Potier Reactance Experiment
Potier Reactance Experiment
Potier Reactance Experiment
- 05
To determine Potier Reactance of Three Phase Alternator by "Zero Power Factor Lagging
Saturation Curve'"
1. Theory
The Potier reactance is the leakage reactance when generator is having rated voltage and
rated armature current or armature reaction at full load. The leakage reactance is obtained by the use
of Potier Triangle: therefore it is called as Potier reactance. The Potier Triangle can be drawn by
knowing the open circuit characteristic, the field excitation for rated armature current when
alternator is short circuited and zero power factor lagging saturation characteristic.
The open circuit characteristic is the plot between excitation () and per phase open circuit
voltage (E). The zero power factor lagging saturation curve (zpflsc) is a curve between field current
l) and armature terminal per phase voltage (V) when load current, speed are at rated values and
power factor is zero lagging i.e. the load is purely inductive. For an alternator, these characteristics
are obtained as follows:
1. An alternator is run at rated speed by prime mover.
2. The field winding excitation is increased from zero and open circuit voltage is noted
3. With armature shorted, field current is increased from zero in order to flow rated
armature current. The field current for rated I, is noted (SCC).
4. A purely inductive load is connected across the armature terminals and field current is
increased till full load armature current is flowing.
5. The load is varied in steps and the field current at each step is adjusted to maintain rated
full load armature current (ZPFLSC).
Voltage FE
E. B
Phase D
L, Voltage
A G H I,of mmf
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Phasor Diagram of Cylindrical Rotor Alternator at Zero Power Factor Overexcited.
(b) OCC, SCC, ZPFLSC and Potier Triangle
The terminal voltage V, and air gap voltage E, are very nearly in phase and are related by the
simple algebraic equaticon, V, =E, - I,r, -INa:
The resultant mmf E, and the field mmf Frare also very nearly in phase and are related by the
simple algebraic equation, F, =F +,
The OCC and (FL) ZPFLSC are shown in Fig. 1. For field eXcitation Fr (I), equal to OH. the
open circuit voltage is HF (E). The curves are on per phase basis. OH is also the excitation required
to produce rated terminal voltage at full load with zero pf lagging and OA is the
to get rated armature current when terminals of alternator are short circuited.
excitation required
4. Procedure
1. Make the connection as shown in Fig. 4.
2. Set potential divider (connected to field winding of alternator) to zero output position and
triple pole double throw switch to open position i.e. position no. 1 in which alternator
terminals are all open.
3. Set field rheostat of motor to minimum resistance point or set the speed control handle to
slowspeed point (if available in starter of dc motor).
4. Switch on dc supply and start dc motor with the help of starter.
5. Adjust the motor speed to synchronous speed of alternator with the help of field rheostat or
speed control handle.
6. Note voltmeter reading. Increase the excitation in step and note the corresponding voltage
reading. Take reading up to 20% above the rated voltage.
7. Bring the potential divider to zero output position and close the TPDT switch to position no
2, in which alternator terminals are shorted.
8. Increase the excitation till ammeters read rated current of alternator. Note the value of field
current. This value gives stating point of ZPFLSC i.e. the position of point A in Fig. 1.
9. Bring the potential divider to zero output position and close the TPDT switch to position no
3. in which RYB of alternator are connected to three variable inductors.
10. Keen variable inductors to minimum reactance position (Top) and increase excitation such
that all the ammeters read rated armature current of alternator. Note field current and the
armature voltage.
11. Now increase the excitation in step and increase reactance of inductors (towards bottom)
such that the ammeters again read rated armature current of alternator. Note field current and
the armature voltage.
12. Repeat step n0. 11to get readings up to rated armature voltage.
13. Reduce the excitation tO zero and switch off the dc supply.
E, is
his method is also Useful for calculating voltage regulation, For any load, first
caleulated by using the relation , ,+7,(0, +jN,). According to the magnitude of f E,, F, is
bained ftom OCC and is drawa leading by 90 to E, By knowing E, from Potier triangle, F;is
calculated by using the relation F, =+I, Corresponding to , no load voltage E,
is obtained from OCC and then voluge regulation is caleulated by using the relation
%Regulation = E, -V)7V,x100.
ALT) 0-10Aac
300V ac
0-10A ac
0-1A d
400 2, 2A
+o230 V
DC Supply
Fig, 4. Experimental set up for
Determination of Potier Reactance
5. Observations
Speed of the set Synchronous speed t**. rpm,
1. Open Circuit Test:
Fielf Current Arm Terminal
I, A Voltage/ phase, V
0.1 A
0.2 A
up to rated value
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