Learning Episode (3.3)
Learning Episode (3.3)
Learning Episode (3.3)
Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1– Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
Field Study 1
(Learning Episode 3.3)
Associate Professor I
Field Study 1 87
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Episode 3.3: Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
A teacher deals with different students with different personalities on a daily basis. This is probably
one of the greatest challenges in teaching. This lesson will guide you in understanding the
characteristics and categories of exceptional learners and how a teacher should handle them.
Education Theory
No learner should be left behind. This is a common tagline in promoting inclusive education, which
is being implemented nationwide. In every instruction, there are students who can easily cope with
the lessons and there are students who have difficulty in understanding a simple lesson. The latter are
considered exceptional learners. Integrating exceptional leraners into the regular classroom adds
further challenge to the job of teaching diverse students.
Sadker et. al. (2008) categorized exceptional learners into the following:
Teaching exceptional learners offers teachers the opportunity to stretch their imagination and
Teachers use the term “students with disabilities’ to highlight the person, not the disability. In the
past, the term “handicapped students” was used. On the other hand, “gifted and talented” refers to
students with the ability to learn fast and with ease. They may also possess exemplary ability in arts
and music, sports, leadership, and the like.
Field Study 1 88
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: _________________________________ Score:
Direction: Use the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFn1oGIWxnI (demo-teaching, SPED
class) to observe SPED class. Take note of the needs of the learners that the teachers should address.
Write your observation in the observation report below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
Observation Report
Class Observed:
Name of Teacher:
Date of Observation:
Field Study 1 89
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Field Study 1 90
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: _________________________________ Score:
Direction: Conduct a virtual interview with the following internal school stakeholders on how they
deal with students with disability and gifted learners (Provide enough documentation to be attached
in your portfolio). Summarize your answer by filling in the table below. Compile your answer in a
Internal Stakeholders How do you deal with learners with disability and giftedness
School Principal
Classroom Teacher/Adviser
Guidance Counselor
Field Study 1 91
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: ________________________________ Score: __________________
Direction: Go back to the video of the SPEd Class teaching in LAT 3.3A. Observe how the teacher
uses different strategies in teaching exceptional learners. List down five (5) observations in a space
provided below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
Observation 1:
Observation 2:
Observation 3:
Field Study 1 92
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Observation 4:
Observation 5:
Field Study 1 93
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: ________________________________ Score: __________________
Direction: Watch the film, Every Child is Special, then write a comprehensive reflection about the
film. Summarize your answer in the format below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
Field Study 1 94
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Field Study 1 95
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: ________________________________ Score: __________________
Direction: Read carefully and answer the following questions. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
1. How do the answers of the school principal, classroom teacher/adviser, and guidance
counsellor on dealing with exceptional learners differ from each other?
2. Based on your five observations on how a teacher uses a strategy in teaching learners with
disability and giftedness, which strategy is the best? Why?
3. What have you realized after watching the film Every Child is Special?
Field Study 1 96
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
4. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What practices or
strategies are done of should be done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the
5. Describe the methods used by the teacher handling the learners’ differences in abilities. How
did the learners respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes,
describe how.
Field Study 1 97
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and Talents
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:____________________
Course/Year/Section: ________________________________ Score: __________________
Direction: Write your reflection of what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
statements below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I believe that
4. When I become a teacher, I will
Field Study 1 98
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 3: Diversity of Learner Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness and
5. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their
age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?
6. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for the positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or
not help you with your needs how did it affect you?
Field Study 1 99