicated MASS terminals. These berths will
● remote pilotage; and integrate with the common MASS systems, providing
jobs for those overseeing and maintaining the
● resilience to extreme weather and climate equipment.
On site, automated electric vehicles and cranes will carry
Next we explore the possibilities and present a picture of
out most port operations, overseen and maintained by
the high, medium and low throughput ports of 2050.
specialised port operatives. Predictive maintenance
systems will monitor the equipment’s condition and
schedule maintenance to minimise down-time.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 9

On-site energy generation from tidal, solar, energy
recovered from the lowering of crane loads, or other
power sources, will work within a green grid to provide
charging capacity for electric ships and port vehicles. Coordinating Autonomous Dry Bulk Cranes
A cargo operations supervisor scans a bank of screens. The cranes,
These ports will have new bunkering, storage, and
busily navigating AI-optimised routes around the terminal, drop
emergency-response facilities for the various alternative precisely calculated bulk material loads into hoppers. The
fuels used by future ships, and as these ships become sensor-generated topography of the cargo surface is overlaid on the
increasingly designed for specific cargoes, cranes’ camera and LIDAR feeds, while the dynamic stability feed
high-throughput ports will differentiate themselves from confirms the ship’s automatic ballast system has slowed to match
the rate of discharge.
their competitors by providing specialised cargo
services, such as on-site bagging, wood curing, fruit and The predictive maintenance system for crane A3 beeps to consult the
vegetable ripening, or other specialised services that supervisor. Nothing serious—a fractional increase in the probability
may develop over time. of bearing wear in the gravity generator. The supervisor confirms the
computer action and swipes the screen to send the information to
the technical team for attention. The central cargo operations
A high level of automation will mean port operatives algorithm reduces the demand load for crane A3 by 2.5% to
spend most of their time in monitoring or remote control compensate.
stations, leaving hazardous areas without operatives on
the ground. As operatives move around the site, Another screen beeps an alert: hold 2 will need a bobcat shortly.
Glancing at the overview, the supervisor confirms that one
wearable sensors will track them and ensure their safety.
autonomous bobcat is online, charged, and waiting outside the
At the current rate of progress, 8G will be due to be rolled working area. The system brings the bobcat into position, ready to lift
out soon after 2050, so by 2050 these ports may be into the hold. The comm buzzes—it’s the GPO, asking permission to
debating whether to upgrade the port’s local network. enter the work zone. The supervisor initiates the A-berth automation
shutoff, double-checks the personnel-tracking system, and takes
remote control of A2 before giving the GPO permission to enter the
Today’s cutting-edge technologies will work zone and connect the electromagnetic lifting wires.

reach a tipping point well before 2050

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 10

As a freeport with an innovation hub, these ports will be Local port associations for medium and low-throughput
able to provide targeted training to their port workers and ports will work together to achieve economies of scale
the surrounding community, increasing the pool of when it comes to technology acquisition. By handling a
skilled workers. They’ll likely become part of an wider range of cargoes than low-throughput ports,
international connected ports partnership, allowing medium-throughput ports will be more resilient to the
data-sharing through shared technology to monitor shift away from less-sustainable products such as
shipping and environmental data. This shared data will petroleum products and logs.
help to facilitate just-in-time (JIT) arrivals, which by then
will be the default for a maturing, technologically L​ ow Cargo Throughput Ports (<1 million
enabled, global supply chain. tonnes per annum)
By 2050, as now, we will see the greatest variability in
​ edium Cargo Throughput Ports (>1 million
M low-throughput ports, although some non-cargo activities
tonnes per annum) could involve substantial commercial opportunities.
Overall, these ports will have high levels of automation, Today’s specialised petroleum or log-handling ports may
but will be less automated and more flexible than the have adapted to a shifting marketplace and pivoted to
high-throughput ports. They may also be freeports, but serving environmentally friendly sectors such as
will have proportionately more staff, fewer specialised wind-farm support or alternative fuels. While these ports
berths, and be better able to handle ships with less will have some automation, such as automated
recent technology than higher-throughput ports. weigh-bridges, they have a more limited scope and
budget for major changes. Remote control cranes,
Although these ports will have bunkering facilities for the forklifts, and similar vehicles may be in use as new
most common alternative fuels used in the area, ships technologies become more attainable as they mature.
which need other fuels may need to be supplied by road Some ports will specialise by automating their
tankers or bunker barges. As with all ports, charging will operations to suit particular cargoes, while others will
be available for electric ships and vehicles, and the port provide general services with less automation.
will be as close to carbon-neutral as possible.
As high- and medium-throughput ports focus on handling
newer, larger ships, low-throughput ports will be a refuge

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 11

for older ships, including coasters and feeder ships, Assisted docking systems are already available that
fishing boats, short-sea shipping, and small cruise ships utilise dynamic positioning technology in conjunction
that want “the human touch”. with onboard motion, positioning, and environmental
sensing systems to automate vessel control in response
These ports will have the advantage in agility and to joystick inputs from the operator. This concept will
flexibility, which will allow them to test, refine and develop into smart docking systems that enable
implement automated monitoring and management tools fully-automated berthing. This could be as simple as
that rely on minimal infrastructure investment, such as providing highly accurate digital twin models of the
yard tracking and planning, mooring and flooding risk marina berth, overlaid with live wind, tide, and traffic
assessment/warning tools etc. data. This is most likely in marinas that accommodate
large yachts.
Improved transport links for self-driving cars, trains, and
public transport will make these local ports industrial Services such as hull cleaning and sewage pump out are
and training hubs. As with the medium-throughput ports, likely to be delivered with the aid of automated robotic
regional port associations will be key to ensuring tech systems. Robotic craft are in development that remove
accessibility. hull fouling while a vessel sits alongside. Barge tenders
and water taxis operating around the port may also
Non-cargo Handling Ports commonly be remotely operated, or fully autonomous.

For ports that don’t handle cargo, such as energy Refuelling docks will remain, but are likely to stock little
facilities, offshore supply hubs, fish landing or no diesel fuel, offering green alternatives such as
infrastructure, marinas, repair yards, and passenger electric recharge points and liquid hydrogen. The port
terminals, the outlook is subject to broader area will likely generate more of the energy consumed at
interpretation. the port locally, using wind and solar harvesting plants
and even small-scale tidal generators.
There have been many advances in yacht and pleasure
craft technology that are designed to make handling and Environmental management will be an important factor
navigation easier and safer for non-professional crews. for many non-cargo ports, and greater monitoring may be

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 12

achieved by using autonomous craft patrolling port may be doing so remotely, from safe, clean operations
limits, or by installing smart buoys that collect and control rooms. Skilled staff will also be needed to solve
transmit live data to the cloud. the “edge cases”, or problems that the equipment is not
designed to handle, or which might confuse artificial
Roles and skills in 2050 logic under certain conditions..

According to the UK National Careers Service, a port While the port operatives of 2050 will certainly need to
operative needs mechanical aptitude, the ability to use use consumer computing devices, interpersonal skills
electronic devices for basic tasks, physical abilities like and problem-solving will remain critical at all levels.
lifting and bending, and generic soft skills such as Flexibility, innovation, communication, and creativity will
communication, attention to detail, and the ability to be essential, but these will rely on a solid foundation of
work with others.26 The only requisite qualifications digital literacy, including understanding of electronics, AI,
listed for a port operative are a medical check, and and data integrity.
(possibly) a drivers’ license. As a result of the low
barriers to entry, there is a risk of instilling the idea that
many port operatives are low-skilled manual labourers
​Plugging the gap
who will be easily replaced by automation in the ports of While some of the port technology of 2050 may resemble
2050. science fiction and the skills required appear to be some
leap from those of today’s port operatives, it is useful to
With the rise of automation, a sizable port workforce will reflect on how far the industry has come since 1991.
still be needed to fill skill gaps where the cost of
automation is considered prohibitive against the value In November 1995, the United Nations Conference on
derived (e.g. securing mooring lines etc.), as well as Trade and Development (UNCTAD) described the internet
monitoring and maintaining equipment, requiring a high as, “...a computerized network that spans the world…”.
level of understanding and technical skill. Humans may
also be required to operate equipment and systems, but

UK National Careers Service. (n.d.). Port operative.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 13

They go on to list just 13 ports worldwide that had
Insight websites, and addressed a need to explain how ports can
access this new technology with, “...a computer linked to
Optimising Port Calls in 2050 a server which in turn is linked to the Internet.”27

The port scheduling network is connected to every international port

across the world. Globally-agreed standardisation means that all The youth of 2021 are “digital natives”—they’ve never
status messages, terminology, nomenclature, cybersecurity, and known a world without the internet. Accessing it and
communications protocols are universally understood across the using it in daily life is knowledge acquired by
entire supply chain. osmosis—as familiar as catching a bus, or visiting the
supermarket. In progressive schools, children learn the
Nine weeks from now, the port is expecting the arrival of a 16,000
TEU container vessel to discharge import cargo. The vessel has two concepts of coding and data analysis before they turn
port calls on two continents to complete before arrival, but the port’s 10. They’ll grow up using AI tools and machine learning
AI scheduling system is already expecting the vessel to be 8 hours models in the same way that previous generations used
ahead of her scheduled arrival time. By analysing real time vessel
typewriters, personal computers, and smartphones.
performance data, global meteorological route models, and live
gantry performance metrics, the destination port will monitor the
ETA in real time. Infact, the port duty controller is able to model the
state of the port at any given time in the future. Fuel supplies,
service demand, wharf occupancy, crane demand, truck, rail, and When today’s students
hyperloop traffic, and the status of the air and water quality of the
port environment, are all modelled for risk assessment and planning. enter the workforce in 10 or 15 years,
The controller is alerted to a cargo handling conflict for a new arrival
cutting-edge port technology will be just
that has been scheduled by a booking agent to arrive in 6 days. Two another application of familiar
cranes will be inactive for a few hours of planned maintenance which
is highly likely to impact on discharge operations for the vessel. The concepts.
operator alters the scheduled arrival time to coincide with the
completion of the maintenance window, sending a message to the
vessel operator to expect the new arrival time and adjust the voyage
speed accordingly.
UNCTAD. (1995). Ports Newsletter No. 14.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 14

Training today’s port workers Rather than sending staff away on courses, modern
educational technology,28 such as extended reality (XR)29
The challenge before port operators is upskilling their and targeted bite-size training modules will make on-site
workforces today. The new entrants of 2021 will be the training viable. If ports provide a clear route for
managers and team leaders of 2050. However, a natural continuous career progression linked with ongoing
reluctance to upgrade equipment that’s still working training, and make training available to everyone rather
creates a lag in adoption of state-of-the-art technologies than just those who interact with the equipment, they will
until: increase staff engagement and reduce the threat posed
● the price comes down; by change.
● the original equipment becomes uneconomical,
uncompetitive, illegal, or impossible to maintain; Since ports upgrade equipment at different rates, in a
few years “exchange programs” could give workers
or experience with new equipment before it’s installed in
their port, and give decision-makers the chance to
● there is a way to retrofit the existing equipment assess whether the equipment would be a good fit.
for extra functionality.
​Offering alternatives
As a result, unless human and economic drivers change,
port equipment will be upgraded piecemeal over the next Wherever it is introduced, new technology changes the
30 years. This means ports will have an opportunity to skills dynamics of the workforce and creates new jobs.
train today’s workers gradually as they progress through Port technology has been, and will be, no different. Ports
the ranks. Training that goes beyond “which buttons to with high levels of automation will end up needing fewer
push” and includes explanations of the underlying manual labourers, and more technically-proficient staff.
concepts will give staff a chance to develop their In a fast-changing industry, this could lead to
knowledge and understanding and develop alongside the 28
Gardner, N. (2021c). How will advanced simulation impact maritime
training? Thetius.
port itself. https://thetius.com/how-will-advanced-simulation-impact-maritime-traini
Gardner, N. (2021d). Brief guide to extended reality in the maritime
industry. Thetius.

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 15

redundancies; however, the slow rate of change perception, manipulation, and creative and social
anticipated in most ports, presents a comfortable time intelligence are less susceptible to automation.32
frame for change that allows the ports industry to
properly support the transition to a differently-skilled Just as we couldn’t have foreseen the range of jobs
workforce. They can plan ahead, change their hiring created by the internet, we can’t foresee with absolute
practices, promote from within, and allow natural certainty the range of jobs that will be created by
attrition and retirement to reduce staff over a long upcoming technological innovations in UK ports.
We can, however, be sure that workers will need different
By creating an attractive hub for local manufacturing and skills. By planning ahead and taking proactive steps to
innovation, freeports will increase job opportunities for understand the degree of technological change that is
workers whose skills don’t easily match emerging approaching, port and terminal operators, their supply
requirements. chain partners, and government and local authorities can
ensure that a measured, deliberate, and controlled
Final thoughts adaptation process takes place.

As a 2018 Barclay’s report noted, “even the most What is also clear is that emerging technologies will be a
path-breaking technologies end up automating specific disruptive influence regardless of a stakeholder’s
tasks within a job, not the job itself.”30 Change is readiness to take advantage. Preparing for a new
inevitable, and the coming decades will see accelerating paradigm is important at all levels of the UK ports
technological changes throughout society, so we need to industry.
prepare. Another report observed that “[technological
change] reduces employment opportunities in low-skilled
and routine occupations,”31 while jobs involving

Barclays. (2018). Robots at the gate: Humans and technology at work. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2018/614539/E
https://www.investmentbank.barclays.com/content/dam/barclaysmicrosi PRS_STU(2018)614539_EN.pdf
tes/ibpublic/documents/our-insights/Robots-at-the-gate/Barclays-Impac Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How
t-Series-3-Robots_at_the_Gate-3MB.pdf susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting
Dachs, B. (2018). The impact of new technologies on the labour market and Social Change, 114, 254–280.
and the social economy. European Parliamentary Research Service. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.08.019

Prepared by Thetius © British Ports Association 2022 - all rights reserved 16

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