CH 2 English Modal Verbs
CH 2 English Modal Verbs
CH 2 English Modal Verbs
D. Uses of ‘could’:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
L. Semi Modals---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
V. Solutions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
A. What are modals?
Modals (also called modal auxiliary verbs) are special verbs that behave
irregularly in English.
They are different from normal verbs like “work, play, laugh etc…”
They give additional information about the function of the main verb that
follows it.
C. Uses of ‘can’:
1. Can is used to express the ability of someone
E.g. I can drive a bicycle.
2. Can is also used to express the possibility
E.g. The task can be done by tomorrow.
3. Can is also used for permissions.
E.g. Can I be excused now, please?
4. Can is also used for requests
E.g. Can you give me a glass of water, please?
D. Uses of ‘could’:
1. Could is used to show the past abilities of a person
E.g. I could carry heavy things a few years ago.
2. Could is also used to show the possibility/probability of something.
E.g. It could rain tonight.
3. Could is also used to ask for permissions.
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
E.g. Could I borrow this book, please?
4.Could is also used for requesting for something.
E.g. Could you pass me the salt, please?
5. Could is also used for suggestions.
E.g. We could try one of the other shops.
E. Uses of ‘will’
1.Will is used to show the intention of a person.
E.g. I will text you.
2. Will is also used to request for something.
E.g. Will you get me a glass of water, please?
3.Will is also used to talk about the future.
E.g. It will rain today.
4. Will is also used to promise something to someone.
E.g. I will meet you again.
F. Uses of ‘would’ :
1. Would is used for requesting something to someone
E.g. Would you please, come with me?
2. Would is also used to offer something.
E.g. I would be happy to show you around.
3. Would is also used to ask for permissions
E.g. Would you mind if I tried your shades?
G. Uses of ‘may’:
1.May is used to ask for permissions.
E.g. May I come in, ma’am?
2.May is also used to show the possibility/probability.
E.g. She may be here tomorrow.
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
3. May is also used for requesting for something.
E.g. May I please, ask you something?
4. May is also used to offer something.
E.g. May I help you?
5. May is also used for wishes.
E.g. May you be successful!
H. Uses of ‘might’:
1.Might is used for seeking permissions.
E.g. Might I submit it later this week?
2. Might is also used to show the little possibility of something.
E.g. We might not make it to the match on time.
I. Uses of ‘shall’:
1. Shall is used to show the intentions of a person:
E.g. I shall never bring this up again.
2.Shall is also used for offers:
E.g. Shall I get you something to drink?
3. Shall is also used for suggestions:
E.g. Shall we bake some cookies?
J. Uses of ‘should’ :
1. Should is used to show the possibility of something.
E.g. This much rice should be enough for all of us.
2. Should is also used to show obligations
E.g. We should always be punctual.
3. Should is also used for giving advice
E.g. You should take the medicines on time.
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
K. Uses of ‘must’:
1. Must is used to show an Inference/deduction
E.g. She seems to be in a rush. She must be running late.
2. Must is also used to show an obligation
E.g. You must do your work on time
L. Semi Modals
Semi-Modal Auxiliary Verbs or Semi- Modals, (also known as Marginal Modal
Verbs) are the verbs that behave partly like the main verb and partly like a modal
auxiliary verb.
E.g. need , dare etc.
M. Uses of ‘Ought to’
Ought to is a semi-modal verb because it is in some ways like a modal verb and
in some ways like a main verb.
● Used to express something that you expect will happen:
● The use of ought to is similar to should
To express an obligation or an expectation that someone should do something.
You ought to finish your work on time
N. Uses of ‘Had better’
Had better is used to give advice about specific things in the past (use should
for general advice). It is followed by the infinitive without to
For eg: You had better studied before than regretting now.
O. Uses of ‘Used To’
Used to Shows a Former Fact, Habit, or Action. We also use the phrase used to
in the sense of formerly to indicate something that must have happened in the
For eg: I used to drink coffee every morning when I was in my twenties.
P. Uses of ‘Going to’
Going to shows an action yet to happen in the future.
For eg: I am going to tell mom that you broke the vase.
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
Q. Uses of ‘Need’
Need functions as a semi-modal and is followed by a bare infinitive
For e.g. You needn’t worry about the dinner.
R. Uses of ‘Dare’
When dare is used as a semi-modal verb, it means “to be brave, reckless, or rude
enough to do or try something.”
If, he dare shouts at me again ,I won’t stay quiet.
As a semi-modal verb, dare more often takes not to form a negative statement
(very rarely written as daren’t), or is inverted with the subject to form an
interrogative sentence. For example:
● “I dare not ask for another leave from my boss.”
● “Dare he meddle with the laws of nature?”
S. Bird’s-eye view
T. Solved examples
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
U. Practice Yourself
Modal verbs and semi-modal verbs