DLP Q3W1 Day 2

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Quarter 3 Week 1 Day 2
A. Content The learner…
Standards • manifests beginning oral language skills to communicate
in different contexts
• demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet and decoding to
read, write and spell words correctly
• demonstrates the ability to read grade one level text with
sufficient accuracy, speed, and expression to support
• demonstrates developing knowledge and use of
appropriate grade level vocabulary and concepts
• demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and
informational text
• demonstrates positive attitudes towards language, literacy
and literature
B. Performance The learner…
Standards o uses beginning oral language skills to communicate
personal experiences, ideas, and feelings in different
o applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills in
reading, writing and spelling words
o reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper
expression in reading grade level text
o uses developing vocabulary in both oral and written form
o uses literary an narrative texts to develop comprehension
and appreciation of grade level appropriate reading
o Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and
informational text
o values reading and writing as communicative activities
C. Learning MT1OLIIIa-i-9.1
Competencies/ Tell/Retell legends, fables and jokes
Objectives MT1PWR-IIIa-i-7.1
Read sight words
Use words to describe concrete experiences
Read grade 1 level words, phrases, sentences and short
paragraph/story with proper expression
Note important details in grade level narrative texts read a.
character; b. setting; c. events
Show interest in texts by browsing/reading available print
II. CONTENT Noting important details in grade level narrative texts read a.
character; b. setting; c. events
References K to 12 Curriculum Guide Mother Tongue 2016 pp. 49 - 50
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning o Powerpoint presentation for the lesson: Quarter 1 Week 1
Resources Day 2
o Worksheets for the Basic, Average and Fast Groups in the
o Graphic Organizers for the Skill Development – Group
o Worksheet for Home Activity
A. Reviewing the A. Oral Language Activity
previous “Magsurubahan Kita!” (Let’s Tell A Joke)
lesson or 1. Say: Yesterday I ask you to look for jokes. Part of our
presenting the activity this morning is we will share the jokes that we
new lesson found last night. Are you ready? The title of our activity is
“Magsurubahan Kita!” (Kasuodma sinabihan ko kamo na
maghanap nin mga suba. Ngunyan na aga parti kan satuyang
gigibohon an magsurubahan. Handa na kamo? An titulo kan
satuyang gigibuhon iyo an “Magsurubahan Kita!”)
2. The teacher models first. She will tell a joke to the
3. Have the learners form triads. Have each member of the
class share his/her joke in the triad.
4. If everyone was able to share their jokes, ask 2-3
volunteers to share their jokes to the class.
B. Reading of Sight Words
1. Say: Yesterday you heard about the story “An Sakuyang
Pamilya.” I have here some words that are found in the
story. I will flash the word and you will read it. (Kasuodma
nadangog nindo an istoryang “An Sakuyang Pamilya”. Igwa ako
igding mga tataramon na yaon sa istorya. Ipapahiling ko ini
saro-saro saindo dangan basahon nindo an tataramon na
pigpapahiling ko saindo.)

These are the words to be flashed to the learners:

si an ini saka
para siya kun tano
ta mga kaya ni

2. Call 2-3 volunteers to read the words independently.

C. Review of the Previous Lesson
1. Who are the members of the family in our yesterday’s
story? (Siisay an mga myembro kan pamilya sa istorya ta
2. What were the things that they do? (Ano an mga gibo
3. What happened in the story? Who can give me an event
that happened in the story? (Ano an nangyari sa istorya?/
Siisay an makakatao nin pangyayari sa istorya?)
4. Where do you think the story happened? Sa pagmati
nindo sain nangyari an istorya?)

Note: As they answer the questions, write their answers

on the board.
D. Establishing a D. Skill Development
purpose for the 1. Presentation
lesson Say: These lists of words and sentences that I have listed
on the board are things that made up our story “An
Satuyang Pamilya”. Today, we will talk about what things
are needed in order to have a story. An mga tataramon
saka panaysay na sinurat ko sa pisara an mga bagay na
nagbilog kan satuyang istoryang “An Satuyang Pamilya”.
Ngunyan na aldaw pag-uulayan ta an manungod sa mga bagay
na kaipuhan para magkaigwa kita nin istorya.

2. Teaching/Modelling
(Note to the Teacher: In this part the teacher should do think aloud.
He/She asks the questions and answers the questions. If learners
answer the question correctly affirm the answer their answers by
nodding your head.)

Say: I said that these things made up our story. These

words, Lolo Isko, Lola Lily, Tatay, Nanay, Kuya Jazz, Ate
Mutya, Ate Jiya and Nene are names of (pause) persons.
These people make the story alive. What do you think are
they in the story? These are the characters in the story.
We cannot a text a story without characters. (Label these
names as characters.) (Sabi ko subago ini an mga bagay na
nabilog kan satuyang istorya. Ining mga tataramon na Lolo
Isko, Lola Lily, Tatay, Nanay, Kuya Jazz. Ate Mutya, Ate Jiya
saka Nene mga pangaran nin (pause) mga tawo. Ini an mga
tawong nagtataong buhay sa istorya. Ano kaya sinda sa
istorya? Ini an mga tawuhan sa istorya. Dai ta pwedeng apudon
na istorya an sarong teksto kun mayo an tawuhan. (Isurat an
tawuhan sa taas kan mga pangaran.)

I will read the things that happened in the story. (Read all
the events listed on the board.) Is there a thing here that
did not happen in the story? (Read a sentence)
Hhmmm… this happened in the story. (Say this as you go
through each event.) These are the things that happened
in the story. We call these events in the story. A story will
be a story without events. So, we call these events.
(Label this as events.) (Babasahon ko an mga nangyari sa
istorya. (Read all the events listed on the board.) May
pangyayari daw igdi na dai nangyari sa istorya? (Read a
sentence.) Hhmm…nangyari daw ini sa istorya. (Say this as
you go through each event.) Ini an mga nangyari sa istorya. An
istorya dai magigin istorya kun mayong pangyayari. Kaya, an
apod ta sa mga ini pangyayari. (Label the sentences with
How about this word, house/home? What is this in the
story? Hhmm… this is where the story happened. A story
cannot be called a story without the setting. This is called
setting. (Label the word setting). But a setting may also
include the time when the story happened. (Ano man daa
ining tataramon na harong? Ano man daa ini sa istorya?
Hhmm..igdi nangyari an istorya. An istorya dai pwedeng
maging istorya kun mayo ining pinangyarihan. An apod ta igdi
pinangyarihan. (Label it with pinangyarihan.) Pero an
pinagyarihan pwede man ibali an oras kan pangyayari.

These are the things that compose a story – characters,

events and setting. These are the details that we can see
or find in a story. (Ini an mga bagay na minabilog kan sarong
istorya – igwa nin tawuhan, pangyayari saka pinangyarihan. Ini
an mga detalye na makukua ta sa sarong istorya.

Let me see if you listened well to the things that I have

said. I have here a story. I will read it first then, we will
read it together. Are you ready? (Hilngon ko daw kun
nagdangog kamong maray sa sinabi ko. Igwa ako igding
istorya. Babasahon ko muna ini dangan, babasahon ta ini nin
sarabay kita. Handa na po kamo?)
E. Presenting 3. Guided Practice
examples/ a. Present this story (Slide Deck # 19). Read the text.
instances of Si Putol
the new lesson Franlie Ombao Ramos

Nasa luwas kan harong si Putol saka si Jiya.

Nahiling ni Putol an sadit na ikos.
“Pabayaan mo iyan, Putol!” sabi ni Jiya.
Nahiling ni Putol an sadit na ulod.
“Pabayaan mo iyan, Putol!” sabi ni Jiya.
Nahiling ni Putol an sadit na siyo.
“Pabayaan mo iyan, Putol!” sabi ni Jiya.
Nahiling ni Putol an túlang.
“Para saimo iyan, Putol!” sabi ni Jiya.
Kinua ni Putol an túlang saka kinakan.

b. Read the text with the learners.

F. Discussing c. Say: Let us make use of this graphic organizer to get
new concepts the details in this story. (Gamiton ta an graphic organizer
and practicing na ini sa pagkua ta kan detalye sa istoryang satuyang
new skills #1 binasa.)

d. Ask:
1. What is the title of our story? (Ask a volunteer to
write them in the graphic organizer.)
2. Who are the characters in the story? (Ask a
volunteer to write them in the graphic organizer.)
3. When do you think did the story happen? (Ask a
volunteer to write them in the graphic organizer
4. Where did the story happen? (Ask a volunteer to
write them in the graphic organizer (setting).)
5. What happened in the story? (Ask volunteers to
write them in the graphic organizer.)

Note to the teacher: This graphic organizer must be drawn on

the board ahead of time. Label the parts when the time calls for
it. The graphic organizer should look like this.

Titulo kan Istorya

Nagsurat kan Istorya

Characters Setting


G. Discussing 4. Group Practice

new concepts a. Present this story to the learners. Have this written on
and practicing a worksheet for distribution by group.
new skills #2 Si Toto
Franlie Ombao Ramos

Aldaw nin Domingo. Amay nagmata si Toto para

magluto nin pamahawan. Pigpakarhay na niya an
mga palto, kutsara, dangan baso sa lamisa mantang
nagluluto. Kan nakaluto na, pighanda na niya an
kakanon dangan nagtimpla siya nin gatas para
saindang tulo. Dangan dinumanan niya an saiyang
mga padangat sa kwarto. Luhay-luhay niyang
pigmata an mga ini.
“Tatay, Nanay,” pahinghing na sabi niya. “Mata
na po kamo ta mapamahaw na kita.
“Ay! Iyo palan,” sabay buhat kan saiyang ama.
“Masimba palan kita ngunyan.”
“Maluto pa ako,” sabi ni Nanay. “Tibaad mahuri
kita sa misa.”
“Dai po kita mahuhuri Nanay,” sabi ni Toto.
“Nakaluto na po ako. Mapamahaw na po kita.”
Naugma si Tatay sa ginibo ni Toto. Mas lalong
naugma si Nanay dahil dai na siya mahahadit na
mahuri sa misa. Nagpamahaw an lambang saro na
may kaugmahan sa saindang puso.
b. Let them read the story together. Let them read the
story twice. Remind them that they must read the
proper expression.

F. Developing c. Say: I will give you your materials (Manila paper –

mastery (Leads with a graphic organizer drawn here, and marking
to Formative pens.) I would like you to discuss and take note of the
Assessment 3 details of this story. You may use the guide questions
posted on the board. I will read each question to you.
Listen well. (Read the questions.) Are you ready?
(Tatawan ko kamo kan saindong mga gagamiton sa
gibuhin na ini. Gusto ko na pag-ulayan nindo an saindong
binasa. Isurat nindo an mga detalye manungod igdi sa
graphic organizer na nasa Manila paper. Gamiton nindo an
minasunod na hapot para magiyahan kamo sa pagsimbag.
(Basahon an mga hapot.) Handa na po?

These are the guide questions:

✓ What is the title of the story? (Ano an titulo kan
✓ Who is the writer of the story? (Siisay an nagsurat
kan istorya?)
✓ When do you think did the story happen? (Kasuarin
kaya nangyari an istorya?)
✓ Where did the story happen? (Sain nangyari an
✓ What happened in the story? (Ano an mga nangyari
sa istorya?)
d. After 3 minutes, have each group present their output.
e. After the reporting, recap their output. Emphasize that
characters make the story alive. Setting is when and
where the story happened. Events are the things that
happened in the story.
G. Finding 5. Independent Practice
practical a. Present another story. Have the learners read them
application of twice.
concepts and Maghanda na Kita
skills in daily Franlie Ombao Ramos
Aldaw nin Lunes. Amay nagmata si Tino saka si
“Dios marhay na aga, Nanay!” sabi kan duwa.
“Diyos marhay na aga man!” sabi ni Nanay.
“Maghanda na kamo para sa pag-eskwela.”

Nagkarigos, nagsukray dangan nagsangli nin

uniporme. Ini an ginibo kan duwa.

Sabay man sindang nagkakan nin pamahawan.

Sugok, maluto, sarong pidasong tapayas saka sarong
basong gatas an saindang pamahawan.

Pagkatapos nagsipilyo na saka kinua an

saindang bag.
b. Let the learners complete the graphic organizer with
the needed data.
c. After 3 minutes, ask them to form a dyad and share
their output to their partner. During the sharing the
teacher mills around to listen to the sharing.
After 2 minutes, say: Look at the answer on the
screen. Check your own paper. Affirm those who got
it right.
6. Making 6. Generalization
generalizations a. What do we mean by characters? (Ano an buot
of concepts sabihon kan tawuhan?)
and skills in b. What is the role of the characters in the story? (Ano an
daily living ginigibo kan tawuhan sa istorya?)
c. What is a setting? (Ano man an inaapod na
d. Does setting tells only where the story happened?
Why? (An pinagyarihan daw nagsasabi sana kun sain
nangyari an istorya? Tano?)
e. What are the events? (Ano man an inaapod tang mga
f. Can we have a story without characters, setting and
events? Why? (Pwede daw kitang magkaigwa nin istorya
na mayong tawuhan, pinangyarihan saka mga pangayari?
g. What details can we get from a story? Ano an mga
detalye na makukua ta sa istorya?)
h. What is the importance of these in a story? (Ano an
importansya kan tawuhan, pinangyarihan saka pangyayari
sa sarong istorya?)
7. Evaluating G. Evaluation
learning 1. Let them read the story twice which is shown on the
screen (Slide Deck #24).
2. Then after reading, give the instructions to the basic,
average and fast group.
3. Distribute the worksheets to them.
Worksheets for the
Basic Group:
Basahon an hapot. Bilugan an letra kan saindong simbag.

1. Siisay an mga tawohan sa istorya?

a. Si Jiya
b. Si Lola Lily
c. Si Lola Lily saka si Jiya
2. Ano an apod ta sa mga bida sa istorya?
a. Setting
b. Events
c. Characters
3. Ano an setting kan istorya?
a. Aldaw nin Domingo
b. Aldaw nin Lunes
c. Aldaw nin Martes
4. Arin sa mga minasunod an bakong event sa istorya?
a. Pigtao ni Lola Lily an pulang bestida ki Jiya.
b. Nagkakan sinda sa simbahan.
c. Nagkarigos si Jiya dangan nagsangli kan pulang
5. Sain nangyari an istorya?
a. Sa simbahan
b. Sa harong ninda Lola Lily
c. Sa harong ninda JIya
Average Group:
Basahon an hapot. Isurat an saindong simbag sa linya.
1. Siisay na mga bida sa istorya? _______________
2. Kasuarin nangyari an istorya? ________________
3. Sain nangyari an istorya? ___________________
4. Magsurat nin duwang pangyayari sa istoryang binasa
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________

Fast Group:
Kumpletuhon an detalye sa graphic organizer.

Titulo kan Istorya

Nagsurat kan Istorya

Characters Setting


8. Additional H. Home Activity (Worksheet)

activities for 1. Read “An Pato ni Pilo” MTB1 p. 105.
application or (Basahon “An Pato ni Pilo” MTB 1 p. 105)
remediation 2. Answer the following questions:
(Simbagan an minasunod na hapot:)
a. How many ducks does Pilo have?
(Pira an pato ni Pilo?)
b. How does Pilo feel about his ducks?
(Ano an namamatian ni Pilo sa saiyang mga pato?)
c. How does the duck without wings feel?
(Ano an namamatian kan pato na mayong pakpak?)
d. What did the wingless duck do to hide his weakness?
(Ano an ginigibo kan patong mayong pakpak para maitago
an saiyang kakulangan?)
e. What did Pilo do that made the wingless duck feel
(Ano an ginibo ni Pilo na nakapaugma duman sa patong
mayong pakpak?
A. No. of
Learners who
earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of
Learners who
activities for
C. Did the
lesson/s work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
head help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

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