КТП 2023-2024 Action 11
КТП 2023-2024 Action 11
КТП 2023-2024 Action 11
6 Blood types - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in 1
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express appropriate
functions; use a variety of near modal structures including supposed to, bound to,
due, willing to on a wide range of general and curricular topics
7 Grammar: - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended 1
determiners: Articles higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
– Generic use including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive and wh -
clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics
8 Writing: formal - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a 1
/informal writing range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive and wh -
clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics
9 Culture corner - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended 1
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognize inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a range of
more complex and abstract general and curricular topics
10 Curricular: biology - organize and present information clearly to others 1 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11 Language in use: - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and 1
phrasal verbs / cooperatively in groups
prepositions - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide
Summative range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
assessment for the unfamiliar topics
unit «Making - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
connections in higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
biology including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
Unit 2: Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins
12 Our natural world - organize and present information clearly to others 1 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing - recognize patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph
level] on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position
adverbs/adverbial phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics
13 Golden eagle - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported 1
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics. - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics.
14 Grammar: - organize and present information clearly to others 1
Present/past perfect - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
15 Bats - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - communicate and respond to news and feelings in correspondence
through a variety of functions on a wide range of general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express appropriate
functions; use a variety of near modal structures including supposed to, bound to,
due, willing to on a wide range of general and curricular topics
16 Grammar: - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1
Impersonal - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
sentences contexts on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some
unfamiliar topics - use a growing variety of impersonal and cleft structures on a wide range
of general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position
adverbs/adverbial phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics
17 Dolphins - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
perspectives on the world - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics
18 Grammar: - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
present/past tenses range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics
19 Writing: An opinion - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1
essay - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic uses, some
appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range of general and curricular
20 Expressing opinion - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a 1
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation patterns
on a wide range of general and curricular topics
21 Culture corner - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a 1
Summative range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
assessment for the - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
unit «Investigate and familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
report on animal - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation patterns
world: bats, eagles, on a wide range of general and curricular topics
bees and dolphins»
22 Summative control - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended 1
work for the 1st term higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
23 Curricular: biology - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended 1
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
24 Language in use - organize and present information clearly to others 1 - recognize the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express appropriate functions
; use a variety of near modal structures including supposed to, bound to, due,
willing to on a wide range of general and curricular topics
II term – 24 hours
Unit 3: Human brain
25 Parts of the brain – - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
human brain facts range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
26 Brain technology - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended 1
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding - use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive forms and a
variety of perfect continuous forms on a wide range of general and curricular topics
27 Grammar: 11.3.2,1 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended 1
Prepositional higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
phrases including some unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive and wh
clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics
28 Neurons - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
29 Grammar: Past - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in 1
modals talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding - use a growing variety of impersonal and cleft structures on a wide range
of general and curricular topics - organize and present information clearly to others - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a growing variety of impersonal and cleft structures on a wide range
of general and curricular topics
30 Memory - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general 1
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a variety of pre - and post - modifying noun structures on a wide
range of general and curricular topics - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common nouns,
adjectives and verbs on a wide range of general and curricular topics
31 Grammar: Affixes - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended 1
and suffixes higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open -ended
in KZ higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
32 Writing: Analysing a - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
model range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use a wide range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
and which is spelt accurately - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a growing variety of more complex prepositional phrases including
those relating to concession and respect; use a variety of multi-word verbs of
different syntactic types on a wide range of general and curricular topics
33 Grammar: Clauses - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative 1
of Concession proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognize patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph
level] on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - use a wide range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
and which is spelt accurately - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar
general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics
34 Culture corner - implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of 1
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - recognize inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of
general and curricular subjects, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
35 Culture: biology - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
Summative range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
assessment for the unfamiliar topic
unit «Human brain» - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express appropriate
functions; use a variety of near modal structures including supposed to, bound to,
due, willing to on a wide range of general and curricular topics
36 Language in use - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended 1
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express appropriate
functions; use a variety of near modal structures including supposed to, bound to,
due, willing to on a wide range of general and curricular topics
37 Progress check - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement
between speakers on a range of general and curricular topics, including some
unfamiliar topics -use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics; - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a variety of
more complex and abstract general and curricular topics;
63 Intelligent Energy - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1
storage - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of general and
curricular subjects, including some unfamiliar topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended higher-
order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics, including some
unfamiliar topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level] on a
range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics;
64 Grammar: Verb - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
complementation perspectives on the world - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation patterns on a
wide range of general and curricular topics
65 Energy storage - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
solutions perspectives on the world - recognise the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a range
of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics; - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation patterns on a
wide range of general and curricular topics
66 Grammar: Future - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended higher- 1
tenses order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics, including some
unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter -paragraph level] on a
range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common nouns, adjectives
and verbs on a wide range of general and curricular topics
67 Analyzing academic - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1
language - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement between
speakers on a range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics; - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics
68 Grammar affixes - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
and suffixes perspectives on the world
Summative - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative proposals on a
assessment for the range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer
unit «STEM»
reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular topics - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a wide range of
general and curricular topics 11.W.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of
connectors on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
69 Writing: Public - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of 1
speaking familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a growing number of
more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective aspect/simple and progressive aspect] on a
wide range of general and curricular topics WB p.63
70 Culture corner - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a variety of more
complex and abstract general and curricular topics
71 Curricular: Physics - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.6.8;1 - use a wide variety of future forms, including future perfect forms on a wide range
of general and curricular topics - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
72 Language in use - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
perspectives on the world topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
11.3. 3.1 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
73 Progress check. 11.6.8;1 - use a wide variety of future forms, including future perfect forms on a wide range
Reading of general and curricular topics - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
74 Progress check. - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts 1
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of future forms, including future perfect forms on a wide range
of general and curricular topics
Unit 7. Reading for pleasure
75 Vocabulary: Genres - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
of literature - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
contexts on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs/adverbial
phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics
76 Frankenstein - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in 1
groups - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
77 Backgrounds - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
analysis - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and
unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
11.S.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
78 Victor Prometheus - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of 1
ex 10 -14 general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and
unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics;
79 Summative - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
Assessment for the - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
3d term general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
80 Elements in fiction 11.3. 3.1 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general and 1
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and
extend understanding - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics
IV term – 24 hours
Unit 8: Recent advances in technology
79 Vocabulary: - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
Technological perspectives on the world
advances - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics -ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
80 Apps in education - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
perspectives on the world - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a growing number
of more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective aspect/simple and progressive
aspect] on a wide range of general and curricular topics
81 Grammar: Reported - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
speech - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a growing number
of more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective aspect/simple and progressive
aspect] on a wide range of general and curricular topics
82 Apps for personal - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
and professional perspectives on the world - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics -ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
83 Grammar; Verb - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
complementation - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open-ended
higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level]
on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation patterns
on a wide range of general and curricular topics
84 Technology - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and
curricular topics - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive and why-
clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics ;
85 Grammar: - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
prepositions - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common nouns,
adjectives and verbs on a wide range of general and curricular topics
86 Writing: an - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
information leaflet - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - read a wide range of extended fiction and non -fiction texts on a variety of
more complex and abstract general and curricular topics
87 Formal and informal - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
language perspectives on the world - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar
general and curricular topics
88 Culture corner - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - read a wide range of extended fiction and non -fiction texts on a variety of
more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter -paragraph
level] on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and
curricular topics
89 Curricular: Design - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
and Technology range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics; -ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics; - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
90 Language in use - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter -paragraph
level] on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics; - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and
curricular topics - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar
general and curricular topics - use a growing variety of more complex prepositional phrases including
those relating to concession and respect; use a variety of multi - word verbs of
different syntactic types on a wide range of general and curricular topics
91 Progress check - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
Summative perspectives on the world
assessment for the - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
unit «Recent extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
advances in growing range of unfamiliar topics
technology» - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting
closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular
topics - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a growing number
of more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective aspect/simple and progressive
aspect] on a wide range of general and curricular topics
Unit 9: The clothes of chemistry
92 Introduction to the - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
lesson: Vocabulary - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and
curricular topics - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic uses, some
appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range of general and curricular
93 Modern fashion - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers 1 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognise the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a
range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics
94 Grammar: Adjective - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1
complements - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognise the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a
range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - punctuate written work at text level on a wide range of general and
curricular topics with a good degree of accuracy - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive and why -
clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics
95 Psychotextiles - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers 1 - respect differing points of view - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use a wide variety of pre -verbal, post -verbal and end -position
adverbs/adverbial phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics
96 Grammar: Adverbs - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of 1
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics; - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar
general and curricular topics; - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics; - use a wide variety of pre -verbal, post -verbal and end -position
adverbs/adverbial phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
97 Clothing in - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers 1
Kazakhstaan - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
Summative range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
assessment for the unfamiliar topics
unit «The clothes of - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to open - ended
chemistry» higher -order thinking questions on a range of general and curricular topics,
including some unfamiliar topics - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics
98 Grammar: - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
Apposition/Textual range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use appropriate subject -specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a
wide variety of written genres on general and curricular topics.
99 Summative control - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers 1
work for the 4th term - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level]
on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic uses, some
appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range of general and curricular
topics - use a wide variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position
adverbs/adverbial phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
100 Writing: A report - respect differing points of view 1 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative
proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
101 Culture corner - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide 1
range of familiar general and curricular topics - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic uses, some
appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range of general and curricular
102 Curricular: Design - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate alternative 1
and Technology proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level]
on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic uses, some
appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range of general and curricular