BPA Terminal Velocity Mar 2022
BPA Terminal Velocity Mar 2022
BPA Terminal Velocity Mar 2022
Introduction 3
Transformative technologies 5
High-probability technologies 5
Big Data 5
Automation 6
Alternative fuels 6
Low-probability technologies 7
Ports of 2050 8
Final thoughts 16
Baldwin, J., & Lin, Z. (2001). Impediments to Advanced Technology
technology will completely
Adoption for Canadian Manufacturers. Statistics Canada.
disrupt the ports industry
Estrin, L., Foreman, J., & Garcia, S. (2003). Overcoming Barriers to
Technology Adoption in Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs).
Carnegie Mellon University.
TechValidate. (2017, August). What are your terminal’s biggest
operational challenges? from
For ports that don’t handle cargo, such as energy Refuelling docks will remain, but are likely to stock little
facilities, offshore supply hubs, fish landing or no diesel fuel, offering green alternatives such as
infrastructure, marinas, repair yards, and passenger electric recharge points and liquid hydrogen. The port
terminals, the outlook is subject to broader area will likely generate more of the energy consumed at
interpretation. the port locally, using wind and solar harvesting plants
and even small-scale tidal generators.
There have been many advances in yacht and pleasure
craft technology that are designed to make handling and Environmental management will be an important factor
navigation easier and safer for non-professional crews. for many non-cargo ports, and greater monitoring may be
According to the UK National Careers Service, a port While the port operatives of 2050 will certainly need to
operative needs mechanical aptitude, the ability to use use consumer computing devices, interpersonal skills
electronic devices for basic tasks, physical abilities like and problem-solving will remain critical at all levels.
lifting and bending, and generic soft skills such as Flexibility, innovation, communication, and creativity will
communication, attention to detail, and the ability to be essential, but these will rely on a solid foundation of
work with others.26 The only requisite qualifications digital literacy, including understanding of electronics, AI,
listed for a port operative are a medical check, and and data integrity.
(possibly) a drivers’ license. As a result of the low
barriers to entry, there is a risk of instilling the idea that
many port operatives are low-skilled manual labourers
Plugging the gap
who will be easily replaced by automation in the ports of While some of the port technology of 2050 may resemble
2050. science fiction and the skills required appear to be some
leap from those of today’s port operatives, it is useful to
With the rise of automation, a sizable port workforce will reflect on how far the industry has come since 1991.
still be needed to fill skill gaps where the cost of
automation is considered prohibitive against the value In November 1995, the United Nations Conference on
derived (e.g. securing mooring lines etc.), as well as Trade and Development (UNCTAD) described the internet
monitoring and maintaining equipment, requiring a high as, “...a computerized network that spans the world…”.
level of understanding and technical skill. Humans may
also be required to operate equipment and systems, but
UK National Careers Service. (n.d.). Port operative.
As a 2018 Barclay’s report noted, “even the most What is also clear is that emerging technologies will be a
path-breaking technologies end up automating specific disruptive influence regardless of a stakeholder’s
tasks within a job, not the job itself.”30 Change is readiness to take advantage. Preparing for a new
inevitable, and the coming decades will see accelerating paradigm is important at all levels of the UK ports
technological changes throughout society, so we need to industry.
prepare. Another report observed that “[technological
change] reduces employment opportunities in low-skilled
and routine occupations,”31 while jobs involving
Barclays. (2018). Robots at the gate: Humans and technology at work. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2018/614539/E
https://www.investmentbank.barclays.com/content/dam/barclaysmicrosi PRS_STU(2018)614539_EN.pdf
tes/ibpublic/documents/our-insights/Robots-at-the-gate/Barclays-Impac Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How
t-Series-3-Robots_at_the_Gate-3MB.pdf susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting
Dachs, B. (2018). The impact of new technologies on the labour market and Social Change, 114, 254–280.
and the social economy. European Parliamentary Research Service. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.08.019