AATCC 127 Water Resistance Hydrostatic Pressure Test
AATCC 127 Water Resistance Hydrostatic Pressure Test
AATCC 127 Water Resistance Hydrostatic Pressure Test
11. Notes
10.3 Textest FX3000 Hydrostatic Head Table VI—Material C—Critical
Tester (Option 2). Differences—95% Confidence 11.1 Hydrostatic Pressure Tester (Suter).
10.3.1 In a single-laboratory study, six (Option 2 Tester) 11.1.1 The apparatus consists essentially of
different laboratory technicians run deter- an inverted conical well equipped with a coax-
Det in Avg Single Within ial ring clamp to fasten the cloth specimen un-
minations on three specimens of five ma- (N) Operator Laboratory der the well bottom. The apparatus introduces
terials. water from above the specimen over an area
10.3.2 The five materials were at dif- 1 16.13 16.13
2 11.40 11.40 114 mm in diameter and at a rate of 10.0 ± 0.5
ferent levels of approximately: A=103, mm of hydrostatic head per second. A mirror
B=33, C=37, D=12, and E=77. Data ob- 3 9.31 9.31
4 8.06 8.06 is affixed below the specimen to enable the
tained in this study is recorded in milli- operator to ascertain penetration of the speci-
5 7.21 7.21
bars (SI standard). The residual variance men by drops of water. A valve is provided for
of the five materials were found to be dif- venting the air in the well.
ferent, therefore, precision is reported 11.1.2 Hydrostatic testing apparatus of the
separately for each. type described is no longer available for sale.
Table VII—Material D—Critical
10.3.3 Analysis of the data sets for 11.2 Hydrostatic Head Tester (Textest).
Differences—95% Confidence
each material yielded critical differences 11.2.1 Uses an electronically controlled pump
(Option 2 Tester) to apply hydrostatic pressure at 60 mbar/min
as shown in Tables IV, V, VI, VII and (selectable) to the bottom side of the fabric.
VIII. Differences between two averages Det in Avg Single Within A reservoir with a circular test area of 100 ±
of (N) determinations, for the appropriate (N) Operator Laboratory 5 cm2 (»4.5 in. diam) contains distilled or
precision parameter, should reach or ex- 1 2.88 3.50 deionized water which is applied to the fabric
ceed the table value to be statistically sig- 2 2.04 2.47 surface. The fabric specimen is secured with a
nificant at the 95% confidence level. 3 1.66 2.02 coaxial clamp which is equipped with viewing
10.3.4 Between laboratory precision 4 1.44 1.75 lamps to aid the operator in seeing the penetra-
has not been established for this option. 5 1.29 1.57 tion of water droplets. A digital readout dis-
plays the pressure. An RS232 data port is
provided to transfer the test results for storage
and statistical analysis.
Table IV—Material A—Critical Table VIII—Material E—Critical 11.2.2 The Textest Hydrostatic Head Tester
Differences—95% Confidence Differences—95% Confidence is available from Advanced Testing Instru-
(Option 2 Tester) ments Corp., 203 Parksouth Dr., Greer SC
(Option 2 Tester) 29651-7119; tel: 864/989-0566; fax: 864/989-
Det in Avg Single Within Single Within 0567; e-mail: info@aticorporation.com.
(N) Operator Laboratory Det in Avg (N) Operator Laboratory 11.3 Some laboratories use water at ambi-
ent temperature. If testing is performed other
1 72.49 72.49 1 15.04 16.55 than 21 ± 2°C, so state.
2 51.26 51.26 2 10.63 11.70 11.4 1 mbar = 1.02 cm H2O.
3 41.85 41.85 3 8.68 9.55 11.5 Lateral water leakage can be mini-
4 36.25 36.25 4 7.52 8.27 mized by sealing the fabric with paraffin at the
5 32.42 32.42 5 6.72 7.40 clamping area.