Computer Paper
Computer Paper
Computer Paper
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Multimedia & its Application............................................................................................... 6
1.1 Multimedia .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Components of Multimedia .................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Text .................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 Graphics- .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Audio- ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4 Video- ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.5 Animation- ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Applications of Multimedia ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Education ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Entertainment .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Marketing ......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4. File Formats for multimedia .................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.1 Text Formats .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Image Formats .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.3 Digital Audio File Formats .............................................................................................................. 10
1.4.4 Digital Video File Formats .............................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Microsoft Publisher ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.5.1 Features of Microsoft Publisher..................................................................................................... 11
1.5.2 Functionality of Microsoft publisher.............................................................................................. 12
Exercise ................................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Urdu Software (InPage) and Urdu, Hindi DTP ............................................................................................. 21
Please refer the separate book provided for this Chapter ......................................................................... 21
Chapter 3..................................................................................................................................................... 22
CorelDraw ................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Introduction to CorelDraw .................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Uses of CorelDraw................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3 Fundamental Tools................................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.1 CorelDraw Workspace ................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Creating a new document .............................................................................................................. 26
3.3.3 Opening an existing document ...................................................................................................... 26
3.3.4 Saving the File ................................................................................................................................ 26
3.4 Creating Artistic Text............................................................................................................................. 27
3.4.1 Steps to add artistic text ................................................................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Adding text outside an object ........................................................................................................ 27
3.4.3 Adding text inside an object .......................................................................................................... 27
3. 5 Working with Shapes ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.1 Creating rectangles and squares .................................................................................................... 27
3.5.2 Creating ellipses and circles ........................................................................................................... 28
3.5.3 Creating polygons and stars ........................................................................................................... 28
3.5.4 Creating spirals............................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.5 Creating grids ................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5.6 Creating predefined shapes ........................................................................................................... 29
3.6 Controlling the CorelDraw Environment .............................................................................................. 29
3.7 Setting up Page Layout ......................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.1 Defining Page size .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.2 Defining Page Orientation.............................................................................................................. 31
3.7.3 Defining Page Layouts .................................................................................................................... 31
3.7.4 Choosing a page background ......................................................................................................... 31
3.7.5 Adding, duplicating, renaming and deleting pages ....................................................................... 31
3.7.6 Inserting Page numbers ................................................................................................................. 31
3.8 Defining Outlines................................................................................................................................... 32
3.8.1 Creating Outlines ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.8.2 Defining Outline width from the Outline Flyout ............................................................................ 32
3.8.3 Defining Default Outlines ............................................................................................................... 32
3.9 Mixing Up Fills ....................................................................................................................................... 32
3.9.1 Uniform Fills ................................................................................................................................... 32
3.9.2 Fountain Fills .................................................................................................................................. 33
3.9.3 Pattern and Texture Fills ................................................................................................................ 33
3.9.4 PostScript Fills ................................................................................................................................ 33
3.9.5 Mesh Fills ....................................................................................................................................... 34
3.9.6 Smart Fill ........................................................................................................................................ 34
3.10 Drawing and editing freehand curves ................................................................................................. 34
3.10.1 Freehand Curves .......................................................................................................................... 35
3.10.2 Closed Curves ............................................................................................................................... 35
3.11 Bezier Curves....................................................................................................................................... 35
3.11.1 Drawing curves with the Bezier tool ............................................................................................ 35
3.11.2 Editing Bezier Curves ................................................................................................................... 35
3.12 Working with shapes and curves ........................................................................................................ 35
3.12.1 Selecting and moving nodes ........................................................................................................ 35
3.12.2 Adding and removing nodes ........................................................................................................ 36
3.13 Special effects and Bitmaps ................................................................................................................ 36
3.14 Working with Bitmap Images .............................................................................................................. 36
3.14.1 Cropping bitmaps ......................................................................................................................... 36
3.14.2 Changing the dimensions and resolution of bitmaps .................................................................. 36
3.14.3 Applying Special effects in bitmaps ............................................................................................. 37
3.15 Lenses and Power Clips ....................................................................................................................... 37
3.15.1 Types of lenses in CorelDraw ....................................................................................................... 38
3.15.2 Steps to apply a lens .................................................................................................................... 38
3.15.3 Editing lenses ............................................................................................................................... 38
3.15.4 Creating a Power Clip object ........................................................................................................ 39
3.15.5 Converting a PowerClip frame back to an Object ........................................................................ 39
3.15.6 Editing the contents inside a PowerClip frame ............................................................................ 39
3.16. Blends and Contours .......................................................................................................................... 40
3.16.1 Steps to Blend objects.................................................................................................................. 40
3.16.2 Copy or Clone a blend .................................................................................................................. 40
3.16.3 Removing a blend ........................................................................................................................ 40
3.16.4 Steps to Contour objects.............................................................................................................. 41
3.16.5 Copy or Clone a Contour .............................................................................................................. 41
3.16.6 Separating an object from its contour lines................................................................................. 41
3.16.7 Removing a contour ..................................................................................................................... 42
3.17 Working with perspective ................................................................................................................... 42
3.17.1 Steps to apply a perspective ........................................................................................................ 42
3.17.2 Copy an object’s perspective effect ............................................................................................. 42
3.17.3 Removing a perspective ............................................................................................................... 42
3.18 Designing with Paragraph Text ........................................................................................................... 42
3.18.1 Steps to add paragraph text ........................................................................................................ 42
3.18.2 Formatting text ............................................................................................................................ 43
3.19 Managing Layers and Pages ................................................................................................................ 44
Managing Layers ......................................................................................................................................... 44
3.19.1 Creating Layers............................................................................................................................. 44 Local layers and master layers .............................................................................................. 44 Steps to create a layer .......................................................................................................... 45
3.19.2 Changing layer properties ............................................................................................................ 45
3.19.3 Moving and Copying layers ..................................................................................................... 46
Managing Pages .......................................................................................................................................... 46
3.19.4 Setting the page layout ................................................................................................................ 46
3.19.5 Setting page background ............................................................................................................. 47
3.19.6 Adding, deleting, renaming and duplicating pages................................................................. 47
3.20 Importing and exporting objects ........................................................................................................ 48
3.20.1 Importing objects ......................................................................................................................... 48
3.20.2 Exporting objects ......................................................................................................................... 48
3.21 Printing ................................................................................................................................................ 49
3.21.1 Steps to print a document ........................................................................................................... 49
3.22 From CorelDraw to the World Wide Web .......................................................................................... 49
3.22.1 Web-Compatible Graphics ........................................................................................................... 49
3.22.2 Steps to export a web-compatible bitmap .................................................................................. 50
3.23 Driving into PHOTO-PAINT .................................................................................................................. 50
3.23.1 Steps to edit a bitmap .................................................................................................................. 50
3.23.2 Painting text ................................................................................................................................. 51
3.23.3 Painting Bitmaps .......................................................................................................................... 51
3.24 Working with objects .......................................................................................................................... 51
3.24.1 Selecting objects .......................................................................................................................... 51
3.24.2 Transforming objects ................................................................................................................... 51
3.24.3 Aligning and distributing objects ................................................................................................. 52
3.24.4 Ordering objects .......................................................................................................................... 53
3.24.5 Grouping objects .......................................................................................................................... 53
3.25 Working with Masks ........................................................................................................................... 53
3.25.1 Mask modes ................................................................................................................................. 54
3.25.2 Mask tools .................................................................................................................................... 54
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 55
Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................................... 58
Photoshop and Flash................................................................................................................................... 58
4.1 Introduction to Photoshop ................................................................................................................... 58
4.2 Uses of Photoshop ................................................................................................................................ 58
4.3 Fundamental Tools................................................................................................................................ 58
4.3.1 Photoshop Work area .................................................................................................................... 58
4.4 Image Manipulation .............................................................................................................................. 60
4.4.1 Adjusting Image size and Resolution ............................................................................................. 60
4.4.2 Cropping the images ...................................................................................................................... 61
4.4.3 Image Adjustment.......................................................................................................................... 61
4.5 Designing Images for web pages........................................................................................................... 61
4.6 Using Image Ready ................................................................................................................................ 62
4.7 Scanner & Printer .................................................................................................................................. 63
4.8 File ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
4.8.1 Creating a new file .................................................................................................................. 64
4.8.2 Opening an already existing file ..................................................................................................... 65
4.8.3 Saving an image ............................................................................................................................. 66
4.9 Edit ........................................................................................................................................................ 66
4.9.1 Transforming objects ..................................................................................................................... 66
4.9.2 Fill a layer with color ...................................................................................................................... 67
4.10 Image................................................................................................................................................... 67
4.10.1 Options under Image menu ......................................................................................................... 67
4.11 Layer .................................................................................................................................................... 68
4.11.1 Creating a new layer .................................................................................................................... 68
4.11.2 Duplicating a layer ....................................................................................................................... 68
4.11.3 Deleting a layer ............................................................................................................................ 69
4.12 Select ................................................................................................................................................... 69
4.13 Filter .................................................................................................................................................... 69
4.13.1 Steps to apply filter ...................................................................................................................... 69
4.13.2 Various Filters in Photoshop ........................................................................................................ 70
4.14 View .................................................................................................................................................... 72
4.15 Window ............................................................................................................................................... 73
4.16 Advance Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 73
4.16.1 Healing tool .................................................................................................................................. 73
4.16.2 Smudge Tool ................................................................................................................................ 73
4.16.3 Blur Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 74
4.16.4 Sharpen Tool ................................................................................................................................ 74
4.16.5 Dodge Tool ................................................................................................................................... 74
4.16.6 Clone Tool .................................................................................................................................... 75
4.16.7 Red eye correction tool................................................................................................................ 75
4.16.8 Blending Modes ........................................................................................................................... 75
4.17 Flash .................................................................................................................................................... 76
4.18 Creating a Flash Document ................................................................................................................. 76
4.19 Reviewing the Interface ...................................................................................................................... 77
4.20 Using the Primitive Tools .................................................................................................................... 78
4.21 Creating key frames ............................................................................................................................ 80
4.22 Tweening ............................................................................................................................................. 81
4.23 Introduction to Illustrator and Dreamweaver .................................................................................... 81
4.23.1 Illustrator ..................................................................................................................................... 81
4.23.2 Dreamweaver............................................................................................................................... 82
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 84
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The word multi and media are combined to form the word multimedia. The word “multi” signifies
“many.” Multimedia is a type of medium that allows information to be easily transferred from one
location to another. Multimedia is the presentation of text, pictures, audio, and video with links
and tools that allow the user to navigate, engage, create, and communicate using a computer.
Multimedia refers to the computer-assisted integration of text, drawings, still and moving
images(videos) graphics, audio, animation, and any other media in which any type of information
can be expressed, stored, communicated, and processed digitally.
To begin, a computer must be present to coordinate what you see and hear, as well as to interact
with. Second, there must be interconnections between the various pieces of information. Third,
you’ll need navigational tools to get around the web of interconnected data. Multimedia is being
employed in a variety of disciplines, including education, training, and business.
1.2.1 Text- All multimedia productions contain some amount of text. The text can have
various types of fonts and sizes to suit the profession presentation of the multimedia software.
1.2.2 Graphics- Graphics make the multimedia application attractive. In many cases people
do not like reading large amount of textual matter on the screen. Therefore, graphics are used
more often than text to explain a concept, present background information etc. There are two
types of Graphics:
o Bitmap images- Bitmap images are real images that can be captured from devices
such as digital cameras or scanners. Generally, bitmap images are not editable.
Bitmap images require a large amount of memory.
o Vector Graphics- Vector graphics are drawn on the computer and only require a
small amount of memory. These graphics are editable.
Chapter 1
1.2.3 Audio- A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound
effects. These are called audio or sound element of multimedia. Speech is also a perfect way
for teaching. Audio is of analog and digital types. Analog audio or sound refers to the original
sound signal. Computer stores the sound in digital form. Therefore, the sound used in
multimedia application is digital audio.
1.2.4 Video- The term video refers to the moving picture, accompanied by sound such as a
picture in television. Video element of multimedia application gives a lot of information in
small duration of time. Digital video is useful in multimedia application for showing real life
objects. Video have highest performance demand on the computer memory and on the
bandwidth if placed on the internet. Digital video files can be stored like any other files in the
computer and the quality of the video can still be maintained. The digital video files can be
transferred within a computer network. The digital video clips can be edited easily.
1.2.5 Animation- Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving.
An animation is just a continuous series of still images that are displayed in a sequence. The
animation can be used effectively for attracting attention. Animation also makes a presentation
light and attractive. Animation is very popular in multimedia application
1.3.1 Education
In the subject of education, multimedia is becoming increasingly popular. It is often used to
produce study materials for pupils and to ensure that they have a thorough comprehension of
various disciplines. Edutainment, which combines education and entertainment, has become highly
popular in recent years. This system gives learning in the form of enjoyment to the user. Many
computer games with focus on education are now available. Consider an example of an educational
game which plays various rhymes for kids. The child can paint the pictures; increase reduce size
of various objects etc. apart from just playing the rhymes. Several other multimedia packages are
available in the market which provide a lot of detailed information and playing capabilities to kids.
1.3.2 Entertainment
The usage of multimedia in films creates a unique auditory and video impression. Today,
multimedia has completely transformed the art of filmmaking around the world. Multimedia is the
only way to achieve difficult effects and actions.The entertainment sector makes extensive use of
multimedia. It’s particularly useful for creating special effects in films and video games. The most
visible illustration of the emergence of multimedia in entertainment is music and video apps.
Chapter 1
Interactive games become possible thanks to the use of multimedia in the gaming business. Video
games are more interesting because of the integrated audio and visual effects.
1.3.3 Marketing
Marketing, advertising, product demos, presentation, training, networked communication, etc. are
applications of multimedia that are helpful in many businesses. By using multimedia marketing of
new products can be greatly enhanced. Multimedia boost communication on an affordable cost
opened the way for the marketing and advertising personnel. Presentation that have flying banners,
video transitions, animations, and sound effects are some of the elements used in composing a
multimedia based advertisement to appeal to the consumer in a way never used before and promote
the sale of the products. The audience can quickly understand an idea when multimedia
presentations are used. It gives a simple and effective technique to attract visitors’ attention and
effectively conveys information about numerous products.
The following is an outline of current file formats used for the production and delivery of
multimedia data.
Chapter 1
1.4.2 Image Formats
2. BMP (Bitmap)
Initially this format is in use with Windows 3.1. It is quite large and uncompressed and hence BMP
is used for the high-resolution or large images.
6. TGA (Tagra)
It is the first popular format for high-resolution images. TGA is supported by Most of the video-
capture boards.
Chapter 1
1.4.3 Digital Audio File Formats
1. WAV (Waveform Audio File Format)
It is the most popular audio file format in windows for storing uncompressed sound files. In order
to attain the reduced file size, it can also be converted to other file formats like MP3.
2. MP3 (MPEG Layer-3 Format)
MPEG Layer-3 format is the most popular format for storing and downloading music. The MP3
files are roughly compressed to one-tenth the size of an equivalent WAV file.
3. OGG
A free, open source container format that is designed for obtaining better streaming and evolving
at high end quality digital multimedia. It can be compared to MP3 files in terms of quality.
4. AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
A standard audio file format used by Apple which is like a WAV file for the Mac.
5. WMA (Windows Media Audio)
It is a popular windows media audio format owned by Microsoft and designed with Digital Right
Management (DRM) abilities for copyright protection.
6. RA (Real Audio Format)
Real Audio format is designed for streaming audio over the Internet. The digital audio resources
are usually stored as a computer file in computer’s hard drive or CD/DVD. Besides the variety of
audio file formats available, the most common formats are wave files (.WAV) and MPEG Layer-
3 files (.MP3), WMA and RA.
Microsoft Publisher is the DTP software developed by Microsoft Co-operation, in reality, this is
an MS-Office part. Microsoft Publisher is an Office program that allows you to make professional
Chapter 1
documents such as newsletters, postcards, flyers, invitations, brochures, and more using built-in
It has many color schemes which you can apply to any of your Publication not only this you can
also prepare your own color scheme. If you don’t want to use the wizard, then you can prepare on
a Blank Page of this Publication in this you will find all the things like text image etc.
Figure 1.1
In the publisher drawing toolbar, you can design unlimited images with various facilities you can
even prepare an arrow which is also available in the PageMaker in the publisher you can enter the
text directly on the text frame or with any different text just like the way it is in any formatting you
can send it or export it on the word processor because it has the facility of format painter which is
not available on any other DTP package. In this, all the fonts related to the windows are available
Chapter 1
1.5.2 Functionality of Microsoft publisher
• The publisher is a useful software program used for desktop publishing.
• It allows you to operate characteristics such as page size, text, graphics, and borders.
• Publisher’s strong points are in its ability to bring altogether text and pictures to make
professional-looking flyers, brochures, handouts, and newsletters.
Figure 1.2
Chapter 1
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.5
Chapter 1
Figure 1.6 Tables
Here you can click on the toolbar in the insert and opt table from there you will make a table
for example if you want to store the data in a list form then a systematic arrangement is done with
the help of the table:
Figure 1.7 Adding Pictures
• Click Insert > Picture > From File.
• In the Insert Picture dialog box, browse to search the picture that you want, and then select it.
• Click the arrow next to Insert, and then click Link to File.
Chapter 1
Figure 1.8
Catalog Pages
Example: If you like to make a catalog that will list a few products, then you might want to start
your catalog by opting one of Publisher’s pre-designed catalog publications. In the New
Publication, click Publications for Print, click Catalogs, and then select the design you want.
Chapter 1
Figure 1.9
We can design business cards, Invitation cards, brochures, banners, Flyers and many other options
are available to design many things with built –in templates.
Chapter 1
Q1. Choose the correct option from the following questions:
1. Multimedia is combination of:
a. Text
b. Audio and Video
c. Graphics
d. All of the above
2. To make a good multimedia communication, you need:
a. Hardware and software
b. Good ideas
c. Talent and skill
d. All of the above
3. Which one is not a multimedia device?
a. TV System
b. A book having only text (no diagram)
c. A modern personal computer.
d. None of the above.
4. Which of the following is an example of hypermedia application?
a. World Wide Web
b. PowerPoint
c. Adobe Acrobat
d. All of the above.
5. The elements of multimedia are:
a. Video, animation, interactivity
b. Sound, video, animation, interactivity
c. Graphics, sound, video, animation, interactivity
d. Text, graphics, sound, video, animation, interactivity
6. Historically, the term “hypertext” was used when textured information was linked in
_________ ways.
a. Sequential
b. Real time
c. Non-sequential
d. Linear
7. Which picture file format can display more colors:
a. MPS
c. GIF
d. All of the above
8. Which is the biggest audio file format?
a. WMA
b. WAV
c. MP3
d. SWF
9. Which image file format can be animated?
a. GIF
c. CDR
Chapter 1
10. Which one of the following is not a video file extension?
a. MP4
b. AVI
c. QT
d. JPG
Q2. State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. Pictures, photographic image and other artwork is called graphics or pictures.
2. Multimedia requires additional hardware which can handle sound, video etc.
3. Images are defined as visual representation of the information.
4. Clip Art is library of commonly used text.
5. Laser printers or plotters are used for output graphics in hardcopy.
6. Multimedia may include text-based elements.
7. Touch screen is basically a monitor that allows user to interact with computer by touching
the display screen
8. Animation is used to create movements on screen.
9. MIDI data is digitized sound.
10. Vector images use pixels to represent images.
Chapter 1
Q5. What are the different digital audio file format which are used in multimedia?
Q6. Explain any two digital video file formats used in multimedia.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction to CorelDraw
Mainly there are two types of graphics: Vector and bitmaps. Vector graphics are created using
mathematical statements and consists of paths having start and end points along with other curves.
A path can have points, lines, curves, and polygons. Bitmaps on the other hand consist of small
dots called pixels. Bitmaps images are also known as raster images. CorelDRAW is a vector
graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation.
CorelDraw is a vector-based program, which means that it creates and handles images as
mathematically defined vectors. Vectors are objects with both magnitude (size) and direction
(angles, curvature and so on). The files that store CorelDraw images consist of lines, with
information on their location, direction, length, color and curves.
This software is mainly used for designing brochures, magazines, flyers, flexes, books, logos etc.
Defining images as a series of vectors is a more efficient way to work with them than defining
images as a huge number of individual pixels. This is because even a simple object might have
thousands of pixels, each individually defined, whereas the same image might be defined more
rationally as a small number of curve segments. Therefore, CorelDraw vector image files are
smaller than comparable bitmapped image files. Also the smooth curves are easy to define in
CorelDraw, unlike bitmaps, they will retain their smoothness and continuity even when enlarged.
1. Title bar:
The title bar displays the name of the document that is currently open
2. Menu bar:
It is located below the Title Bar and contains pull down menus. Click on a menu title in the
menu bar to pull down the menu.
3. Toolbox:
It contains tools for creating, filling and modifying objects.
Spiral tool It lets you draw symmetrical and logarithmic
Common shapes It lets you draw triangles, circles, cylinders
and other basic shapes.
Impact tool It add radial or parallel graphic effects
Text Tool It lets you add and edit paragraph and artistic
Parallel dimension It lets you draw slanted dimension lines.
Connector tool It lets you draw a line that connects two
Shadow tool It lets you apply shadow behind, below or
inside objects
Contour tool It applies a series of concentric shapes that
radiate into or out of an object.
Blend tool It blends objects by creating a progression of
intermediate objects and colors.
Distort tool It transform objects by applying push and pull,
twister and zipper effects.
Envelope tool It changes the shape of an object by applying
and dragging the nodes of an envelope.
Extrude tool It applies 3D effects to object by creating an
illusion of depth.
Block shadow tool It applies vector shadows to objects and text.
Table 3.1
4. Document tab
A separate tab displays for each open document to quickly move between documents.
5. Drawing Window
The work area that lies outside the drawing page is known as Drawing Window. Graphic
images and other objects can be stored here as it is a non-printable area.
6. Drawing Page
The rectangular area bounded by shaded box is called Drawing page. This is printable area
of the CorelDraw drawing window.
7. Property Bar
The property bar displays the properties about any selected object. The properties displayed
in this bar changes based on which object you have selected. If no object is selected in the
drawing window, it displays the information about drawing page such as document type,
page size, x-y coordinates etc.
The property bar can be dragged anywhere around the drawing window.
8. Docker
The window containing commands and other settings about a tool or a task. It is similar to
conventional dialog boxes but are more interactive.
9. Standard Toolbar
The standard toolbar contains icons for some frequently used commands such as New,
Open, Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste etc. The standard toolbar can be customized for adding
more tools/icons if required.
10. Color palette
This palette contains the color swatches for the document.
11. Status bar
The bar at the bottom of the application window that gives you information about object
properties such as type of object, outline and fill color. It also displays the location of the
cursor in x and y coordinates.
12. Document Navigator
The area at the bottom left of the application window using which one can navigate around
pages or add new pages.
13. Rulers
Rulers are used to draw, size and align objects precisely in a drawing window. You can
display or hide the rulers or move the rulers to a new position.
Figure 3.1
3.4 Creating Artistic Text
Two types of text can be created in CorelDraw: Artistic Text and Paragraph Text. Artistic text is
used to add a single line of text such as headings, titles etc. whereas paragraph text is used to add
long text such as paragraphs, brochures, pamphlets etc.
Note: The artistic text can be converted to paragraph text by clicking Text menu and then choosing
Convert to paragraph text option.
Figure 3.2
3.5.2 Creating ellipses and circles
Ellipses and circles can be created by dragging the ellipse tool. You can also use the 3-point ellipse
tool which lets you draw ellipses at an angle. An ellipse can be changed to arc or pie shape using
the property bar.
Figure 3.3
Figure 3.4
Figure 3.5
3.5.5 Creating grids
A grid is made up of rows and columns which can be adjusted from the property bar. The grouped
set of rectangles formed by intersection of rows and columns can be break apart if required.
Figure 3.6
Figure 3.7
Open from Cloud It lets you choose and open a document from the cloud
Save to cloud It lets you save and upload a document to the cloud
Paste It pastes the copied objects onto the Drawing area
Zoom Levels This drop down lets you adjust the zoom level of the
Full-screen It shows a full screen preview of the document
Show rulers It shows or hide the ruler bar
Snap to Using this drop down you can select a method for
aligning objects on the page.
Application It lets you start other Corel applications
Table 3.2
CorelDraw lets you specify the page size, orientation, scale unit and background of the drawing
page. Use Layouts menu from the menu bar to adjust the page layout:
Figure 3.8
3.7.2 Defining Page Orientation
There are two types of orientation that can be applied to a page: portrait and landscape. The Portrait
and Landscape buttons on the property bar lets you change the orientation easily. The page’s width
is greater than height in landscape orientation and page’s height is greater than width in portrait
Figure 3.9
3.8 Defining Outlines
Figure 3.10
CorelDraw enables you to apply different fills on objects. You can add solid colors, patterned,
textured and other fills to any selected closed object.
3.9.2 Fountain Fills
Fountain fill lets you fill the object with more than one color which gives an effect of fading one
color into another. Fountain fills are also known as gradient fills. Based on how the colors are
spread within an object, you have four types of fountain fills:
3.9.5 Mesh Fills
Using the mesh fill tool, you can fill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over
a mesh grid. It lets you give unique effects to the object. The mesh fill grid can be edited by adding
or removing nodes as and when required.
Mesh fill can be applied by following the below steps:
• Select the object and click the Mesh fill tool.
• Specify the number of rows and columns for mesh in the grid size property in property bar.
• Adjust the grid nodes on the object if required
• Apply colors using the color palette to the mesh.
Figure 3.11
Freehand curves are drawn with the Freehand Drawing Tool. This tool lets you draw curves and
straight line segments. This tool is a part of flyout that also includes the Bezier tool, B-spline tool,
pen tool and 2-point line tool
Figure 3.12
3.10.1 Freehand Curves
The process of drawing freehand curves is more freestyle. Select the freehand tool from the toolbox
and then click and draw on the drawing area.
A curved object’s shape can be changed using the nodes and control handles. A curve object can
be a straight line or curved line. The nodes of an object are the small squares that appear on the
object’s outline. For example: Rectangles have four nodes, one for each corner.
Not all the objects added to a drawing window are curved objects. We can convert any object to
curve using ‘Convert to curve’ option on the property bar or you can just select the object, go to
the Objects menu -> Choose Convert to curves.
Vector graphic can be converted into a bitmap if required. Also one can import bitmaps in
CorelDraw on which special effects can be applied such as cropping, color correction, watermarks
etc. The process of converting a vector graphic to a bitmap is also known as rasterizing. To convert
a vector graphic to bitmap, perform the following steps:
• Select an object
• Go to Bitmap menu -> Choose Convert to Bitmap
• Specify a resolution for the bitmap
• Specify a color mode in the Color mode list box
• Select from any of the following check boxes:
o Dithered – offers more number of colors than those available
o Always overprint back – this option prevents gaps from appearing between black
objects and underlying objects when you print
o Anti-aliasing – It smooths the edges of the bitmap.
o Transparent background – It makes the background of the bitmap transparent.
Resolution is the measure of number of dots per inch (dpi). Resolution of bitmap can be changed
to increase or decrease the file size. There are more number of pixels in a small per unit area if the
resolution of bitmap is higher and there are less number of pixels in a small area if the resolution
is low. Upsampling increases the resolution of a bitmap by adding more pixels in per unit area and
downsampling decreases the resolution of a bitmap by removing few pixels per unit of area.
Follow the below steps to change the dimensions and resolution of a bitmap
Art Strokes – It lets you apply a hand painting type of effect to the bitmap
• Blur – It lets you blur an image by reducing the sharpness of the image.
• Camera – It lets you create various camera lenses effects such as Colorize, Photo Filter,
Sepia Toning, Lens Flare, Lighting effects etc.
• Color Transform – It lets you create different photographic illusions by using color
transformation techniques. Effects that we can create are Bit planes, Halftone, Psychedelic
and Solarize.
• Contour – It lets you highlight and enhance the edges of an image.
The appearance of an object can be changed using lenses without affecting the actual object. The
properties of the object remain same even after applying lenses. Lenses can be applied to any vector
shape that we can create in CorelDraw.
3.15.1 Types of lenses in CorelDraw
Lens Description
3. Enable the viewpoint checkbox on the lens docker.
4. Click Edit to display the viewpoint marker
5. Position the viewpoint marker in the drawing window to a specified location and click end.
6. To freeze the current view of the lens, enable the Frozen check box.
7. Click Apply.
Power Clips
Power Clip feature in CorelDraw lets you place objects and bitmaps inside other objects or frames.
A frame can by any object, shape or even artistic text. You can edit the contents or change the
position of contents inside the frame, after creating the Power Clip objects. Locking the Power Clip
contents lets you move the frame and its contents together.
3.16. Blends and Contours
Blending objects
This tool blends the objects by creating a progression of intermediate objects and colors. It is used
to add transition from one object to another. Transition can be in colors, shape and other properties.
The outline and fill colors of the intermediate objects shows a progression of colors through the
color spectrum.
Contouring objects
This tool creates a series of concentric shapes that radiate into or out of an object thereby giving
3D effect to the object. You can set the number and distance of the contour lines. The fill color
between the contour lines and outline color of contour can also be changed.
3.16.7 Removing a contour
1. Select the object on which contour is applied.
2. Click the ‘Clear contour’ button on the property bar to remove the contour.
This feature in CorelDraw enables you to give 3D look to the objects in one, two or three-point
perspective. Perspective effect can be created by shortening sides of an object using object nodes.
This effect can be added to a group of objects as well.
In contrast to artistic Text which is used to add a single line of text such as headings, titles etc., the
paragraph text is used to add long text such as paragraphs, brochures, pamphlets etc.
Note: The paragraph text can be converted to artistic text by clicking Text menu and then choosing
Convert to artistic text option.
3.18.2 Formatting text
Using the Text property bar, you can apply various formatting’s to selected text object. For more
formatting options, you can use Text docker window which can be opened using Window menu -
> Dockers ->Text
Text Property Bar options:
Property Description
Font Using this drop-down list you can apply fonts to the selected text
Font Size Using this you can change font size of selected text
Bold It applies the bold style to the selected text
Italic It applies the italic style to the selected text
Underline It underlines the selected text
Format Text It opens the format text dialog box
Convert Text It converts the selected text to artistic text or paragraph text
Table 3.4
Figure 3.13
3.19 Managing Layers and Pages
Managing Layers
Layers can be used to organize and arrange objects in complex drawings. You can have more than
one layer on a page. Also you can choose to view only one layer at a time so that you can see part
of the drawing. If you don’t want few objects to be disturbed on the drawing, then you can make
the layer uneditable.
Figure 3.14
Locking a layer
You can restrict editing of objects on the layer by locking the layer. Also locking prevents the
accidental changes to the objects.
Renaming layers
Layers can be renamed so that we can represent what is the content of the layer. Also it helps to
distinguish one layer from the other.
Layers can be moved or copied across a single page or multiple pages. As you move or copy the
layers, the ordering of layers can also be changed. The objects that belong to layer at the top in the
layer stack will display at the top.
1. Go to Object menu and choose ‘Objects’ to open the object manager docker.
2. To move a layer, drag a layer to a new position in the layer list.
3. To copy a layer, right click a layer in the layer stack that you want to copy and click ‘Copy’.
Then right click the layer above which you want to place the copied layer and click ‘Paste’.
Managing Pages
You can specify the page size, orientation, unit of scale and background of the drawing page. Page
grids and guidelines can be displayed in order to place objects at precise positions. Also you can
add, delete and navigate between pages. This is useful for creating multipage brochures or
Layout styles
The default layout style is Full page, in which each page in a document is considered a single page
and prints on one sheet. Layout styles for multipage drawings such as books and brochures can
also be selected. The multipage layout styles for Book, Booklet, Tent Card, Side-fold card and Tri-
fold Brochure, splits the page into two or more equal parts. Each part is considered as separate
page which can also be edited separately
You can set the page background to be a solid color or a bitmap. If you choose bitmap as the page
background, you can further specify whether you want to embed the image in the drawing or link
the bitmap so that if you later edit the source image, the change is automatically reflected in the
To set the page background
1. Go to Layout menu
2. Choose page background option
3. Select the Solid option and choose a color to set a solid color as background for the drawing.
4. Select the Bitmap option and browse for a bitmap to set a bitmap as background for the
drawing. Also choose bitmap source type from one of the two options: Linked or
5. If you want the background to be printed and exported with the drawing, enable the Print
and export background check box.
6. Specify the bitmap size by choosing from the following options:
a. Default size: It lets you use the bitmap’s current size.
b. Custom size: It lets you specify custom size by typing in H and V boxes.
7. To remove a background, choose No Background option.
You can easily add and delete a single page or a range of pages in CorelDraw. Also you can rename
and duplicate existing pages. When you duplicate a page, you can choose to copy only the layer
structure of the page or to copy the layers and all objects they contain. You can use the Layout
menu to insert, delete, rename and duplicate pages.
3.20 Importing and exporting objects
3.21 Printing
CorelDraw lets you print one or more copies of the same drawing. It also gives you a complete set
of printer options that makes it easy for you to print business cards, labels and brochures. You can
choose an appropriate Page Layout before printing. CorelDraw’s Page Layout options dialog box
supports hundreds of label and card layouts from several major publishers. Also you can preview
you document before printing to show how the positon and size of the print will appear on paper.
CorelDraw let you export objects that are optimized for viewing in a web browser. You can export
the following web-compatible file formats: GIF, PNG and JPEG.
1. GIF – It is mainly used for line drawing, images with few colors or images with sharp
edges. It offers several advanced graphics options including transparent background,
interlaced images and animation.
2. PNG – This file format supports the alpha channel. It allows you to save transparent images
with superior results.
3. JPEG – It uses file compression to store an approximation of an image leading to some loss
of image data but the quality of photographs is not compromised.
PHOTO-PAINT is a tool that works exclusively and expertly with bitmap images. We use this tool
to edit bitmap images. Files saved to the Corel PHOTO-PAINT file format are bitmaps that
represent shapes as pixels arranged to form an image. PHOTO-PAINT can be accessed from within
the CorelDraw. You can copy selected objects from PHOTO-PAINT and then paste them into your
3.23.2 Painting text
To create text, choose the Text tool. The mouse cursor changes from the object picker arrow to an
I-beam cursor. Position the I-beam cursor on the image surface and left click. A vertical line starts
to flash on your image surface. This is the text cursor that represents the size and starting position
of the text. Text properties such as font, size, character/line spacing can be changed using the
property bar.
Figure 3.15
4. In the distribute area of the docker, choose one the available distribution options:
To distribute objects horizontally To distribute objects vertically
a. Distribute left a. Distribute Top
b. Distribute center horizontally b. Distribute center vertically
c. Distribute right c. Distribute bottom
d. Distribute space horizontally. d. Distribute space vertically
Table 3.5
3.24.4 Ordering objects
By changing the ordering of objects, you can change the stacking order of objects on a page. You
can send the objects to the back or bring to the front of other objects. Go to the Object menu to
change the order and then choose one of the following options:
1. To front of page – It moves the selected object in front of all other objects on the page.
2. To back of page – It moves the selected object behind all other objects on the page.
3. To front of layer – It moves selected object in front of all other objects on active layer
4. To back of layer - It moves selected object behind all other objects on active layer
5. Forward one – It brings the object forward by one position.
6. Back one - It takes the object backward by one position.
7. In front of – It bring the object forward by one level.
8. Behind – It takes the object backward by one level.
Figure 3.17
The mask tool defines the area of an image that is editable and apply a mask to the rest of the image
thus effectively protecting the rest of the image. You can create an object from an editable area by
choosing Object menu->Create->Then choosing the type of object creation. You can invert the
mask so that the editable area becomes masked or protected and the masked area becomes editable.
3.25.1 Mask modes
When creating masks, you can work in one of the following four different modes:
1. Normal mode: In this mode, the mask tool creates an editable area on the image. If the mask
already exists, it would overwrite it.
2. Additive mode: This mode, adds an area to the already selected editable area of the image.
3. Subtractive mode: This mode, expands the masked area effectively removing editable
sections of the image.
4. XOR mode: This mode creates a mask where overlapping regions are protected which
means that if you create two overlapping rectangles using the rectangle mask, the
overlapped section will be masked and the other areas of the rectangle will be editable.
I. Multiple Choice questions
1. CorelDraw is a ____________ based drawing Application Package.
a) Photo Paint
b) Bitmap
c) Vector
d) Scalar
2. The ruler bar is used for _____________
a) Setting of margin
b) Dividing your work
c) For book design
d) All of the above
3. __________ displays the options according to the active tool.
a) Status bar
b) Property bar
c) Menu bar
d) Document Navigator
4. Bitmap images are made up of ____________
a) Pixels
b) Vectors
c) Particles
d) Lines
5. ____________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects.
a) Bezier Tool
b) Freehand Tool
c) Shape Tool
d) Pick Tool
6. Which of the following tool applies shadows behind or below objects?
a) Envelope tool
b) Contour tool
c) Drop Shadow tool
d) Extrude tool
7. Shortcut to combine the selected objects?
a) Ctrl + Y
b) Ctrl + L
c) Ctrl + K
d) Ctrl + Q
8. What is the default paper type/size in CorelDraw?
a) A4
b) B2
c) Postcard
d) Letter
9. What is the shortcut key to specify fountain fill for objects?
a) Ctrl + B
b) F11
c) Alt + F2
d) F6
10. Which of the following tool creates a series of concentric shapes that spread into or
out of an object?
a) Contour tool
b) Perspective tool
c) Extrude tool
d) Polyline tool
8. __________ is one of the color modes supported by CorelDraw.
9. _______ key is used to align selected objects to the bottom.
10. ____________ lens effects let you magnify or shrink the objects.
1. What are the different formatting options that can be applied to a text in CorelDraw?
2. How can you transform objects in CorelDraw?
3. Explain the CorelDraw workspace in Detail?
4. How can you export object from CorelDraw into other formats?
5. Explain various fountain fill options present in CorelDraw.
a. Shape tool
b. Knife tool
c. Graph paper tool
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Photoshop is an image creation, graphic design and photo editing software developed by Adobe.
The software provides many image editing features for pixel-based images, raster graphics and
vector graphics. Photoshop is available for various platforms such as Windows, Mac and Unix.
Uses of Photoshop ranges from basic photo editing to creating digital art. Photoshop offers a wide
range of tools for creating new images and editing images such as changing the colors within an
image, modifying the size and scale of an image. You can also change the resolution of an image,
format of an image from one type to another, the background of photos can be changed easily and
GIF Animations can be designed as well.
Figure 4.1
1. Menu Bar – It contains various menu options for performing tasks. You can click on a
menu title to display menu options.
2. Toolbox – The toolbox contains various tools for creating and editing images
Chapter 4
Tool Name Description
Move Tool It is used to move objects on any active layer
Chapter 4
Zoom Tool It is used to magnify and reduce the view of an
Hand Tool It is used to move an image within its window
while you have zoomed in.
Table 4.1
3. The document window – It is the area which contains the file you are working on.
4. Palettes – Palettes provides various options to help you modify images quickly. Few
palettes are displayed by default such as layers, colors, brushes palette but you can add
more palettes by using Window menu.
Figure 4.2
3. In the Pixel Dimensions area, specify the width and height for the image. You can change
the unit of dimensions using the drop-down next to width and height boxes.
4. In the Document size area, specify new width and height.
5. Keeping the Constraint proportions checkbox selected, automatically changes the width of
an image as you change the height and vice-versa.
6. Specify the pixels/inch in the Resolution textbox. And click ok
Chapter 4
4.4.2 Cropping the images
Crop tool in Photoshop lets you erase the unwanted area of an image. Select the Crop tool from
the toolbox and drag the mouse to make a selection. Press the Enter key from the keyboard to crop
the image to selection.
You can easily optimize images for web use in Photoshop. Also Photoshop offers tools to slice
images for web pages, creating web animations which can be exported as animated GIF images.
Steps to save an image for web
1. Open the image you want to make web ready.
2. Set the resolution of the image to 72 ppi as it is the standard resolution for web images. Go
to the Image menu -> Choose Image Size option to change resolution.
3. Go to the File menu -> Choose Save for Web.
4. A dialog box will appear containing a preview of you image and some other options.
5. Choose one of the options from Low, Medium, High, Very High and Maximum, available
under Presets drop-down. It is suggested to keep file size low for web images as bigger
images will take more time to load while opening the web page.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom and specify a name and location for the image.
7. Again click the save button to save the optimized image.
Chapter 4
Figure 4.3
ImageReady is designed for web development, containing special features such as animated GIF
creation, image compression optimization, image slicing, adding rollover text or button graphics
etc. The user interface of ImageReady is similar Photoshop. There are three additional palettes at
the bottom of the ImageReady’s screen:
1. Animation – It lets you convert your image into animated GIF.
2. Image map – It lets you divide your image into small segments which further can be linked
to some URLs.
3. Rollover – It displays all the rollovers, image maps, animations and segments you have
created on you image.
Chapter 4
4.7 Scanner & Printer
Photoshop provides a feature called WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) support. Using this, you
can directly import images from a scanner software or a digital camera into the Photoshop. Steps
to import images:
1. Go to the File menu -> Import -> WIA Support.
2. A wizard will appear that assist you in acquiring images from WIA compatible softwares.
3. Click the Start button.
Figure 4.4
Chapter 4
Photoshop provides commands for printing images. Follow the below steps to print:
1. Go to File menu and choose Print
2. A print dialog box will appear.
3. Select the printer, number of copies and page orientation.
4. A preview of your image will also be displayed in the dialog box. You can adjust the
position and scale of the image relative to selected paper.
5. Click the Print button at the bottom to print the image.
Figure 4.5
4.8 File
The File menu in Photoshop lets you create new files, open already existing files, save files, import
& export images, print images etc.
1. Click the File menu and choose New. Or you can press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N.
2. A New file dialog box will appear.
Chapter 4
3. Click the Presets drop-down list box to choose an image size.
4. You can also specify a custom size by typing a value in the Width and Height text boxes.
The measurement unit can also be changed using the units drop-down.
5. Click on the Resolution text box to change the resolution of the image.
6. Specify a color mode and background contents for the image and click ok.
Figure 4.6
Figure 4.7
Chapter 4
4.8.3 Saving an image
1. Click the File menu and choose Save to save the current file. Or you can press the keyboard
shortcut Ctrl+S.
2. You can choose the Save as option to save a file with a different name and location.
3. The Save As dialog box will appear if you are saving the file for the first time or you have
selected the Save as option.
4. Locate the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
5. Give a name to the file and specify a format by choosing an option from the available list.
6. Click the Save button.
4.9 Edit
The Edit menu in Photoshop lets you edit and Transform objects. You can rotate, scale, flip or
skew image using transformation tools. Common operations like cut, copy, paste can also be
performed using Edit menu.
Chapter 4
4.9.2 Fill a layer with color
Fill option present under Edit menu can be used to fill a layer with color or a pattern
Figure 4.8
4.10 Image
The Image menu in Photoshop lets you change the mode, tone, contrast and color of the image.
4.11 Layer
Layers are transparent sheets stacked onto top of each other. These are used to add multiple
components on an image without affecting one another. The layer menu in Photoshop let you
create, duplicate, delete and rename layers. You can also group, hide, arrange, align, lock, merge
layers using this menu.
Figure 4.9
Chapter 4
4.11.3 Deleting a layer
1. Go to the layers’ panel in Photoshop window.
2. Select the layer you want to delete.
3. Click the Delete layer button at the bottom of the layers’ panel.
4. Or you can go to the Layer menu and choose Delete option.
4.12 Select
The Select menu in Photoshop lets you make selections on the canvas. It gives you options to
select, deselect, reselect or inverse selections. You can also select and deselect layers using this
menu. The Grow option under this menu automatically increases the selection to nearby pixels.
Save selection and load selection can be used to save a selection for later use which can be loaded
to workspace whenever required.
Figure 4.10
4.13 Filter
The Filter menu in Photoshop lets you apply various effects to the image. Filters can be used to
clean up photos, to change color or to apply artistic effects that can completely change the
appearance of the image.
Chapter 4
4.13.2 Various Filters in Photoshop
1. Liquify Filter: The Liquify filter lets you push, pull, rotate, reflect, pucker and bloat any
area of an image. The distortions you create can be subtle or drastic, which makes the
Liquify command a powerful tool for retouching images as well as creating artistic effects.
2. Artistic Filters: Artistic Filters used to give an artistic touch to images. All the filters from
the Artistic submenu help you achieve painterly and artistic effects for fine arts.
a. Colored Pencil: It gives a look as if image is created using colored pencils on a solid
b. Cutout: It makes an image appear as if it was created from roughly cut pieces of
colored paper.
c. Dry Brush: It paints the edges of the image using a dry brush technique.
d. Plastic Wrap: It coats the image in shiny plastic, accentuating the surface detail.
e. Watercolor: It paints the image as if it was created using watercolors with a soft
brush loaded with water and color.
3. Blur Filters: The Blur filters smoothen hard edges with a selection or an entire image. It
is very useful for retouching an image.
a. Gaussian Blur: It quickly blurs a selection by an adjustable amount. Gaussian refers
to the bell-shaped curve that is generated when Photoshop applies a weighted
average to the pixels.
b. Motion Blur: It blurs in the specified direction (from –360º to +360º) and at a
specified intensity (from 1 to 999). The filter’s effect is analogous to taking a picture
of a moving object with a fixed exposure time.
c. Lens Blur: It adds blur to an image to give the effect of a narrower depth of field so
that some objects in the image stay in focus and others areas are blurred.
d. Radial Blur: It simulates the blur of a zooming or rotating camera to produce a soft
4. Brush Stroke Filters: The Brush stroke converts the image into various styles of color
strokes, such as Crosshatch and Sprayed stroke. The Brush Stroke filters give a painterly
or fine-arts look using different brush and ink stroke effects.
a. Crosshatch: It preserves the details and features of the original image while adding
texture and roughening the edges of the colored areas with simulated pencil
Chapter 4
b. Accented Edges: This filter makes the edges of an image prominent. When a higher
value is specified for the accent, the accent looks brighter and when a lower value
is specified, the accent looks darker.
c. Dark Strokes: It paints dark areas with short, tight, dark strokes, and lighter areas
with long, white strokes.
d. Ink Outlines: It redraws an image with fine narrow lines over the original details, in
pen-and-ink style.
5. Distort Filters: The Distort filters geometrically distort an image, creating 3D or other
reshaping effects.
a. Diffuse Glow: It renders an image as if you are viewing the image through a soft
diffusion filter.
b. Twirl: It rotates a selection more sharply in the center than at the edges.
c. Ripple: It creates an undulating pattern on a selection, like ripples on the surface of
a pond.
d. Spherize: It gives objects a 3D effect by wrapping a selection around a spherical
shape, distorting the image and stretching it to fit the selected curve.
6. Noise Filters: The Noise filters add or remove noise, or pixels with randomly distributed
color levels. This helps to blend a selection into the surrounding pixels. Noise filters can
create unusual textures or remove problem areas, such as dust and scratches.
a. Add Noise: It applies random pixels to an image, simulating the effect of shooting
pictures on high-speed film.
b. Despeckle: It detects the edges in an image and blurs all of the selection except
those edges.
c. Median: It reduces noise in an image by blending the brightness of pixels within a
7. Pixelate Filters: The filters in the Pixelate submenu sharply define a selection by clumping
pixels of similar color values in cells.
a. Color Halftone: It simulates the effect of using an enlarged halftone screen on each
channel of the image.
b. Facet: It clumps pixels of solid or similar colors into blocks of like-colored pixels.
You can use this filter to make a scanned image look hand-painted or to make a
realistic image resemble an abstract painting.
Chapter 4
c. Mezzotint: It converts an image to a random pattern of black-and-white areas or of
fully saturated colors in a color image. This filter offers several ways of adding
uncontrollable noise to your image in the form of dots, lines and strokes.
8. Render Filters: The Render filters create 3D shapes, cloud patterns and simulated light
reflections in an image. You can also manipulate objects in 3D space and create 3D objects
from few pixels in the image.
9. Stylize Filters: The Stylize filters produce a painted or impressionistic effect on a selection
by displacing pixels and by finding and heightening contrast in an image.
10. Lighting Filters: The Lighting Effects filter lets you produce myriad lighting effects on
RGB images. You can also use textures from grayscale files to produce 3D-like effects and
save your own styles for use in other images.
Figure 4.11
4.14 View
The View menu in Photoshop lets you customize how you display images in Photoshop. It enables
you to change the way an image appears in the document window. You can zoom in and out of an
image using Zoom option, fit an image on screen, you can display a ruler, enable snapping and
guides options for precise positioning of objects. There are other options you can show or hide
from this menu such as slices, brush preview, selection edges etc.
Chapter 4
Fig 4.12
4.15 Window
The window menu in Photoshop lets you show or hide palettes such as Layers, History, Paths,
Channels, Color, Brush, Adjustments, Notes, Tools etc as you won’t be using all the palettes at the
same time. It also lists all the open file windows using which you can arrange multiple files on the
screen. Using the Arrange and workspace submenus you can adjust the stacking order and position
of the windows.
The Smudge tool lets you create finger painting effects on images. The tool picks up the color
where the stroke begins and drags it in the direction you push your mouse. Follow the below steps
to use this tool:
1. Open the image on which you want to apply effect.
Chapter 4
2. Click the Smudge tool from the toolbox.
3. Adjust the brush size as desired.
4. Select the option ‘Use All layers’ which let the smudge tool to use colors from all the visible
5. Click on the image and drag to smudge an area as you move mouse.
Chapter 4
4. Darken – It observes the color information in each channel and selects the resultant
color whichever is darker from the original or foreground color.
5. Lighten - It observes the color information in each channel and selects the resultant
color whichever is lighter from the original or foreground color.
6. Color – It creates a resultant color with the luminance of the original color of the image
and the hue and saturation of the foreground color. It preserves the gray levels in the
7. Luminosity – It creates a resultant color with the hue and saturation of the original color
of the image and the luminance of the foreground color. It creates the inverse effect of
Color mode.
4.17 Flash
Flash is a multimedia software package that creates animation for web design. Flash provides
animation, sound, interactivity and movement of objects required for entertainment and
educational information. Using Flash, you can create animated graphics containing text, audio and
Flash is a vector-based software that provides you with drawing tools to create vector objects. Flash
supports both vector and bitmap image formats including .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .pdf etc.
1. In the welcome screen of Flash, choose Create new file or Create templates option.
2. Or go to the File menu and choose New.
3. A new Flash Document will open.
Figure 4.13
Chapter 4
4.19 Reviewing the Interface
Figure 4.14
The Flash Interface as represented in Figure 4.14 consist of the following components:
1. Title Bar: The title bar is located at the top of the window. It shows the name of the file
you are working on.
2. Menu Bar: The menu bar is located just below the title bar. It contains the drop down
menus consisting of various commands. You can click on a menu title to display the
3. Stage: The area at the bottom half of the screen is called the stage. This is the place where
you place your contents, including graphic vector art, text boxes, buttons, imported
graphics or video clips etc. The area outside the stage can be used to store images and other
imported objects which will not be printed or included in the movie. As you can have
multiple scenes in your movie, a separate title is displayed for each scene under menu bar.
4. Timeline: The timeline arranges the document’s content over time in Layers and frames.
The layers are displayed in rows and frames are displayed in columns on the Timeline.
Layers are like multiple filmstrips stacked on top of one another, each containing a different
image that appears on the Stage. The timeline consists of multiple frames containing images
with frame 1 positioned at the left and last frame on the right.
Chapter 4
5. The property inspector: The property inspector gives easy access to the most commonly
used attributes of the current selection, either on the Stage or in the Timeline.
6. Panels: Panels are the small floating windows that let you modify attributes or properties
of objects. There are various panels available in Flash to add effects:
a. Info Panel: It displays the information about objects such as height, width and
b. Align Panel: It lets you align objects vertically and horizontally on the stage.
c. Transform Panel: It lets you apply transformations such as rotate, scale, skew to the
d. Color swatches panel: It is used for selecting and managing the colors which will
be used to fill and stroke objects.
e. Scenes panel: It displays all the scenes in your movie. You can create new scene,
delete a scene, arrange the scenes using this panel.
f. Movie explorer panel: This panel is used to view and organize the contents of a
document containing screens. You can work with movie components like layers,
frames, actions, sound etc.
g. Action panel: This panel is used to create ActionScript for buttons and keyframes.
It consists of three parts: Script pane, Script navigator and Actions toolbox
7. Tools panel: The tools panel consists of all the tools that flash offers to create and modify
your artwork.
Figure 4.15
Chapter 4
4.21 Creating key frames
Frames are the core of any animation, dictating each segment of time and movement. The movie’s
length is determined by the number of frames and speed at which they are played. In the timeline,
you work with frames to organize the contents. You place frames in the order you want the content
to appear in movie.
Key Frames
A keyframe is a frame where a new symbol instance appears in the timeline. An ActionScript code
can be associated with a keyframe to control some aspect of your document. A blank keyframe can
also be added to the timeline as a placeholder for symbols that you want to add later on.
Steps to insert Key Frames
1. Go to the timeline and right click on any rectangular box.
2. Choose Insert Key frame option from the shortcut menu appeared.
3. A red vertical marker will appear on the timeline.
Figure 4.16
Chapter 4
4.22 Tweening
The process of defining actions between two keyframes on the timeline is called tweening. The
animation is created by specifying different values for an object property between the first and the
last frames.
You can create two types of tweening animation in Flash:
1. Motion Tweening: You define properties such as position, size and rotation for an object
at one point of time and then you change those properties at another point in time. While
applying motion tween, flash automatically builds a motion path between first and last key
2. Shape Tweening: Using shape tweening, you can give an effect of transforming one shape
to another over time. To apply shape tween, you need two Keyframes to mutate between.
You can also tween the location, size, color etc.
4.23.1 Illustrator
Illustrator is an illustration program that can be used for print, multimedia and online graphics.
Whether you plan to design or illustrate multimedia artwork Illustrator offers all the tools needed
to produce professional and quality results for even a beginner.
Major Tools :
Selection Tool
It is used to select any shape or object on the document window.
Magic Wand Tool
This can be used in selecting shapes and objects with simpler attributes.
Lasso Tool
This is another version of the Selection tool. This tool also helps in the selection of more than one
object or shape.
Pen Tool
The Pen Tool is used to draw something by creating paths. Paths are lines with two
endpoints called anchors and anchors have two handles that are helpful in reshaping the object.
Type Tool
We use this tool to add text to your artwork or image.
Chapter 4
4.23.2 Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver is a web development tool for designing websites. It supports many markup
languages, including HTML, XML, CSS and Javascript. It has a very user friendly GUI.
Dreamweaver offers various tools that help you to design everything from a simple web page to a
website consisting of complex components.
Features of Dreamweaver:
The features of Dreamweaver make it a versatile web editing tool, Some of the features of
Dreamweaver are as follows:
• Dreamweaver supports multiple web and programming languages including HTML, JSP,
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Active Server Pages (ASP), PHP, Extensible Markup
language (XML), and many more.
• Dreamweaver is working on both types of operating systems like MAC OS and Windows.
• In Dreamweaver, you can design both using visually and by using code.
• Dreamweaver allows us to use and test all the popular content management system like
Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. It allows you to see your page in action.
• Dreamweaver provides a layer option with the help of which both images and text can be
placed at any position on the web page.
• Dreamweaver offers a design palette with a large number of color options. The user can
either use the default color available or make its own composition.
• Dreamweaver also provides a publishing tool that helps you to easily manage your files,
both locally and on your web server.
• Dreamweaver includes very powerful features to help web developers manage all the
related files for a site, post those files to a remote web server, and keep the local files and
the files on the remote server synchronized.
• Dreamweaver facilities a rich set of features in a single program capable f handling the
most advanced web design and development projects for example: from a simple home
page to a large complex project.
• For creating an HTML5 document type select HTML and give the title for the document.
You can also attach CSS files that are already created. And then click on the create button.
Chapter 4
• A workspace will appear. The workspace is divided into two-part. The 1st part is to preview
instant coding. The 2nd part is for coding as shown below in the Figure.
Figure 4.17
Chapter 4
I. Multiple Choice questions
1. What refers to the total number of pixels in an image?
a) Screen Size
b) Resolution
c) Grid
d) Constraints
2. ________ tool lightens the pixels in an image.
a) Burn tool
b) Dodge tool
c) Sharpen tool
d) Blur tool
3. Similar color based selection can be done using __________ tool in Photoshop.
a) Marquee tool
b) Magic Wand
c) Lasso Tool
d) Smudge tool
4. _________tool is used to remove unwanted areas of an image.
a) Crop tool
b) Slice tool
c) Knife tool
d) Dodge tool
5. __________tool is used to soften the hard edges in an image.
a) Clone stamp
b) Blur
c) Dodge
d) Sharpen
6. Which of the following option adjusts the transparency of each layer?
a) Density
b) Opacity
c) Layer Mask
Chapter 4
d) Contouring
7. If you want to acquire the color and style of one object to be applied to another object,
which tool must be selected?
a) Pen tool
b) Ink Bottle tool
c) Paint bucket tool
d) Eye dropper tool
8. Which of the following software is used to create animation for web design?
a) CorelDraw
b) Flash
c) Photoshop
d) Google Chrome
9. Which of the following is a web development tool for designing websites?
a) Dreamweaver
b) Photoshop
c) Google Chrome
d) CorelDraw
10. What does the abbreviation, FPS stands for?
a) Flick per scene
b) Frames per second
c) Frames per scene
d) Flick per second
Chapter 4
3. __________ tool lightens the pixels in an image.
4. _________ tool lets you correct imperfections in an image.
5. ____________ are small adjustable windows that provide access to common commands
and options.
6. In Photoshop, _________ can be used to change color or to apply artistic effects so as to
change the appearance of the image.
7. __________ are transparent sheets to add multiple components on an image without
affecting one another.
8. ___________ software is used to edit images efficiently.
9. To cut down the size of the entire graphic design, including all layers, you should select the
__________ tool.
10. Bitmap images are made up of ____________.