Faq English
Faq English
Faq English
SUB. -
304 - Tamil English History Economics Commerce Accountancy
305 - Tamil English Economics Political Commerce Accountancy
306 - Tamil English Economics Commerce Accountancy Indan Culture
Candidates can apply through Nodal Centre. Nodal Centre details will be
Students who have lost original certificate and in need of a duplicate should submit their
application to the Headmaster of the school where the applicant has studied in the case of school
candidates, duly filling in the application and remitting the fee for the issue of duplicate certificate
for onward transmission to the Directorate of Government Examinations through DEO/DIET. A
Certificate obtained from the Revenue official not below the rank of Thasildhar should be enclosed
along with the application for authenticity of loss of original certificate. In case of Private
Candidates Application may be submitted directly to the Directorate of Government Examinations
as the case may be duly filing the Application form and remitting the prescribed fees with the
Counter Signature of the Head Master of the nearby school. A Certificate obtained from the
Revenue official not below the rank of Thasildhar should be enclosed for the authenticity of loss of
original Certificate.
The filled up applications should be submitted along with Xerox copy of any one of the
above mentioned certificates on the basis of which candidate is applying and demand
draft of a Nationalized bank or else alternatively candidate can take challan towards fees
prescribed by thisDepartment.
Fees for the Migration Certificate i.e., demand draft for Rs.505/- obtained from any
Nationalized Bank or challan for Rs.505/- which payable through any of the Tamil
Nadu State Government treasury branch in favour of Director of Government
Examinations, Chennai – 600 006.