Module1 - ETS - Crystal Defects
Module1 - ETS - Crystal Defects
Module1 - ETS - Crystal Defects
Dr Arivarasi
Solidification and Crystallisation
• Hardening of materials from the casting of molten liquid/gels (metals and alloys).
• Size and shape of the structure of the material depend on its cooling rate.
• Solidification process involves the formation of nuclei and the growth of nuclei to form
grain and crystal structures.
Crystalline Defects
Point Defects
Point Defects
Point Defects in Ionic Crystals
The conduction electrons are actually moving around randomly in the metal but
as a result of the application of the electric field Ex, they all acquire a net velocity
in the x-direction
The average velocity of the electrons in the x-direction at time ‘t’ is called drift velocity
It is denoted by Vdx(t)
It is the instantaneous velocity vx in the x-direction averaged over many electrons (i.e.)
Vdx = [Vx1 + Vx2 + Vx3 + ……. VxN]
• The electron accelerates along the x direction under the action of the force e Ex, and then it
suddenly collides with a vibrating atom and loses the gained velocity. Therefore, there is an
average velocity in the x direction, which, if calculated, determines the current as
Calculation of Drift Velocity
• To calculate the drift velocity Vdx of the electrons due to applied field Ex, let us
first consider the velocity Vxi of the ith electron in the x-direction at time ‘t’
• Suppose its last collision was at time ti; therefore, for time (t − ti), it accelerated free of
• Let uxi be the velocity of electron i in the x-direction just after the collision, called as the initial
• Since e Ex ∕me is the acceleration of the electron, the velocity vxi in the x-direction at time t will
• However, this is only for the ith electron. The average velocity Vdx for all such electrons
along x. The average expression for i = 1 to N electrons is given by:
• Suppose that τ is the mean free time, or the mean time between collisions (also
known as the mean scattering time)
• For some electrons, (t − ti) will be greater than τ, and for others, it will be shorter
Averaging (t − ti) for N electrons will be the same as τ
• Thus, we can substitute τ for (t − ti) in the previous expression to obtain
The drift velocity increases linearly with the applied field. The constant of
proportionality eτ ∕ me has been given a special name and symbol. It is called the drift
mobility μd, which is defined as
Vdx = μd Ex
μd = eτ / me
From the expression for the drift velocity Vdx , the current density Jx follows
immediately by substituting
Vdx = μdEx
Jx (t) = e n Vdx (t)
Jx = e n μdEx
Therefore, the current density is proportional to the electric field and the
conductivity σ is the term multiplying Ex, that is,
σ = e n μd
Problem #1
Calculate the drift mobility and the mean scattering time of conduction electrons in copper
at room temperature, given that the conductivity of copper is 5.9 × 105 Ω−1 cm−1. [n = 8.5 × 1022
electrons cm−3. ]
Solution :
The electron drift mobility is