E6Q2W3 Edited
E6Q2W3 Edited
E6Q2W3 Edited
Week 3
Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Capsulized Self -Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Topic Title: Noting Significant Details of Informational Texts
The informational text helps a reader to understand the story or events by noting its details fully. An author
will include details in stories or illustrations to help the reader understand the characters and events. Details are
essential in writing. They give you (the reader) a clear understanding of the story. A graphic organizer will help
you list down the essential details in a story.
In taking notes of the details, you should listen; write only the important details, such as the characters,
events, settings, etc., organize your notes and review your notes for you to be able to answer the following
questions. In noting details, questions are WH (Who, What, Where, When, How) Questions.
SAQ - 1: Let us try to check your reading comprehension skills by answering the following questions
about the text:
1. Who is ill?
\ 2. What does she want to do but can’t? Why?
3. How does Lee feel while at home sick?
4. What does Lee pray for?
5. If you were Lee’s friend, what would you do or say to make her happy?
SAQ - 2: For better understanding of the selection. Fill in the graphic organizer.
Directions: Read the selection carefully. Answer the questions about it. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your notebook.
The Donkey and the Sponges
A man drove his donkey to the seaside and purchased there a load of salt. The man and the donkey
went home at once. While crossing a stream, the donkey stumbled and fell into the water. He lay there for
some time until he regained his energy. Upon arising, the donkey was delighted to find that he had lost his
burden. After that, the donkey again had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time he carried a load of
sponges. Remembering what happened before; he stumbled intentionally and again fell into the stream.
The donkey was surprised when he found out that, his load became many times heavier than before.
Key Points
Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves picking out, from a piece of text, the
Lesson 1 Written by: Leisette M. Macapili
Let's see how much you have learned today!
Directions: Read the questions and choose the correct answer.
(Write your answers on your answer sheets.)
3. Which of the following was the earliest way or
From the time men learned to write, they recording the events that opus early ancestors used?
began to make records of things and events about A. painting pictures on stones, walls or pillars
them. For writing materials, our ancestors wrote on B. writing on skins, on woods or barks of trees
skins, on woods, walls or pillars. Some of the men C. putting inscriptions on tombs
of antiquity were historians. Some of their written 4. How did we know about the events during the
records were inscriptions on tombs, hymns to the time of our ancestors?
sun, modes of conduct, laws and edicts, some were A. Our ancestors made records of things and
letters and contracts, and others were chants events about them
B. Our ancestors kept on retelling the events
departed souls. Many of us today keep records of
about them
our daily lives. C. Our ancestors preserved their materials in
their tombs
5. What does the selection say about the people
Source: Skill Builders for Efficient today?
Reading 9 p. 45 A. The people today don't mind the events
about their daily lives.
1. When did men begin to record things and events about B. The people today keep records of their daily
them? lives.
A. From the times they learned to speak C. The people of today have a new system or
B. From the time they learned to write recording the events of their daily lives.
C. From the time they started to mingle with other
2. Which of the following were NOT used by our
ancestors as writing materials?
A. skin, wood, the bark of trees
B. stones, walls or pillars
C. pen, paper, diaries
Elodie A. Cada and Joyce H. Ternio, ENGLISH for You and Me 6, Book Wise
REFERENCE/S Publishing House, Inc., 2008, p. 30.
Capsulized Self -Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Topic Title: Writing a 4-Paragraph Composition Showing Comparison and Contrast
A composition is a group of paragraphs linking to one topic or idea. It is one of the most
important aspects of learning the English language. However, it can be challenging in the sense that
the topics are wide-ranging. When writing a composition, it is essential to know its main parts. It
consists of the Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion.
A. Introduction
• The introduction must be interesting enough to get the reader's attention;
• Prepares the reader for what is to follow;
• Let's your reader know what your composition will be about;
• It is clear and not too lengthy.
• It can be in the form of a statement, question, quote, or part of the lyrics of the song.
C. Conclusion
The conclusion is the last but not the least part of the composition. Never end your story abruptly.
Take time to beautifully conclude your work.
• Make simple, and summarizes the main idea of your writing piece, not presents new points
and opinions.
• It can also end with the quote or lyrics of the song.
One of the most common compositions is writing a comparison and contrast. It focuses on how
certain things or ideas usually two of them are similar to (this is the comparison) and/or different
from (this is the contrast) one another. When you reflect on similarities and differences, you gain a
deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, their relationship to each other, and what is
most important about them.
Examples :
1. He looked hurt and angry at the same time.
2. She's as perfect as she can be.
3. Just like the computer, the mobile phone can be used to communicate easily with other people.
Contrasting- is when you identify things that are not alike or the differences between two or more
Connectors that show contrast:
-In contrast -on the contrary -on the other hand -unlike
-however - although -even though -conversely meanwhile
Examples :
1. The phone woke me up, even though it wasn't very loud.
2. Kim and Tom have different tastes in music and food; however, they both like to dance.
3. Computers are unlike mobile phones in their lack of portability.
Below is a graphic organizer showing the comparison and contrast of the two fruits.
Compare and Contrast
1. Mango has less calories, more
1.Both are tropical fruits vitamin A, more vitamin C,
2.Both yellow in color cancer fighting
Sample Composition:
Mango and Banana
Tropical fruits like mango and banana are delicious, flavored, and healthful fruits that we have
ever met. The nutritionally rich fruit has a unique flavor and taste. These super fruits have many sizes
and shapes. They are amazingly sweet and have creamy and firm flesh. They are available for
harvest all year long.
Mango and banana are both good sources of vitamins and minerals. They are useful for
revitalizing the Body and replenishing energy. That is why it is widely consumed by athletes as a
source of good energy.
According to a recent research study, mango is able to protect from breast and colon cancer.
Mango has fewer calories per gram than the banana. Both are great fruits and good for us; however,
when watching the calories, one can eat more mangoes in volume and consume fewer calories.
Mangoes can boost the immune system with 50% more vitamin C than the bananas. It can help keep
the immune system healthy. On the other hand, bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin
B6. It also contributes significant potassium to our diet, and eating this fruit will cheer you up.
Thus, mango and banana are important for the proper function of our Body.
SAQ-1: Let us try to check your reading comprehension skills by answering the
following questions about the short story:
1. What are the two marine mammals mention in the short story?
2. How do they (the marine mammal) communicate with each other?
3. What are the similarities of dolphins and whales?
4. How do these two marine mammals differ from each other?
5. As a grade 6 pupil, How can you help these creatures (Dolphins and Whales) survive?
SAQ-2: Based on the short story presented make your own Venn diagram.
Venn Diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationship among things or
finite group of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not
overlap do not share those traits. It helps to visually represent the similarities and
differences between two concepts.
Directions: Think of two animals that you would like to compare and contrast. Write a 4-paragraph
composition showing their similarities and differences.
Key Points
Let's see how much you have learned today!
(Write your answers on your answer sheets.)
Directions: Write a 4-paragraph composition showing comparison and contrast about these gadgets.
"Cellular phone and Telephone."
1. What are the differences and similarities between the two gadgets?
2. Which do you think have more applications and very accessible to use?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them as a means of communication?
4. What do they have in common?
'Comparison and Contrast of Whales and Dolphins' Wild Sky Media, last
modified September 26, 201, https://animals.mom.me/comparison-and-
REFERENCE/S contrast-of-whales-and-dolphins-12594482.html
Answer Key
TOPIC: Noting Significant Details of Informational Text
SAQ – 1
1. The ill is Lee
2. She wishes to play with her friends, but her mother won’t allow her to leave her room.
3. She feels that she should eat, and then sleep so she will get well.
4. Prays that soon God will give her a blissful day.
5. Answer may vary.
SAQ – 2
1. What is the story/selection talk about?
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C
TOPIC: Writing a 4-Paragraph Composition Showing Comparison and Contrast